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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1907)
4 " Press Paragraphs W. A. Ralison waa in Pendleton Saturday on business. Herbert Preston came over from Walla Walla Sunday by automobile. Pendleton will set aside two days this spring on which tbs town will be cleaned np. Rev. Geo. T. Ellis bas ordered tbe Press sent to bis address, box 337, Hollywood California. Mrs. W. S. Bael is agent in Athena for V. O. medicines. Call at resi dence on Current street. Miss Avis Zerba is again at her place in the Press office, after a sick ness of a week's duration. ' Rich aid Wright wan able to get tip town yesterday. The toy shows the effeots of bis recent illnoss. - A marriage lioeuso has been issued to Willis R. Strnthers and Clara L. V Hntobinson, both ct this county. Mrs. Zelnie Latbrop, who bas beeu visiting at the Zerba borne, . bas re turned to hor home in Wallowa. U. Troyer, manager of the Tuaia lutn lumber yard at Adams, was in . town Saturday and called at tbe Press office. H. A. Barrett drove down to Pen dleton yesterday and took tbe evening train for La Graudo. He will return today. Dell Bros, have just received from M. Born & Co., tbe now samples of olotbiug for spring and summer wear, It will pay you to call early and make your selections. -Tbrongh courtesy of Senator Fulton, ? tbe Press bas received a small con ' signinent of garden seeds for distribu tion among its readers. Call early and avoid tbe rush. V Posters are ont announcing a mac' querade ball to take place at tbe Athena opera house Friday eveuing. KershawVorobestra will furnish "inu Bio for the occasion. ' Attorney Petorson baa just added to 'his law library the complete work of "Elliot on Evidence," in four vol nines. The books are fall loatber bound, and cost A new pony baa come to town and its owner is Master Lawrenoe Sharp. With saddle, bridle and the fleet foot ed little bronolio, " Lawrence is pre pared for equestrian pleasures. J. W. Davis came" in on yesterday's '"train from Hot Lake where be bas a severe attack of rheumatism. He returns home considerably improved. F. G. Lucas left last night for Gus Schubert's place, north of town, whore he will clean out a well that was over flowed during tbe recent flood. Mr Lucas is propured to do work in the well-digging or cleaning line. D. IL Preston drove down to Pen dleton Saturday, where be met bis father and mother, who had been at Hot Lake, and were returning to their home at Wuitsborg. Mr, aud Mrs. Preston are the guests of thoir sou at present. V Mrs. S. I. Davis arrived home safe ly from Elgin, Saturday, baviug driven up from Pendleton. She bas spout the past winter in Elgin, where twu daughters aud a son reside. Mrs. Davis says she is well pleased to again bo in Atbeua. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. V. M. Pbick, February 9, 1907, at their borne near Addy, Wash., a 10-pouud girl. This is the first granddaughter among many grandsons, aid tho graudpareuls, Mr. and Mrs. A. Shiok, of this city are very proud of the new baby. Tho Preston Partoit mills in this city have boon forced to close down, be cause saqks ennuot be dolivered by the railroad company. There ia a largo outiBignruout of sacks for tbe compuny at Walla Walla, but owing to the washouts, cauuot bo deliverod here. Judge T. G. Ilailey is shipping his law library from Poudleton to Port land, where it is to be arad in tbe office of Chamberlaiu, Thomas & Ilail ey, 400 Chambor of Oommeroo build iug, of which firm ho is now a mem ber. Thirty-two sacks of delayed mail oauio in yesterday. Too big sacks for tbe most part coutained news papers aud other second class matter. The local ofllce was quite busy for about four hours, George Gross and Clove Myers assisting Postmaster (jit bens. From tho sporting columns of city papers it is learned there will bo few ubauges in tho makeup of the Taooma base ball team next year, although there is a possibility that Dauny Shea, the bead oatohor, will not agaiu be seen behind the bat wcariug a