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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1907)
Spr in'ff- Impure or effete matters accumulated in the blood during the winter cause in the spring such disfiguring and painful troubles as boils, pimples, and other eruptions, also weakness, loss of appetite, that tired feeling. The best medicine to take is Hood's Sarsaparilla, which thoroughly cleanses the blood, and effects permanent cures by giving healthy functional activity to the stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels and skin. eliocolated tablet form. They have identically th same curative prooerties as thVliouid form. beside, accuracy of dose, convenience, economy, nn lnaa hv vannM; V I. .. 'H l 1- 1 n 11, of druggists or promptly of us by mall. 0. 1. Hood Co., Lowell, Mass. Guaranteed under the Food and Law of American Deeert. "One of the oldest humane laws In this country," said E. J. Sanford, "Is in force In Nevada. , In that secMon of the American desert which lies In Ne vada travelers In distress may flag the limited passenger trains ,and compel the train crews to give them water to 1 drink. The law makes It a felony to refuse to comply with the traveler's request" Mr. Sanford said numerous Instances were known In the earlier days when travelers took advantage of the protec tion this law afforded, but In recent years few persons attempted to cross the desert except by train. Kansas City Times. Nearly one-fifth of the students at 8wiss universities are women. "THE MARRYING SQUIRE." Justice Geo. E. Law, of Brazil, Ind , Has. Married 1,400 Couples. Justice Geo. E. Law, of Brazil, Ind., has fairly earned the title "The Marry ing Squire," by which he is known far and wide, having al ready married eome 1,400 couples. Ten years ago he was dep uty county treasurer. "At that time," said Justice Law, "I was Buffering from an an noying kidney trou ble. My back ached, my rest was broken at night, and the passages of the kidney seoetions weie too frequent and contained sediment. Three boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills cured me in 1897, and for the past nine years I have been free from kidney complaint and backache." Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. A Wonderful Oil Stowe fsk KEW PERFECTIOM Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove Its heat is highly concentrated. Does not overheat the kitchen. OH always at a maintained leveL Three sizes. Fully warranted. It not at your dealer's, write our nearest agency for descriptive drcular. ''JSdfifr Lamp vw round household use THE ferVQTAOTa T .m round household use. Made of brass throughout and beautifully nickeled. Per fectly constructed ; absolutely sale ; unexcelled in light-giving; power; an ornament to any room. Every lamp warranted. If not at your dealer's, write to our nearest agency. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (1ACOKPOIIATKD) AUSTIN WELL DRILLS Made In all styles and all sizes. (Jet water and ofl anywhere. Best Drilling Tools made. Get cata logs and prices. pr.AT.t. & CO. 821 Hawthorne Ave. Portland, Or. The Are always reported when Portland Seed Co.'s "Diamond Brand Seeds are planted. Why? Because we sell you the kinds that grow- best on this Coast Our Annual tells all about our Fertilizers. Incubators. Aak to Bock No. , ot Tims. Shrub. PORTLAND SEED CO. Portland, Oregon IHIiiBini!8 1 Mrs. L. Biekford. Gossville. N. H.. says: kvery apnnsr I was completely Prosiratea. run down, Irora OyjpepBi y nai uw i But I have found Hood's Sarsaparilla helps me from the first dose, completely restores rood health and strength." Drags Act, June 30, 1906 No. 324. "Good-By, Baby!" j The German Empress has been heard to say that the happiest periods of her , life were the few weeks following the birth of each of her children, when she was able to retire from public duty and t enjoy her new treasure. j It happened when the youngest bob of the German royal family was an in fant that one of the ladies of the bouse- I hold, upon going into the nudsery hast ily, discovered the empress kneeling be side her baby's cradle. Her majesty rose hurriedly, and came forward with her eyes full of tears. "No,' she said, smiling unsteadily Into the anxious face of the lady in .waiting, "nothing is the matter. I was only saying good-by, baby. Ton know I have to give him up to-morrow, and it Is the last night" Mar r la ir e a Real Lottery Here. Every year in the Rumal country, in India, a marriage lottery is held, gen erally In October. The names of all the marriageable girls and of the i young men who are tired of bachelot i life are written on slips of paper and thrown Into separate earth pots. One of each kind is drawn at one time by ' a local wise man. The youth whose I name Is drawn out obtains a letter of Introduction