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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1913)
FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 1813. PACK BIX. ITBILT BOG (71 HiVCB GGCSSS ; nicrobes In Your Scalp Authorities uy that a microbe) taiuei baldness. If you are loslRf hair try our remedy at our risk. Trotrmnt Unna, of Germany, ao4 ' Dr. Kabouraud, th Mt French Dermatologist, claim that a mi crobe eau bsldnMia. and their theory baa bmi verified by eminent snontnu. 'J his Biirrobe dntroys the hair (ollidxe, in time causing the scalp porra to cloae and the arp to berome shiny. Then, it is btlixvrd aothinc will revive the growth. If treated before this occur, baldness say he overcome. We know of nothing that has given such universal satinfaction In treating the arajp and hair as Keisil "V.i" Uir Tonic. It ha leet do f.gaed awr long study to overcome the rHUie of falling hair as discovered by IW. l.'nna. Dr. Hahouraud and ether endp ami hair iecilits, and . we believe it will do more than any thing elue rsn to remove dandruff and stop falling bair; and if any human agency can promote a new growth of hair it will do that, too. ' ' We want you to make us prove It We will pav for a month's trestmenl of Rcill "W" Hair Tonic used dur ing a trial, if you will ue it ac cording to directions, and are not thoroughly eatinfied. When we will do this, you surely should not beeitata to at least try it, Htart the treatment today. You oiere request will get your money back if you want it. Two sies: 50o and ll.lXh You ran fleiall "93" Ilair Tonie Id this community only at our store: M. CLEMENS "pass" afeSSii Stor Oregon Th is a ReiiH Hlore In nearly erarr lows Eld Ulty in ttie I'iiiUhI Htatea, Canada end root Britain. Tlmre I a di(Irn Retail tmady fur n nrly every orillnary human ill aaoh aapamally il .uni-.l (or Hie particular ill Ht which It is reouiuiiwnded. Tk lUaail 8tor.a are America's CreeUat V. ig Store THOUSANDS LEFT HOME LESS BY GREAT FLOODS INDIANAPOLIS, Ind.. March 26. Ten thousand faiiillli'M aro hoine lens In Indiana today us the result of the worst flood In the history of the Btute. The property loss rung Into the millions and all Industry, Includ InK transportation facilities, la sus pended. Four persons are known to have lmcii drowned. Other large sections of the Htate aro lHolateil, and It Is feared the death Hut will be mater ially Increased when eomiminicatlon Ig restored. Home of the largest cltloH In the state will bo In darkness, tonight, the floi.l wuter of various rivers putting electric light and water plants out of commission. The floods follow a two days' downpour which wan general In Indiana as well as adjoining Mates. DAYTON, 0 Murcli 115, Thous ands aro homeless In Dayton and vi cinity and are being sheltered In tents and public, buildings following the breaking of the big Miami river lovee In three places, The river has passed the Hood depth jind is still rising. Scores of factories are closed. Three companies of militia were ordered to aid the police. RIverdale, North Daytou and oth er snburbs aro Inundated. Last night couriers were sent throughout the threatened districts warning the Inhabitants to fleo. The river Is the highest It has been In 40 years. MUNCIE, Ind., March 25.-The White river Ib the highest in Its his tory here today and Is rising four Inches hourly. The railroads throughout the district are crippled and the situation In fast becoming critical. Hundreds are homeless here, The pumping station is flooded, rutting off the city's water supply. It Is feared the light plant will be flood ed soon. CHICAGO, March if). Water is running five feet deep on level streets of Dayton, Ohio, according to a long telephone message received here, at noon by the American Tele phone & Telegraph company. The message came from Phonetou, Ohio, a testing station. 