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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1912)
FRIDAY, J FLY 19, 1912. WEEKLY ROGUE K1VER COI K1FK PAGE 8EYKN .NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, United States Land Office, Roseburg. Ore gpn, May 29, i912. Notice Is hereby given that Rollln Ralph Wllaon. of Grants Pass. Ore gon, who. on Aug-tst 20. 1910, made homestead entry serial No. 04211, for MV, 6ectton 10. township 37. 8, range 6 west Willamette meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final five year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, be fore Herbert Smith United States commissioner, at Grants Pass, Ore gon, on the 26th day of July, 1912. Claimant names as witnesses: F. C. Wilson, Captain Simmons, William Swlnden and William A. Forge, all of Grants Pass, Oregon. BEI.'JAallN F. JONES, Register. .NOTICE FOR PIIH.K ATION. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land jfflce at Roseburg, Oregon June 15, 1912. Notice is hereby given teat Solon Curtice, of Kerby, Oregon, who, on November 21, 1911, made home stead entry serial No. 07690, for NET4 section 7, township 39 S, range 7 west Willamette meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final commutation proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Herbert Smith, United States commissioner, at Grants Pass, Ore , on the 2nd day of August, 1912. Claimant names as witnesses: Cornelius A. Sldler of Grants Pass, Oregon, T. J. Tycer. William H. Hayes and Miles C. Pnrden, all of Kerby, Oregon. BENJ.-vMIN F. JONF.S, Register. , NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Of ft e at Roseburg, Oregon, Jupe 15. 1912. Notice is hereby given that William H. Hayes, of Kerby, Oregon, who, on November 21, 1911, made homestead entry serial .,o. 07 703, for lots 1 and 2 and E& NW'i, section 7', town ship 39 S., range 7 west Willamette meridian, has tiled notice of Inten tion to make final commutation proof, to establish claim to the land above described , before United tates commissioner Herbert Smith, at Grants Pass, Oregon, on the 2 day of August, 1912. Claimant names as witnesses: Cornelius A. Sldler, Grants Pass. Oregon, anil Miles C. Punlen, Ctiarles S. Kugg, Solon Curt'ce, all of Kerby, Oregon. BENJAMIN F. JONF.S, Register. .NOTICE FOR ITULICATIOX. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Offlc, at Roseburg. Oregon, May 29, 1912. Notice 1b hereby given that Lester J. Crawford, whose postofflce address Is Hoqulam, Washington, did, cn the 24th day of January, 1912, file In tLls office sworn statement and ap plication, No. O7801, to purchase the W 'A SE V4 , NE V SW '4 and SE 4 NWi. section 10, township 39 S, range 7 west Willamette meridian, and the timber thereon, under the provisions of the act of June 3, 1878, and acts amendatory, known as the "Timber and Stone Law" at such value as might be fixed by appraise ment, and that, pursuaut to such ap plication, the land and timber there on have been appraised, $490.00, the timber estimated 600,000 board feet at 75 cents per M, and the land $30; that said applicant will offer final proof In support of his application and sworn statement on the 16 day of August, 1912, before register and receiver United States land office, at Roseburg, Oregon. Any person is at liberty to pro test tnis purchase before entry, or initiate a contest at any time before patent issues, by filing a corroborat ed affidavit in this office, alleging facts which would defeat the entry. BENJAMIN F. JONES, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of tue Interior, U. S. Land Office at Roseburg. Oregon. June 28. 