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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1908)
Your Duty is to be Well But yoa cannot b well If yon neglect taking Hood's Sarsapariila when yon know yoa should take It. Impure blood, poor appetite, headache, nerYousness, that tired feeling by these and other ligni your tyt- tem demand! Hood's. Get a bottle today. Clow Of Health-"My blood was rery Poor, biuce lasing; Hood'i Saraaparilla 1 have more color in my face, sleep and eat well, and work is a plt-uur." iiKS. A. A. Howard. Taunton. Mass. In Worst Form-" I had catarrh In the worst form and was advised to try Hood's Sarsapariila. I took seven bottles and am now iu good health. 1 hope evorvone who etrrh will give Hood's a fair trial." Mm. William Metcalt. Farkerford, Pa. Always Pralse-"I first took Hood's Sar sapariila 13 years asro, and always speak in favor of It." H. Co v dill, 237 Perry Street, Lowell. Mass. Hood's Sarsapariila Is sold everywhere. In the usual liquid, or In tablet form called Sarsatabs. 100 Doses One Dollar. Pre pared only by C. I. Hood Co., Lowell, Mass. Metallic. Poe was writing "The Bella." "It jingles," he said, "as if there might be a lot of coin In it !" Cheered by the thought, he tlntlnnabu lated with redoubled energy. limply lafsaoii. Intimate Friend They suspended yon from the Hot Sports' Club? What had rou done? Victim (choking with wrath) Not a blank thing 1 AH they could prove against me was that I had trimmed a sucker and jot his wad, just as you or any other nan would have done ! Not Like? te Be at-Home. . Mrs. Neighbor Aren't you going to call on' our old schoolmate who bas Just moved Into the next block? Mrs. Homer I would like to call on her, but I don't want to meet her hus band. ; Mrs. Neighbor Oh, there Is no dan ger of meeting- him. They haY.e been married nearly a year. Parental Misinformation. '"Paw, what is a guillotine?" "It's an instrument bearing some re semblance to a shirt collar that has been three or four times to the laundry, Tom my, but (t is much quicker and more mer ciful in its operation." . HOWAfiD B. BTJUTON.-a iiiayer ari Chemist. Laadvllle, Colorado. Specimen prices: Gold, Silver, L-ad, $1 ; Gold, Silver, 7 oc ; Gold, Soc ; Zinc or Copper, iu Cyanldo tests. Mulling envelopes and full price list sent on application. Control and U in- tire work solicited. lUieroncai Carbonate IS' oual Hack. BY MAIL LESSONS 290 Walts, Two Step, Three Step, ete. Danee completely taught ana g-naranteed In four lessons mw mdr-Portland. Oregon fs? Mr, Farmer or Mr. Merchant, De You Know What Your Legal Rights Are? We will place in your hands, on approval, the lat est authority and guide on the subject. Send post al for our offer enabling you to examine the work without coat or obligation to purchase. 215,000 copies sold. If you are satisfied with the book, we have a very Interesting proposition for your con sideration. Pacif.c Dis' ributine Co., No. 7 Han cock Bide., Senttle, Washinirton. The yf Sower Baa ) No Second Chance Good sense says make the most of the first FERRWS:. . SEEDS have made and kept Ferry's Seed Busi ness the laigost lu llie world merit telle. Fairy's Seed Annual for 1908 tells tn-y whole fixed story sent FREE for uieoa&ing. iioiri sow seeaB tui yon get h. D. M. HURT S CO., 0H8OH, Mies. MJ1E Ttoi For Baby's Ea'b; for Eaby's C'othes; for an Eye wish. Mcu h Wash, Sterilizing the Bottle, Washing Napkin3. All dealers. Sample, Booklet and "WHIZ" Parlor Card Game, 10c. Pacific Coast Borax Co., Oakiand, Cal. " Steel-Clad Grubber tiaipled. Strongest, Basic II aid leJ Grubber Made. Will pall MORE sad LARGER STUMPS with LESS EXPENSE thaa any other. Write for Descriptive Orcein and Price JOHN S. BEALL, RLmufa&nrer 121 Hawthorne Arena fl Portias J, Oregoa INSURE YOUR HEALTH COMFORT on stormy days ;v by wearing a Clean -Light Durable Guaranteed Waterproof tsrO .322 Everywhere P. N. U. No. 5-0 WBZK to advertiser please men) inn till paper. mm EPIDEMIC OF GRIP IS SWEEP.NG COUNTRY Tens of Thousands of Cases of This Pestiferous Disease Are Being Reported. SUFFERERS Jjj MANY CITTEa Business In Many Places Is Dlaor gaaized on Acoount Prostrations from This Ailment An epidemic of la grippe seems to Up sweeping over