tr the young woman whose name accompanies his, and then all that remains for him to do ia to start courtship, with all the ardor of which he is capable. Such fortuitous court ships might not appear at first sight to promise very well for future connubial i happiness ; but nevertheless, in th majority of cases, everything turns out very satisfactory. France produces more than twice as many potatoes as the United States. The average price a bushel is 25 cents. Entirely different from all otners. urn bodies new ideas, new principles. Easily managed. Reduces fuel ex pense. Ready for business at moment of lighting. For your summer cook ing get a 1 la th foot lamp for all- The Portland Tile and Mantel. Co'. Will be glad to give you particulars about its beautiful Ceramic, Mosaic, Enameled and Encaustic Tile, wholesale and retail. Write today. JAMES C. BARKER, Prop. 217 Marquam Bldg. Portland, Oregon FREE The latest details concerning the construc tion of the "Chiraco- New York Air Line Rail road" will be found in the '-Air Line News," which can be bad free of any expense by writ ing the SOUTHWESTERN SECURITIES CO. Portland. Oregon. Finest Gardens handsomely Illustrated and descriptive Seeds. Plants. Roses, Spray rOimps. Brooders, Ppultry and Bee Supplies. 260 w i! j.y etulof Ctcl Book N 2tl b vhl ; SpoRane, Wash. DEVICE FOB USE EESCTJE. lBaTaloaavApparataa InTeated hr ' - Realdent of Baden-Baden. The Department of State has been furnished with a description of In genious device for the removal of per son and property from burning build ings. It was sent hr United States Con sul Brlttaln of KehL It Is said a model or this profitable fire escape invented by mlhelni Lampe of Baden-Baden will soon be brought to this country and may be exhibited In Washington. The apparatus is built on a wagon or trucks. It la provided with a num- Der or extendable platforms which can be set according to the heights of the floors of the building from which the people are to be rescued. It Is also supplied with a double arrangement of ladders and with the necessary number of railed safety bridges which can be let down and put together. These are to assist in the rescue work and in re moving furniture from burning build ings. The entire Are escape with ap pliances may be placed in serjice In a few minutes. It can also be used In making military observations and for scarcniignts. . A framework of lazy-tones is con structed in such a manner thut the ex ternal places of Injunction of every second pair of legs are adjusted to serve as supporters for the platform. These platforms can be put up at the various heights of the floors of a burnlnz building and a gangway is hinged to eacn platform. By the aid of these gangways persons are enabled to pass from the windows of a burning building to the main platform and then descend by the aid of a rope ladder. When in operation the gangways may be let down collectively by a sinele movement so as to stand out horizon tally, with their outer edges or ends laid upon the window ledsres of the different floors of a building. The en tire framework of the portable tower or fire escape may be folded up and placed In a comparatively small space. When the tower has been adjusted ready for use It is kept in position by a system of rods made of tubing and attached to the framework In a manner which makes the tower very substan tial. Washington Star. I HE WAS NOT AT HOME. The etxtreme distaste of the modest Quaker poet, John Greenleaf Whlttler, for foolish hero worship, and the skill which he attained In politely eluding too enthusiastic admirers, have been exemplified In many anecdotes. Even now, however, new ones occasionally come to light One such recently re lated tells how two women, of the type at once sentimentally gushing and over confident of their own importance, vis ited Amesbury to seek the poet In his home. They went astray In their search for his house, and bustled into a small general store to be redirected. The clerk, smiling a little queerly, inform ed them that the Whlttler house was near by but a few steps round the corner. One of the women, a big, florid, over dressed being with languishing eyes, caught the smile, and clasped net hands with a rapt air. "Oh, don't you think he'll see us?" she demanded. "He simply must 1 We've heard he doesn't like to, but he must; we won't go away till he does. We've thought up ever so many thingi we want to ask him." The clerk, still smiling, glanced cas ually toward a quiet man in a shadowy corner, sitting on a barrel, surrounded by a group of other leisurely custom ers. They had all been talking politics together, village-fashion, . when the strangers came in. ' "Think he will?" said the clerk. "Well,", replied the man on the bar rel, hesitatingly, "thee knows Greenleaf does not find it easy