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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1909)
PAGE EIGHT Groceries New Honey Lunch Goods fruits J. Pardee X5ht Front Street Grocer lirl-tlitu (liurrh. Sunday Bible school 10:00 a. m. Morning worship and communion 11:00. Y. P. S. C. K. 7:00 p. m. Evening worship and sermon 8:00. Thursday, mid-week devotional and training class S:00 p. m. Friday. Bible school counsel and teachers' meeting. FIIKDERIC M. BROOKE, Minister. Bethany PivsJyyterlan (liimh. At the morning service, 11a. in., the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper wil! lie administered and new mem bers received. The topic for the evening will be "The Christian City," and matters of local Interest will be discussed. Sunday school will meet at 10 a. in. ROBKRT McLEAN. Pastor. PKIlSO.VWi AM) LOCAL Fruit Picking Ladder at Hair Riddle Hardware Co's. Grover Nell, of Ashland, made a short visit at the borne or his aunt, Mrs. W. E. Dean, this Friday, re turning home on the afternoon train. Mr, Jewell Fleeted Grand Officer. L. L. Jewell returned Satnrday frnm attendance at the meeting of the Grand Commandery Knights Templar at Baker City last week. and also the ceremonial session u the Mystic Shrine at the same place. Mr. Jewell was elected Grand Junior Warden of the Knights Templar. The' next meeting will be held at Geo. C. Metcalf. of St. Louis, has;Salem next fall. spent several days in the city look ing up desirable fruit land tracts for himself and also for fronds. Mr. Metcall for the pas? 3u rears has been In the employ of the National Express company. The members of the Baptist church held their annual meeting on Thursday evening. There were a large number In attendance and after the business had been disposed of a pleasant social time was enjoyed. The officers elected for the ensuing year were as follows: Trustees, Arthur Edgerton and John Sum mers; clerk, Mrs. N. Smith; financial secretary, W. H. Pattillo, re-elected. This meeting was one of especial In terest to the members and pastor as the balance of the church debt was paid off, the members of the Ladies' Aid having raised $o00 during the past few months. This leaves the Baptist church free of debt and their joy and appreciation of this fact was well demonstrated by the manner In which the evening was spent. Re freshments were served and an even ing of rejoicing was enjoyed by all First Christian Science Society. Christian Science service will be held In the W. O. W. hall Sunday, October 3, at 11 a. m. Subject, "Un reality.'' Wednesday evening meet ing at 7:30. You are cordially invited. Xewmnn M. V.. Church. At the morning service, 11 o'clock, nt Newman M. K. church, Rev. I). II. Leach, the new pastor, will preach. Sunday school at 10. In the even ing will be held a rally day exercise with an especially prepared pro gram by the members of the Sab bath school. Epworth League at 7 o'clock. First IliiptM Church, Sun., Oct. :l. The morning worship is at 10:30 "when the pastor speaks upon the tht'ine "The Measure of God's Abil ity." The observance of the Lord's Supper follows at 11:30. and that in turn by the Sunday school at ll:ir, under the direction of K. K. Hackett. The Young People's me.. ting Is at 7 o'clock. "Life Les sons for Me from the Book of Kphe- il:lf." Tin uii.(...f .t t,.. ............. 1 j i v' in 1 1 ii r c.-iilng setnioii is "Laying Hold." A M.rdlal Invitation Is extended to all t!i".e services. L'VCUI-sinll Postponed. The pilgrimage, No. 4, to Wolf I Creek and surrounding country,; which was to have taken place Octo her 1, has been indefinitely post poned owing to the unfavorable: condition of the weather. The busi-j ness men and members of the Com mercial Club regret this unavoid-; able postponement, but wish to state; to the good citizens of Wolf Creek.; Leland, Placer and the surrounding! territory that we most cordially in-1 vlte them to visit Grants Pass as our) euests on the l.'ifh of October, upon' which date the e ntire city will be j on hand to entertain our fellow cltl- zens living outside of the city of; Grants Pass. Don't forget the date and be sure to come and bring your families with you COMMERCIAL CLI'Il. By in Board of Trustees. The deleeates and visitors from Portland and other points went to Baker City In a special train of five Pullman cars, which they occupied during -their stay. One night while the cars were standing on a side track, a switching train bunted the cars, and as the hand brakes had not been set and the air had prob ably leaked out, four of the Pull mans, with their full quota of sleep ing knights, started on a down grade and traveled some three or four miles on the main line. Many of the occupants noticed the movement but supposed it was the switching: and thought no more of It. It re- j malned for Mr. Jewell and Judge! Burnett, of Salem, to do some In- vestigatlng, and they some found j that they were In a serious position. j They finally succeeded In setting thei hand brakes and stopped the cars, j Porters were awakened and sent in eaoh direction to flag any trains, and i another porter walked to Baker City j and secured an engine which picked; j up the cars. It was exceedingly for-j jtunate that the track was clear the : whole distance. Had the