the country, and tens oi thousands of people are suffering from the disease. Pittsburg reports the worst visitation in its history. The buslnesi of the city Is disorganized on account of the large number of people who havt been suddenly forced to remain absent from their places of employment Factories and mills, offices and stores, are affected seriously. There Is a notable uniformity In thi symptoms of the present epidemic which appears to affect principally tht bronchial passages. Bronchitis and pneumonia are Us most common accom panlments, and it aggravates fully C( per cent of the tuberculosis cases. Thos most injuriously affected are persons who before the attack were badly rur down in their general health. In theii cases pneumonia quickly develops while the heart,, brain and other or gans become affected. In Philadelphia an epidemic of grippe Is sweeping the city and whole fami lies are prostrated by it Pneumonia in many cases is followed close upon it: heels, and last week many persons died of that disease. Doctors are scarcely able to keep tip with the demands made upon them. Baltimore, too, Is experi encing an unusual amount of sickness. Other cities where grippe has made its appearance are Boston, Chicago, Cin cinnati, Cleveland, Denver, Milwaukee and New York, and reports from these places Indicate that the health authori ties fear that the outbreak is only at the beginning. Health Commissioner Evans, of Chicago, has Issued a warn ing to the people, urging them to get plenty of fresh air and to exercise in the open as much as possible. Chicago knows the danger of grippe, for it has been frequently visited by the disease. In 1890 that city had 100,000 grippe suf ferers and 112 deaths directly resulted. In 1899 over 300 persons died from the disease, and since the first appearance of the malady the city has paid a tribute of 2,208 lives. In New York, where the disease Is now gaining a strong foothold, sixty eight deaths resulted last week and there are many cases scattered about the city. - Boston Is the worst sufferer on the Atlantic seaboard. There are nearly 100,000 cases there and sixty deaths have, resulted. Cincinnati has 2,000 ca-s and the disease seems to be epi demlc In form. The open winter is held responsible for the spread of the disease. Where it originated no one seems to know. It travels with wonderful rapidity. In 1889, when the grippe appeared In viru lent form all over the country, it was tracked back 4o Europe and thence to Hong Kong in China. The germs of the present epidemic may have come from the same source. The Washington State football eleven defeated that of St. Louis university by the score of 1 to 0, at Spokane, Wash. The Coney Island Jockey Club an nounced that improvements in its plant now under way will cost at least $100,000. There will be half a dozen Smiths in the major leagues next season, the Amer icans having four players of this nam and the Nationals two. Cincinnati has asked for waivers ol seventeen men. Provided all these play ers are turned bark to the minors, the next manager of the Reds sfill will have twenty-two athletes to aid him in -capturing a second division berth. The baseball critics seem Inclined to the belief that the Bostons got all the best of the big deal with New York. The Bean Eaters, it would seem, should occu py a higher place in the race than they have held for the past few years. ' Tommy Ryan believes that the best fighters of to-day are to be found in the middleweight ranks. He bas a poor opin ion of the "heavies," they falling far be low the standard of scrappers like Jef fries, Sharkey, Corbett, McCoy and Fitz immons in their active ring days. Haskins, the intercollegiate champion may be barred from representing the American team at the Olympic games. Haskins is not an American citizen. He was born in Australia and comes under the same ruling as that which affects Con Leahy and Dennis Murray, the two Irish athletes who wanted to represent Amer ca. In order that they may be kept in active training for the Olympic games in England next summer, a movement Is on foot that has for its object a visit of the best of the Canadian athletes to New York and Boston, where indoor meets would be held. If