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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1911)
FRIDAY, MARCH 3, 1011 WEEKLY ROOVB RIVER COURIER PAGE NINE .1 SOW GOOD SEED; REAP GOOD HARVESTS El SEEDs em We aim to handle as complete a line of field ami garden seeds as can le had. It is useless for us to tell you grow ers what good seed neans. Seed must be last crop, have been properly kept and prepared, in fact any little thing makes seed go wrong. We sell D. M. Ferry & Co. and C. C. Morse & Co. seeds, and that is guarantee enough as to their quality. Look Over This List GRAIN and GRASSES Alfalfa Red Clover Timothy Spring Wheat Field Corn Spring Oats GARDEN SEEDS Early Seed Potatoes Onion Sets Flower Seeds Sweet Corn Peas and Beans All other varieties TALK OS ADVERTISING short. But you dont think you hare AX1) SALESMANSHIP i Deen robbed. No one could make .-. j you believe it. The power of sugges- ! tlon iu the scoopfuls after scoop- On Friday night Ben R. arda-fu, appea,g t( ymu. Bul)jectlve m,ndi man, associate editor of the Mer-whicn ls LOutiinially grinding away, chant's Trade Journal, spoke at the telling how the stuff was scooped Commercial club rooms in Grants ; out." Pass on the science of salesmanship. ' After the lecture, as is usual with I-OST IX THE SNOWS OF THE ROAL GOUGE . Mr. Vardanian is a salesman of great experieuce and his clear con vincing manner and speech held the i attention of the comparatively laigej gathering of merchants and clerks. ; the Commercial club, a light lunch was served. A representative of The Courier interviewed Mr. Vardaman at the He spoke at some leugth on persou- hotel where he stayed for the night ality and suggestion In salesmanship and asked for his opinion on the ALWAYS some big snaps on the "Bargain Counter." It is our aim to keep some genuine bargains on this table all the time that are being added to each week. Don't forget that for a full and complete line of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, SHOES, FURNISHINGS AND GROCERIES this store is among the leaders. SOUTHERN OREGON SUPPLY GET BUSY AND DO YOUR PLOWING 1 and emphasized these two subjects with telling illustrations which reminded the merchants present of many like experiences. During the lecture he told many amusing stories appropriate to selling goods, proving his ability as a raconteur. He said iu part: "In salesmanship there are Just three simple factors, so simple it seems hardly worth while to name them. They. are yourself, the goods and the buyer. "The thing one is taught the least about is one's personality. I have been in nearly all the universities aud colleges of the states and the many studeuts whom I have ques tioned replied they were not taught their own personality. And the same applies to students In business colleges, with one or two exceptions. "Learn to look at yourself. To morrow morning go into your store and, as it were, watch yourself be hind the counter. As a customer imagine the (effect you have on your self. Consider your personality; see if it is pleasing magnetic. Some of you may have the idea that it is necessary to be a big, broad-shouldered man, with a piercing eye and so on. I can take you on the street corner and show you some such big men and they are repulsive. "It is the thoughts in your head. You must have pleasant thoughts to have a pleasing personality. You can not think low, dirty tricks and smile. That is smile a whole-hearted smile uot a grin. Anybody can artificially grin. Try this experiment: Go before your mirror and smile. Then hold the smile and think low, hatred-bearing thoughts. You can't hold the smile. "The buyer is lazy; that ls, he takes the easy way follows the line of least resistance. Don't put ob stacles in his way. Don't expect to do much business up sixteen steps of stairway. One large store on State street, Chicago, has carried this Idea CANYON CITY, Colo., Feb. 27. Thomas Jenkins, age 26, and Eugene Hawkey, age 17, are lost in the mountains near the Royal Gorge. A hundred men from Canyon City searched all night aud today, but no trace of them has been found. Two companions who became sep arated from the other two after ter rible suffering found their way home last night. : ' right and wrong way to advertise a subject he had mentioned in his lecture as wishing to speak upon, but was unable to do so in the time at his disposal. He said: "One of the things a merchant ought to consider In his ad Is the good points of the merchandise ho has for sale. The next Is the news value of an ad. In other words, the telling of the story so that It ls real news to the person who reads It. Tell