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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1909)
FRIDAY, OCTOIIKR i I THE ROGUE RIVER COURIER. ' ! : I'AGK BIX - - i i f. :. v. I- p. -.-J I' 'i ' 1 1 ' 1 . ,cl ;j l'; 1 1 ( 1 : ! i i Hi . 1 Ml ("1 THE $400 $500 u UNION MADE For thirty years, men have worn the PACKARD shoe. Made better every year. Get fitted today Yotill be satis fled too. C. P. Bishop & Co. 71 . If 0:mt w SEVERY PAIR Sj Ct MADETOWEAR - V 1 " . V ... . s;'jl ''-V Oil of town ni-r-l- Mi litt Oifii- 1 J t ' ! I rltfl ll tin . ..nit.-. ia 0110 tltt) . -1 , ti Vi ttill giv l'.:.'k oJj iL.i.' -.. .. f . jcld ' ' VSilf Filliiun .SO IT IIITOKKIIPV v. you bow' J or itorfe'ain crown lor S3. 50 MMoltr Crown, 5.00 v . o 1 . .t ..... 1 en , fotMJ. lutfo 1 vein v. Ul '. . ' 1.00 K' t Enamel rilling! 1.00 - Si,4..iV;V, ,lay filling! 2.50 -' . , t'-'4 n,. 5.00 M...ViS, Ptiiarn tuMmiia 'r ruifi i.ov tr ?. miiiiiHit m ihjitiih Palnlsn filr'titin a50 WOHK OUAHANTtfD PON IB YEARS Pndili'h h sirrt.'i Inn r ri'n i tpn plntiir IitkIko wnrk Hfirilcivxl. t'uiiNiiltttllnii Km, Vu odimot u't hi'tii.f lMlnltH ork ilniiit n wliir, Allunik fully yinir iitci'd. Motlnnilf'iriu4HjuliUMmt. Hcl mnihiHli, Wise Dental Co. fin.IKO lIUILPIHd INCOHPOHATIO niHiwK.Mi. PORTLAND, OREGON ornui B0VB8S n.u.tair.K. luiuri, i to "If AVE V.C A IIAVY?" Aiiil'nisi- IlitTti- says we think Hi' Iium- ;uu gives iur lump nl' p.ttiu'tiMii un awful wli.u k. 'I'd i misok- us, K. Alcxaiulcr lWill lakes us lo "Tin- I, ami v( Lovely I .aJies," aiul shows us the most beautiful women :, the woihl. It's a mighty .i.teicsiiii!' aitiile. ou'll tiiul every page of the 0CTCCER EVERYBODY'S wellwoith le.uliiig. Look itoer. Sprelal (U;iliiy y ('leineiiH', National, Satiiii's ami Ueinaray'.i. Tin; Li:Mxn jh ii;t. Mrs. C. H. Flflold, Mr. Kd. Light and Mrs. Johnson went out to Grants I'asa Wednesday of last week, re turning the Karne evening. Jlenry Miller made a business trip to Grants I'ass one day last week. A great deal of lumber is being .shipped from Leland these days. We understand that Mr. Do Vald recent ly Bold ten carloads to Medford parties. Mr. Huntington Is shipping a number of carloads and Smith Ilros. are hauling In from their mill at Grave for shipment. Miss Haas, who has been visiting relatives at Placer, returned to her home at Central Point last week. County Superintendent Savage I wan in town Tuesday looklntr Hfter school interests. Mrs. Hagai ty and son, from lower Grave creek, kit for their home in Montana last. week. The son will return later. lal Cardwel returned Tuesday morning from Seattle. A. II. Carson, of Hollands, was In town Hie first of the week. Mrs. Lincoln Kills lakes posses sion of the Leland Hotel Thursday evening. Mr. Phelps, who rcerttly pur chased the Catlin place, Is doing considerable work on the land pre paratory to putting out about five hundred fruit trees. If you want the liest Fence 01; laufli use "A.MI.iWC.W." Sold by llalr-Uiddle Hardware Co. George Strong went out to Med ford Monday, returning that evening. M. Maloney, of lower Wolf creek, Is reported as being quite sick. He suffered an attack of paralysis some time ago. Otto Schumann and family left last, week for Placer where they ex pect to make their home this winter. Mrs. Mi niiie Vedder, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Light, is visiting rela tives and friends In this vicinity. Don Marlon went to Portland the first of (he week. Mr. Wilson has employed Owen as a clerk in his store here. Kads went to Koseburg Tues M l. Kit. that it was an interesting event this year and was a credit to the state of Oregon. A fine rain fell here on Friday afternoon which laid the dust and gave much pleasure to the real Ore gonlans, who always get enjoyment Registration of Land Title. In the Circuit Court of the State of j Oregon for the County of Jose phine. Application No. 2. In the Matter of the Appllca- 1 Hon of Margaret Tuffs, a widow, to register the title to the following described par cel of land, to-wlt: Beginning out of a rainy spell. They also re joiced on this occasion that the longat a point 21.75 chains north drv weather had come to an end. land 0.2a cnains east of the This is getting to be a mining dis- southwest corner of Section ...... .. b . 