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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1898)
THE COUNTY NEWS The "East End" as Reflected By Our Exchanges, DOINGS OF TWO TOWNS Gleanings From Weston and Milton Neighborhoods. WK8TON LEADKK. Miss JLillie McMorria baa gone to Meacbam, where she will be tbe guest of Grandma Munra for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. 3. M. Wise are expected to arrive next Monday on a visit to Q. A, R. Mctirew. They are returning home to the Willamette valley from Baker City. Henry C. Adams, the extensive sheep owner of Weston, is preparing to ship fourteen carloads of mutton sheep to Chicago. It is expected that Ihe ship ment will be started next Monday from Athena over the W. & 0. R. K. and Northern Pacific. Miss Phronia Ketcbum and Mr George Ketcbum, who came to Went on several months ago from Champagne, 11., in search of better health, left Mon day night for Spokane, where their brother is engaged in civil engineering. Both found their stay here of much benefit. The death of II. C. Hill, 84 years old, occurred lately at Trail, British Colum bia, to which place he moved from Wes ton about a year ego. Mr. Hill resided at Weston several years, and was an estimable old gentleman. His son, J. F. Hill of Helix, has gone to Trail in ifasponea to news of his ftither's death. Considerable local interest is being created in foot racing. List Monday evening on the common below tjwn Kalph Lane btnt "Poo" Read at 73 yards. A match of 100 yards is now being arranged for nest Sunday after, noon between Ralph Lane and Ralph Haling. It la said that backers of the respective contestants are ready to risk a good many dollars on the result. Prof. M. G. Royal and family left for their former home at Olympia, Wash., where the professor expects to engage in the practice of law. The fact that he will be nonbored among our citizens no longer is deeply regretted, for he not only conducted the normal school aa its president for five years past with signal success, but won a high place in the esteem of the community. Henry Waod was over Tuesday, talk ing with "ftulJ acquaintances" at Wes log, from his farm near Athena. He says that providence continuee to bless the farmers, the prospect for spring grain especially being the best he has ever seen. As for fall grain, Mr Wood had eome last year that averaged 60 bushels per acre but thinka that this flue yield will ba even exceeded the coining har vest, as the heads promise to fill to a greater length. He has 300 acres in crop. Hank Fanning, the raucher and phil osopher of Cold Spring, was here last Sunday with' Wra. Rose. Hank says that last year's crop enabled him to quit dodging creditors for the first time in a decade, and ho now has a collection of autographs that cost $2000. If things go this year as well as they look he will be able to iudulge in tho luxury of a Prince Albert and a box of Havanaa, while his family will be spared from the uncertainty of eating only when the bene lay. He baa a half-section in crop and says that Cold Spring wheat look. as well or better than that around Wes ton. Fred, tho young son of J. B. Impute, came to grief last Sunday while riding a celt belouimiK to the Read boys. A saddle was tied outo the colt with ropos in juvenile fashion, and Fred climbed aboard. After a tow jumps the saddle was where the cinch ought to be and the young rider was lying on the ground, with the ligamonts of his right arm badly sprained and lacerated at the wrist. The arm was put in splints by Dr. Best, and the youngster is repining at home. MILTON KAOLK Born, near this city, on June 23, 1 SOS, to the wife of Arthur Ferguson, a daugh ter. Born, on Couse creek, on Friday June 17, 1893, to the wife of Mack Cocaburn, son. The little child of Win. Mc Alexander died Monday and was buried Tuesday in tbe City cemetery. Elder Goods has resigned from the pastorate of the Milton Christian church congregation and will seek other fields of labor. ; Born, in the Mud creek neighborhood, six miles from the city, on Friday even-, ing, Jane 17, 1808, to the wife of William Clark, a daughter. Miss