cars cone : la mile farther they would have come i to a sharp grade and curve wmcn1 would, without doubt, have ditched them with serious results. Geo. S. Calhoun was also a pass enger on the runaway cars. He re-! turned to Grants Pass Saturday. i E,rr Station, bair th Sttton Nam The World waits each season . for the Stetson styles, and then it quickly buys up the entire output of the factories. Every season we make sure that we get our share for your selection. W. ki Ibe Su(Ki Soft Dibr Hut n all Hw Hfl". Stetson's ltS:i $4 a$5 Y,rE want you to begin to think about that Fall Suit. We want you to see the new Fall and Winter Suits we now have on display. Don't make a purchase until we have the opportunity of showing ' you the best Suit and Overcoat values in town at j)lUUU P)UUU All-wool Underwear, all weights, for all people. Prices ranging from 75c up The, Celebrated Nugget Hat $3.00 Other Good Hats $1.25" $1.50 For a clear head and a strong mind, DeWitt's Little Early Risers, tne famous little liver pills. Sold by all druggists. 1MMIN. ELLISON At Grants Pass, Sunday. September 2C. 1909. to Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Ellison, a daughter. WIHLAND At Grants Pass, Ore., Monday. September "'. 1900, to Mr. nnd Mrs. Lawrence Wieland. an S-pound daughter. FIREBAl'GMAt Port land. Thurs day, September 10, 1fo9. to Vr. and Mrs. James Fiivbaunh, a daughter. Mrr.. Firebaugh was formerly Miss Georgia Williams, of thU city, th youngest dauL'htt r of Mr. ami Mrs. Geo. William. Notice of Meeting of Board of Ecjiial lAiitlon. Notice is hereby given that the Board of Equalization of the County of Josephine, State of Oregon, will on the third Monday in October, to wit, October IS, 1909, attend, at the Court Hc;:se in said county, and pub licly examine the assessment rolls, and correct all errors in valuation, description or qualities of lands, lots GEO. S. CALHOUN CO. Outfitters to Men and Boys mountain region have, from early days, been noted for their wealth. In 'So and '36 the hardy pioneer fought the savages in the famous Rogue TUver War for the privi'ege of working these mines, and some j other without patent) from tl.-'.t I time to this, held in hope of trans- or other property assessed bv the as-i(1I,0Mts llae wt a lu - sessor: and It shall be the dntv of i ownership (passing from one to an- nersons Interested to nntienr nt thpl(,ther without patent) time and place appointed. ECLl'S POLLOCK 'portation facilities Improving so Assessor of Josephine ! machinery and supplies could be 9-21-4t County, Oregon. j brought in and these deposits work- ied profitably. v ... (. .. I The greater part of the timber and I ."'Mir ii i WI1"I- , Notice Is hereby given that the tin-, of The Ladles' Benefit society of Bethany Presbyterian church will give u supper in the (hiinh pailois Fiiday, November .", for the benefit of the manse fund. MARRIED. FIELPS-MEEK -At the bom the bride's parent. Mr. and Mr. Geo. W. Mr.-k, at Mifphs Oregon, on Monday, SeMVmln r 27, 1!'"!., William .1. Field, of Provolt. a::.! Miss Carrie M. Me. !. of Murphy; Rev. W. L. Goalen offl. iati:iv clersigned. Cora A. Henkle. has been appointed administratrix of the es tate of Charles V. Henk'.e. d-eaed. Iv order of the County Court for .Josephine County. o:v.;on. dated Ot tober 1, 19"9. and all oersons hav ing claims against said e-tate are hereby notified to pr.'Mllt 'he same, duly verified, to sail administratrix at the law offii e of II. ). Norton, at Grants Pass. .) s-phine Co i:,ty. Ore gon, on or b fore the xpira'ion of ix month from the du'e of the tiv-t i I :,'. i. r."i ii ot fi- - CO 'ilMle : a. m October I n:KLK. l!:ii::i-tratrix. SEE Bl'RTOX Tuesday, Howard Or the beautiful shapes and the unique decorations In hnnd-palnted china as shown In our assortment of PSckard China Just received. In this dis play are many naturalistic, semi-conventional and con ventional treatments of flowers, fruits and figures, beautifully worked up on an endless variety of artistic shapes. There are vases, sugars and creamers, bon bona, water pitchers, chocolate set., tray, etc.; In fact, everything you can think of for decorating the table and the home. Hall's Art Store 8tor Telephone. 10M Rwldnc Telephone, 10&J PI I'D. V Gran's p. r 2 . 1 9"9, Bentutt Burton. lu- months-old son of Mr. and Mrs Arthur R. Burton. Death was caused from pneu monia. Funeral services were held nt the house at 2: Sit Thursday after noon with Interment at Granite Hill cemetery. WIMER At Waldo, Wednesday, September 1., 1909, Lawrence I., G-months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Wlmer. CURRY COUNTY AND ITS NEEDS OFF IS CREEK ITEMS. The long delayed rain has arrived at last, consequently, everyone Is happy. South Bend Chilled Tlows are the world's best. Everyone sold on a guarantee by H.ilr-Rlddle lldwe Co. R. L. Telin, of Dryden, who has stocked Continued from First Page. I timber lands to put them under the plow. The above two classes of land are'agement intermixed, and no definite line of elevation marks their boundaries, and this Is also true of the third class, or crazing land, though the best land for summer grazing Is high ground, from 3000 to 4.100 feet ele vation. In the Interior there are vast areas of high ridges that are particularly