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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1898)
I'HLZ -HAPPY We have just received a large consignment of NO. 1 PURE... MANILA BINDER TWINE which we will sell for less than the market price. This holds good only while this lot lasts. Now - is the time to buy what you need. We also received nil sizes in leather and rub ber belting and lace leather. We sell No. 4 Babbit Metal at . 10c We sell No. 1 Babbit Metal at .20c We want your grocery trade, and we believe honest prices, reliable goods and full weight will get it. ....COME AND Athena Mercantile Company, Bloch Building, Main Street. Items in Brief. For dental work Go to Dr. L. F. Tovar, 3rd street. Glass fruit jars at the Blue front. ftigby & Sales Bell "Peacoi fc" floor- Prapers and niaphino extras art sold by Hawea. Washing is made easy when using Lenox Soap. ' Fish Brothers make the best wagons, Hawes sells them. Some special drives in zepb j r gingbama af The New Store. .. " Pickei, the artist, enlarge piolures in rayon and Pastel. When you want a mower, see Hawes about the Milwaukee. The Blue Front has just received a fresh stock of candies. You can find the best Bleak at Gerk ing's "Dewey" Market. Baker & Hamilton buggies and culti vators are sold by Hawea. X Marshal Carden is making needed improvements on Main street. The Atbena Mercantile Oa, sells Mitchell wagons, lacks and buggies. Gents Lisle thread underwear reduced from 5.0 cents to 25 cents at Max Lewin's. Hawes sells Baker & Hamilton steel frame headers. The best on tbe market. Tbe best buggy in town for the money is he Baker A Hamilton. Hawes sells then). For a fine, juicy eteak, go to the "Dewey" Meat Mark2t, E. G. Gerking proprietor. " J, M. Morris returned Saturday from a business visit to Walla Walla and ether towns up the line. For a good cigar go to the St. Nichols hotel. Tbey carry the celebrated in land flU'"-J " . ami eandow brands. In order to make room for new goods, I have greatly reduced the price on my entire stock of millinery. Mrs. Ida Carden. y Will Hardfn, Ed. Saunders and Fred Flint returned Friday from an over land trip through Idaho. Tbey report a good time. Wells delivers ice to bis customers in the forenccn, and desires that hereafter all orders be left at his place of business in time for the delivery wagon to de liver the ice. Mrs. J. H. Slater and daughter, Miss Bertha Slater of La Grande, who has been attending the State University at Eagene, passed through Athena Sat urday evening. S. 0. P. Jones, Milesburg, Fa., writes: "I have used DeWitt'a Little Early Risers ever since they were introduced here and must eay that I have never ceed any pills ia my family daring forty years cf house keeping that gave each ar;i!acfory results as a laxative or ca c." Palace Drug Store. Wra. Mc- t'f.Ml. FAMILY. The honest original pro ducers of the hides entering into the manufacture of . . . - Seta Solid Shoes SEE US.... Athena, Oregon 8. E. Parker, Sharon, Wis , writes: "I have used DeWitt's Witch Haze Salve for itching piles and it always step"! them in two minutes. cpnsider DeWitt'a Witph Hagel Salve (be greatest pile cure on tbe market." Palace Drug Store. Wm. McBride, Prop. Barley is going to make a good crop this year. Several samples have been brought to the Press office, none ere rB 'fl ( better than a sample from Sam White place on Fine creek. The bead in ques tion contained 6 rows and there are )0 grains, The Atbena Mercantile Co. are the largest dealers in general merchandise in Athena, and that's why they under sell all competitors. All sensible ladles buy wrappers at the New Store. Tbey are made well, fit well, and save you lota of work making them. When you get ready to buy your sup plies for harvest, you will make no mis take in going to tbe Athena Mercantile Co. The befit the market affords in the way of meat is found at tbe "Dewey" Meat Market, north side of Main street. Twenty-five cents will buy three cans of Monarch Axle Grease, the best on earth, Sold by Atbena Mercantile Co. Harry Rosenzweig brought to the Press office a stalk of pieplant, the leaf of which measured 40 inches across. Cool delicious lemonade is the drink for summer. Lemonade sets in tbe latest styles at Kigby & Hales. Try a can of B & B Baking Powders, at the Blue Front and get a fine glass diBh. Every can warranted. Mrs. C. F Drake is in Portland visiting relativea