Daley Wilson will go to California to Biwud the summer's vacation visiting relatives. She will return in time to re turn her place in the Milton public schools in September. Walla Walla is going to have a fruit fair this fall. Umatilla county product! that make any pretensions to excellence had better roost on a high limb if that is the case or those Walla Walla fellows will have them on exhibition as Wash ington grown. Milton's new flouring mill will be com pleted and ready to grind this year's crop of wheat in about two months. The contract with the mill-wrights says August 15tb, but if the machinery is all in place by tbe first of September, tbe owners, Messrs. Harris, Stewart and Johnson will be satisfied. Mr. Marion Kees, of the Milton public schools will start on a government sur veying trip about July 4th or 5th. Prof. F.J. Van Winkle, of Weston, has the contract and tbe personnel of bis com pany will be made up of Umatilla county teachers. Tbe boys all expect a pleas ant outing, as the scene of their labors is located in the heart of tbe Blue mount ains CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATION It Will Be for Positions in the Land Office Department. The United States civil service com mission announces that examinations may be taken on July 27 and 28, 1893. at tbe cities named below for positions, in the offices of tbe surveyor general, register, and receiver. Tbe examina tions may also ba taken in any other city where tbe commission has a com petent board of examiners : Oregon Astoria, La Grande, Lake view, Portland and Roseburg. The positions for which these exam inations will be held are as follows : Clerk qualified as stenographer, type writer and lan d office bookkeeper. Clerk with a thorough knowledge of land law and a general knowledge of tbe system of public land surveying. Clork with qualifications of a land surveyor, including platting, computing, and drawing, and also with a knowledge of tho system of public land surveying. Thoroughly competent topographic draftsman, with a general knowledge of surveying, including the system of pub lic laud surveying. The time allowed for each of these ex aminations is two days. Tho basis and the practical tests in land office book keeping will be given on July 27, and tho practical tests in stenography and typewriting will be given to applicants, for tbe examination requiring them, later. Full notico of the time and place will be furnished to eaoh compatitor by the commission. Persons desiring to enter these exam inations should at once write to tbe U. S. civil service commission, Washington, D. C, for application blanks. Forms 304 and 875, which should be properly executed and promptly forwarded to tbe commission. Horse Thieves at Work. Billy Arnald passed through Lontine this week en route to Elgin from a trip to Snake river near the mouth of Pine creek where he went to hunt horses be longing to Keeney, the Elgin hotel pro prietor. Mr. Arnald reports a lose of 30 out of 70 wbluh he says were undoubted ly stolen. He saya there are two gangs of thieves operating on finaka river, one on this side and one on the other. The one on this side ritlpe the eastorn part of Wallowa county and after rounding up 60 or 100 geldings swim them acroe the river to their accomplices who in return swim about an equal number back which were stolen in Idaho. Tbe thieves on this side then drive the stolen horses to Eastern Washington where they are sold, while those on the other side take the VYallowa horses to Central Idaho where they are likewise sold. Horsemen repott hpavy Iobbos on the range of lute and no doubt th'j is what becomes of them. Lostine Leader. Bowman Gees Back. Fred Bowman, the principal witness in Mahaffey caae, leaves thia morning in charge of an officer for Oklahoma to answer for the crime of stealing ftHe, The otflcer, T. A. Lawrence, deputy Sheriff ot Greer county, Oklahoma, ar rived on last night's train Identified Bowman aud departs with him after a stay of nine hours (or JHangruui, Okla. He says Bowmaa was arreattfd Pecember 20, 180B, and- indicted by the grand jury May 20, 1807. Before his indictment, he with four others broke jail. - ... .. . .. Yellow Jaundice Cured. Sutlering humanity should be supplied with every means possible for ita relief. It is with pleasure (bat we publish tho following : "This ia to certify that I was a terrible sufferer from Yellow Jaundice for over six months, and waa treated by some of the best physicians in our city and ail to no avail. Dr. Bell, our drug gist, recommeaded Electric Bitters ; and after taking two bottles, I waa entirely cured. 