of the wonderful value, the good quality and the fine items of manufacture." In this con nection Mr. Vardaman showed a number of ads taken from mail or der catalogues, magazines and news papers. He explained how some ads produce results and some do not. "You will find," he said, picking up a mail order ad of a buggy, "that the first object that strikes the eye Is the buggy Itself, then the price. Next you read what a wonderful bug gy It ls, how many good points it! has, and so that while you think the price is very cheap you think the buggy Is the best on earth. This ad I am showing you sold 5000 buggies In one year. "Now here is another ad, one taken from a newspaper. There Is little selling value In It. The writer does not suggest any reason why' the things should be bought. Practically all he says Is that so-and-so sells such-and-such a thing. Not a price or reason for buying been given "Here Is another from a newspap er. Notice the heavy black zigzag border and tho flat and indefinite appearance of the text. While one attempts to read this ad tho eye constantly wanders to the border. It Is hard to read, says little and that little of no Interest to a buyer, con sequently the advertisement ls worth less. Tho power of suggestion enters Into advertising tho same as It enters Into your store work. In fact, ad vertising Is simply a form of sales- Is A MAX'S STOMACH Just as Good, or Bad as He Makes It. If you are blessed with a good stomach be thankful and make up your mind to keep it good. If you have a bad stomach; one that makes you feel miserable after eating; one that turns your. food sour and causes gas to belch up In the mouth, then you want to get busy at once and turn your bad stomach into a good one. How can this be done? you ask. Simply by using dally the best pre scription for stomach ailment ever written. What is the name of this prescrip tion? Wherever civilization exists It is known as MI-O-NA. C. H. Demaray sells it for 50 cents a box; does more; guarantees It to relieve stomach distress, In five minutes; goes even further and says; If MI-O-NA doesn't cure Indigestion, acute or chronic, or any diseases caused by stomach dis turbance C. H. Demaray will give you your money back, without any haggling or red tape. And this guarantee means that MI-O-NA- stomach tablets, as most people call them will cure bilious ness, nausea, nervousness, heart burn, foul breath, nightmare, and sleeplessness. It means that MI-O-NA ls such a wonderfully good remedy that It quickly turns a bad stomach Into a good one, that will stay good, strong, and vlgoruos Just as long as it Is treated right. Try MI-O-NA ye men of weak stoninchs, you take no risk. It Is guaranteed by C. H. Demaray and druggists everywhere. so far as to remove the threshold i manshlp. The science of advertising Now that the nice weather has come, why not get your plowing finished before you are rushed with other work. You know from experience which is the best plow on the market. Come in and get our prices. JEWELL HARDWARE CO. from the doorway. Make the en trance so easy into your store that the customer may slide in. "In salesmanship use the power of suggestion. And remember you can suggest either positive or nega tive thoughts. Never ask a buyer if he wants anything. Meet him aud ask what you can do for him, what you can get for him. Always suggest the good points iu your merchandise not the faults. For instance: I ; A Clean Scalp Is, a large subject arid I am unable te go deeply into It at this time. 1 advise the merchant to pay much attention to tljis feature of his bust ness and to study the ways of writ ing ads followed by successful busi ness houses." Mr. Vardaman left for Portland on the morning train Saturday. G(M)DilYE, DANDKITF for Everyone Who C. F. COOK, President and Manager F. H. COOK, Treasurer F. J. NEWMAN, Secretary Rogue River Valley Nursery Co. Incorporated MEDFORD, OREGON BULBS OF ALL KINDS SEEDS OF ALL KINDS Grower! of Reliable Norwery Stork, Fruit sad Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, Roaes, Vloea, Palms, Small Fruits, Etc. Writ for Prices Office 23 Wet Main 8 tree Phone 1201 bought a wash boiler three or four years ago and the dealer said If I found any holes In It at any time to bring it back, as he stood behind and guaranteed the article. I never pass that boiler without thinking to look for holes. If I find one I will feel like sending It back that I have not got my money's worth. "You go into a confectionery store and call for 10 cents worth of choco late creams. The storekeeper puts too many on the scales and then, one by one, the creams are put back until the right