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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1907)
Press Paragraphs Mrs Alioe Banister spent Wednea dayin Weston. C. M. Brothertoo was a Pendleton visitor yesterday. Mrs. Robert Maya of Elgin is visiting at tbe Barrett home. Mis. J. W. Smith was in town Wednesday from Helix. '" The celebration fund at Penaleton has grown to 11,672.50. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Preston came up from Pendleton yesterday. J. E. MoDaniel was down from his mountain ranch yesterday. Mrs. Rebeoca Colley, of Weston, was in the city Wednesday evening. ' MissLuella Robie of Pendleton is visiting at the Peterson home this ween. Hon. lassie Stuart of Milton was in the city yesterday viBiting his many friends. v Sanders and daughter walla Walla yes- in Irv McQnary in the publication of the Athena Press, have purchased a drygoods store at Mabton. Wash. "Grandma" Van Winkle, a vener able and highly respected lady of Weston, who has been seriously ill, is reported to be greatly improved. E. H. Stone is down from Thornton, Wash. Mr. Stone is selling a patent oil bnrner for cooking stoves and ranges. It is a meritorious appliance. XlL H. Hill is down from Toppenisb, AVash., which place be estimates has an alluring future, if present enter prise and progress is taken as a criter ion. P. S. Le Grow returned Wednesday from a trip to his big cattle ranoh in the Crab Creek country, Wash. Bange is good up there and cattle are in prime condition. Mr. Charles Conner and -Alias Jessie Baymond were married at Pendleton Fulton and Congressman Ellis. In the evening a banquet at whiob 200 plates were laid at a cost of one dollar per plate, was given in the large and itoriam of Columbia College. Editor Swenson of theE agle was toastmaster and fifteen or twenty responded with short addresses. The infant twin daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Banister died yester day afternoon of spinal meningitis, aged 8 months. Tbe little one had been sick for several days and yester day Dr. Smith of Pendleton, was called in consultation with Dr. Sharp. Mr. George C. Wbitehorn and Miss Bertha F. Stacbling were married in Adams yesterday afternoon. The groom is in business in Pasco, and was formerly in the employ of the Athena Mercantile Co. at Helix. The bride is a well known teacher of tbe iMuntv. NChas. Gay and wife conducted Wednesday. ' The bride is a daughter Iftand at the Milton picnic, and the Mrs. D. IL Hazel visited terday. A couple of teddy bears, the first to arrive in town, may be seen at Ma tt asse's. Sunday excursion again ; Pendleton to Walla Walla ; occasion, base ball game. Mrs. Ed Zimmerman is reported in very ill health, at her home near Col fax, Wash. Miss Effle Adoock and Mrs. Baker attended the strawberry festival at Milton Tuesday. The Athena "Colts" will play the 1 Peacock team on tbe Freewater grounds Sunday. Will M. Peterson attended the Strawberry Day celebration at Mil ton Tuesday. ' Mrs. Wm. Tompkins has been con flued to her home with illness during tbe past week. i Come and take a look at the boys' canvas shoes for 75o at Mauasse's Up-to-Date Store. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Bissinger of Pendleton spent Sunday at tho Lallue home in this city. Jut received wide and narrow four-in-hands and shield teoks at Ma uasse's Up-to-Date Store. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Stone visited f tieuds in Milton and Walla Walla in tbe early part of the week. - Charles Brown has sold a piece of pasture land east of Weston to Moses Taylor. Consideration 1 1,800. Mrs. John Harris and Mrs. David Lavender, of Weston, were shopping in Athena Wednesday evening, . W. H. Thompson of Peudletou, passed through town yesterday in his bin Pone-Toledo oar, Walla Walla bound. Mrs. Clareuoe Whitemnu, who has been visiting relatives in Westou, has returned to her home in Council, Wash. , Almost new Kingsbury piano for sale. Will go cheap if taken at onoe. Call at resideuce of Dr. G. W. Van Haltoru. tf Frank Curl, tho well known oouuty Tiopublioan of Mr. Fred Raymond, tbe well known Vansycle farmer. - Mrs. F. S. Le Grow arrived ,bome yesterday, having come by train, while ber hnsband drove over from Walla Walla. She has visited ber mother for tbe past two weeks. The Baptist Missionary sooiety met at the home of Mrs. C. A. Barrett