1 now take great pleasure in rseom mending them to any person Buttering from thia terrible malady. I am gratefully roars, M. A. Hogart, Lex ingtou, Ky." Sold b G. C. Osburn, druggist. Office Kobbed. ThoO. R. AN. railroad office at El gin, Union county, was robbed Tuesday night, Some small change in the money drawer, a revolver aud a watch was taken by the robber. 4-0 attempt was also made to crack the sat but it waa not a success. An entrance into &e building was made through a window. A Fatal Fall. Miss Lillian Bcroggin, daughter of T. J. Scroggin, of Long creek, Grant county, waa its victim a few daya ago of aa sx- cident that may prove fatal. The family were camping io the mountains near McDuff springs, and tbe yonog woman and her mother wt re u?i ths wagon bed for a sleeping place. In attempting to step fom tbe rear cf tho wagon to the ground the girl's drefS became caught in the vehicle and ehe tripped and fell heavily, striking a projsctins corner of a box, breaking a blood veeeel, dislocating ber knee and fracturing a bone in ber hip. It was two daya before medical at tendance could be bad, and during tbe meantime one side of the unfortunate girl became paralyzed. Her cnances for recovery are about even. Tak;n Up. One bay mare, brand A. W. on left shoulder, 3 years old, weight about 800 One black mare, brand N. on left shoulder, age 3 years, weight 050. The above described animals wre taken up lu Athena, and impounded on June 0, 1898, and unless redeemed by owner, will be sold to the trghest bidder at tbe city pound of Athena on Tuesday, June 14, 1898. C. M. Cakdkn, Marshal. To Retire From Business. The stockholders of the First National bank of Waitsburg, eajs tbe Dayton Courier, have resolved to go into volun tary liquidation, and the local stock holders with the Hon. Levi Ankeny of Walla Walla have organ'zd the Mer chant's Bank of Waitsburg, with a cap ital of f25,000, all subscribed and paid in. This change was made for the rea son that the National Bank with its capital cf $50,000 and thereby heavy taxes and other expenses has been an unprofitable institution Tt9 officers of the new bank will probably remain the same as in the old organization. Notice if Pissplution. Notice is hereby given that the part nership heretofore existing between Owen & Thompson, doing a general blacksmith business in Athena, has this day been mutually dissolved. A. G. Owen retiring and J. V. Thompson con tjnuing the business, and will collect and pay all bills. J. V. Thompson, A- 9- Owen. A Prospectus. We have before an a prospectus of tho "Agnes Gold Mining Company," of Tuolurame county, California. The capital stock of the company is 150,000 at a valuation of one dollar each. Tbe oompany is organised under the laws of the state of California, and io it are two men well known la this city namely, C. W. Hollis and Charles Cleve. Mr. Cleve is secretary and the home office of the compaoy is 125 King street, San Fran cisco. The Agnes gold mine is situated in the ' heart of one of the richest gold mining regions jn the state of California, and is on tbe famous jfiist Lode. The mine is being developed and tbe ore runs from $15 to $ 200 per ton, the average being quoted in the prospectus at be tween f 20 and $25 par ton. Stock will be placed on the market aud shares offered at $100 each payable 10 cents on subscription and 5 cents per month 1 thereafter until fully paid. A Timely Warning. Grain saved ia money made. To sue the grain use Fry's Concentrated Squir rel Pojaon. This preparation is the cheapest and most e$onomh;al for the farmers. One grain kills, guaranteed. Price 25c. per can or $5.50 per case of two dogen. For sale by