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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1912)
ntlDAV, Jl LY 10, 191 vr.F. six. WEEKLY ROGUE RIVER COl'RIER Coveralls ALL RIGHTS RE5ERVE0 FOR CHILDREN 1 to 8 jtut lC7vWw1 I F.VI 5TAUS5fOllfr Wrn IS AGAIN THE ISSUE merit ar varied and mmeroua. The (JJjy fl QUESTION pea'e, Health, nappmegs ana pros-j perlty of all our citizens are promot-; ed or hindered In proportion as our city government Is good or bad. Tbe 'Volume of business annually trail- i saeted by the city of Grants Pass rlv- That city ball q iestion, lite Ban quo's ghost, r?tjsj to down, and even the awardinz of the contract als in volume and lmportan e that .... . 'has not been sufficient to make the of any other private business or cor poration In the rlty. Vet we have In- lss"es lha' were supposed to be dead elated In the past that our council Juiet in. their last resting places, and mayor transact this business for, Clarke, the contractor, had us without pay. In view of these 'comruened work on the excavation farts and profiting by the experience the foundation, when a dlffer of other cltlea your committee have ence of opinion regarding the posi ' provided that, if the new charter be " tion the str icture was to occupy on i adopted, the mayor shall be a man the Bite developed, aud the mayor 'who will devote his entire time to ' ailed a special session of the council 'the buslneos of the city and receive consider the matter before the iadeqtiate pay therefor, putting him contractor had made too :iuch Lead ion the same basis as the business ay. At the called session adjourn ' manager of a corporation whose bus- 'merit was taken to Friday night, at Mness is always Intrusted to men of which time only Councilman Wolf- experience and ability. jerslerjjer, Caldwell and Strieker The charter oinininjorj has com-! "we have provided that the coun-'were present. At this meeting the pleted Its labor, and Friday moralng ' ctl as heretofore will receive no pay mayor explained several features re flled with the city auditor lor pre- other than the honor of the office j yarding the location that did not ap- 1 j a t. . n .. - ruiQr nrnhflr t, him tutting 1 rtrth hta beutation to the city council, the auu lu" "lu""'" uuu u"n U1" '"v ""-' " diutt of tlie proposed iiew- charter for the city of Grants fuss. m.ii: n:i-:EK iie te. ix a fat oami: il'ur lite touiifi- by I. F. Hdtiley.) Manager Roper" Graa: 5 Pass ba-seu:! club ui the Rjgie Itiver Val ley iue at Medford yesterday de ieatd Tom Fuson's aggregation In the iJiost ex' iting game of to sea- soi. Ly a L0re o' o to 4. CHARTER COMMISSION COMPLETES ITS WORK from servlnz the community. How- objections in a written comrnumca- ever, we have lessened their labors, (tIon. Another feature that did not as. undr the proposed charter their Bult the mayor was the fact that a The do- umeut Is voluminous and (dlJtIet are purely leglaatlve a char- surety bond had been first demanded, while it contains some radical de- ,acter but that tali prov!sl n had been partureb from the charter now in ( tfae ecutlve an(1 adrulnlstra- Changed In the signed contract to a force, It follows the old in many oftve dllt,es we have pla,,eil on the I personal bond, and that Councilman the features that were thought good ,raayor believing that, as he wilPH. J. Clarke, father of the contract enough without change. jdraw the y he Bhoul(1 d thfi work jor, was or o: the signers of the This commission was appointed jIn MVera, pareB we haTe made mla. h)onJ Th!s the mayor pointed out or changes, all calculated to make I "as a violation of the city charter, the charter more flexible and better ! The mayor's communication to the H L Cole, A. A. Porter, W. C. I.oc-. adapte,, t0 the groWng 0( tbe C ouncil was as follows: city. "I have called this special meet- "We trust that the accompanying ' ing to present to you some vlewg on charter will meet fully with your ex-jthe building of the city hall. I pectatlons and find favor with the found upon going upon the site the voters of Grants Pass. i building Is to occupy that It will be, Therein the members of this com-'according to present plans, situated nilttee will find full reward for the, fifteen feet from the street lines on ;the south arid east. My understand ing, and I think that of some, If not most of the members of the council when we decided upon a cheaper building, was that the building should be upon grade and on the property lines, so that In case the last winter by tbe old loumil, ami win ( omp'tHeil of Geo. E. Lundburg. k.