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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1911)
VAC.R EIGHT Flour 1b showing a de cided tendency upward. This Is a good time to buy a sum mer supply of the beat flour on the market. High Flight Olympic Pride of Waldo Hills We guarantee these three brands to be as good as the best. The "Pride of Waldo Hills" Is a soft wheat, but a winner. Try them! J. Pardee WOODVIIXE ITEMS T. H. B. Talyor and wife returned last Saturday from Red Bluff, Cal., where they had passed the winter. Woodvllle Btlll looks good to them. Professor Geo. W. Ager, of Talent, has been engaged as principal of our school for the coming year. Arrange ments are under way to begin the work of .finishing the upper story of the new building as soon as school Is out to havo It ready for occupancy by the beginning of the next term. Our orchardlsts are busy by night as well as by day, the continual cold spell making smudging necessary. There Is a good prospect for a fairly large crop of peaches, pears and cherries, and so far the- apples are uninjured. The seml-mnual meeting of the Southern Oregon Presbytery was held In Woodvllle April 18th and 19th. It was well attended and very Interest ing. The following named ministers were present: J. E. Burkhart, J. K. Knott, J. H. Evans, W. A. Smlck, J. K. Howard. W. 0. Smith, Robert Mc Lean, M. K. Owen, J. E. Day, W. F. Shellds, W. H. Jones, J. K. Balllle, A. J. Trwln, W. A. Couden, 0. W Taylor. F, II. Adams, J. H. Doran and C. W Hlgglns. Elders present Dr. Black, A. L. Kltchln, J. B. Hair, C. 8. Swagserty and P. C. Lamb. Rev. J. E. nurkhnrt was elected mod erator, and Rev. J.. E. Day temporary clerk. Many business matters were dlspoosed of. The program was as follows: Tuesday, 7:30 p.m., opening ser mon by Rev. A. J. Irwin; text Eh. 5:25-27. Roll call, etc. Wednesday, R:3o a. ni., devotional jxerclses led by Rev.J, K. nnlllle, 9 l. m. to 12 noon, business of the ses sion. Plonlo dinner. 3 p. m memor ial services In memory of Rev. Root. Ennle, as n man, Rev. W. F, Shellds. as a minister, Rev. Robt. McLean. 7:30 p. m., song service led by Rev. W. A. Couden. f : 00 p. m., foreign missions and woman's work, Rev. Roht. McLean. Sunday school work, Rev. A. J. Irwin. Home missions. Rev. J. K. Howard. The Woman's Missionary society of the Presbyterian church met In eon Junction with the Presbytery, about 40 delegates being present from towns along the line. The devotional exercises were held Wednesday fore nooc In Mrs. .1. W. Jacobs' commod ious parlors, followed by the business meeting, after which dinner was served on the lawn. The dinner con sisted of en nbundiince of thlnes Rood to cat, well prermredfind served In a ehnrmlng manner. The lonjr tables were beautifully decorated, th sun shining JuM warm enough to be plcns- ant. The birds sung In the trees nea by, and taken all together It was one of the plensaiitest affairs In the his tory of our church. At 604 South 6th, near L St. KUM SEE Nil liiurll (ulkiHt iilxiul for It in.y running ii ml (ItnuMc iuil IHin, nml KNOW tin- WHYS. I'ltK i: n to Kil.-V The Typewriter McINTYRE (limit I'nti, Ott'. j WILLIAMS ITEMS ' The dunkards are holding pro tracted meeting in Upper Williams. ' A surprise party was given at Tom , Wilkinson's in honor of Mrs. Wilkin son's birthday. A dance was given at the public ; hall Saturday night. All present re- port a good time. ! Bert Sargent and Miss Yeo, of Up- 1 per Wllliamn, were united in mar Irlage April 11, 1911. A party was given at Jessie Oct ober's Friday, all present reporting a fine time. Miss Daisy Cole went to Grants Pass Friday, also Mrs. Edna O'Kelly. Eaater serjices were held at the Kennedy chapel. Willie Turvey is staying with his grandma, Mra. E. E. Topping while Bert Booth Is In Grants Pass. J. C. Klncald went to Grants Pass Friday and returned Sunday. Corn planters at the Rogue River Hardware Co. The Big Red Front. 