112. Notice 1b hereby given that Alma Rundle, of Kerby, Oregon, who. on November 22, 1911. made homestead entry serial No. 07685, for lots J, 4, 5 and N..i; SW';. sectlou 18. township 39 S, range 7 west Willam ette meridian, has filed notice of In tention to make final commutation proof, to establish claim to the land above descrited, before Herbert Smith, United States commissioner, at Grants Ptas, Oregon, on he 15th day of August, 1912. Claimant names as witnesses: Ed. Tyeer. David Coulter, Mahlon Becker and Jasper Garrison, all of Kerby, Oregon. BENJAMIN F. JONES, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Roneburg. Oregon, July 2, 19i2. Notice Is hereby given that James Z. Parker, of Williams, Oregon, who, on August 28, 1907. made homestead entry serial No. 04296. tor SWU. section 2. township 28 8. range 5 west Willamette meridian, has filed notlie of Intention to make final five year proof, to establish claim to the land above described. lfore Herbert Smith United States commissioner at Grants Pass. Ore gon, on the 20th day of August. 1912. Claimant names 88 wltnessis Frank Bryan. Mrs Fran.. Bryan. T. J. Sumner nrd Arthur Hltdg"tt a'! rf Williams. Oregon. BENJAMIN F. TONES. . I2iter. NOTICE FOR I I BLICAIION. Department of the Interior. U. S. land office at Roseburg. Oregon June 26. 1912. Notice is hereby gi -en that Ida Turner, of Kerby. Oregon, who, on May 21. 1912, made homestead en try serial No. 07671. for W, NE l4 and WU SKt4. section 7, township 9 S. range 7 west Willamette mer idian, has filed notice of Intention to make final five year proof, to estab lish claim to the land above describ ed, before Herbert Smith, United States commissioner, at Grants Pass, Oregon. 0n the loth day of August, 1912. Claimant names as witnesses: L. M. Nadel. Miles Purdin, Marv Robldean end Mahlon Berkey, all of Kerby, Oregon. BENJAMIN F. JONES. heglster. NOTICE FOR PI HI.K ATIOX. Department of the Interior, U. S. land office at Roseburg, Oregon, June 26, 19.2. Notice Is hereby given that Louis M. Nadel, of Kerby, Oregon, who, on May 13, 1912, made homestead entrv serial No. 07674, for lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, section 17, township 39 S, range 7 west Willamette meridian, has filed notice of In'entlon to make final commutation proof, to establish claim to the land above described, ' before Herbert Smith, United States commissioner, at Grants Pass, Ore gon, on the day of Aligns,: 1912. Claimant names as witnesses: Miles Purdin, Mahlon lieckey, Mary Robldean and Ida Turner, all of Kerby, Oregon. 1 BENJAMIN F. JONLa, Register, j notkI for pFbi Tc.ViT( V i Department of the Inter! r, U. S. , land office at Roseburg. Oregon, I June 26, 1912. 1 Notice Is here! y tilven that .Mary i E. Robldean, of Kerby, Oregon, who, on May 13, 1912. made homestead entry serial .'o. 07670, for .i2 S'i. section 17, township 39 S, range 7 west Willamette meridian, las filed 1 notice of intention to make final coin- j mutation proof, to establish claim to j the land above described, before Her bert Smith, United Suites annuls- ! sinner, at Grants Pass. Ortgon, on the 15th day of August, 1912. 1 Claimant names as witnesses: I.ouis M. Nalcl. Miles Purdin, Ida Turner and Mahlon Beckey, all of Kerby, Oregon. BENJAMIN F. JONES. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, I". S. land, office at Roseburg, Oregon, June 26, 1912. Notice Is hereby alven that Miles C. Purdin, of Kerby, Oregon, who, on I June 7th, 1912. made homestead en i try serial No. 07676. for SE U SE1;. Sec. 7, E',s NE4 Sec. IS and SW4 iNW'i, section 17. townsnip u9 S, j range 7 west Willamette meridian, ihas filed notice of intention to make final commutation rooi, to establish claim to the land above describe 1, be fore Herbert Smith, United States ; commissioner, at Granti Pass, Ore gon, on the loth day of August, 1912. Claimant names as witnesses: Solon Curtice, William Hayes, L. M N'adel mid Mahlon Beckev. all of ! Kerby, Oregon. ! BENJAMIN F. JU.,ES, Register. NOTICE TO CKEMTOJM. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Jofcenbiiie County. In the Estate oi Helen iv. Rowe, De oeased. Notice is hereb'y given to all per sons having any claim or claims against the estate of Helen K. Rowe. i deceased, to pre.ct their cairns duly verified according :o law, on or be fuTe nx months from date of the 1 first publication hereof to Fred A. Williams, the duly appointed, qual iful and acting administraUrr of 'said estate, at his of fl in the Tuffs i building at Grants Pass, Oregon. ! The date of the first publication !of this notice is ti.e 2kth 'lay of June, A. D., 1912. (Signed FRED-A. WILLIAMS, Administrator of the Estate, of Hflen K. Howe, Pleased. Colvig t Williams, Auorre?. NOTICE TO BKM I ORS. In the Countv Court of the State of I Oregon for Josephine County. In the Estate of Benjamin i.nmmuK. Deceased. Notice Is hereby c.ven to all per sons having any claim or claims against the estate of Benjamin Dlni mick, deceased, to present their claims duly verified according to law, on or before six months from the date of the first publication hereof, to Virgil L. Dlmmick and Edward E. Dlmmick, the duly appointed, qualified and acting Joint admlnistra tors of the said es'a'e. at Grants Pass. Oregon, or to their attorneys, Colvig & Williams, at their effi'-e in the Tuffs building, at Gran's Pass. Oregon. The date of the first publication of this notice Is the 2Vh dav r f J ir.e. A. D.. 1912. (Signed) VJRGIL L. DIMMICK, Sknedl EDWARD E. DIM MICK. ,;oint Administrators of tt.e Estate of Bcnlnmln Iilrr.r.ick. D-' eased Co! vie & WUIIan.s. Attort.. ; f'hor.e No. 39" if yo :r DaT.y Conr :er falls to reicb yry, nry tins LHi not delay NOTICE TO DELINQUENT CO-OWV j ER OF MINING CLAIM. Notice Is hereby given-that Chris Erdt and August Kullsch, who. with Ignati Kcapka, deceased, are co-own ers of one quartz mining claim sltuat-' ed In the Kerby (unorganized) m!n - ing district In Josephine county. Ore- gon. and hereafter more fully describ- ed, have done and performed ail the annual assessment and represents-, tion work required under the mining laws of the United States and the ' State of Oreron for vein 1910 and 1911. of the value of $100 for each' of said years, and that the said Ignati ' Knapka. deceased, or his estate, haa : failed to pay any portion of the as-.ln nrmtui ur ior iue tears isriv iuq 1911. and the full sum cf $100 Is dut and delinquent upon the shares and Interest of the said Ignati Knapka or his estate, for each of said years. The administrator of the estate of er sum of $10. M for co-ts and dis Ignatz Knapka, deceased, Is hereby : hursenienta of and upon this writ, notified, that unless he shall within jwhb-h eecutbm was directed and de nlnety days from the date of the ser-livered to me as sheriff of the above vice of (his notice upon him, pay unto state and comity and purs lant the undersigned, hla co-owners, the thei'io I have levied upon and am s :m In which be 1b delinquent, or direittd to sell upon virtue of such fall or refuse to contribute hla due Execution and Judnment of the proportion of said assessment work. ;,.,., in f0Wng descrllted real together with the costs of this action, property, to-wlt: that his said Interest In said mining i i'.(s; aIU h. .j. Miller and claim will be.ome the property of the VompanVs addition to the town now undersigned co-owners, who have per- ,.,v, 0f tlranta Pnss. Josephine conn formed and caused to he performed ,v orKOn. and also the west one such assessment work. ..half of lot 2 In Block a of J. The mining claim and premises Bourne's first addition to the town, herein referred to consist of the now city, of Grunts Pass, Oregon, quartz mining claim known as the ', Now therefore, by virtue of Mild "Portland," located September 1, execution and Indmneiit and In coin 1909, and recorded November 1, pli.ime with the commands of said 1909. In Vol. 19, mining records of writ. I will on the 17tn day of Au- Josephlne county, Oregon, page 7S. Dated at Portland. Ornrnn. this 27th day of May. 1 9 1 : CHRIS ERDT. AUGUST IIULISCH. Owners. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State cf Oregon for Josephlre County. Charles S. Chaffee, plain- ) tiff, ) vs. ) C. M. Basiett, Defendant. ) Suit In Equity for Foreclosure of a Contract. . To C. M. Bassett, Defendant: In the name of the state of Oregon you are hereby summoned to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled ac tion on or before ten days from' tLe date of service of the summons upon riieen. Mrs. M. K. M lt you if served within Josephine coun- chell, Ell C. Gray. Addie ty, Oregon, or within twenty days from the date of the service of the summons if served within any other county In the state of Oregon, or if served by publication, summons If served by pub'.lcaMon, ttitn nn or hofnro tlio Avntratlrin r,f six weeks from the first date of the publication thereof, which first date of publication Is June 14th. 1912, and the last date of t.