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About Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1914)
m A PPEND THAT $ AT HOME Afi'i iOME WILL, PROSPER w EAGLE VAIiLEY NEWS VOLUME 2, NO. 45 RICHLAND, OREGON. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 L914 $.50 A YEAR Second Teacher 'c Miaa Roacho nrrivcd Saturday and will hnvo charge of tho lan guage part of tho High School worK. ano iidb rr (J cijjiit year work in languages and Is a grade ijato of tho State University where she played feu four years on the girls basket ball team which will bo interesting in view of tho fact that there is good materia! this year for a girls team as far as the High ,School is concerned, the boys 'will bo lacking in mateiial. PROFESSIONAL ri awanm. eras ccssecrbss w A TJT "lrJ1t:. 1 o. vvuiidmb DENTIST Now at lilt Office In Halfway, Oregon Watch for announcwiu-nt of Rich land Dates. w- 0-"K0 ALL WORK FIRST CLASS I WOODSON L. PATTERSON ATT'Y AT L AW XJ. S. COMMISSIONER D A K Elf I H. MC ARTHUR BA. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON hono two longs on all lines, day or night. RICHLAND V OREGON I. N. SANDERS Physician and jr Surgeon Ofllco fn Govor Building. Phono Central dnytlmo. One long ring on any phono at, night. RICHLAND OREGON rEVFRANK HOPKINS fPASTOR METHODIST ' CHURCH LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE IDAHO STATE LIFE INSURANCE CO. Rev. Frank Hopkins, Pastor Alothodist Church, Richland Ore. No charges for any services ren dered. Will go to Robinottd, (V OiNU III, AUW UIIUKU Ul AJ 1. ! . JJUillu ill iuuui ii mjr i.ui r ivlu uiu needed. RICHLAND .. OREGON WM, T. FLOWER NOTARY PXT13LIC Agont for LIVEUl'OOL, LONDON and GLOI3K PENNSYLVANIA AMERICAN CENTRAL IiiHurunce Co, of North AmorfcR yi3TNA INSURANCE Co. A policy In cltlior mniiH Influrnnccv. NEWS OF1UE Richland; , Oregon E. V. Band Concert Remember this, that in the past tho band has demonstratea it's ability to play good music and give lively sketches and will on this occasion demonstrate more fully than ever this fact. Tho hand is a local institution and reserves the peoples support. It will give a twe hour and a half performance that is positively guaranteed to give satisfaction. Following is tho program as it will be rendered;- 1 Band Rex Polka and Two Step 2 Band Mystic Charm Waltz 3 One R'iel of Moving Pictures 1 BandInterstate Overture 5 Band Wayup Galop G -Sketch- "An Editors Trou bles" Cast of Characters, Editor FoozleClaronco Raley, Shadow -The Devil Wm. L. Flower, Pal er The Coon-Walter Saun ders, Pinchapenny Politition Allen Wright, Bloodsoe Prize. Fighter Claude Holman, Pat Dalhaney Another Editor, War ren Cobb. Time of play 20 min utes, scene newspaper office Dnwm'no TVfavriPrl jjo wmng Mai riea . J. R. Downing and Miss Gla dys Pamter were married at the residenpe of Dr. I. N. Sapders in Richland last Supday evening at 7:00 o'clock, Rev. Frank Hop kins officiating. Mr. Downing is Swell known in Eagle Valley, where as an athlete, boxer, and wrestler, he has taken part in ne- veral contests. Ho has the name of "being on the square", and is highly respected by all who know him. The bride is rom a well known a.nd highly respctted family of- Pine Valley, and lis the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Paintor. The happy couple left Monday Morning for Baker, and will Bpen,d a short loneymoon period in Ida,ho and other points. Upon, their return t is expected that they will mqke heir homo in Pino Valley. The following account is taken rom the Baker Democrat; Jim Downing, champion pugi- kt of the Panhandle, mixed with Dan Cupid in a one-round go at Richland Sunday and took the count, but he won as aprizoMfss Gladys Painter of Halfway for lis bride. With a marriage, license stow ed safely in an inside pocket, Downing left Baker fin his auto at 9 o'clock Sunday morning. At Halfway ho gathered up his brido-lo-be and a few choice friends, and whirled them nway to Richland, Hero at Iho residenco ofDr1. Sanders, Rev. Hopkins tied tho knot that mado Jim 'and Miss 7 June Roses Serenade 8 Tryet March and Two-Step 9 Two Reel Feature Film 10 Sketch-"It Beats the Dutch" Cast of Characters; Herr Speig ler German Recruiting Officer, Wm, L. Slower: Pat Maloney Irish VolunteerHenry Cooper Lord Fontdroy English Volun teer: Claude Holman: Count De popecac French Voluntedr Francis Herr: 5im Jones U. S. volunteer-Chas. E. Barber.