and fri'' oue will remain until after the Fourth. Lead and oil at greatly reduced prices at Osburns. Headquarters for best pre pared paints and drugs. tfJicks Taylor brought several l ead o horses into town Saturday, which he is offering for sale. Header drapers, and drapers of all kinds, also rivets and slicks at Athena Mercantile Co. - (Gerking, of the "Dewey" Meat Market, gets" his meats freeh from Pendleton every day. Stone creeks are tbe best for milk, the? are sold cheap at tbe Athena Merc antile Co. When yoa need groceries, go to Max Lewin's. He is selling bis stock out at coet. Go to the Palace Drag Store for pure drugs, and tbe best perfumeries on earth. Before you put op your froit, see Lewin's Mason double thick fruit Jars. For tbe best grades of machine oils at reasonable price, go to McBrides. Keep cool by going to the Kew Store and get one of those light coats. Mr. Carden and W. J. Gholaon are making header beds. are preparing to make hay. ! DaveT)Ior was in Fenrileton Mon day. Matt Erb was don from the moun tain T nee Jay. You ran richan;;e old inoney for new uocds at Hoi Da'. , If jou iiiu-l er corsets try the Arm orside, at Hollis'. The Tress brats m u!l on c ..uiti.t ril -riiiiiii'. fries i asui)at)I. V full supply of A Cine harrows now on Land at G. A. Barrett & Co.'s Pat Kiue, the well known Pendle Ionian, w. s in the city Tuttday. Ou Ju'y 5th i he Salvation Army will bold Lrtb at tbe Christian church. Bev. Hargroves will preach in tt.e Baptist chinch Sunday at 11 o'clock. Mrs. A. R Bradley and Mrs. James Nelson have returned from Portland. The Athena Lumber Co. is erecting a new office building at their lumber yard. J. V. Thompson has for sale an open buggy of his own manufacture, at a bargain. Have you seen those new $75 buggies at the Atbena Mercantile Co.? Tney are dandies. Our stock of machine extras are com plete for all make of machines. C. A. Barrett & Co. Mr. Armstrong son in-law of C. A. fiachor, arrived in the city Monday from Fargo, Dakota. Dq not fail to see Dr. Richardson at once if you wish bit seryiqas, as lie will leave town soon. The Press acknowledges a call from A. J. Hielop and Joe Tomlinson, Pendle ton buBippes men. Just received a dandy line of glass ware, your choice for 20 cents at the Athena Mercantile Co. Miss Blanche Young, of Walla Walla, is visiting at the borne of her uncle, W. E. Young, of this city. J.V.Thompson has an open buggy and also a back, both of his own make which he offers for sale. The finest and most complete stock of oils and paints to be found in town are at the Palace Drug Store. Charles Fischer is up on a visit. He says he is prospering in his "Blue Mountain Soap" industry, Claud Steen and wife were in the city Sunday. Mr, Steen repprts splendid crop prospects on his farm, The business men haye decorated Main street with evergreen trees, flags and bunting for the Fourth. Mrs. Rigby has just reoeived a new line of chiidrens hats and babies bon nets. The very latest styles. McBride has jast receive 1 the finest slock of razors ever brought to Athena Prices on them are reasonable. Clarke' Lightnipg Wped Peters are the best ever introduced jn tH3 Country. Sold by Atheqa Mercantile Co. f M. A. Butler, of Penmptfiil? baa re ceived his commission as deputj internal revenue collector for this section Mr. A. R. Carden is in receut of a i n i : i .3 : u ii oil. jeuer iroin uih nuiuicr uuv, i. iuo letter is dated at Honolulu, Hawaii. F aimers porth of Pepdletrn wll com mence cutting barley next week. Srain. in that section is ripening very fast Dr. Muecke, the veterinary surge of Pendleton, will again visit Athena, 'ly 6. See him at the Palace Drug Store Vfpondleton Tribune: Miss Netie Jones of Atbena has accepted a positiq at Eastman's new photograph gallery. attachment, and get the best, These binders are sold by C. A. Barrett & Co. Delicious mutton chops are found at the "Dewey" Meat Market, north side of Main street. E. G. Gerking proprie" tor. There was a genuine case of kidnap ping in town yesterday, bat if the lady will troat, we promise to publish no names. Tbe only fine drees shoes for the Fourth to be found in town are at Hel frlch's. New lines just received from eastern houses. If you run your neck in a noose you may regret the act, but if you put it in one of Hollis' red-wbite-and-blue ties you will be happy. N. A. Miller has added a new rack and shelving to the fixtures