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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1911)
VRinAV. Minrni ... . m, ii" VAOK KimiT WEEKLY ROflrE BTVKR COCTtTEH II II III F - i Unparalleled Opportunities For Investments One man paid me less than $7,000 for a ranch a few months ago, and has s.ncerefused to consider $15 ;000 for it. You can do as well in proportion if you deal with me. Come and let me show y f Bg ed in vestment in either orchards, fruit land acreage, ranches, business property or city residences. I submit herew th a partial list of good things. They are of a class that will not last long. Write, phone or call at my of f ic e with Ut Remember, no one ever did anything tomorrow, and therefore, GET BUSY TODAY. If you haven't seen my listings, you are not wise. If it is on my list, it is worth the money. ORCHARDS No. I. I C Vie acres fine, level river bottom soil. acres In good BplUenbiirg upplc trees, 14 years old. Small old orchard of mix. d varieties. :i ucres plunted to Yellow Newtowu Pippins lust year. Hulanee of the truct good orchard or gulden lund. Kulr bouse. Good burn und packing bonne. 1 miles from Uranls Puss on main county roud. Price $SO00. No. 2.- 54-ucro fruit furm, located 'IVt tulles north of Grants 1'uhs lu the foothills. Free red Bull, with spring water for Irriga tion. Above the frost bid I, comnmudlug of vullev. consist ing of 1M) acre of I 2-)cur-oiii orcnTid in goou condition us follows: Iuii i -Merry, ) (in pear, some peach, English wulnuts, etc., und balance apples, ull coin liii-Kiul varieties. & acres young v In yard just In bear ing, of which :t acres ure Toliuys, balance Concords, etc. 4 ucres 2-yenr-old Spit und Delicious upples. About 15 ucres grain aud gar den cfom; also l!liU Early Wheeler peach trees, Just planted. Price $15,001), or will sell the 4 0 acres containing the 20 ucres of 12-year-old oirl. mil for 10,000. Terms: Half cash; baluuce $1001) per year. ' . No. 3.- 120 ucres. 55 ucres under cultivation, of which 25 acres ure hi pears II years old, It '& acres In peuches, 2 In cherries, 20 ucres lu grapes, one Here In iipplcti, one acre In lOngllsh wulnuts. Good well, mIh-iI. Iiurii, cabin, ll ionin house, fenced rabbit proof. Price Includes horses and inucliiuery. Trice $30,00(1. Terms reasonable. No. -4. SO'iutch. 20 acres lu orchard, of which 17 ucres are In healing. 23 ucres of bottom laud. 27 acres on hill side. Living springs on plnce. No' smudging necessary, us this place I above llie frost belt. The hearing orchurd nouslsts of 12 and 13-year-old trees, u large proportion of Which ore Spitz upples, und consisting of Spit.. Haldwlns, Newtown Pippins, Shannon Pippins, Ben Davis. Pears, peaches, und some prunes. This Is one of the best produc ing orchards In Josephine county. Shunnon Pippins from this or chard took the cash prize at the Spokane fair, und three years ugo I he owner carried orf 11 blue ribbons from the District fair; ull won by fruit from this orchard. It you are looking for an orchard Hint Is a money-maker, yon should Investigate this property. The soli upon which this orchurd Is grown Is the very best quality of deep, red, Hub-Irrigated loam. .Price $20,000; Ualf ensh. No. 5. - 25'u acres. 1 2 acres 7-year-old Spitz and Yellow Newtown Pippins, half and half, with some replanting. 10 acres 4 -year-old trees, apples and pears. Halance of tract used for grain und buy crop, excepting 2 acres constituting the building spot. (1-rooni house, large burn, nice shade trees, 2 good wells. All ex cellent liver bottom soil, adjoining one of the best producing or chards In the Kogue River valley. Price $500 per acre. Terms rciiHonable. N". 0. 25 acres 4-year-old Spit, and Yellow Newtown Pippin ap ples, In excellent condition, with about 2 acres of one-year-old com mercial pears; I'ioo black river bottom loam soil, level. ' County road to Grants Pass 4 miles. Adjoining bearing orchard unequalled la the valley. Price $500 per acre; one-half cash, baluuce reasonable, terms. No. 7. 10 acres one-eight miles from the city limits of Grunts Pass. Itlch, level, ilver bottom loam soil. Hue road to town Tract all planted to Cornice aud Itartlelt pears. 3 vears old, In good con dition. Price $5000. Heasonalde terms. No. K.- 40 acres, of which 30 acres are cleared and planted to 2-year-old Spit, and Yellow Newtown Pippin apples In excellent con dition. Also about GO bearing trees of family varieties. The re maining ten acres, which la lu brush, Is alao or the bent red bench land. This tract Is situated 6Mt miles from Grants Pass, half mile from school, and all comes under the Krultdale ditch level and can be Irrigated when the system Is completed. On main traveled roud from town. 4-room box hoiiBe with porches. Good well and barn. This 1 positively one of the best buys In the Rogue Klvcr valley. The trees are well selected aud thrifty, and the soil is all practically level red bench land ot excellent quality. Price $7500; $4000 cash. Ilaluhce In 3 equal annual installments at 6 per cent. No. 9. 