adapted for grazing; some of these have been denuded of timber by ancient fires, but much of It was never timbered. A great part of this grailng area Is covered with brush so as to be at present nearly useless. It can be reclaimed anl If once reseeded to grass and properly with cattle the been on a business trip to Coos j brush would be conquered and Curry county, returned to his farm on Saturday. W. L. Tuttle. who Pas been In Idaho supervising the Golden Rule mine, Is expected home on Saturday accompanied by his son, Ralph, Miss Josephine Hathaway went to Leland on Sunday last to take iharce of the l.elnnd sihool. W. V Lowe and Ed Hathaway are At the "hub" courting Miss Delia Ohlen, an accomplish ed teaiher f otn lVug'as lounty, will "lild the birch" at the Dryden hool during the coming winter. .l.-bn T Uart-i-n, pr,. n's popu lar bachi Vr. ls!cd Grants Pa on Friday attending to buMnos mat SCHOOLM A" AM county be one of Oregon's best stock ranges. The cattle Interest Is one of Curry county's greatest Industries at this time; as this Is one of the products that tan be made to walk to market, and walking Is good In this country, at present most of the stock Is homesteader land Is cheap, and thei but driven to Rosehurg for shipment, about ir.o miles. This would casllv grazing land of Curry is within Na tional Forests and in places in the interior there are tracts of agricul tural land within thee boundaries, but most of these tracts are either within private ownership, or taken as homesteads tinder the Act of June 11, 19 of,. Being employed in thi branch of the government serv ice I will not go into any argument as to the Kncfit to the community of the protection of these lands save to ay that it is the i's!t In the development and put to the best use every acre of land within the forest in Curry county, and every other county, and that every acre of agricultural land sur veyed or unsurvtyed has been open to the homesteader since the organ ization of the Siskiou Forest in 19e;. There Is not much vacant land In Curry county, and not much encour- for the homesteader. The Model Meat MarRet WM. STAPF, Prop'r Phone 1561 This Market is equipped with all the sani tary appliances used in the most modern meat establishments, and will keep a choice line of meats of all kinds, consisting of Ieif, Pork, Mutton, Veal, etc. 102 S. (illi St. Next door to Grants Pass Feed Co. northern part of the county to Port Orford. Port Orford will some day have a sea wall to protect its ex cellent harbor from the southern storms; but there is 7" miles of farm land south of this harbor. The lower valleys of Rogue river, Pistol river, Chet o river and the Win chuck, as well as Port Orford, need policy tola highway to the interior. Curry is again demanding assistance from the state a loan, as it were, on which her great natural resources will pay interest Into the treasury In the form of Increased taxes. It has been sug gested that Curry and Josephine leach Interested In the project) jolt with Jackson and Klamath and agA take up the Crater Lake Road Act Make it a bill to construct a high way from the sea across, the state, which would remove the question ol its constitutionality on account of ItJ local character. All of Oregon would benefit by the construction of such a road. old timer has not missed his oppor tunity to get his 110 acres and some times more. In fact, there are some very large holdings In Curry. Back In the numerous rich valleys, or on the low benches, one often comes up on a deserted cabin where some homesteader has bet Uncle Sam $16 that he could comply with the home stead law without sleeping more than one night In six months on the tract and won his bet, but many of these abandoned homes show the settler planned great things, and old orchards with trees neglected, un trimmed. and fighting for light with the native trees and brush, are load ed with fruit that for flavor and size and color would attract attention among the exhibits from most noted fruit growing sections, and there' are thousands of acres of such land I unused. j While there is little vacant Und ! and little encourasement to the! kind who of settler can lnvpt needed Is the man and afford to !m-' be cut in ha,f bv a waeon road down rrove. with the certainty that he will! Rogue rher and add to the pr,'ir have the world's market at his of the stockman. door by the time that he has a crop! In all parts of Curry county thjto d:poe of. The wrltr saw land' flour cold" deposits of the b aei.'off. red for sale for IS to $:o per! the bars of the present stream, the re, the equal cf an in the state I high ancient river rharncls of the n-,.vir.talr.s. the g.lj quart t lodes a-. 1 copper deposits 0f the rough interior that are selling for 1 100 to 1150. Curry will gm a railroad In fad a local line Is now building Into the Walk-Over Shoes Style and Durability "They're stylish enough hut they won't stand the test of wear." Ever hear that complaint made about a pair of shoes? You never heard a WALK-OVER wearer tell that story, for WALK-OVEKS are shoes of substance as well as beauty. They are the kind with "the stufV" in them. Cut ahowa Junior Model come In cither Tan Calf Patent Leather or Plain Kid Price $4. OO OTHERS AT $V30 $4 00 $5.00 PEERLESS CLOTHING GO.