of his furni ture store. It will be used for his new stock of wall paper. VProf. F. J. Van Winkle, formerly of 'the IE astern Oregon normal School, lectured in Pendleton Tuesday night, on "Psychic Phenomena." If yoa love your neighbor as yourself, you will tell him how nice Schillings best coffee is when prepared in tbe best manner. Hollis sells it. ' J. M. Barr has been arrested ia Baker City on charges of attempted rape on two little girls, aged 5 and 6 respectfully, daughters of I. H. McCord. Emory Saling, of Weston, is making preparations to open op his summer re tort on Weston mountain. Harry Dixon, aged 9, sustained a bad fractnre of the elbow one day this week. Dr. Sharp tbe attending physician re ports him getting along well. The human machine starts but once and stops but once. Yoa can keep it go ing longest and most regularly by using DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the anions little pills for constipation and all stomach and liver troubles. Palace Drug Store, Wm. McBride, Prop. F.Iv and Thompson were a iTi-rdt thenDa tin Unitci! If 'on, contract Saturday to carry Statu mail between Pendl-tnn and Ukiah for the next four years at $IG3 a year. XR, L Spencer and tbe Prers man tor t a spin inrougn wnear ueirn rnnuav. Wheat routh of town isbe:nnine to ripen and ttm protpects of th farmer a'e brgl-t. Mr and Mrs. L E. Penland, -t Hnlix. have returned from La Grange, they attended the Baptist ch'iroh cn-i vention- Mr. Penland was elrctid mod erator. Tbe Japanese hav detnontdn'd th:r mission on earth, by inventing that cool summer mat tin, which look m cheer ful on the floor and is sold so reasonably by Hollis. J. W. Smith baa 160 acres of gw) land, with 80 acres of growicg crop on it, ritinted on Gerking flat about S miles from Athena, for eat for a short time at a bargain. Ed. Zimmerman last week brought to tne r a rpiendtd sample ot !(-i Chaff wheat, It has heavy, well filled beads, and Mr. Kimmerman calls it a 50-bashel crop. .. t JtMiEB Ethel Ritner, formerly of Pen dleton, and D. W. Jarvis, formerly principal of (he school at Athen, have been re elected to teach in the public school of Portland. A new poetoffice has been established in Grant county and will be known as Margaret. It will have special service from Prairie City. Walton H, Wileox will be the postmaster- Please bear in mind that yon ran i-et just as many, if not more, pounds sugar, coffee, rice, beans, tnd every thing else at the Blue Front, as you can get any place n th,e town. Late to bed and early to rise, prepares a man for his home in the skies. Early to bed and a Little Early Riser, the pill that makes life lopger, pettfr and nicer Palace Drug Store, Wm. McBride Prop The business of tbe Pendleton Steam Laundry in Atbena is eteadjly increas ing. Washings are received at Parker & Ferguson's barber shop ju Wednes day, end are returned Sunday morning. This is the season for mild, refreshing drinks, and Jas. Feeler, at the billiard hall, ia prepared to satisfy the thirst of patrons with-cool and refreshing drinks. Test his new sodu fountain as y-ni pass. "One Minute Oough Cure js the het preparation I have ever sold or used and I can't say too much in its. praise." L M. Kennon, Merchant, QJell, Qa. Palace Drug Stors, Wm. MoBrlda, Prop. The monotony o( Weston life was di verted Sunday by an exciting foot race Ralph Line and Ralph '.Baling were the contestant?. Lno won the race and it is said coneiderabla tfiobiy changed hands. Hiawatha Rebeckah lodge, No. g$, qf weston, has elected the following of ficore: Integrand. Miss Minnie Greer; sh-e arnnd;, Miss Cora DeGrawj secre tary, Miss. Mabel Nelson ; treasurer, Miss Daisy Hafoer. V.Mrs. Maggie Duncan and son, of Slock- tnn rl ... ..!.!.: 1-'.! , ... ui, jni,, mo vioiuDg relatives Ifl 0,18 vicinity. Mrs. Duncan is, a sister of the Walker brothers, a,nd. pf Mrs. Jamiesou of Western, and baa numerous other friends in the eoonty. For the best wagons, binders, twine rcpe, machine oils, axlegrease, cylinder teeth, chains, bolts, fo,ri;s tjudi' field harvesting sppUes, awetanily In stock and at the right prices, call on Geo. Proebstel, Weston, Ore. We mortals complain if it is hot a.nd growl if it is cold. We qjre cross if it rsins, and are blue i ft is'dry. About fc"? W of "errupted equan taity is tbe increasing show of satis- ctory goods at Hollis'. The Cuban question and political iaiessink into insignificant