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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1913)
If FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 1013. WKKKI.V ItlXH C RIVER COI'IUEK PAGE SEVEN 3. XOT1CE FOR PIBL1CATIOX. Department of the Interior U. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, January 6th, 1913. Notice u hereby given that Joseph McClelland, whose postoffice address is 631 Clackamas street, Portland, Oregon, did, on the 4th day of March. 1912. file in this office sworn statement and application, No. 07876 to purchase- the lota 2 3 and 4 and SWVi NEV4, section 2, township 37 b., range s west Willamette mer - iuiud, uuu i ae uuoer mereon, un der the provisions of the act of June J, 187S, and acts amendatory, known as the 'Timber and Stone Law," at such value as might be fixed by appraisement, and that, pur suant to such application, the land and timber thereon have been ap praised $456.00, the timber estim ated 1,140,000 board feet at 40 cents per M, and the land nothing; that said applicant will offer final .proof in support of his application and sworn statement on the 28th day of March. 1913, before register and receiver United State land office at Roseburg, Oregon. Any person is at liberty to protest this purchase before entry, or initi ate a contest at any time before pat ent issues, by filing a corroborated affidavit In this office, alleging facts which would defeat the entry. B. F. JONES, Register. ,1! A 1L. . I i . i NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby given to all per sons concerned, that the undersigned joint administrators of the estate of Benjamin Dimmlck, deceased, have filed their final account of the ad ministration of said estate in the county court for Josephine county, state or Oregon, and that the hear ing of said account has been set by said court for Saturday the Hta day of March, at 10 o'clock a. m at the county court room in the court house at Grants Pass. Oregon, and all persons Interested are notified to file their .objection thereto. If any there be, on or before said date. Said notice is published in the Hogue Kiver Courier a weekly paper published at Grants Pass, Oregon, by order of Stephen Jewell, county judge, made the 13th day of Fern-nary, 1913. EDWARD E. DIMMICK, - TTRGTL L. DIMMICK. Joint 'Administrators of the Estate of Benjamin Ditnrak'k, Deceased. NOTICE TO CRKIMTOKS. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, tfor Josephine County. Matter of the estate of Leroy Love less, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned has been duly appointed by the said county court for Jose phine county, administratrix of the estate of Leroy Loveless, deceased. Ail persons having claims against the said estate are hereby required to present the same, properly verified as required by law, within six months from the date nereof, to Mulkey & Cherry attorneys for the said estate at their office In Medford, Oregon. Publication of the first notice Febru ary 28. 1913. Dated at Gold Hill, Oregon, this the 26th day of Febru ary, 1913. SADIE E. COFFEE. Administratrix of fee Estate of Leroy Loveless, Deceased. NOTICE FOlt PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon. February 12, 1913. Notice is hereby gives that Alfred James Bingham, whose postolftee ad dress is 655 Lbvejoy St, Portland, Ore., did. on the 26th day of Febru ary, 1912. file in this oCfrce sworn statement and application. No. 07859 to purchase the NMr SW and 8 NW of section 2, township 37 8, range 5 V, Willamette meridian, and the timber thereon, under the provisions of the Act of June 3, 1878, and acts amendatory, known as the "Timber and Stone Law," at such value as might be fixed by appraise ment, and that pursuant to such ap plication, the land and timber there on have been appraised $488.00, the I timber estimated 1,22O,O0j board feet at $0.40 per M., and the land nothing; that said applicant .will of fer final proof in support of his ap- j nHrnHnn find iwnm fltAtempnf nn the I 23rd day of May, 1913, before Her - bert Smith, U. S. commissioner at his office at Grants Pass, Oregon. Any person is at liberty to protest this purchase before entry, or initi ate a contest at any time before pat - ent issues, bv filing a corroborated affidavit in this office, alleging facts which would defeat the entry, B. F. JONES. Register, . , ... ,-t,,ct. i . r. or rmuj-M. ..r.;., . ;Mnp!, t0 ))e,deijTere(i at the county home. In the county court of the State of! 2.000 pounds flour. (Specify Oregon for Josepnine county. 