Taooma uniform. Peter Mclntyre will leave iu about a 5jrunth for Alberta, where he will re . be sows a spring orop of there. Mr. Mclu eservatiou "Hisou Your money baok if not satisfied with the bargains found at Rader's big Furniture and Carpet emporium at Pendleton. Lost A lady's gold wateb and pin. Tbe name "Ireue" engraved on case. Finder will please repoit at this office and receive reward. It's the highest standard of quality, a natural tonio, cleanses your system, reddens tbe cheeks, brightens tbe eyes, gives flavor to all you eat. Holl ister's Rocky Mountain Tea will do this for yon. 35 cents, Tea or Tab lots. Pioneer Drng Store. Vpaa Mclntyre tbe real estate agent, fa flown from Kanton Alberta, having arrived in town Saturday. Dan re ports tbe northern country to be in a flourishing condition. Up there tbe meroury lies fiat in the bottom some times, but without blinking bis eyes, Molntyre will tell yon that the cold is not so severe as it is here. It's a good bid world after all ; ; ' If you have no friends or money, In the river yon con fall; '' " Marriages are quite common and, Mote people there would be, .;"" Provided yon take Rocky Mountain Tea. Pioneer Drug Store. Fay Le Grow is adept in handling rawhide in tbe makiug of haokamores and quirts. At tbe bank there are splendid samples of bis work. For smoothness and perfection they excel in appearance those put on the market by wholesale saddlery houses, and the material is known by Mr. Le Grow to be first class. 1 MauZan Pile Remedy put up in con venient collapsible tubes with nozzle attachment bo that the remedy may be applied at tbe very seat of the trouble, thus relieving almost instant ly bleeding, itching or protruding piles. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Pioneer drng store. Walla Walla is becoming tbe meoca for Oregon couples who have not the prioe to pay the fee for being married, and who wish to obtain credit, says the Walla Walla Statesman. Jndga Brents is making a name for himself wbea it comes to tying the knot with out being paid the price. Boe'fl Laxative cough syrup con taining honey and tar, - is especially appropriate for children, no opiates or poisons of any character, conform to tbe conditions of the pure food and drug law, June 30, 1906. For croup whooping cough, etc. It expels coughs aud colds by gently moving the bowels. Guaranteed. Pioneer drng store. jf. S. Le Grow of this city and Oscar fencf George Drum heller of Walla Walla, who own a large cattle ranoh in tbe Csarfe Creek eottntry, Want frrg ton, have purchased an interest in the Walla Walla Meat Company, one of the largest couoerns in the Inland Em pire. The compauy is capitalized at $10,000 and is at present fattening 1000 head of cattle. The Press is in receipt of au inter esting letter from Mr. J. W. Wilkin son, formerly of Walla Walla. Mr. Wilkinson is the father-in-law of G. B. Kidder of this oity. He is trav eling through British Columbia, and bas taken up a piece of choice land, north of "Vancouver. He writes most entertainiugly, but laok of space pro hibits publication of his letter. Damon Lodge No. 4, Knights of Pythias of Pendleton entertained the annual district convention of that order last eveuing. A "Page class" of 20 members was initiated and team work in tbe third degroe was put on. A program was also arranged whioh was followed by a banquet. York Dell and M. W. Smith, of Pythian Lodge No. 39 of this city wore iu attendance. Rev. W. B. Popo, formerly pastor of the First Baptist church of Pen dleton, but now a genoral missionary for the Baptint church in Oregon, was struck by tbe westbound O. R. & N. train at Hermistou Thursday morning and eeriously injured. He was kuocked down, his left arm broken, bis scalp cut open for several iuobes, nud bis baok severely injured. MONTIE B. GWINN, J. W. MALONEY. President Cashier T.J. MORRIS, Vice-Pres,; F.G. SCHMER, Ass't Cashier Pendleton Savings Bank of Pendleton, Oregon Capital Stock, ....