'i miles front Day ton. The flood is said to have re sulted from n break In the levee there. It Is said there has been soini) loss of life, but no figures are given. KOKOMO, Ind . March KUht Day Old Chicks If you waul baby thick. tlmt me Itatclicl rUht. from u-:p-itesl-til Man.lard brM Move., S. C. Rhode I-lund Red and While leg horns our hpcvliilt), We can furuMi )otl Beds tor 2 tentt each mid Willie leghorn fr D eut each. Any i.tlur artotic a mailer of tiiiie.p"iidence. If yon want nit Im ulmtor tlmt will liaMk ctciy buti liable c-i;, M-iit to McClaiiabiui for thli canloue. it will tell ).. nil about litem. Addle-. E. J. McClanahan F.I GKXK. ORE. 'feet of water is on the streets iu the lowlands here. A thousand homes are sab.ucrgc-U and their inhabitants are perched upon roofs of their dwellings, waiting for aid. Practically all the boats In the thy were swept away and the people In the flood district are marooned and food lens. Damage to the extent of 1 1,000, 000 was done here. Knormous damage was done by the floods In Peru, Ind., nearby. TEKUA HAUTE, Ind., March 25. With the Wabash river already three feet over the danger line and rising at the rate of six Inches hour ly, Terre Haute, barely recovered from Sunday's cyclone, today faces one of the worst floods In Its history. The flood waters already have driven 2,000 persons front their homes at Taylorville, a suburb. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., March 25. Five hundred persons are homeless at Marion, Ind. At Mlsslnlssawa, Ind., the river burst the levee on the east side of the city and the two fac tories there were forced to shut down. Kokomo, Ind., is without light or water, and a mile square area in the center of the city Is flooded. The schools are closed there and the militia Is patrolling the streets. The known drowned In the state up to noon were Hay Kothenburger and his brother, Roscoe. Frankfort; Wallace Garrison, Hurllngton; John Dagner, New Castle. Three hundred are homeless In El wood, Ind. li E LLE FONTAI NE, Ohio, March 25. The engine of a Pennsylvania railroad passenger train plunged into the Mad river when a bridge was swept away by flood waters today. All passengers escaped Injury. COLUM I1US, O., March 25. A wreck train on the Indianapolis di vision of the Pennsylvania railroad went through a bridge near Urbana. Ohio, according to advices Just re ceived here at the company's office. The train carried a crew of 20 and olily six of that number are reported accounted for. Adjutant General Wood was noti fied today that fifty persons had sought refuge on the housetops at Larue, Marlon county. Ilonts are rushing to the scene. HIGGEST HARX IX WOULD IS III RXED. SEATTLE, March 24. The big gest barn in the world, as it Is claim ed to be by Its owner, Peter TerenI, was destroyed by fire early this morning and damage approximating 110,000 was sustained. The barn, located near Duwamish station, was built In 183 by John P. Card, nud occupied one and one-quarter acres. Funning Implements and a large amount of hay and other grain wcro burned. The cattle were saved. The firemen were handicapped by the lack of water. PROMINENT JAP SHOT loVX IIY l NTRVMAN. OAKLAND, Cal.. March 21. Shot down by (i. Touiluagno, a fellow countryman, because he had criti cized the relations between the Jap anese In California and California merchants in a public lecture here, S. Yoshlda, prominent In the Japan ese-American association of Califor nia, Is near death here today. Tin gunman was captured after an excit ing chase and is under arrest. l)l CAN CI RE THAT HACUAt HE. Palu ulons the- back. di"i'ss, headache nud Keneral langmir. Get a package of Mother Gray's Aroma-tlc-U'af, the pleasant root and herb cure for all kidney, bladder and urinary troubles. When you feel all run down, tired, weak and without eners use 'his remarkable combin ation of nature's herbs and roots. As a tonic laxltlve it has no eiiual. Moth er Gray's Aromail.-l.euf is sold by druggists or sent by mall for 50 Us. Sample, sent free. Address. Th Mother C.rav Co.. l.