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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1907)
LIEUTENANT BOWMAN. fS't '" ' ' ' s i 4 $ 4 IN FORTY-EIGHT HOURS PE-RU-NACURED M Cold Affected Read end Throat Attack Was Severe Chas. W. Bowman, 1st Lieut, and Adjt. 4th M. 8. M. Cav. Vols., writes from Lanham, Md., as follows: "Though somewhat averse to patent medicines, and still more averse to be- i coming a professional affidavit man, it j seems only a plain duty in the present instance to add my experience to the . columns already written concerning the j curative powers of reruna. "I have been particularly benefitted by its use for colds in the head and throat. I have able to fully cure myself of a most lev ire attack in forty-eight hours by its use according to directions. I use it as a preventive whenever threatened with an attack. "Members of my family also use it for like ailments. We are recommend ing it to our friends." . Chas. W. Bowman. Ask Your Druggist for Free Peruna Alma nac for 1907 An Avenue of Eacape. Rival committees were appealing for f'inds. "Let's see," said the capitalist, mus . ingly. "If I give $5,000 to each com mittee one donation, would nullify the other, and, so far as I can see, leave both relatively where they started." Musing a little more, he decided that $ 10,000 would Just buy the sort of auto mobile he had in mind. Philadelphia Ledger. UTTERLY WORN CUt Vitality Sapped by Years of Suffering With K'dney Trouble. Capt. J. W. Hogun, former postmas ter of Indianola, now living at Austin, Texas, writes: "I was afflicted for yeais with pains across the loins and in the hips and shoulders . I had headache also and neuralgia. My irght eye.from pain, was of little use to me for years. The constant flow of urine kept my system depleted, causing nervous chills and night sweats. After trying seven different climates and using all kinds of medicine I had the good for tune to hear of Doan's Kidney Pills. This remedy has cured me. I am as well today as I was twenty years ago, and my eyesight is perfect." Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. rS4 ' ' -1 TVMPpiiTrS TOTES' AND, SYSTEM DISORDERED Catarrh i3 not merely an inflammation of the tissues of the head and throat, as the symptoms cf ringing noises in the ears, mucous dropping back into the throat, continual hawking and spitting, etc., would seem to indi cate ; it is a blood disease in which the entire circulation and the greater part of the system are involved. Catarrh is due to the presence of an excess cf uric acid in the blood. The Liver, Kidneys and Bowels frequently be come torpid and dull in their action and instead of carrying off the refuse and waste of the body, leave it to sour and form uric acid in the system. This is taken up by the blood and through, its circulation distributed to all parts of the system. These impurities in the blood irritate and inflame the different membranes and tissues of the body, and the contracting of a cold will start the secretions and other disgusting and disagreeable symptoms of Catarrh. As the blood goes to all part3 of the body the ca tarrhal poison affects all parts of the system. The head has a tight, full feeling, nose continually stopped up, pains above the eyes, slight fever comes and goes, the stomach is upset and the entire system disordered and t. , m iJS. affected by this disease. It is a waste of I had Catarrh for about fifteen . . f rfi, --r, years, and no man could havo time to try to cure Catarra with sprays, een worse. I triod everything washes, inhalations, etc. Such treatment l& iheSttan s i.s& does not reach the blood, and can, therefore, could see a little improvement do nothing more than temporarily relieve telahwhwacd' the discomfort of the trouble. To cure This was six yoara ag-o, and I am Catarrh, permanently the blood must be Catarrh isa bloTCe'asond thoroughly purified and l!ie system cleansed know there t in not hinar on earth cf ail poisons, and at the same time Wterfor the blood than S. S. S. . it-L.j 'i yru; oi X4obody thiafcs more of B. S. S. ttrcnguicucu auu y unt u. iuiuug -ua.j.o than I do. S. S. Xiapeer, Mich. PURELY VEGETABLE every symptom disappears, the constitution is built up and vigorous health restored. S. S. S. also tones up the stomach and digestion and acts as a fine tonic to the entire system. If you are suffering with Catarrh begin the use of S. S. S. and write us a statement of your case and our physicians will send you literature about Catarrh, and give you special medical advice Without charge. S. S, S. is for sale at all first class drug stores. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, CM Ier Book Diary. 8tu held up the fat little red leather book for her friend to see. "No not a diary. I kept one once, but I burned It long ago. My father gave me this when I was 15, and show ed me how to keep it "It is my list of books I have read. I call it my book of books. Here Is the first entry: 'Westward Ho,' by Charles Kiugsley double-starred be cause I hare read it three times; a star means rereading. Underlined, too, because when I looked the list over at the end of the year it was one of my favorites. A little circle after the title that's because It was a work of Ac tion that set me hunting fact, In his tory and biography. "Xot all the marks in my code were marks of honor, though. Look .t the cross after number nine; that means Irash. And there, after number eleven the Frederika Bremer novel the black dash; that means simply that I didn't like it Father enjoined me to be honest with my black marks. He said I should find them, an antidote to literary pretentiousness." St Louis Republic. Short King. There Is hardly a king in Christen dom whose wife does not overtop him by a head. The English king Is quite six Inches shorter than Queen Alexandra. ; The czar, a little man, is overtopped a full head by the czarina. Kaiser Wilhelm is of the medium height, but the German empress is tall, and that is why the proud kaiser will never- consent to be photographed be sl.1e his wife unless she sits while he stands. The king of Italy, short and squat, hardly comes up to the shoulders of the tall, athletic Queen Helena. The king of Portugal, though fatter, Is less tall than his queen. Even the Prince of Wales Is shorter a good four Inches than the princess. And the young king of Spain Is sev eral inches shorter than his queen. M tunurtood. He had bought her a pot of real Irish shamrock, grown on the ould sod, for it was St. Patrick's day, and she, too, had In her veins the blood of Erin. "Oh," she cried, "how good of you! How perfect they are! How fresh! Why, I believe there is still a little dew on them." "Yes," he answered, flushing, "I know there Is, but it will all be paid off tomorrow." Peculiar toe Itself In selection, proportion and combination ot Ingredients, In the process by which their remedial values are extracted and preserved, In effectiveness, usefulness and economy, Curing he widest range of diseases. Doing the most good tor the money, ' Having the most medicinal merit, And the greatest record of cures, Hood's Sarsaparilla In usual liquid form or In chocolated tablets known as Sarsatabs. 100 doses $1. Long Way from Nowhere. The most remote mission station in the world is on Herschel Island, in the far northwest corner of the Dominion cf Canada. The nearest postofTice Is 2,000 miles away. Consequently the packets are few and far between, sel dom more than two In a year. The Isl and Is a most uninviting place for a residence. No sun for more than two months In the winter, and not a tree to be seen anywhere. Under the teach ing of the missionaries many of the Esquimaux are becoming more civil ized, and are greatly Improving In their manner and habits, and there is a growing desire for instruction. A count of the unoccupied houses in London shows 40,009. That is one house in fifteen of the whole city. BLOOD DISEASES S. for this purpose. It attacks the disease at its head, goes down to the very bottom of the trouble and makes a complete and lasting cure. S. S. S. removes every particle of the catarrhal poison from the blood, making this vital stream pure, fresh and healthy. Then the iaflamed mem branes begin to heal, the head is loosened and cleared, thehawkinsr and spittingcease, An Ingenious Yankee sea captain has Invented an apparatus with which he thiuks whales can be killed by electric shock. A