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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1911)
FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 1011 HON CITY AGAIN IN ROW OVER ELECTION w 2I0N CITY, III., April 19. Charges cf fraud, repeating and corruption are made here today by the "inde pendents", of Zlon City following yes terday's election, In which Hurd Clen dennln, the Volviva candidate, was ; finally declared to have been elected mayor by a plurality of five votes. ; The Independents declare they will contest the election of practically ' every official of the Dowle city. When the ballots were counted It was found ,that the Vollva faction had elected three of the five councllmen, with a ' plurality of Just three votes each. The vote for city clerk on the first count showed five Independents had won by 34. tn a second count the tote was a tie. On a third count ten votes had disappeared and the Vollva candidate won. First National Bank of Southern Oregon A COMMERCIAL DANK DEPOSITS Subject to Check Demand Certificates Time Certificates EXCHANGE Domestic , Foreign Telegraphic Letters of Credit LOANS L. B. Hall. President. J. C. Campbell. Vice-President H. L. Gilkey, Cashier. K. K. Hackett, Asst. Cashier, i J. T. Fry, Asst. Cashier. SHOT LAKE TT ANATORIUlvi 315 mllM.Mt l PoniM jo O. B. N. Railway. BM tqulptd Sinitorlum and Surf ry la BOILING HOT SPRINGS Highly Minetcllztd Aik ag j!M lor ipeclil lit. rouad trip rickatt. Writ lor llliuirawd booklat Madkal Supt aad Mgr. HOT LAKE. OREGON Nursery Stock Get my prices before or dering nursery stock. I handle nothing but first-clan stock. I can furnish anything In my line. Agent for Fresno Orchard Heating Co. GEO. H. PARKER 1 I frm oar mill ' II at on - third VS Urn tku from irt 1ml ! y r. Onlj on. .j3 mZS pri-4h. 4 S7 Rlk-gn4 ul- xi Ur. UHnrr. "V PRICES REDUCED C. F. COOK, President and Manager F. II. COOK, Treasurer F. J. NEWMAN, Secretary Rogue River Valley Nursery Co. Incorporated , MKDFOKH, ORKGON IIVLHS OF ALL KINDS SEEDS OF ALL KINDS Growers f Reliable Nurwry Slock, Fruit and Ornamental Trc-s, Shrubs, Rows, Vines, Palms, Small Fruits, Etc. Write for Prices Office 23 West Main Street GRANTS PASS TAKES SCALP OF MEDFORD BALL PLAYERS Court Hail, "hitfess wonders" of Medford went to . defeat Sunday when they met Manager Roper's Grants Pass nine here In the first game of the season. - Medford lost by a Bcore of 7 to 4 and (rreat was the chagrin of the aggregation from the banks of Bear creek. The game was a fast one, and some brilliant playing was done by mem bers of the Grants Pass team. Field ing of the home team was exception ally skillful, and when Short Stop Faublon made a double jump of thirty feet, caught a long drive and put a Medford runner out at third the home fans made the hills echo with some long howls of glee. Catcher Baker made the Medford woners mad as wet hens, as by his ever watchful eye and expert work not one of Hall's men could play the stealing act on him and they usually died at second. Pitcher Wilcox for Grants Pass had the Medford willow wlelders fan ning the air until, It Is said, each one developed much muscle. The Grants Pass ball played all around them and over them like forked lightning, and when they reached for It It was safe in Baker's mitt. Wilcox is one of the most skillful pitchers In the minor leagues of the coast. He's training came on the team at St. Mary's acad emy at Oakland, Cal., the premier college team of the coast. WIckler, on second base, made some sensational stops and sent grim misery into the Medford camp. The visitors did earnest work, but it could not count against the fast and correct playing of Roper's young sters. The game furnished great sport for the rooters and fans, and being the first one of the season was doubly entertaining. Grants Pass will meet Medford again next Sunday at Medford and Court Hall declares he will humble the haughty Grants Pass stars and send them home with their colors trailing In Rogue River valley duBt. Roper declares that the dust bath will be Medford's portion and that If no mean luck befalls them .hat Grants Pass will have an opportun lty to march through Medford's streets streets singing "I told you so, I told you so." Thus the fun is on and Rogue River valley will be the scene of lively baseball contests from now until the leaves begin to fall. The lineup and game by innings follows: Medford 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 Grants Pass 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 3 Hits off Wilcox, 6; struck out by Wilcox, 5. ' Hits off Burgess, 1; struck out by Burgess, 