20 acres of red beuch fruit land, nearly all planted last year to commercial varieties ot apples, pears and poaches. Neat new bungalow. 2 miles from Grants Pass. Price $4000; $1000 cash, balance in C months und one year. RANCH KS No. 1. C8 acres, 45 acres under the irrigation ditch, water right for 50 acres; abundance of water. One acre flue bearing or chard. Good house and barn.. 26 acres cleared, balance of bottom land easy clearing. This is one of the best producing little rauches in Josephine county. Located on the Applegate river, two miles from the new station of the Grants Pass and Rogue River Railway com pany (now building) and nine miles from. Grants Pass. $1000 worth of personal property is included. Price $8500; $5000 cash. No. 2. 80 acres on Williams creek, all splendid pear, apple, alfalfa and clover land. 225 Inches i irrigation water right out of Williams creek. Price $6000; $4000 cash. Good house and barn on main county road, near new townslte. No. 3. 160 acres red fruit land and river bottom loam. 75 acres cleared. 5 acres in bearing orchard. 200,000 feet of saw timber. 50 Inches Irrigation water. Buildings worth between $3000 and $4000. 10 miles from Grants Pass. Price $10,000; $3000 cash, balance reasonable terms. This is one ot the best bargains in red fruit laud for planting aud subdivision to be found in the valley. The soil is a deep, red loam ot excellent quality. No. 4. 120-acre ranch. 4 5 acres level, of which 15 acres Is waste by river. 75 acres bench land, all river bottom loam and red soil. 20 acres under cultivation. Largo amount of black oak and fir for wood. 30 acres under ditch. 3 acres In bearing orchard, of which half Is fine peaches. Small house, Fair barn. li miles from Wlldervllle. Price $6001); half cash. Fill' IT LAND ACREAGE No. 1. 20 acres decomposed granite or ash soil, under survey of irrigation ditch. Three miles from Grants PaBS and one mile from South Grants Pass. Exeollent red apple or peach land. Well adapted to fruit of all kinds. Busy clearing. Price $2000; half cash. No. 2. 60 acres as follows: 20 acres uncleared. $800; 20 acres adjoining the above, 4 acres cueared, 3 acres nearly cleared, price $1200; 20 acres adjoining the, 6 acres cleared, balance nearly cleared, small uew house, good well, price $2000. All of the above lie in one body aud can sell 2t, 40 or 60, If preferred. Soil deep, red loam. Situated in thermal Jielt, two miles from railroad elation. No. 3. 5V4 acres one mile. euBt of Grants Pass. New 5-room house. All planted or In crops. Price $2000; $1250 cash No. 4. 13 acres on Tenth street. $300 per acre. No. 6. 10 acres on Tenth- street, nearly all planted and Im proved. Price $8000. No 6 80 acres, all red bench and foothill land, well adapted to fruit. Southern exposure. Well protected. 5 acres practically cleared. Balance of the land easy clearing. Price $1200;halt cash. No. 7. Five 10-acre tracts 2V4 miles from Orants Pass, fronting on Rogue river and main county road. About 6 acres In each tract In 4-year-old Spitz. Newtown and Winter Banana apples. Balance fine orchard and garden land. All good river bottom soil. Price each tract, $4000. No. 8. 10 acres, every foot of which is of the best river bottom soli. Quarter mile from Grants Pass. Excellent pear land. Good state cultivation. Small house and barn. About 50 one'year-old pear trees. Price $3200. CITY PROPERTY No. 1. One two-story brick store building, 25 by 80 feet, on lot 25 by 100, two blocks from postotfice. $6500. No. 2. Two-story double brick store building, each 25 by 80, on lots each 25 by 100. Price $13,000. No. 3. One business lot, 50 by 100, Including half Interest in three-story brick wall, one block from postotfice. Fine location. Price $7500. No. 4. Two lots two blocks from pavement. Petition for pav iug past lots has been tiled. Price $600. No. 5. Three lots and 7-room house four blocks from pavement. $1650. No. 6. One 6-room modern new bungalow on Tenth street, with one acre ground. Price $3500. No. 7. 6-room house with bath, pantry, lights, sewer, hot and cold water, lot 95 by 170. Two blocks from end of pavement. Price $2500; $590 cash, balance on easy terms. No. 8. 6-room bungalow, all modern. Barn, wood shed, out door sleeping apartments, nice lawn, shade trees, shrubbery, etc. Lot 75 by 150. $2800; $1700 cash. No. 9. 5-room bungalow, nearly new, lights, hot and cold water, lot 50 by 100. Price $1600. No. 10. 8-room house, water, lights and sewer. Two lots, each 50 by 100. Price $2600. No. 11. 