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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1909)
I PAGK SIX THE ROGUE RIVER COURIER. Friday. February & ,t' i mMr-M-M-u i i i r r r i i Coffee The kind thit mikei the break fast real Coffee through and through always the same. Your grocer will prlnd It better if ground at home not too fine. Tokay Grapes still have as nice a i lot of Apple, Peach, Pear and Cherry trees as can be found any where. Plenty of Tokay and other grape roots. Shade trees from 30c to GOo each ; Hedge plants, Cypress and Privet $2.60 to 13.50 per hundred. J. T. TAYLOR Near Court House H. B. Hendricks 6 Co. Have listed some of the boat bargains in Rogue River Valley For Fruit Land, Bearing Orchards, or Dairy Ranches. Write or sot them, you will not bo disappointed. H. B. Hendricks & Co. GRANTS PASS. ORE. Now is the time to visit California What ninmer ha totted In thm norlaers atatee. the aun la on I mild nader the bright Hfae IIm ef Boalhem CaltAwnU. Tale la oaa of aalura'a happy rovlaione earnal earn ntarlar those whe fanaei uJ ra mare aevere ell Mai. Callrerala baa baea eatled the "Macoaef the wletor tourist." las betele aaa aotaiag lae are aa rarUd m ihoae ef a'l wall ragalated eltlaa. Vieiiers aa always 1184 euliaale aerandattoaa, aaagaalal eorupanlona, and varied, llsla racroatWaa. Southern Pacific Go. Will ba t(lt to aupply some vanr attractive lilaraiara, de m rlbln la deWi) lh mm dt liatita of wlntar la UallfotnU. ar y law rau ad Itlp aiearaaaa tlrkrte ara on aala leCallferala. The rat from Urania Taaa Hi Iaa Angalee aud return la $33.00. Limit alt wmihs, allowing atop evere In either dlraaUon. Similar airuraio ant hi in elftol lo all California poUta. For rati InfornieHaa. alarcaac aa rmm- veilone and Mckelk.eaU aa, lalaaraaB at wma It. R. Montrnraerr, Afwtt t. P. IV at VTiu. McMurray. Ova. l'm. Acrtit Portland, Orwj(a FRCITDALK. Vloleta and other wild flowers are in blossom. E. E. Blanchard haa been ap pointed secretary of the Commercial Club. The duties of this office keep him In town most of the time. Ralph Huck attended the primary class social which was held at the Newman Methodist Episcopal church last Friday afternoon. Rev. Holllngsworth preached his lant sermon here last Sunday. His sermons were always helpful and In spiring and all regretted to part with him, but hope and pray that God's richest blessing may rest on him In his chosen life work as a medical missionary. On Sunday, February 14, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Mans field In the northeast part of Fruit dale, occurred the marriage of their daughter, Pearl, to George Hull of Granta Pass, Judge Jewell officiating. After a wedding dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Hull took the train for Gold Hill. May all success and prosperity be theirs. On account of the Annual Fruit Growers meeting and the Irrigation meeting, which were held In Grants Pass on Saturday, February 20, the Grange meeting was postponed until Saturday, February 27. As previous ly planned, It will be an all day meet- ng. Business session In the morning, program and public installation In the afternoon. Dinner at noon. Mrs. Blackburn of Hillsboro, 111., and Mrs. Judson of Grants Pass were calling at R. L. Huck's last Saturday afternoon Frultdale was well represented at the Irrigation ceremony last week Had the event been known In time many more would have gone from this part of the valley Mesdameg E. E. Blanchard, H Huck, F. Brletmeyer, W. 8. Con tant, E. H. Wise and J. Stanborough attended the reception given by the Ladles Auxiliary at Grants Pass Frl day afternoon of last week. They all report a very enjoyable time. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Contant have moved Into their new home. The house Is not yet completed, but they find It much more convenient to be on their farm now that the time for spring work la here Prof. R. R. Turner haa had 160 rods of Pago's wire fence put up on hla farm. E. H. Wise, E. E. Bian chard and others are also ualng this wire, and aa a good part of it is along the road, the improvement is very no ticeable. The school children had a Wash ing; and Lincoln program at the school house last Friday afternoon The moat interesting number was the debate, the aubject being, "Which was me ureater, Washington or Lincoln?" The Lincoln aide was vic torious. The pupils are spending a portion of their play time burning brush for Mr. Wise, who has agreed to plow their school