1 In the Matter of the Estate of Mar lon M. Kohler, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the final account of the administration of the estate of Marion M. Kohler, deceased, has been rendered to said court for settlement, and that the 19th day of April, 1913. at ten o'clock a. m has been duly ap pointed by said court for the settle ment thereof, at which time any person Interested in said estate may appear and file his exceptions, in writing, to said account and contest the same. Dated, March 14. 1913. WALLACE O. KOHLER. Adm. Estate of Marlon M. Kohler, Deceased. 3-21-5t Mining Blanki at Courier office. NOTICE OF FOKFXXOSl UK SALE. ' . By Tirtue f an execution and or der of sale iasued out of the circuit court of the state of Oregon for Jose phine county upon Judgment and de cree rendered and docketed in said court on the 27th day of February. A. D.. 1913, in a suit wherein Floyd Bailey is plaintiff and the Almeda Consolidated Mines company, a 'cor poration, is defendant, in favor of , said Plaintiff and against said defend- 'ant rr the sum of ll.S57.30 with In- terest thereon from the 27th day of reuruary. 1913, at the rate of 6 pe. cent per annum and the sum of three hundred ($300.00) dollars attorney's fee and the further sum of $20.00 costs, and costs and disbursements of and upon this writ, which execution and order of sale was directed and delivered to me as sheriff of said county, I have levied upon and am directed to sell by virtue of such ex ecution and order of sale, the follow ing described real property sltua'cd in Josephine county, to-wit: Certain mines and mining proper ties comprising a tract of land com mencing at the northwest corner of section 30. towaship thirty-four south, range 7 west of Willamette meridian. Josephine couuty. Oregon: thence east to the west bank of Rocue river, thence northerly along west bank of Rogue' river following the meanderings there X 180 rods; thence west 245 rods; thence south 320 rods; thence east 160 rods to the west bank of Rogue river, thence following the meanderings thereof to a point east of the beginning; thence to place of beginning. Also Homestead quartz mining claim located December S, 1898, and recorded In mining records of Josepnine county, Oregon, in vol utne 12. page 31. Also Big Horn quartz mining claim located Decern ber 8. 1898, and recorded in volume 12 of Bald mining records, page 314 Also "Wasco quartz mining claim located Vy R. C. Kinney and O. M Crouch, recorded In volume 12, Mining Records of said, county and state at page 542. Also the Pearl quartz mining claim located April 12, 1S99. and recorded In volume 12 of said Mining Records, page "542. Also Portland quartz mining claim. "Wjcaied March 4, 1902, and recorded In volume 14 of suld Min ing Records at page 411. ; Also Bon anza lode mining claim recorded in volume 13 of said Mining Records at page 264. The Monte Cristo quartz mining claim recorded in volume 13 of said mining -records at nage 263 thereof. Live Yankee quartz mining claim recorded 1n volume of said Mining Records at page . Tankee Doodle quartz mining claim recorded in volume 12 of said Mining Records at page 3S5. Also two mining claims as describ ed in the deed to said corporation recorded in book 6 of Mining Con veyances of said county at page 165 (unnamed.) Also Bull Pine quartz mining claim located November. 19, 1900, recorded in book 13 of Mining Records of said county and state at page 584. Also Bull Pine Extension located July 23rd, 1907, and record ed in volume 17 vt the Mining Rec ords of said county .and state at page 588. All of said mining claims being contiguous and constituting a con solidated quartz mining claim known as the Almeda Consolidated Mines 'Company, a corporation and appur tenant to which are ditches, ditch I rights and water rights and upon 1 which are situated mining tools, and j implement's together with all equip jmcnts, smelter, reduction works all belonging to said mines, together with all tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belong ing or In any manner appertaining. Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution and order of sale and In compliance with the commands of said writ I will on the 15th day of April. 1913. at the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon at the front door of the county court house In Grants Pass, Josephine county, Ore-J gon sell at public auction, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder, for cash In hand, all the right, title and interest which the said defend ant had on the 13th day of Decem ber, 1912, or at any time thereafter in and to the above described prop erty or any portion thereof, to satisfy the said execution and order of sale. Dated this 10th day of March, j"" - WILL C. SMITH, Sheriff of Josephine County. Ore. I1A14 ADVEKT1HRMENT FOR BIDS. , Sealed proposals will be received at the office of tne county clerk, In (Grants Pass, Oregon, up to 1 0 o'clock & m. of the first Wednesday in April, i 1 91 3. For the furnishing of the follow- ling supplies for the county home. All brand.) 