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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1907)
When Thirsty Try our Ice Cream and Soda and you'll Keep Cool WATCHES AND JEWELRY F H. COOUDGE, Athena PIONEER DRUG STORE North Side of Main Street BYRON N. HAWKS, Prop SPECIAL 17 Jewel Watch, Heavy Dust-proof Case, only $12.00 SEMI-WBBKXT VOLUME XIX. ATHENA, UMATILLA COUNTY. OREGON. TUESDAY, JUNE 11. 1907. NUMBER 46. MANASSE'S UP TO DATE STORE Agent for Butterick Patterns. We have just received a shipment of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Dusters, with pricese to suits. Everybody.......' Don't fail to see the Men's and Boy's Linen Hats that we are closing ont for. I Athena's Up To Date Store Agent for Butterick Patterns. He D) 1 ,inr'"i II. ' ' ' f " ji T - '-' i" U ul C. A. BARRETT & tin . w Good Groceries, Coffee In this trinity should the grocer build his business temple. The difficulty is not great, but it is exceedingly difficult to build well without these 3 things. We have highest grade goods in every line Each Article the Acme of Perfection Our entire stock is selected with the same care and discretion. t REMEMBER-Our prices are always consistent with quality. DELL BROTHERS Buggies and Carriages-Two big Winners We Talk About CO. CATERERS TO THE PUBLIC IN GOOD THING3 TO EAT IH'REX'S COMBINE HARVESTER Three Machines Will Be Operated Here During Harvest. Alex McRea baa donned jumper and overalls and is working like a Trojan down at Pee bier & Chamberlain's im plement warehouse, where be is getting two of his com bine harvesters ready to garner grain during the coming harvest Alex, always genial and indefatig able, found time to show the reporter over the machines and explain their superior working qualities. Several of the MoRae machines were in opera tion last harvest in the wheat growing districts of Washington, and Mr. Mo Rae operated one in the .Walla Walla valley, near Milton. ' . Two machines are already here and the third will be shipped shortly. Da vid Ferris has selected one of these machines and the Banister boys will harvest with the other one. Home Burned at Connell. Another Umatilla connty boy baa lost bis home by fire in Connell, Wash. Recently Clarence Whiteman's borne went up in smoke and now re port comes of the burning cf the resi dence of Everett Wisbard, who left Weston for the Washington town a couple of years ago. Springs Resort Opens June IS. James Cornfield of Pendleton, bas leased the Bingham Springs resort and will give a formal opening on Jnne 15. Dancing, bathing and other features are to be in evidenoe on opening day. Athena, Oregon. ( and Tea Atnena, Oregon. Mm Entries In Colt Show Can Now Be Registered. THE THREE JUDGES SELECTED Young Ladies On Horseback Will Ee In Parade and Perhaps also the Eagles Band. The judges for the Athena anunal colt show, which takes place Satur day June 22, have been seleoted. The officials on that day who will judge the stook and award prizes in the dif ferent classes, will be George Perrin ger of Pendleton, and W. P. Reeser and Mort McDonald, of Walla Walla. The different classes have been for mulated by Charles Norris, who is now ready to register all entries. The classes as formulated for exhibition this year are as follows : Class 1 Roadsters, double in har ness, first and second prizes. Class 2 Roadsters, in harness sin gle, first and seoond prizes. Class 8 Registered light harness Stallions with one or more foals at foot, first and seoond prizes. Class 4 Registered Draft Stallions, with 3 of his foals at foot, first and seoond prizes. Class 5 Grade Stallions with 3 foals at foot, first aud sceond prizes. Class 6 Draft colts. 1907 foals, first and second prizes. Class 7 Light harness colts 1907 foals first and second prizes. Class 8 Light harness two-year-olds, first and second prizes. Class 9 Light harness yearlings, first and second prizes. Class 10 Draft two-year-olds, first and seoond prizes. Class 11 Draft yearlings, first and second prizes. Class 12 Best 6-mule team bitched to wagon and owned by one man, first prize only. . Class 13 Best draft brood mare with yearling and foal at foot, first prize only. W. R. Taylor will have entire charge of the parade, Which will start prompt ly at 1:30 p. m. from McBride & Co. 