all druggists. Can Afford to Have a Cow. "Just after President McKinley's in auguration be had his relatives who were in the city at a family dinner at the White House," says the Ladies' Home Journal in an illustrated anecdota bio graphy of the president. l"It was a large company, and a goad dinner. Dear old Mother Mc&inley wm tuere, gut she was not very talkative. She was too happy for words. But she kept a sharp eye on tho dinner, and no detail escaped her. She was impressed by the quantity of cream served with the fruit and cofjee, for she looked up at fapr con ia ber sweet way and said: " 'William, you mast keep a cow now.' ''gome of the younger members of tho family party found it difficult to suppress a smile, but tbe president, with his usual tact and graoionsness, replied : " 'Ves, mpther, we cau afford to have a cow now, and hays all the cream we can possibly use.' " Terrible News from Spain. A correspondent from the Atlantic Constitution, writing concerning Borne of his recent experiences in the Spanish West . Indies, says that aa a rule tbe Spanish papers had either McKinley or Sampson or Dewey killed every day, "and we usti to make pools the nigbt before as to whoee obituary v. a sould read in the morning." Twice the presi dent waa reported to have committed suicide once after the bombardment of 5'ew York and the landing of the Span ish marines, and once after the nswa reached him that fts own troops had begun to sack Washington. ' Ihi ele ment that a naturalized Cblasmaa, bora ia Canton, was in circulation all tbe time." One Minute is not long, yet relief ia obtained i? half that lime by the use of One Minute Cquitf Cure. It prevents consumption a,nd quickly (vncj cnlds, croup, bronchitis, pneumonia, ,1a grippe and all throat aod japg J roubles. 1'alace liug Store, Wm. MtUride, Prof, The Incubator. Not many moms ago A iincher that ycu know, To readers of the Pbe. He U no Granger Had a laudable ambition To better his condition Af should eery other Knt-rpr sin:; eran gr. Thia progressive ijp-to-da'er Bought a nice new incubator Guaranteed to do the work At less expense. As a dandy little batch it There was nothing that could match it So the dominecker hen Pat on the fence. , It was nicely adjusted. And could always be trusted, Unlike so many of its Imitators, It would work as slick as grease Far surpassing dux or geese Chickens, crows, snipes, snakes or Aligators. This enterprieing granger He who is not a stranger Felt sure it would be Successfully operated, But he made the sad mistake That many people make By counting chickens before They're incubated. In the wood house he set it Where the coyotes couldn't get it And filled it with eggs of Choice selections. There was nothing more to do But before be withdrew He adjusted it according To directions. That night while fact asleep "Sawing gourds" loud and deep, Sweetly dreaming while Peacfully reposing, An explosion like thunder Caused him to wake and wonder And investigate in Abbreviated clothing. When the investigator, . Looked for the incubator, He did not ree it Anywhere at all ; He was thoroughly disgusted. The pesky thing bad "busted" Eggs and chickens were Spattered on the wall. When the incident occurred Our friend said not a word But bis thinker tbyink Many thoughtful thinks. No more incubators Jfo measly aggravators, The old dominecker ben is good Enough for Jinks. Real Estate. 480 ACRES tep. pqiles north of Athena 320 acres of good wheat land, 160 acres pasture. Good house, barn, out buildings, wind mill, etc. A bar gain at $B,500. 160 ACRES Bplendid wheat land, six and a half miles north of Athena well im proved. ' Yours for $.250. 1120 ACRES 600 acres jn Cultivation, balance pastuie; about 250 acres summer fallow. Well improved with house barn, two wells, wind mill cistern etc. Cheap at $12,000. 20 ACRES on Pine Creek. About 80 acres in cultivation. Abundance of water for irrigation and plenty of wood for use on the place. Nearly 600 fruit trees now bearing. $2.00i. 180 ACRES good timber land. You can get It if taken now, for $900. 400 acres ; J pHsture land, one half suitablejior cultivation. Good pprirjg of water and ia onlv two milps from railroad (station. A snap at $1,000. 