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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (June 16, 1893)
Financial una Commercial. yComtncrclal Review, After a eiene of liauidatioo fol lowed by a feeliug of degression and insecurity, the business situa tion baa resolved itself into one of redit. - The South, as well as the West, js eiillinir forjjfree silver, coinage, while the Eint is asking for the settlement of debts. ' Thus credit is contracted to such sn extent that those not in a posi tion to pay, are practically being ibrced to the wall. Banks, like individuals, are con tracting their loans and thus add ing to the unfavorable features. The general trouble seems large ly due to the nervousness of trade, itnd the determination of every business man to strengthen him self, even at the expense of others. It is probably just as well, how ever, that, as this feature of the situation had to come, it has ar rived now, at a time when it can do but little damage. It cannot injure prices, for they are already .at rock bottom, nor can it intimidate trade, owing to act that the late disquieting events have served as a forewarning for aneichants to place themselves in positions for safety; thus, in re ality, "it can mate but little ha voc in the legitimate business of the country. ; Taken as a whole, however, it is .evident that the situation is more encouraging than appears on the surface. , There seems an increase of con fidence in the undertone of general affairs, aud although; fentiment may waver at times the jfoundn tions have bean strengthened ufli In the commercial world every body is prepared tor any crisis that may appear, and this prepar ation, together with a determm ation to immediately grapple any new developments, is serving large ly to restore confidence and re .strict liquidation. Money is fast becoming- in great fit supply, and as the amount of marginal accounts being carried is now very small, the existing .conditions seem favorable to en tourage larger purchases of securi ties and merchandise. It is true that the ease of money asnists the exportations of gold, )mt notwithstanding this, it is es tablishing a remedy for the general distrust which was largely respon sible for the recent unsettlement. Of the present distressing cir cumstances with which the country has now to contend, is the state of trade in the interior which is un favorable, and seems to be entirely jbwirig to the late monetary scares. It has been preceded by a Bound, active and profitable condition of trade, but the sinking of the gold reserve and the precautions of the J urge Eastern banks, caused a con traction of accomodations to busi ness and practically paralyzed predit. From this cause a large ' number ot failures have been pre ciuated, but they were not so from Actual insolvency as from a sudden indiscriminate withdrawal of crej wit, and considering the seventy ,of contraction it is surprising that suspensions have not been more numerous. Detrimental to business as this has been-, it has nevertheless ser ved as a good illustration of the solid position of the banking and industrial enterprises of the country. That such a tremendous shrinkage could transpire, with so lew failures, aone proves this great Btrength. The discrimination made last week by the Eastern banks against merchants of the leading Eastern centres, (while its real object was to make their present surplus more available) is looked upon as being nv far too severe, and may, should it) adoption be continued, bring many tradesmen within a danger ous proximity to suspension. By causes born of necessity, we are ranidlv nnsnincr nte lin L g W.VI uuouuim umhjiuuws, uui me com mercial world in not in a positiou as yet, to bo subjected to such re striction of accommodations. As a forced result of the recent tightness in money and the curtail ment of credit, our exports last month showed a considerable in crease, but as money is now be coming easier, a falling off is being experienced. Among the present factors indi cating the renewed prosperity, the improved condition of the United States