harpoon Is fixed at the end of a long, metallic cable, properly In sulated, and which serves In place of the usual rope. Through this cable an electric current of 10,000 volts is to be sent by means of a dynamo car ried on the whaleboat. An official of the national museum at Washington gives some facts not gen erally known concerning the relative values of diamond and rubles. Ac- ' cording to the latest figures obtainable, a ruby weighing as much as 5 carats . is worth ten to twelve times as much as a diamond of the same weight even though the latter be of the first water. The ruby, therefore, Instead of the dia mond, is the material that embodies the highest money value In the smallest compass. , Prof. Atkinson, a botanist of Cor nell university, Is the discoverer of an example of the very rare specimen called a "plant atoll." . It consists of a ring of plants floating In a pond, with a circle of clear water within the ring. The plants derive their nourish ment from the decayed vegetable mat ter that collects about their roots, and these are gradually becoming anchored to the bottom, so that in time a true ring island will be formed, resembling the coral atolls of the southern oceans. Sir Patrick Manson, in his recent lectures on tropical diseases, although accepting the theory that the only mode of transmission of marsh, or malarial, fever is through the bite of the Ano pheles mosquito, adds the statement which will probably be new to mosw readers, that the mosquitoes are capa ble of becoming Infected by absorbing the blood not merely of human patients, but also of ' anthropoid apes, and per haps even of various other mammals, which, in an evolutionary sense, are related to man. A new estimate of the comparative amount of light received on the earth from the sua and from the brightest (apparent) fixed star In the heavens, Sirlus, has been made by Mr. Ce"askl of the Astronomical Observatory of Moscow. The sun, according to his es timate, sends us about 17,000,000,000 times as much light as Sirlus does. But this, of course, Is a matter gov erned by relative distance, so that If the earth were half-way between Sirlus and the sun, Sirlus would appear be tween 16 and 17 times as Bright as the sun. Some Interesting statistics have been collected by Vice Consul Arnold at Feodum concerning the great decline in China's tea trade. From 1678, when tea was first Introduced into England, until 1837 China held exclusively the tea trade of the world. Then India began to enter the tea market. The Chinese trade reached high tide in 1S00, with a total export of 300,000,000 pounds. In 1884 China furnished about 72 per cent of the world's total, India and Ceylon 18 per cent, and Japan and Formosa 10 per cent. But in 1904, when the total consumption had Increased to 044,000,000 pounds, China contributed only 30 per cent, India and Ceylon 00 per cent, Japan and Formosa 1J per cent The decline In China Is ascribed to careless methods of cultivation and preparation of the leaf. X CURIOUS HOLIDAY MANIAS. Same Vacation Salt Worn lor Twenty-two Seaon. Many people who are sang enough on most points become eccentric cranks at holiday time, says Tit Bits. In a cer tain Liverpool household the subject of where to go Invariably gives rise to a stormy discussion. For no less a pe riod than forty years the head of the house has regularly each summer pass ed his holidays at Douglas, in the Isla of Man. A very charming place, too, but the younger members of the family kick against going there year after year. They naturally want to see some other pleasure resorts, but their annual grumble only extorts from their Iras cible parent the declaration, "Douglas or nowhere," and,, as he holds the purse strings, Douglas or nowhere It has to be. Curiously enough, the trouble with another Liverpudlian Is that he will never be Induced to go to the same place a second time. There are few seaside resorts that he has not visited at one time or another, but to none has he ever been known to go more than once. On the other hand, his wife does not care for a fresh place each holiday season. She Is In love with the east coast, and thinks there is no place in the world for a holiday equal to Cro mer. She