the scheme pans out, Tom Flanagan, John Flanagan's brother, Till have chara of the partr- For Lung Troubles Ayer's Cherry Pectoral cer tainly cures coughs, colds, bronchitis.consumption. And it certainly strengthens weak throats and weak lungs. There can be no mistake about this. You know it is true. And your own doctor will say so. My little boy bans trr'b!e eonKh. I tried everything I eouM rtt-Mr of but In vain nutll I tried ayert Cherry i'ertnral. The first night ha was better, il u-i!lT Imprnred nntll be ml yirtectiy weU." lias. S. J. Stiblo. Alton, 1,1. A iaUd br T. O. A Tr Co., Lowell, Atao nRaui'Urer or 9 SACSAPASSJA. yer. rw" PILLS. J HAIR VIGOR. Keep the bowels regular with Ayer'a Pills and thus hasten recovery. Coming; to Thlaf First Broker Unw is business? Second Broker Improving a little. I've got a good barker out fu front of my office now. Another Nntnre Story, To the tail of the dog They tied a big- log, And patted him on the head. Old Tray couldn't make His narrative shake, And the tail wagged the dog instead, Chicago Tribune. , Something Terrible. : Tommy Teacher, may 1 go out t neeze? Teacher That is unnecessary, Tommy. You can sneeze in here without disturbinj anybody. Tommy I guess you never beard mi sneeze I ADVICE TO VICTIMS TELLS READERS HOW TO PROMPTLY CURE RHEUMATISM AT HOME. Directions to Mix a Simple Preparation and the Dose to Take Over comes Kidney and Bladder Trouble Promptly. There is so much Rheumatism every where that the following advice by an eminent authority, who writes for read ers of a large Eastern daily paper, will be highly appreciated by those who suffer: Get from any good phaimacy one-hall ounce Fluid Extract Dandelion, one ounce Compound Kurgon, three ounces of Compound Syrup Sarsapariila. Shake these well in a bottle and take in teaspoonful dosea after each meal and at bedtime; also drink plenty ol good water. It is claimed that there few victims of this dread and torturous disease who will fail to find ready relief in this Bimplo home-made mixture, and in most cases a permanent cure is the re sult. This simple recipe is said to strength en and cleanse the eliminative tissues of the Kidneys so that they can filter and strain from the blood and system the poisons, acids and waste matter, which cause not only Rheumatism, but numerous other diseases. Every man or woman here who feels that their kid neys are not healthy and active, or who suffers from any urinary trouble what ever, should not hesitate to make up this mixture, as it ia certain to do much good, and may save you from much misery and suffering after while. The DODulation of men in the TTnired States, from statistics compiled from the reports of the census of 1900, is 39,059, 242. The population of women ia 27., 244,145. Her Record Against Her. Mrs. Cpmore (to applicant for position t a cook) Have you ver worked for Mrs Highmus? Applicant Tis, ma'am ; wan week. Mrs. Unmore Well, if you suited hei for as long a time as that you wouldn't suit me at all. Good morning. - Encourag-lna. Said an ambitious youth one day to a young lady: "Don't you think I'd better dye my mustache?" caressing tht faintly visible progeny. "I think if you let it alone it will dU Itself," said the young lady. Woman's Home Companion. .VL le V I JiV.V Cleanses the 'siemivrrecr- r r uallv; JJiSDeU Col WI t s and I lead- I I LI 1 acues aue lo UonsTi 1- LlDQTlOm Acts naturall cts f ruu .1 ft s naiuraiiv. acts iruiv n. ft .Laxative. Best forMenWmen on J Chili ren-Voun and Uld. ( ipt 1 CI Innof r r Always buy tne benuine uk'tch has the full name of the Com pany . UALIruKNlA J?o Sttiup Co. r m it i manufactured . printed on tn front of every package. SOLD for All iFAniwc nmiceiTt 9nm size only, regular price 50r bottle. A5TIMAX SMNXESS. VTkem the Rat, the Cat ana tea Rabbit Are Thiretr. I All creatures, with the exception of the highest endowed specie, are not only teetotalers, but drink very "mod erately of water never anything else. For Instance, It would be equally dlffl- Jcult to picture a dormouse quaffing a pint of soda water as a bottle of Bur gundy. Rats, especially when they are feed , Ing on corn In ricks or barns , suffer jvery much during a comparatively I short spell of rainless weather. Even