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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1898)
'-1 V:-"- ATHENA PRESS F. B. Boyd, Publisher. Entered at Athena postofflce a ccond-cla mall matter. Subscription Hates: facts. It is getting now bo that when a real battle does occur peo ple will not believe it until the news is a couple of weeks old. 1776 Grand 1898 Per vear. In advance. - Single cople. In wrappers, 5c Advertising Katest Local reading notice, first Insertion, 10c per ilne. Each aubaequent Insertion, 5c. All communication should be addressed to the PBE88 Atbena, Oregon As the failure of the wheat crop in foreign countries two years ago brought the price of the American product up, so now the prospect of good crops in foreign countries forces piices down in thisi country. A few such object lessons as these will soon teach the most casual ob server that the price of wheat in this country does not depend at all on the success or defeat of any cer tain political party. ATHENA, JULY 1, 1898. There was no delay in the re sponse to the call for volunteers, but much time has been required to provide equipments and place the various army divisions in proper condition for effective eery- it. Armies of invasion must not only be well and thoroughly equipped, but their base of sup plies must be provided and posi tively assured. This requires time and an enormous amount of work. Hence it is a question whether the three armies of invasion organized by the United States have not been prepared and started on their mis sion with all the celerity possible It is true the government labored under the disadvantage of almost a total lack of preparation for such a contingency, but all are equally tn blnme for this, and tho le&son in this regard, so dearly learned, may prove useful in the future. All in dications now point to a speedy opening of the campaign in Cuba and the Philippines, and within the coming week we may expect to hear of important results from these islands. No one doubts for n moment the brilliant success of our armies in all directions, yet there is a posibility of serious en gagements before the final down fall of Spanish power in Cuba. "Americans," says the Toronto Mail and Empire, "might not have shown such calm faith in Uncle Sam's fighting ability if Englishmen had not done so. In financial matters London is the ' center of tho world, and as the London market gave no tremor, New York soon mastered its first excitement. In this British sup poit of American securities, which insured tho United StateB against a panic, there was something more than faith that the United States would win in war. There was also desire that it should win. Expen sive though the war is, it is prob able that American citizens as' a whole are increasing their wealth as rapidly as the government is increasing its expenses. Such a thing is phenomenal." CELEBRATION AT Government tea inspectors will liave no necessity for being over- vigilant so long as the duties on tea are maintained. Importers aro not going to pay ten cents a pound into the coffers of the government for the privilege of bringing low- erode or trashy stuff into this country. It is very probable tnai the duty and the inspector will not both maintain their positions for long. During the recent political cam- .i paign it wns irequenuy affcueu that there was no such thing in the state as a silver republican, howover, it appears that there is one to be found whenever there is a federal appointment to be made. The adherents of John II. Mitchell have so far captured everything in sight in tho shape of federal ap pointments. Tho collection of a duty upon foreign goods sent