1,000 pounds granulated sugar. 100 pounds Ex. C. sugar. 100 pounds Jap rice. 200 pounds Bayo beans. 3 50 pound cans pure lard. 10 pounds Unc. Jas tea. 75 pounds Caracoal coffee. 1 90 pound sack cream rolled oats. Meat, fresh, to be delivered as or dered. 500 pounds breakfast bacon. 500 pounds sugar cured hams. 10 gallons syrup, (specify brand.) t 50 pound sack dairy salt. All right is reserved to reject any part and all bids or award the con ! tract as may be to the bsst Interest I of the county. By order of I COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. : Attest: B. L. Coburn. I County Clerk. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, March 4, 1913. Notice is hereby given that Clar ence Gillette, of Grants Pass. Oregon, who. on October 24. 1907, made homestead entry serial No. 04326, for EH SW4 and W'M SEi, sec tion 12. township 37 S. range 5 west Willamette meridian, has filed notice of intention to make five-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Herbert Smith United States commissioner at Grants Pass. Oregon, on the 25th day of April. 1913. Claimant names as witnesses: Rengal Disbrow, John Klnkle, Charles Klnkel and Frank Hall, all of Grants Pass, Oregon. B. F. JONES, Register. ADVKHTISKMKXTS FOR KIDS. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the county clerk, in Grants Pass. Oregon, up to 12:00 o'clock noon, of the first day of April. 1913. First, for the furnishing of all tools, labor and materials necessary for the building of two concrete piers and two concrete abutments. Second, for the hauling and the erection of the steel super-structure (already purchased and to be furnish ed by the county) and the placing thereon of lumber, furnished by the county, for the complete construction of a steel highway bridge, ready for travel, over the Rogue river near the present Gallee Ferry, In Josephine county, Oregon. All material to be furnished and work done shall be In accordance with the plans and specifications on file at the office of the county clerk, or county Judge, in the court house, at Grants Pass, Oregon. Each bidder shall submit with his bid, a certified check for Ave (5) per cent of his proposal. Payment on the above work will be made In county warrants at the first regular meeting of the county court following the completion and acceptance of the work. All bids shall be scaled and ad dressed to E. L. Coborn. county clerk of Josephine county. Omits Pass, Oregon, and endorsed: "Bids for the construction of Ja Ike Ferry Bridge." , All right Is reserved to reject any or all bids or award the contracts as may be to the best Interest of the county. By order of COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. Attest: E. L. Cobura, County Clerk. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. V. Land Office at Roseburg. Oregon. March 9th, 1913. Notice la hereby given that Joseph Ramsey, of Wolf Creek, Oregon, who on February 21, 1907, made home stead entry, serial No. 05906 for BWVi of SW4 of' SE4 and the BE ',4 of SE of SWVi.Sec. 22. Twp, 33 S, range 5 west Willamette mer idian, hag filed notice of intention to make five-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Herbert Smith, United States ctinuniB8ioner, at Grants Pass. Ore., on tbe 25th day of April, 1913. Claimant names as witnesses: 1L C. Mcintosh, J. A. Llsco, Nias Lekiuan and Orval Moore, all of Wplf Oeek,, Oregon. B. F. JONES, Register. XOTU'K OF MALE OX FOKECLOK IKE. Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned sheriff by virtue of an execution and order of sale In fore closure, issued out of the circuit court of the state of Oregon for Josephine county, on March 26th, A D., 1913, on a Judgment rendered in said court on February 24th, 1913, and enrolled and docketed in the clerk's office in said county on Feb ruary 2 th. A. I).. 