-tt. V. ('. llaU', K. fl. Vaiibyke and W. I.. Ireland, and the report Is signed by the four first named. The tuoHt r.idbal change proposed by the cominlxHlon In In the forma tion of the common council, four members being provided for, each member to hc.v, for four yearn, ,,, nd lat)or gpPnt ,)V them while the mayor will serve for twoj year, it is proponed, it the new charter Is adopted, to pay the mayor a snlan of li.',.')1") per annum, and to make him general manager of the ' entire cltv Th .lutl-n nf flm mnJ Tne Blale 1'0al"tl ot nQ Satue STATE HO All l TO HE VISE GAME LAWS. ! clliuen would lie purely legislative, the mayor to be In full administra tive charge of all departments, will all department heads -sponsible to commlsHloiuTH h ve undertaken a Ithorough revision uf the present 'system of the name laws.' The idea Is to present a code for adoption at him. Elections .v i be held but ,,ie nt'xt lBlit'ire. whb h will give once In two vars. provision of ,"",n' f"PK"e protection to fish and the new charter wu.lj legalize all 4a""'' !Uul ''"''"ect numerous errors previously ls-ied warrants and 1,1 tho Ion t system of laws. DOn,9 The commission desires in niaklim In submitting the draft of the new '"! lhis "" (""',! to get a charter, the commission addressed '"'"rougH expression of public opln the following letter to th mayor ami '"" M"vt the ode u presented to the cltv council. '''glslatui e. Fur this reason the ", your committee appointed to draft a new charter for the city jetty desired In the future to build a (better one, -he building could be sold i for a zood price because convertible Into a business building. I a'ntlcl ipate this Is what will happen in the future. A building not on street grade and not on the property lines is not salable Any one knows that. I As now loca'ed on the ground the .building will be within a few feet of the Salvation Army building. The suggestion is made that the city buy of Grants Pan-", beg to report that we have concluded our i.iliois and here with respectfully sulitnl our report In ttu form of a new barer. ' Ouilubors have extended over a pet! 'i of several month vj have given to the work a -sreit deal of time and our best though' and en e1 ." We Jo not tlirter ourselves tha- we are submitting a perfect In s'rmnen'. oti whli h uo fault or criti-i-!u can be found, but we firmly be lieve if the voters of ireuts l'uss lop' Mils propose, l . barter It will p'umj u!i lusiriiueT very aU-i-e :o the growing n.,;, of the V e lue !i.i :or i il'lair e .. 1 ;nsM"t tioiiM .i ; i-.i barters .: -'a i'.fferen! par's 1); the .'ountry--Jes Moines, la., Gr.i:i I Junction. T' lo . Koi'hester, N Y . 'taunton, Va , Portland. Ore, being a of 'hose f r " . i which we ',..e svured valu a' .- .-.iforniation suggest;.)!! i and heip In all of these plans we have foi:i, many good thing- an 1 many new things However :u -he ; . Ig me:r of your .oinml"ee most jf tho i I thli;;s wtue n t and many y. the new things wore no good comparison that o ir present charter o:iulns many good feat ires and a careful reading an I comparison of thU proposed chr!e,- with our pres ent charter will dNd se 'he f.ft that have used a large part of our :)re-,en: charter, word for word ' Profiting by the experience of various cities we have Mtt members of the commission ask that rc-Henis in different parts of the state, espe, iail farmers, frui grower.-, a well as spoi t-iuon send in any suggestion;- so that the commission may act upon them. Suggestions are also sought from the granges, commercial boule.-, rod and gun clubs and other organisations, in or der to gei a game i ode suitable for different parts of the state. All i oiniuuiii' at ions and sugges tion should be sent to Mr. J. F. Hughe.-., sei returj of the tlsh and ji;ii'r commission. Salem. Oregon At present there are a numl'r of 'lues'Ions under discussion tha- will be of interest to sportsmen in dif- lei.ui jiaii-- of the state, such a the ,, mfra.' 'Uest;oii o! boinitli'.- on pi eda'.ory ! the .mucin- i lie co ii n r, i-s ion js in tavor oi i more rigid effort to exterminate mugai and vsouivs The fjuesrlou ii is been agitiiied in cortain paifs of 'be state to reduce the non-resident hunting .unl ll.