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About Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1914)
T4. tt 'i 1 1 mm! tj gp" 6 r t SPEND THAT $ AT HOME AND hoME W?LL PROSPER EW VOLUME 2, NO. 46 THRESHFR BROKE BR1D0I: CAND! i The Ewing .Bro'a Ihivshor went, 11 j rough Che old wooden bri Igc nc'oi.! tha f rmsi' b;.l of s. Powder River lust Friday, th bridge hreakinr under them an thty were making their way across it. f ho machine was tyu alUhlly danmed and no one was hurt. This bridge has been ft riulsancj forlorn 3 time and it Ins been th-j intu ition of the county for 80in Uni3 to rap.acj it with a fill but owing to the general supposition that the bridge was still solid this was not dene. The ?jounty will likely allow the dam ago without suit. PROFESSIONAL '4r TT X T1i DENTIST Nowat Ills Odlcc In Halfway, Oregon Watch for announcement of Rich, land Dates. ALL WORK FIKST CLASS WOODSON Lt PATTERSON ATT'Y AT LAW" U.S. COMMISSIONER BAKER OREGON MC ARTHUR B,A. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON hone two longs on all lines, day or night. JHCHLAND V OREGON N. SANDERS Physician and Surgeon Office In Cover HuildinK. I'liono Control daytime. Ono long ring on uny phono ut night. ttlCHLAND OREGON tft - -REV. FRANK HOPKIN Pastor of Methodist Church in Richland, and local repro?enta tivoof tho Iiiaho State Life Insurance Co. Am always ready to minister to your nneds Will go anywhere at any time day or night, rain or shine, hot or cold, when I am called Will go to Robinettc. Spartn, Now Bridge or anywhero my ser vices are needed. No charge for services rendered. WM. Tj. FLOWER . NOTARY PUBLIC Agont for LIVERPOOL, LONDON B mid GLOBE PENNSYLVANIA AMKKICAN CENTRAL InHuranco Co. of North Amorlca ETNA INSURANCE Co. A policy In olthor mmun liwurancu. 1 'n.BWS Officii Richland, A Oregon DAIS ARE BUSY mm I m BMP CIIAS. J. SMITH Democratic Candidato for Gover nor Representatives of C. J. Smith Democratic nominee for Govern or were in the valley Wednesday distributing Placards. Price Anderson Democratic nomineo for Sheriff is in the val ley. Bill llanley Candidate for U. S. Senator on the Progressive ticket was a Richland viisitor Tuesday. With him was Jerry Rusk, acting as campaign mana ger. A. A. Smith Candidate for State Representative on the Democratic Ticket was in Eagle on Wednesday in the interest of his campaign. Mr. Smith has tho appearanc of everything the democrats hoped he would bo. and is believed will receive a good many votes from this part of the county. His motto is: - Application of Common Sense Ptincipals to enactment of law. He has a late start in th6 race, and it is r.o more than fair to giye him an equal chance, which a great many believe he already has. - . Attorney W.. H. Strayer of Baker was in -Richland this week in the interest of his candacy for the office of State Senator. . , Mr. Strayer is well and-favorably known in this comm mity and he will no dpubt get a strong sup! pert in Eagi.e. MiC Strayer an nounces that the long, pending water suit over tho Sparta ditcji has been settled and 'that with out any costs as well as to the advantage o the people of Eagle. v Miv a,, man well known in Eigle, having first es tablished the local paper. Tho present city charter of Richland is his handiwork as was tho old ono showing that Richland found no fault with him. In his record as q. resident, of Eagle Valley, Mr. Straver m'ovod himself to be strictly on tho square At tho present time ho has with most people tho reputation of being tho most honest attornoy in Bak er, A.,B. Combo, rop, candidate for Co, Olork, was hero today., RICHLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY, ONCERT ENJOYED E. V. Band as Usual is Good Entertainer : The E. V7, Band Concert was an oventtha't'as.greatly enjoy ed b.v tjie farge audience that as sembled to' e'e'e the boy go througi) their stunts. The crowd was aiso:very quiet and attentive applauding heartily, but not in a noisy, boisterous Way. The band played a very diversified pro gram of usical numbers consis fng of two-sieps, waltzes, over tures and serenades, and was re peatedly remarked after the per formance that the band was ne ver heard to better advantage, especially was this manifest in the bass (section, of the band, which was taxed to the limit, as the program called for many dif ficult basis interptations of Jmany solos, but the bass responded to tho occasion and the audience was highly pleased as a bass sec tion has never been heard before in such difficult work. The whole band played splendidly and showed marked improve ment and for this they owe the training of Prof. Parker who has brought them up to so higiTu state of efficicieney., The moving pictures were ex cellent and were' a highly enjoy ed par of th,o program.. The two sketches' were extremely fui.ny and convulsed, the house with laughter, showing that the band was not only musical but good entertainers as well in the acting Jino. . . Taken