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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1908)
Athena Merchants Treat you Square Athena Merchants Carry Big stocks Buy Your Groceries from Your Home Grocer VOLUME XX. ATHENA. UMATILLA COUNTY. OREGON. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 28. 1908. NUMBER 9 A- THE rUM-A-LUM LUMBER GO. Lumber, Mill Work and all Kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES Posts and Blacksmith coal ' - A. M. Johnson, Manager Athena, Oregon N. M ESTABLISHED 1865 Preston-Parton Milling Company American Flour ia made iu Athena, by Athena labor, in the latest and best equipped mill in the west, of the best eeleoted Blnestem wheat grown anywhere. Patronize home industry. Your grooer sells American Beauty for : Merchant Millers 2 Athena, Oregon. I VI MAKE YOUR OWN STOCK FOODS BY USING SKIDOO HORSE AND CATTLE TABLETS Crush and mix In feed or talt Proper dote In tablets Makes Your Stock Look Like the Top Price , T-ST-i!i0rf 5'??' Md Fowlfc The ,r n1 from the ctive principle or the Flu Cf th nej don,t conUia Siurt, Ashes, Chop Feed or Bran. Are Just - vl . . iV.! JWhta i oW- TnT comply with all pure dm lews. Ask for id try one. SKIDOO Condition TaWeU, or SKIDOO Worm, Kidney, Chicken Cholera. rttic'tT'ZJtTiT.' ?oi Chole, Distemper. Pink Eye. Colic tablets or Louse Powder, Spavin Cure or Barb Wre Lmunent Distributed by THE BLUE BELL MEDICINE CO., Incorporated! Capital stock $300,000.00; Watertown, South Dakota, U. S. Sold m Athena by A. B. McEwen & Sons. mTwm WHERE PRICES ARE RIGHT "Usa The Freshest and most Choice the Market affords 4 f 1 We Best that Money can Buy Always Found Here DELL BROTHERS, m i BEAUTY er Sack.! and Grain Buyers i Waitsburg, Wash. R. J. BODDY .WHOLESALE BUTCHER Makes a Specialty of furnishing Meat in Large Quantities. First-class stock, Reasonable price THE ATHENA MEAT MARKET J. H. STONE, PROPRIETOR The place to get the best tTWeat that money can buy, and at the lowest price Fish and Oysters in season The high est cash price paid for poultry". CATERERS TO THE PUBLIC IN GOOD TH1NG3 TO EAT SUICIDE III CITY 1L Dan Avery Cut Hia Throat With Broken Whisky Flask-Had , Delirium Tremens. J r Dan Avery, in a fit of delirium tie mens oommitted suicide in tbe Atbena city jail sometime about noon Wed nesday by haggling hia throat with a broken whisky flask until he severed the jugular vein and wind pipe. ) , (Avery ran Info town earlv WediMis day morning from the St Dennis ranch witnout vest or ooat, eluding tbe men at tbe ranch, who knew bim to be in a preoarious state mentally. Ha wna completely unstrung from a prolonged drunken debauobyr His hallucination was that men worn after him and that tbey were going to nang film. Officer Gbolson took tbe man in custody immediaelv after his arrival here. He was given several drinks of liquor wbicb served to quiet g i mm. ijjjjj; bim. About 10 o'clock the offloer nlaoed him in tbe city jail, and about noon t to tbe jail to see if bis condition improved. He was horrified to I find thn Tail flnnr nnrcmd njif h hlnrul 2 j and Avery lying in the midst of it with A ' hi. fhvnat lisitaiUl I. .1 "III, u.o buiuni uui&ivij gaauuu Auo man was dead. He bad found an empty bottle, pre sumably in the bedding at the jail. This be broke and csing one of tbe sharp fragments of glass deliberately ended bis life by gashing his throat with it. The man had for several years been employed in the hervest fields of this section, but little was known of him. Last year he harvested with the Bell crew.. About a week ago, Jerry St. Dennis brought him up from Pendle ton with the view of giving him em ployment He was then in a drnnken condition. He is said to have been employed iu a Pendleton - saloon as a swamper, the past winter. . Coroner Folsom was no tifled of the On Savings We Pay ' 4' On the Quarterly Balance or " 3) On the cJWonthly Balance ST. NICHOLS HOTEL I J. E. FROOME, prop. 1!! Only First-class Hotel in the City. It? THE ST. NICHOLS Is the only one that can accommodate commercial traveler. ,. Iff. Can b lecomended for Us clean and well ventilated rooms. Cob. Maim andThibs, Athena, Or. in n p Athena, Oregon i suicide and arrived on tbe evening train from Pendleton. After viewing the remains at the jail ho decided no inquest was necessary and ordered the noay removed to Miner's