weight Is reached. You watch and think, 'Stingy cuss, he ls robbing me," and go out of the storf feeling sore, vowing never to go Wants One Parisian Sage wllj kill all dandruff germs and banish dandruff In two weeks, or nothing to pay. It stops falling hair or Itching scalp In two weeks, or money back It will stimulate the clogged-up hair roots, will cause the hair to grow and prevent the hair from turn ing gray and the danger of becom ing bald. Parisian Sage Is a daintily per fumed hair tonic, that Is not sticky or greasy. Parisian Sage Is sold by druggists everywhere ,and by C. H. Demeray on the money back plan. Try a 50 cent bottle and learn for yourself what a delightful tonic It Is. The BOXING ROUTS SANfiiONKD KY MEXICAN GOVKKNMKNT there again. Later you go to "Old glrl with ,he auDurn Uncle Dill Ski uem's" for a dollar s every package, worth of sugar. He scoops out scoop ful after scoopful and you wonder If he is going to give you the bar rel for your dollar. You leave his store with a smile and tell every body to go to "Old Uncle Bill Skin em's" to buy sugar. When yon get home and put the sugar on the scales you find there Is a pound hair Is on JZaj JlLi JlLj S3 The biggest, best and most complete itock of trees in Southern Oregon. Eden Valley Nursery. N. S. BENNETT, Prop. Box 823 Medford, Ore. LOS ANGELES, Feb. 27. Permis sion to hold boxing bouts at Tla Juana, Just over the Mexican border line from San Diego, ban been given to Louis Dlot, the San Francisco fight promoter, according to an nouncement here today. ! Dlot chohe the night lo hold finish ! contests. He proposes to stage five ' or six of these each year. With the necessary permission signed and sealed by the Mexican governor at Ensnada, Blot Is here today on his ! way home. He hhM he has three con. t tests In view. The first of these Is i Moran-Wolgast for the Itghtwelgut 'crown. The other two are between 't Bam lngford and Jack Johnson j and Al Kaufman and tho negro cham- plon. , Tla Junna U 18 miles by street .car from Hnn Diego and cushy ac-u-sKlble both by rail and boat. Polk's Oregon and Washington State Gazetteer and Business Directory WASH THAT ITCH AWAY ' It Is said that there are certain springs in Europe that give relief and cure to Eczema and other skla diseases. If you knew that by wash ing lu these waters you could be re lieved from that awful itch, wouldn't you make every effort to take a trip . to Europe at once. Would you pot be willing to spend your last cc find the cure? But you need not these distant springs. here In your own A simple wash green, Thymol and other Ingredient as compounded only in D. D. D. Prescription will bring instant relief to that terrible burning itch, and leave the skin as smooth and healthy as that of a child. If you have not already tried It, get at least a 25 cent bottle today. We assure you of instant relief. M. Clemens. t to ome for ls right town! of Winter- to leavoli JJeTlet horhe o oil S. L. Leonards and W. J. Roberts, of Medford, who recently purchased the 40-nrre tract known as the Smith and loughrldge place, will shortly subdivide this tract. They are hav ing It cleared and platted with this object In view. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the Stat of Oregon for Josephine County. In the matter of the Estate) of Ruth Irene Kerley, de-) ceased. ) Notice is hereby given that L. E. Kerley has been appointed as admin istratrix of the estate of Ruth Irene Kerley, deceased, by order of the County Court for Josephln County, Oregon, dated February 11th, 1911, and all persons having claims against said estate are here by notified to present the same, duly itemized and verified to the under signed, administrate or at the law office of C. H. Clements at Grant Pass, Josephine County, Oregon on or before six months from tho date of this notice. Dated February 13th, A. D. 1911, at Grants Pass, Oregon. L. E. KERLEY, Admfulstratlx of the estate of Ruth Irene Kerley, deceased. 