6-room house, new and plastered, city water, lot 50 by 100. Price $1400. No. 1 2. Modern cottage, six rooms, bath, pantry, one block from pavement, North Seventh street. Price $2760; $1000 cash. No. 13. One 6-room bungalow, close in. Lot 50 by 150. Hand somely finished. Price $3200. No. 14. One 6-room bungalow, all modern, with furnace. Lot 50 by 280. Price $3000. BUNGALOW ADDITION Well, I gueas yes. I have lots for sale in Bungalow addition on Seventh and Ninth streets and Outlook avenue which are as good as the best in the city. Best black and red soil tor lawns and gar den. Pine sightly, place, only a few blocks from the new high nohool building In the heart of the future residence district of Grants Pass. See me before deciding on the location of your future home. Gilt Edged Special Investments roit si itiiisn nut rkkidkm i: property 1 huve 0 acres Inside or the city limits in the best located resi dence distil. i In the city, tour or rive blocks from the new high Hi-hool, and also lioni the Knst waul school. 20 acres of beautiful rich land, suitable for subdU Islon, which I can deliver uud which constitutes the best subdivision proposition In sight. If veil waist something good, Investigate this. piakhai.i: trut nut si uii isu is hcMUid ojioxtlon the choicest tract of laud lu the famous Rogue Ulver valley of southern Oregon. . M consists or 175 acres or laud. I) lug In a l.odv. It i,.H r, ... miles rroin Giants Pa-,-, with a choiee or two good roads to town" The beautiful Kogue liver touches the tract at one point. 150 acres or the tract ties between llie main road und the river, aiufls level bottom land; 2 5 acres lie ubote the mad and consists of a line bench slope oveilooKIng (tie x ;i 1 1 land and overlooking dn- beautiful Itoc.ue River valley tor miles and commanding A magnificent lew of (he eveuiceu ela.l Mils on all sides. The valley land In a rich Mink liver Lot lorn wilt or sandy loam. The bench 'is a mixture or red i lay and granite soli, deep and iliii. IVautule tract Is so ca led to, the reason that It Is Ideal lu even leguid lor the glowing of tmest quality pears It s equullv well adapt, d for the growing ot high class commercial apples Hits property Is well aJapted r.-r either u subdivision proposal,,., a colonlutlon proieet or the development of an Id-al couiHiv'lo.lne anil on hard. There Is now In cultivation on this tract about 100 acres The ba ance of the valley land Is In pasture, and the bench Is wooded. All of the uncleared land Is easy clearing. One of the best bearing orchards in the valley, consisting of 85 uc e In all. Is within about a mile of the Peardale tract, on similar soil, hut not as good as a large portion of It. This orchard will serve to show what can be done In the matter of producing fruit . rV2i!? trHCl; i!,,n vwa and "M'". ouW readily sell worth finmV",1 J,500 Pr aor R8 8000 " " wUl be $1000 per acre In five years and will pay good returns on an investment of $2000 per acre In ten years. returns on This a proposition that will bear theVlosest Investigation It is positively a money-maker for you. R ' " " There are two sets of buildings on the place. The one set would he sulUMe for th family of the foreman during the Tevelopmen campaign, und the other I, a large, good, country farKS .nd I RUT LAM) nR SI HDI VISION 12;0 acres, about 700 acres under lrrltun and cultivation' .00 acres more available for Irrigation; balance 0f th laud all -..liable for fruit growing, being bench land with deo re, m? No waste or worthless land on the place. The entire trct la one of the best bodies of fruit and orchard land to be found anywhere. The deep, rich soil and the splendid irrigation water right with canals and ditches constructed and gravity flow, coupled with the splendid climatic conditions peculiar to the Rogue River valley, and consider ing the advantageous location, render this a most desirable property. The entire tract Is fenced, and there are four complete sets of build ings. Telephone, free rural mail delivery, BUge line, bring the property in close touch with the cities and other communities The land is beautifully situated at the confluence of two fin rivers, and Is located in Josephine county, Oregon, 8 miles from Graats Pass a modern city of 6000 inhabitants. Aside from the gnaral crops of grain, alfalfa and farm produce, there are K acrVofi beJrfng orchard on the place, and a splendid crop of fruit was hlrtVrt iar SXrJk'S' ail tb1 D!?trlct fa,r d at Gr' rasa last year. Aside from the natural advantages of which this .. a .k T , . , ' ,,urTyeI wtbtn a very short distance of this olace and the logical place for a station la very near this SoSrty Work thl' . tfrnT n an1 lne Purchaser of JhliTSt win t Sih-Xi01 ,ACk .and ub8tllal lTahre in Sum by reason h..teareXre?r0mr PrU l,3-000 iSK Grants Pass, Ore. H. H. BASLER Real Estate and Investments 2131-2 North Sixth St. Phone 15" J