with tbe nfc who suffers fronj pjJes.. What he am desires, ia relief, pe Witt's Witch Eel Salve cures ciies. Palace D,ua 8ta, Wm,. WcBridePT0n, 8,. Geary, Pierec "DeVsWitcfe Has-' ... writes ; more hers" t Salve is curing mediesi-' , dfty than all olher re. allother Jt care8 eczema and Store, Wh diaeaBeB. paiaCe Drug Tuesday , McBride, Prop. , birthday a Jeg8ft; Edington's 7th mother, Mrs,' J. W. - -J. Xti V, arntr ''1lV an abundance of ice. cream, cake, etc, besides having a jolly good ' time gener ally. Many of the boys about town ask why J. V. Thompson shears bia dog on one side only. Ask bim aDout it. We have never known him to get mad ; besides ws think him harmless, and think yoa run no risk whatever in asking him the question. A number of Russian-Finns and tbeir friends assembled near Cayuse station on the Umatilla river Friday and cele- hraterl Kt. John'n Dav. A number of speeches were made in the Finnish lan guags and an enjoyable program was carried out. VGarden truck was promiscuously "nlp ed" io this neighborhood by Mr. Jack Frost Esq., on Monday nigbt- On the low lands, especially did he make his blighting presence known. Potatoes, corn and string beans, pumpkins and squashes are all in a very sad plight. East Oregonian : Tuesday afternoon, wbile herding sheep on tbe range near Ensign, the dogs of Rob't Starkweather captured a beautiful spotted fawn elk about two months old. Tbe animal was brought to Pendleton Wednesday by Mr. Starkweather who wilt keep the animal as a pet. Dave Go'H in an I his ron. F. A. Gnr- tre io town today from tbe Juni per eeciion F. A. Gordon purchased today the A. L Gordou place iu Juni per. 430 acres for about 14000 and 16) acres adjoining from the Oregon Mort gaee company, a quarter of land former ly owned rr J F. flsp, for f900V With these holdings fth- r and on nu'v 0P. cultivate and ay tax -e on I0X) uo:cs of wheat land, all in one body. They have 800 aciea in hai th'u ytar a::d expect lrge yield, as Iheir vil.t a' is in sp'en did condition Cio rwpic's throug i oat the Juiiper section, ih-'j y. were never better. -Eii't OreKonian. ' Youog Ameiica and Powd r A genuine bomhvd unit too place at tbe grove, south of town VtoodAy afier noon. There were fio Pfaniarda abu, but a couple of American juveniles hear conclusive evidence that gun powder nil contains expl ive properties and will 'V'O off" when the hot end i f a match is applied to it. The bjjs in qiiestiou aroCArer)0 B.ntdeq and Clar ence LaBraeho. Just tor the fun of the thing they wrapped a quantity of powder In paper, wound it tightly and set it rff. Tbe result ia Clarence Burden has his nose and mouth burned and the y La Brashe boy got a c implete hair cut and singe, free of charge. .tf". The Alhena Seho-,1. The school board met Saturday and J W. Smith was appoiu'ed lo fill the un expired term ot clerk in place of J. W, Malorey, resigned ituprevl us meet ing, Mrs. Sacketr, Mies Wade, Mips Flora and Mies Rraddon. were rrelcc d by the board (o tea h jp the Athena school for the curning year. The election of principal has not ret taken place, but in all probabii:y Ffof. Starkweather, present superintendent of schools in Clackamas county, will be the choice of board. Mr. Storkweatljef ia a promin ent educator and Is highly recommended by leading men ot the state. Want a Nigtywalgh,. Thjs is the time of year when hobos and Buspiecious characters roam about country in large numbers. This section is not in tbe least slighted by the auguet presence of the festive tramp and it is the universal opinion of the citizens cf Athena that a nightwatoh should be added to the city's police force. Hobo camps are numerous, end I wouldn't hurt the city to have tha eight protec Hon of a competent anil capable man. Farmers Attention. If you want a threshing outfit buy a J. I. Case for whloh we bespeak superi ority over all other machines. To de monstrate this assertion we will put an outfit in your field with an expert engi neer and separator tender, ton tbe outfit until yon are convinced that tbe rig is what we clairn for it. A complete outfit can he seen at our warehouse about May iOtu. Athena Mercantile Co, Gerking Hut Notes Dave Taylor was ie?n on the Flat Wednesday, W. H. H. Soott has purchased a pret ty span of horses which he will break for driving. . John Keen is preparing to build a fine residence on his farm,. Jinks Taylor is engaged in breaking