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About Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1914)
.1 . . TP A rT XT JLixl-VX I i Pi VALLEY NEW VOLUME 2, NO. U RICtfLND, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 .193,4 y $1.50 A YEAR i i 500 BEEF CATTLE , The round-up whicji closed the jaotof ltst wcojt, succeeded in qollcctinpr about COO head of prime j)ctqf cuttle, , The hills for miles about were scoured for the fat ptjes and this is the final out pfliftc. The cattle thus gathered present in monoy about$25,000 and are one of the wealth produ cers of our valley. y Lloyd Parker paid a brief visit Jo his old home in Eagle, Sunday .returning to Halfway the same day. f PROFESSIONAL A. H. tT1f wmiams DENTIST Now at HI Office In Halfway, Orejjon Watcli for announcement of Rich land Date!. g tvuivu riiwi g All t 1 Trnr "morn r 9 WOODSON I-. PATTERSON ATT'Y AT LAW tU. S. COMMISSIONER BAKER - - OKKGON I H. MC ARTHUR B. A. I CUVCirliM AMD SURGEON PKbne two longs on all lined, day or night RICHLAND OREGON jW SANDERS l Physician and Surgeon ffflce n Cover Buildinff. Phono icntrnl davtinvc. One lonjr rintr 5n any phono nt nitrht. HtCIILAND OREGON f Lev. frank hopkins " PASTOR METHODIST CHURCH LOCAL-REPRESENTATIVE :daho state life insurance co. Rev. Frank Hopkins, Pastor lethodist Church, Richland Ore; iNo charges for any services ren idered. Will, go to Robinette, JSparta, New Bridge or to any jpoint in reach, if my services are needed. RICHLAND . .'. OREGON M. L. FJLOWJ3R NOTARY PUBLIC (Agont for LIVERPOOL, LONDON ami uiAJuu PENN3YLVANIA AMERICAN CENTRAL Jnuuranet Co, of North America JBTNA INSURANCE Co. A policy in eUlictr nnniiH Iilnurtmc, NEWS OWIOH 4 j Richland, OKEQON i v nnnnnnrrt The K. of P. Inp'rovonfent Club, anil we might say amuse ment club as well; is not as yet, a realized fact, but it ista move ment that some of our rnptft con cientlous and faw abiding citizens are now working on. It is the dream of to-day that may be the reality of to-morrow, in a few words this club would furbish amusement of a clean, moral na ture for.ojd and young afiko and would also in the opinion of its instigators, bo a powerful .influ ence toward .morality and Better living in our cummunity, not, mind.youi thai; quy home (is such a terrible placo for vice and that sort of a thing, it is perhaps as good as most t laces, but it needs like other places, an uplifting In fluence. " The Knights of Pythfans have for some time had this club in Instructs Gypsum School A new school district has been formed at Gypsum, Orcgom One of the vacant buildings in that place being aquippcd with scats, desk end blackboard. About 22 scholars Avill be enrolled and as an instructor they will have Miss Hazel Herr of Richland This will be Miss Hcrrs first term as an Instructor of young minds and her ittany friends wish her a pleasant artd successful years work. Report A Good Time Thosd who were present from Eagle td the Pioneers Reunion in HalfWay on the tenth, report a pood time. The" address bf the day was given by the Hon. Dun ham Wright, bf Medical Springs. A party of Baker Business men weht through herd on Thursday, they got successfully to Pine but on the rdad back had the misfor tune to have an accident to their machine and had td be towfed in to Richland with a tearir. Sold Somfe Land , Last week, Paul Khbblough sold forty acres of land to Linn Farley, the pried obtained being $4500 or approximately, ninety dollars an acre. This tract hts just below the Eagle Valley Cem etary and Is a part of the old Harry Swisher place. Parley Downs Left Parley Downs ahd family left Saturday for Salt Lake. W. H. Bradford purchased the Downs placo above town, the amount paid being $G75. Do you like to wer a cap? We have ju3trecejved u new lino of capg for mim nd Iwya Siun der Brc4 (Adv) u nr n iRsrunotrrnriiT hi im l. i their minds cy'4;so t6 speak,, and expect to work toward the fulfill ment of their desire for a rcaj social club. This cltib would be a free attraction to members of the lodfce, to those who are not members, it would be,made as in expensive as possible. . In the Idea (pf the founders it woud comprise a biljlard room and r&auV ing parlor vyhere young and old rfic'n could go and enjoy a soci able evening, now and then as chance developed there might be a lecturer, who would give an in formal talk, or a general discus sion of seme important topic- by he members. In this club, all forms of vulgarity hqcrcde lan guage would be f'o'wndd ilpo'n, while having no physical punish ment for violations, those who were interested would not do this and naturally those who did in ACTIVITIES IN EAGLE i u t e Simonis will attend. fcaker High this wjnter. Grandrfip Bradford, been real jsjck iS improv i. ttt'.i i ... who has