's livery stable. Mr. Taylor is securing a list of names of young ladies who will ride borsebaok in the parade, and several oi tne business men have sug gested securing the servioes of the Pendleton Eagles' band for the occa sion. Athena Firm in Pendleton. The law firm of Peterson, Petersou & Wilson will open an office in Pen dleton this week. Their Pendleton office will be looated in the Smith Crawford' building. The Aim will hereafter maintain three offices, re taining their offices at Athena aud Milton. Will M. Peterson will move to Pendleton and take charge of the Pendleton office, while Mr. Wilson and S. D. Peterson will have charge of the Athena and, Milton offices, Mr. Peterson remaining at Milton and Mr. Wilson at Athena. Dr. Sharp's Son Dead. Dr. Sharp reoeived a telegram an nouncing the death of his' son Ed mond N. Sharp, at St. Paul. The young man's death occurred Snnday at noon. He was aged 35 years and by profession was a lawyer. The cause of death was not stated in the telegram, but Dr. Sharp believes that hemorrhage was tfye oause, for the reason that bis son, soon after grad uating from bis school, was thus afflicted. Change in 0. R. & N. Trains. A change in the O. R. & N. time card went into effect Sunday. The chauge affects both the passenger and mixed trains. Northbound passenger train No. 8, heretofore arriving at 11:55 now arrives at 12:25 p. m. and Westbound train No. 7, now arrives at 8:40 p. m. Westbound mixed train No. 47, arrives at 12:25 p. m. and northbound arrives here at 6:15 p. m. Keen Won Horse Race. Louis Keen took a plow horse over to Weston Saturday and won the Pio neer trotting stakes. There were five entries in tbo race, but only four fin ished. A frisky mare owned by Frank Beale cut up badly and kicked tbe cait into kingdom come before start ing in tbe raoo. Samples of Grain Wanted. Farmers are requested to gather samples of green grain, well headed, to be used for decoratve purposes at tbe Atbena Agricultural and Stock Fair this fall. Grain may be left with the secretary, B. B. Richards or president Dr. J. D. Plamondon. THE REUNION OF PIONEERS Weston Picnic Was largely Attended and! a Good Time Prevailed. The 12th annual reunion of the Pioneers of Umatilla county, at Wes ton passed into history Saturday night as being the most successful in point of interest and attendance of any re union yet held by tbe association. Friday, tbe first day of the reunion, brought together many of tbe old timers, who congregated in tbe big pa vilion and listened to splendid address es by promineut speakers and thrilling tales of adveuture and hardship from tbe lips of gray haired pioneers. Saturday was the big day. A con servative estimation places the number of people gathered in Weston on that day at 3,000. The usual program was given and in addition to this sports, games and splendid musio was muob in evidenoe. Weston people seemed to "vie with e,aoh other iu extending generous hospitality to visitors. Lawns were thrown open to all who wished to pionio and par take of basket dinners, and in many instances private homes were invaded for sleeping accommodations, the ca pacity of tbe hotels keing inadequate to take care of tbe crowds. Atbena was almost deserted, her citizens in large numbers attending tbe pionio both days. Some of tbe old pioneers of this plaoe w bo attended were: Frank and Benjamin Mansfield, who came to Oregon in 1854 ; William Willaby and T. J. Kirk, who came in 1852; Benjamin Ogle, Jake Nelson, Ezekiel Stone, William King, Alviu Johnson, P. H. Col burn, Henry Adams, David Taylor, W. H. H. Scott, Moses 'lay lor, C. A. Barrett, J. T. Liouallou, William Wallen,, William Fiukerton, Dr. L. Dell,.H. P. Millen, Cass Can non, William McBride, George Gross, and Thomas Watts. All of these came to Oregon from various places iu tbe Mississippi valley from 1800 to 1870, and are among the foremost citizens of this county. The Bell Teams, Having Their Hoofs Trimmed at Buel's Shop. That sound of clanking chains and wreoking timbers that bas emanated from Buel's blacksmith shop, is worthy of explanation. For tbe past two days, James Bell's mule teams have been in the hands of Mr. .mayor of Grandview and professional mule chiropodist, as sisted by Mr. Frank Bowlen and Bnel's horse-shooing machine for tbe purpose of having tbe surplus hoof growth re moved. And it is interesting to wit ness tbe hoof trimming. Tbe mule, in the first plaoe, is coax ed, bribed or forced into tbe shop. He is snaked up to tbe wall and made fast to a ring. A stout rope baiter with four tying straps, is slipped on his bead aud made fast at four different angles. A gate rigging soon encloses him on each side and a breast piece and rear strap is pulled 1 in proper plaoe. Iben Mr. mule makes a lunge or two then stands. A loll of canvass rolls up by windlass beneath biin, and as be feels himself being lifted frcui the floor tbeie i mote luugiug. A rod with a foot clutch is next in troduced and before tbe animal is aware of it, the clutob snaps on tbe ankle of tbe foreleg jnst ahove tbe hoof. Tbe leg is lifted fro'in tbe floor with a crank meohanismand tbe foot is in position for. carving. Another huge lunge as tbe paring process be gins and tbe mule gives up. Twenty-two bead of Mr. Bell's mules have had their hoofs trimmed at tbe Buel shop since Monday. These mules are plaoed in tbe shoeing ma chine twice a year for tbit purpose. PURE watehWfreewater Supply to Cost $35,000 Will Be Obtain ed From Walla Walla River. . At an adjourned meeting of the Freewater oity council in tbe council chamber Saturday evening, the fran chise for installing, operating and maintaining a public water system wbiob was presented by City Engineer Charles L. Swain, and Howard Evans, passed its first reading. Tbe voting by tbe couucilmen for tbe franchise was unanimous, and tbe general public of Freewater are jubi lant at tbe prospocts of .having city water works. Tbe water supply will be obtained from up tbe mountains. 