6. .. Base on ball off Burgess, 1; off Wilcox, 1. Two-base hits: Baker 1; Autell 1 Home run by Wilkinson. Umpire F, Williams. Line-up Medford S. B., Horton; 3 B Miles; S. S. Crews; 1 B., Wilkinson; C. F., Isaacs; C, Wilson; R. F., Hop kins; P., Burgess and Magraw; S. F. ! Autell. j Grants Pass S. S., Faublon; 2 B WIckler; u. F. Sincere; 3 B., Wil ;llams; C. F., Rlggs; L. F., Smith; C Baker; 1 B., Stevenson and Robert son; P., Wilcox. iM.U.HOKUF TO HE SECRETARY NORTH W ESTERN EXCHANGE MEDFORD, April 19. C. A. Mai boeuf, who recently tendered his re aignntlon as secretary of the Medford Commercial club, will take the posl tlon of secretary of the Northwest em Fruit exchange, with headquar ters In Portland. GRANTS PASS TRUCK CO. HUNCH BROS., Proprietor, PROMPT AND RELIABLE SERVICE Pianos and Organs Carefully Removed Phones: 41-L and 200-K Grants Pam, Ore. Phone 1201 WEEKLY ROGUE RIVER COURIER LARGE DEPOSITS GOLD ORE IN ORIOLE MINE Lode mining In Southern Oregon, especially In Josephine county, has of late attracted wide attention In the mining w.orld, through the uncover ing of large deposits of gold ore in the Oriole property. In the Gallce mining district.. Placer gold has been successfully mined in this region since the early 50'b of the past century and the pro- ductlon has reached well into the mil lions by that method. Systematic prospecting for the source of this placer gold, however, has but fairly started, and the show ing thus far made has been uniform ly satisfactory; so much so that several large companies have bean organized and the eve of extensive lode mining is now at hand. ' ABide from the splendid showings made at the Almeda, Golden Wedge and ether properties In the Gallce dis trict, the Oriole property deserves especial mention, due to the phenom enally rich character of some of the ore encountered, as well as the mag nitude of the lower grade milling ores. The great ore zone of the Oriole, as now proven, attains a width of 210 feet, the hanging wall being a sheer quartzlte and the foot wall a metamorphic slate. The vein fill ing is composed of quartz stringers and nodules of quartz, lnterbedded in BOft, slaty material. The gold val ues are Intimately associated with the quartz and exist chiefly pyrltlc and other sulphide formB. The high- grade ore Is perhaps valaverlte, ow ing to Its extreme mixture and al most absence of silver values. There are practically two-thirds of mile in development, consisting of tunnels, drifts and cross-cuts. The fourth tunnel is now being driven Into the ore body, which will open the vein nearly 600 feet below the apex of the hill through which the vein passes. This tunnel will be 937 feet In length before Intercepting the vein, and will definitely prove the dependable extent of the deposits, as well as the physical character of the ore and place the company In pos ition to determine the kind and ca pacity of a plant to be Installed for the commercial treatment of the ore. The Oriole property consists of nine mining claims, covered with a virgin growth of fir and pine timber sufficient to meet, all mining and building requirements for the next quarter of a century.' The company also holds valuable water rights sufficient to operate every kind of machinery and mill during the greater portion of the year. The present equipment con sists of an air compressor, power drills, sawmill, assay laboratory, two blacksmith shopB, electric lights, a commodious two-story boarding house, bunk house, and numerous minor essentials. The greatest optimism Is expressed by all who have seen the property and inspected the immensity of the ore body. Should values Increase at the fourth level in proportion to what they have in the upper levels, the property is destined to become one of the great gold producers in the country. It would seem by the opening of thiB great property that the Gallce district Is now on the verge of a real and substantial min ing boom, such as has not been ex perienced since the discovery and exploitation of the placer deposits in pioneer days. Several shipments of the higher grade of ore have been made by the Oriole Gold Mining company to the Tacoma smelter, all of which have retted handsome returns; the laBt recent shipment of 20 ft tons netted the company $3,724.13. The people of Grants Pass should spare no effort to encourage the in dustry of mining, 'mt development now going on In the Gallce district, right at our doors, overshadows al most every Industry tributary to ('rants Pass. Investments made in the district are certain to pay hand some dividends to the investors and they will, to a large extent, add to the