into the Philip pine islands, which will begin as soon as General Merrit assumes command over there.will be known as "military contribution." For the present the Spanish system and rates will be followed, except !ni ihn AY nnrt. tax. which will be ..... - , abolished. Stock gambling in food products should bo considered a felony and punished as such. Giving fictitious values to breadstuffa that the rich may grow richer at the expense of tho wage-earners is a reprehensible practice and this government should prohibit it by law. ATHENA Monday, July 4th Everybody is invited to come and help the people of Athena celebrate the independence of the Unit--ed States. L0DCK DIKKITOK1 AF. ft A.M. NO. 80 MEETS THE . First and Third Saturday Evenings f each month. Visiting bretheren cor iially invited to visit the lodge. T 0. 0. F. NO. 73, MEETS EVERY 1 , Friday night. Visiting Odd Fellow d good standing always welcome. A O. U. W. NO. 104, MEETS THi! Second and Fourth Saturdays ol a u mouth. Lake France, Recorder. J. G SMITH. 31. D. Athena, Oregon. Office it PWe Ding Store. Call j promptly answered, day or night. J A. BEST. 31. D. Physician and Surgeon. Office over Brant's Store, Weston. I - . I A A i awa-sza-HOB a w w t www www ATHENA CAMP, NO. 171. Woodmen of the World, meet" 11 and 8rd Wednesduy ol jach month. VlHlllngChonpcrs always wel come. O. C. Osbckk, Clerk, R. J. SLATER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Athena, Ore. TjYTHIAN, NO. 29, L MEETS EVERY Thursday Night. s. F, BHAKP, Physician and Surgeon. Office on Third CalU promptly answered. Street, Athena, Oregon. LOUIS F. TO V All, M. D., SURGEON DENTIST. Fine work at short notice, with the best kind of inuterinls, neat and artistically done. Fillings In Ooldand Silver a specialty. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Third St. Atheha, Oregon The Athena Lumber Co. J. E. REEDER, Pres. . II. II. CURTIS, Mgr. We Respectfully Solicit the Trade of the People of Athena and Surrounding Country. The Athena Lumber Company respectfully call your attention to the fact that they have established a lumber yard on Main street, west of Railroad and respectfully solicit a liberal thare of your pat ronage, feeling that we can give entire satisfaction. We ak you to give us a call. Athena Lumber Co. PARKER & FERGUSON .Proprietors of Z CLECTHIC DARDCR SHOP. BLUSTER WONT WIN FUN FOR EVERYONE PARADES, SPEECHES, RAGES, MUSIC AND GAMES GRAND FREE DANCE UNDER BIG TREES The Benate has passed a bill (at the appointment of a non-partisan commission to gather information and recommend legislation on the problems presented by labor agri culture and capital. A fat job tor somo "poor" fellows. Honest business methods is what tells. Your Grocery trade is what I want. We bid for it on square business principles, with a big fresh grocery stock from which to supply all of your wants, and at prices that are reasonable and just and that defy competition. The in.ll fit Next Door to Postofflce. ONT" Athena, Oregon. lira i our in oi jui) To Be Celebrated at BINGHAM - SPRINGS T-mrtT tt rrm m TT tTT TS TTTTT7 i 71 ffrnTTT? J T d K HK N N . KN I fi N n P. V n H. C. Adams, President. H. McArthnr, Vice-President. A Spanish newspaper says, "One Ted Roosevelt, formerly a New York policemen, has been made commander-in-chief of tho Amer ican army." That is worso than "the state of Chicago in which the citv of Illinois is situated." Tho agricultural department has abandoned its policy of reporting upon tobacco production in this country, because its estimates aro found to be manifestly short of actual production, as revealed by the amount of revenue tax paid into the treasury department. There is a