improving. -. Prbf. Wilbuf. nnncioal of the Unidri High ScHotJl, drrived Sat urdays ,.rt , , ., Harold Taylor lef t Monday, for the. Ot A..C. at Corvallis, where he is a sliident. i ; A five and a l.alf pound girl was born, to Mr. and Mrs. John Grav'dri, Aug. 3l. , Mrs.. Bowman, whb is oh the sick list, was taken to Baker Sun day Via, Auto for treatment. A good time fof hiah top shoes we hav thetp in all sze airigh prices, Saunders Bro's (Advij mi'dooii son, n3f)'Uctors in the lficniana Grammar School, arrived Friday. T .Miss Brbw)j vjip w.ill tqachjthe Pleasant Ridge s'cnpbli this t?rm arrived in the valley Saturday. , T. J. fleddiqk .?pent several days last wpek in the nipuntains looking for bear, but bruin was a minus quahtitV. Dr. Wilson how of Sumpter but formerly of Richland, spenf Saturday and Snnday in the val ley, renewing old acquaintances. Winter pears lata- lb, Silver and petite prunes 3-4 ctl a h) 'nd. some late peaches , lc,t a lb', at G. W. Martin's rftneh. (Adv.) nAs soon as the lumber arrives Work will begin (Oil. ilip addition .to thO. Richland Daiig Store..! Tho foundation is already laid. Pern Chandler, who haa bfei spending the iummer In Valley., returned hoiJW in drdtr to attend gcnooim m& dulge in profane and vulgar talk would find it Hn uncomfortable positionto ocpupy. Printed rule would be placed pn tne wails where everybody could read and in case of violation, n most cases It .wo'tn'd pnly be neeessaVy to point to them to stop this, how dver if one wouid continue in face of this to Resist the rules as laid down; A gentle hint that such was not wahtfcd would with out'doubt put a stop to it This club would be a'mo3t idearif the policies could be carried oiit, and no doubt they can, it would be a pride and joy, for our town and va lev. untsirip nprnlp. rnminf t nto bul; tdw.n could be invited to - - . - - x he club and Merc" spend a pleas ant evening thatotherwise mizht have hung heavy on their hands. By all means w say; jet's have it. here tonight Parker. s Movies will be here TONIGHT, Thursday Aftel; this y-'f ek they will make theiif veeklir appearance on Saturday School Enrollment The Union High Schdol opened Monday with twenty foiir stu dents', aild tKo niore are-. repprt: ed as going to start, .which will make twenty six. They are di vided as follows, one1 in the twelfth, four in the eleventh, and twenty one in the ninth and tenth. Prof. Wilbur, at present, has charge bfl the wfiole sehooi, but a second teacher is expected every day. The number of students enroll- ing m tne Kicnland and JNew Bridgd Grammdr Schools; has notbe&n ascertained, but it is saf j to say that there is more students than ever before in these schobls. Pleasant Ridge also stdrtdd Monday LATER, On the complete en rollment the Richland Grartl niar School .being completed it was tfounid that there was 129 students, 25 of whom were Vn the eighth grade, NOTICE The Board of Directors appbifr ted recently in Eagle Valley for the new proposed railroad, will meet at tho City Hall in Richlattd pn Sunday afternoon at2 o'clock. It is important that all be pres ent, as some business of impor tance is td bo attended to. Qur Millinery Department is a iwer ,bf btfauty, beautiful de ens and, a trikinsr .colorings dont .widt foi1 bur. onaninr but come i'ir-"r 111 I n noWatld make your choice. E. & ''IW Chandler (Ad.) I JO REMOVE PIONEER The remains of an early pioneer James Sufhfners, who is interred in an unknown grave somewhere on Snake River, will be removed to a suitable i-esting place if the pioneers association of the Pan handle can accomplish this feat. A volunteer collection was taken for this purpose at the Pioneers Rv-unioa in Halfway and the fof- lowing were appointed as a com mitted to search out the unknown grave and reinove the remains', ' W. W. LloyfIH Chairman, Hon., Dunham Wright. Claude Officer Thad Leep, Isaac McMullen, and Jim Ritter of Piije Valley, Jas. Holcolm. of New Bridge and Cap tain CraiV of Richland. The sub scription tailed was $35.50. PARKERS MOVIES TO-NIGHT Parkers moving . pictures to night at the b'peraJEIbuse, Rich land, tomorrow night at Nt .v Bridge "Good Stuff" say thos3 who have seeK them. 25 and 10 cents. fiMoving Pictures To-night. HOME BAKERY AND &ESTATTRANT t I FRESH BREAD MM VMMtaK. m - - - Jim. I fc.Vfc.KY DAY ANYTHING IN THE PASTRY LINE BAKED i TO ORDER 4 c it. RICHLAND OREGON ! ! RiClILAND Livery and Feed 4 ! Stable RICHLAND ROBINETT STAGE 4 LINE IN CONNECTION 2 atag-e leaves Kicwanu o:m m. m, ,, Arrives at Robinctt 10;0O a. m, Returning leaves Rob'nett 1:30, I; arrives at Richland 3:30 p. m Good teams and tournouta, prompt and first class service to every patron. Travehnjf men's patronage solicited FRED COOPER, Prop Richlana Oregon Baird & Company I mm mm mem AN m M U torn carried in i - WW