yesterday afternoon. Refreshments were served and a pleasant time was had by all attending. . JA. R. Price came down from his kfiome at Pullman, Wash., Wednesday, and with Mrs. Price is visiting at the Dudley home. Mr. and Mrs. Price will visit the Pioneer's pionio today and tomorrow. Tbe board of trustees of tbe M. E. ohurcb will meet at the church to morrow afternoon at 2:80, for the pur pose of making their annual report to be preseuted at the fourtn quarterly conference. A Milton man received $200 for bis first picking of strawterries from two aores of land, and he estimated that his total crop of berries from the two acres on whiob there are also peach trees will amount to $1100. Cards have been leoeived auuonno- ing the marriage of Miss Gertrude Preston to Mr. Charles Rutherford, at Santa Ana, California, on Wednesday, May 20. The bride has many friends in Athena who extend congratulations. The auxiliary of the C. W. B. M.' met with Mrs. V. E. Hoven. Wednes day afternoon, and a most instructive session was held. The next meeting will be befd at the home of Mrs. A. A. Foss, on tbe seooud Wednesday iu July. Lffohu Stone, employed at Sherman's jfioat market, while looking after his duties at the slaughter house Tuesday stepped on a nail which deeply pene trated tbe left foot While the foot is very sore, no serious results are an ticipated. W. P. MoWilliams was in the city the guest of B. B. Richards. Mr. Mc Williams was in the grain business at Helix last season, and spent the past winter in San Francisco. He will buy grain this year for Ken -Gilford, at Pendleton. k y"Dud" Flynn, ono of the Lest riders Xvhoever "busted" a broncho, and who rode aud won tbe relay race for Jinks Taylor at tbe Walla Walla fair last fall, oauie up from Bitter, Grant oouuty. Tuesday, aud is speudiug a few days with irieuds. politician la recovering ,pha ni,flHrunnn nf "strawberry from typhoid fever at his home in , Day wag oelebiated at MiUou Tue8- i eumeiou. dayi wjtu a pjoui0 ju the afternoon sj William Price of Westou uud aud a banquet at night. The people Ajeorce Martin, formerly a pnttuer of t assembled were addressed by Senator Our nmmer Goods' Catalog If you did uot get ono of our new "Summer Goods" catalogs, Tftndly write us and we will send you ono. It will be a great help to you iu making your summor purchases as it is well illustrated aud priced. Send for one whether you are iutending to buy anything or not. Use Our Rest Rooms THE DAVIS-KASER CO. Everything to Furnish the Home. 12-14-10-18 20 22 Aider Street, WALLA WALLA, -:- WASH Make Your appointments Here C. II. SnERMAN. Proprietor Nothing too good for our patrons. We cut the best meat money can buy. Fish and oysters in season. Giv us a trial. services of Mr. Gay have been retained by Sim Cully who will have a stand at the Weston pionio today and to morrow. Wednesday and yesterday Charlie filled orders lor 200 pounds ol candy. . . Next Sunday June 9, tbe fourth quarterly servioes of the First M. E. cburoh, will be held at 11 a. m. The services will be conduoted by Presid ing Elder Gabriel Sykes, assisted by Pastor Curry. The sermon will be delivered by the presiding elder, and a cordial invitation is extended to all to attend the meeting. Tbe federal grand jury at Portland. among other turniture arms caving membership in the Oregon Furniture Dealers association, indicted Baker & Folsom, Sharon & Edings Lewis Hunt er, V. Stroble and George O'Daniel, Pendleton furniture dealers. It is al leged this association is maintained for tbe purpose of restricting competition in the furniture business. Rev. Harry Benton, of Pomeroy. Wash., will exohange pulpits next Sutfday with V. E. Hoven, of the Christian church in this city. The Bible schools of these two churches are contesting for points in member ship, attendance etc. , and the exohange of pastors for the day will be received with interest. Mr. Benton is a son in-law of J. B Daisley. who resided in Athena about 15 years ago. Mr. A. H. Whitehead and wife ar rived in the city yesterday. Mr, Whitehead is the new agent for tbe W. & C. R., taking Mr. Kershaw's Tilacfl. Tbe transfer was made Vcster day and Mr. Kershaw is now oiling his new position with the Preston-Par- ton Milling company. Mr. White- bead is an ex-newspaper man, and was recently connected with tbe Irri- gou Irrigator. .