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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1912)
FRIDAY, JULY 19. 1912. WEEKLY ROGUE RIVER COURIER i'XCV HfiHT n -- - - - . -- - - " . - START FIREWORKS ON CITY HALL CONTRACT Mayor It. O. Smith. "A laryp number f tin- i'iijie be lieie Hint M. J. ( lark not the real coat rut lor (or t lie construe tiou of the t il) hull, hut that he i (.Imply a dummy taking the toiitnut for hi father, Couu ciliiiiiu (lark. Sexrul of the tonUui tor' have tolj me that if they had kiiowu tliat Council iiiuii Clark' son to bid they would not have tuhinlited bids." When Mayor Smith dropped the,,,. . tho Kf9,W!iI.,B. unite!.. k "m i, ...nniipd hv H. above remark luto the tuldat ot lb city council, Uieetlu lu called , ilou, Mouday nliht, it blailoU thlus dulus iu a nurry. The air was soon filled with more firework lhau s Fourth of July celebration, but when the luL rocket had couie back to earth, the not result ot the meeting V.U3 the appointment ot a committee of three to liHealUate and bee whether or not Couucllmau CUrk Is f,if, twvl (jf ,he (.0(indl wien tho 8tron1v represented, au iuteieted party to the contract. voaUKt or the clty hall wa8 let, ha1 ( Thp proram has just been com Thft speelul council netiu wa a,proa(.lu.d hlm an(1 Blikw, lf m-! plptP(i, Mn,i ,hnws a , hobe of sub called by the mayor tor the purpose ,)t,r (W(j Htead of nim)pr Qne brR.k ' , ,he entire mln,n? fiel(1. of considering matters relative to the bulldluK of the new city ball. th'halli ,f he nowen, wonW a,.ce,,t loiatiun of the structure ID ieel back from the lot line not mating the ap proval of all the uouuclluieu, and ac cording to the mayor, being lu oppo sition to the expressed Instructions of the council. As soon- as the mayor had stated the objei t of the meeting, Council man Ktertou, who Is a relative of Councilman Clark, the father of Con tractor Clark, made a motion that tbe council adjourn. Ready sucond came from Mr. Clark, but the voles of these two were all that could be mustered for the adjournment. All member except . aniels were present, and the mayor at once launched the subject of the location of the building on the site. DIjcui siou brought out the fait iba. there had never )et been u merlin.; of t'ie building committee the loiimli, but thai Co unci iiii Helton, il the committee, had ac; wvsced In the lo cation of tho hall, and taat the con tractor had ciuiiuieiKtfd the founda tion where Kverton had said. Councilman Mrkker, also of the building committee, moved that the building be erected Hush on the property Hue on the souUi side, and five and one-half !'et back from the line on I he east Hetore action could bo gotten on this. Evertou substitut ed a motion lhat t;.c I, all li.i built where Clark had commenced the foundation, lii'to'ii :vt la k lioiu the line all around. Kveiion'x mo t; .i,jun,.,i u. C i in, iliiicn Clark, ' il'lucii, II all,l Herlimer w;is tarried, tlm absence ul hanicls ina!. In: four votes suftbdent to save the day luii'ho; t'u1 consideration of a passage at a' Ills o ill l tttei-n ClarU and i!i iii;imi: ' i M K sparks f rot:. : i.c u-,- that drew no blood Clark Intimated thai all tha t Ills 1 be- . i. at nt , e mailer wuli l ho maoi was Ilia , i ii hall "a- a 4 IuiLi .'roii- si, I,. i; i. ii.i.i.i,', s I Ml' - I won. 1 i,.i e '!. a' It It bad :. .. rt.. . in the The inavor biltlc ai miii the men who prompted b ! io,, i i lie n i u! . a". I t i I i Mr.. : iut s united that he was siu li motives, o: t hat li.i.l ever ep!vsed build 'he hail ou t'.ie o ie w Uh t c. side of the U a k c, as '.l.l. al'.o ared tie ;ailroa, ,a:k --;'o. ai 'guilty of absooite iu I miii, lo ii false h " The anth,ir;i f the building mit tee was t!in discussed. I: appear ing from the contra -t that the om- tnlttee was never given power to regulate the alter it! :is, changes or additions t) the plain Councllniaii Strieker wanted the commute so empowered and iffrel the follow- CRIPPLE C RE E K , Colo.. July IS. l:u resolution .