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About Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1910)
I UND OC 1.1 A EI i & at this market for Vk ending, today ore as caUto 1959, calves 178, G, sheep C145, horses es R the arrivals were a ' v cattlo of rather poor ? which hung on several efore being sold. How there was a very ready Ml stuff of good quality tly In the line of cows and U Arrivals in other lines taral, though in the mat- igt a scarcity has been attle market may be steady with a brisk de- r the better grades. The rket is particularly ac- unch of good California fought 6.15 while good p very readily at from LTC, good calves light at I top while the heavier La for from 4.00 to 5.00. fhlep market is steady Lod demand for every the way of fat mutton I Notwithstanding vals the price remains It week's quotations. market has gone Mp Utch and hogs of fair ire selling at 9.85 with f ish for in the matter ty as receipts from lo- tery have been light Coore returned Monday fjom an extended trip to tllle was accompanied t&ter, Bertha, of that 10 will spend a few days i this city. Darling came up on Jvening's train for a few J. wiU friends and rel-ft itzmaurice returned ,ing from an exten- to different Oregon ' returned Monday : i i few days trip Estate Transfers tJrot k ot ux to R J '-. !il'A . $3400 00 gessto E B Lowe 4 100 Warehouse Co. to R 1430 A 10 00 fthctux to A Dil- tOA 880 00 i ('aunt & husband jl$ed & J S Per il! Arlington 1 00 Kdward Ball 40 A 1 4"L Washburn 40 A V. P. Ky CO. 480 A K3RSESALE at public auction, Suly 9, at the Con Barn Corrals, 20 fc i heavy well broken ,.fe commences at one i sharp. Terms: 5 i ilount for cash. Ap- kvi bearing 10 per cent JuI'due on October 1st, c pted. ( ia3. Wilkins, Owner. vyne Grider, Auctioneer. r LIC SALE. , at public auction on fr"Jy2, the following perty: 25 head of ( w'ell broke, 6 heavy several good brood ae31 Mitchell wagon, jirL One 31 Studedaker, McCormick header, harness, harness !1 of horses. One 16-f t row, One 3 bottom plow. Other farm "f0&t cent discount . ,ir months time 6n rndtes bearing 10 per !t;ti Jlj Wm, Case, iri Owner. A Brave Girl Bf HELEN INCLEHART Coprrtcbt, ttlt, br ARMrtoM Pra TbU to U itory of Mary Ulafauo. tbt daughter of 8wdtob minor wbo proapai-ud la tbt Picacbo Ulioco coun try, ArUotm. Tbara araa a grtat raib of proapacfr era into tliRt rvgiuo. Ourton. foinj thara among otbvra wltb bl aigblaan yaar-old Uugbtr Mary and bla aoo Pilar, bad lb good lortuna to atrtka a vary fit b pleca of piacar ground and waa aooo panning out larga qunotlfl of ablolug jfflluw gold dual Ulafaoo ooa day walkrd far up oo a Mga naar by bla cabin and, faofliig about wltb bia plrk. look out aavvral ouggata of cooaklarabla falua. Tbla. addad to Bat bad bo panned, mada up an amount of gold rvarbing Into tba tbnu aanda. Ita owper took up a board In bla cabin floor, drpoaltrd bla trrasura banaatb It and put tba board bark again. A Wtitcan named Ramon waa am- ployed by Olafaon aa an amlatant. and Olafaon truated blm ImplMlT. and Itamon knew wall wbera tba tivaiuro waa bidden. Thara no place for gold," "aald Ramon ooa day to Olafaon. "You'd better take It to a bank." "Haven't time." aald Olafaon. "Do you auppoaa I d lea re tbeea neb dig- gtnga to otberar to take wbat I'ra got out to baukf. Uy tba time I got back tbere'd be oniblng left for ma." And ao the Olafaon gold, wltb mora adding to It erery day. waa left In Ita place under tba floor, but no one knew wbera It waa bidden ticept Olafaon, bla children and tbla truated man Ita mon. One day Olafaon fell III. Ramon volunteered to go to tba Mexican camp below aod bring a doctor. lie came. a awarthy man wltb an ern eye, ana gave Olafaon tome medicine. Mary nuraed ber father, but deaplta brr car and the doctors puia be grew ateadlly wore. Bbo atood by blm nlgbt aod day without reat or sleep. Finally one day when Ramon and tba doctor were both at tba cabin aba left tbein to watch tha patient and threw beraelf oo a coocb In another room. There aba fall luto a light alumber. Rut only for t few mlnutea. She waa recalled to bei-netf and ber trouble by wblaperlnga and nolaea In tba alck room. She got up and went aoftly to a crack In tba board partition and. look ing through, aaw tbe doctor glvUig ber father aometblug from a bottle, while Ramon waa taklug up tba board In tba floor above tha treaauro. , It waa evident that tba doctor waa giving ber father aotnethlug either that be mti;bt not bo conacloua of