$100,000 Surplus Si Undivided Profits, $150,000.00 Deposits Jan. 1, 1907,! $1,237,106.24 STOC1CH W.J. FURNISH R. T. COX JOSEPH BASLER E. BOETTCHER L. DUSENBERY E. W. McCOMAS A. C. KOEPPEN J. N. TEAL FRANK S. CURL HERBERT BOYLEN A. J. DEVLIN MONTIE B. GWINN Estate of D. From Three to live per cent Interest Paid on lime Deposits. Eobo Register: R. R. Johnson re turned Saturday from a roundabout way from Walla Walla. He started from there by the way of Umatilla and landed in Pasoo and from there he went to Seattle, from there to Port land, then home. In Walla Walla he lost his overcoat. In North Yakima he lost bis religion. In Seattle he lost his cravenette, and finally he landed home with a hat. A permanent union of the First and Cumberland Presbyterian chtirobes of Walla Walla was last week consum mated at a meeting of the congrega tions. The churches have been wor shiping together for tbe past two and a half years. It is the intention of tbe united congregation to erect a hand some and modern structure immedi ately south of tbe present location. . Hunting for Trouble. "I've lived in California 20 years, and am still huntings for trouble in tbe way of burns, sores, wounds, boils, outs, sptains, or a case of piles that '"-j Bueklens Arnica Salve won't quickly cure," writes Ubaries waiters or All eghany, Sierra Co. No use hunting. Mr. Walters it " cures every case. Guaranteed Palace drug store.25o. .' A Valuable Lesson. "Six years ago I learned a valuable lesson," writes John Pleasant, of Mag nolia, Ind. "I then began taking-Dr. King's New Life Pills, and the longer I take them the better I find them." They please everybody. Gnaranteed by Win. MoBride'a druggist 25o. Rising From the Grave. A prominent manufacturer, W. A. Fertwell, of Luoama, N. C, relates a most remarkable experience. He says: "After taking less than three bottles of Eleotrio Bitters, I feel like one rising from the grave. My trouble is Brigbt's disease, in the Diabetes stage. I fully believe Electrio Bitters will cure me permanently, for it has already stopped the liver and bladder Complications which have troubled me for years." Gnaranteed at Wm.. Mo Bride'a druggist, Price only 00 For Sale. ;- ' A 14-foot cut Daniel Best combined harvester, good as new, cheap on' lib eral terms. For further' partioulars see J. A. Keller or Geo. M. Thompson,' Athena, Oreg. 4t "Pineules" (non-alcoholio) made from resin from our pine forests, nsed for hundreds of years for bladder and kidney diseases. Medicine for 30 days, $1. Guaranteed. Pioneer drug store. .. Neighbors Got Fooled. 'FwK'TTferally coughing myseirtoSfCo meeTfTWariyrue and get acquain death, and had become too weak to leave my bed; and the neighbors pre dicted that I would never leave it alive; but they got fooled, for thanks be to God, I waa induced to try Dr. King's New Discovery. It took just four one dollar bottles to completely cure tbe cough and restore me to good Bound health," writes Mrs. Eva Un capher, of Grovertown, Stark Co., Ind. This King of cough and cold cures, and healer of throat and lungs, is guaranteed by Wm. MoBrido, Druggist. 60o. and $1.00. Trial bot tle free. Public Notice. t:" Notice Is hereby given that I will apply to the Mayor und common council of the City ol Athena, Oregon, at b meeting t hereof to be held on the to 'lay of February, 1907, for a license to sell spirituous, malt and vinous liquor." In less quantities than one quart, said liquors to be sold only la n building situated ou the east, one-half of lot No. 7. in block No. 6, ot said city. J.W.Davis, i Dated. Jan. !fi, 1907. - Applicant Foley's Honey and Tar cures colds, prevents pneumonia. OLDERS J.H. RALEY R. ALEXANDER E. P. MARSHALL CHAS. H. CARTER F. W. VINCENT E. L. SMITH C. E. ROOSEVELT R. N. STANFIELD CLEMENTINE LEWIS MARION JACK T.J.MORRIS AL PAGE TP. THOMPSON "Women Who Wear WelL It is astonishing how great a change few years of married life often make In the appearance and disposition of many women. Tho freshness, tho charm, the brilliance vanish like the bloom from a peach which is rudely handled. Tho matron is only a dim shadow, a faint echo ot the