treasury should be instru mental in putting business in bet ter tone, which should be furnished stimulated by the ease of money. The earning' of both industrial and mercantile companies has not been impaired to any great ex tent by our adverse monetary af fairs, and it is clearly , apparent that all that is needed to restore cinndence and increase these caoa- wties js firm action in annreciation of theVpolishress of curtailing com,- merciacreit. : ivn.nnja.u8 imerally making good earnings, anamthcations poiut tq continuation trf,htvy traffic. The crop outlook lsgorJ, while the demand for lahoSis active. The consumption or etrytbingJs legitimate and healthltfl &d i$ where is there anoarent ralAver& i.-tio cf former times of unfile- jiprcr;am who liave done - - - -1 . 1 lrvvuv auu icjjiuujaio uupnjcra, I t 1 , i i . a re noiaoiy sounu, owing largely to ,the fact they have been prudent in their operations and have pre pared themselves for just such con ditions as have been met. At present, our foreign trade is an adverse factor, but we are rapid ly approaching the time w hen the balance: will return again in our favor, and tis highly probable that this years balance will be heavier, owing to tariff legislation, the Columbian fair, and the conse quent indisposition of Americans to spend money abroad this sum- T ie situation as a whole is still somewhat nervous, but there are unmistakable signs that the forced liquidation is over, and should no unforeseen storms sweep the com mercial horizon during the im mediate future, it is probable that : what new developments shall arise will be of a more favorable charac-; ter. , Suggestions to the Public. 1. Address mail matter legibly and fully. Give name of post office and State in full, 6treet and house number, or box number. If the office ba a small one add the name of the county. 2. Put your name and address upon upper left-hand corner of all matter mailed by you. 3. On foreign letters aiwayB place the name of the country in full. 4. Do not use thin envelopes. Stamped envelope? are the best. 5. Register all valuable letters. tj. bend money by money-or der. 7. If your mail is delivered by carrier, provide a letter-box at your residence or place of busi ness. o. Affix stamps securely and on the upper right-hand corner. V). Do not tender for postage stamps money so mutilated as to be uncurrent, or more than twenty- five cents in copper or nickel coins. 10. Do not ask the postmaster or clerk to allix stamps for you. 11. Do not ask credit for postage stamps. 12. Do not ask credit for money or('e:s. 13. Do not tender checks or drafM in payment of money-or ders, or any money except that which is legal-tender, and Nation al bank notes. 14. Upon the corner of envelopes supplied by hotels, direct what disposal shall be mad of letters if undelivered. A "Fake" Find. Roscburg Review. The great quartz strike at Olalla has turned out to amount to noth ing, so it is said. Hildeburn and Reece were badly fooled in a very innocent way. They pulverized about a pound of quartz in a mor tar and retorted it with quicksilver securing about a dollar in gold This they did several times with similar results, but as the quartz did not look very promising, they suspected that something was wrong, and found upon trial that the quicksilver would produce the same amount of gold without put ting in any quartz at all. The truth then dawned upon thera that the quicksilver had either been "salted" or had betn used be fore and was charged with gold. Thus has another rich "find" been exploded. County Surveyor W, F. Briggs, who went out Monday to survey trje claim's was instru mental in discovering the mistake, and he says he never saw more disappointed men than those pros pectors were when they saw their prospective fortunes vanish. Only one of their many claims were surveyed arid that was done before t was ascertained that the quick silver contained the gold. Elephant' Bones Found. Salem Independent, Recently some bones were found in the excavation for a building at Albany. They were sent to Thos. Condon, who has replied as fol lows: i'The bone; are