garden for them. The new window at the school house seems to be appreciated by all who see It Evangelist Thuemler of the Advent Chinch will preach here next Sunday afternoon. It Is exnocted thU Mrs .Vtilker till also be present an' sing. Vaster Ralph Huck has a burro tn which he rides to and from school tnd finds the load to knowledge much racier to travel. A large mass meeting of the cltl- lens of Frultdale was held at the Centenlal school house on Monday evening, where much business of great Importanco was transacted. George A. Hamilton was chosen chairman and Ed Wise secretary. The first matter to bo considered waa the building of the Irrigation dltchee and the taking of aubscrlptlons of stock. It was stated that It would cost $5 per acre to construct the ditches, and In accordance with this resolution was offered by Mr Di.. n.,v. . . ..- .... . .. muui.iu uii iucu memoer present llh..'llh.k f... - ........ mum BtocK aa would bo ncoHHHry to give to every acre owned a aitoh right. Thla res olutlon was discussed and carried unanimously und every man In Fniltd.ilu thou subscribed such an amount as would represent his en- tire acreage m y, per acre lying un der the ditch. Another resolution waa offered that each person should extend a Tree right of way. This too whs unanimously carried. The nieotlnn Booster" Club to work as an aux iliary to the Urania Pass (',,,.. rial Club, ar.d the follow!,, ,.. President. K K. 'resident. V u Coutaut; Second V!c.t'r...u...., -" "v. jonn ! Secretary. V. vvi... iionsirer. Mr It.....!... ' .1 1 I i B , ''I Muck. m,.,.p. 't:ici;U, J,,u, 111 Hxrues, . i,. ,. "n,uim,'( rinh to assist In the great publicity , campaign and to assist in paying for do It." the booklets. Hurrah for Frultdalo. If I can learn God's will I will Ml PftPHV. Mrs. Win. Richards of Merlin visiting her daughter, Mrs. John Urocltley, and family. Mrs. Alex J.-ss of Wlldervllle visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Gentner, a few days last week, re turning home Sunday. Miss Iva 13. McArthur of Grants Pass began teaching her second term of school at Laurel Grove this Mon day morning. The people of Laurel Grove are to be congratulated on se curing the services of Miss Mc Arthur, as she Is one of Josephine County's most successful teachers. We learn that our new road boss, Willard Gllmore, has recently pur chased a ! 400 team of mules. Guess all the girls will want to go riding with Willard now. Murphy School is progressing nicely under the management of Miss Westover. She seems to be the right person in the right place, and the pupils seem to vie with one another In their efforts to learn. Af ter all Is said and done, It's all In knowing how to teach. Word reached us a few days since to the effect that Ira Daniels, for merly of this place, had been ac cidentally killed at Bandon, Ore., while working at a sawmill at that place. Mr. Daniels was a son of D. W. Daniels, formerly of Murphy but now a resident of Butte Creek, Ore. Mr. Daniels leaves a wife and one child to mourn his untimely death. A telegram was received by Mrs. J. M. Mulkern Monday morning In forming her of the death of her hus band, which occurred at Phoenix, Ariz., where Mr. Mulkern had gone about two weeks ago for the benefit of his health. The remains will be shipped to Dubuque, Iowa, for inter ment. Mrs. Mulkern departed Mon day evening for Dubuque, expecting to arrive about the time the body of her late husband arrived. Mrs. Mul kern has the warmest sympathy of the entire community In her sad be reavement. BUSTER BROWN. Page rabbit-proof fence is no ex periment. Ask Franklin, at Coron Booth Hardware Co. 2-19-tf W. C. T. U. Mrs. Helen D. Hartford, National W. C. T. If. lecturer and organizer, will spea in the First Baptist Church. Grants Pass, Oregon, Tues day afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, March Ind. She comes to us from the south, where she has been doing a iplendld work In the organization of new unions and Loyal Temperance Legions. Let our women bestir themselves and help to make this visit of Mrs. Harford one of lasting good to the causo we represent. Owing to Blckness in the home of the president, and the special meet ing of the W. It. C. Inst Friday af ternoon, the W. C. T. U. did not meet. On March Bth the Frances Willard thank-offering day and the union signal subscription day will bo combined, and we hope for a full at tendance and a generous and rendv response for the thank-offering and a score or more