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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1909)
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1. 190!). TIHJ ROGUE RIVSIt OOCRllOt r.VGE SEVEN r W are Orowen-Bny dlret from ua v -N AOtNTS Ttwa are rrown utrlody . WITHOUT IRRIGATION Writ for 1m oUIoc. Larxe .took of fiineUiaMi tthia fur oommeriiulorcli aril Cbole fruit. Nat tnd Omtrnwitil Trwt, Grap , H'lMt, Saull Fruit Pllnti inJ Shrubbery THK DALLES Nl'RHKlUES lUla Offloa, 122 Grand An.PorUuid.On. 7WVWWtl ' V1UABIE INFORMATION for the Buyers of C2WING MACHINES QUALITIES TO CONSIDER IN MAKING A PURCHASE, Esea It run easy. Eoea It look good. Ce it make a good stitch. Cava It aew faat. la it wall road. Xj it eaay to operate. Is it simple in construction. Does the manufacturer put his , name on iu THE FREE 6ewing machine recently placed on the market by the Free Sewing Machine Co. combines the best qualities of all other machines. It is the latest, best and moct com plete achievement in building of a fwin ? machine. Cor;;- V"'". 'T ''v'.-. 'y'.THv.'yt.-w?; y'M 9 Pi m fi "-i i"i m r. ri r fx " in, . . 1 sV.v 1 c hambe Science has developed something Infinitely r J . md a better than the old-style wrao or damn, IsT credit to ITTSBURGH PERFECT" FENCES ARE WELDED BY ELECTRICITY. This is the modern method of construction. Years of life are added through the elimination of serious fence defects. A WRAP holds moisture, cracks tbc galvanizing and allows the water to attack the bare wire. A small amount of displaced pslvani:in on " PITTSBURGH PERFECT" REINFORCES THE PRO TECTION ACAINST RUST AT THE ELECTRICALLY WELDED JOINT examine the joint. STAYS CANNOT SLIP. They are always Just where they were put. Stay and strand wires become one piece when the union is made. The fence is like a solid sheet of perforated steel. Every Rod is Guaranteed Perfect. Don't allow your prejudice In favot of the raoMly-dcdloing and now antiquated methods you have heretofore known, to warp your good judgment . " PITTSBURGH PERFECT" FENCES REPRESENT PROGRESS, because hundreds of thousands of dollar worth of standard material is daily welded by electricity. The hoop on the averag sugar barrel in the Isolated country grocery store is au electrically welded product. i o n waon was made In a large factory, Its tires were wcldd by electricity. mm ... - . . . . . . ' . . . . III.. I? I .1 You wia find elrctrically wc!;Vd hoops on fee cream irre :e ana wishing nucb:nes. on many tut ana Ducstis. ciaramc mem. "PITTSBURGH PERFECT" fences are made by this modrro-simple and marvelous process, producing THE c-lLD I HAT HELD." U;cr ma- coiiico hi in wmci: they claim to excel and yo will: find -FHES easily Che best. t FREE SEWING MACHINE CO. CHICAGO, ILL. For Sulo By Hke Iff. Bnvis MR. FARMER j LISTEN, NOW. Every agent handling " PITTSBURGH PERFECT " fences is author- uea to guarantee tins i ?hat th wires lira not Injured at the olnts. hat the lenoa la pertnctiy adjustable to uneven ground. That the stays will not separate from the strandtt. That the fence Is all right in every particular. Could you ask any more definite protection ? Your complete satisfaction is absolutely Vsured. For Sale by CRAMER BROS. ,i J s0SSwJ Aiaa&j iaWasBj assmbbbM sm&eBt mt0mmmt- mmmmm wmpw i j pt hmi I 1 3 SBS1 " " T i " I 1 tsirfci rlTlX'l PITTSBURGH PER.FECT FENCING ' ...J. - '.wUaVA '' iaki ' T1 If nr r I rrrn r-TrrriM ittt- mrmi annnisM mm unisnisiisiMrsa i ii - l-rii i i Lwinait L tf"'iirmfi mffh J'j 'rfi'liiriif 'i Vr f 'i 1 "T iT ' 1 " ' ' '" "w4' CHICHESTER S PILLS Wyv THK IIAS1M IHAM. I.Rthv.I A.k your Uruutf Ut fr a IMII. In It. d nii.l l.olil i,1.