4-21-2t Miss Lucile Klncald was the guest at her aunt's, Mro. Minus Howell. J. J. Worcester was visiting Mr. Lucas and daughtor, Viola, 8unday Mrs. Mary Topping and daughter, Miss Josephine, were the guests at Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wilkinson. FRUITDALE Mr. and Mrs. Heffley entertained at Eaater dinner Dr. Walker, Master Raymond Walker, Mrs. Kirchoff, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Underwood, Miss Mar guerite Heyer and Lawrence Under wood. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Bates are stay Ing at the Coutant home. A dinner party, celebrating the six tcenth birthday of Robert Harris, was enjoyed by the guests of Mrs. Under wood on Tuesday at 6 o'clock. Those present were Mr. Harris and son, Robert, Mr. and Mrs. John Stan borough and Miss Marguerite Heyer. A party of our energetic farmer men were busy last Friday Improv ing the telephone line. Save your garden from the chick ens by using poultry fence. All heights In stock at Cramer BroB. These are planting days. You will find bulk seeds at Cramer Bros. If your lawn mower or bicycle needs fixing, bring It to Cramer re pair shop. 4-21-lt An Easter egg hunt was given by Miss Best for the school children on Saturday at the school house. Re freshments were served and the youngsters reported a splendid time. Easter guests at "Forest Home" vor Mr. and Mrs. Carl dill. Work on the new road to Grants Pass has been started. Junior Endeavor meeting will be " the school house on Sunday nt 2:30 o'clock. More fence, less money, Is the re sult when you buy American. Put It up to the Rogue River Hardware Co. to prove It to you. 4-21-2t Mr. Harris and son, Robert, were guests at dinner at the Stanborough home. The Tracy Music house has now on exhibition the most mystifying music al device thnt this city without a doubt haa ever seen. It Is called the Tel-Electric piano player and renders the most delightful music, displaying all the variations of touch and tempo heretofore only possible to the human hand. Many are taking advantage when down town of hearing this musical wizard. Every one Is Invited to drop In and bear It. lllg assortment of cultivators at the Rogue River Hardware Co. The Hlg Red Front. 4 -21-L't Dr. H, C. Dixon di:ntist Prices reasonable. All work guaran teed. Examination free. Phone: GUI. e 22S-R; res. Office Hours: T:;;i), t() r):30 () m Location: Sihallhoru HulldltiR, Grant Pass, Ore " Guaranteed Spring Ionics lve.tll Remedies i-J. I'-'ef and i on Tunli at Clemens Sells Drugs Thtr RcxaiJL Stare WEEKLY ROGUE BASEBALL GAME AT MEDFORD SUNDaY Manager Roper's swift ball play ers are practicing earnestly In pre paratlon for the game next Sunday with the Medford team. ' Word comes from the town on Bear creek that the Medford nine also la working hard to get into the class with Grants Pass, thereby hoping to retrieve its loss of last Sunday If the weather is fair the coming game will be witnessed ; by a large number of fans from thia city, as the baseball bug Is biting fiard on el most everybody in Grants Pass. The members of the home team realize that, Joking aside, they have a hard contest ahead of them next Sunday, and are giving all time pos- ihi to nractlce. that they may onotr-h virtnrv from Court Hall's bunch and make It two to nothing. FURNITURE STRIKERS RIOT AND PATROLMAN BEATEN GRAND RAPIDS, Mich., April 20. The first rioting n the strike of the furniture workei ; occurred today when Patrolman Mliogue attempted to disperse a crowd of strikers who were naradlne the kreets. Mlnjgu was badly beaten tn t,ub9 and stones before other policemen came to his assistance. DECLARES LICIT METER CHAW S ILLEGAL People of Medtoi hereafter will refuse to pay rent r electric light meters, on advice their city at torney. , At a meeting tw weeks ago of the Medford city cou dl, Councilman W. W. Eifert made i protest regard ing the practice of I e Rogue River Electric company In orclng patrons to pay rent