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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1911)
NEW RAILROAD liHIDGE READY FUK CROSSING President E. J. Bowen of the Grants Pass & Rogue River railroad, left for Chicago last evening In the Interest of his road. Among other thlngB he will look after during this trip will be some needed equipment to be used on the line 1 ntbe near future. He has also appointments In Chicago with certain capitalists ho are connected with Important enterprises In the business Interests of Grants Pass and vicinity, matters which will add to the general pros perity of this section. In an Inter view with a representative of Tue Courier Mr. Bowen was induced to say something regarding his road. "The work of construction Is go ing on quite as rapidly as could bo expected and, I can say, satisfactor ily. We will be ready to go over the bridge on Monday, at which time the first train will cross the river. We are expecting the arrival of rails and ties and the work of laying these will be pushed vigorously at an early date. Plans for terminal yards on the south side are being drawn. They In clude side tracks, oil tanks, turn tables and railroad shops. These are Important things and must be looked nftor row in order to be of sorvlce in operating the road during the period of construction as well an in the fu ture. "Just now we are at work adjust ing the right of way through the heavy maretlal which went down the stream after the break occurred. It Is believed that the pump will be found within a short time, as there Is no probability that it has gone be yond the deep hole Just below the break. There is some trouble ia regard to the new fish way which the state has put In, It having been placed In the very spot where the pump Is supposed to be and this prevents building a cofferdam around the place so as to pump the water out and thus permit an examination of the spot. Under the circumstances It Is thought it will be necessary to make application to Judge Calkins f the circuit court for permission to build the cofferdam for this pur pose, and If this Is granted it will save much trouble and delay. BEAUTIFUL HAIR C. II. Dflmaray Sells the Greatest Hair Beaut If ler in the World Parisian Sage, the grand and ef ficient hair restorer, Is guaranteed to permanently remove dandruff In two weeks, or your money back. Parisian Sage stops falling hair- It prevents the hair from fading. It Is the best beautlfler of ladles' hair, as It makes harsh, lusterless hair fluffy, soft and beautiful. It Is a most refreshing and daintily per fumed dressing, not sticky and greasy. Parisian Sage Is sold and rleridly guaranteed by C. H. Demaray. Price 50 cents a large bottle. The girl with the Auburn hair Is on every pack age. f'OIiOXIST TYPE NOT VALUABLE TO VALLEY "In the time T Jinvn nM Pnrlulnn land of the Southern Pacific, but this Sage I have found. It very satlsfac ls a matter being accomplished with- tor' Dotn a grower and dandruff out friction and. therefore, will not 'us Ada M. Bratt, Hooslck, have completed the permanent loca tlon of the line as far as the Apple- gate crossing and have passed on and re at the present time working In tie upper part of the Williams val- In m"r opinion too much stress ley. During the next few weeks we has been placed on the importance of xpect to make great progress in rail- the colonist as a buyer of Rogue roaa ounaing, getting ready for Im- R.ver ,,nH, Tm i. m.h.. Bortant thfnn mhlnh i- I " the near future. There are nmJ,Urly true as rogard8 recent effrt things which I can not mako public by Medfora to turn the tide to that t this time, because I hare not the " ' Balfl '"etary II. L. An permission of the parties Interested drews of the Commercial club to a to do so, bul I can sav to von m,. representative of The Courier. you will soon hear of some on. "what 1 mea Is that the bulk of t.-rprisos which are to he undertaken the poop,e coraln8 west on cheap hy some promlneni cat Itallsts." '"'oniBt rares are either hunting At parting, Mr. Bowen said that JCDs or Rre Induced to come west he would be back in two or three t0 locate wn government land In weeks and remarked that the head- 0n8tern Oregon. The Hill railroad Quarters of the company are to be ppopI fiave put a ,nrgo lot of ad- BELIEVES MINING WILL BE COUNTY'S LEADING INDUSTRY at once moved to this city and then all connocted with the road will be on hand to do their part In any un dertaking which means the upbuild li g of Grants" Pass and the develop ment of Josephine county. vanning mnuer in the hands of eastern people calll nir Attention freo land on the