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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (June 16, 1893)
" Bakincr CITY AND COUNTY. A Full Resume of NewsLocal Per sonal and Otherwise. Jfhsoluttfy Pure A cream of tartar baking powder Highest of all in lea veiling strength Latest United States Government Food Report. Royal Baking Powder Company, 106 Wall Street, nw York. Jamet Gordon Bennett. Only a few weeks ago the name of James Gordon Bennett disap peared from the editorial columns of the New York Herald, to the surprise of everybody. Then came the news that the eccentric though brilliant proprietor had decided to take the property in the hands of to prevent litigation in case of his death. As if to prove the precaution well taken, a few days ago he met with a severe accident while coach ing, and now the' gravest fears are entertained for his recovery. The present Bennett was born in New York in 1841, and he is the only son of the Herald's founder, and until now has been its sole proprietor since his father's death. He has never " married. He has lived abroad almost constantly for years yet manages the Herald with t masterly hand. Do You Want Money? I have lately taxen the agency for the D. S. BaKer estate for loan ing money on real estate in Uma tilla county. Those contemplating securing loans will do well to call on me. Besides maKing loans as cheap or cheaper than any one else, I can assure you prompter ac tion and less red tape. W. T. Oilman. Circuit Court adjourned Saturday evening. Chas. Sharp was in Pendleton Monday on business this week. Getting warmer, someone says. Don't know whether it is or not. Have you seen that silverware Hollis is giving away to his custo mers. The Knapp" Burrell house has received two new threshers, both of which are sold. Onlv the purest and freshest drugs used in Prescriptions at the Pioneer Drug btore. The Athena Band has been en gaged to play in Pendleton on the fourth. Go with the boys. Hewitt uses nothing but pure, fresh drugs in filling prescriptions. Take your prescriptions to him. a close corporation, himself being MfWrn. Post took the oath oi omce the Tirincinal owner, with trustedrafc deputy marshal ana entered Ami.lnvM interested with 'him all I nnon his duties as night watch- last Tuesday evening. The picnic given by the Adams people at Cayuse Station last Sat urday was largely attended. All who were there report having had a good time. Frank Parkyn, of Adams accom panied by his wife and mother-in-law left last Wednesday on a visit to Lostine, Wallowa county going by team across the mountains. J. W. White has become associ ated with Charles Beale in the meat market business at Pendleton Mr. White followed the same occu- pation at. Athena for several years. J. N. B. Gerking, W. II. II Scott, Otis Gerking, Jas Scott, and Mr. Potroff .left on Monday on a few days fishing excursion along Meacham creek and the Umatilla Irving McQuary, formerly editor of the Press, received an Edison Phonograph from Washington, D. C, Saturday morning, and is now Pay n: . All parties knowing indebted to me, are come forward delay. Jan. 1st tf. themselves notified to and settle without N. A. Miller. - rMmr- Put collars on your dogs. i Doc Mansfield was in Pendleton Wednesday. Mrs. Foss and Mrs. Reeder visi ted friends in Milton Sunday. An insane Italian was arrested in Pendleton yesterday for setting a barn on fire. , Dr. Moffit was called to the coun try last Monday to attend Mrs. E. M. Reeder who is seriously ill. VCharley Barrett sold two head- and a mowing machine in less than an hour, Wednesday after noon. Pete Gaskell, who was recently released from jail, is woiking at the Fletcher mill on Linkton mountain. . M. Kirkland has on exhibi tion at the Pioneer Drug Store a jar of strawberries put up by the Antiterment process. We are in receipt of a compli mentary ticket to the grand vocal and instrumental concert given by Austin's Band at Helix. Pendleton Tribune: Hugh Mc- Arthur and family came down from Athena last evening -and will reside here permanently. The Northern Pacific made another cut in rates, the new rate being for first class round trip to St, Paul for $60 and to Chicago for $70.20. If vou contemplate buying a head - . . . er go and see the Piano steel head er on the vacant lot east of the Pioneer Drug Store. This is the best header on the market, and they are going like hot caKes. XFarmers who are hauling wood V 11 iJ., .Ar irom me mountains iwuiv voijr bad roads up there. E. Zimrner man and Cass Cannon were up the