commercial Industry of Grants Pass, while, at the name time, It will tnake a home market for our agricul tural products. .The value of gold production in any section can hard ly be overestimated. The raining of gold In California for the ten years j following the discovery of 1849 en jrl'hed the world. The Alaska mines l have added great prosperity to the I United States and Canada. The mil lions of dollars in gold that have been mined In pact years in Josephine county, addd to the wealth of the country beyond its borders, but did not enrich the people of this section, for the reason that the miners add ed nothing to the development of the country outside of mining the gold That was placer mining. We have now reached the age of quarts min - ing, and this requires the building ol mills and a development of meth ods for working the rock, and the employment of many men. There Is an opportunity here to build up a Leadvllle or Cripple Creek, but it will need the help of the people of tuo capital town of Josephine county. E. E. Coffman, wife and baby ar rived here Tuesday afternoon from Kansas and will visit relatives in this city for several weeks. Mr. Coffman Is a brother of Mrs. Lucas, Mrs. Shanks and Miss Jaie Coffman, of Grants Pass. COUNTY CLERK'S SEMI. ANNUAL ACCOUNT Showing the amount of claims al lowed by the County Court of Jose phine County, Oregon, for what al lowed, the amount of warrants out standing and unpaid from the first day of October, 1910, to the first day of April, 1911. W a r r a nts outstanding Oct. 1st, 1910... .....3190,925.68 Warrants Issued from Oct 1st. 1910, to April 1st, 1911. County Court; Jipges Commissioners, tal- arles, etc 1 668.00 2,097.45 ' 635.20 1.504.96 1,518.46 300.00 47.55 Circuit Court; Jirors, witnesses, bailiff, kc... Justice Court; fees.ljur- ors, witnesses, etl Sheriff's Office; salriea Clerk's Office; aalares.... Treasurer's Office; sal aries t Coroner's Office; fees, Jurors, witnesses.etc... School Superlntenent's Office; salary art ex pense I Stock Inspector, ilary 500.00 70.00 759.96 40.50 214.90 203.08 and expense. Assessor's Office; arles sal- Juvenile Court; cramit ments, Jurors, nesses, etc ; Assessment and Elec tion of taxes.. Tax rebates Current expenses sup- piles, all office '1,878. Court House exense; in uouse exense; anitor, water, jghts, uel, etc L 955.65 1; board of primers, Janitor, fuel Jail supplies, etc 1 626.75 Care of poor; Ounty Home, physician bur ials, etc J 2,304.22 61.70 759.00 202.00 278.00 15,723.94 266.90 40.00 90.00 1,828.13 8.00 10.00 500.00 Insane; examlitions and coramlttmets Bridges; material, abor, etc J F e r r 1 e 8, const (ctlon and tperat!on...l Scalp bounties I Roads and hlgkays; supervisors, labq ma- d I vl ICI, r ounty Fruit Insirtor; per diem an( ex pense 1 , Boys' and GlrlB' A So ciety : County board of lftlth; salary of secretar Elections; suppllepetc... Truant Officers;, per diem J Miscellaneous; notther- wise enumerate Expense exhlbltlnpoun- ty'B resources...; Estimated accrued ater- est ; 15.000.00 i $243,01 8.99 CON1A Warrants cancelecL'rom Oct. 1, 1910, toVprll 1, 1911 : $ 28,098.61 Taxes unpaid on '.910 roll to apply onwar- ' rants 36,374.99 Due county from de linquent taxes 1 .' 6,515.22 CaBh In hands of Teas- urer to apply on far rants 53,084.34 Net liabilities 1 15,945.83 I (240,018.99 State of Oregon, County of Josephine I, S. F. Cheshire, toity Clerk of the County of Josejlie, State of Oregon, do hereby cify that the foregoing Is a true andPrrect state ment of the number a amount of claims allowed by theounty Court of the said County or the six months ending April t, 1911; on what account the samere allowed, and the amount of vrants drawn and the amount of trrants out standing and unpaid, the same ap pear on the records my office and In my official custom Witness my hand I official seal this 1st day of April. D. 1911. S. F. (ESHIRK, unty Clerk. MOV VesTIME f lb. yaar to ha. your wotit aad plat, and dnpa aad km plan, to ft tb. Walpalolaaa ork pu.albKoiyarf.ur'rwtf. Unl.h plat. aa. Mill Bulk Int . v , !, " 1-alroaa la " , 'V d' " ' V, V !''' .UraMlaa . . t.M r i....- .... . ' u vvn,unaiia u9. Sryjat.rCcm. $3.00 ;4. t G.IFill,rn 1.00 laaml IMI.n,. 