to refuse a lady. I think perhaps he will If he is at home." The women bustled away again, ex cited and expectant, , and a chuckle went round among the laughing men. The man on the barrel, with a trace of apology in his tones, rose from his perch to go. "They will not waste five minutes," he murmured, "It is such a little way. Besides, thee knows very well that ex ercise Is a good thing for stout ladles." "That's so, Mr. Whlttler," assented the clerk. Youth's Companion. A Blow to Sentiment. "I cannot sing the old songs any more," said the man who had been chided for his silence. The sympathetic hostess turned to him with her gentle smile. "They are too full of memories and associations, I suppose," she said, soft ly. "No," said the man, decidedly. "They are not full enough, that's the trouble. I can't remember the words, madam." Hovel Claim of a Priest. Father Bernard Vaughan In opening a bazaar at Liverpool the other day in aid of a charitable society ridiculed the assertion that all poverty was caused by drink. He said: "It Is all fudge and nonsense and blithering idiocy. The real reason that drink upseta the poor is because they have no food to take with it" The only thng we can recommend to women for the management of a hus band. Is to feed him well and trust to luck. A girl can please her father by prom ising not to marry until she is thirty; but her mother won't like it Pc-ru-na Relieves j Spring Catarrh v - . , MISS DORA HAYDEN "Without hesitation I write to thank you for the great relief I have found in your valuable medicine, Peruna, and will call the attention of all my friends suffering with catarih to that fact. Be sides I cheerfully recommend it to all suffering with catarrh in any form." Miss Dora Ilayden, 819 6ih St., S. W., Washington, D. C. A Case of Spring Catarrh. Mrs. N. P. Lawler, 423 N. Broad way, Pittsburg, Kas., writes: "Last spring I caught a severe cold, which de veloped into a serious case of catarrh. I felt weak and sick, and could neither eat nor sleep well. "A member of our club who had been cured of catarrh through the use of Pe-1 runa advised mo to try it, and I did eo at once. I expected help, but nothing ; like the wonderful change for the better ' I observed almost as soon as I staited i taking it. In three days I felt much better, and within two weeks I was in ' fine health. Peruna is a wonderful medicine. j erortnne In st Boy's Dirty Feet. ' I Because John Hermann, a small boy in Lincoln, Neb., forgot his mother's command to be sure and wash his feet before going to bed, several Lincoln men seem to owe him the chance to make a fortune. An antiphlogistine factory Is to be started In consequence, the antiseptic application to be manu factured from clay banks in the south ern part of the city. The boy, who had gone barefooted for the first time this year, awoke the next morning to find that his clay-covered feet were blis tered. Dr. Winuett, after examining the clay with which the youngster's feet was coated, declared that all that It needed to obtain a very good quality of antiphlogistine, or Denver mud, was the addition of glycerin and an anti septic. The doctors and the owners of the land through which the clay banks run at once made plans for a factory. Chicago Eecord-IIerald. For Breaking Up the Soil. Station Agent This car is marked "Farm Implements," but the contents look suspiciously like packages of dynamite. Freight Conductor That's what thev are, but the label is all right The farm where the stuff is going is in West Vir ginia. A man who used glue to thicken the gravy in the meat pies he sold at Oldham, England, is now serving a three months' sentence in the jail there. sftttsMdfeflsal ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT. ; AUgefablePreparationforAs slrailating tteFoofJantfRcgula ting die Stoniachs aniBowelsof A Promotes Diestionflifcrful ncss and Restontoins ncithtr f Ifl III'1 OpiunuMorpliinE norWiaeraL ZiOT NARCOTIC. sssass ssassHBHd bMssh tcyxofOMDi2S2Zimim Km ill1 fimpkia Sttim jtlxJmim JhdHlleUtt- ytiiatSt.-d Jhptnmnt- . IliCarknakUk MrmStrd" 1 f ' w r'i Fj v toff i ItortM SUfr SSft-, Anerfect Remedy for CcnsflM f. r-fl ' Hon , Sour Stumaxh.DlarriKiea WorrasfonvuisKras.FevErisn ness andLoss OF Sleep- FacS'umle Sinrtaf NFW YORK. 1 A. M , e,i Exact Copy of Wrapper. fill ill SB Msr; Ml 1 1 mi ill u jjjifagrw a I.' i . Row Did Ha Hid Ttt "I see by the papers that Mr. SHcknn, who was riding in the smoking car, was injured when his train ran into another one a few mornings ago. I feel sorry for his young wife." "So do I. She hadn't the least suspi cion that he was a smoker." TITO pt- Vitas nance and all Nervous Disrates fllO permanantly cored by Dr. Kline's Orrat fcerve. Rcsiorer. Send for FH EE 2trlal bottle and treatise. Dr. B. H. Kline, Ld., Ml Arch Su, VhUa,,la Reaction. With a heavy sigh the candidate threw himself on the lounge in the family sit ting room. "Maria," he said, "the election is going against me. I am sure to be defeated." "Then," spoke his wife, in a cold, metal lic voice, "I don't get the fine new bonnet you were going to buy for me when you were elected." "By George!" he exclaimed, brighten ing up. "I hadn't thought of that 1" Mothers will find Mrs. Wlnslow! 