-i,u.itV tealcl iih lllus Ril'li.n. V Teke no othrr. Ititr or your V lrugc't- A-H-t lll.rlii .Tnt UIAillM II It AMI 1'H.I x, f..r i yean known as llcst. Sakbt. Al ivs K ti io SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE r RAISES THE DOUGH I feS3rf"fd EGO-PHOSPHATE uim POWDER and docs iimro thnn the higher prico powders ami dors it hotter. ONE POUND 25 CENTS SOLO BY CROC ERS Send your copy of the Courier mi I'nstem friend. to CHILDREN WHO ARE SICKLY M oilier who vnltie tbrir own comfort and tlio welfant of tlifir children, elionld never ho without box of Mother Oray's Sweet Powder for Children, for useihrouizliouuheoeiiaon. Tbeylirenk upColdn, C'tiro Fevcrishnesit, C'oniillpstion, Tvelbinff Dla onlen, llendiirhe and Htonuu'h Trouhle. '1IIKSK IDWDUKS N KVKll FA1U Sold by all DniK Storey tWc. Ikm't avcvt any mMitutt. A trial im kai;e will be sent r'KKKtoany mother wtlO will sUdrou Alien S. OlmsU'd, ho Koy, V. XOTICK OF FOKFEITURE. You need not. have Dyspepsia or Indigestion, nor do yon need to lie troubled in any way with your stotn ii' h. If you will simply take Kodol at. those times when you feel that you need It. Kodol Is guaranteed to relieve you. If It fails ytvir money will lie refunded to you by the ilriiB niat from whom you iiurchasi'd it. Kodol digests all the food you eat. It is pleasant to take. Sold by all drunfiists. I As Usual 1x3 Four Carloads delivered last week THK HE IS MORE PAGE FENCE SOU) IN THIS COl'NTKY THAN ALL OTHER MAKES COM HINEI -THERE IS A REASON HKST WI KM, lil-ST SIVM-S, MOST l-ASONAIUJ- PIUCI-S Page Rabbi!, St-odi and Poultry Fences Leads ill To L 11. Little, his heirs or assigns, Greeting: Notice Is hereby Klven that the undersigned has, in compli ance with the Revised Statutes of the United States and the laws of the State of Oregon, performed the an nual assessment or development work upon the "Treasury Group," consisting of the "Hattle Davis," "Copper Hello" and "Copper Iielle Extension" quarU lodo mining claims, situated in Calico (unorgan ized) Mining District, Josephine County, Oregon, for the calendar years Nineteen Hundivd and Seven (1907) and Nineteen Hundred and Eight (IHUS), and that unless you, the said L. H. Little, pay your Just and due proportion as owner of an undivided one-third interest In the said mining Maims, to-wlt: the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) for the year Nineteen Hundred and Seven (1907) and Ono Hundred Dol lars (J 100. 00) for the year Nineteen Hundred nnd Eight (1908) within ninety (91)1 days from date of j 1 1 1 -Mention of this notice, your said one third Interest In the aforesaid min ing claims will bc'ome the property of the undersigned In accordance with law. WALTER J. MARVIN. Co-Owner. Data of first publication July 30, i:iu:. NOTICE FOR PI IU.ICATION. Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Or., July 23, 1909. Notice Is hereby given that John n. Stentz, of Olympln, Washington, who, on October 13, 1908, made Timber Application No. 01812, for NE,4 of NWVi, Lot 4, Section 30, Township 38 South, Range 7 West, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to mnko Final Proof, to establish Malm to the land above de scribed, before Joseph Moss, U. S. Commissioner, nt Grants Pass, Ore gon, on tho 9th day of October, 1909. Claimant names as witnesses: .MF.UUV Several loads of watermelons were taken to Grants Tuss from the C. O. imberlaln farm this week. Thev nod showing and were a to both the farm and the coun try. Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Chr.rch, of Portland, arrived last Sunday even ing on a visit to their old friends, Mr. aud Mrs. W. S. Coutant. Dr. Smith, of Gallce, was a town visitor on Monday and from hero he went on to the Pass. It Is reported that IT. E. Gale planted 14,000 grape vinos this year. Ho Is making many Improve ments on his magnificent ranch west of town. The peach crop from the numer ous Merlin orchords continues to ar rive at tho depot for shipment fr carload lots. More than 20,000 boxes have been shipped so far this season. E. T. McKlnstry, the real estate man, of Grants Pass, was a visitor at Merlin last Friday. Mrs. Coutant, Mrs. Church and Miss Gray went to Grants Pass on Thursday. Rev. Long preached in Merlin Inst Sunday, Chns. Short has moved to Salem where he has neccpted a good posi tion. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. S. Coutant, who moved here last week, occupy the Short residence nnd are nicely settled in their new borne. Geo. Welster, official photograph er of the llarrlmnn lines, nnd IT. L. Andrews, secretary of tho Grants Pass Commercial Club, were In town last Friday taking views of orchards, Rcenery nnd other things of interest. They were taken out In tho country by F. A. Tlerco In his nutomoblle. The Gnllco stngo Is carrylnR a goodly number of passengers these days and It Is expected that, a great many men owning Malms at Gallce district nnd who live elsewhere, will commence to nrrlvo within tho next week or two' for tho purpose of do ing assessment work on their prop-ertles. Sunday llvamlner. San Francisco, Cn)., Jan. 20, 1907. Miss Eulu Howard's recital last Sunday at tho Greek Theater was one of the finest performances ever Carlton E. Harmon, or Grants enjoyed In tho student town. l ass, Oregon; wwiiain u. wrigni, i of Grants Pass, Oregon; Joseph E. Verdln, of Grants Pass, Oregon; j James T. Burns, of Grants rnss, Ore gon. BENJAMIN Ti. EDDY, Register. IlMiclnth and Tulip Hulbs after Ocioher 10 at Cramer Urns. Colli Wealber Advice to all Is to beware of coughs nnd colds on the chest; as neglected they readily lead to pneumonia, consump tion or other pulmonary troubles. I Just, as soon as the cough appears I treat It with Dullard's I lorcliound ' Syrup, the standard care of America. I'se as directed---perfectly harmless. A cure and preventive for all dls i eases of the lungs. Price 2rie, Mlc 'ami $1.00 per bottle. Sold by Natlon ! al Drug Store. The gifted pianist is a pupil of Hugo Mansfeldt, who predicts a great nnd wonderful future for her. Grants Pass Opera House, Tues day, October 5, 1909. ijjvjrera 0 REAL ESTATE AND BROKERAGE Goldkley (11 Cramer LOANS NKGOTIATKI) INSUKANClv 611'jGSt. Grunt Pass ragyitTM Just Received Another Car Load i StoeK and Rabbit A M FENCE LEADS THEM A Li. AM) Wi- CAN l'KOVi; IT Why pay almost as much for a soft, flimsy wire fence that tho inanufac- turers of Insist for. "protection ngnlnst stock, three, four or more strands of barbed wire" should be stretched along side tho so-called rabbit fence to protect the hinge Joints nnd trip hammer kinks from Injury by stock, when you can buy a real 54-Inch PAGE Rabbit -StocK FENCE A fence that Is all fence able tp protect Itself, stands the enormous com bined breaking strain of over 17,080poimds, requires fewer posts, has 6 spaclngs at the bottom of only 1 Inches, next spncM only 2 Inches and so on up, We assist In the erection of and guarantee every rod to be superior to any fence of this style sold In this country and this fence sells for ONLY 66c PEiR ROD Remember that fencing is our business and If we have not what you want we can get It for you. Investigate all other fences then call and let us prove to you the vast superiority of PAGE FENCE and get our prices. 1 a. tvrr' .r. ail HIE 1 32 Ji & 31 4 spfljfrcr: ; :. "it HI 2if zL. jfc. !ZI ZZ HI ""' """ ' ' HI Zj'''('- ' '4. i hh zz. zz "zz zr m zz jj1) Gaddis & Dixon "UA PAGE FENCE MEN" Security For Your Live Stock of every kind, nnd for your fk-ldi of growing- crops, Is what you want, and what you hnve a rljjlit to uprct, when y'ui buy fctice. A fern o that a bull tan break through or breuk down Is not worth paying Kood money for. You want wrlylit In Ihofemo ym buv, wtii;ht enough t'lturn tlm lieavlest Perdu-run or tttup a "devil wapon " Now, it h a f.ubt-nnd yt should know it that, jicr running rotl, you obtain tho nioNt welglit la wire that is given In any fence, in tho cclt-brateil MERICAN FEWE J. D. FRANKLIN, Local Representative Office with Ctjton-Booth lUrdwarf Company GK ANTS PASS, OKEGON It Ii made on piirpo to bo tlm hr-.iv lest, rrmit durabln and l.t'itlnp of any fi-pce nt any prico. It Is made and sold In larger tjnantitii s than ntiv other two fences In the world, solely on it merit. '1 be maker of AMERICAN FENCE own and operate their own iron mines and furnaces, their owu wire mills and six ituiueUM! u-nce factories. Their produt t is tho acknowledged STANDARD OF THE WORLD W'r can Imw y .ii this fenx In our stxk and explain ill mi fill and tupirioiity, not only In the toll but in the held. Come and see ui and get our juices. HAIR-RIDDLE HARDWARE CO. GRANTS PASS, OREGON i i in imi.juummi.Jiai i ., rimf i-rfraria I UJJfLUI JMPI rr-f-'-it-' iumm ",! IJJ-J r. ,-i,pi,n.r