-iblL-atlon Is. and the last date of your appearance To Eli.a G. Gray, lle.-ter A. Hr herein Is July 26th, 1912, and you ton. J. W. Heston. Bessie Green, U. are further notified that '.n case you G. Green, Mrs. M. E. Mitchell. Ell fall to appear and answer the com- C Gray, Addie Gray, Harry J. Gray, plaint, or otherwise plead within the M. Minnie Gray Patton, Frank Pat time aforesaid, the plaintiff will ap- 'on. Albert M. Gray, Bertha Gra. ply to the court for the relief prayed also ail other persons or parties un for In the complaint, viz: known claiming any right, title, For a decree foreclosing that cer- tate, lien, or Interest in the veal es tain contract and agreement existing tate described In the complaint hero between the plaintiff and defendant n: entered Into and executed the 1st day j in the name of the state "f i-,. of March, 1911, relating to the ealeiKr,n you nre hereby required ' . of those certain premises described pearnnd answer the complain .: as follows, to-wlt: against you In the above entitle : The southwest quarter ( U ) of the !suit, within six weeks from the date ' i. a i...iiif ,.f .Li.. snnthPBst nuartPr i STirt r:es nir fho one cM r,f th cntK.iot quarter ( 'i ) of the southwest quar- ter ( i; ) In section twenty (20), township thirty-fix (361 sout!i, range five (5) west, Willamette Mer idian. In Josephine county, Oregon; together with all and singular the tenements, hereunaments and ap purtenances thereunto Tielonglnr or In anywise appertaining; And that yon, and all other per sons and parties claiming any rtgnt, estaf. lien or Interest In the real es tate .above (Vs'Tibed, Tie decreed to be In default, and for a time fixing the redemption of Lie said premises as well as the amount to be mid upon the said redemption bv you, the f- fendant herein, and If yon, the de- fendant, and all persons claiming by through, or under yon. fall to pay such amount as fixed by tne court thereof. That the defendants and within the time fixed therefor, that eafn 0f them ,e rirn,T restrained yon, the said defendant, and all per- an(I join, fr()n, asserting any sons claiming by, through or under ,8m whatever In or to said prem you, be forever barred and fore-:, a(verf!P t0 r.l nl n f 1 fT . and for closed of all right, claim and equity jujgrnent and decree for hli costs of redemption In and to the said de- an(1 dBbursementB. BTlbed premlseB. and every parti Ths BnwUtUii iH published In the thereof, and the plaintiff hare iurh uogue fiVer Courier, a weekly news other and further relief as Is eqult- ,,apf.r 0f genera! circulation, publish able, and that he have and recover at Qrant jaffl Oregon by order bis costa and disbursements herein 'o the Hon Stephen Jewell . Judre of to be taxed, and the condition of re- thiP ,.(J1)n,v f0urt of the state of Ore demp'lor., as well as the payment of KOn for j,,,,,!,,,. (ounty, dated the si) other sums flue ana to oecom-j due unto tne piatntin, De in acrora- ance with the terms and condltirca of the contract of sale, and for f ill and equitable relief. This summons Is published by or der of the Honorable Stephen Jewell, Judte. of the county court of tt.e state of Oreeon. for the county of Jogephlne, dated Jure 10th, 1912. cr nnV.ltf of tr,n thereof for si) slx urous " -w - I mirrefMVe fRl in tne nogue n.'ri i Courier, a newspaper ptiDMsnea weekly at Grants Psfs Oregon, tr.e first publkatlcn thereof to be made on the I4t:: day of Jure. 191? and the last pcMPaM'-n July 26th, 1912. fated at Gran's Pass JocerM couctv. Orezr.r., 'his 10'h day of Jvr..'A. .. 2. -rv;G &. WJLLTAMP. A"oT.