for mete i. As a result of Elf t's protest the council empowered 31ty Attorney Neff to look into thi matter and re port an opinion. Ts city attorney filed a report yesten y, In which he declares the collect! of rent Ille gal, and advises M I ford residents to rpfuse in future t my this charge. The Mall Tribuur )f Medford re ports the matter as illows: "Residents of the ity of Medford who use electricity r lighting or heating n d not pay the Rogue River Electr company rent on meters which the ompany Installs ts measure use of c ents, according to an opinion filed dth the city council by City At rney Porter J. Neff. Mr. Nerr states tit the proper method to follow In Is regard Is for the property owner refuse to pay the meter rent and ion If the com pany starts to cut f the lights, to seek an Injunction straining them from doing so. Mr Meff states that If he ts so Instrn d by the city council he will ac as an attorney for any property ow t In a tost case. "As the Rogue IJor Electric com pany has fully 100 meters In use In the city for which Ty collect a rent al of 25 ceijts a urth, the revenue they gain fiom til source Is fully $250 a moni'i." Former Resllent (Isltlng Fred H. 1rtuef formerly a resi dent of JoseUlnf county, but re cently of MahfJld, la In the city visiting old frl-nf. Mr. Virtue has been In the Marshfleld, firnlure business at gt'l out to go to where he will British Colum p'ohably locat State Forest eiF. A. Elliott was In the city Satur looking after the state's timber IsWsts. Mr. Elliott was for a numt of years In charge of the Southern rMflc timber lands and Is a praetlralbuan in all that per tains to the prottlon of the forests. New Itunitiilow 1 R Streot uy your corl planters of the UoRue River HaH are Co. The Bin 4-21-2t Red Front, Specific lll.ioi iniedy I t.arue botlleo $1 t Every la Tonic I Larue In.' 1 1,. t:,t i BITER COURIER CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE FORl!AE&iO acres oi -Grave Creek, and one 2-year Id jersey bull, from first-class ml k and butter stock. Address Geo. L. Howard, Placer. Oregon, for pr Ices and description. "i A rt WANTED Gentle milk cow. State .o.a nd Drlce. George H. Lee, R. F. D. No. 2, Grants Pass. 4-21-lt COW and two calves for sale. Cow Is six years old, giving live gal lons of milk a day. Inquire of J. W. Gilmore, Murphy P. O. 4-21-tf ONE Poland Cntna sow uu - wA nr pigs, five weeks old, ror saie. 105 Central ave. 4-14-2t TOR SALE Ideal 35 acre orchard, 7 miles from Grants Pass, near mouth of Applegate. County road. 2 5-year fancy peach, pear, apple and cherry trees. Water right, good house. $10,500, $3,000 on time. Sacrifice. Address A. T. G care Courier. 4-17-lt BROWN Leghorn hens for sale, also pen White Wyandottes. Phone 887 Wlldervllle. 4-7-tf FOR SALE 160 acres of land eight itiles west of Grants Pass. 20 to 2f acres In cultivation. A large n-tt of place Is blac creek bot tom soil. Price $6,000; half cash, balance on terms. Meals J'ros.. Grants Pass, R. F. D No. 2. 4-7-3t Ok SALE One eight H. P. boiler with 44 by 3 by 4 duplex pump. Complete in every detail. One Sharpless cream separator No. 3, all In first-class condition. Address Mrs. L. F. Lane, Placer, Ore. 4-7-3t FOR SALE Barn, 40 by 50 by 18, Fruitdale. Price $55 If taken at once, easily moved, practically new. Address O. C. H., care Courier. 3-244! FOR SALE Single-comb R. I. Red eggs for hatching; pen No. 1 for $2.50. Utility stock $1.00 per setting. C. R. Brechtblll, N. 10th st. 2-2 4-1 2t FOR SALE Single-comb R. I. egg for batching; 10 No. 1 for $2.50. Utility stock 1.00 a setting. C. R. Brltchtbtll, N. 10th 8t. 2-24-12t FOR t'ALE OR TRADE Large aero motor windmill, tank and tower. Good cow wanted. 