1913, in a suit entitled Alberta G. Lincoln, plain tiff, vs. E. Schumacher, Adlebcrtha Schumacher, and H. Westerbelde, de fendants, to me directed, command ing me as such sheriff to levy upon and sell In the manner directed by law, all the right, title and Interest of said defendants, in and to the south one-half ' (i) of the south east one-fourth ( Vi ) of the north east one-fourth ( 4 ) of section four (4) in township thirty-six (36) south of range five (5) west of the Willamette meridian in Josephine county, Oregon, together with the tenements and appurtenances there unto belonging, and to apply the pro ceeds of sale In satisfaction of the plaintiff's Judgment against the de fendants, E. Schumacher and A die bertha Schumacher, In the sum of $175.00, and Interest on said sum from August 10th, 1910, at the rate of 10 per cent per annum, and for $50.00 attorney's fees allowed by tbe court in said suit, and $7.00 costs, and the costs of this sale to be taxed; Now therefore, by virtue of said writ, in the name of the state of Ore gon, I will on Saturday, April 26th, 1913, at the hour of two o'clock p. m., at the front door of the county court house in Grants Pass, Jose phine county, Oregon, offer for sale and sell for cash in hand to the highest and best bidder, all of the right, title and Interest of the de fendants E. Schumacher, Adlebertha Schumacher and H. Westerhelde, of, in and to the south one-balf of the southeast one-qviarter of the north east one-quarter of section 4 town ship 36 south of range 5 west of the T. M.. Josephine county, Oregon. Witness my hand this 26th day of March. A. D., 1913. WILL C. SMITH, Sheriff of Jtsepblno County, Ore. OCEAN SPECTERS. Phantom Craft That Arc Said to Haunt the High Seas. A CURIOUS ENGLISH RECORD. TH Leg of th Warship Bacchant Undtr Dat of July 11. 1831, th Entry, "Flying Dutchman Cross ed Our Bows" Th Goblin Ship, There are numerous legends snd sto ries of ghostly vessels that roam the briny deep, und many hard headed mariner, free from tbe common su perstition of the ordinary salloriuan. stoutly maintain that they have at least once in their maritime career en countered vliut w as undoubtedly a Vti.i titum ship. Hcst known of those mysterious cm ft that bnunt the high se.i Is. of course, tbe famous Flying Dutchman, or phantom ship of Vauderdecken. How tbe story originated Is doubtful, luit it ha been ascertained that there whs a seamun of repute who many years ago sailed from Holland to tbe east via the Cape of Good Hope, but was never agnln beard of. Some authorities say 'that meeting with contrary winds off tbe cape, he swore a terrible oath. In consequence of which the divine wrutb decreed that be should he occupied till the crack of doom Is endeavoring to weather the headland. Others state that this punishment was meted out to him In retribution for a terrible murder be committed before commenc ing his fateful voyage. Whatever the cause of this ancient Kontleuisn's monotonous wandering may be. It in probably In connection with him that the most authentic am! cold Wooded record of nny phnntom ex ists either it flout or ashore, for It Is stated that In ue log of II. M. 8. Biic chante while m n voyage round the world with tbe little princes In 1881 there appear nn July II the entry. "Fly las: Dutchman crossed our Ikwk." The lug book rf one of tbe then largest of ber majesty's warships Is certainly tbe very hiKf l"'f to. expect to tiud 1iicto jh generally iinmn'IhIH with lie hyiHctil df .either sex lur1ot! .lu uuari-.r. HUT. n re! left Nw ll.ivfti. c'miui.. on her midden viy ape. tut n ufvr 11 en 1 11 hrnnl f -la the following June. Just l-rre tbe amir tt euneet snd after a severe llitiiioVrvtttrm. the tulsxliur ship was seen MNtliUK Mp the fiver. The Inhabit ant, inking their evening stroll, were overjoyed at her returu. but the mont observant of tbem noticed that there wan xoiurttiliig uncanny about her. es pecially in Hint she apearcd to be iii I ing up tipuinst the wlnd. Then, to the consternation of all. she gradually faded away before tbelr eyes and entlreley disappeared. W may be assured that there were not wanting those who malutalned that tbe vessel In spirit had paid a last visit to her port before resting for good on the ocean bed. In the "Chronicle of the St Law rence." by !e Mnlne. It Is recorded that on a certain day lu the year a phnntom ship is seen off Cap d'Kspolr. lu Oospe bay. Lights sre seen aboard Iter, and her decks nre crowded with men. By the foot of the bowsprit n ninn Ik con spicuously standing nnd facing toward the shore, with n Indy Wlnglmr to bis nrm Oriuluully the lights go out nnd the vessel sinks It Is said to be tbe gliot of the flagship of n fleet whlctr wns sent out to reduce the Trench forts, .the vessel licllig loft with all Iuiud To 001110 to Hrltlsh waters, there are numerous Instances related In local history of the visitations of ghostly vessels, the west of England, ns. might he expected, being most prolific tn these records, says a writer in the Lon don Clolie Indeed. Cornwall boasts of a giihlln ship probably unique the world over, as she not only sails the water, but proceeds most unconcerned a good distance Inland. This Is the specter ship of Portbcur no. and In HobeH Hunt's book on "Ro mances of the West of Englnnd" are re lated tbe experiences of a local Inhab itant who witnessed one of her esca pade She Is described as n blnck square rigged single masted vessel, sometime towing a smull boat No crew nre ever seen: presumably they are down below. The personal narra tive goes on to say: "On came the craft It passed stead ily through the breakers, glided up over tbe ssnds. stondlly pursued its course on the dry land as If It bad been water. On It went to Bodelan. where Ft Leven formerly dwelt. It then steered its course to Chygwldcn and there vanished like smoke," An Awful Blow. 