8oothtng Byrup the tnat remedy to use lor their coUdreu luring ice teething period. Caste. "You haven't been here half a minute," protested the microbe on the dollar bill. "What's your hurry?" "If I should happen to meet you again," said the visiting microbe, looking with a glance of disdain at the surround ings, "I'll thank you not to speak to me." "Why?" "Because you're on a rank counterfeit and haven't sense enough to know it Good-by." Chicago Tribune. Shake Into Your Shoes Allen's Foot-Ease. A powder. It makes tight or new shoes feel easy. It is a certain cure for sweating, callous and hot, tired, aching feet. Sold by all Prupcists. price 25o. Trial pack age mailed FRLh.'. Address Allen 8. Olmsted, uanoy, fiew lorn. Composite. Customer (sniffing) What causes this strong, peculiar odor? Salesgirl There ain't any one partic' ler smell, mister. Them's the cheeses, next counter down. Chicago Tribune. 2i2S5 PRUSSIAN rZif HEAVE POWDERS Jjk ra pruaranteed core for Hcuvee. Coughs. yjTvJav Distemper. Indltreotion Wind Troubles i SSv m-i Dealers 50 cants. Mali 60 cents. : K Sr...1! Pstowiaw RgMrnTCo.. St. Pacl. Mnnt. ENGRAVING Write Us PLATES FOR PRINTING HICKS-CHATTEN Portland Oregon TAINLESS D.' ENTISTRY SccUs&fcrt sfcasn Yoci Go Elwwhert EXAMINATIONS FREE Oold Crown, $3; Bridge Work, per tooth, S3; l'iRti'S.t5: Silver Filling, 60c j Oold Fillings, (1. YALE DENTISTS 187X First Street fOii.TLA.Ni, OREGON WANTED A good salesman, (one with horse and buggy Dreferred) for food le gitimate selling article in big demand. Will pay from $150 to f260 per month. Permanent. Address SPECIALTY SELLING COMPANY 321 Hawthorne Ave., Portland, Oregon There is no satisfaction keener than bemo; dry and comfortable when out in the hardest storm. YOU ARE 5URE OF THIS IP YOU WEA1 N0!LED CLOTK tIACK OR YELLOW 407 ON J All EVERYWHERE A3. TOWU ..d05T0)I. MAS. OS. TOWER CANADIAN CO, ban tetJOtONTO. CAM. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought . Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years TMf OSHTSwa COMPANY, mtW OK OITfi ilil ft'VV ed ujdFo U Wnilwa Banking by Mail WE PAY INTEREST On savings deposits ot a dollar or more, compounded twice every year. It ia just as easy to open a Savings Account with us by Mail as if you lived next door. Send for our free book let, "Banking by Mail," and learn full particulars. Address Oregon Trust & Savings Bank Portland, Oregon Sixth and Washington Sts. HOWAUD E. BURTON. Assayer arl Chemist, Leadvllle, Colorado Specimen pricest OoltL Silver, L-ad,l : Oold, 8llver,7o-; Uoldssoo; Zlnoor I'opper, (U Cyanide Hls. Wailing envelopes n4 tm price list sent ou applioatlon. Control and Urn jilre work nollcl ted. liat'ersncst CarboQalS Na lioual llauk. 20 mn TEAM BORAX Will produce Whiter Cleaner Clothes In Your Laundry Than any other article with less labor All dealers. 5-10-Mcpkfrs. Sample Borax, with souvenir platurn and booklet lor 60. fuolAs Coawt Bora s. Co., Oaklund, Cal. OR. C. GEE WO Wonderful Home Treatment This wonderful Chi nea Doctor hi called treat becauNO ha ouri'S people without ooera tlon that art, Riven up to dlo. He cures wl h those wonderful Chi nese herbM, ro.-tfl, buds, harks and ve-elubls that are sntiruly un known to medical Si l ence In this country through tlio use ol llioss harmless remedies. This liituous doctor knows uie action or overnuudinereiic remedies, Wflloa he uns succesnlully In different dlseasss. ils gunrnn'ees to cure catarrh, aithma.luns, throat rln u mat Ism, nervous icim, stomach, liver, kid neys, etc. 1 hits hundreds of testimonials. Charges moderate. Cull and see him. Parlenta out or the city writs for blanks and circulars, bend stamp. CONHULTATION ill lilt Address The C. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co. 1 62H first St., S. C. Cor. Morrison Mention paper Portland, Oregon A Piano Without a Player IS LIKE A Buggy Without a Horse THE REMEDY: 1 A. B. CHASE PLAYER-PIANO s Does not enlarge the Instrument or change jtyleofcase; mechanism all below keyboard; operates piano action abstract direct, and precisely as regular piano keys do, securing the same expression as the artist can by hand; ran be entirely removed from the piano in Ave minutes's time, and that without the use of a screw driver. Write for Free Booklet SHERMAN, CLAY & CO. SPOKANE, SEATTLE, PORTLAND, Wish. Wash. Ortgoi P. N. U. No. 18-07 WHEN writing to advertisers plM) mansion this pap r. I t - ' 111 9