fragments of the right and left' pelvic bones of a small elephant. The sockets of the right and left hip joints are very well preserved. The animal lived tens of thousands of years ago when the whole Willamette valley was covered with water the water of the 'Willarm (fj Sound" of the Champlaign periou. At the time of this sound condition of this valley, these elephants lived on the foothills around the sound, and sometimes their car casses would get washed by streams into the sound and get covered in sediments of sand gravel qr rnud. The animal to whicn these bones belonged was probably nine or ten feet high, or thereabouts," Do o Wikti't Bl.aey? I have lately taicen the agency for the D. S. Baiter estate for loan ing money on real estate in Uma tilla county.' Those contemplating securing loans will do well to call on me. iesides masing loans as cheap or cheaper than any one Wise, I can assure you prompter ac tion ana less reu tape. W. T. G ILMAN, fcj? tbe j uton every Saturday at K.ineat market. It MAP Ilave constantly on hand a ar ruing implements full line of J". 3D, G-OTOVT Administrator's Notice. NOTICE l herf-ov given that the under signed has been .by an order of the Coun ty Court of Umatilla county, Oregon, made and entered on the lfith day of April, lHHtf, duly appointed Admlnlxirntor of estate of John Walker, dcawed, late of said county. All pereonR having claim against said estate will tie required to present the same with proper Touchers to the undeniigoed at hi residence. In Helix, Oregon, or to my attor ney In eston. within six moullm from the date of this notice, or be forever barred, and all persons owing said estate will please set tle the same without delay. Dated at Athena this 27th day of April, im. K. M. Powers. liugh Q. aiker, Atty for Adm'r. Administrator. S . JN',ote for Publication. ' Laud OrFicE at La Geandk, Ore ' May 22, 18. Notloe Is hevreby given that the Xollowliin tiAmfed KPMJir IVahAIpA nntlw nf his Intention to make A'nal proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the uounty cieric or umatina uouuty, at renuie ton Orcjjgjp.. '.on June 30th, 1UU3, viz: Inarles McLean, Hd No. 5102 for the 8 M N And lots 1 2 Hecltp4W.84,KW. ' He name? the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: Lawrence Hutchinson, of weston. Ore , and Hamuel S. Groves, Robert Ferris and cans Cannon, of Athena, Ore, A.tuieaver Register. Notice. For the next 60 days XCing & Company druggists will sell goods tor cash only. A cut on prices the lowest ever known in Athena. Watch Repairing Done at Reasonable Rates and Satisfaction-Guarnteed. DRESSMAKING Of every description neatly Executed We do our Cutting by the I. X. L. TAILOR SYSTEM. Mrs. Post & Mrs. Richardson, Main St., Athena. THE ATHENA LIVERY STABLE J. M. SMETHERMAN, Prop'r. ' (Secceesor to J. A. Nelson.) NOME PUT FIHSr-CLASS RIGS AND SAFE TEAMS. STOCK BOARDED BY THE DM WEEK OR MONTH. Give a Trial. Corner Fourth & Current, Athena. TAFT TOLBEBT & 00,, GENERAL , Blacksmiths, Fourth Street, Athena, Ore. ALL KINDS QF MACHINE REPAIRING AT LOW RATES. Horse shoeing Wagon Work MONEY To Loan on Improved Farms. Property at Low Rates. Cange Money In less time than anyone , Else can get it. I HAVE For sale a numb r of Choke Farms, including One of the best farms in Uma tilla County, Two miles from Athena, A NUMBERv Of choice Residence Lots, In Athena, on easy terms. I VR1TE Insurance, in the following Leading Companies: Londoi) and Lancashire, Lion, Imperial, Caledonian, Liverpool, London & Globe, and the Continental, the Great farm Company. T. P. HARPER, Athena, Oregon. i.e......