'Yes. suld Slithers. "Mlckley was my dearest friend, and I shall never cense to mourn his death. It was a terrible blow, from which I shall never recover." '-- 'Why-I thought yoo married bis wldowr f said Jlmpson. 'Wny-er-nbem! why. yes. J did: bur ners Pllthers subsided Into a deep nd uncomfortable silence. Harper's Weekly Chamberlain's Remedy has won Its great reputation and extreme sale by its remarkable cures of roughs, colds, and croup. It can be depended upon. Try It. Sold by all dealers. Tf. on the ' A 1 leivy:i:i;i from Toronto, when iiiiklna over hi li.if-i in - Vork 11 it-1 Hie manv ev'iii i-harcek. sj .il 11 rei'.i:ut.'. him or :m ill' i If lit Miliil. o. pifu.-.l ill IaIiII liiirh "Mite el Sunday inornlu." he said. "I hired a rati to go tn my i liunch On reaching my destination tendered the cubby I lit leual fniv. I shilling, and was surprised t hear him say. Two shilliu sir." "I looked at the extortioner and ask ed why be charged '.' shillings, to which be dryly answered: "We wish to discourage traveling ou the Sa h as much as possible, sir." "-New York Atuerloau. Pomp of English Mayors. Considerable pomp attends the office of mayor In English cities. Chichester arms Its chief magistrate with a gold mounted malnccn cane of office, while the mayor of Guildford carries the stick presented to the borough by her majesty Queen Klltabetb. At York both tbe lord mayor ami lady mayor ess nre equipped with the silver uiouut eil oak staves which have marked their authority for centuries. Among the citnclnl retainers of the mayor of Hi poo Is tbe muutclpsl horn blower, who every night at 0 o'clock gives three blasts upon this aged musical Instru ment before the mayor's residence' and ngnlii at the marked cross.-Iuidou St Kndard. $17,000 FOR CHINESE ART. jadi Carving Ownd by Empror Grst-grsndon Sold. Moderate price ruled at the sale of the collection of Chinese carvings 1 Jade and oilier objects of art forme by I'rim-e F.nng I'u Wei. great grand son r the Knieror Tno Kwung, held at Ijimdon recently In all tlT.MK) waa resllr.. A hlte vase and coyer, carved with gniinls and foliate lu blcli relief, ou 11 lined wimmI xlii ml. eleven Inches Uv-n were Mi! In for 40 by a col eifr mimed I'll rirli lire A dark green vase sucl cover of flat eiml shape, curved with panels of kylitm In relief nnd piilni leaves round th- flxHilder In key pattern borders, th snndles curved with, fungus and limse rings, nnd the cover surmounted by figure "f a kylln, standing fifteen snd a half Inches high, were sold to Ceudtui Fox for $525. A Moralising Burglar. Fnnn continental Kuroie comes the stwry f u burglar who left the follow ing note pinned to the pillow In a man sion he had ransacked: "In the Bible It any. 'Lead us not Into temptation." You and your, rbow of weMltli tempted toe. nnd I fell, though nn bom-sl work ingiiinn Therefore you are the sin ner. not I. HeK-nt before It Is too late" Whin Button Wir Unknown. How did the world ninnage for cen turies without buttons'; In early ages they were unknown. The voluminous gnnncMitH of oriental races nre still at t'ichid to their weurers by means of slriips, lis were those of tbe (J reeks nud Iton.nus. The Normans were resioii slide for the Invention. The etymology of the word points to the derivation of the idea, limit, an end or extremity, and Imiiter. to push, wlmvr that the button was originally a push piece, like the buttons of our modern electric bulls The Normans prolmlily conceiv ed the idea from the rouh knots of their furniture, on which most 'likely they hung their garments. Once In troduced, buttons cninc rnpldly Into common use. Th Old Man' Hint. Mother fat Ih.'tn p. ni.i-Wliafs the matter. John? You look disturbed. Father I thought I'd give that young man culling ou our daughter a vigorous hint it was time to go. so I walked right Into the pnrlur nud de lllx'iiilel.v turned out the gas. Mother-Oli. tnyl And did he get angry? Futhcr--Angr? The young Jackn napes said "Thank yon!" Hoatnn Transcript. Mad Ovr, "He Is a self made man. isn't hT" "He una." "Then he Is." "No, the womnu bo married didn't like the result he had accomplished, and she has made him over." Hous ton Post An Eys For th Main Chanc. Sam-Will you keep our engagement secret