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About Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 13, 1918)
THB CONDON CL02S FACtS . 3 S4 r Stylish, Modern Tailoring Coma in and look over my Woolens for Winter suits. I have large assortment of all wool in standard weights and the quality has never been better In the dinplay line I have picked for my trade. This is the time to supply yourself with good WOOL SUITS AND OVERCOATS as the prices are advancing every sea bop. Soon we will not be able to buy woolens for suits as the govern ment is taking over the wool for suits and over coats for the soldiers. RAINCOATS I also have a good assort ment of Rain Proof ma terials for Raincoats. For the Ladies Ladies' Suits, Coats and One-piece Dresses made to order rom your own material or mine. Come in and see my samples. Bring your old suit in and have it cleaned and pressed. First class service in cleaning altering and repairing J. A. CONLEY, THE TAILOR Condon :: :: :: Oregon JEWELRY OF HIGH CLASS t moderate prices may be seen here In greater variety tha.i can be found else , where. Here you have the widest choice of gifU from the ksst expensive to the most costly. In every case the value represented by the price is the. greatest that will permit a guar antee of dependability. X visit is solicited. K. W. HUTCHINSON, JEWEIJSR Fossil, Phone 3 Condon, M51 May ville, 3 GONE LUMBER COMPANY Lone Rock, Oregon' . Manufacturers of all kinds of rough and dressed lumber and mouldings An up-to-date mill. ' Newly Improved X Good Grades Right Prices IF YOU OWE FOR YOUR PAPER-PAY FOR IT Real Gravely Chewing Plug is solving the tobacco problem for more men every day. Smaller chew. Better tobacco. The good taste lasts. Peyton Brand Real Gravely Chewing Plug 10c a pouch and worth it Cravmly last. so mack longer ft eotfe im more (o chmw than ordinary plug P. B. Gravely To'co Company Danville, Vlrgfeila CONDON CHAY & TRANSFER LINE f. WlWAM KENNEDY, Proprietor Light and Heavy Hauling Hauling Trunks and : all Job work a specialty . , CONDON OREQO: 4 Report of The Oondon National Cank . No. SMI. Rsport of Condition of THE CONDON NATIONAL BANK at Condon, in the state of Oregon, at the iose of business oo August 81, 1918. RESOURCES Loans and discounts, Including re-discounts . (except those shown on b and e) t2&f,(3S.7 Total I26S.63S.74 UvertrefU, secured, none; unsecured, $219.40 849 40 U. S. BONDS-Other than Libert Bonds but in cluding U. S. Certiflcates of Indebtedness) U.S. Bonds deposited to secure circulation (par value) 12 100 U.S. Bonds and certificates of Indebtedness pledged tose- 1000 10 000 7204 16 862 44 cure postsl savings deposits (par value U. S. Bonds snd certificates of Indebtedness owned and unpledged LIBERTY LOAN BONDS: Liberty Loan Bonds, 8 1-2, 4 per cent and 4 1-2 per cent unpledged, BONDS, 'SECURITIES, ETC (other than U. 8.) Securities other than U. S. Bonds (not Including stocks) owned unpledged ToUl Bonds, securities, etc. other than U. 8. Stock of Federal Reserve Bank (60 per cent of Subscription) furrlture and Fixtures Resl estate owned other than banking house Lawful Reserve with Federal Reserve Bsnk Cash in vaults and net amounts due from national banks Net amounts due from banks, bankers and trust ccmpsnies other than Included In Items 18. 14 or 16 Checks on other banks In the ssme city or town as reporting bank (other than Item 17) Total of Items 14. 16, 16. 17, and 18 . 86 022 7 J Checks on banks located outslds of city or town of re porting bsnk and other cash Items Redemption fund with U.S. Treasurer and due from U. S. Treasurer War Certificates and Thrift Stamps actually owned Other assets, if any Total LIABILITIES . Capital Stock Paid In Surplus fund Undivided profits $12,780.11" Less current expenses, interest, and tax os paid 2 m 71 Circulating notes outstanding Net amounts due to National banks Total 6746 74 DEMAND DEPOSITS (other than bank deposits) Subject to Keserve (Deposits payable withi.i 80 days) Individual deposits subject to check Certificates of deposit due in less than 80 days- other than for money borrowed Total demand deposits (other than bank deposits) subject to Keserve, Items 84, 86. 86. 