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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1907)
ATHENA PRESS i Tuesdays and Fridays F. B.BOYD Publisher The Roosevelt's spelling looks like the English language in short skirts. As for the game of football, It has not been reformed enough to hurt any less than It did formerly. Mrs. Hetty Green complains that she Is poor. Still, there are lots who would feel rich If they were In her class. President Roosevelt leaves no doubt of his feeling that the soldier and the sailor should receive uniform respect Cleveland is to have a manufactur ing concern which will employ only cripples. Here's hoping It may never go lame. It seems too much to believe It was ever preordained that any bright, healthy young man should be killed while playing football. General Fred D. Grant says 00 per cent of the troubles In the army are due to bad liquor. Apparently the army Is Just like the rest of the world. A New York chorus girl reports to the police that she has lost a bag of diamonds. What Pittsburg millionaire has been away from home recently? Another American girl would sever the tie that binds her to a foreign for tune hunter. Far too often the mar riage service Is nothing but a bill of ale. A Boston waiter died the other day, leaving an estate valued at a quarter of a million dollars. Which again proves that things come to those who wait Wojclech Raymnlak and Wladyslava Kaezkoska were married In Chicago the other day. Probably neither of them is bothering much over the question of polling reform. Should Noah Webster come back to earth now and see what Is being done to his dictionary he would very likely ask to be directed to the old men's home for has-beens. Near Manchester, England, four girls "have been arrested for making fun of a spinster's curls. This is proper. Let It be understood that a spinster's curls are their own reward. There is probably nothing In Mr. Grover Cleveland's book on fishing that can be used In a political cam paign, unless perhaps It might bo a chapter devoted to lying. three times. A camel or a donkey might 4 tt jaws with that deliberate cal culatlveness, but a social animal can not become a mechanical chopping ma chine even for the sake of a serene di gestion. Prof. Fisher did not compel t bis nine students to sit In silence and chew to the tune of the metronome. He simply required them to eat what they most thoroughly could enjoy. If a per son likes what he Is eating it is no hardship to have to eat It properly. This Idea of personal selection Is the most Important one, so long as the Import- ( ance of mastication Is granted. What Is true at Yale Is not untrue in Chicago. The motto of all who eat should hence forth be : make haste slowly ; choose as well as chew. RAM'S HORN BLASTS. to I t?. V. Sharp PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Warning Notes Calling- the Wicked Special attention given to all Repentance. ( calls, both night and day.. C II A RACTER Calls promptly answered. Office on Third finds itself, not by atww' Athenit- 0ff8r self-culture, but by ..... ... - Christian service. Men do not freeze onto the THE SSKHT. NICHOLS HOTEL I mem a irosiy re ception. Many men would do a great X iff til J. E. FROOME, prop. A story which has been handed down througli many generations tells of a deal more good If they would quit re- forming the world. i I Only First-class Ilotel in Pushers are not always progressors. Groans do little for growth In grace. Sun'day clothes do not make a saint False pleasure grows Into true pain. Giving will often cure your mlsglv- : the City. Iff THE ST. NICHOLS It tbe only one that can accommodate oommB'eial travelers. Can beieoomended for Its clean and well ventilated rooms. I Cob. Maim and Third, ATHBNA.Or. wealthy man who determined to make a practical test of the efficiency of his lnS- servants. He announced his Intention J Love never suffers through lonell of being absent from his estate for a ness. j long time. Before starting he called J Faith determines the empluisis of some of his helpers and gave them nfe. i sums of money In varying amount tell- j what you dedlcate God nBe. ! lllg infill iu use lue uiuiiejr uum uio pfatg return. Then he took a Journey Into a , ' I foreign country. When he came back! Religion is our relation to the dl- lie asked an accounting. The results of I that investigation convinced him that Making the pace unmakes the , some of his assistants were shrewd and peace. saving, while others had no Just appre-! No