1.00 jii.w ruiieti .60 a. .li... riitM d.uu j. M I B..1 N.)f(akk rut.. i.ov .INIII, PamntiaiM, fdnltM tilr'IlM ,8 O MaaiKawawui .T mth. A U wwa full? ruarwd tr flflMa) fn. Wise Demi Co., inc. ralnles)cnflsls Mint lolUHi!, Thirl amfllnftM POItnAND, OKI tOMBwa lilt.! ;, tUl Mrs. Weldman III i Physicians report that Mrs. R. S Weldman, who was lately In the mll- llnery business here, is very low. She Is an old resident of this city and her many friends will greatly regret her serious illness. Moving Into New Quarters Heath & Herman, real estate deal ers, are now moving into their spa cious offices over the new store of the Grants Pass hardware company. Mr. Heath returned from Portland Friday and brought with him his of fice furniture formerly used in that city. LIQUID CURES ECZEMA WHERE SALVES FAIL In regard to skin diseases, medi cal authorities are now agreed on this: Don't imprison the disease germs in your skin by the use of greasy salves, and thus encourage them to multiply. A true cure of all edema tous diseases can be brought about only by using the healing agents In the form of a liquid. WASH THE GERMS OUT. A simple wash: A compound of Oil of Wintergreen, Thymol, and oth er ingredients as combined In the D. D. D. Prescription. This penetrates to the disease germs and destroys them, then soothes and heals the skin aa nothing else has ever done. A 25 cent trial bottle will start the cure, and give you Instant relief. M. Clemens. . Order engraved calling cards The Courier. at Applies for Pension Edward M. Sight, long a resident of Rogue River valley, has applied for a pension of $12 a month under the "sixty-two year" act. Mr. Sight enlisted In the union army when a boy In company I, One Hundred and Forty-Fourth Illinois, and served 130 days, or to the end of the war. We offor One Hundred Dollars' Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions and finan cially able to carry out any obliga tions made by his firm. Waldlng, Klnnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists. Toledo. O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. Mrs. L, Boyatt and children came tip from Leland Tnesdny to nttend the trial of Mr. Boyatt for shooting Ed Oardwell last November. Mr Hoyatt accompanied his family home In the evening. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Ore., April 10.1911. Notice is hereby given that Silas Elmer Ducemmun, of Kerby, Ore gon, who, on January 6, 1910, made Homestead entry serial, No. 05792, for Lot I and SWV4 of NE, Sec tlon 18, TownBhlp 40S., Range 'i west Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make final commutation proof, to establish claim to the land above described, Derore County Clerk, Josephine Coun ty. Oregon, at Grants Pass. Oregon, on trie 23 day of May, 1911. Claimant names as witnesses: John Griffin, of Kerby, Oregon; Henry Houck, of Kerby, Oregon; Joseph Skeeters, of Kerby, Oregon; George Houck, of Kerby, Oregon. BENJAMIN I. JONES, Register. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATRIX SALE OK REAL PROPERTY In the County Court of the State of Oregon in and for Josephine County. In the Matter of the Estate of Ruth Irene Kerley, deceased. Notice la hereby given, pursuant to an order of the Hon. Stephen Jewell, county Judge for Josephine county. Oregon, made and entered on the 3rd day of April, 1911, In the matter of the estate of Ruth Irene Kerley, deceased, directing the sale of the real property hereinafter de scribed, and providing and specifying the terms and conditions thereof, tnat I, the duly acting and qualified, administratrix of the above entitled estate, wljl on and after the 6th day of May, 1911, sell at private sale to the highest and best bidder In the manner following to-wlt: 8even hundred and fifty dollars cash, and the balance of the purchase price In deferred payments, evidenced by promissory notes, duly secured by first mortgage to run for a period of three years or lss, which real estate Is as follows. An undivided one half Interest In and to lots 7, 8, and 9. In block 77 of th original town lfe of tho town of Grants Pass, Jose- rrnne county, Oregon, as same Is .... . . . " - -...'.- i. suea ana nn r n in th nrrixo the count v cleric nf "..,.: : .."".v muiv, ruwj.iv uj inn i:wnirinanon or iiiw luuii, nnu r;riHin lions neiq Dy the city of Grants Pass for improve ments In front of the property. L. E. KERLEY, Administratrix of Ruth Irene Kerley Estate. C. H. Clements, Attorney for Estate. PAGE SEVEN XOTH'K Ta Whom It May Com-em: Notice is hereby given that 1, the under signed, owner of one-half isterest la the Sugar Pine mine at Gallce, Ore gon, will not be responsible for any debts Incurred against - said Sugar Pine mine or for any labor or im provements performed thereon; also that no person entering on said prem ises for any reason whatsoever shall remove therefrom any ore, mineral or timber. Dated February 23, 1910.- (Signed) F. E. KNIGHT. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior U. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Ore , Ma.