undertaking parlors. When the clothing was removed it Was fonnd that Avorv haA fit at or tempted to take his life by slashing his leit wrist with glass. Evidently not finding life ebbing fast enough he then out nis throat. a very n as said that be was a mem ber of the Redmen, and his body will te held several dava with thn hnnn that relatives or friends may be found Party at Alex Johnson's. Wednesday evemug at the home nf Mr. and Mrs. Alex Johnson north of town, a party of yonng people num uering iwentv-one. cathflrnri na a pleasant surprise, and took the family oy stotm. Uames were played until 1:30, wheu delioions refreshments were served, after whioh the remain. der of tbe evening was cussed in a genuiue old-fashioned candy pull. when merriment reigned Rtinrnmn. lhen all repaired to their homes in the latest snowstorm. "Canned" Normal Students. A few young men of the Normal, it. is reported, attended a reoen' nnhlin danoe, tbns violating the rules of the school, says tbe Leader. The nrnsidfint suspended tbem for one day (last Mon day) Dy way of punishment With ratber a bizarre sense of hnmor the yonng men piooeeded to advertise tbe laot that they were "canned ' by dang ling tin cans from thnir onnt.tnilu nf tbe end of violently red handkerchiefs, xney certainly suooeeded in tbeir effort to render themselves coustiio nous. CLARENCE LABRASGHE'S DEATH Young Man Passed Away After Pro tracted Illness and Operation. gan with an attack of la gripp, and wbicb advanced into a complication of disorders, Clarence LaBrascbe. a popular and well liked young man who grew to manhood iu this vicinity, died yesterday morning at 9:15 o'olook in a Walla Walla hosDilal Disorder of serious nature arose soon after Clarence was taken siok, and be was taken to a hospital at Walla Walla, where an operation was found necessary. After the snrcinul nnom. - ej i tion, whioh was thought to beauGoess- f ul. tbe patient rallied and gave hope to the family that ne would recover. Not long after a relapse was noticed and from day to day be gradually failed until the end. Lonis Clarenoe LaBrasohn wan hnrn at tbe LaBrascbe home near this city, Maroh 5. 1886. He was a fihidnnt iu tbe Atbena school for a number of years and was a musioian of more than ordinary talent. With bis brother Henry, he organized the La Rrminhn orohestrH.'an organization which has high rating not only in Eastern Ore gontont iu Washington as well. Ho was a young man who TinsRiiHSHfl onn. siderable skill in athletio lines and was popular with a large circle of friends and acquaintance. He leaves a young wife and one child, a son. He was the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. LoniLaBrasohe. the brothnr nf Mrs. Henry Wricbt and Mr. Ilnnrv LaBasohe, all of whom with his wife were at his bedside when death came. Tbe fnneral took nlaoe at 2:!iotndav from the M. E. cburoh in this city. and was conducted by Rev. Geo. T. Ellis of tbe Baotist chnrnh. Inter. ment was in the Atbena cemetery. Stolen Horses Found. While Jack Weir was in Atbena some three weeks ago, two horses weie stolen from bis ranch iu Adams coun ty. Five otber borses were takeu from an adjoining field at tbe same time. The horses were recovered Monday of this week at an out-of-the-way ranob on the Spokane river and two of tbe thieves, Chris Willis and Leeter Van oleve, taken. Nade Hardesty another made his escape, and is supposed to te in Canada. Good Word for Barrett. Weston Leader: C. A. Barrett's oandidacy for re-election to the leg islature will afford an opportunity for friends of the Eastern Oregon State Normal School to show tbeir appreci ation. At tbe last session Mr. Barrett was among tbe school's strongest sup porters, true as steel, and active in its interests. Justification of bis coarse is foVod in tbe faot that tbe school has simte grown to be tbe leading normal in Oregon. Had Use For Coffin. Tbe wife of Jim Pond, tbe well known Umatilla Indian and interper ter, died on tbe reservation Sunday after having been sick for many weeks. Tbe funeral was held on tbe reserva tion Tuesday. Several weeks ago Jim learned tbat bis wife conld not live and be purchased a coffin at Pendlntnn in order to be io readiness for tbe sor rowful event. But when the wife lingered tbe outfit was taken back by tbe undertakers. It was pnrobaed again by tbe bereaved husband. IS BEALE