would be quite happy to go there every year if only her wander ing husband as she calls him would be agreeable. But be will never listen to this, so that If she is not prepared to accompany him to a resort which he has never seen before her only alter native Is to remain at home. She has often threatened to go where she wants and leave her husband to do likewise, but so far has never done so. Another good lady, residing in Man chester, has trouble with her lord and master over a different matter. For upward of twenty-two years he has had what be calls a "holiday suit" which he has worn during every vaea tionthat he has had since he bought It ThU rait he has never bad on his bac'i at any other time, but during his an-1 nual holiday he cannot be Induced to wear any other. As his wife tells him, It Is In that that he is seen morn ing, noon aud night as If he had not another suit of clothes to put on. As a matter of fact, he has no other with him, for, despite all his better halfs remonstrances, he cannot be perfuaded to take more clothes than his holiday suit when he leave.) homo for his annual outing. This is rather a 6ore point with the wife, for Pho In-1 feists on being well dressed and 6ees to j It that she has no lack of changes of , raiment even If her husband refuses to encumber himself with one. Some men have a mania for disap pearing during their annual holiday, leaving no trace of their wheraboutsj behind. A very busy Loudon merchant does this every season, and for c space of a month not even his wife and fam ily have the remotest Idea where he could be found. He leaves by himself und comes back by himself, and he brings nothing with him that gives the least clow to where he has spent his holiday. This man's business friends often chaff him about where he goes, but none of them has ever yet been able to glean anything of the secret His wife and family have long since ceased to exhibit any curiosity regarding it rec ognizing that It is good for him to have a month's rest in a year from the or dinary worries of his life. I RESTORED CONFIDENCE. Mrs. Potter had spent a week at the mountains, and naturally her neighbors plied her with questions as to what she had seen and how she had enjoyed her visit. "We all know you're fond o' your house and home," said one of the neighbors, "but wasn't It a kind of a relief not to have to think of washing and Ironing and baking and sweeping for a good long week and Just feast your eyes on views and sights?" . "Tes," said Mrs. Potter, with an ab sent-minded expression, "of course the mountain views are grand. I took a good look at 'em morning and night, and sometimes between." "For the land's sake!" cried the neighbor. "What did you do the rest part o' the day?" "Well," said Mrs. Potter, looking as If she had been detected In a crime, "that woman we boarded with, she'd been using some kind of washing-powder that had eaten holes In her clothes and table-IInen, and she didn't kno.w how to make her own yeast, nor she didn't understand the Ins an' outs of a boiled, dinner. "She had only been married a year, and she was brought up away from New England, so you couldn't expect anything different. But as I said to Anna, my duty lay clear before me. " 'You take In the mountain views,' I said, 'and I'll see what I can do at the kitchen end o' the house.' "To tell the truth," and little Mrs. Potter looked as nearly defiant as was possible to a woman of her size and with her features, "those mountains kind of overbore me, but that kitchen made me feel as If I was some account after all 1" Natural Detective Force. "We have a better detective force in the c" State gart is nt crlim to hi the peopl Hevea wwcrmactoi suuie oiuer coun try wlll better suit his health and he makes for that country he undertakes the Impossible. All we have to do Is to slit and wait There Is only one way out of Alaska and that Is by com ing to the coast and when the crimi nal comes to the coast he is sure to be caught So well has the United States signal corps done Its work in Alaska that we have a telegraph line to every mining camp of importance and when a man takes leg ball all there Is to do Is to telegraph to the coast towns and the authorities