I the dews, which In some measure com pensate for the absence of rain, are ' quite Insufficient for their needs. I If you would like to see really happy rats watch a rat-Infested corn stack on a summer evening after a shower fol lowing a few scorching daya Tou will not have long to wait, says Pearson's Weekly, before you hear the stack rus tle, as it were, and soon the rats will steal out to gulp down the great, glis tening raindrops on the thatch and herbage near their abode. I So thirsty do rats become that I have seen one which, in spite of my fright i ..i , , . . . . eumg aim oacK eacn time ne appeared. made a fresh attempt about every half minute to gain a puddle of dralnings from a' farmyard. And I remember a farmer, shooting at one, shot no few er than seven rats which had crowded to drink from a small pool of water near a stable. Moreover, my experience of rats and I have "dealt with" tens of thou sands leads me to believe that the larger rats when hard pushed for "drink" kill their own and other rats' young for their blood truly a ghastly beverage, even in times of famine. This thory certainly dovetails with the fact that a dry breeding season means a poor crop of rats, and vice versa. Rats are even credited with so far forgetting themselves as to drink from uncorked bottles by Inserting their tails into the liquid, though, personally, I have yet to behold this astute dodge. My old black cat Is a cat among cats, and I don't think any rat can best her at ways and means. When she has "plain" thirst puss balances herself on the edge of an open galvanized tank and subdues the feeling by means of about five tongue laps to one swallow. But sometimes, after washing day, for Instance, the water level Is too low for direct drinking, so she dips a front paw and licks the water therefrom in a way unexcelled in daintiness by any society star's manipulation of a finger bowl. Rabbits and hares, which may be truthfully called strict vegetarians, need very little in the shape of direct I drink but dew, for their food In its raw state contains a very large per centage of moisture. And sheep, in this country, at least, seldom require water, except In the hottest part of the summer, and never, I believe, when feeding off root crops in autumn and winter. " Now, water in a direct form Is in dispensable to stoats and weasels. This accounts for their being found In much greater numbers in well-watered dis tricts, where the supply never falls, than In parts where there Is only a pond here and there which holds water all the year round. Ferrets, too, when fed on warm flesh and milk only, do not thrive so well as those which have water always In reach. I suggest that water Is so nec essary to stoats and weasels, and in a lesser degree to ferrets, because the warm blood of their prey creates an exceptional thirst, for salt is present in considerable quantity in blood. - C(X)OOOOOOOOOCOOOO g 0TXR DIFFICULT ENGLISH, jj oooooooooooooooooooooooouc An American who met Henryk Slen klewICE during his stay in California many years ago has recently confided to the public that the great Polish nov elist has only become an admirer of America since he left It. While he was here, a homesick member of an Ideal istic community which was a failure, American manners and customs did not please him, and he did not display the usual aptitude of his countrymen in ac quiring the language, which he used reluctantly and as little as possible. On being Introduced to the American, he Inquired, politely: "How Is your heels?" Perceiving a puzzled expression on the countenance of his new acquaint ance, he, too, looked puzzled for an in stant, then whipped a little phrase book out of his pocket and pointed tri umphantly to the question, "How la your health?" It was merely the foreigner's diffi culty with the th, combined with a nat ural Inclination to pronounce heal In health like heal outside it. His mistake, although amusing, could not have been so difficult to listen to with a courteously grave face as was that of a Frenchman of letters who not long ago called upon a charm ing American lady In Fans. She was loath to lose his call, and decided to receive him, although she had not yet wholly recovered from