DEAD Died Sunday Morning at Walla Walla, After Undergoing Operation for Removal of Tumor. Mrs. Frank J. Beale died in Walla Walla Sunday morning after teing L 3 . . . ujKiruieu upon xor me removal of a tumor, ' by surgeons at a hospital in tbat city. The news of this estimable lady's n ntn oast a gloom over this city where she was so well known and where she and her family have numerous inti mate friends. The remains arrived in Atbena nn the morning passenger train Monday, and were taken to tbe M. E. church where funeral servioes were conducted at 2 p. m. Rev. Harper, pastor of tbe Presbyterian cburoh at Milton, nrnnnh. ed the funeral sermon, after whinh in. tennent took place in Athena cemetery. A large concourse of people assembled at tbe cburoh and at the grave and tbe norai offerings were among tbe most beautiful ever seen in this city. During her long residence in thin oity, prior to tbe removal of her family some years ago to a farm north of town, Mrs. Beale had endeared herself to a large cirolo of friends and nn. quaintanoes by her amiatle disposition ana womaniy, social qualities. Etta Stanoell was hnrn in oinV. February 27th, 1862. She came across the plains with hor fathnr. William R. Stanoell in 1873. loontinir iu California. In 1876 the familv m. moved to this county, taking np resi dence at PendletOU. On Snntnmhnr 18, 1884, she became the hridn of Frank J. Beale. She was the mother of three ohldnay, one of whom, Lester, preoeded her to tbe grave, and two a son and a daughter, with tiie father. survive her. Three sisters and one brother are also left. Mrs. Beale wan a lovable wife, mother and friend and was held in high esteem by all. . BRUSHUP. AGRIPPINA, RACERS Thoroughbred Filly, Winner of Mer chant's Handicap at Walla Walla. Atbena lovers of horse-flesh will have the opportunity of seeing tbe fa mous thoroughbred tillv Rrnnhnn. winner of the Walla Walla Mnmhnnt's Handicap and otber noted raoes in the .T 11 J iNorcnwest oirouit. The beautiful mare, with her atahle mate Agrippina, will be at tbe Mo- Biide stable Sunday. She is perhaps tbe fleetest in Fay Le Grow's string of race horses, and nearing her prime her speed form is developing to the ex tent that great efforts are exneoted of her from now on in her racing oareer. She is a consistent performer. On her Home track at Walla Walla, she slnrt- ed in three raoes last season besting tbe field in eaoh event. In tbe Merchant's Handicap, one of the principal events of the Walla Walla meeting, she was oalled upon to fight it out with a $10,000 Eastern racer, whioh the tants and knowing ones tipped off as tbe sure thing. Tbe Le Grow mare sent the big crowd screaming wild by easily winning the purse. AgriDDina is a rjrnminin? thrafl-vanr- old, has good staying qualities and has shown splendid bursts of speed. , The Horses have been in winter quarters at Boise City, and will be takon to Walla walla tor training. Preached in Pendleton. Last Snudav V. E. Hoven. minister at tbe Christian ohnrob. was called to preach at Peudleton, both morning and evening and there was no nreaab- lug at tbe cburob here. Tbe oburob at tbat place is without a pastor at pres ent, and in view of the large number of new members recently added to the church it was thought advisable to have regular servioes. Tbe pastor at Milton will suotjIv their nnlnit noxt Sunday, and on that day there will be regniar servioes here. Another Rich Strike. Another remarkable ore strike has been made at Rawbide. I,t is said to be tbe liobest ever made in Nevada. tbe ore assaying as high as $79,000 to tne ton. J. no strike was made on tbe Happy Hooligan claim, which bus been purchased by E. W. King, a Bozeman, Montana, banker. ivcaujr ur spring vr urn. Big mnle teams are being strung T) 1.. r c ii r - . i out, hitched to gang plows, and farm ers generally, in this vicinity are pre pared for spring work. Birds are on tbe wing and otber indications of spring is prononnoedy f After McRea Combine. Harry Rosensweig was in town Mon day from his Franklin oounty ranch. He came down to interview owners of MoRea combines, and contemnlatei purchasing one of these machines. Will Farm Near Pendleton. N. II. Pinkerton baa rented a larcj wheat ranch in Umatilla, consisting of abont a section of land, and expects to leave for tbat place within tbe next two or three weeks to