-ys f'.r Plalri'lfT. NOT It E OF HHmiFF Sli.E. In the Circuit Court of the State of Orrsnn in aii'l for Josephine Coun ty. Robert Kfr.i. Plaintiff, vs. ;The Sup Southern Oregon Com puny, a eor- .'poration. Defet.duut By virtue of hh execution Issued out of the circuit court of the state of Oregon in an.! for the county of Josephine upon a judgment rendered and ,!oi keted In said court Anril IS. 11 2. in an action wherein Robert Hf-,i is plaintiff and the Southern Oregon Supply Company, defendant. tao.r of said plaintiff and against m- jii ueienwniu un me sum ui j$l3.M with Interest thereon a, the rati- of s per tent per annum from ith - :7ih day of Dei ember, 191 1, and attorney's fees ami the furth gui. l'.( 12. at the hour of 1 o'clock i a. in. at the front door of the county court house in Grants Puss, Jose p.iiiie county, Oregon, sen at public 'auction suh.vct to statutory redemp tion to the highest bidder to rash In hand, all rlsht. title and Interest lii. h the within named defendant. 'thn Southern Oregon Supply Com pany, a corporation, had on the loth .day of April. r.M 2. in and to the a''ove described property, or any por tion thereof to sHtix.y said execu tion. Dated this 11 day of July, 1912. WILL C. SMITH. . Sheriff for Josephine County, Ore. SUMMONS. jdegrees of previous condition of ser in the Circuit Court of the Stale ot jvltude, and "pods" of diversified rlr- Oregon for Josephine County. M. r. Flr.dley. rialntiff, ) vs Flia (!. Gray. Hester .. llestoi). J. W. Helton, He-ssle Grt mi. U. G. Gray, Harry J. Gray, M. .Minnie Gray Patton, Frani; Patton, Albert M. Gray, Bertha Gray, also a'.: o'her persons or par ties unknown rlnlmlni; any right, tlt.e, estav. ,,en. or l"'pr' ln, .rl)e i ) real proper uescr oe , l"e '"i"1""1 "t',-", 'fnaanf- de- I I puuucauon i uus emu mons, which first publication Is I June 28th. 112. And If you fall to apwar and an- swer or otherwise plead, for want thereof the plntn'iff will apply !i the court for the relief demanded It. his complaint.' substantially as fob lows, to-wlt: For a decree dedailnc and Hdjndrtns that the defendant and each of them, has no estate or Interest whatever In or to said land and premises, or any pur' thereof and that t.e pbirt'.w is the iegal owner In fee simple of ald land ."nrt ( the whole thereof; that the defend ' ants and each of them be required i td convey ah Interest and claim to said land to plaintiff within sltt i days from entrv of said de rn and ln jfauj. tereoi said de-ne -hall be deemed and 'al'-n as i iiva!tit to such convey a me and stand In Keu 2 pth day of June, 1912 J. N. JOHNSTON. Attorney for Plaintiff. TRKAM I'.I R S NOTICE. There ate funds In the city treas ury to redeem all outB ndlng street Improvement w arrant h Isnej on ar- ount North 4th and "I" s'reets re- fullv. Interest on same will c ea-e after this date. Dated at Gran's Pavii. Oregon, .I'lly I'th, 1912 '! P. JESTKR. 2t City Treasurer. i.e Courier Of Mining tlsLk at fee. BANKERS DEFEAT UNCLE SAM'S MEN have starred at the bat n he had not thought It was his beloved game of (For The Curler by T. F. lUnley.) tennIs 'a' 88 on. n(1 Pt off" ! Help us! Help us! Snades of the ,ln at eVl'r' baI1 Phed. (Shades departed spirit of that grei test of jt f Kiul Marx, you are letting George 'suprrmen. Andrew Jackson, give us '!ray ith 8,ranBe sheep.) lueror. The bankers claim they would "C. Q. D." "S. O. S." . Oh! for a JacVuon tall them what te ,oItl tte Philadelphia Bid .dies. Dominating: In Grsnt P ai It ht Uiui done ,D wh t , ...... " the "Old Hickory" and bit pompadour left the Casa Blanco, pit- jiesg there and pitiless here, the A group of rupltiillMic rooter when the plain people wvvv abend. At the extreme top Is John l. Rock efeller. The llablj- geek in the fori troundls August Belmont. J. I. Fry. otto Knlpps and L II. Mult .o. in i.l.luro. .... .... ------- money trust," through Its baseball ; i-l iit. composed of nliw dividend Clipping men of various ages, differ ent brands of whiskers, numerous cuniference, scored another victory over th' common peopie and the fed 'eral government, by defeating in a U-iniiini; game by a score of 11 to S, team composed of employes of the I inpiie Wooihxanl i'tiiiiel liU lion I or, lull not hl peine of it il ii I. postoifbe department and the loi entry service. ; . V(1X vox ., ' , N" "" ,,),,r lif' ,,n " ' Am,'r I'-aii iinibiiKtuidor to Thibet, the Hon Sqyruni Miueets, or tell It Sw.