-,-. and vehicl es, carte, " Buffalo Pitts Thresh ers, Ilodge-IIairres A.3ST3 nVCanxagex, - Stanton & Arkell, Proprietors of tbe 6i PMO MEAT. MARKET, Corner of Main & Fourth. A Large variety of Meats al ways on hand. See us. Are. you going to insure your ; Grain? IF yu are' see Gttman : He represents some 01 tne best Companies on the coast. He writes golices for fun. See him before placing your .Insurance, G, L. SIMMONS, ! MANUFACTURER OF J And dealer in Wood, Sand, etc. Prorprietor of The Athena Club Rooms Fine Cigars a Specialty. " ATHENA RESTAURANT. Mrs Hardin, Proprietress. H. P. Mimien, Manager. :'." Main Street bet. Second and Third. Can be recommended to the pub lic aB first-class in every particular. None but White Kelp Employed, MEALS AT ALL HOURS. DAY OR NIGHT. Suppers for Special Occasions 31 ELS 83 . THJS COMMERCIAL Livery, Feed & Sale STABLES, Athena : r PrPgn,. The best Turnouts in Umatilla County. Stock boarded by Day, WeeK or Month. Special attention given to Commer cial travelers. Give me a call. G.M.FROOME THE- ST. NICHOLAS HOTEL J tf. Frcoms I Son, Preps The Only v Hotsl in First-Class the City. ind the otly one that cap eommodat oomnwcial men and traveler. IKE ST. NICHOLS HOTEL Cap V recommended for its clean and Well -entelated room, in whlnh will be found everytbiitu oongeaial - Ibe'dining room are imJcr the tnpervUiou of Mrs. Froome and the table is (ap plied with the best the tuarkek afford. ATHhiNA, OREGON. 1S Headers, New Peering Binders and Mowers, Columbus Buggy Co'e - -AblxeicLG., Oregon. Down High Prices n IB GOODS On largins Buckley Lumber Comp'y. P BALERS IN-- ALL KIUDS OF : Doors and Moujding. Near 0 & W. T. Railroad Depot, Athena, Oregon ; : K. L. MALONEV Manager. Yard T3l ZLEe art UVCax'-kiolj FRANK BEAL, proprietor. AFRESH MEAT ALWAYS ON KAllD solicit the patronage of eat at the lowest prices the public and John Gillis. ARE U Qoine to bu ijr any Furniture? IF SO Household Be assured it pays Do not be influenced by what our opponents may say to eep you from coming to see our goods. Come and see for yourselves. We car ry a full and complete stock of Furniture, wall paper and underta ing goods. v ' Dp Ton para v Disease commonly symptoms, which when neglected iacrea: in extent and gradually grow dangerous. Hje" SUFFER FROM HEADACHE, DYS- TrS- Q J Tf, C?5! PEPS1A M IH0IGEST10N. . . . THfc ft it O I R&U Lt3 tt to r BILIOUS. CONSTIPATED, or have n ; r s .s f Trtf)fH Pf UVEB COMPLAINT, ... TAKE ftlrMib TAbULES tks RiPAS TABULES rcty: RlPAriS TABULES Rlpana Tabulas SeguSata the Ssiem and Frestwra the Uoulii. EASY ONE GIVES RELIEF. SAVE Sold MP ANY, Buggies; Racine Co's . Hacks, the celebrated Wide-lire Bain wagon. Ui ARE SOLD iu return wilt give you the bent of fresh FRANK BEAL. Dan Gillt Call on us andu et ou Prices before eoine elsewhere to call on us GILLIS BROS. comes on with , slight TO TAKE .QUICK TO ACT flUNY A DOCTOR'S BILL. by Druggists Everywhere. If LUMBER, ALL FARMSIKr, Some of them - BoioTiB rinwrcs' ii itivrr TO Tlx ' The Cooperative Store, i n -Is lu tbe Interests of CLARK WALTER, anager, GHAS.G. SHARP. J I Successor to N. A. Miller PAINTEBiPAPEBHANCER Estimates on all Wora Furnished, House painting, Decorating, Papejr , . Hanging a specialty, Car riage Painting. IIOTOGRAfHS! PHOTOGKAPHSf photographs in Every S T;T L IE - Call on ' ' ' . lJ ATTQ ' THE BOSS fill I U. PHOTOGRAPHER. Mneeeser te Caniuilnes, Main St. Athena. Coppying and Enlarging, Viewing at onable rates. Call and see bim. Cox, McRae & Co., , ' Dealers Ine H A RA R E FARMING IPLEHEIITS RUSHFOKD WAGONS, ; GATE CITY HACKS HE f 4 WOODS HARVESflKG IHERY, AND EXTRAS OF ALL KINDS. S Call and Get Prices. COX, JVI?Raj9 &. Co, Athens HEW PAINTSHOP I P, Jone JSl Co. PAITERS, PAPER liAtiCEH? AND DEC3BAT3R! HOUSE AND SO PAINTIHC. ALL KINDS OF PATOG, CARRIAGE WORK, SATISFACTION CUARRATEEI) ' PRICES 10W. Shop on Main Street, Athena, Ore OMAHA, KANSAS CITY, ST, PAUL, CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, AND ALL POINTS EAST, liQTRHAHD SOUTH Time Tabl of Trains: ' Passenger. No S, from Athens to Spokane and intenn. diate points, leaves - 7:48 am non, imm Athens to I'ortlana ana intermed iate points, leaves - 6:07 p m freight: No 41, from Pendleton to Spokane, leave Athena ... 6:46 pm No 42, from Spokane, to Pendleton, leaves Athens . - fcaopm PULLMAN SLEEPERS, COLONIST SLEEPERS, RECLINING CHAIR CARS and DINERS... Steamers Portland to Ssxx Francisco every 4 Days. TICKETS to fr1-" ,- For rate and eeneral information call on A. R. Bradley. Depot Ticket Agent, Athena, Oregon. W. H. HTRLBrr, Asst. Gen. Tass. At. i'A Washington St., Portland, Oreijon, mm