lamentablo weakness in government estimates upon wheat and other agricultural productions, that is surprising, and for which there ought, with the resources available, to bo some corrective. Commercial estimates upon wheat production are almost invariably accepted by well informed traders in preierence to government re ports, and developments usually demonstrate the greator accuracy thus obtained. The trail to Alaska teems to be strewn with misfortune and dis aster. Hardly a vnok passes but some steamer up thcro or on her way there is wrecked, duo in part to the irresponsibility of tho per son in charge, and valuable prop erty and lives are lost. And if they do arrive safely at their port, tho argonauts suffer tho whole vocabulary of tortures from tho elements and their own shortsight edness. Verilv. tho wav of the gold-seeker is hard. Sensational journalitm has fool ed the people so often that they look upon all war news with sus picion. The expected and report ed great battles "tomorrow," and the sinking of the entire Spanish fleet all prove to bo simply rumor, but are given by these papers as Bill ousness la paused bv tonilcl liver, which prevents diges tion and permits food to ferment mid putrlfy in the stomach. Then follow dizziness, headache, Iff! J u limmiliw, nervousness, ami, If not relieved, bilious fever or blood noUonlns. Hood Pills stimulate tho stomach. roiis tho liver, euro headache, dizziness, con st milium, eio. va twins, now ny an uriiiwan iioou a o FILL UP YOUR BASKETS and Come to Athena. , Take the WASHINGTON & COLUMBIA RIVER RAILWAY In Connection with the r. FOB TACOMA, SEATTLE, SPOKANE, ST. PAUL, ST. LOUIS. CHICAGO. KANSAS CITY and OMAHA, AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTHEAST. The Best Tourist Sleepers Pullman Sleepers Dining Cars There will be a grand celebration at Bingham Springs of three days, the 4th, 5th arid 6th of July, , No pains will be spared to make the celebration most enjoyable. l'U nn.Q TToll mill ha frirnnrn nnfin flafih dav from 10 10 12 8. m.. to4t.. m.. and from 8 n, m. to the wee sraa' hours. JCirkman s Orchestra will furnish fine music. Persons wishing to dance will be f.Wo-fid rmo dollar a couDle or fifty cents each. This price includes all the dances for the 4th, 5th and 6th. Children free. All are invited There will be NO CHARGE FOR GATE ENTRANCE. The Hwlmnjlng Tool has always been found a great attraction. Bathing suits on nana, ror runner miormanou uquippo MitS. II. 15. WINGARD, Proprietress, B'mgham Springs, Oregon. nj ms Tho only' lHUs to tuko with J s sanaparUla. Wm, McBride, v.loaIerln. i PURE DRUGS & MEDICINES. File Clmicals, Pliarmaccntical SDCcialties, Dye Ms. Toilet Fancy article, Combs, Bruhe, h-ariumory, -owaor, Pr.prUOln lor in. loovu, rresorlilkm carefully comiwuiuled. Trri 4 too Everything first-class t the "Pilace." Till Is Your Oirn,rtantty. On receipt of Ion cents, eBh or stamps. gtmenms nmnplo will l mtiiled of tli moht jH!ulir Catarrh nail Hay i'mer Cr (lily's fu am lialm) sufficient to tlvuiou strAtA tlie fivt.4 unrits of the remtxly. ELY BROTHERS, 6a Wurrca St., New York City. Kiv. John floM, Jr., of Oreat Falls, Mout., Ttuoinnirmtad FJy'i Cresm llalm to me. I can emphases his statement, "It is a jw1. tiv cure for oatiirrh if used natlirecteil." liny. Fnincin W. Toole, Pastor Ctutnil Pres. Church, lltlena, Mont I'.lj's Crenra JWio in tho acVuowledp'tt mre for catarrh sn.t ojjtius no uureury nor any injurious dnitf. Prioe, p() .evnta. For further information apply to J. A. MUIBHEAD, Agent, - Athena, Oregon. n- in FREDERICK R0(3ERS, Q. F. & P. Agt., WUa Walla, Wash. LOWEST RATES. t surra tu mju-afcujtti Marly 100 Styles to Select Vr om t , . , lhia,caann Finest foreiuu and doroeBlio fabrics, latest t ffcpfa fpr tpis season, from the beet weavers in E'irope and America. Order From Me ' L ,. . . . Save more than one-half in price, get a more stylish, better made and better fitting garment than you can get elsewhere. Garments Cut to Your Exact Measure y eypertcjjtters and made by first-clasB city tailors. Gent's Bicycle kuit 's 10 per pent off for 39 days pn all good.9. tttttttf o ( Baker & Hamilton Headers J'rjime, Steel and Wood Combined T-2cs Vnir (nn Hi 7 V JEjid or Center Drive A Perfect Machine oV -alt V j SHAVING, IIAIRCUTTING SHAMPOOING, HAIRSINGING, - pS HOT OR COLD WATER BATHS, 25 CENTS. n . S X. J. JV-irK, Xllcvl'Vlo W'. CAPITAL STOCK, SURPLUS, Proper attention given to collections. and domestic exchange. E. L. Harnett,) $60,000 10,000 Deals in foreign t N. W. BABKUrr, Assismnt uasuier. LI I II i .r n1.rn rnililnM i i n: " FRANK J. BEALE SOUTH SIDE MAIN ATHENA STREET Proprietor o THE ATHENA MARKET FRESH MEAT ALWAYS ON HAND ii ir nmni Boueht and sold. The highest market LlVt ulUuil price is always paid. THE "EKGHANGE" SALOON WILL WELLS, PROPRIETOR I KEEP THE COOLEST AND BEST BEER To Be Found in Town. South Skle lain Street r r-TTMS p --t;T. , 'X f . 4 0)a Ri g' E3 BKl'AUT T1MR BC1IKDOLM ARtttV o-tt a m. Pendleton, Salt 0:27 p.m. Uke, IHnver,Oia liu, CUiee and Kust vl Oregon (Short Lino. B-27o in. Sikane,oslaud. ftloa. ni. Cliko and via Ureal Northern iTToTIuT" VVeston. Milton 3:45 p.m. and Walla W a'U i5 m, iHMidleton, Port- U:W a. m. 8Wl' land and point east and west H v."nu ockax sTEitstsmrs p. m. All wiling dates suUJecl to change. For fan Franetet lj'iii,i,s4,18oL fpTm.' To AluoKt, S J). . fciailJulyH . WWMBIAKIVKU P- E!Si(i!jay StkaKr. Ex. bnudar I'o Astoria and vaylundii'g , WltlAMBrrS 4:30 p. in. Oregon City, Jew. Iljerg, .HtUem ur j luuiUnss. T a! wim.axkitk ASi) -IkSOivm. Tuea., l'hur. VAiHULi. kivuhs SJon., Wed. mid rit, Oregon Vlty, nu1 ri- (on and way -land's a. wn.LASir.TTK 4 so p. nv. Tue.. Thur. KIVKR Tue., Thar. nd Hut. 'Portland to Corvnl- "d (Ski. Ills sud wayilMid'f M.m wi UewrlA to Lewlst'u Sun., Tui wq-yruhi , ndlhur. VT. H. H rtburt, C. F, Drake, Agent Wn'l Agent, Aiui'ti. IVrtbMid, Ore, W. H. HAWES, Main Street, Athena, Oiiegoji. THE PIONEER HARNESS SHOP W. E. YOUNG, Proprietor, Athena, Oregon The Munson Typewriter Is "THE BEST" friting MacMne SPECIAL FEATURES: Interchangeable Steel Typevyhee, Insiuring' pennan'pnt aligprpeptj Perfect light-swinging carriage, Metal erasing plate, Simplicity of construction, Writing in sight, 90 letters and characters, Standard keyboard ' THE 'MUNSON" is especially guaran teed in writing for five years from date of purchase. , ' Tf? HIGHEST GRADE AND STANDARD OF EXCELLENpE .... Controlled by no Trust or Combine . . . . Address for particulars: MUNSON TYPEWRITER COMPANYy Slanufaciurere, 240-244 W. Lake Street, Chicago, Hits. Cf .- "7, : 1 T . , Cement and Concrete Work Plastering and Bricklaying Satisfaction Guaranteed. All Work Promptly Done at Reasonable Price. J. A. KELLER, Athena, Oregon THE NEW LUMBER YARD. MAIN STREET, ATHm, OREGON. A Complete Stock of Rough and Dressed Lumber. LOW PRICES, A A. M. GILX,IS, Atlieiia, Oregon. & "We are onto our Job" 2 with the largest stock of Carpets, Oil Cloth, Linoleum and Wall Paper ever brought to Pendleton. Also an elegant line of Portieres, Lace Curtains, Table Covers and Lounge Trimmings all of the latest styles and patterns. "Beautiful'' is the word for these goods." A few samples of Carpet at Miller's furniture 6tore, in Atheua. JtAiUAU, Pendleton, Oregon. h ESTATE nb MSUrG;E. 1 9 d. W. 84 lo lPibii v. p, Orflce over First National -Bonk, ATHEA,Or'-50W " ?