1 HOUSE one 7 roomed house and good barn with 3 lots in Railway Addition $650. ' 160 ACRES 5 or 6 milec from Athena, ood wheatland. $3200. ; 320 ACRES 130 acres ia cultivation, balance pasture, part in 'summer fajlow. A good place for $di,7oU. SO ACRE fruit farm,' betvveep' VValla Valla and Milton. 25 awes of bearing fruit trees, 4 acres in strawberries, 3 acres in blackberries, 2 acres in asDaraeus, balance in alfalfa. A good house, barn, etc., abundance of water for irrigating purposes, no rocks. A model home and a mon ey maker. " Price, $12ftQ0p. 1 FIVE jroom hous9 on Jefferson Street, Athena, far $500. 2 LOTS on Washington Street, Athena, a good house and barn, fine location and cheap at $500. 160 ACRES, on Weston mountain, part sum mer falow, good house and barn, growing orchard, all well improved J. w. 6MITH, hmn, QmW' FEELER'S BILLIARD HALL Carries the bt st line of Cigars, Tobaccos gad soft drinka in the city. Call ' ' fed ijiBFt his stock. Athena, t t r r pfegon Public Notice. NoUtH! 1h lnretiy glvon Hint I w 111 applv U tho myoritl common council of the City of Athena, Orrson, at meeting thereof to bo held on the j:irU day of July, IfSVS, for license to sell aplriums malt, ami vinous liquors in ;.! onuntitiea than one quart, said liquors to sola cai'.y 'n ft building situated oo the west alf nf lot-9. 7, in UtN S No. 5, of said eitv. 'IHvtod July 1, l&v..- i. -i ciut. tALirir. -' .-(, Aiueaut. FROM FOOT TO KNEE Ohio Woman SutrereJ Creat Agony From a Terrible Sofe Her Story of tho Case, a id Her Cure. "For many years I wa-j afflicted with a milk leg, aud a tew years ago it broke out in a sore m.-i. spread from my foot to my knee. 1 uune.ej great agony. It would burn and ilea al! the time aud discharge a great Uea. My health was good with the execptiou oi thia bore. I tried a great many kinds of salve, but some would Irritate tho sore so that I could hardly stand tho pain. I could not go near the fire without suffering intensely. Someone sent me papers coniainins testimonials of cures by Hood's 8arsa;'avilla, and I told my husband 1 would like to try tnis med icine. He got me a bottlo and I found it helped me. I kept on taking it until my limb was completely heuled. I cannot praise Hood's Sarsapai-illa enough for the great benefit It ha3 been to me. It cleanses the blood of oil impurities and leaves it rich and pure." Mes. Anna E. EAKEN, Whittlesey, Ohio. You can buy Hood's Sarsaparilla of all druggists. Be aure to get only Hood's. u At.. ri:n rc ,,ie favorite family c;iUim t;o, J'rlce !o. THE t annum ft iirvrri 61. NlUtlULO HUItL J. W. FROOME & SON PROPRIETORS w Only First-class Hotel in the Citv. Iff THE ST. NICHOLS Is the only one that can accommodate J commercial travelers. Iff Can be iccouiended fur Us cleau and t i i Cob, JlAtN and Third, Athena, Or. ,The,- COMMERCIAL LIVERY, FEED and SALE STABLE. Best Turnouts In Eastern Oregon. Stock Boarded by the Day, Week or Month, PlNKEBTON & FROOM15, Pro's E ti THE ATHENA HOTEL I to fi Mrs, Hardin, Proprietress, jit I "'if pi Millti, Manager. . g I .Iff I k pan be recommended to the public as & f being ftrMass in everr m. particular, 1 itr- h We Employ White help only. $ gMEALS 25 CENTS. f THE CORNER 5A1.0PN JJoober Protfiprs, J'rpp'rs Wines, Liquors and Cigars v. Qnly Firstclass jGooda fan31ed Cor. Main and Third Streets ;.!.. i ; . Athpria, ..... Oregon Public Notice. Notice Is hereby Kiveuthnt I will apply to the Mayor and common council of the city ot Aliens, Oregon, at a meeting tnereof to be held oh ttw&tu djy of June, ISMS, for a license to sell spintuoViS, mat au4 Tifio-'-s liquors in less quantities than one quart, arffd liquors to be sold only in a building situated ou the north-east corner of lot 7 in block 5, of said city. li. T. Baiijby, ' fasted, -June 3, 1SSJ8. i Applicant. Public Notti. Notice is hereby given that I will apply to the Mayor and common council of the city of Athena, Oregon, at a meeting thereof to be held on the th day of July, lt. for a license to sell spirituous, malt aud vinous liquors in less quantities than one quart, said