-ewv the old race truck tout , , , , . i ne plain i'0iie never nail cnuin e Ijiuner nnd Hackett were the bat- lery for the bankers, and Fromme iTouiy Cornell. nifty ! for "The Intereeba." tlr-tli.isciiicn and K. li.iiley for the government bir-'l men. The aile, hleiiller Tom Cotiull w:ik oil liis! for (be liotlivlilU (lew, , while on i bird whh L. L. Ileirle't, iookliiK like Pol Pllincon. or Mi piiiH:oles; II. L. Ollkey, i haste faced 'and l.mliMiaiiL plaei an 'niter gar ,d'ii (.inly ,'iinl rrliiln'n l one of ' ,. i ii r In m irf Kii hlleu. Harry Clark Mint li;, i - 1 his shate of ctrom at l.or, and Ham Baker enacted the rule i ' a human klevc In lef: field 1'i aw that iictliitr. w , I! n i i j. OvN. stopped at second. The swei-facel. aillfelli- IPfiri'fl Totor tattar m'oht .have won by a larger margin If L. !R- ,la11 am' J- Fry were In their ,u'e-up. They might not have wo-i at all. , however. If Fromme had not left the pitcher box In favor of Rodney Calvert, who his friends assert, has if . j .ii-... n w 'eft rni that rm.keS Rube Marquard and ean Gregg throw Pn"118 of eny, Rodney walked !hj first four men that faced him an. I was dilatory on an easy hunt, which. with a safe clout by Hacl.ert, rang the asbestos on the aniuslmr en'er- tnlnment. The score R H E Federnls, alias the "Com mon Teople" S 12 14 Hankers, alias "M. of O. W." 11 17 11 WIRE BRIEFS. MM PORTLAND, July 16. Mrs. M. K. Brown observed a man starting to climb Into her kitchen window. She quietly poured a pot of hot soup down his neck. He left without argument. PORTLAND. July 16. Loula OeHterrelcherson asked to have his name cbnim'd, saying his present cognoinen was "cumbersome to write, hard to pronounce and a (Boun e of embarassment The court ; a greea wnn nun lllLLSftOKO, Cftl., July 16. Sev eral scores of the best detectives In the state, Imported especially to pro ted valuables at the Whitman-Crocker $100,000 wedding, are peeved. Burglars stole $1,000 In jewelry from a nearby mansion under their very noses. LONG BEACH. Cal , July 16. Mrs. Charles Twentv months nito Hamilton cut n slot In the top of a live gallon oil can and put It behind the counter In her husbnnd's Btore for stray pennies. The can wbb opened last night, It contained 1 1 , s 7 1 coppers, .lrs. Hamilton Is "Kolnit east. ni: HA I TI. I . Ml 1 1' ST I K IN THE Ml I). WILMINGTON. Del., July 16. A dozen tun, after several hours' work, today mummed to puil the big new batlb'hhlp Wyoming Into deep water from the mud bank In the Del aware river, where she had rested nil nkbl, and she continued her voy age. The lighting machine will be given her speed trial off the main mam. tomorrow. IIETTIK GRFIIN, 7H, JOINS EPISCOPAL CHURCH. NEW YORK. July 16. ab a re sult of Ioiik urging on the part of Father Eltnwnilorf, a distant rela tive. Hetty Green, the richest woman In the world, Is a member of the Episcopal church today, following her baptism In her 78th yeur. Mrs. Green Is now preparing her- self for confession, a leremony to he Voiiducted by ll'sbop Edwin S. Lines of the New York dioieno. IIOPMXH WOULD SUCCEED LORIMFU IN U. S. SENATE. j SPRINGFIELD, III , July 15. , Governor Deneen today called on At torney General Stead and asked for an opinion as to his power to appoint a successor to Senator Lorlrner, oust ed from the senate Saturday. Im mediately afur his conlerenco with jthe attorney general, the governor said that he expected to dispose of j the matter wltbln the next few days, j Former Senator Hopkins, the nom inee at the primary before the 1909 J legislature, has made no dlre t plea jto Deneen that he be named, but he ,ls using all his Influence to that er.d. NOTICE To Whom It Ma7 Concern: Notlo Is hereby given that I, the under Igned, owner of one-half Interest l the Ktugar Pine mine at Galtce, Ore gon, will not be responsible for ant debts Incurred against said Suitr Pine mine or for any labor or Im provements performed thereon; alj that no person entering on said prem Ises fur any reason whatsoever ibai' retiiove Iherefrorn sny ore, mlncrnl ct Itnber. Da fed February 2X, 1910. irKgc-d. F E. KNIGHT Artistic .ftb Work at the Courier