charming maiden. There are two .reasons for this change, ignorance and neglect Few young women appreciate jtho shock to tho system through tho .change which comes with marriage and "motherhood. Many neglect to deal with the unpleasant polvic drains and weak nesses which too often come with mar page and motherhood; not understanding Jliat this secret drain Is robbing the cheek of its freshness and the form of its fairness. i As surely as the general health suffers when there ts dSSvQeement of the health it the delicate womatrtgorgans, so surely wneTthfiSO omans r!stahllshixt in bjeailih therace anAJrTihaTWe witness tb the tact in iWWd comciThsi Nearly ItmlHion women havn found health and toppiness in tho use of Dr. Pierce's Fa- It makes weak wom en strong and sick women well. Ingredi ents on label contains no alcohol or harmful habit -forming drugs. Made V,holly of those native, American, medic inal roots most highly recommended by leading medical authorities of all the sev eral schools of practice for the cure of woman's peculiar ailments. For nursing mothcrs.or for those broken down in health by too frequent bearing of children, also for the expectant mothers, to prepare the system for the coming of baby and making its advent easy and almost painless, there is no medicine quite go. good as "Favorite Prescription." It can do no harm in any condition of the system. It is a most potent invigorating tonic and strengthening nervine nicely adapted to woman's delicate system by a physician of large experience in the treat ment of woman's peculiar ailments. Dr. Pierce may be consulted by letter free of charge. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y. BANNER S A LVE the most hoatins salva in the world. PER CENT Is your idle money earning you four percent? You have just as good a right to a share of the profits earned by your money as the banker . who keeps it for you. . We divide the profits with our depositors and still make a satisfactory profit for the bank. Our business has more than doubled during the past year. This bank has a cap ital of $100,000 fully paid in and is conservatively managed by progres sive and sncoessf ul business men. Your business will receive prompt and careful attention. We will be glad ted with you. ' We. pay .FOUR per cent on saving accounts. Call or write for further partioulars. Ask for B. & II. Stamps Mosgrove Mercantile Cm FOR ONE MORE WEEK Owing to the bad condition of the roads, we have deci ded to extend our Remnant Sale a week longer. Every short length of all Materials will be piled on our front counters and offered so ridiculously low in price that they must be seen to be appreciated. & "Remnants Silks Remnants gf Ribbons Remnants gf Ginghams Remnants gf Outings Remnants ef Muslins ; Remnants gf Damasks ' Remnants gf Towlings Remnants gf Cretans . Remnants gf Laces Remnants Silkolines Remnants gf Wool Dress Goods , pAU marked at prices that will close them out. Come early. If you can find lengths to suit you, you are sure of a bargain. t Mosgrove Mercantile yon and Those indebted . to itie must settle at once, either by cash or note. & N. A. MILLER, Athena, Ore, Jones Machine Co. A All AGENTS FOR THE 51 1 South Second St., Walla Walla The Great Driving Wheel of alocomotive traveling a mile a min ute, makes 403.361 revolutions in 24 hours. The tiny balance wheel of a watch makes 432,000 in the same time, and yet we find watches that Lave been allowed to run five or ten years withnnt. nleaninir or being oiled. If have a good watch, treat it as you would treat ant other piece of ma chinery. I do all repairing promptly to the satisfaction of my customers. Jeweler Mod Optician f.-B. rnniinr.F Athenu Ore. CITY MEAT MARKET C. 11. Sherman Prop. Nothing too good for our ial- rons We cut the best meat money buy. Fifh and oysters in can season Give us a trial. n an Specialty of General Repair Work Kinds of Machinery Bought and Sold MINNEAPOLIS THRESHER Phone 502 Ask for B. & li. Stamps Company Company Ask for B. it II. Stamps i-. Ask for B. & II. Stamps