what waa going oo or to kill blm. Tba M extra u waa doubtleaa a pal of Ramon'a whom tha latter bad brought tbere for tbe purpoee of aaalatlng blm In bla acberae to get Olafson'a gold. Tbere waa little to fear, tbey aup poaed, from a mere girl who waa tired out and aaleep at that. Rut tbey reckoned falsely. Olafson'a repeating rifle waa banglug on tba wall loaded. Taking It down and plac ing Ita butt to ber abouldcr, Mary threw open the door and held tbe Mex icans covered. Ramon cowered, but the doctor, not believing a chit of a ulrl would dare Are, rusbrd upon ber to disarm ber. In tba middle of tba room be waa met by a bullot from Uery'a rifle and dropped dead. Tetor Ola f sou. wbo waa outside, bearing a hot, rushed In aod aaw Mary, wbo bad killed on of the men. pointing ber rifle at tbe otber. Selling a cord, while Mary kept Ramon cov ered, the youngster bouud blm ao that be waa helpless. This dona. Mary ran to ber father. took up tbe dose that tba doctor bad been trying to get down bla throat, etuelled It aud knew at once that it waa poison. It waa the anmo that had been clven tha patient from tbe Brat and bud been alowly killing blm. Mary worked over bitn for hours be fore aba brought him back to con aclnuanesa. Peter aa aoon aa It was dark climbed the mountain In the rear of the cabin aod by a circuitous route reached tbe nearest white camp, twenty miles away. Early the next day Mary aaw several Mexicans caning up toward tha cabin. Tbey were doubtleaa In tbe schema- of murder and robbery and coming to Join their countrymen, Mary watted till tba nearest Mexican cama within range, then tired a ahot over bla bead aod let blm know wbat he might expect If be cama on. He retired, but all day different tnembera of tba party kept apylng on ber, and all day ah kept glvlug hem au occa atonal abot to Indicate that tbey were under observation. nut wm ntgutrnii me arrain grew greater. Tbe enemy might advance under cover of tbe darkntwa. For not a moment did ber Auger leave tbe trig' ger. Fancying a noise at a window. aba put a bullet tbere; then a sound beyond tbe door Induced ber to send a shot through It Aud ao all night ahe watched she. a girl wltb a alck niau expecting every minute to ba over powered and murdered. It waa a long strnlu. and not Oil tbe windows began to Hgliteu did aba feel tbnt there was hope for her. ' Tbe aun had scarcely risen when she beard a clattering of hoofs without. Did they Indicate the approach of ene mies? Mary, rifle In band, glanced through a window and aaw ber broth er and a number of otber men dis mounting. Peter Gad been aucceasfut In bla quest, had gathered a number of miners and bad brought them back totnecatHn, All aanrtlitnc ran and.r tbU bMd will tw cbariad al tin ml ol 10c Mt Urn lor lbs Brat Ihh and te ft line (or vach iwtmtrt Imm. . Partner Wanted. "Owner of large stock and grain ranch who cannot give personal attention to it wishes partner to take a half interest in the property and to take entire charge of the management Small capital required. Cood references must accompany the applicant Property situated east of the Cascade Mountains." McCargar, Bates & Lively, Failing Building Portland, Oregon Classified Advertising far Sale, Trade, Wanted, Lest, retina, Strauad, Stolen , and All Notice Harvester for Sale. Holt Jr., with 16-foot and 20- foot headers and Schenandoney hitch. Will sell cheap or trade for work horses. Call or address C. W. Martin, tf Olex, Oregon. If you are figuring on having your house papered call on W. A. Darling and choose your pattern from 4900 rolls. Estimates will be given on application on paint ing and papering.. FOR SALE or TRADE- Fine piano in best of condition. Will sell reasonably or will trade for tiorees. Call on or address Mrs. W. D. Flett, Gwendolen Oregon. W. A. Darling, has just re ceived 9500 rolls of wall paper. and 1400 more on the road all in new 1910 DaDer. A postal will bring samples, or will be pleased to show sample books. Painting and papering done and estimates furnished. Rolled wheat and oats mixed for feed; and oats for seed or feed for sale. Terms: Cash. In quire of G. W. Parman, Condon, Oregon. FOR SALE-One fullblooded male Scotch Collie pup 4 months old. Four young light uarrea Plymouth Rock Cockerels. W. I. Ebbert, Condon Wanted Five hundred acres of grain to harvest with combine. Anyone having grain they "wish harvest ed may call at this office for fur ther particulars. Chicken dinner at the Hotel Oregon Sunday. Have you seen the Weekly Blotter? Get a copy of this new publication at the Condon Drug Co. or at this office. It is pubV lished by the Globe Printery. For Sale. One 14 foot header and two. header boxes. All in good shape. 