1 16, Township 36 South, of trlct of Importance. Quite a number , We8t Qf he wlllam. of prospectors have visited here thlst.tte Meridian, Josephine season, in fact, several have passed I County, Oregon; running In every week. Just now the. men who own claims around the coun try are going up the creek to do as sessment work. South Rend Chilled Plows can't be beat for light running and turn ing the soil. Sold only by Halr Itlddie Hardware Co. The Josephine Creek mining sec tion has greatly improved during the past year. A number of new finds have been made and some rich prospects have been uncovered. The impression umong mining men is that there are good values to be found in many places. Rev. G. Huff presented your cor respondent with some fine native grapes this week tWit weie grown on Josephine creek. Tney were of good quality and size. How is that for a mining district? Never Worry about a cough there's no need of worry If you will treat it at its first appearance with Mallard's Hon, hound Syrup. It will stop the eoiicji at once and put your lungs and throat back into perfectly healthy condition. Sold by National Drug store. C'KKTAIN RESl'LTS. Many a Grunts Pass Citizen Knows How Sure They Are. Chirk M. day. We week, smile, also i Woi.f i;i i;u i;vs. are having a nice rain this which makes the farmers for II means plowing, it will nit out Hio flies ami inn I.- e everything much nicer. Mrs. Rogers made your city a visit the first of the week. Roy Jorilon was a visitor in Wolf Creek last week. Miss Mabel Mcintosh has returned home alter a stay of several weeks in your city. Get prices on 1617 Pittsburg Rab bit Proof Fence from Cramer Ilros. Nlas Lehman has returned from Portland where he has been for sev eral weeks receiving medical attention. Rev. M. C. Davis is on the sick list this week. Messrs. H. 11. Hendlcks and John son, of Grants Pass, are spending a few dajB on the former's mining claims at the head of Coyote. Kdwln lllff left for the east last week. K. Jordon left for California last Week, T, I). Cllmoro. our ;iLeni lo t,i!.l..,. Ills vacation this month, Mr. Moore operating during his absence. Mr. Sutton left for Coqullle him si'nsiiink: Well Known Hod I Keeper I ses aiul Hecouiiiieiiils ( ha liibel Iain's Colic, Cholera ami rlioca llemedv. "1 lake pleasure la sa Ing I till 1 have kept Chamberlain's t'n : Cholera and Hiai I h.iea Keineilv 'a I 1 1 1 l.iuiih tneiliiine ihesl for alioni fll'teeti ;ii s, and hae always b:i, taitlMai 'oi le-.ulM fmui Im ii.-c i have a !i"i;ii:.ine, it in a r.ivil men? . travi 1 1 :i men w ho u,.;,- Sii t e:in .: i from I : ouliles for w hi. b ii ; i , ' foliiuit v.l d. and have tievi r tai.ed j to tvlfie I hem," sax .1. C. ,l.i i, Ii of GI.t.i'oxv. Kx 'Ibis remedy U for sale bx M Clemen. Taxidermist and Furrier Send jour trophies to nie for mount-j lag I'.;.; game heads, bird-; and mammal i mounted true to tiatme bx tmi'iex,,! m,tl,o,l'. do taiiulm-', make t'ii tin-'-; make, remodel and eli an tar .a i mi nt 1 'vpie-.