-, - . - ., The Athena Belgian Horse company has been formed with W. R. Taylor, president and H. A. Barrett secretary and treasurer. The company has purchased the imported Belgian stal lion, General Dewet. His register number is 83324. He is by Piston (20468), he by Major . d'Herfflingen 8468 dam Bette de Berimes 22459; dam, Mina 5579 by Leon 486 dam Ma rie 235. The company , paid $4,000 for General Dewet. ' Deadly Serpent Bites are as common in India as are stomach and liver disorders with us. For the latter however there is a sure remedy : Eleotrio Bitters; the great restorative medicine, of which S. A. Brown, of Bennetts ville, S. C, says: "They re stored my wife to perfect heath after years of suffering with dyspepsia and a chronically torpid liver." Eleotrio Bitters cure chills and fever, malaria, biliousness, lame back, kidney troubles aud bladder disorders. Sold on guar antee by Wm. MoBride druggist. Price 50o. T. M. TAG APT (SUCCESSORS TO ELY ca. SCOTT) Store The store that does the credit biz, If it does not go to smash, Must greatly over charge the folks Who deal there, but pav cash. r It carries on its books dead beats In debt up to the chin; And to protect itself, must soak The people who cash in. We pay cash, and we want cash; And therefore we sell low. Here you deal, if you would make Your money farthest go. T. M. TAOOART & COMPANY, South Side Main Street On Savings We Pay On the Quarterly Balance or On the cTMonthly Balance First ational '1 Bank of Athena CAPITAL STOCK... $50,000 SURPLUS,.. 20,000 J. D. PLAMONDON PHYSICIAN AND 4 SURGEON, Office in Barrett Building, -"- Athena, Oregon BLACKSMITH AND I REPAIRING SHOP A. H. LUNA, Proprietor. Shop WeBt ot King's Barn, Athena TROY LAUNDRY For GOOD WORK HENRY KEENE, Agent, Athena. - - Oregon 4M I MODERN BANKING FACILITIES OFFICERS H. C. ADAMS, President, T. J. KIKE, Vice President, F. S. Le GROW, Cashier, I. M. KEMP, Ass't. Cashier. DIRECTORS H. C. ADAMS, T. J. KIRK, F. S. Le GROW, D. H. PRESTON, P. E. COLBERN. JOB PRINTING Neat Workmen Faat, Modern Presses High Grade Stock B.O.KIDDER HOUSE CARRIAGE AND SIGN PAINTING .3(2220. ;.....,,. ....... Skillful Workmen and first-class Material mean satis faction in Paiting and Decorating. I have both SHOP ON 3RD STREET. - - - ATHENA, OREGON EA' REMNANT Death From Lockjaw never follows an injury dressea witn Buoklen's Arnica Save. Its antiseptic and healing properties prevent blood poisoning. Cnas. Oswald, merchant, of Reusselaersville, N. Y., writes: "It cured Seth JBuroh, of this plaoe, of the ugliest sore on his neck I ever saw.' Cures Cuts, Wounds, Burns and Sores. 25o at Palaoe drug store. Gently moves the bowels and at tbe same time stops the cough. Bee's Lax ative Coogh Syrup. Contains Honey and Tar. N o opiates. Best for Coughs colds, croup and whooping cough. Sat isfaction guaranteed. Children like it. Mothers iudorse it. Pioneer Drug Store. American Beauty" BestFkrur, $1.20 per Sack. All Grocers Sell it; Everybody Uses it. We have hundreds of yards of short lengths of Mill ends and Manufacturer's Remnants of , which we do not intend to keep until the cold weather comes, and on Saturday morning, June l,at9 o'clock,, we will commence the most phenomonal Sale of the season A Few Remnant Prices All the World is a stage, and Ballard's Snow Lini ment plays a most prominent part. It has no superior for Rheumatism, stiff joL'ats, cuts, sprains, and all pains. Uuy it, try it and you will always rise it- Anybody who has used Ballard's Snow Liniment is a living proof of what it doee. Buy a trial bottle. 25a, COo and $1.00. Sold ty W. MoBride. DR. Q. W. VAN HALTEREN, QHt?opathic Pltywician Office an Besidenue at second door east Mr. Uiteman's residence. Officia.1 hours 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. ex cept Monday, Wedoaiay and Friday. Graduate American School of Oste opathy, S.irksrtille, Mkn. Remnants of 8 l-3c Lawns at 4 l-4c Remnants of 12 l-2c Lawns at 6 l-4c Remnants of 15c Lawns at 7 l-2c Remnants of 15c Batistes at 7 l-2c Remnants of 20c Batistes at 10c Remnants of 25c Embr'd Swiss at 12 1-2 And many other Odd Lengths of Summer Goods at equally low prices. .This is no old stock, but short lengths of new, seasonable goods, at money-saving prices, and just at the time of the year when you need them. & , Mosgrove Mercantile Company B. & II. Green Trading Stamps given with every 10c Cash Purchase I I I