-Uoy, N. Y. 310 FERRY ST. ATMOSPHERE, -NOT PLANETS, ( OXTROKS STORM CONDITIONS. f SAN JOSE, Cal., March 25. Atmospheric, rather than plan- etary forces, are responsible for the terrific storms and cyclones in the east, according to W. W. Campbell, director of the Lick Observatory on Mount Hanill- ton. In an interview for the L'nited Press, Campbell de- clared today:' a . "There are no unusual phe- nomena noted In the planetary" system at present that might influence the earth's climatic conditions. The weather bu- reau would be able to describe the causes of these storms far better than the observatory." ' FIXERV XIITKD HV COLD IV NORTHWEST. I-ORTLAND, March 24. Cold weather continued prevalent through out the northwest today although the temperature and storm conditions are gradually moderating. Rain and snow in many parts of the northwest prevented the usual display of East er finery yesterday. DOWAGER PRINCESS A SI H IDE. ROME, March 24. Slashing her self with a razor in an attempt at suicide because of the failure of ef forts to cure her of neurasthenia. Dowager Princess Teresa Collonna DI Paliano is near death here today. The princess Is a Neapolitan noble woman, and the mother of Princess D Teano, said to be the most beau tiful woman In Europe. THREE-YEAR-OLD IS CLIH PRESIDENT, IjONDON, March 24. The town of Old Warden, Bedfordshire, boasts the youngest club president in the world. Richard Ormonde Shuttleworth, aged 3, has just been chosen to suc ceed his father, recently deceased, who, for many years, was president of tho Reading and Recreation club of that village. HYDE TRIAL Jl ROR IS FOl'ND Ml RDKRED. KANSAS CITY, March . 24. Found In a side street with his head battered, at the conclusion of the trial, C. C. Shangler, a member of the third trial Jury In the case of Dr. H. C. Hyde, accused of killing Col onel Thomas Swope, Is dead here to day. The Jury failed to agree on a ver dict, but It Is believed the assault was tho outcome of the trial. ALMOND-EYED IIASEHALLISTS COME TO AMERICA. SAN FRANCISCO, March 25. I'nder the management of Sam Hop, the fast baseball team from the Chinese university of Hawaii, is here today. Tho Orientals will meet the universities of California and Stan ford and will play several other lo cal teams. The visitors are said to be a strong aggregation and have an especially strong pitching depart ment. They are also putting up n great batting game, and will prove a real Chinese puzzle for every team they meet. The team will make a complete tour of the l'nited States, meeting all comers. NEAR-GROOM IS DEAD. i OVKLAND. March 25. With the idate of his wedding to Miss Gene jvleve Johnson, an Oakland society j belle, set for a date but five days dis tant. George Bailey, a young Oakland 'artist. Is desd here today of heart ! failure. k . OF V. ( RADIATE IS PAN AM I GEOlXXilST. SEATTLE, March 2:.. Named us jv ol ist for the Panama Canal eom ni si-ion. D 'tut Id 1'. McDonald, gradu al of the Cnlversity 'f Washington, 's tolav enro'i'e to the canal rone to !e .d an e;iiv!ltion Into the Interior of Pan. una udja-'ent to the canal. Mc Pona! 1 ic otitly completed a geolog. leal boundary survey of Costa Rba. Yi n ju Ue i man not by w hat he ''rei.i's.M t, do. but by what he has don That U the only true test. Ch:vuli-i .i;ti' Co'ich jwUed v th stand.trd has n superior, ''t'oi'le everywhere s;naU of It in the !i!.-Sm t,.rti o? orMse Tor ! by :t!l doi,!s FORMER 'FRISCO IIE1X MISSING IX STORM RKLT. BROOKLINE, Mass., March 25. That Mrs. Malcolm Whitman, for merly Jennie Crocker of San Fran cisco, may be among the victims of the Omaha cyclone, Is feared here to day by her husband, Malcolm Whit man. It is believed the former San Francisco belle, with her two step children, was In or near the tornado tone on Sunday when the storm struck. No word baa been received from Mrs. Whitman since the storm and today her husband sent agents to New York to discover whether the train on which she was traveling stopped In the ravaged districts, or, if possible, she and the children are among the