first of the week ana each broke some part of his wagon before he got out with his load. Mayor Hollis returned last Tues day evening from Medical Lake where he went several days ago for recreation. He is much lm proved in health and appearance and reports having had an excel lent time hunting, fishing etc. grinding sweet strains of music from it. Lee Mitchell, we are sorry to learn, has been confined to his room" for several days with a very painful swelling of one of his feet. He fears it 'is white swelling, he having had an attack of that disease once before, VW. J. Wilkinson and A. D. Blue have returned from Mission where thev have iust completed a ware house for the Pacific Coast Elevator Co. The house is 188 feet long bv 56 feet wide with lb feet . , walls. The company nas also a platform 300 feet long at the same station. Dr. Moffitt, who is now treating Mrs. Alex McRae, of Walla Walla tells us that Mrs. McRae is in a very critical condition. The Walla Walla physicians decided she could not recover without hav ing an operation performed; but the Dr. hopes to relieve ner witn- out an operation, Jesse, 12-year-old son of B. W. Levens, of Baker City, while near the railroad track, observed three freight cars and a caboose runnin wild toward Haines, and given an aecceleration of speed by a stiff wind blowing from the south, lc an in stant the bov caught on to the rear car and threw on brakes, bring ing them to a standstill after a 6hort run. v ha it, and ons that Several saloons at Pendleton may justly feel proud l .. ; i4: i:l,f ,-.,! Have mill lining ciaini iiguic, unv the Tribune savs about Id more will soon follow. A threat was made some time ago that if gamb ling was stopped the saloons would boycott the electric light company and as they are the largest patrons of the company, it would cause the comnanv to suspend, leaving the city in darkness. An ice cream and strawberry festival will be given by the wives and daughters of members of Dolph Lodge at the Masonic Hall on the evening of July 1st. This will be the third supper given to the mom be ro of Dolpli l odge by these ladies, and, as they are always such pleasant and enjoyable affairs, we old bachelors look forward to this DR GRANT'S one witl1 fontl ant5cipation- H. C. Grady, the newly appoin ted U. S. Marshal has the follow ing deputies to serve under ' him: R. B. Beatie of Pendleton lor this district, J. Fitzgerald of Marshal- town, Iowa, for the Portland dis trict, H. It. Sibley of Pendleton to be clerk at Portland. Mr Fitz gerald, it will be remembered, was formerly. yardmaster of the Union Pacific yards here. MepsrH Sibley and Beatie are well known Pendle-tonians. Owing to cold, frosty nights reports come from Helix and other localities that gram in streaks seems to be lifeless. However, Our hackmen did a thriving business during the. Pioneer picnic at Weston, Friday and Saturday. Mrs. T. D. Harper left on last Wednesday's train to visit her par ents in Whitman county, Wash. Wm. Thompson has his new sprinkler at work on the streets. t is a beauty and docs excellent work Miss Evalena Thompson arrived ast Tuesday morning from Albany where she has been attending school for some time. J. T. ' Watts left the first of the week on a prospecting tour through the Long Creek region and expects to be gone several weeks. What's the matter with the mail service, tor we got no iwgle or Leader this week. It may bo they "struck" us from their lists. Col. Parsons, editor of "the Al liance Herald was in the city last Monday and made the Pbess a pleasant call. Come again Col. There will be no preaching at the Christian church next Sunday, Elder Daislev being called to fill an appointment at Dixie, Wash. Fred Rosenzwcig Was elected representative to the Grand Lodge of A. 0. U. W.. which1 meets in Portland July 19th 2Qth, and 21st, there is no general injury. and with favorable weather, Umatilla county will produce a . large corp. I am prepared to make header- beds, hay-racks, wood-racks, cook houses, door and window frames, screens, and, in fact all kinds of job work at the lowest rates. Can be found at the Buckley Lumoer Yard. S. A. Maloney. . A SPECIAL OFFER! The abort is a eorrm picture of THH OBB GONIAN'8 NEW BUlXiDINO, looatod at the eorner of Slsth anil VHr trosts. Kor many yean THE OKKUOVji'N has felt the need of a nnw und aamniodlant buildin&r embraolnc all the modern imurovunuouts. with the latest luiprorednukchtnorr I trouaHtun utnar. It um the whole Paaitte Comtj mar Justly feel urou of as it is eertainly thf finest on