-eh 13 1911. Notice is hereby given that Flor ence DeBar, whose postofflce address is 189 E. 11th street. Eugene Ore gon, did, on the 11th day of June, iv iv, rue in tnis office sworn State ment and application No. 06376. to purchase the Ntt NE and SBU NE, section 14, township 37 g., range 5 west Willamette Meridian, and the timber thereon, under the provisions of the act of June 3. 1878. and act amendatory, known aa the "Timber and Stone Law." at such value as might be fixed by appraise ment, ana tnat. pursuant to such application, the land and timber thereon have been anDralsed $610.00, the timber estimated 1. 160,000 board feet at 60 cents ner M, and the land $30.00; that said applicant wilt offer final proof la support of his application and sworn statement on the 26th day of May. j'Jjj, Derore w. w. Calkins. United States Commissioner, at Eugene Ore gon. . person is at llbertv to ro. tet.t this purchase before eutry, or inltintt a contest tit any time !r.ore pmer.t Issues, by flllnsr s corrnhor.. ated alfldavit in this office, mas wnicn wouul defeat the entry. uciiNj AftiiiN f JONES, Register. IN THE COUNTY COURT FOR JOSKl'IUNE COUNTY, OREGON In the Matter of the Estate) of Frank S. Wilson, De-) ceased. ) Notice of final settlement. Notice is hereby given 'that Fmalr C. Wilson, the administrator on the estate of Frank S. Wilson, deceased, has filed In the above entitled court and cause his final account, and that Saturday, April 29, 1911, at the hour of two o'clock p. m. at the county court room at the court house at urants rass, Josephine county, Ore gon, nns neen rixed by order of the court as the time and place for hear ing said final account, and all per sons having objections to said ac count are hereby notified to file and present the same on or before said date. , Dated this 31st day of March, A. FRANK C. WILSON. ' Administrator. I NTiliuWNTY tX)URTFOR " JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON In the Matter of the Estate) ' of James N. Hall, Deceased) Notice of sale. Notice Is hereby given, that pur suant to an order of Bale of the real property hereinafter described, duly made and entered In the above en titled court and case on March 27th, 1911, I will on and after Saturday, April 29, 1911, sell at private sale, for terms cash In hand, or on install ments of not less than 10 per cent cash in hand, with the balance ia annual installments, at not to exceed five years time, and bearing inter est at not less than 7 per cent per an num, payable annually, and secured by first mortgage upon the premises, all the right, title and Interest of the Estate of James N. Hall, deceased, in and to the Southeast Y4 of the North west H , the South ft of the North fast '4, the Northeast M of the Northeast , all in Sortlon 5, Town ship 39 South, Range 5 West of Wil lamette Meridian in Josephine Coun ty, Oregon, together with the ditch and water right appurtenant there to; subject to confirmation by the court. Bids for the said premises will be received by the undersigned upon the said premlsos, or at the law office of H. D. Norton at Grants Pass In Josephine County, Oregon. Dated this 31st day of March, 1911, MOLLIE HALL, Administrator. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the lntoHnr U. S. Land Office at Roseburg. Or., kt ., . . L wren u, mi. Notice Is hereby lven that rndini Pennle, of Hoaulam. WsRhtnirtnn who, on October 29, 1908, made timber and atone, No. 02051, for SIB oucunn iz, Townsnilp 38 S., Range 7W. Willamette Meridian, faai filed notice of intention to miirn ftn. al proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Regis ter and Receiver, U. S. Ind Office, Roseburg, Oregon, on the 6th day of June, 1911. Claimant names as witnesses: Frank E. Johnson, of Grant. p. Oregon; Solomon C. Stone, of Grants Pass. Oregon; William T. Turnham. of Grants Pass, Oregon; Joseph E. Verdln, of Grants Pass, Oregon. "knj. i. jones, Register. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice Is hereby arlvon ihnt n n Hayes, tho admlnlstratbr of the estate of Lemuel T, Greon, deceased. mis niea nis rinni account In the County Court for Josephine County, Oregon, In th matter of Bald estate, and that by order of tho Hon. Stephen irwfii, juoko or said court, dated April ia, 19H, Saturday, May II, 1911, at the hour of two o'clock n m. at the County Court room at the Court House in Josephine County. Oregon, Is hereby fUrtd as the time and place for hearing and settling snld account, and oil persons having ibJiHtlons thereto are hereby notl fled to file and present the same on or before said date. Dated April 14, 1911. D. O. HATES, Administrator,