--A letter from Samuel Gompers. He It resolve 1 ' th common Rkln thftt 'he Wes'eru Federation .ouiiill of the city of Pass, of Miners us their Influence to aid that any and a'.', .id ll lons or , hanger the strikers of the Etna Power un to the uew city hall be submrted U'1''- r"J t tod.iy's sessi, a i.f the hulldltw committee as a unit and the Western federation's convention luthorled and approved b sail 'lar building committee before made an 1 A resolution w a offered before that all costs s .a.l pre- the convention to have the executive determined etwen 'he contractor board en.Wvor to enforce the and building .ommlttee before the sprinkling of mines by their owners, same shall be Incurred, - and when A message ot better feelings of possible the consent of the fraternallsm between the Wes'ern should be hid " federation and tho I'nite l Mliu Coiuudlman Clark, father ot Con-; Workers of America was brought by tractor Clark, it once moved ;htt ;V1"' President Lord of the United the resolution be laid upon the table, rs. ho addressed the conven and the motion was seconded bv tlon. Councilman Kverton, relative of Co u iu 11 m a n Clark, and carried by i Phons No. 390 If your Dally Conr the votes of the sta.wart four. ler tails to reach you at any Mas WhUh leavM the bulldlni committee an ornamental Quantity. T. Invphtiuate Contract. Couucilmen Stri ker, M Lean and ( Caldwell were appointed by th may-, or as a committee to investigate and find out whether or not Councilman Clark was an Interested party to the i r.ritrai t auarrlpil .Ah son. the city barter providing that no offlcer of the city shall he so interested. . A motion made by Strieker pr- Siding that M. J. Clark be require 1 : ' 1 - 1 .... ,1 t n ,Jnim t . . 10 lurnibii u nureij uuuu m yiacc !a personal bond was defeated, the 1 i lineup on this being the same as on I the previous vou-3. Clark had Qled ieave on No. 13 Thursday morning, a new bond in which Cuarles Burk- !jt 8 urged that all who can, leave at i halter had been substituted format time. Badges have been pne- Counllman Clark as one bondsmen. This bond was accept.;d i , lV V w V vmv. - - ' the insurgents still opposed but were horrjly (.niljhe(, beneath the s'.eai , roller. i Would Semi No. 2 Itrick. A second near sensation w a ) 'sprung when the mayor asked Archi - tect Uowen. who drew the plans of ... uail n ,,., ,hflt a LIIU - l'"'H v ! renreseutatlve of the Pacific Coast ... . r .k ' i were sent here for use In tlu? city them. Boweu answered that the rep rettentiitlve of the brick company had aHked "If I would accept No. 2 bil' k to b ufed In the hall." ..o. 1 brick had been specified by the contract. (From Thursday's Dally). None of the threatened recall pe tlllons have yet appeared In public, ;,e entertained at a free uall given at though some of those behind the the pavilion In Recreation park. Fri movement for the recall of Mayor, h.h- Hip regular urogram of the con- 5,u), ,, , ,u, ,1rimn, I uiiiivu umiu lulu iuui, k u v uovvi lu u c Is being prepared and will be given birth today. Other sponsors say that h will depend on how the mayor com- ports himself at the regular meet-1 lng of the council tonight whether or not the petition win ever be of- fered for signatures. The Smith op- ponents are talking of some one to j run against Smith If the recall move- ment should be successful, among those spoken of in this connection being Grant Orme, Geo. Lewis, Chas. Ilurkhalrer, Herbert Smith, Council man Kverton anil 11. P. Tracy. It Is known that a number of these refuse to allow consideration (Jf their names and that their use by the anti-Smith- Ites Is unauthorized. I Neither has the Clark recall tak-! en deflnl'e shape, though the names of A. A. Porter and Joe Rausch as possible candidates against the coun cilman havj been mentioned. Mr. Clark says that ho had Intended re signing, but that his friends had headed off that action on his part. He also says that his friends tell him that It would be Impossible to get a man from the ward to run against hltn if a threatened recall should de- velop. Mr. Clark was somewhat disturbed !" ause it had appeared in print that he was a relative of Councilman Ev erton. saying that the onlv ground for such a statemetr was the fact that be had married Mr. Everton's cousin 1 i is I s.