the coast Now that THK Oil t INJAN is settled in this uew home it !; like Klvinff Its many friends a benefit. It ii-vkes this special offer to thote who renw thoif subscription, or to ihoso who subscribe prfor to September lit, to eouil the t UeekJy Onegoijiar) ' ' 18 Montiis for $2.00 Thi bl the dull mumou of the rear, THB OHKGOSI A.N helipvi-nr. benefit of this hind will be greatly apprecief od. Please send in vnilr- n,Atutioil MS iOl til &J DOSslble. WfaB visiting Portland you ilre cordially invited to call and taBe a trip inrougn our new I ome. Address 0REG0N1AN PUBLISHING Ctt, - i h PORTLAND, OB, Xixrify Voxir Blood i SYRUP OF IP ME! The iute factory is giving the state officials considerable trouble, and it is not likely that anything more than the erection of the build ing can be accomplished before the next session ot the legislature. Those persons who wondered wnat caused casneir ljiveiy to step so high and look so pleased .will bo glad to Jeam that lie was not drinking, but had just re ceived a letter, from Mrs. Lively stating that she expected to return about July the 4th. Tribune: Rudolph Born was brought down from Camas Prairie yesterday and examined tor in sanity. He is twenty-nine years old and has lived a lonely and se eluded life in Camas for years. He was adiudeed insane and taken to Salem Monday night. j Dr. Geo. W. king lias been ap pointed agent by the AmickChemi cal Co. to handle the consumption cure. A ten days course cf treat ment is furnished free to any per son who submits to examination and is found to have consumption Treatment afterward will bo fur nished at $20 per month Dan Gillis of the firm of Gillis Bros, of this place came over from Tacomalast Tuesday. Mr. Gillis has had charge of the N, P. Ele vator Co's construction department for some tune. He states that the company is not doing anythingin his department now, and will do nothing until tlio receiver arrives froni the east. ' : Xr. M. Powers will soon take charge of the post-office at Wcton. L. S. Wood, present poslmastor, has held his position ever since his appointment by President Hays in lS7fi, and has always been con sidered one of the most accommo dating nnd gentlemanly post masters in ihe country. Many of of the Weston people regret to see him retire. " - Our new press has arrived and 1 soon be put in proper shape to do printing. We will be pleased to show it to our friends if they wu call. '- Anjr one desiring information on the leading issues of the day, or on the manner of conducting the demo cratic administration should cal on T, D. Harper. The Press will be moved this week to its new home over the First National Bank. The door with its latch-string out, will be at the top of the stairway. Come and see us. F. J. Donaldson, an 'experienced drusrgist of Pendleton, has taken charge of the People's Pharmacy Mr. Holt of the firm oi King & Co., will retire, but the firm name will remain the same. ' t The A. O, U. W. will confer the first and second degrees on two new members to-morrow night. this lodge is now in very pros perous condition, and is receiving new members nearly every meeting-'' ' ., ' : ' ' We arc not likely to have a wood famine this year. C. W. Hollis is Slaving about 1300 cords delivered from the mountains. T. D. Page has the contract of hauling it, and his teams bring in about 40 cords per day. . N. E. Mathews, one of the genial clerks at C. W. Holiis's, contem plates taking quite an extensive trip across the Columbia River, and through the Horse Heaven country. He will start some time next week. There is a month's dofay In Ca mas prairie crop weather, and lar mers are just finishingseeding. An other rain will be needed to insuro a good harvest. Wild grasses are uxuriant, and. mountain range bettor than for years. ' Edward Kitson, the young man who shot Nick Ghangrau on the reservation last week went to Pen dleton Tuesday morning and gave himself up to the sheriff. This was on the good advice of his John A. Gross a well known far mer of Helix neighborhood was in town yesterday. Mr. Gross tells us that the the cfop prospects were never better in his community there being plently of moisture in the ground yet, but a good rain would be welcome as" it, would in eure good crops. The Piano Binder is the only binder on the market having a fly wheel attachment. It is not a picked-up machine and it is not a cheap machine. It is sold by Kelso Bros. Athena, ure. w. oiars manager. John Schroeder a promising farmer of the Cold Spring country was in town yesterday purchasing goods. This gentleman is naturally tributary to Pendleton but finds that he can do better by coming to Athena to trade. The Globe Democrat rises to re mark that the man who gets the chairmanship of the ways andmeans committee in the new congress will be lucky if he does not break his political neck. Contractor Ashuaugh is progress ing rapidly with the construction of the new school house. 