for the present? Lnlu--AII rtitht. Hut where'" the present? ! don Telegraph. Th Alaskan Coal Fields. One of the markets available for Alahkn coal, were the coal fields of the territory develop!, would be to sup ply coke to the smelters nud foundries on Pugct sound and at Portia ml, Bun Francisco, Los Angeles and other cit ies on the Pacific const Most of the coke now consumed oa tbe const, ac cording to the United States geological survey, Is Imported from Germany or England or Is brought from the east ern states. You will be surprised at tbe quick results of a classified want fcd Artistic Job work st (7urlr office PATH Kit AX I) SOX ( HI SHIM) I XDKH WAOOX. PORTLAND, March 26. Elbert J. MacCredle, a dentist, and his son, Leo, aged 4, are dead today as the result of the wagon In which they were riding overturning and tumb ling down a steep embankment. The child was smothered under a load of compost and the father was crush ed to death by one of the horses failing upon him. WIltK UK1KF8. SAN JOSE, Cal.. March 26.- County . Clerk I'flster will issue no more marriage licenses to young couples arriving in "buzx buggies." "No more cocktail route licenses In mine," is his slogan. RIVERSIDE, Cal., March 26.--The White Sox have put another one over on "Splash" Denx, the joke tar get. He hobnobbed with Governor Johnson throughout a banquet here, but learned later that his supposed excellency was the newest Joke planted by bis team mates. LOS ANGELES. March 26. A grape fruit dropping from a root garden cafe struck Sebastian Sail er's pipe which was In active service. Sailer Is out three teeth and a dent ist's bill. The pipe was not dam aged. SAN FRANCISCO, March 26. The guns tn a shooting gallery did not do sufficient execution to suit Orrln Smith, fresh from Texas. He used his own "hardware." After he had cleared the entire building and plunged the block Into darkness, he was "pinched." Veie of Exprinc. Younglnlgb tin nrt inuseumi-l won der why Victory Is represented as a female? Wecluiore It's plain to lie seen you're not married. Boston Trans cript. The Quality of Mrcy. A notorious inonntHlu moonshiner, familiarly known as Wild Hill, wss 1 tried before a f sle ml court In cieorgia and was adjudged guilty. Before pro-' ii'iiim liig sentence the Judge lectured the prisoner un his long criminal rec ord snd nt last. Informing hi 111 that the court entertained 110 feeling of anger toward him. but felt only unmixed pity, sentenced blni to spend six years la the federal prison tit Atlanta. Rill stolidly shifted lheiuld of tobac co In his mouth mid turned to leave tbs courtroom with the marshal. Once out side the only thing he said wits this: "Well. I suah 11111 glad he wa'o't uiad it me!" a Postry Difinad. George P. Morris, the author of "Woodmau. Spare That Tree." was a general of the New York mllltla and a favorite with all who knew him. Mrs. Sherwood In her reminiscences tells Innv another poet associated the gener al with u definition of poetry. Once Fltx Greene llnlleck, tho author of "Marco Hozznrls," called upon her In New York In his old age, and sho asked him (0 define for ber what was poetry and what wax prose. Ho replied: "When General Morris commands his brlgndn and says, 'Sol- flers. draw your swords!'" he talks rose. When he says 'Soldiers, draw your willing swords!' be talks. poetry." Tmprd 8ti. - For penknives the steel Is tempered at 470 degrees, for fable knives nt WW degrees and for saws at WW) degrees. Gray Hairs In Wall Strut. "It soetued to 1110 down lu New York the other day." remarked a Cleveland er who had Just returned from tbe me tropolis. "ttiHt one might almost rec opnlse Wall street and the tiiinnclal region by the number of gray haired young men you see. I had occasion to be In several offices on Wall street the other day, and I honestly believe mors than In If of the young men I saw had grny hair. 1 notices' tbe same, thing along tho street It may have been Just a coincidence, but I couldn't help wondering if they would have been gray Just as soon If they had been at some other game for tbe last few years'-Cleveland Plain Dealer. Moat Mad From Malt A Helglitn. chemist M. Effront as serts that he has synthetically pro duced vluml , closely resembling butch er's ment tn taste, but of greater nu trltlve "value. M. Effront' method I to take such Industrial residue as malt grnlus and to extract therefrom tha protelds. The malt graiua after being washed, pressed nnd treated with sul phuric acid and then lime give after filtration and evaporation a pasty sub stance, tasting like meat, but with three times as tiiHch nourishment. Several doctors In Brussels hare ex perimented on man with this artificial meat with sutlsfuctory results.