an attack of facial neuralgia, which still somewhat Impaired the outline of ber usually oval visage, ne was most grateful and sympathetic. "Ah, madame!" be cried, throwing np his bands. "The nerfs ! The nerfs I Truly It Is the American disease! Al ways the fat neck- and the swelled head!". The proprietor of the store bas a greater feeling of Joy Inside him when an unmarrleed man comes In to buy, than when the man Is married SYSTEM ,DIS Catarrh ia not merely aa inflammation of the tissues cf tlie heal and throat, as the symptoms cf ringing noises in the cars, ciucou3 dropping bade Into the throat, continual hawking" and spitting, etc., woul-1 seera to indi cate ; it is a blood disease ia which, the entire circclatioa and the greater part of the system are involved. Catarrh is due to tlie' presence of aa excess J of uric acid ia the blood. The Liver, Kidneys and Eowcl3 frequently be ' come torpid and dull ia their action and instead of carryin j o2 the refusa 1 and waste of the body, leave it to sour and form, uric acid ia the system. This is taken up by the blood and through its circulation distributed to all 'parts of the system. These impurities ia the blood irritate and inflama i the different membranes and tissues of the body- and the contracting ' f a 1t wilt efirr ti euwtiAna ariA f1t- A J err,cf " 1 t A icaorTnWfl 6ymptoms of Catarrh. As the blood goes to all parts of the body the 'ca tarrhal poison affects all parts of the system. The head has a ti ght, full feeling, nose continually stopped up, pains above the eyes, slight fever comes and goes, the stomach is upset and the entire system disordered and v v affected by thi3 disease. It is a waste of X had Catarrh, far about fifteen . . L . .,,. n . i, , year, and &o man could have time to try to cure Catarra wua sprays, teen worse. I triod ererythiasr, inhalations, eta. Cuch treatment iSEd? teS'fM! s! 8 and does not reach the blood, and can, therefore, could see little Improvement do nothing more thaa temporarily relievo from the first bottlo, and after , ,. . . . Vr. it hnr whiiawnier rari. the discomfort of the trouble, lo cura xnia was six yosrs ftffo, ana i am Catarrh, permanently tlie blood, must DC "tehtJHSSlif.u thoroughfypurified and the system cleansed know there ia nothinor on earth rt alt nnicnnn nn,1 rf fir- nam ft timfl Better lor tne Diooa iun a. o. a. . . . - , , . ... 4t,j ,1 Nobody thinia jaore of s. 8. s. strengthened and built up. 2.olhing equals than I do. Xiapeer, Mlolu PURELY VEGETABLE every symptom disappears, the constitution is built up and vigorous health restored. S. S. S. also tones up the stomach and digestion and acts as fine tonic to the entire system. If you are suffering with Catarrh, begin the use of S. S. S. and write us a statement of your case and our physicians will Bend you literature about Catarrh, and give j'ou special medical advid Without charge. S. S. S. is for sale at all first class drucr storc9. THE SWIFT SPECIFiO CO.. A TUL'iYA. GA An Opinion. "Where," quoted the poetic parson, "are the snows of yesteryear?" "I don't know," answered Mr. SIrlit1 Barker, "but it's no credit to the street cleaning department that they aren't lying precisely where they fell. Wash ington Star. Consideration. "Do you expect people to believe the reason you give for advancing prices?" "That Isn't the question," rejoined Dustin Stax. 'They ought to appre ciate my courtesy in condescending to give any reason at all." Washington Star. Only One "BR0MO QUININE." That is LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE. Look lorthesiunHtureofK. W. GROVE. Used th World over to Cure a Cold in One Pay. U6c, Demonstrating It. "The financial stringency doesn't h ui to have affected you much," remarked Dinguss, touching him for ten. "No," answereii Shndbolt, reluctantly banding it over, "and it doeun't seem to have taught me any gumption, either." Heredity.' The baby was learning to walk. "B'ess its 'ittle heart!" exclaimed the fond mother. "It waddles dess like its big fat papa, doesn't it?" Lumbago. This Is really Rheumatism of the muscles of the loins find is character ized by severe, at times agonizing, pain in the small of the back, allowing the fufferer scarcely a moment's rest, while