man has power with others who elation of the value of money or the is not at peace with himself, bejst ways to use It The large fortunes j Tne iengtll of youl. llfe you cannot of the present day have made it al- determine, but its worth vou must, most l"Petlve that men of wealth, Tfle WQrth of maa flS noth give their children some training In to the vahie 0f the struggle, business as a necessary preparation for the handling of the millions that To sll&nt the rlSuts of the weak ls to are to be theirs in the days to come. make tnera stronS t0 work -ur It Is stated that a celebrated million- wrong- aire, desiring to reduce the cares of' Honey running over the lips may business aul also wishing to see what hlde Dut the adder's poison under the ' his children would do with the money, tongue. gave each of them $1,000,000 before his J The helps we build by breaking our death. No matter what the result word always prove our greatest hlu mlght be In a given case of this kind drances. Chancellor Day of the University of Syracuse says a man who smokes is a fool. We must remember, however, that Dr. Day ls of the opinion that peo ple who do not approve of the Stand ard Oil Company are criminals. The German emperor has Invited the pessimists to get out of his country and took for more pleasant surroundings. It Isn't likely, however, that they will go. About the only pleasure a pessi mist has ls In staying around and com plaining where he Isn't wanted. One of our wise men who has Just returned from an expedition to the up per Nile claims to have added 1,000 years to history by showing that the earliest authentic date was 441 11. C. If we keep ou going back 1,000 years at a clip we may yet reach the period of the origin of our modern jokes. With one woman suing for divorce in a Chicago court on the ground that her husband was too "affectionate" and an other on the ground that her husband is too "courteous," It is easy to see that no one can tell what husband may next be made a defendant In a divorce suit. The courts ought to put a stop to some of this nonsense. Someone who has found facts on which to base the opinion thinks that the amateur dieting to which so many are given Just now U productive of far more ills than It can cure. Dieting, no doubt, rationally and with due regard for the needs of the body, does In most cases Improve the health. But for Smith to change his diet according to the formula Brown found beuetlclal, without help or advice from a physi cian, ls often a means of aggravating an already existing 111 or of bringing on fresh ones. One man's diet may be another man's poison Is as true a word, perhaps, as has been spoken, and ac cepting it as truth in this day of Indis criminate dieting may save many a good man from going from bad to worse In his attempts at self-help. It Is not what you eat so much as how you eat Mince pie, well mastlcat ed, Is better than bread bolted. The secret of table science U "festlua lente. There la nothing altogether new to be concluded from the experiment of Prof. Fisher of Yale. His nine students learned to subsist ou much less food and actually doubled their physical en durance in four months and a half of slow eating. This Is no discovery, but It U earnest emphasis of a neglected truth that what nourishes Is not the quantity you eat but the quantity you digest; that only what Is well masti cated can be well digested. The great objection to patient mastication ls Its monotony. Nothing could be duller than the Gladstone revise chew thlrty- the idea is a good one. Conspicuous j It s worth whlle to wonder how you lack of success or marked Inefficiency wouid (eel in eternity without your of administration thus shown might Sunday clothes. have the effect of saving many a for-1 r ... , , t , . , . , Many satisfy themselves by agreeing rLiffuH f 'tVT lth conscience, when obedience is do indicate ability to handle it For hflt years it has been no uncommon thing for graduates of famous Eastern col-1 They have 110 difficulty in finding leges to lay aside frock coats and pat-!God ln trouble who keeP the pata of eut leathers the day after the receipt prayer Wl1 worn- of the diploma in order to don the How great would have been the fail- gnrb of the laborer In mill or factory ure of IIis 11 fe without the apparent where the father's fortune was made, j failure of Calvary ! Others have turned from the class The rainbow of promise appears room to take the places at the bottom when the sunshine of His love meets of the ladder in counting