-Time of play 20 minutes. Scene Ger manRecruiting Station. . r :tr - i &r 7SP 2r- A 5i wMa? SOME BAND CONCERT CHARACTERS Painter Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Down- . It wM the intenti0-n of lhe ing. pu.ptial party, to reach Baker Sun day evening and spring a sur nnse on ttieir inenas. dul at New Bridcre the big machine broke down, as machines will, and thev were obliged to make their way back to Richland. Eerly Monday morning, with the auto renaired. thoy started out peain. and reached Baker in the - U forenoon. The bride an attractive girl of 19, is the daughter of a well-to-do stock raiser of Halfway, and is one pf tho most popular young women j?f the community. The honeymoon of the Downings will include the Round-up qf Pendle ton and a trip to Portland. Mrs. Downing will then accompany her husband on a pugilistic trip into California where he 'expects to "lick em all." Dr. A. XL Williams has decided that he will hereaftea devote his time to the dental practice in Halfway and Cornugopia leasing his Richland office, Hojsays he has many friends and customers in Eagle valley that ho hates to part with, but his business here is all that ho feels he can attend to and after his next trip which he will make in a bout thirty days he will turn "the Richland office over to another. iio does not deny tho accusation made in those columns last week to the, Jeff ect that the new cottage he. will bui)d on th" property ho recently purchnsed will be nlbtogethor too large for Saturday 11 Band-Lcroy March and Two Step 12 Band-Cop of Hichland'Town Overture. The usual admittance pnee or , ia r 35 and 25 cents will be charged thus giving the people the great est possible value for their mon ey. The band boys will give, you nothing but fun and amusement with a flavoring of good kmusic, those who expect anything else will be sadly disappointed. - i i - Says Petition Filed A petition to make Geo. B. Saunders, present county com missioner, an independent candi date for county judge, is on file in the county clerkte office. (Tuesday's Baker Democrat) We feel that this is a step long anticipated in local politics. Geo B. Saunders has proven an effi cient and capable commissioner and would we believe make a good County Juige. The Pan handle needs more representation in our'county business and at no time has road conditions been better in th,e Panhandle than dur ing Geo. Saunders term as coun ty commissioner and such seems to be the state of affairs through out the coqnty. With this re cord to go on we believe that Baker county could hardiy pick a better man and sincerely hope that Geo. B. Saunders, will be our next County Judge. the practice of dentistry alone, but he was as mad as a wet hor net because-we leu tho cat out 'of the bag. Wo extend a cordial invitation to all the ladies of the valley to attend our fall Opening Monday Sept. 28 1914, on which occasion we will have on display for your nspection arid approval our fall and winter lines of which wo feel proud don't forgot to ,'nttend E. & W. Chandler (Adv.) Buy your Post Cards at the Drug Store,, (Adv.) In-re L. A. Kippesl 03ITUARY Lawrence Ambrose Kippes was born in .Germany 62 years!:" .wnen a young man; Aside from! two nephews, he ha3 no Hvint3 relatives in thitf immediate parti of the country. He was univerJ sally respected and loved byj those who knew him. His f uner-l al services were held last !Friday: in the Presbyterian Church aj$ Halfway, the Rev. Dr. Ward offi-J ciating, and his remains wenj.. i laced in t'Ke Pine Valley Ceme- lary. Deata came a3 the result of a combined atrack of pneumo nia and appendicitus. Saturday night don't forget There will be a Concert by f - Eagle Valley Cornet. Band i also there will be Ijoviri' i- them. Miss Lillie Thomas was in Bu kerlastweeki 'J ; iiui'iL uttsani AND RESTAURANT FRESH BREAD I EVERY DAY ANYTHING IN THE CT PASTRY LINE BAKED TO ORDER I RICHLAND OREGON t RICHLAND Livery and Feed Stable RICHLAND ROBINETT STAGE LINE IN CONNECTION Stage leaves Richland 8:(H1 x. tn, Arrives at Robinett 'U;t)'J h. m. Returning leaves Robinett 1:30, arrives at Richland 3;S0 p. m 9 o s Q O.wM teams and tournouta, prompt and first class service to eery .patron. Traveling men's patronage solicited FRED COOPER, Prop Richlana . Oregou i 91 Baird & Company LICENSED FUNERAL UrOBS Io8r0o3 All SLrca Ca!:cts iH M CmM r Halfway mm r 1 MfUyJ mm wr