-i a ml tnall oi ,, i . pi oi,i tlx attended to. . M. ll l;i;is ll5 .i-biiu.ioii Si,, tie. i T. 1' I'll .tie Malt; ili'.e" MJssoi in , t. Pill Fields and Miss Carrie Meek lel't for Grants Pass to net marrit d. We all wish I hem happiness and Jo.x forever. L. C. Ilasey h;is moved bark oil Hie i.'i .t i'. ... ii .i . . . . ue i ii i ei . ne sax -i a Ing lo quit minim;. .Ilio. Miller l-itrd your e'i day i his xveek. den. Woodriih:e for the school. Will soon he tlm lug lor I he rain lias eutue. There was snow on Mt. Gray back mornlu.;. Looks kind a like x inter h, i his section. i.a iling wood lo gii to plow- Not hi ng uncertain about the work of Doan's Kidney Pills In Grants I'ass. There is plenty of positive proof of this In the testimony of citi zens. Such evidence should convince the most skeptical doubter. Read the following statement: Mrs. A. Lempke, F street, Grants I'ass, Ore., says: "For some time 1 suffered severely from rhournnt ie pains and was so stiff and lame that 1 could scarcely get around. My rest was greatly broken and as a consequence, I would arise in the morning feeling so tired that It was hard for mo to perform my house hold duties. I tried many remedies and liniments without receiving the slightest relief. Hearing Doan's Kidney Pills hignly recommended for such troubles, I procured a box at Clemens' drug store. I was helped from the first and before long was almost free from the trouble. Oc casionally I have a slight pain In my back, but n few doses of Doan's Kid ney Pills never fail to relieve me. I have told others how much good I have received from Doan's Kidney Pills and I would not be without them in the house." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. thence east 27.94 chains, more or less, to the east line of the Joshua Scholes' Dona tion Land Claim No. 37; thence north 10.36 chains to the southeast corner of a par cel of land deeded to Riley H. Cain; thence west 2.95 chains; thence north 6.24 chains; thence south 70.75 degrees east 3.12 chains to the east -line of the Joshua Schoies' Donation Land Claim No. 37; thence north 15.20 chains to the northeast corner of the Joshua Scholes' Donation Land Claim No. 37; thence west 6.80 chains; thence south 4.19 chains to the center of the county road; thence south 50 Vi degrees east along said road 1.71 chains; thence south S.79 chains to the center line of the prolongation of "D" street, of Grants Pass, Ore gon; thence west along the center line of the prolonga tion of "D" street 22.84 chains to a point 0.25 chains east of the west boundary of Section 16; thence south 16.43 chains to the point of beginning, containing 52.39 acres, more or less, vs. John K. Jones; Ruth Ann Jones; Joshua Scholes, seni or; Joshua Scholes, Junior; Joshua Scholes; Deborah Scholes; A. C. Swartz; Melis sa Scholes; Melisa Scholes; Mealis Scholes; Hannah Crox ton; Thomas Croxton; J. T. Flynn; and to all the heirs-at-laxv of any defendant who may have departed tills life; 'I no W. B. Sherman Ke u'y Company, a corporation, and to till whom it may concern, defendants. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CON-! osebud Parlors Hav Sod ring purchased the Confectionery, Ico Cream and a Fountain Establishment, known as k viltj I- y L KOSEBUD, we will be pleased to meet aliouroll patrons in the new place. In addition to the remli business we will serve lunches at all hours dailv We aim to give satisfaction in all lines. ' E. E. CARGILL Stoves KM Stove? Monarch Ranges, Small Cookers and all sizes of Heaters INCLUDING small oil stoves suitable for Tents and small rooms morn ings and evenings. CALL AND SEE US D D D P I: X: I: P 6C Grants F ass SidwXo, C O i P o n c t! HI that on tlm 27t!i A. 1). 