room or office the showers of our sorrow. In order to learn every detail of thai if some people could see themselves business to which they will succeed In as some other people see them, what me course or nature. The faithfulness , revelations there would be ! of such workers ls often forgotten when the escapades of others are her alded far and wide. In more than one case the wlldness of the rich man's son and his lack of usefulness as a citizen are due to the fact that he never had a chance to show his ability as ad ministrator or Investor, but was brought up under the notion that, as heir to wealth, he should do nothing. With many men money burns a bole ln the pocket. They have no sense of saving, no appreciation of what a dol lar means. This ls true of the poor and the rich alike. The thrift and saving of the Door are mm. mended as providing for the fu ture years. The abllltv to ns money wisely, the power to select In vestments and to administer affairs ought to be a source of pride to the child of wealth In order that he may stand on his own merits in a critical democratic land and not be pointed out as some other man's son, with no vir tues except the reflected ones of his ancestry. Many a preacher spoils a good inter pretation of the 'Scriptures by a poor understanding of the saints. Some people never have a call to go to the heathen until they have to get down to brass tacks at home. When you complain of the sermon having nothing In It, stop to ask how much you put into it yourself. She Probably Knew. In a small Massachusetts college town s a charming young lady, also a learn ed professor. Nothing affords the young lady more pleasure than to upset the professors pet theories by witty exceptions to his rules, as she did ln this Instance. They were both at a small social affair and the professor had the center of the stage. He was remarking: "This ls the age of specialties. No man can compete with a specialist In a given line. And even If both be spe cialists the most experienced man suc ceeds best." "There is at least one thing, profes sor, In which the least experienced man succeeds best," the young lady asserted. "And what Is that, If I may ask?" the professor said stllllly. "Why. falling In love." she said, with a teasing smile. Philadelphia Ledger. Ktnirod at Hume. A certain Deacon Sam Kuowlton In his day had the reputation of belug a groat hunter. At the beginning of ev ery hunting season he would go Into Cumberland county and on his return he was always laden with many sto ries In w hich he figured as hero. But the fact remained that, while his sup ply of stories was always large, his game bag was usually empty. One of his neighbors, a physician, heard his stories until he was tired. One evening at a social gathering the matter was being discussed. "Deacon Knowlton a great hunter! Of course he Is," exclaimed the doc tor. "He Is the greatest hunter In the State of Pennsylvania, but darn me If he was ever known to find anything!" Philadelphia Ledger. COMMERCIAL LIVERY STABLE HARRY M BRIDE, MANAGER Best Stock and Rigs in the City. Competent Drivers. Stock Boarded by the Day, Week or Month at Reasonable Rate. NORTH SIDE STREET, ATHEAN. ORE ISP Oregon Shopj Line Through Hull man standard and sleenine cars daily to Omaha, Chicago; tourist sleeping ear dally to Kaunas City; through Fullmao tourist sleeping cars, personally conducted, weekly to Chicago, with free reclining chair cars, seats free, to the east daily irom rtuuieum. ARRIVE Daily. 8 BFCCM, "Lazoley told me he was going out every day this week," said Goodley, "to see if he couldn't find work." "Yes," replied Newltt, "and he was successful." "Really?" "Xes ; he couldn't find It" Philadel phia Presa, TIPS FROM A MERE MAN. Says We Are Not All Delightful by Nature. From our earliest youth up wc have been told to be virtuous, to be truth ful, to be honest, to be polite; but it was left to Hubert Bland to teil us to be "delightful." And yet, when one comes to think of it, few things are niore necessary for the equipment of a woman of the world. As he so truthfully remarks, !t ls the one accomplishment which wlli last "for middle age lasts longer than 7011th, and middle-aged ladles who are not. de lightful are not anything. To die with the consciousness of all your life hav ing been a delightful person 1 Can anything be better than that, save liv ing with the same consciousness?' Now, no one, according to the au thor, being delightful by nature, it be hooves the woman who wishes to be come so