1 he toun- dation is finished and the brick walls aro raisin? as if by magic. The many friends of Mr. McLean , the expressman, are sorry to learn that he is seriously ill. We hope thoueh that he will soon be around again. The New York Herald has figured the cost of the Sherman law in the depreciation of stocks during the past year at $700,000 , 000. The rain yesterday means thous' ands of dollars in the pockets of Umatilla county farmers. , The Athena ball team goes to Walla Walla Sunday to play the garrison club. COPPER rjIYETED ,-,.-.v- EVEftY'.ljA.IH GUARANTEED, A Surpris Party. The surprise party given Ruby Callender, by her young friends in honor of her thirteenth birth day, was an enjoyable affair . The fore part of the evening was passed in social games and charades, at half past eight o'clock delicious ice cream was served, after which the young people fixed on the donkey's tail for which prizes were awarded Miss Nellie Blue winning the, first a pretty handkerchief and Master Turner Callender aarried off the i;booby" prize," a bunch of chewing gum. Miss Ruby re ceived many pretty gifts and the hearty congratulations or her young friends who when depart ing wished her many happy re turns of the day. : father. His trial will be next Tuesday. ;.- Pat Maxwell returned last Wed nesday from Portland where he went several weoks ago to receive medical treatment. Pat, we are glad to say, has about recovered, and says he does not think he will have to return . for further treatment. Scrofula, hiiiiijrant rtr. S '. i sUicuiH, Boil. Carbuncle, Sore fcyes, Fever Sores, Ring Worm, -vYesttrday mown a very moiiutitr wo were J'i'lK iTik a he Piom-er Association meet- at Wciiton was larger than' last year, the number ot people in attendance Saturday numbered 2000. -The following ulik-er tvt-re unamiwnisly dtcd fr the eu sulii tH'fti: Wiiii.wit - Stwiv, i.!;.!5,TBiBorand Syphilitic Affection T the Skin, Tbroai rob Boaet. , of' the Umatilla It is a large blue with gold fringe, star surrounded handsome banner i president; H. Jameson, viet- John F:sher was down from the mountains one day this week. He reports cool weather up there, with front nearly over night. Last Mon day morning they had ice an iuch thick. This is quite a con trast to the hot weather in some of the eastern states. J. B. Smith of Portland, Or., wa3 in this city this week looking for a business location. He ex presses himself as well pleased with Athena, and will probably locate hero if ho can secure a suit able building. Mr. Smith says he has been traveling for about three months looking for a-location and that Athena is the first town he has seen in which there were no vacant buildings for rent.. 15. DePeat, Athena's leading at torney, has been solicited by the committee' to deliver an oration at Pendleton the 4th of July. But wc are sorry to learn that, on account of business whioli re quires Ids attention, he fiannot ac cpt. A number of peopln from Athflji.i wiii Httt-nd tii! rt'Ubration at Pendleton, and doubtless many move would ;ro if they knew that Jnd: DePeat would deliver tho Those Trout. ' k t There were several of our young bloods who went on a fishing ex a n . . 1 cursion on last bunaay to uie Umatilla River who had very fair success in the size of their fish but the number of their catch was very limited, but this did not dampen their ardor at all as they report a very good time all around, and, judging by the size of their lard er when they left town and the difference on returning, they were good hearty' eaters. They report that they . accidently ran across a couple or young pien aiso irom town who were "calculating on catching some minnows for a days good hshing, (evidently at some "other place) but for sonio reason they abandoned the said trip and concluded that they would return home and call the result of their mornings work, trout; and they reported that they had caught 150 large trout, and. when in the course of their conversation they aecidentlv let the top- of their basket get opened, thev wero as tonished that such "Sports" . as they claimed to be would have the audacity to call such minnows as they really