1 909, an al by said Mar Circuit Court of Fpper Jump-Off-Joe residents have for many years been without any kind of religious services conducted regularly, but now they have organ ized a Sunday bcIiooi which meets in the Winona school house regularly at 10:30 every Sunday morning. They have purchased an organ as wen as supplies of literature. Mr CKR.n: Take notice, day of September, application was fil Lttrei. Tuffs in the Josephine County for initial regis tration of the title to the land above described. Now; unless you appear on or before the 3 0th day of October, A. D. 1 909, and show cause why such application shall not be grant ed, the same will be taken as. con fessed and a decree; will be entered according to the prayer of the ap plication and you will be forever barred from disputing the same. (Seal.) S. F. CHESHIRE, Clerk. O. S. DLANCIIARD, Applicant's Attorney. Hi Oliver Bros. Chilled Plows at Cramer HEAVY RAINS PUT OUT FOREST FIRES Reports by Forest Supervisor M. J. Anderson and hy W. II. Sherman. The rains since Friday of last week appear to have been general and they have put out 'the forest fires both In Southern Oregon and Northern California. It was a great blessing and came In the time Staunartt Is superintendent, Mrs. H. !of nml n9 tlle fil'('s 1,1 tne timbered; i Dumsx i vim r ili'a fCII)nATS CAN UK FOUND KVKWWFIKkE I'OIXTINtift ymffm riiis.sctiooi.AS nil- reason i(PTHKmii:y.K'K.iiif suctoj . v. v Facts Worth Noting Enrollment of students past year 468. All graduates placed In good positions. Filled but 50 per cent applications lor office help. Reputation for thorough and personal Instruction. Safe and refining Influences. Send for new Folder and Success Storios. M TOraMD FOR STUDENTS WIFJ1 lVJllllfllJ COMPETENT WITHOUT CHAKGE mm i rxTwn in M. Gorham assistant, Miss Lila lal- ! a'H't were very destructive and mer secretary, Miss Let a Pollock, treasurer, Miss Gertrude Applegate organist. There is an average at tendance of about 40. growing more so everv dav. j Reports of damage from the I cent forest fires are still coming re-1 In, j Kodol Is for sour stomach. I rouble. Kinb lake and ll act all the tood Jim eat, for posed ef tiie verv sauu JUIci stomach, x on and I'.vpepsla, Indigestion, or for any stomach 1 is very pleasant to promptly. It di.msts It N coin-iligetive mat ar" loiind In a lioi'tln- ll is uiiaranteed t,, leiiev'e sold here hy till dnu: ;jsts. Mr. uian- a tii ' I'! i ia 1 1 ii r. Mrs. 1 1 est i in ait, tin tided the Vernon llaily ha Ashland on bin-ones Grandpa Cook Is Hie !a.-l few ,.n mai e a trip to on the gam In l or t happed Skin. Chappi d si, in, xi heilter on the bands or la,,, in. ix he cured in ore I'lKht lx ai'pl.Mtig Cbamhet lain s Salxe. It Is ;iiM, uneipialed f,,r sor, nipples, burns ami si aids. p,M- sal, by M. Clemens. .h'MiillM. CHI I h I I IMs. Geo S. Dun. an r , nt, i ; : ;... 1 oil ,1 su ei I ,of . U xx o i K i i Merlin I i:. ! In Fruit low a. aia , V, No, M,i., I ' .ill V I 'l'. li'ai pl:e Mi best ar. ' Co. O'll ran. h '1,1 his l!x i a: e and the i,. i t, ml IV vo not xv as that sold fr oni i oa,l lain. ai oun The r 1 Hi: Pair, b ! lb.. it ' ;,ie s.'Kl cxii'ir I tired, d I I nil Kiddle i;d i in.'! x ill and 11 lii king a:,hx,,:e Do!!, Is fall lire x oi. c I ad ibis at p l S.i t urdn v whir wlthst.iinii,,..; the rainy xe,nh a ve enjo-able affair, 1 t ... .. ueoer Wilsons 1 he tuenex iiml si, ) ei,,, hui! by Hair-Kiddie IKirdware Walter Contain W;,.: 'siiit: alter !aai I'.ird has s, i' ' lo Dr. K,. '. xiith bi., xv If, d brre about I'rnitdale "me tn the I'ai i! xx ill move o ri- , ,, ,i M'uth of Fi nitdale. ''II Hit, xx tin ni ns ii t! i i1' i' Fruitilalc. is here and ..a seen. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Clements and and Mis. K. i, vise visited Ked on the Appl, ate S nnlay. linn licking ladders at Idle Hardware Go's. :.' f,e t';e eppo: ': ibail: r. larni r. of ' liibl. st of a iners not only In our Immediate vicinity but reports of heavy losses to the standing timber are still coming In from the California district. The 1 building of a fire for light so a bee tree could be successfully cut down and robbed of Its honey in California caused the loss of thousands of acres of valuable standing limber. M. J. Anderson, supervisor of the 1'. S. Forest Reserve, with offices at Grants Pass, returned recently from the Siskiyou Reserve in the south ern part of this county, and ad- S ' '-M'W, Principal Jacent territory In Northern Callfor- . I .. .1 io.i, 111 ii ii'n piaces ne reports heavier losses by fires than has been sustained during Lis administration i . ,, "'lo. ne reports that In part di-i rli t acta a. "THE SCHOOL OF OTIAMTY" Tenth and Morrison, Portland, Orcdon S S A. P. Armiirond. ! L.B.. PrincW Old in years, new in methods, admittedly the high-standar;I cummcrciai scnooi ot the Morthwcst. Open all the year. Mob calls for help than we can meet position certain. Class and individual instruction. Bookkeeping from written forms and by office practice. Shorthand that excels in every respect. Special penmanship department. Write for illustrated "catalogue. 'A -1 t-'SA!f PJJeJfA vx rivr, i epareS young people for bookkooilera Kteniurvniilinvc i.ii.,,-:iHiili!i!ii and general office work. The development of Hie Northwest will afford openings for thousands in the next few years. PREPARE NOW. Ser.J for catalogue. Salem, On Heavy fires are reported on Ditch I The only loss sustained -I that of tl In x ill M or at bast fifty per cent ' was swept bv fire dm-. In:', the past few days, at Iv.nt rjii'ni acres b, inu- d-'-tn.xed In (,ne block, 1;eai h all of it b, ing owned by rig 'i'"'1! cmixinen inu !;caily all Imar I" His m. n worked until thev tonipletely e!i;tstcil Without " The fire trails they built ' n avail as the flames rcn ' (,f trees ;,nd traveled " top io tr, ,, (op, f,-,Mn (he 1 " -'"ll tains to the ton, :i condition that xxas v en, iikuiu hui anil uccniiie a "- liny fires In that district. The prln-jnro to the other standing timber pal fires being on Mays creek, the next forest fire. Hair- XX e, e s ii i e XX, re ed tin from fool I xx hi. Ii pie. ' t. ;!: et M.,lix !' Ixai tar.. , ni-h t.: C iiny xxi.itli ,l. axe t. :x 1 1 b .1' e , t irp : t 'f l:l,:li-grade 1 and Douglas r irn limb, I.H r. :t- d'.l n-eok, which is a tributary of Evans , Grants Pass Timber Co. was In cs ,, icek, W. It. Sherman has returned ! where logs and down timber I'PPer Evans creek, vx Imre against the foot of live trees, Tt he has been In charge of a crew of fire burning the logs would ' men protecting the Interests of the: burn tho trees off at the g.onnds!, 'oam.s i ass limber Co. He reports, they would fall nml bee, me a me many tin dp, Sykts ere. k. Rattle ereek, Roek ' In Mr. Shermon's opinion it ou!i creek and Morrison civek. all being ,1m advisable for all owner? of tic li lbutarl. s ef Evans cr. ek. , ber, in nil cases where tlierf I hruuiih his genernl knowledge : loirs nnd dn n fitnimf h t.iL' acain!1' of the district he was successful In the trees, that they be saxxn oiitetlN coping with the fires so ns to pro-' removed from the tree. P.y so dol-( t'-ct the cmpany's holdings, so that and each year burning tho tlm!' "i' li holdings of about twelve thou- lands over,' setting nil fins nt tb; sand arr. s suslaltmd a loss of less tops of the ridges nnd having hV 'l than a million feet. He adopted the travel down the Mil Instead of .1 Plan of doing nil hack firing from! thev wn,l,l ha nri,.l'.v Insiiefd l's of the l idgi s, allowing tho against considerable loss by fire U , fires to cemo down the hill , our section. Otherwise tho fire rlH ai ef the pialn fires -.-.In- up In I1I3 opinion, will be croatff f ',: ' ' : ;' 1 : t:.i gr.-;,iir year by j-nr n (1'P trs "" f-x that do tho damage, j and trash growB nnd nccuRtila'rt' J tin t. b '1 ' !