11 miles, and it is estimated that 620 tons or 20 carloads of two, three and four-inob pipe will be required for tbe installing at an approximate cost of $-35,000. Tbe system bas to be under construction within 18 months, and will mean for Freewater another ris ing in real estate values, wbicb have been so greatly augmented since tbe incoming of the Walla Walla Valley Traction company. CROP OF WHEAT ProsDects Were Never Better Jn Athena District. ' PALOUSE AND U1TILU LEAD In Big Bend and Walla Walla Valley Prospects Not Bright-High Prices Assured. "Umatilla county aud the Palouse will harvest the largest crop of grain in the history of wheat raising in these districts, this year." said Alva Leaob, general agent for the Kerr-Gifford company. ' I have just completed a trip wbiob covered completely tbe distriot men tioned and in no year at tbe present stage of tbe growing crop, have I seen tbe prospects equaled. But you have it iu a nutshell in these localities this year. "The crop of tbe Big Bend, in the Ritzville territory and in the Colum bia river oounties in Oregon, this year is several shades below standard iu prospect at this time. Tbe Big Bend bad a oold, baokward spring atid much of the grain sown last fall, had to be reseeded this spring. "I he Walla Walla valley fields look ragged, the stand is very uneven and the crop is not to be compared with tbe splendid showing of last year. In the Columbia River oounties a late spriug and continued dry weather told a tale of shortage weeks ago. . ' "The prioe? Ab, the price is going to be all right. I believe at the very start, tbe prioe will be stiff and until the crop is moved I think tbe tend ency of the market will be upward. Conditions warrant a prophesy of that nature, anyway." , In Atbeua tbe Kerr-Gifford com pany bas not engaged iu business since the Prestori-Parton Milling company started business here. Wbeu tbe Milling company began operations, the Kerr-Gifford people retired from the looal field, transferring their agent, Frank Rogers, to Garfield, Wash. University Commencement. Tbe program of the Thirty-first An nual Commencement of tbe University of Oregon, Jnne 23rd to June 26tb, has just been announced. The Uni versity is extending a cordial invita tion to all its friends to be present at the exercises. The grad noting class numbers fifty-five men and women, from all parts of the sta'e, tbe largest class that has ever been graduated from an Oregon institution. In addi tion to the usual Commonoemeut exer cises, the musioal program of eaou day will be exceptionally attractive. Prp fessoi Irving M. Glen has charge of this, and is sparing no pains in getting tbe best musicians available in tbe state. Tbe orcbehtru and oborus will both be uuder bis direction. The whole week will be a musical festival. Tbo Alumni are makiug Commence ment a homecoming wook. Railroad Wins Damage Suit. An instructed jury in the federal court at Walla Walla, brought in a verdict for the defendunt in the suit brought by Ernest Maber against the Union Paoiflo railway, a suit for $10, 000 for. personal injuries reoeived in an accident. Maber had signed a doc ument for a recompense, releasing tbo company from responsibilities, claim ing this was done while he was not in bis rigbt mind. Because be bad never given this money back Judge' Wbitsou ordered the jury to find for the rail road. Athena Horses at Weston A number of stallions owned iu Atbena were taken over to Weston Saturday and were shown in the horse parade at the Pioneer Picnic. Tbe borse parade in that city was a very creditable one and the Weston horses will be exhibited in this oity Satur day, June 22. When the baby talks, it is time to give Hollister's Rocky Mountain Teu. It's tbe greatest baby medicine known' to loving mothers. It makes them eut, sleep and grow. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Pioneer Drug Store. A tissue buildor, constructor, builds up waste force, and makes strong nerves and musclo. Ypn will realize after taking Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea what a wondorful ben efit it will be to you. 85 cents, Tea or Tablets. Pioneer Drug Store. The safe, oertain, reliable little pills that do not gripe or sicken are Dade's Little Liver Pills. Best for sick bead acbes, billionsness and lazy livers. Pioneer Drug Store. '