were-"'nh-e trout" for there was only one in night that would have measured more than two or two and a half inches long The Weston School. At a regular meeting of the board of directors of tho Weston' public schools the following teach ers were jeJected lor ine ensuing term of seven months, commencing on tne first Monday in September: Principal, C. B. Leathorman: assistant principal, Ella Degraff; first intermediate, Carrie L. h,pple; second intermediate, Edith Gwin- ne; third intermediate, Ada De- graff; primary department, Cloo Bcelcr. Prof. Leatherman was principal of the Athena school one year. We predict a successful term for the Weston public school, if C. B. will accept a seven months term. But we doubt if he will do tbia. In the Hands of Receiver. We are informed that the North ern Pacific Elevator Co. has been placed in the hands of a receiver. Tho bank of Montreal has attacn- ed all the Company's elevators in Washington, Oregon. Idaho, Da kota, and Minnesota for the sum of $700,000. It is stated the company's plant is worth a mil lion dollars and that they have on hand several million bushels of wheat. Their embarrassment is onlv temporary and will soon be adjusted. Got Their Money. The Indians on the reservation received their money yesterday from the interior department. This money is the interest on the receipts from the sale of reserva tion lands two years ago, and amounts ' to about $25,000. This will be divided among about 1000 Indians, male and female, adults and children. The cifect of 25,000 being put in circulation at this period of hard times will be leit f , ... ii in a short time ana money win bo more plentiful for awhile. The Assessment. Assessment blanks have . been nearly all turned in for Umatilla county precincts, except Mountain, Encampment, Weston and Juni per, where the work w just start-' ing. Assessor Brannin has been confined to office work by reason of sickness in his family, and has been delayed somewhat, but ex pects to have everything com pleted in time for the state board of equalization meeting, which convenes August 23, a. month earlier than usual. At the office checking uphas been industriously in progress, and much ot mo wont is ready to go on the roll. In order to form some idea oi uio nwun of the assessment, Mr. brannin added the assessment of 100 tax payers, taken alphabetically, in Alta and McKay precincts. Very little increase in valuation u shown, but the 100 men will tins year pay on tzo.-zou, as annual. t3,070 last year, by reason oi me recent legislation. - A Serious AcCidentl Pendleton Tribune. Sunday morning a party of fishermen left Pendleton for Mc Kay creek to enjoy a day's fish. Tho party consisted of Douglas Phay, Chas. Eppingcr, Harry Bickers, D. S. Hutchinson, Frank McCoy, and F. M. Humphrey. They had nearly reached their destination near tho Blue Mount ain reservoir and were going along , a steep bank when the horses be- came irightenea ana ran on mo grade, taking tho hack with them. Some of the men jumped out a nd were not hurt, but the rest were thrown head long down the bank and sustained some slight bruises except Mr. Humphrey who was quite seriously hurt., ne was taken to Al Vogal's place and Dr. Smith wa sent for. Mr. Hum- phrey was brought to town and la now doing well and will be around ir a few days. , Takes It Mildly. UM,;l 1 .-. 11u fa I Lira fn .. ... L secure the recognition sougni, savs the Baker City Democrat, of which Mr. Small is one of the editor?, is a disappointment, he has the satisfaction of knowing that he made a good fight and that his papers on file in Washington are of such a character as to fully show the high esteem in which ho is hold bv the partv leaders m the state, and in the falling of the plum to Mr. Jiobbins it could not have been given to a more worthy voung man. Mr. Hobbins is capable, efficient and honorable, and-while Mr. hmall was not. lucky enough to capture the prize he certainly- will feel that his next choice was the selection of Mr. Robbing rBKJ-AKi- " county Alliance. banner trimmed It has a large by the word C Por Sale 'By P.M. Kirkland Pioor "Drug Store. Unity painted in the center, across the top are the words Umatilla Countv in gold letters, and the letters F. A. and I.' U. in the same across the bottom. The banner was made by Mrs. John Froorne land painted by Lane, tho painter. president; rrauu van v, nixie, .'