-,o TO ( M l. ( Hit (,o UtiM ' ( IIK IvLN." CHICAGO. the tlniiii; of addressing .hil IS.- t'oliow liii; a rah outh $" f ir i ;omiu woman as chicken.'' Md down siu h cpr Cbl ai;i) has toda put the tkhily on the use of all sj.ins as "Oh. .on Kid," or "oh. You Beautiful Poll." It's a iase of HO das or a stiff tine to all offenders . Another man was !iea.i lined by a judne and verbally thrashed Into de, ency for addressing a girl as "Oh, You Babe " ,;oMPF.I5S W ANTS MINERS TO AID SnUKEKS. jlV) not delay. Josephine county ores iOrchardists AT MINING CONGRESS! should g jne shipment of three tons of ore .anin,., rn,i d.RlTu i tu ,he Mil.- Ins congress at Yreka was delayed V the wreck, which tied up traffic on the Southern Pacific, hut it went forward Tuesday evening when trains were running . ... II i on schedule accompanied ui-ggam. Mr. .uaiiguiu the - shipment. The delegation from this city will;- . . .. j i. in I of theinar, an(t delegate credentia is will pareu, wiu u i soir c ,., furnished bv the Commercial club. A HQ W a J 5 i7 "HI mj - l -w- , j, Herzlnger, president of the con gress. In sneaking of the coming session, ! President Herzlnger says that It will I undoubtedly be the most Important ! mining convention yet lild In the ,vnPfhprn California and Southern .H ,ht i, l nnt JH?t$JU liinil IV-l, UMIt l.V lb nn1v the dutv nf the Grants Pass v... - i..n oit mho ,jhp people of Yreka have done them- selves proud In the manner of the en tertainment which they have provid ed for the visiting delegates, and there will not be a dull moment from the time the train stops Thurs day afternoon at the Yreka depot till the conductor calls "all aboard when the times comes to leave. ! Thursday evening the delegates will , , ,,... ... , , aA urt BS 111 I'tf U?lltrll 11 III ' Clli uu Jdreps of welcome by Mayor Barham 'on the part of the people of Yreka. j h. I.. Herzlnger, president of the congress, will respond. Following this the program for the two daysjeral manager of tlu? company. will be as follows: Opening Address "Siskiyou Coun- ty" B. K. Collier, Yreka Address "Geology of Siskiyou District" Hon. C. n. Watson Ashland i Address "Mining Generally" ' C. W. Anderson. Medford ; Addres? "Leasing of the Pub lic Lands". R. H. Burnes, Ashland ! Appointing of convention commit- tees. Afternoon Session 2 O'clock. Address "Mining In Josephine County" V. S. Bacon, E. .u.. Kerby Address "Mother Lode of North ern California" ... Hon. John Daggett. Black Bear Address "Freaks In Ore Depos its" C. J. Dozur, Ashland Address Subject to be chosen O. S. Blanchard, Grants Pass Address "How to Encourage Min- lng" Prof. H. M. Parks. state Mineralogist of Oreaon I'veninn Session 8 O'clixk. Selection by Yreka Brass t and. ! Address by Hon. W. H. .-s'tornis, State Mineralogist of California. ; Sele tboi by Yreka Brass Itaiol. i Address -"Copper Resources of j Shasta ( ot.nty and the ( up per Market" M. E. Dit t mar. 10'dding Nitunlay O'cIih k. Address "l.easinn of Puldi Lands" I.. 0. Mulione. PorMand Address -"Prospecting for the Cn usual" S. F. French. Coiv.i'lis Address "The Merlin Distriu W. M. Richards. Merlin Iliisin,-s Meeting Report, ,f committees Adjournment. Following thi adjournment, the afterilooc. will be siveli to a so. session, and visitlnn delegates will have an oppoituuity to see the sights around Yreka A; one o'clock autos will leave the headquarters, taking all who wish t, i;o for a tour of Scott valVv. including receptions at Etna and ort .'ones. In the even ing there will lie a free entertain ment and farewell