37, 88, 89, 40 and 41 260 166 86 TIME DEPOSITS subject to Reserve (psy able after ' 80 days or subject to 80 days or more notice and postal ssvlngs) : Certificates of deposit-Other than for money borrowed Postal savings deposits Total of time depoalts,subject to Reserve, Items 42, 43, 44 and 45 11 910 47 Bills payable, other than with Federal Reserve Bank, Including all obligations representing money borrowed, other than rediscounts 26100 7204 16 862 44 1660 2 600 89190 17 694 66 28 608 48 11 806 66 1 212 69 T867 826 4190 767 60 $383,616.47 60 000 6 000 10 601 40 12 200 746 74 20609 83 44 847 63 10 170 98 1 739 49 88 000 Total $383,616.47 State of Oregon, County of Gilliam, as: 1, Wm. Crawford, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Wm. Crawford, Cashier. Correct Attest: Wm. Wehrli. Geo. B. Dukek. E. J. Clouch. Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11th day of September 1918. Frank IIollkn, Notary Public, ' My commission expires Oct 29, 1920. "Outwitting the Hun" By Pst O'Brien About 0 o'clock that evening I came to a point where ahead of me on the right was a Belgian police station I knew It from Its red lights and on the other side of the street were two German soldiers la uniform leaning against a bicycle. Here was a problem which called for Instant decision ; If I turned back the suspicion of the soldiers would be Instantly aroused and if I crossed the road so as not to pass so closely to them they might be equally sus picious. I decided to march bravely by the Huns, bluff my. way through and trust to Providence. If anybody Imagines, however, that I was at all comfortable as I approached these soldiers, he Biust jhlnk I am smnch braver man than I claim to be. Sly heart beat eo loud I was afraid they would hear It Every step I took brought me so much nearer to what anight prove to be the end of nil my hopes. It was a nerve-racking ordeal. I was now within a tew feet of them. Another step and They didn't turn a hair! I passed right by them heard what they were saying, although, of coarse, I didn't understand It and went right on. I can't say I didn't walk a little faster as I left them behind, bnt I tried to maintain an even gait so as sot to give them any Idea of the Inward ex ultation I was experiencing. No words can explain, however, how relieved I really felt to know that I had suc cessfully passed through the firs of a series of similar tests which I real ised, were ln store for jne although Continued on next pago L Compare Values We invite you to compare our Ed. V. Price suit values with any' in town. We are not afraid of any compari son you can give these offerings as we know if you give them -a rigid will only bring out their merits more clearly. .. .. The new samples and styles look good to us. They will to you. Come and see. Open Sundays ....... f Lester Wade's Exclusive Store for Men. v Condon, Oregon I A. D. flODERTeON, AGENT, CONDON, OH It ill v (- u "" " Brighter Light; Safer Light ELECTRICITY make better light than kerosene. LaHey-Llght furnishes electricity for light and power. It la better light. It ia safer. It can't ex plode. It cannot be upset and act fire to tbt bouse and barn. It la always ready wherever you want it at the twist of a switch. : Lafley-Llght ia tried and true. Its engine runa smoothly and easily on extra large ball bearings. It baa been in farm use more than ax years. Wa will gladly demonstrate free 00 yowfora. Call for the owners' testimonial book. fi An n f PCS it fiQfU III Hauling and Draying H. f. SMITH successor to J. H. Bishop. Prop. : Transfer and Trunk Work solicited. Light and Heavy Hauling. Phone In your orders '-"ii, iasms in tHHW H.H. WELBURN WELL CONTRACTOR AND . DRILLER SATISFACTION GUARANTEED CONDON, OREGON V m c 3C ID C aC u Strictly Fresh Fruits and ; are to be had at this store. We endeavor to give our customers the best that can be purchased in this ' line. ' :: ' ' ' :: :: :: . 5 Our stock of groceries is complete, , 4 Cleanliness and satisfactory goods v ' are our objectives. , :: ' :: Men's Clothing ; f Call and see our display of furnish-. , , ingsfor the men. New effects in . ties, . shirts, sox, . hats, caps, ets. FRANK SMITH , Cor. Summit and Wain :: : Condon, Oregon O OE301 xionoi u 250,000 FEE 9m B O fV Dry Lumber of All Kinds Rough or Dressed. We also have mouldings of all kinds. ' A good supply of . elabwood. Our prices are ; low so order early. ' Lone Rock, Or. ::: . Use tk Fsone 30 o i 0 ) n ; 0 iJ 3D o o o a n