hpxaea. He ean be seen out almost any day driving some wild and woolly bron cho to a little hand sled. Rather soft sleighing. Cbas. Walter ia cutting ha; this week. Tbe wind bloweth and the dust flieth and tbe wbUkera tangleth too much to stand, Grandma Gerking is visiting in town this week. Jim Scott, who, m probably over enthusiastic about the celebration, wm heard to say that he would get there- in tinae if he had to go before break.! and take his clothes. Wouldn't he. uake an impression hunting an ino, weano stand in abbreviated clothing, Bueu He Was Shot Au iebarn Davis, well known in Athena and Weston, had an sxcitinr einerience upon Snake ib' other Cay. av , - . An Indian had. Isbaea Wn ato' and n some uui. . Vi a tvi when tbe (adia Droceeded to at once make a ofPbime. The -iwash fired t ree n recover "lu ..set 6hots at bim but none vi uv' effect Has an Assistant, n r N. Aireut C. F. Drake bas an assistant. Owing hnainess this road to the increase 01 is enjoying at tuis station, it has honn evident lor some time that another man was Leaded to assist Agent uraae, cou.e4xou.ij ... Erown, of l'ortiana. an v -H been in the employe of the O. R. Co. for a number o! years, was ordered bere for duty, sno arreu 7in'u. At f3eale's Market. Frank Beale is after your trade In the meat line. He keeps.on nana noiomg but tho very beet that raonev will buy nn tha market:. Just DOW be IS Cntting fiwfttb ia tho price oi meai. wo quuie Boiling meat, ier lb & anu oc Eoast.perlb...... c Steak, rouna, per io bteak.loin, per lb.. -.v Bologna sausage, per id o uu w - Monty to Loan On choice wheat lands 01 v tnsuua county at 7 per cent interest, uui on or address. Gko. P., Pendleton, Ore. Notice to Farmers. Tbe Atbena Mercantile company are agents lor the McCormiek binders and mowers, the best machines on earth. For Sale. One new steel frame Piano header at a bargain. O. W. Holms. For Sale. Eight acres of land adjoining tbe city limits of Milton, west of depot. Good hnnM Ann out buildinei. balance in orchard of bearing fruit of all varieties. For farther particulars cait on or address Joseph Irons, fiiuton, uie. ForSa'.e. One full blood Jersey bull 18 months old. Two and ons-ha'.f miles northwest of Athena. V. A. Williams. THE NEW STORE E. MANASSE, Prop., $3 Bonk Block, $3 "J g Trl y- ''j- Til "j- f 1 ?K'v, ,r' S; va W. B. CORSETS. We have been appointed agents 5. 4 in this city for tho. celebrated J W. B. Corsets, for correct style, 3 durability and. shape. The best corsets on earth for the following : prices: 50c., 89c, $1.00 and $1.25. Sj Any purchaser having tried them not agreeing with us may have g money refunded. 5- 3 THE NEW STORE 3 y " Agents for Butterick's Patterns. Your Money Back RIGBY First class goods at low prices. We carry a full sup ply ot Groceries. Tea and Cofleo a specialty. Also Mason Improved Fruit Jars, Jelly Glasses and Queensware. FOURTH OF JULY GOODS of nil kinds at The Brick Grocery, RIGBY & HALES, Proprietors, : : Athena, Oregon tLEWira wow it! THE JACK POT IS YOURS . ' . Won by . . A Royal Plush Twelve straight Biiit orders to your credit. The $25 ia yours we're glad to give it to you, for you have earned it by your own persistent efforts in faithfully pushing the best tailoring on earth. THERE'S NO LIMIT TO THIS GAME The same reward stands open $25 for another lot of twelve and there ie no reason why you should not go in and win again. You CAN and you WILL. We are marching on to glory, boys, And we march five thousand strong; There's naught on earth can stop us, boys, For we sing an honest song. We are The Royal Tigers We're a mighty jolly crew And what ia more, we do the work That no one else can do! THE ROYAL TAILORS, CHICAGO, U. S. A. Department of Business. WAR OF WHEELS ,CRESCENTS LEAD,,, Numbers give confidence in war, so the sale of 83,000 Crescents in 1897, shows the confidence of the riding public in them. We handle the full lino of those famous wheels fa mous for quaiity, elegance and price. Buyers aro more particular than they used to be; this makes it easy to sell Crescents. We can suit you in quality, price and terms. C, A. BARRETT & CO., Dewey Meat Market IS. G. GERKING, Prop. Nothing but tho best meat tho market affords is kept in stock. A share' of your patronage respectfully solicited. North Side Main Street rj Athena CD B CD B- CD CD CD r ' CD c CD Ch " ptosa r. AT & HALES h9IHi. Main Street, Athena Athena 4? I 4 2 1