take possession, says tbe Madras Pioneer. Tbe ranch is situated within seven miles of Pen dleton, and is said to be one of the best ranches in that very prosperous wheat district Mr. Pinkerton expects to sell off his farming implements hereand rent his farm cn Agency Plains, where be has about a seotion of land. He says that he expects to hold on to his land in this locality, and that within a few years, when this section has railroad transportation, he expects to roturn and make bis home here. Mr. mxerton nas been one of tbe most progressive farmersof this district, and he and Mrs. Pinkerton have many friends here who will regret to see tbem leave the community. Whitman an Easy Victor. Whitman College was an easy vic tor in the triangular debate last week between Whitman, Paoiflo and Will amette University. Three debates were held the same night, one at nanh institution. In Walla Walla Whitman won a unanimous decision over Will amette. Whitman's flnnnlrnra holnu Frank Fletcher. L. M. Li Calvin Crumbaker. In Forest Grove Whitman won 2 to 1 over Paoiflo, being represented bv R. W. Ri Walter a Eells and Harry Davenport. In Salem Paoiflo beat Willamette. Thus Willamette lost two dahatnii. P. ciflo broke even and Whitman won two. Ihe question in all the debates was Japanese exclusion. Woodmen at Pendleton. A goodly number of Atbena Wood men of tbe World went down tn Pm. dleton Monday and attended the Wood man convention at Pendleton, Monday evening. Delegates and candidates were present from six outside camps besides a delegation from Lu Grunrin. Sixty-five new members were initiated. After the initiating work, frnt.ornnl speeches followed and a grand banquet supper appeased tbe appetites of the hungry choppers. HAS A LARGE RESERVE F Athena Bank's Percentage of Reserve to Deposits, is 56 per cent. Au interesting feature iu tbe state ment of tbe First National Bank of this city made to the comptroller of ourreucy at the close of business on February 14, and published in to day's Press, is that tbe per oentage of tbe bank's reserve fund to deposits, equal 56 per cent. From this it will be seen that tbe First National of Atbena is in the load of otber bankiug houses in the matter of reserve. This faot is to be taken as tbe basis of solidity when it is considered tbat the logal amount required as reserve io proportion to deposits is but 15 per cent. During the financial flurry, the Athena bank was in a position to liquidate any and all obligations had it beeu required to do so. It is one of the safest financial institutions in Eastern Oregon and its business con tinues to increase. GIRL POISONED WITH CANDY Mabel "Forrest Critically 111 in Hos pital at Pendleton. Mabel Forrest, the nine year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph For rest, is critically ill at the hospital iu Pendleton, where she was taken sev eral days ago. About a week ago, tbe little girl ate some candy wbicb was purobasod ip Walla Walla by her father. Soon after she becamo very sick, svmntoms of poison in a pronounced form re sulting. Her condition has not improved and tbe members of the family are now in Peudleton with ber. Edgar Forrest, her brother drove to Pendleton last evening in response to a telephone message from bis father. Get Eight Years. Frank Kennedy and William Grab bin were brought before Cirouit Jadce Bean at Pendleton and pleaded gnilty to tour indlotmeuts against tbem for burglary, having robbed four Pendle ton homes. Each was given eight years in tbe penitentiary four vears on tbe first obargo, and two eaoh upon the second and third. When the men were caught by Sheriff Taylor at Port land tney riad muoh ot tbe stolen prop erty with them. Both are young men. Bankrupt Merchant. A meeting of tbe creditors of Lee Teutscb. tbe bankrunt Pendleton mer chant will be held Maroh 7 for tbe purpose of selecting a trustee to close up tbe bankrupt stock. T. C. Taylor has filed with Judge Fitzgerald his bond as reoeiver for 17.000. The store is open as usual nntil tbe meet- ing on March 7, after which the stock will probably Le offered for sale as a whole. After School Land. George Dnnlap returned from Ritz ville, Wash., Monday. Mr. Dunlap desires to secure a section of Adams county school land, and has deposited tbe necessary amount of cash to en title him to bid when tbe land is put up for sale.