victims. NOVEMBER ELECTION FOR REFERRED MEASURES ONLY. SALEM, March 25. According to an opinion today by Attorney Gen eral Crawford no constitutional 'amendments or Initiative amend ments may be voted on at the special election to be held on the first Tues day after the first Monday in Novem ber 1913. The attorney general held that In event no referendum petitions are filed, no special election will be held. The election was authorized by a resolution by Representative Day for the purpose of referring measures passed by the recent legis lature to the people of the state at large. RCSI NESS PORTION OF DAYTON IX DEEP WATER. COLI'MBCS, Ohio, March 25. (love'rnor Cox communicated Inter mittently late this afternoon with Dayton. He was Informed that over half of Dayton Is under from five to nine feet of water. The entire commercial district Is under water. Horses have been drowned In the business section. OREGON WEATHER FORECAST. PORTLAND, March 25. Weather forecast for Oregon: Fair tonight and Wednesday. Heavy frost to night. Northerly winds. WANT FRIEDMAXX TO COME TO OREGON. PORTLAND, March 25. Dr. Ray Matson, a prominent Portland phys ician is today enroute to New York where he will confer with Dr. Fried niann In en endeavor to induce tho German savant to make n trip to the Pacific coast. STATE TABOOES WEDDING OF MARY AND JOHN. SEATTLE, March 24. Mrs. Mary Luchesi, 24, and her baby, 4, are held by the juvenile court of this city today, owing to her determina tion to wed her cousin John McGreg or, 32. The wedding being forbid den under the laws of this stat the two were enroute to Canada when In tercepted at Everett. The young woman w ho recently secured a di vorce from her husband declares she will outwit the courts and marry Mc Gregor. NEED DIVERS TO FIND INDIAN'S GOLD. WHITE SALMON, Wash., March 25. Jake Hunt, an aged Indian, is today'tnourning the loss of H.fii'O in gold, which he buried in the river bank at a point just above the North western Electric company's dam. After six months' absence Jake rode in on his pony for more "chlnkamln," and found that his money was und.r 100 feet of water. YIRCINTA HARNF.D WEDS. NEW' YORK, March 23. -An nouncement of the wedding of Miss Virginia llarnel, the actress, and William Courtenay, prominent New York actor, In January, is made. ihere. Miss Harned wag formerly the wife of E. II. Sothern. ii To SAVE LITTLE CHICKS and belt) thrm fc (row into bi, tron-. btaJAr buda. FEED Diamond Chich Food Our nam and trade mark oo ercry octainat pattafa. east ONit a Portland Seed Co.' Portland, Ore, Write totlnjr for catalog &Hi. ! WIRE BRIEFS. SALEM, March 25. The recall has invaded church affairs. When David Errett, for 9 1-2 years pastor of the Christian church, learned that a petition for his recall was being circulated, he resigned. PORTLAND. March 25 By sandpapering his finger tips, a mid dle aged, well dressed man prevent ed the Bertillion officer securing his finger prints. On account of grim aces no photo could be secured. At that the police had nothing on him and he was released. SAN FRANCISCO, March 25. The "neighborhood souse" will have to wear a mask hereafter. The police commission has ordered wide doors of thin glass In all the "suburban" groggerles, in order that the interior may be plainly visible to the man or the wife on the street. j LOS ANGELES, March 25. '"Don't touch my new baby and go away from here," cried Mrs. Mary iLehmann from her bed to two in jquisitlve cops. The cops unrolled jthe baby's blankets and found two demijohns of booze. The woman Is 'held on a "blind pigging" charge. WILL TATTOOED ON HIS BACK. California Miner Haa Tastament Placed on Shoulder Blade. Probably the oddest will ever drawn by man Is that of Harry Kolilmnn. it miner from San Bertuirdine county. Cal.. who has bad bin Inst testanieut tattooed lu purple Ink on his left shout der blade Kohimuu said he wu about lo take n trip through the troubled regions In Mexico, ami he wanted a will that was Indestructible "d