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About Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1914)
in F We give "Gold Bond" Stamps WE ANNOUNCE OUR enm For Monday, Sept. 28, 1914 You are all Cordially Invited ffiKOUR ALILLIIERY DEPimTAErtTjSfS JpUll9 full Moon?, sxll of tyc kte.t It, 1 stapes X51 (solorirjcjs. beautiful A crektlorjs I9 Velvets, Plushes k$c! Hks;&Jso tF?oe chick felt sprrt A f r?5it5 I9 a. gret variety of colorigcjs, Fall and Winter Dress Goods in all the latest shades and colorings, beau tiful wool; crepes, serges, plaids and mixed suitings ? Waist Goods, in crepes, silks, impor ted plaid silks, crepe de chine and other beautiful weaves Ladies silk and crepe blouses just ar: rived and more coming, iust the thing joy evening wear Ladies' and Misses' Skirts in the new styles and trimmed in the roman stripes and plaids MACKINAWS If you want to be -up-tothe-minute in style you bhould wear one. We have them in size from 26 to 46 so we have your size and they are in all the latest colorings in stripes and plaids in price from $4.75 to $12 You will pay more if you send away nro-et them elsewhere. FaU and Winter Underwear. Our stock is complete in the medium and heavy weight kinds, we have bought extensively of alUhe popular numbers in union suits and single garments. A line of Jersey Sweaters just received in light and heavy weights, just the thing for these cool mornings and evenings. Our line of heating stoves will be ready for your inspec tion this week. Come in before you buy and inspect and get our prices. AGENT FOR BLACK CAT HOSE wiFiMBMgTiBWMMfMWiiwiiwriniwfMr We carry afull line , of Building and Lining Paner, also Rubberoid Roofing roKHJCHX)oooo:,0ooooaa r nr at Q i sooooOSO iXo o 0000 0000 ma' Dr. I. N. Sandors mado a trip to Balccr Wednesday. A now assortment ojf Post Cards it the Druj? Storo, lAdvJ Mrs. Chas. E. Barber and children attended the Baker Fair jS,TP 1 .'II 1 ...,iH I) KH.i ItV.flOt Some now full hats just arrlv- incliidlnnr tho patent loathor cd also a big lino of caps, Saun- E. & W. Chandlkh (Adv) dors Bro's (Adv) Wo havo just oponed up u now Throe young cows for sale, lino cf Flannel Shirts and Imva Grade Jerseys. Price right. J. tlu-m now on display, prices C. Bowen (tf adv.) vania from $l.:G to .f3 23, Saun- W. E. Cundiff went to tho Pen-, S.ra Bvo'a ' (Adv.-) dloton Round Up thh morning At council rccetirir Tuesday via auto with a loud of passen gers. Just arrived a laigo lino of tho latest in Girdles and neckwear ct Seal Brand" Tho Cofteo of Universal Appeal 1 .., and the prices are right night u contract was lot to James Furguson to tile tho c itch (a Main street.' Tho contract price was $500. ' " These cool nights call for warm er beddingi Wo havo a large) supply of blankets,, n cotton, wiot f'nish and wool, priced from 73c to $7.00 Saundera Bro's (A'df 1 LOST, -A Indies Elgin Gold, wntch, marked "Mahal." on in sido of case. Lo3t somewhoro near Fred Govors place in Rich land. Finder please return same to Fred Govcr and receive re ward. Our Fall lino of Millcnry, Drosu. gocds ready to wear garments in Sirla, Coats and Mackinaws! a-e now up for your inspection im i if you caJ; wo will show you as we consider it a pleasure E. & W. ClIANDLBS (Adv.) awnEi""'" TjoTJo" unmfm REPORT of the CONDITION of THE EAGLE VALLEY STATE BANK at Richland, in tho Stale of Ore.- gon, at the close ;f luisincss... Sat. 12, 1011. RESOUHSES 1 Loans and Discounts .i?5P.247.22 Ovotdraftr. secured and un3ecurcd 143.10 Bond and Warrants... 1, 55-1.90 Banking House 3,000.00 Furniture and fixtures . 3,000.00 Other real p3tato tp ned 2,950.00 Duo from approved res- orve banks G.3S8.95 Cash oo hand. 4,274.23 TOTAL S70.558.49 LIABILITIES Capital slock paid in. .$1,5000.00 Surplus fund 1,500.00 Undevided profits less expenses and taxss paid 1,121.83 DepCHits 45,230.47 Demand certificates of deposit 473.00 Time certificates of do- okckkockxo9oxoock tjs,. poaic. 10,227.19 TOTAL $70,558.49 STATE OF OREGON ) 'County of Baker ) I, John F. Herr, Cashier cf the above-named bank, da so!- lemnly swea- that the nbove statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. JOHN F. I1ERK, Cashier CORRECT Attest: C. J. Dufitey ) I. N. Youncr DIRLCTORS. L. E. Chandler ) S' Subscribed and s.vorn to bo fore mo this 17 day of Scp . , 1014. W. R. Usher, Notary Public 6 Per Cent Money 6 Per Cent' Loans may be obtained for any purpeso on acceptable Real Es tate security; liberal privileges; -correspondence solicited, A. C. Agency Company.' 758 Ga3, Electric Bldg., Denver, Colo. 440 Pholan Bldg. Ssp Francisco, (Adv.; In the camp the pot of gold at tlie end of tlie long trails because of its rich, foil, satisfying strength. . .42HAS & SANBORN'S SEAL BRAND COFFEE In 1 and 2 pound cans. Ncvar in bulk. Ground, IJngroUna pr Pulverized. FRANK ' CLARKE LOCAL AGENT Richlan d .-. Oregon POST GARDS! POST CARDS! Post Cards' A new assortment on display I Richland Drug Store 'A Good Place to Trade" SOK00KOCK00K00K000 rczzrza K. & W Chandler r .. . , rs Baird Furniture Company I X ... If t. S Wt carries Lineonum, uarpots, Rugs and Furniture at all Times Orcp; IV. E. BA1RD, Mgr. Richland, Oregon Tobacco and Cigar Salcsmon wanted to Advertise' Exper ience unneccessary. $100 monthj iy and oxpcn3oa. Advcrtiso Smolcing, Cliowin;? Tobucco, Cinirrottes, CIkmim. Sonur2c. Htnmp fot4 full particular. -HI.0L-MET TOBACCO CO., Now YoU. N. Y, (gD.:i Advortlaomonl) A.