to make of herself a Aork of art Nature, having given the mate rials, "it ls for you to work them up, remembering that a naturally gifted young woman is no more a delightful young woman than a box of colors Is a picture." The first step In the art of making one's self delightful ls to conceal any possible knowledge one may have ac quired during the course of ones life. Especially must this be remembered in conversing with the male sex. "When ever a man talks to a young woman he tries his best to appear a little bigger all round than he knows hlmse'f to be. Unexpectedly to check his enterprise by show ing that you know as much as he does has pretty much the sae ef fect upon his mind as though you were suddenly to add twenty years to your age," while, as a matter of personal experience, the author goes on to say that whenever a pretty woman asks him something he doesn't know, he feels "more Inclined to box he ears than to kiss her." Since it ls obviously easier to be de lightful to men than to wonnn, the woman who would be universally de lightful must double her efforts toward the latter. "To them apply the golden rule do unto women as you would have women do unto you. You will meet many fool women but re member that the veriest fool woman of them all will probably be clever enough to know exactly when snd where to stick her claws Into the other woman." 11:55 a, m. Walla Walla. Day- win, romeroy, Lew iston. Colfax. Full- man, Moscow, tne uouer a'Aiene dis trict. Spokane and an points north. 12:30 p ro 4:53 p m TIME SCHEDULES ATHENA, ORE. Walla Walia- Pen dleton Mixed Fast Mail for Pen dleton, Latirande, Baker City, and all polntseist via Hun tington, Ore.., Also for Umatilla, Hepp- ner. The Dalles, Portland, Astoria, Willamette Valley Points. California. Taoina, Seatt le, all nouna roinis. Pendleton - Walla Walla Mixed DEPART Daily. 11:55 a, m. 4:53 p. m 6:30 p m J. 8. Lioble Agent, Athena r Saving at the Spigot Wasting at the Bung" Tint's -what buying poor paint means. Paint may be low priced by the gallon and be extravagant to use owing to to it's poor covering power and wearing quality. . After" the paint is applied it's too late to save. Start right and use The SHERVJiN-WiLUAm Paiht MADE TO PAINT BUILDINGS , WITH, OUTSIDE AND INSIDE. It covers more surface, spreads easier, and lasts longer than any other prepared paint, or hand-mixed lead and oil. I Umatilla Lumber Yard THE TUM-LUM LUMBER CO. JA.CK WEIK, MANAGER Athena, Oregon Building Material and Fuel Yards at Walla Walla, Touchet and Lowdon, Wash-, and Athena, Adams and Freewater, Oregon. Bcatiei a ESTABLISHED 1S65 Preston-Parton Milling Go. : Flour is made in Athena, by Athena labor, in . the latest and beet equipped mill in the west, of the best selected Bluestem wheat grown any where. Patronize home industry. Your grocer Bells American Beauty for per Sack Merchant Millers and Grain Buyers Waitsburg, Wash. - - - Athena, Oregon jj CON. TAIN- 1NG NO POISONS. CONFORMS TO NATIONAL PURE FOOD AND DRUQ LAW. The Original Laxative Cough Syrup containing Honey and Tar. An improvement over 1I Cough, Lung and Bronchial Remedies. Pleasant to the taste and good alike or youn and old. All cough yrups containing opiates constipate the bowels. Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar moves the bowels and contcins no opiates. Prepared by P1NE-VLE MEDICINE COMPANY. CHICAGO. V. S. A. SOLD IN ATHENA AT HAWK'S PIONEER DRUG STORE Tranafortnatloa of Vexetalilea. M. Mellaril, of Pari; not satisfied with the useful grafting adopted by florculturlsts, has started to transform vegetables. It is said he has suocveded la turning a radish Into a potato. wi.. w.m . .i,,h.i ijuHii.iiii i,.iiiiu uw m.n MtvimMniumiMvmwmm-miJvmm 1 iwiifwjti j um iiiipiM inn nmrnw ".fr- p'ji';n'i p W... - ... - ...... l.- .. .,- jf- n ..i - ,, r.. 1 ,r ir in f lyu, . ,. - ,-,,. .i 'pj FOR GQUSH3 THE WONDER WORKER FOR COLDS THROAT j K. ICifMCS LILk L' ' ' m ? a AND LUTJGG FOR COUGHS AND COLDS PREVENTS PriEULIOrilA - I had the most debilitating cough a mortal was ever afflicted with, and my friends expected that when I left my bed it would surely be for my grave. Our doctor pronounced my casa incurable, but thanks be to God, four bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery cured me so completely that I am all sound and well MRS. EVA UNCAPHER, Grovertown, Ind. Prica 5Qa and $1.03 ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED ! Trial Bottle Frea 1 SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY C W. M. McBAIDE