one that would sur vlve robbers or tire His property is valued ut $."iti.isi ' SUII Inflamed with the tnttooer'fc ueedle. Kohinmn recently exhibited his will to n few friends. There are but fourteen words In the "document." bnt lawyer say It Is perfectly legal. It reads. "All my claims south of Red Hill. Suu Bernurdlue county, to J. II Cart-U. Kohlman." RICH ISLANDS IN CANAL ZONE. Tortola and Tortolita, Possessing Pean Fnheriea, Belong to Umtad Statea. An otUcIa' survey Is reported to have established the fact that the Pacific Islands of Tortola and Tortolita are a part of the Panama ennui zone, being within the three mile coast limit. The tliidini: Is re'ii rded lie re us Important as IhiiIi nt the Island have rich pearl fisheries The Trilled States government has just iie'un the erection of a large wireless plunt at the Pacific entrance of the canal All records were broken during the month of February, when 108 ships brought I.2T,7 visitors to the canal. Tbey hare taken away so many of the, little silver coins of Panama for sou venlrs that there Is nt present an on usual shortage of small change. V THE CHAMPION HEN IS FOUND. j Fowl Lara Three Eggs Which Weigheo ! Total of Fifteen Ounce. HiMi- of sit coiors and breed ' thMohotit tbe roantry nrtre been out I don bj a bia wblte Orpington pullet owi,H by C W Fn of New Stantou. Pa Fox exhibited tbr eggs recently , .aid to Id champion pullet, which j ui"i-urHi t. trifle ivir ix Incbex In i lewf t in-uuifereiife mid elht Inches ; lii i:ritM The i-onibiiied weight of ; h. three ee w nfteon ounces. WOMAN' (LAMRERS DOWN EIGHT STORY FIRE ESCAPE. ! PORTLAND, March 2L--Dr. E. I jVanAlstine. a woman physi.-ian, calmly clambered down the fire ea- j cape from the eighth story of the De- jkum building, when a fire, supposed-j ly of incendiary origin, that broke !out In the basement, filled the halls I iand stairways with volumes of chok 1 IriK, black smoke. ' The First National Bank Of Southern Oregon CAPITAL. SURPLUS AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS $100,000 A Mi-onit bank. rqulppiMl to h.imlle nil !.n,n ,e of commercial iniitJi" "1' Ti"u' ", ,,,i,s- v":,r iKO"n, N "i'-rii.v I V C WIImIpi " "l- L L. GILKEY. r ashler. I. ( . CAM! BELL, Vlc-Tr. r. K. flACKETT, As t Cashier. How to Keep a Boy Healthy and Happy That is what every mother of a erowing boy is anxious to know. We offer the solution to this problem. It is one of the very few absolutely sure ways of makine a happy, manly boy. Put him into overall and let him live outdoor avery poiaible moment of bi life). The dressed up boy who hardly dares to move for fear of soiling or tearing his clothes is about the most unhappy and peevish individual alive. The boy in overalls (if they are the right kind of overalls) hain't a care on Good looking- h Long wearing Two-Horse Brand Overalls The best that are made. Con structed for comfort and long wear. Saves the good clothes. The boy always looks neat and trim. Ask your dealer for Two Horse Brand Overalls. Take no others. A New Pair If Made and Guaranteed by Levi Strauss & Co. San Francisco ITALIANS I) E EE AT ARARS WITH HEAYi LOSS- Tripoli, March 25. Killing 220 and wounding many more, a big Italian force defeated a band of Arabs near here, according to a re port here today. The Italian loss was 24, with. 132 wounded. PATENT MONOPOLY STRENGTHENED RY t OLRT- WASHINGTON, March 24. Slightly strengthening the patent monopoly established for patentees by Its recent decision in the Dick mimeograph case, the federal su preme court affirmed today a decis ion of the Illinois federal court in warding damages for patent infringe ment on a gas heater. The lower court denied the right to the Fair store of Chicago to sell the heaters at a les9 price than the patentees fixed. CHEN ARRESTED FOR KILLING R LA NTH GORDON. LEWISTON, Idaho. March 24. Frank Chena Is under arrest today charged with having shot Blanche Gordon, an inmate of the restricted district. Mining Blanks at Courier office. if' u