subscriptions to the Union Signal. Let us, dear sisters, rally around the standard and do something worth while. Mrs. McFarland has charge of the Union Signal work, and we expect good things along this line. The L. T. L. held Its anniversary last Friday with about thirty-five In attendance. A good program waa given and rcfreshmenta served at the dose. Thla little band of children are having meetings full of Interest and Instruction. Mra. Foster Is glv. Ing a 15 minute drill each meetlne. This Is only one of the many pleas ing features Introduced In the L. T. u work. u It Is a difficult role, ana so mum GAL FIVE 123456123406b greater will be the honor If you per ls form it well." "Trust to the good sense or me American people." "Though much provoked, let us do nothing through passion and 111 temper." "The occasion Is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise to the oc casion." "I bring a heart true to the work." "With firmness In the right, as God gives us to see the right." "This government Is expressly charged with the duty of providing for the general welfare." "The purposes of the Lord are per fect and must prevail." "We are not bound to follow Im plicitly in whatever our fathers did. To do so would be to reject all pro gress, all improvement." "Intemperance is one of the great est, If not the greatest, of all evils among mankind." "Understanding the Bpirlt of our institutions to aim at the elevation of men, I am opposed to whatever tends to degrade them." "The probability that we may fall In tha Btruggle ought not to deter us from the support of a cause which we deem to be Just." "Important principles may and must be Inflexible." "Revolutionize through the ballot box." "Never fear, victory will come." "Let the people know the truth, and the country Is safe." "I am nothing, but truth is every thing." "If It must be that I go down, let me go down linked to truth." "With public sentiment, nothing can fall; without It, nothing can succeed." "I have been driven many times to my knees by the overwhelming con viction that I had nowhere else to go." "Stand with anybody who stands right and part with him when he goes wrong." "I feel that I cannot succeed with out the divine blessing, and on the Almighty Being, I place my reliance for support." "For thirty years I have been a temperance man, and I am too old to change." !n3 "r"f im. Thousands of millions of cans of Royal Baking Powder have been user in making bread, biscuit and cake in this country, and every housekeeDer using it has rested m perfect confi. rknee that her food would be light sweet, and perfectly wholesome. Royal is a safe guard against the cheap alum powaerswnichare jhe greatest menacers to health of the present day, ROYAL IS THE ONLY BAKING POWDER MADE FROM ROYAL GRAPE CREAM OF TARTAR Remember Mrs. Harford, at First Baptist Church Tuesday afternoon and evening, March 2. jhamberlain's Cough Remedy the Most Popular Because it la the Beat. "I have Bold C'liniiiberlnin's Cough Rem ly fur the pat eight years and find it to be me of the bexl selling medicines on the mar n't. For bullies and voting children there nothing I'ctter in tlie'line of cough syrups," ny.s I'iiiiI Allen, Plnin Valine, I-a. 'Ibis wnedy ti it only curm llie coughs, colds and rmiii s"' common among yoiinjr children, but s i.'. is:rit r..r tIcii to dike. For :.MivM. FAIR EXCHANGE New Hack for nn old one.. How it can he done in Grants Pass MISERY IN STOMACH IS ENDED FOREVER Tells Readers How to Relievo Indl gestion In Five Minutes. These L. T. L.'s are the eonilnit men who wilt make for righteous ness. were chosen- lllancliaid; Vice IIY For health and happloaD Witt's Little Early Rtsere pUanwrt little liver pi lis, tha beat made. Bold ly FaMn'a dniR store. SolldttT Hamilton, ' Hi'oltr.tajer, , Vl.itiis and ivii,.. " i'1' lAivuthe I . . 