the ailment is at its worst. It can come from cold, exposure to draft, from getting wet feet or wearing wet or damp clothing. It causes acute suffer ing, and ii allowed to become chronic, it may permanently disable the suffer er. The way to secure quickest relief is to redden the skin over the painful part by rubbing with a flesh brush or piece of flannel tag, and then apply St, Jacobs Oil by gentle friction with the hand. No siarn. Sister I know Jack is in love with me. Brother What makes you think so?" Sister His hand trembled when he buttoned my glove for nie this morn ing. Brother Guess again. I was out with him last night." Cleveland Leader. n f fl -MI -""J -fj "OUCH, OH MY BACK" NEURALGIA, STITCHES. LAMENESS, CRAMP TWINGES. TWITCHES FROM WET OR DAMP ALL BRUISES, SPRAINS, A WRENCH OR TWIST THIS SOVEREIGN REMEDYTHEY CAN'TRESIST Price 25c 3?i SHOES AT ALL Smct8. FOR IVCRV member or rur nun V MEN, BOYS, WOMEN, MISSES AND CHILDREN. JK2 W. L. Oougtam mmkms mnd mellm more -r t. Ihmn My of Jtw menu f mot urmr In the JWST world, heomumm they hold thalr "ZT mhmpm. tit better', wemr lonoar. mnd 10" of premier' velum than mnyot Aerr-s AW mhoee In the uror Ws2 W. L Douglas $4 and $5 Gilt Itn Shoes Cannot .vi'-Jt'TlOSf. W. L. DonilMoatm and prttwta mped cm bottom. Tnkf W Anlntltnte. RiltZ.'. ,, "Mf-wUrs. Shoes mailrJ from faotonr to hit ysrt ol ihe world, lUoe Md Ulalog ln te aof addrMS. V. i,, 1U VU atroektaa, Mut. , at a S. S. S. for this purpose. It attacks th disease at its head, goes down to the very bottom of the trouble ar.d makes a completa and lasting cure. S. S. S. removes every particle of the catarrhal poison from tho blood, making this vital stream pure, fresh and healthy. Thea the inflamed mem branes begin to heal, the head is loosened and cleared, the fcarwkin? and spitting cease. i Deari Invited to the Banquet. On the accession of a new emperor of China he goes In solemn state to the Temple of Heaven in Peking and formally announces to his imperial pre decessors the new titles and dignities which be has assumed. These ances tors are then dutifullylnvited to tb banquet of commemoration, where seats are duly reserved for them. PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. PAZO OINTMENT Is guarani"pd to cure anr CRae ofltehlns, Blind. Jloddln," or Protruding riles in 6 to U !.. or money reii'.nded. 50a. Physicians In various parts of England are complaining thnt tu competition departments of hospitals is ruinously tan. Mo hers will find Mrs. WlnrtoVs Syrup tlw b st rumedv to use lor their Auriug ibe ton thing jorlo'i. ininniBocy in iieiorm. ; Why wasn't Mrs. De Smythe-Pey. wter at the meeting to take stt-ps te siil,;' the. gambling evil in big cities;" "She couldn't come. This Is the day her bridge whist club meets, and she's always such a winner;" BaltIniory American. ( rT Bt. Vitus rnnoe nno all INcrrous DIS' fil u Prmmienilj' cured by Dr. Kline's Mrtat Korvo Besiorer. HaimI Air 1' HKK jatrlai bottle tu4 Ircatlao. Lir. It. O. Kline, Id., ttil Arcli St.. I'lilla.,!', A Great Man's Little Pleasantry, "Senator," said the correspondent, "you are quoted as advocating the abolition of capital punishment. How about that?" "Well," auswei'ed Senator Lotsmnn, with a grin, "don't you think capital has been punished about enough?" How's This? We otter One ITundred Dollars Roward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by HaJa Catarrh Cuie. F. J. CHEN KY 4 CO., Toledo, O We, the underslunod, have kn.iwn F. J. Cheney lor the last X5 years, and bolieve htta perfectly honorable In alt bulhness transactions and financially able to carry out any obllgv tlou niado bv 111 tlrm. WALBING, KINNAN A MARVIN, Wholealo Priifreists, Toledo.O rTau'i Catarrah Cure Is tken internally, act ing directly upon the blood and mucous iui faies ol the system. Tctitimonlalr sent free. Price 7ft cents nor bottle. Bold by all Druggists, Take Hall's Family fills lor Constipation. Open Minded. "Uncle George, do you believe Mars Is inhabited?" "Sometimes I do, my boy, and some times I don't. It depends altogether on which one of the monthly magazines I happen to be reading at the time." -Jt fl il- fill. Mj 3 mm 1Q) and COo Be Equalled At Ant fMca 'cm M V. r fc"it5r co, V At; & e.yi'u