other Bide of the range. This has had Its effect and many have responded. umers come west to Portland and scntter over the state looking ror work. 1V M io mnn or any means who Is really socking a worthy investment such ns the Grants Pass region can offer, will load his family in an emi grant tourist rar or dny conch and subject them to all of the Incon vvmriirrs ana worso wh , h u , SANDERS RETURNS PROM CHICAGO READY TO WORK George K. Sanders, agent of the Chlcngo-Rogue Rlvor company, has ttturnod from his visit to Chicago ard Is prepared to rush the work of repairs on the dam to early comple tion. SO Rn to tlAVA wntnr fr lpi.,.n tlon this season. During his absence Lf"l0 of thoBe who ,ravpl that way. vrork was continued at tho dam, but '"vcmor prorers to pay a little from now on It will go forward with 'nro nn1 travpl whPn conditions renewed energy. The concrete worV "ro nornmI- typo of man comes ncre ana mi .it v hnti. i- """n III UII1U 1U II. l . purpose 1100 barrels of cement "rnnr. no influences oth- have been ordered and will bo do- P,R f hU k,n1 ,0 romo' und wl'h the llvtred on tho side, tract at dnm !Tnl Rnn0 adv(,rtlslng which Grants In a few days. An up-to-date con rme mixer has also boon nnlernl and will Do delivered at once. This machine will have a cnpaclty of 30 cubic yards a dny nnd will bo In opor Pnc . .. . 1 . . na nns i.rcn doing tne not result each twelve months Is gratifying. "Grants Pass Bnd contiguous ter ritory Is moving ahead n good shape and It Is not noe!mry for 11H atlon as Boon as tho cement arrives, to fH lnto B piinlckT tafe and ruah nu ns i no rorms tor tho concrete aro In rendlness there will bo no delay In completing the repairs. Tho professional diver, Peter Lar son, has been trying to locate tho big pump, and whllo he has been down about 0 times, he has so far been imablo to find It. The presumption Is that it has bien covered with i a n "v iu roruana Hogging colonists with only a hundred dollars or In tholr pockets to come hero an.l n:iiivo ViiliinMe m-nneWv "Grants Tnss Is forging forward nnd It Is tho result of correct and truthful advertising and people of worth are f.i.t settllnir In n,ir ,i.i.,, i . i . ini LL OUT OF SORTS A rtwhcil vrr Cut. Collnr or bmlillo (lull not projnrly lioaliU iv u vll()auilitf Hm Ami Dallard's SNOW LINIMENT la thr Ulgb( llrmrdr for Alt Abrnaluna ot Ih I'lrak. If Oik wound h cl(tnd and tlia liuimom utllli-il i'uMititlv, tlm Innlinn .iihih htKlh ni ivwt unit Um wromi.l hi-aU from Im ImhiUo (lutnnrJIy, tlitit inr oiiuliitf fw-rlfct euro ihat -v ro ,ar. If tlio woiiml nrulH rn t!,, ou(!l1n ,m quuk. ly. fin f 'imt iiti.U'r tlm ur. Mco ur l bri nks out InUi m run. nlng" furrt Ht 1 Itanl ti nro unit InifviuMy lvi tutd car. Ownora rf l.t,n.t.,.l ft tlila llnlmrut ti nil iitlier d thi'r u It unlnmla but I it OOf it tlHmuiflily, rrlr IV, Bi, an4 fi.oo. Jamfr.Bltsrd.Prtp. t.toula,Mo. inr in it ro.inm. una thi'r u It on tiuiuan flush, ns it Oma lis wr guivaiy ana i tphna C ftilv Is a hsallna I sinntii National Drug Store J lrnts Puaa Person NV... I'Vlt That Way? Keel all out of sorts? Tired nine, Irritable, Nervous Hack foel Inme ntnl aohv That's the story of sick 'kldners -Jjnd Mood clrculrttlng about ' rrlc ucld poisoning tlie body -"I unw hrj io reel r c'lt Cur,, M, -I i . . . . h " - .... I..,- BniKKihn Kiunfvs; Oo It with noun's Kidney mis vniu a ii:iTe 'i rn. m... Pas peonlt. Here s one case' J. A Nlda. sn:t i ut was troulited ltHw v,. . . dnr The VsV ; .,, a . unriv tirRMiat at... tii tcuts of one lo of 1(,M11I. k,,,,v a II. I r. ..,.. I . i. . " '"i ' hack This (Written by Request.) Some ten years ago I chanced to read the conclusions of a well-posted and able writer on the future finan cial outlook In the L'nited States. He showed that, in the first place, the bulk of capital had sought manu facture; when that was finally over done, as he viewed It, capital sought stocks and opposition to these meth ods by the people would result In surplus money entering all kinds of mines. It seems to be a known fact that cash deposits in eastern money cen ters are shrinking and that a cor responding Increase of capital is oc curring in the west, especially on the Pacific coast. It Is, therefore, rea scnable to conclude that the time has come when our mines, as well as our water powers and other re sources, are to be exploited by big capital. The strongest hold Jose phlne county has on the purses and ambitions of men Is In Its diversity of industry. Its timber all over th county Is a great Inducement to cap Ital and means much In the way of future prosperity; Its extensive low hills, considering quality of soil