wait for the man." Washington Post. The Deantjr of the Snowflake. The thin snow now driving from the north and lodging on my coat consists of those beautiful star crystals, thin and partly tranparent. They are about one-tenth of an inch In diameter, per fect little wheels with six spokes, with out a tire, or, rather, with six perfect little leaflets, fernlike, with a distinct, straight, slender midrib raying from the center. On each side of each mid rib there Is a transparent, thin blade !th a crenate edge. How full of the creativegenlus Is the air In which these are generated! I should hardly ad mire more If real stars fell and lodged on my coat. Nature Is full of genius, full of the divinity, so that not a snow flake escapes Its fashioning hand. Noth ing Is cheap and coarse, neither dew drops nor suowflakes. Henry D. Tho reau. All Detail Arranaretl. "Dear." whispered the eloping lover, "what shall we do with the rojie lad der? We shouldn't leave It hanging there." "Oh, that's all right," replied the coy damsel, "pa said he'd pull It up again so we couldn't get back." Phil adelphia Press. I Your friends do not ask you to praise your rival, but they do think you should not exuect them to bate him as you ila. Promise of Improvement. "Edith," exclaimed her mother, "I'm sorry I brought you to the shore at all. Here five days and you're engaged to two young men. It's disgraceful!" "Yes," admitted the summer girl, "It's pretty slow work, but give me time, ma, give me time." Philadelphia Press. Mothers win find Mrs. Wlnnow's toothing Byrup the bvst reraedr to Dae for their chilling during the teething period. Bridgre Lore. "What Is that poem about t!:e bridge at midnight?" asked Mrs. Flashingtou. "I dou't know,", answered Mrs. Dasher; "but the poet knew what he was writing about Bridge will keep you up till midnight and after If you hnppeu to be loser." Washington Star. Bt. Vitus' Dance and all Nervous DUi-asea DPrmanantlv cured hv Dr. Kline'a Ureal Hi ve Restorer. Send for FREE I2trlm bnttl and treat! aa. Dr. B. H. Kline, Id., wu Arch bU, PnUa.,Fa Nolle. Rivers Can there be such a thing as a "crying need?" Brooks Why not? Everybody knows there is such a thing as a howling suc cess. i f STIFFNESS, STITCHE3, LAMENESS, CRAMP. TWISTS AND TWITCHES. ALL DECAMP WHEN TUV TUB OLD-MONK-CURB PRUIT TREES, VINES PLANTS BERKSHIRE SWINE, (Registered) SHORTHORN CATTLE, (Registered) BARRED AND WHITE ROCKS PACIFIC NURSERY CO. Catalogue free. Tangent, Oregon RUBBER STAMPS Best in America We make them We (Jo not take orders and peddle onr Rubber bumps, Boals, Etc. We manufacture our own goods. Our equipment in the newest and best money can buy. Write today tor our "Rubber Stamp Catalogue." THE IRWIM-HODSON CO, Portland, Oregon On the Scent. Crimson Bainbler Are you burning gasoline in dat automobile, mister? Sparks No, my friend; I'm trying alcohol Just for an experiment. Crimson Rambler I thought so. Would you mind, me bangln' on behind fer a mile or bo, jest fer de smell 7 Puck. How'aThU? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward lot any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. We. the uudersienod. have known b. J. Cheney tor the last 15 years, and believe hint perlectly honorable in all business transac tions and financially able to carry out any ob- made bv tneir nrin. linUAI, vvnoiesaie urugKists, loieao, v. Ii, K inn AN Si Marvin, VVholesale Urug- Heao, u. 'Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, act- tly upon ine dioou ana mucous sur the svsteui. Price 75c. ner bottle. fill Druggists. TeatimonlaUi tree. f amily ruis are me tiesi. Real Monopoly. hone bandit was holding up a rail- tun. "It's better than being president of the road," he chortled. "I don't have to divide any of the swag with influential politicians." By the way of rebate, however, he re turned the cheap watches to their own ers. Safe, Sure and Speedy. No external remedy ev r yet devised hits so fully and unquestionably met tlmse thr. e prime conilitiotts a- succchhI'uIIv as AUcocks I'lusteiH. They are wife liec'auHe they contain no delete iouo drups and lire mnnufac ured upon scientific principle of medic ne. They are mire becituse nothing goes into them except