13 d 17 W. I. Ebbert Dunn Bros have just received a complete line of A . tents and wall tents. All sizes and prices. If you have anything to trade exchange, rent or sell, see to it that you use TheGlobe Wants. If you use the. Loose Leaf Bill ing system remember that Hartshorn & Harlan make a spe cialty of furnishing these sup plies. The Hotel Oregon has the most up-to-date, service of any 1 i - 1 . 1 . TT nuiei in uie county, unsurpass ed dining service. Two lots in Condon to1 trade for young horses or young cat tle, heifers preferred! . : Graves &;Weinke Co. Wanted 16r inch ( pine: wood. Will pay cash delivered in Con don. Arlington Ludiber Co. m 1 V FOR SALE OR TRADE Some New Things For You To Consider. 3-room new bungalow, two blocks from Main street. Living room, bed room and kitchen with water. Price $400. Terms. 2 houses for rent in Condon. $10 and 18. A very nice residence. Beau tiful grounds; good barn; chicken lot; shade trees, nice lot of shrub bery onthe lawn; house is strict ly modern; lawn. . This property has cost more to put it in the present shape than the price at which it is offered. Price $6000. Also a clean stock of gent's fur nishing goods, will invoice about 15,000- Residence and store lo cated in large college town about 30 miles from Portland. We wish to trade these properties to gether for about 640 acres of farm land in Gilliam county. Our cli ents do not wish to go in debt very much and would like a fair ly well improved farm. A comfortable 3-room house and one-half acre of land in Con don. Price $450. Terms. One 7-room house in Portland. Two stories, with basement, ce ment foundation, front and back porch, both gas and electric light gas range, gas water heater, wood hoist from basement Lot 421x90 feet Built two years. ; Also one five-room modern house and three lots 25x114 feet, full cement basement, bath and toi let Mortgage $1000, 7 per cent Price on both houses $5500.00. Would trade this property for wheat land and assume about 12500 indebtedness on land. 10 acres 21 miles from town; 5 acres cleared; balance slashed about 15 years ago; easily clear ed; 50 cherry trees set last year; other trees and fruit trees; living stream kept by springs. 1 acre bottom; best of garden land; house 3-room downstairs, 1 room upstairs; nearly new. Price is $2000. Will trade for small farm here. 40 acres fairly well improved improved in Willamette Valley; psice $4000. Will trade for a small farm in Gilliam county at abont 5000 valuation. Owner will not have objection to going out several miles from town. FRUIT LAND-1000 acres, or sub-divisions thereof, to trade for Gilliam County Wheat Land. Located 20 miles from Vancou ver, Wn., and 15 miles fromRR. station. All divided into 10-acre tracts with streets. .Soil is clay- , shot resembling Hood River. Land is sub-irrigated and water ed by many spring-s. Timber to be removed by Dec. 31st, 1911. Land is practically level. Price, $60 to $75. 40 acres fairly well improved in the Willamette Valley. Price $4000. To trade for a small farm in Gilliam County. Value about $5000. The man is a bachelor and would not mind accepting a ranch about fifteen miles out of Condon. 214 acres near Jefferson, Ore gon, very good improvements, and more than one-half cleared and in cultivation. Worth $100 per acre. Price $18000. To trade for Gilliam County wheat land. We are the Condon Agents for lots in El Tavar and Loveleigh Additions in Portland. We can sell you any of these 'i lots which are all within the 3-mile circle of Portland. The priceis thesame as you pay there. You pick out : your own property. We insure your buildings from loss by fire. . We insure your crops ' against loss by fire, -1 month 60 cents for $100. 2 months GO cents, 3 months 120 cents per hundred dollars. ' We are in a position now to write your live stock . insurance in a strong: and reliable com pany. " The above property is all alive and we are in a position to make ready ex changes on same for Gilliam Co. land. We Insure Your Crops and Buildings From Loss By Fire. Graves, Weinke Thomas Company, Condon, Ore. Portland Office, 438 Chamber of Commerce BIdg. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE. . CONVEYANCING . Money to Loan on Improved Farm I ands. , . w - - ' ' 1