and climate, are surely to become the fu ture paradise of the apple, the pear the peach and the grape; the rank growth of the native timber Insures the successful growth of domestic trees, so that now, as the timber and Drusn aisappear rrom tne bills, we shall see the fruit tree and vine take their places. While I consider lumbering and fruit growing Immense factors in the upbuilding of the country, I fully be lleve the mines will, In the near fu ture, proauce more net prom on money Invested than any other one Industry, and perhaps be the leading Industry in the county. Ever since gold was discovered at "Sailor Dig gings," now Waldo, In 1852, gold has been successfully mined all over the county. One very Important feature of the mining Industry is that ll provides a good cash home mar ket for the products of other voca tions. A crop of gold, when harv ested, does not have to seek and com peto In the markets for a buyer, and it goes Into ready cash almost trans portation free; not so with other products. The mines of this county have made a good showing and, yet, It Is a fact capable of proof that the loss of values reauRIng from crude methods used have been about 60 per cent surely not less than half of the wcnlth In the ores and Kraveis. uenaing tho literature of the Bennett Dredging Co., of Denver, t-oio., win convince any old miner who Is willing to b told of this fact. The showing they mnde convinced me that a largo per cent of gold cannot no snved In running water. Dy means of revolving screens, so constructed and operated that an ed dy wns created within It, gold was caught on amalgamated plates, so fine that plnced In a glass of stand ing water, It continued twenty min utes n settling to the bottom. The placer mines In the past have been Iterated In the main with tho Idea innermost that, becaiiHo little values (.bowed up In the tall boxes of the mime, nothing of Importance was ho- li.g lost In the dump and the onem- Hons went on flooding through tho i mine material ns large as the he of water In uso wnnM -n.. ooning motion of the henvv -, cim inick muddy water probably car ' u joss 60 per cent nf tho cent Iron ore and other minerals in-! dicatlng coal and tin. Nothing has been done by the old-i time miners to show the extent ofj our mines, especially In this tone ofj quartz. The extent and variety ofj our mineral deposits, the improved, modern system of economic work and l the savings of values backed by cap-, Ital, Insures Josephine county a very , prosperous era In its mines In the j very near future. With these mod-; em methods will come the rework ing of acres and acres of old tail ings with better returns than their first washings produced, a double output from first workings and the! profitable mining of gravel hereto fore unprofitable under old ways. Now considering all the foregoing end the fact that a recent legisla ture gave the people of Oregon a water law, which fully sustains prior ity of rights and prevents waste of water, I have no hesitation In saying that notwithstanding the great fruit possibilities and timber resources, the mines of the county will be Its leading money producer. W. J. WIMER. Constipation brings many ailments In its train and Is the primary cause of much sickness. Keep your bowels regular madam, and you will escape many of the ailments to which women are subject. Constipation is a very simple thing, but like many simple things, It may lead to Berious con sequences. Nature often needs a lit tle asslstaice and when Chamber lain Tablets are given at the first In dication, much distress and suffer ing may be avoided. Sold by all good dealers. DEFICIT AGAIN COMES TO UNITED STATES TREASURY WASHINGTON, April 19. With expenditures for the month $2,000,- 000 greater than last year and re ceipts $1,000,000 less, the govern ment finances have slipped back over the line from surplus to deficit. April began with a surplus, but to day's report shows a deficit of $4,000,000. he's no WtC J ( BETTER DOCTORS ill SICK. mm I' LL, TO HAVE YOUR MONET 3NTHE BANKfcT You can TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF when you get sick if you have money in the bank. Your money also works for you in our bank. Make OUR Bank YOUR Bank. We pay liberal interest consistent with safety, 4 per cent. Josephine County Bank GRANTS PASS, ORE. FOR AGED PEOPLE. Old Folks Should B Careful In Their Selection of Regulative Medicine. We have a mife, dependable and al together Ideal remedy that Is particu larly adapted to the requirements of aged people und persons of weak con stitutions who suffer from constipa tion or other bowel disorders. We are