all in all, it was. a sue cqfisful a'ffair and the band boys wish to extend their thanks to the audience for their attendance and their attention and invite them tp ymie again at the next band show which wil) ba given at u not far distant date. It has i?e0n. suggested and will very probably bejlone, that the band repeat the performance of Saturday nfoht, on the 10th, for the benefit of the cometary,. In this case the whole program with the exception of the sketches would be new. TheJtfEWS will speak more fully of this next week Mrs. Mary Long has sold her place just above Richland the price obtained being $5500. John Shafer was tho buyer; Owing to troubles on ihe rail road Saturday, the train was an hour and a half lato getting into Robinotte and the stage did not reach Richland until six o'cIock. Work is rapidly progressing on tho pipe lino on Main street ana is expected that it will be com pleter within the next sixty days. A sad accident happened last week when Mrs.. Molhck's little daughter fell and broke her arm. lt Is ronorted that U wasfrs be ing u slight break and .vill likely niondpiJidly. OCTOBER J 1914 THOMPSON - JACKSON MiS3 Josephine Thompso'n of Richland and Mr. John Edwar Jackson of Haines were united in marriage at the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. Emma Thompson, last Sunday atlhOO p. m., the Rev. Frank Hopkins offi ciating. It was a splendid home wedding, only a few invited guests were present, besides the immediate friends and rdletive3. The bride was born and reared in Eagle Valley , and is well known here, and if a young lady of the highest qualities and char acter. The bride groom is in business in Haines where he re sides, and has a beautiful home prepared for his bride there, where they will reside in the fu ture. They returned to Haines .Wednesday. Miss Ora Jackson, a sister of the bridegroom accom panied her brother from Haines and was one of the guests at the :wedding. Miss Jackson and 'Mrs. Geo. Hall, the latter a cous- n and a life long: friend of the bride, acted as witnesses. At 6;00 p. m. a sumptious wedding dinner was served to the delight of all prcsont. iMHtjKMt. ; A sui prise party was given in honor of Mrs. Roy Masterson's .birthday on Friday evening tbe 25th. A crood time was had. by 1all present and a dainty luncheon was served, to the guests. While most of the guests were married people and therefore to Ire con sidered more sedate, they never the less played games in true youthful manner and had what everyone considered a jolly good time. Mrs. Kate LandO President of the Rebekah Assembly of Ore gon, expects to pay an official vis it October, 4th' to Myrtle Rebe kah Lodge No. 79. All Rebekah members are requested to be pre sent that evening at 8:00 p. m. , After Oct., 1st 1914 we will not give-any more Tickets, but all tickets out will he redeemed as they are brought in. Howev er we will continue to give 5 ner cent tii jcount for. cash on all pur chases over $1. excepting in ma chinery Hne3 Saunders Bros (Adv.) Registration Books are now 6pen at the NEWS office mid will remain so until October. 17th, all those who have not. registered should do so at once as it is a du ty they owe to their slate and to themsehes, to vote. Books will be open at tho post office, the NEWS office and justice of the Peace Clark's place. Come ih and look over our alu minum ware, dont think our pri ces are agents prices you buy from us much cheaper, every ar ticle guaranteed for 20 years, E. & W. Chandler (Adv.) . REGISTER NOW. $1.50 A YEAR iOFPRAYMDAY In rVdienc to tha President's Proclamation, we desire to make next Sunday a day of prayer in ; our church in, Richland, at which-' time our petitions will be sent up to Almighty God relative to the war in Europe. Sunday morn-4 . ing will especially be dedicated -to that proposition, and it will, not be neglected in the evening service; - , . J. We invite a 1 christians of ev-; ery order, and all other; wjio be-' lteve in prayer, to meet with us, especially ( at 11:00 a. m at" which tine. we shall pray for a speedy close of the war, and last ing peace may be established." , Frank Hopkins Pastor of the Methodist 'Church In accordance with the; Presi dents Proclamation, the Christ-' ian Church will hold an hour of prayer Sunday A. M. Services will be jed by Proffessor Parker. PARKER'S MOVIES Saturday. 1 HilMh UAHft-UV i i - 1 1 ... AND RESTAURANT I FRESH BRPA4 I EVERY DAY ANYTHING IN THE PASTRY LINE BAKED TO ORDER f RICHLAND OREGON . " ' r i ! RICHLAND f I Liver i) and Feed i ! Stable V l RICHLANDROBINETTSTAGE I LINE 1 N CONN ECTIO M stage leaves Richland 8rW 5?.; f iloturffing Ictvcs Uofc'iiPtt 1-30, arrives at RicbiauJ 3:S0 p. m t f T G-.od tcsrrs and tournouis, promr-v and Hrst class service to ' r?ery patron. Traveling men's . patronage solicited i FRED COOPER. Prop X Rkhlana Oregon Baird & Company I; LICENSED FUNERAL DWOES AX Sim (Meis atii St(t M4 Hi m Km - torn li wmmmmmmmmml I O e - m