1 1 lit i nut n . t 'IM11 .n shown r0Uf1htM" "' U..K and at the mo enure sum ra t, ....i, i , '"' "."s!y ordered ' ' trie iltai i ej f T mem s;V ordered lus Commercial At this time while wo are think. Ing of und commemorating our Im mortal Lincoln, these brilliant, from hi- ....1,11. .... i.iii.iir utterances are ntinronruto nu are giren below; "Let us have the faith that right "'"M might, and In that faith, let . to the end. dare to do our duty we understand It." t ... ... -i none m.r who thinks he Is right and we may succeed." "This nation cannot live on Injus tice." "I trust shall be willing to do niv d'lty. though It costs my fe." "- our ease is new, 80 we must miuK anew." "I shall do less whenever 1 be-U'-vo what I am doing hurts the catno; and I shall do more when ever I believe doing more helps the cause " Why not start now today and forever rid yourself of Stomach trouble And Indigestion? A dieted aiomaca gets the blues and erum bles. Give It a good eat, then take Pape"g Dlapepsln to start the dines. uve juices working. There will be no dyspepsia or belching of Gaa or eructationa of undigested food, no feeling like a lump of lead in the stomach or heartburn, alck headache ana dizziness, and your food will not lerment and poison your breath wun nauseous odors. i apes Dianensln costs oniv Kn . a . i w tenia tor a large caae at any drug store here, and will relieve the most ouaunaie case or Indigestion and nei oromacn in nve mlnutea. mere la nothing else better to take Gaa from Stomach and cleanse the itomach and Intestines, and be- iu-, one iriangule will digest and prepare for asslmulation ntn blood all your food the same aa a ucl,llfl' aioraacn would do It. tthen Diapepaln works, your itomach rests reta Itn.if i cleana up and then you feel like eating when yon com tn .m - uu win ao you good. Abaolute relief from all itomach miaery la waiting for vou a. juu ueciae 10 let n taV In. ni., aln.becauaeyou want to be thorough ly cured of Indlgeetlon. We da A Common Cold. i thai If AubikU,. u . u i . i a m rx wila, dinhtharia and m,U ? "t iWrvM aad fatal duJL . ld layan 1 dmlepaaaat ,f ' , UT "''TJ1'1 "U otaarVu fl, l .nt. n.ara la littU daarr, ike lamharlaiari (y, IUimt I, "laaaa at.t tl, wUlrt f iii''T ' ,'" I f ' "v lhaiia why this rvamlv W i n ""I'HyaiwmW . 4 .,.aiwlwu ri.n of'-.trJ, Take DeWltt'a itMn In and antlaentl. p0.,.t.. .... h,nV. kl'i .. "" OVC. .vn.,vur, rifummic pams and " V oiaauer troubles, Sold by Sahln1! drug 8ttirei KodoHor lnnsett!oa alt Sooth- The back aches at all times with a dull, Indescribable feeling, making you weary and restless; piercing pains shoot across the region of the kidneys and again the loins are so lame to stoop is agony. No use to rub or apply a plaster to the back In this condition. You cannot reach the cause. Exchange the bad back for a new and stronger one. Granta Pass residents would do well to pro fit by the fallowing example: Mrs. Fred Paquette, 1103 Douglas St., Roseburg, Ore., says: "I used to live in Charlevois, Mlchv and many of my friends there had used Doan's Kidney Pills and praised the remedy highly. When I began to notice a disorder of my kidneys and rheuma tic attacks which were quite severe, I started taking Doan's Kidney Pills and they gradually banished the trouble. After I came here a simi lar spell attacked roe and I at once got a supply of Doan's Kideny Pills. They went right to the seat of the trouble and soon removed it. I would not be without this remedy for anything." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New York, solo agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Application for Grazing PenJ Notice Is hereby given that plications for permits to put J tie, horses, and sheep within thea KIYOU NATIONAL FOREST li the season of 1909, must belle my office at Grants Pass, Oregon, or before March 15, 1909. Puj formation In regard to the pit; fees to he charged, and blank w to be used in making annllrinw V be furnished upon request It ANDERSON, Supervisor. Kannedy'a Laxative Court t tastea nearly as good aa maple aj It enrea the aold by gently agA tha bowels and at tha aama Until aoothlng for throat lrrtUUaa, aW by atoppiag tha eaugh, SoUkfli! bin's drug store. (OREGON Near Bottling Woriu All kind of repairing done. Best goods nd lowest pricet Don't forget the plate. i iiStudebaRerWagom 1 A CAR LOAD OF Just received The best ia the cheapest in the long run. Get the best The Studebaker COME AND SEE US Jewell Hardware Co. GRANTS PA88, OREGON. R- ! HI! I ili.t I I I I I a i a i . . . i r """ II I I I I I I I I I I I M I I I I 1 " 3 3aig.E?ii trees;: trees buy you tubes fkom m m ii aar-at- - -.ww nun auwi Old Reliable Albany Nurseries' ad Iyo are tore of tettinc just what you order. We row our trees for quality not cheap prices. GEO. H. PARKER, . Agent Office with J. K. PETERSON E-IUI-SA-Thc Only Lawful Pile Cure. Because E-RU-SA Ctinrs pit tra . . -iia mercury, cocaine lwi n7.,. ' UKJILa WOT contain mend. V err lot-'JStf-e" J'ii0"00' d-. V. 8. Dispensatory pSawsSgriMg Join s. Only drueelata nf . JU'SA Is not for sale at o?. National DriB ?"Rl w ' -v"- lrtl"u a urug storeB, Grarts rass, ure. i