2-24-St Just Issued for 1911-12 Is the most complete work of tho kind published. It contains an accurato'business di rectory of every city, town and vill age In Oregon and Washington, aud the names and addresses of country merchants and professional men, I'ircberinen, etc., who are located ad jacent to villages; also lists of gov ernment and county officers, com missioners of deeds, state boards, statutory provisions, terms of courts, names of tho postmasters, post offices, express, telephone and tele graph offices, Justices of the peace, hotels, dally and weekly newspapers; besides much other Information use ful to all classes of business and pro fessional men. A descriptive sketch of each place ls given, embracing various Items of Interest, such as lo cation, population, distances to dif ferent points, the most convenient shipping stations, the products that are marketed, stage communication, churches, schools, libraries and so cieties. An Important feature ls the classified directory, giving every business arranged under its special heading, thus enabling subscribers to obtain at a glance a list of all hot sea manufacturing or dealing In any particular line of goods. The work generally is compiled to meet the wants of the business community and Is so thorough as to deserve their liberal patronage. Price $9. R. L. Polk & Co., Seattle, Wash. Here U a Remedy that Will Cwr Hrnetiia "We Prove It" Samuel Bowden and wife cume In I from Canyon creek Tuesday to visit 1 with friends and look after business I matters. Why waste time and mouey ex perimenting with greasy salves and lotions, trying to drive the eczema germ from underneath the skin when C. II. Demaray at the drug store guarantees ZKMO, a clean liquid preparation for external us to rid the skin of the germ life that cause the trouble? One application will relieve the Itching and often times one bottle Is sufficient to cure a minor case of eczema. In over 2,000 towns and cities In America, the leading druggist has the agency for ZEMO and he will tell you of the marvelous cures made by this clean, simple treatment for ec zenm, pimples, dandruff and all other forms of skin or scalp affec tions, wncrni-r on intant or grown person. Will you try a bottle on rer ominerdutlon? C. II. Dmaray Uru't S'ore. M. Clemens. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Rosoburg, Ore., December 21, 1910. Notice Is hereby given that Jenkln Bertram Darker, whose postofflce ad dress ls Linden, Wisconsin, did, on the 16 day of March, 1910, file In this office sworn statement and ap plication, No. 05985, to purchase the N NB SW4 NEK, Boctlon 14. township 34 S, range 4 weRt, Willam ette merldlnn, and the timber there on, under the provision of the act of Juno 3, 1878, and acts amendatory, known as tho "Timber and Stone Law," at such value an might be fixed by npprnlsement, and that, pursuant to such application, the land and tim ber thereon have been appraised at $037.50, the timber estimated 450, 000 board feet at 75cts per thou sand, and the land 1300.00; that snld applicant will offer final proof In support of his application and sworn statement on the 4th day of April, 1911, before the County Clerk, Josephine County, Oregon, at Grant Pass, Oregon. Any person In at liberty to protest this purchase before entry, or inltl ato a contest at any time before pat ent lssuon, by filing a corroborated affidavit In thin office, alleging fart which would defeat the entry. BRNJAMIN F. JONES, Register. NOTICE " To Whom It May Concern: Notlc la hereby given that I, the under signed, owner of one-half Intereat In the Sugar Pine mine at Oallce, Ore gon, will not be responsible for any debts Incurred against said Sugar Pine mine or for any labor or Im provement performed thereon; alto that no person entering on said prem ises for any reason whatsoever shall remove therefrom any ore," mineral or timber. Dated February 23, 1910. ' (Signed) F. B. KNIGHT. NOTICE OF FORFEITURE To Wm. W. Brown, hi heir or assigns, Greetings: Notice I here by given that the undent! t... Lin compliance with the Revised St- f "i ue unuoa state and the iws oi me state of Oregon, per formed the annual assessment or development work upon the "Whiskey Potnt" quart mining claim, situated In the Kerby (un organized) mining district, Josephln county. Oregon, for the rear nine teen hundred nine (1909) and nine teen hundred ton (1910), and that unless you, the said Wm. W. Brown, pay your Just and due proportion a owner of an undivided one-third In terest In the said mining claim, to wlt: The sum of Two Hundred Dol lars ($200) for the years 1909 and 1910, within ninety day from date of the first publication of this notloe, your said ono-thlrd Interest In the aforosald mining claim will become the property of the undersigned la accordance with law. Date of first publication December 9. 1910. CHARLES F. LA NIC, Co-owner. Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Gardner ar rived In-re Tuesday evening from Napa, Cal., to visit with their son, J. R. Gardner and wife." Iney ex pect to spend the lummer In this city. POLK'S GAZETTEER A t!lloln Dlrnclnrv i,t an..!. ru, "' VlllMKe In vrv,m WuKhlritfion, kivIiik Un.riHlm HfceH h of kik h ,U. , Jhm'hIh.ii, Hiil'l Km-lUUr. niij a nM. fln-l lMIM,iiy t ,.(! Jjonln,.,, Binl l-r.if"m.iti. . J.. I'Ol K fn , Inr. mIMh. Wiii.Ii