ingredients which are exactly ad p ed to ilin purposes for which a p!a teris required. The arc npcedy in their action herauHe theirni'dicinal qual ities go right to their work of relieving pnin and restoring the natural and heultliy per formance of the functions of muscles, nerves and skin. AUcocks Philters are the original and genuine porous plasters and like most mer itorious articles have been extensively imi luted, th refore always muke sure and get the genuine Allcock's. The Last Word. "Aw, g'on, Mike," said the British soldier, attempting to end the argu ment; "you're a lobster." "Ye flatter me," retorted Mike ; "shure, a lobster's a wise animal, fur green Is the color fur blm as long as he lives, an he'll die before he puts on a red coat." Thj Catholic Standard and Times CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tha Kind Ycu Hava Alvsys Bought Bears the Signature TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO Ql'IMNK Tnblcts DruRRlsts refund money if It falls to cure. E. W GROV'E'8 signature is on each box. 25c. A tnerjr. That "Love is blind" one can't dispute. (He's often deaf and dumb to boot !) Tint If ha tifhflpsft he. T nrav How does be always "find the way"? im iteauer. It Quiets the Cough This Is one reason why Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is so valua ble in consumption. It stops the wear and tear of useless coughing. But it does more it controls the inflammation, quiets the fever, soothes, and heals. Sold for 60 years. " Arer't Cherry Pectoral tin heen a refni'ar IK preserver to me. It brought lue throuKh a tcvere attack uf pneumonia. Hud I feel that I owe n7 life to ll wonderful dilutive properties."-William 11. Tkuitt, Wawa, Had by J. O. Ayer Co. LowsU. lUaa. au mo manufacturer of SABSAPASILU. PILLS. HAIR VIOCR. yers Hasten recovery by looping the bowels regular with Ayer's Plils. APPLY PRICE S3 AND SO CENTS 2WI HOWAKU E. BURTON Assayer ari Chemist, Leadvllle, Colorado, rtpevliuen pili oa: Mold, Silver, lii-ad, 1 s Oold, Silver, 7icj uold, Wos Zlno or Copper, fl. Cyanide touts. Itluliln"nvelopcs and full price list sent on application, rwitrol and Um pire work solicited. Iteieroucei Carbonate Kar lioual liank. ALBERTA The laud of the golden grain. Here is a snap or investors. 610 acres, Improved, 5 miles from the growing town of Maclood, f 12 per acre. In two years from now this land will bo worth 2U per acre, Apply in a rush to G. F. BEERE, Macleod, Alberta Reference: Union Rank of Canada. CROPS NEVER FAIL In 'he Upper Hnttko Valley, Idaho, where '.'5,000 MIsniMxInpl Viilley lu mcNt'eki rH ur alp adr lo. aled. CiOO.OOj bit s umlevelup d, IrrUal) e land hIHI await the settler. lilch 'St a d hest wa ered valley In the world. Fines c Imate; Clio ce.n IViilt; lmniens'cro,is of train, nU'HU'usu nr beets. 4,0J0, 000 Invented In fao'orles. New it. K. exten sion to Ye low.itone park oik ns country of vast re source. Anlilon started .Ian. l, UHW, a record breaker. Write lor part cular.-u C. C. 1WOOKK KKAI. KSTATK COMPANY Nt, Anthony and Aahtou, Idaho. fjD PLATES I II V HE HIT At TH THE PAINLESS 1 ILI ULllIflL lU. DENTISTS One-third off regular price for short time. Dr. II, A. SturUevant, formerly' of The Dalles, and Dr. B. K. Butler, formerly of Arlington, are with us. Tbey will bo glad to meet their old friends. Third and Couch Streeta. Portland, Oregon. In the Laundry Will Sterilize the Cloth Ins, Act as an Antiseptic and Prevent Odor from Presplratlon. All dealers. Sample Borax, Booklet and Souvenir 1'lettire in 10 colors, ft emits and your dealer's name. Address PAC1HC COAST BO RAX CO., Oakland, Cal. MAKE EVERY DAY COUNT- no matter how , bad the weather You cannot &ff ord to be without & TOWER'S WATERPROO OTU?. ' ! - p. I y ! "'M u m'm1 H 1 1 WW " '"MJ! 'J!.(M Jf ienM rr-''-S-e not aa expcruNi, ;;-'" i iS'ment.but with proper cultl-Vwj," J V ""Jr vntion.tliey assure success f',-dr ff from the start. Users have !.o jf ' f doubts at planting nor disnp- p p polntments at Ii a rvest. .ct fil!31iflilu Vj for biggest, iurest, best crops jj Jl at all dealers, 1 amous for over if yr 50 years. l'J07 beed Annual j. J? 'X free on request. jF A 1 ' V D. M. FERRY A CO., Si , I i - - '&?erolt M lohjf- ,, J ti AX