-hing '.n en-e t.. : e The features of '.he neatureaking dUmoad batt.e were the tlme.y and terrific batting of Captain Weckler, who slashed out three two-baggrs, and the coolness of Pitchc- MijFad den, Roper's phenomenal young heaver, In the pinches, no less than 14 Medford runners being left on bases. Although out-hit two to one, I Grants Pass' six saftlej were op portunely executed. Grants Pass scored one in the first on a base on balls to Crawford, To zier's error, and Baker's single; two more In the second canto on Sweet land's hit-by-pitcher, and his pilfer ol second, Butler's trror, and Wack ler's first two-bagger. IPirges relieved Tozr In the third and struck out the side. The "kid" Southpaw fanned two more In the fourth and caused a puny pop-up for the third out; but In the fifth the Roper cohorts nabbed Master Uuraess' benign, bewhlskered An gora, putting two runs over, making a to'al uf five, which proved enough to bring the victory. Weckler led off with his second two-cushion siia-ii, and Raker was passed; after Holt had flown to Isaacs, little T. Riggs hurtled a safety through the infield, scoring the fleet captain and sending the belligerent catcher to third; Faubion was retired on strikes, but the Sweetland hoy came to the rescue with a single, scoring B..ker. Medford made two in the fifth on fo ;r successive singles by M; rshall, Burgess, Schultz and Isaacs. The Medford ninth was full of ex citement, and the big crowd stood on i-s hoofs, yelling like mad and waving palm leaf fans. With one d"wn. Rurl.-r singled, and Slugger Gill honied, making the s'-ore o to 4: I'ettus flew to Faubion in lefr; Fadden then lost, control and wal-:ed Miller and Marshall: a safe hi; or an error would tie tne score !:' win the game, but the Applegate r..ound artist settled and caused Burgess to pop to T. Rlg?s and the fain.- was over. Ray Craw foid nlayed :-hort and this and pay for It out of the general j Faubion left field: V. Riggs and Guv i fund. I do not think this should be! Smith were not in the line-up. i done. Dut we are now going ahead ; with a building so close to other property 'hat another could com- in and buy It and exact a large price or force the dry to condemn. I there fore recommend that the site and nlan of the hnlldlns be charmed tn' Earned runs Gcilt.- brlng it on the grade of 'he side- Medford, 1. walk anH flush with the line of the : Bases on bails -Off Tozier. 1 lot on the east and soutti. 1 Burgess. 3; 0ft McFadden. 4. "I desire to say further that 'he! Struck out 3y Tozier. 2; by Bur bond filed by the contractor has s ', -gess. 7; by McFadden, o. Left on liases Grant; E'asa. Tlie s ore ! Grants Pas- I Medford 'McFadden and Baker. i ges.- and Marsha. . R H Ej ; 4 i 4 12 4 j Tozier. Bur-1 Pass 1 ; oft- one surety Mr. Clark, a member of I 'he council This Is in violation of the rhar'er. Mr. Clark In becoming a surety on the bond becomes a surety for the performance of the and in my opinion a par'y eon'r i cf The contra t i provided for a suretv bind and this 1 S.'litve is in aecoMn e wi'l; poli.-v agreed upon and l- ermine. I by 'he council a .. ii bonds some rime ago I do no' kno-v any contingency will ari- hn 11; Medford, 14. ! Two base hit; Weckler. 3; Antli. j Home runs Gill. j Umpires E. Co...urr. and Brous. i i i m i;u;ge in uv CLEVKLAND. known steam 'a: a 'lumber . arrler. tef's edge toda'. J ;1;.- ;. An un- g.'. sllppOaed tO be burned to the wa shout rhree nii'es same pri. e ;t- the resident license. V n;v -port-men are also in favor of redu- iug tbe limits on deer and oil er same e called upon to begin uiv the bond, bur this matte;-a- :- too deiicate and ini- o be overlooked and w e w i 1 a.-tion is one portan Ignored." The building committee of the council is composed of Couniltnen Srricker Hverton and McLean, hut out In the lake off a point five miles i west of I'levelar.,; j Two tugs are standing by th ! burning vessei and they are believe. lj to have picked up tlie crew. Buy It now. Chamberlain s Colic. ( tiolera and Diarrhoea Remedy is it.iuusi it'iuuu .o He iceoc i ne ore we ioun.1 D carei i; perusal ami tin summer over Unv toov 1 . bo prepared for such an emergency. ine lwo ias namea meiuners were For saie. by all dealers lout of the city On their return they were to take up and adjust the dif- Totu Galvln, son of .iil.e dalvln, ferences brought to the attention of left his- night for a trip to Indiana, the. by the mayor. Qr.KTKU vTNi KY. (iStI.IE El'I-4iE. tUfnra tfi Piil.1l,. 