. secretary; it. L. Price, treasurer;! vj. A. i). i.eeuy, Historian, nuout 500 pioneer have registered since the association was organized. The following have died in the last 5 ear: Dr. W. C, McKay, of 1834; Mary Johns, of 1844; H. C. Vaughn, of 18-18: M. V. Ward, of and Henrv Iowman, of lf-")0; 1800. ew from h which he 6 might Shnw received a, prevent mother the other day of justly proud and well bo for its nothing less than a sword used by his father during the late wir. Hm father wore it from 18(52 to 1805, and after returning home, kept it un til his death which occurcd last all. . .A "Camp" Instituted. Columbian encampment No. 33, I. O. O. F., was instituted Tuesday I evening at Adams by E. E, Sharon, special deputy grand patriarch, assisted by F.. II. Sutherland and J. M. Kelley, of Umatilla encamp ment, nnd C. W. Lynn, ot LUley encampment, Thre are eight charter members, and the follow ing officers were elected and in stalled: J. E. Stanficld. C P.; O.K. Morrison, S.W.-.T. II. Fertig, H. P.; J. E. Hales, P. W.; C. H. Allen, scribe; Thos. Kelsay, treas urer; Frank Baker, I. S.j A. B. Kothrock, O. S. Down Still Lower. The Northern is still slashing at its passenger rates in response to the Great Northern') cut, A still further reduction ban been, made, and the rate from , Pendleton to eastern points in' now a? follow for lirst-clawj "limited' tickets: St. Paul, $30; St. Louis, $3(J;'-" Chit-ago, $8G.G0. This is eoiifideiably Iov.i r than the bccoirI class fire .which, has not been reduced. Tim, a mau can buy a firet-class ticket to Chi cago for JrlO less than a second-class ticket. For once a great eorpora toin has given the "poor man a chance." Mutton cvery Saturday ot the C, K. meat market A Bad Accident. KilHt Oifgonliui. , ' A team of horsea became fright ened at a lantern tied under a wag on and they backed a hack off an embankment, near the bridge in tho . vicinity of tho Dufur mills, in Wasco county, containing John Stephens, Mrs. Stansbury, of Port land, Mrs. E. P. Belch, Mrs. A. J. Dufur, Mrs. T. W. Slusher. Mrs. Dufur and Mrs. Balch got out of tho wagon and attempted to hold tho wheels and prevent the wagon and its occupants from going over the embankment, which was about eight or ten feet high with four feet of water below. The two ladies were unsuccessful, but wero un able to get out of danger's way and were dragged with the vehicle into the creek. The wagon in fall ing turned completely over and buried- Mrs. Stansbury beneath it. The whole party escaped with their lives, but Mr?. Stanibury and Mr. Stephens are Buffering from bleeding from the lungs since. Header Bed Lumber ! 1 ! A car load of header bed lumber for sale at Helix Lumber Yard. i At Last. How to preserve milk, butter, eggs and all kinds of fruits in their natural fretdincwi without cook in''. Ladies inquire at the Pioneer Drug Store. The old Brick. Hard times make money eca ho viriil your . old friem' Pioneer Drug Store. Che." f he cheapest. . Grain Prospects. Eat Oregoniuu. Charles Marsh, who was in town from his Athena farm, says there ie yet no evidence of any damage to grain in that locality. W. A. . Sampleays that rain would be timely' -and welcome in Cold Suring. Sol.t. Wormlcycuine down from Athena along tho north side of the Wild Horse, and Baw pretty gram fields tho 'entire'-; distance. " Pros pects 'have not lessened. , , Dr. Morrow was called to. Echo Wednesday,, Down there grain reaches above the waist, has headed i out and is filling nicely. , A. 1). Leedy reports that unfav orable weather for t wo or three days past has rendered crop pros pects somewhat problematical about Helix Tho Helix bank has suspended in consequence, but that of Vanscyle is withstanding a heavy pressure. Tillamook Fire. The busines portion of Till ihiook Oregon, was destroyed b tiro Mon day, The best portion of the town was burned. The dead caim wnicn prevailed was all that. Bayed tin few remaining buildings, though many of them were badly damaged. Sunday night several shots were fired by unknown parties, in an instant the largo double; store of Wm. Olsen was on fire. All ellorU to put it out were ineffectual. The, house next door, owned by Wil liam Stoinmeti!, was .burned to the , ground. The wharf was partly burned. Csrden-Hayes ' The marriage of Alfred Garden and Miss Carrie Hayes took place at the residence of the bride's father in Pendleton Sunday afternoon, Uev. W. W, Brannin officiating., A small number of relatives and friends of the bride and bridegroom were present and extended to them heir heartiest congratulations and best wishes. market"'- Liverpool, J demand poor San Fit 11.20' .FIRST HP' BIIHF j it 4 . I U: "r y, . -''ce, fro J I t)C - nam a i v J n