863 Prospect ave. FOR SALE Timber claim. NW Sec. 24, Twp 87, 7 Weit, Jose phine county. For particulars address H. Walter, conductor, 3rd and Townsend streets, S. P. Co., San Francisco, Cal. , 9-3-tf FOR SALE 3 H Bain wagon In good shape. Also thoroughbred S. C. Brown Leghorn eggs. $1.00 per setting. Inquire of I. W. Ryan, 704 W. D Bt. 3-17-tf STRAYED STRAYED to my place on Slate Creek one yellow cow marked crop split and underblt in right ear, crop and underblt In left ear; also one yearling bull mark ed underblt In both earl. Own ers may have them by paying for keep and advertisement. A. T. Cart. S-3-61 STRAYED onto my premlsea lnFeF ruary a black hog, age 10 months, weight 100 lbs., unmarked. Own er may have same tjy proving property, paying for k. and for this ad. S. V. Reynoldn, S22 W. G street. 3-24-. t WANTED WANTED to buy a relinquishment oi farming land In Southern Oregon or northern California. Addre Otto Tlmues, 453 5th street, As toria, Oregon. wAMt-u-A small tract of laml either Improved or unimproved suitable for fruit. Not too far rrom town on good road. Give full description, prices and termi first letter. Owners only. Bo 511, Grants Pass. Ore. MlfK'KLLANi:oi8 ARTISTIC IhotogTrphs, postaiT stamp pictures, amateur finish Inn. Come and see senples at tn Ang-io Studio, 605 Sixth street Mid-summer prices -l-ti RANNIE, the plumber. Is ready ai any minute to repair your plumb Ing. 609 II street. Telephone Mo.R. 4.t.t. KAUL V. INUKLS, U. 8. Best equipped custom assay office and analytlcay labratory In Oregon Ores. coal, soils, fertilizers, water food and spray produit., etc., an al.''-d. Toxical analysis. Room. 301-3 Calvert-Paddock bulldlns If you ni, Ktuie to paint, you oiinlit to (no ration's Sunproof paint. Soli) In Ci'iiii..!- ii,. .j i w fanner while prosperity shines brightly 'round his poultry quarters when fenced with "Pittsburgh Perfect" Poultry and Garden Fence In quality of material, method of construction, dura bility with real service as well as in distinctive appearance, ' ' Pittsburgh Perfect ' ' Fence stands pre-eminently first. Electrically Welded at the joints, these are the fence's strongest parts. "One solid piece of metal' ' aptly phrases it. Through the hardest usage, "Pittsburgh Perfect" Fence stands erect, even and firm! Open Hearth Wire, made from our own formula and perfectly tartan, tied with pure zinc (the only galvanizing metal absolutely ruit-proof ), i the tronoett, toughest and most lulling fence wire possible to manu lactura, and is wed exclusively io "PITTSBURGH PERFECT" Fence. For FIELD, FARM, RANCH, LAWN, POULTRY 4 PURPOSES "Pittsburgh Perfect" Fence perfectly meets the most exacting requirements. 6 CRAMER BROS. ODD FELLOWS BLOCK CONKEY'S POULTRY REMEDIES THAT HELD It OUTFIELDER BERT COY SIGN'S OAKLAND CONTRACT LOS ANGELES, April 20. Bert Coy, the Vernon outfielder who was released by Manager Hogan several days ago, has signed an Oakland contract. 'Manager Wolverton said the signing of Coy does not mean that RIgkt-FIelder Bower will be re leased. He will be kept on the team with the hope that he will "come back" as a hitter. WHITE MAN CO-RESPONDENT IN NEGRO DIVORCE SUIT GOLDFIELD, Nev., April 20. With a white man mentioned as co All Wagons Look Alike to Some People EXAMINE The WEBER And you will find BETTER WORKMANSHIP, HEAVIER ironing, larger percentage of HICKORY in the woodwork and the lightest run ning wagon on the market. Rogue River Hardware Co. Tarry a large stock of well-assorted sizes of WEBER WAGONS. Call and see them at the BIG RED FRONT American Fence Alfalfa Renovator FRIDAY, APRIL 21, EAITH and peace join hands to bring happiness to the respondent in a divorce suit In which negroes figure as plaintiff and de fendant, Judge Somers' court was fairly packed here today by men and women anxious to hear the evidence in the McArthur divorce case. McArthur, a negro, testified that Walter Green, also a negro, told him thtt Mrs. McArthur had been hug ging and kissing a whlto man in the front yard of her home. Backing up her husband, Mrs. Green testified t!iat she had seen Mrs. McArthur and a white man', who was named, exchanging squeezes and osculations in a doorway adjoining her home.