1 n,lltl.. u inp samples given away eacU year. The 1 ASHl.ANU July 1 --Walker numtwir of the council to four mem- constant and Increasing salej from ' 1 norm ls ""rsiug a pair of badly i.r elected at large and have samples, proves tho get.ulLo l.ierit of burned arm- as tlie result of a piece Allen's Foot-Ease, O r antiseptic powder to be shaken Into the h -es for Corns, Bunions, Aching, Swollen, Moist, Tender foe? Sold every dress, V S Olnis'en ' LeUoy. N Y whero. 2ic. Sample FREE. Ad- lengthetied the tnyor term to two year This plan will necessitate an ele.-tlon only once every two years, flireliy reducing the cent of our city ele. tlonn by half which amounts to several hundrel d " f per yejtr Also the longer tertu g;v,s the ma or and council time inaugurate tair policies set ttiem :n working o 1 r and see some, results bef'T their term of office, expires A one . res. eiil-shaped. mouthlike center, la e i r term hardly gives i mayor time 'the Burbanklan product of the gar- t.) 'lecotlie settled Itt oftl and ft :i with the needs if the city A so earl elections 'end to or ptUuiS I'nd the esirlly T'.te fun. Hons of i ir ity govern disturb of onuuunlt y un- lia of carelessuess in the handliug of gasoline He nad beeu cleaning stoves for the gas company in a dark ened room and was. of course, am bitious to do a good Jol. Holding tne cleaning rag in one hand he struck a match with the other and the thing was done. His attention was Immediately roote-d on other with itsthiiig and he does not know to this I I . . . . . . , . .on iifnii'i or net ine joo was a good one Bo'h his arms are mark- dens of Miss Anita Smith of this city, jed with d. ep burns as the result of In addition to the fine, regular o, i tbe explosion, while his face was bad- teeth" which it boasts, this dah-nv s or bed He will be confined to Send For This Seed Annual-Free lJV-fdi-f frnlfftH.ntT and frrir rt ;n r ? f-i.-ltrd Liur.irss'ftvrd Qf ll. fit! . tf'f vrnrf sl ! i ir.;r-,j. C .liuly uuirp.i Ubor-iti-nr uiUef ll-e d.tivtion ot t r.' and eprt J tfxn til g-jm wnk. hen h.ina L!!'lt,.,y'-u l"iT ic.-t-MJ crr. Vnd tot caialtt. 1U Om. h. Lj Co., 5uU PASAOE.N A. Citl , July It! - - A dahlia that looks like I'olonel Ko.e 'velt, grins like the colonel and ap pears to say ' dee-ligntod. Is said to be sturdier than the his home for a week or ten davs toughest weed It has been oftteHl- ly christened the "Roosevelt " Artistic Job work tt Courier office A-i'W.t-c in J thu iSlf mr miti iK..:t bftnt. Ki:.-t,.n. fu nj, l-i.rn i-J hn, nf p-mltrr is cwtimMl in tS laiti f.i-,,Mi ol UIIt'i t-Vlrrt B.k lull prated. SnJ Kn copy. trr TVn... H J),C Knl, CHICHESTER'S PILLS Tiir Diitin ntivi , I 111 IB H4 irvl 4. l J I tMrl. -tk Hlu R CVx. V , mW. B.t ,t rw V uTs hbdpiLia" s! I SOLD BY DRtCGISTS CtRtiHIJEC I I T . : .m 'L T-Ali , W" vkrr v mmtm mm: orders bu rii i: GAINING SEASON IS AT HAND Hvt'i'y housewife is in the midst of caiiniu. heiT'ies and cheiTies and other fruits and her time is taken up with household duties, and when at the hot minute she finds there is more fruit than will til! the fruit jars on hand PHONE YOUR ORDER FOR FRUIT JARS It will meet with quick response. We have some attractive prices on jars which will ;ipjie;d to the careful housewife. Oie quart Kverlastiiiir fruit jar per dtz. These m-s tutve nil ulitss top ami ore reiiiilniiy nob I at Sil.,'0 mt dozen. One quart Selirnin Jars ..XOc icr dz. The S-Iii-hiiih are u toular seller ut the. lciiiiliir piiie of Sl-'- per (ioen. We are closing them out. One quart Hull Mason jars 80e per doz. i' i Hurt Hall .Mason jars 81.0ft per doz. One pint latuiopiy jars $1.10 per doz. One quart l a ononiy jars 1 .2.1 per d'z. TtMi (iiiiit la-oinuuy jars .$1.75 per do.. One quart tin mils ."Ik" per doz. Two quart tilt enns Kite per doz. The wry laleM anil most practical jar yet produced is the GOLDEN STATE H. is (lie laruest opening, a vacuiiiti rover wltieli can lie usetl year after year, easily opened to remove fruit. Pint-, per do.en .$1. iiarl. per dozen SI .2." Vim will also rind a complete stink of preserving kettles, colanders, cherry (titters, jar covers ami ritlilters, and all articles for tiuiniiiii. Grants Pass Hardware Co. OPPORTUNITY Knocks at Man's Door but Once NOW is your opportunity to buy in LAUREL CREST The Most SUBURB in tbe vicinity of Grants Pass, BECAUSE present values are low Lots for sale by Nellie O. Miller, O wner . e P""11 ""nger doe. it make the Racrcle run oae fonrth easier than any other bicycle. Quality mean., ECOXOMV, Iwcyrle men an both. MILKS MclXTVUK, Agent. JOB PRINTING NEATIY DONE AT THE COURIER OfPK' ?4