reception. For all , who will remain over Sunday, how ever, auto 'rips to Shasta valley and a reception at Montague have ',ee: a rranged Summer Rash Vou '.iu stop 'hat irritating itch trom summer skin troutIes in two seconds ! a mild, soothing wash. Yes. just a few drops of D D L. Prescription for Eczema and there is Instant relief t ho skin Is cooled and healed and it have absolute protec- tbui trom summer rash, disfiguring pimples. iv poison, bites, laves, prickly heir and all other skin troubles that hot wea-her often brim Ve hav sold many good autisep- Clenier.s. For the Moth Onhardists who have not yet ap plied the July spraying of arsenate of lead for the codling moth should 'do so at once. Spray carefully and thus Insure your fruit free of worms. We have a splendid apple crop this , . . . . . ... i- . year ana u is up to me gruwer lu make fruit clean and marketable. I Remember, now, while there Is yet time to use a preventive that abso- i,,, nli- tm uiiinv nr it incensed fruit ot nn. ......... . . ' . ., ,. ... th market this .all. We " - J y. v wm ai ..v.iri i mis 1 esort can keep our fruit clean and the buy- iEKIXi;, July 18. Professor was burned to the ground early to ers demand that we do 80. Jeremiah'Jenks of Columbia univer- day, entailing a loss of nearlv lion. Inllv In rail ntfpntlnn ..ulll v.J,'. .M.. .v -" -' SUV, Was IU1U. IfUUflCU llic to the spreading of the blight in the of finaiuiai adviser to the new re j valley, watch closely and cut out well publican government of C.ilna as-a below the affected parts. Dlslnreet r(.suit 0f the policy of the cabinet to your pruning knife so 83 to not In- he(.ure expert foreign talent. Other oculate healthy wood. It Is only by Anierj(.an advisers may be appoint close attention to the orchards that e(j gjjortly. we can eradicate this pernicious dis- The present hope of the Chinese ea.-e. J. F. BCRKE, government Is to negotiate enough Fruit Inspector. independent loans to. pay off the army and to wait some time before M:V MILL IU'll.ll(i resuming negotiations with the bank- FOK JI MI'-OFF-JOF. n. ers 0f th "six powers." Minister Hsung Psl Liang will Material is ready and on the leave shortly for Europe to discuss ground for the new mill building to finance with leading bankers. be erected on the property of the Jump-Off-Joe Gold Mining Co. and m PPOSFH AT CIRCUS; on Monday carpenters will com- M)y pocvn IX MOKGl'F.. mence the structure. nls building is to be of sufficient size to accom- TACOMA, Julv 13. After having modate the machinery for a 40-ton plant, machinery for which will be delivered as soon as the building la ,,0He(j he was attending a circus yes far enough advanced. It Is pro- terday, Harold Alfred Howes, aged posed to complete the building ln u0 15( was finaily identified by J. N. day8 Mndley, a neighbor, who recognized The Jump-Off-Joe property Is lo- 'a newspaper description of the lad. cated about 12 miles from Grants Mrg Howe8 was hysterical when no Pass. C. Ed. l.ukins of Colorado is 'tifled of her son's death. The boy president and Frank McCorkle gen- tell froni an ailt0 tnick wh;le Bteal. ENGLISH AS SHE IS WRIT L OLD SIAM. BANGKOK. Slam, July IS. English residents of Slam are much interested In the launch ing of a new Siamese newspa per, which tame out with the following announcement for their benefit. "The news of English we tell the latest. Writ in penect style and most earliest. Do a murder get commit, we hear of and tell It. Do a mighty chief die, we publish it, and ln borders of somber. Sraff has each one been college, and writ like Kipling and the Dickens. We circle ev ery town and extortionate not for advertisements." TFRMIWI. COMPANY HEAD !.EAYI. FOR THE EAST. i TACOMA. .Inly lv Irving T. ; iBiisli, head of tlu; Bush Terminal; '(onipany of New Yorl. will leave for : I New York tonight, follow ing a lunch- eon tendered this noun at the Ta-; 'coma houl by the business men of! 