so certain that It will relieve these complnlnts and give absolute satisfac tion In every particular that we offer It with our personal guarantee that it shall cost the user nothing If it fails to substantiate our claims. This rem edy is called Itexall Orderlies. Rexall Orderlies have a soothintr. healing, strengthening, tonic and regu lative action upon the bowels. They remove all irritatlou, dryness, soreness and weakuess. They restore tho bow els and associate organs to more vlg orous and healthy activity. They nrs eaten like candy, may be taken at nn time wllholll incon veiilnni 'J I fill twt a use any griping, nausea, diarrhoea excessive looseness, flatulence or othei ! disagreeable effect. Trice 2.V. nnd 10c j Sold only at our store The Rexall Store, i M. Clemens. " r 3 i I PRO GRESS means expansion and the development of new ideas. Our Saving's Department responds to the development of new ideas, and is a progressive institution. We open large or small ac counts and pay interest on deposits.. Join us. Grants Pass Banking & Trust Co. Grants Pass, Oregon I BUSINESS POINTERS values. To get the best results from our extensive mineral deposits, rnnit.i must he had. and, to save from 90 J6 per cent of the placer vslnna wasted, as the dredge, are (nin. """"" '"oinous of snvlnir n.,.c , 1"Ptcd; this means revolving f-i nmcn wash the clays and "i-paraie The roarer mntnrUI t the fine, concentrators, 8teeP and M" hut shallow riffles. nBnt np.,d Of Wnfn. nn.4 l . 1 i , ii possinie, rlear wutcr with. So far as capital and ""Men methods aro active In this """ly. tne results 'M eather ittniviMs In n:v I w.oil... ..a .i I,.. .......... ... ' ''I i II 1 .ni.iir.vni riniorsrtnotit I-or fHif py i ,ea!rr n-nis. I OVUM' -Milt) New York, so States. ""J IsKv to otier. l'rlte so virn v i . nnff.i. i.-"t.t tor the r,,tcd I) nine are satisfactory. Cilice the Indians ceaj to burn the surface ef the country, the thlrV Grants i covorin ,,f hrwh ,0R, nm, "tve hidden from e.n,v view quartz "".orpines, ronderlnc the ,earch of ''Ices difficult. iTncaMy th,. r,.hvBt bp,t 11 'o rounty runs through from ""'.nern ranromla to Dougln 'v I" th's Mate. In xhlch i iiiious w ,ii,io pincer "Hne. in,, i.rcftf Cn muI hhuo recent rl 'o.niiy Kcrby. ThU belt Is wide nnd mostly unexplored, from a scion 'Uic -land point. The ,,'nrer cold nt "im nuu liaitce In this belt '' and upwards "icb n MI fin thl s roun- are the nnd copper co Cro'k rntnn h finds In the Hcst job pr,,t "I t Th Courier toes t'cr ounce and ns enrss. The mines of country rsrry gold, silver. M.t. innKston. osmium pnlens, nlrkcl, copper. II Iridium, imc, 90 pPr Dr. Flanagan, Physician and Surgeon. J.E.reterson.rioneerlnsuranceMau. Rexall Remedies at Clemens, sells drugs. Diamonds and watches sold on the Instalment plan to responsible par ties at Letcher's Jewelry store. Alfred Letcher, Registered Opto-, oii'trlst and Jeweler in Dixon's old land. Front st. Eyes tested free. Office stationery and all kinds c Job printing at The Courier Job print shop. CBSSC Hendricks & Crouch Real Estate, Insurance and Notaries Public Loans. See us for city and country property. One of the oldest realty nnd insurance offices in Southern Oregon. Office over Josephine County Bank Grants Pass, Oregon. Our Insurance companies are the best, to-wit: MUTUAL COMPANIES THE NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL P I II J5, OP SEATTLE, WASH.; Till OREGON FIRE RE LIEU, OF M'MINNVlLLE, ORE.; THE HORTI CULTURAL FIRE RELIEF, OF SALEM, ORE. The Michlwin Conmimlul, the German Alliance, and the Fire man m of Sun Fmin Isco, Standard Companion. THIS IS ONE OF Ol It GOOD HAKGAINS: Raises the Dough Chemists anJ Autliori lies slate that Crescent is pure and whole some. Soli! by Grocers Fill. I'OlM) JoC (KKSIKNT Ml(;. l.OMPAW kv vttii- rafl NMiJ , mm 10c I ROUND-UP The One Perfect Cleanser Buy a canuse It compare it with any other cleanser you hare erer used. If ifetoid Vp Isn't a bettor product if H doesn't da far better work if it isn't the Yery bet cleanser on the market, in your Judgment, return the container and your dealer will return your money to you. iTossd-rp is a natural product It comes from the tarth a natural cleanser. Contain no canstlo or alkalis docs not injurs the hands not a particle. It works quick and well, and is an economical cleanser 1o use. A single triul of a lOo can will convince you. Order a nm from your dealer todsy. Thcra is a pli-usant surprise in store for you. For Sale by the Following Live Merchants: Hh,M, y'Dar,V Grant8 r"Sff- C- n"b'n. Grants Tans Southern Supply Co., Grants P.. (5ront8 ra Rodla,e Ca. . Clang Schmidt, Grants Pass