liquors to be sold only Ina building situated on the Jhe east half of tot 9 in block 5, of said city. :.., JACK Hkss, P8ied4unel$,l!. .. . Applicant. Public Noic. Notice is hereby stlvea that I will apply lj the mayor and common council of the Cay of Athena, Oregon, at a meeting thereof lo b? held ou the 30th day ot July, 18!. for a license t.h svtiritiituw ult nnA imtw lintiont to be sold only in a building situated on the west one-half of lot No,S,iu block So. 5. of Slid eiiv. Joiix tsrw, I 3vteJ, July 1, "Krir Bright, Rea dy-mi fomliflson Estimates cheerfully famished, and all work guaranteed. sMlirX -that Main Street, Painting . . . WW In all Branches Neatly done by Chapman. UOFSE PAINTING AND DECORATING. CHAPMAN & NELSON, Athena "MILLER, THE RUSTLER," Has Bargains for All Main Street N. x4 - The above cut ia of the Harding Shoe for deformed feet and limba; also tbe Honest John Trues fur all kinds of rap tures. Both art late inventions, and the best yet desiBsd by man. . With proper eurgery aidfed; by 'these apparatuses .per fect cure ia effected in nearly all cases. Address Dr, J. M. Boycl, T '' Walla Walla; Wash. V 6arVJ mr- ol . I::... -.. .. - - I ' tf i rf r i I 3 Good : : j Shoes j Is the line I bank on. Nothing Shoddy in My Line I REASONABLE PRICES y Push my goods along and make a v buginess lively. I f .. 3 I J8SSS? - I S F.L HtLFRiCH f Athena, - - - - Oregon t xffd Paints, Wall Yaper, LviirusltA 33, Wind Mills, tc, tey' l ir SIiorD. 8 Pendleton, Oregon. I Beauty - isn't . everything in woman, horses or harness. In the latter' strength, duribility, general ex cellence of material and work manship are prime requisites in all that goes to make up q, har ness and horse outfitting estab lishment. That of JOSEPH ELL'S is unexcelled. : Pendleton, Oregon I can save You Money On your Furniture A. MILLER, Athena . r KNOW that your house looks bad for the want of paint and paper? Ma loney & Stamper can fix you out in painting or paper-hanging. Pre him at once about it. Good work at reasonable prices. I noil i niecAcrE fatty's r f Udet?n Climatip cianges. Vor yotir Protection we positively state that t9 remedy does not spotitai inercufy pr any other injur ious drug. Ely's Cream Balm is acknowledged to b the most thoronh care for Nasal Catarrh, Cold in Head and Hay Fever of all remedies. 1' opens and cleanses the nasal passages, allays pain and inflammation, heals the sores, pro. tccts the membrane from colds, restores the senees of taetennd smell. Price 60c. at Drnepistsorbymail. ELY BKOTH.EHS, 8 Warren Street, Hew York. THE TODER QF SCIENCE ppg Troubles apd Popsamption t'ap Aa Eminent Hew York Chemist and Scientist Mates a Free Offer to Our Readers. The distinguished New York chemist, T. A. Slocum, demonstrating his dis covery of a reliable and absolute cure for consumption (Pulmonary Tubercu losis) and all bronchial, throat, lung and cheet, stubborn couchs, catarrhal natf'ec1 tions, general decline and Weakness; less of flesh, and all conditions of wae' ins away, will send THREE 'FREE BOTTLES all differeritY ol bis Eet Discoveries to any abided rs'ader of ' A Prkss writing for theta. ' ' "' His "New bcientific Treatment" has cared thousands permanently by ita timely nse, and considers it a simple professional duty to eufferin? humanity to donate a triaioi hiijofatiibift cut.,. Science daily -deelopes hew !wond6, and his great chemist patiently.; expert? menting for yeare, has produced rtsnlrV" as beneficial to humanity aa cap' t; claimed b? fcny moaerpl 'gepiusi' - - Jiiu iswrting that loDg" froublea and congmp, lion are curable in any climate ia pto ven hy "heart felt lettera ol gratitude," filed ia his American and Euroean laboratories in thousands from tfeaee cured in all parta of tbe world. Medical experts concede tbatbroncMal chest and lung trouble lead to Coneompi tion, which, nninterrupted, means spsed; , and ceitain Oeaifc.- . ,; Simply write iaiT. A. fciocum, il. 1 . 93 Pine street, tfew Yotjf, giving f svr offieo and f jpresp addrwg, qd tLa in- medicine will Ixj proiaptly sent, ei o ers should Uka Instant advaetase of Lis generous proposition - .... DO YOU is a u w"h i