'the dry. He has stated positively ; that for the presen' he will enter- j tain no proposition for the establish- j ment of a terminal project here and ! urged the city to buy all availabla ! wavr front and lease the ground on easy terms to manufacturers. Mr. j IVish said he would no' visit Seattle or Vancouver but that he would sail for Europe from New- York on the lily tuple July 2 7. . piTTSBLRG. Pa., July H.-Eight persons are believed today to have been killed In a cloudburst near west Newton, aions the Youghiogh- eny river late last night. Enormous property damage resulted. When there's real news for you In the "Help Wanted" ads. d m't fall ; to find It! Washed Awayi tie remedies for the skin but non that we can recommend as highly as! the famous n n. D Prescrintlon' i tiet a 2jc trial bottle anyway we know It will do the work Other druggists keep this D. D. D. Prescription the demand is so great they all have to stock it but If you come to our store, we will give you the first dollar bottle on our positive no pay guarantee, that D. D. D. will stop the itch at once Cieniens Sells Drugs sell drugs SCOTS 1 Josephine County Grange Fair Grants Pass. Sept. 18, 19, 20 $1000 IN PREMIUMS have your Mu grain, grow big fruit and tare fur Hue stock, then enter for premium when the time comes. COM Mill A I'KOKK.sSOlJ FINAX iii innLii Li.ii riiivi vi.iij .i 'iiii.ik inn iin.i'ii x' ..i, .i ,j,.j n, .,,...1.1.,.. laln ln a morgue unidentified for eght hours wnlle hla mother sup- lng a ride and the rear wheels passed over his head and chest. FEDERAL PRISONER ESCAPES FROM M.NI1L ISLAND TACOMA, July 1 S. Walter Ly man, a federal prisoner serving three years for counterfeiting In Seattle last December, escaped the vigilance of the prison guards at the federal prison on McNeill's Island, and 13 still at larsy?. Layman with several other convicts was put to work on the field adjoining the prison grounds. While the sruard was rot looking, he strayed away. It was several minutes afterwards that his escape became known. The prison was at once advised and a number of guards started in pursup. Pure Manila binding twine, the kind that goes 650 feet to the pound and works perfectly In your knoiter, can be had at loo per pound at the Rogue River Hardw are Co.'s store. ssAl if m V WRIT! I ' A TRADE MARKWTER MARk IF YOU BUSINESS MEN i on,,y realized the business - I stationeryf you would choose your own Bond Paper and ' not intrust its selection to a subordinate I And, if you wanted to make your business stationery : inn ;: . . 1007' efficient,-yOU WOVlld SpeCliy (Pac-SimiU' Water-MarV) The De Luxe Business Paper because by comparison you would find that COUPON BOND is far beyond the average Bond Paper in quality character impressiveness, and all that makes stationery really productive. Just specify COUPON BOND today. And see the vtifference. Let us show you samples. ROGUE RIVER COURIER .VISINTJ.VI. : RESORT HOTEL IU RXS. I iivdov linT coniw'j . . uinv.t uui til ui.iua, al lnl ' v-,- Juiy h Thi Tnii.t .i.i .1,1. , 1 000. No one was Injured. And Indian Motorcycles 001 South Sivth .Street. GRANTS PASS, OREGON'. CLASSIFIED ADS 1 OU 3.11.1s. ALL. DENTISTS' OFFICES In Grants Pass will be closed on Thursday afternoons throughout the sum mer. 3-10-tf FOR SALE 3. C. R. I. hr.3 In quire North 10th street. C. R. Brechtblll. Fhoae 224-Y. 7-3-4t FOR SALE Nine-months old, full blood bull calf. Price 125. Write J. L. Scott, Glendale, Ore. 7-3-3t MISCELLA.KOu RANNIE, th plunibtr,' U ready . any minute to repair your pP:n;k lng. 60'i H street. Telephone 140-R. 4-2-t EARL V. INGLES, B. Sc General assay and analytical work. Cement and asphalt testing. Best equipped assay office and testing labora tory In Oregon. All wor. guaran teed. Calvert-Paddock block. MONEY WANTE J5000 wan'ed on long time, Improved Income busi ness property as security. Will give T per cent net better than mining stock. Address Rogue Riv er Courier. 4-12-tf THE AMERICAN building power of first-class ! -