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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1909)
WHAT. FEBRUARY 20, 1009. THE ROGUE RIVER COURIER. PAGE FIVE Quality is the point that counts in the value of rubber goods. You havejprobably had per sonal experience which has taught you the truth of this statement. Nothirjg is more annoying than to pay a good price for a fountain syringe only to have it crack and become useless in a short time. Our foun tain syringes are of the best quality rubber and we will replace any that do not give satisfaction. Sabin 75he Druf jlst 'uunt, weigh and measure everything you huy American Grocer. The iWhite House Grocery frills Who is using CHASE & SANBORN'S CELEBRATED COFFEES As to how they like it. They will tell you it is always uniform in qual ity and the finest flavor. Of course, you can get along with out it, so can ai wagon get along without grease but it goes hard. We have it in several grades rang ing in price from 20c, 25c, 30c and 40c per pound. Choicest Koiled Ham for that quick meal nice, thin, regular slices. We Do It With Our New Slicing Machine Can give you . Breakfast Bacon sliced while you wait Sauerkraut, good Kind Per quart, 10 cents. Uf)e White House Grocery mm 1'EIWOXAL ITEMS mm R. M. Robinson, the fruit grower and farmer of the Applegate, was in town Thursday. Miss Bessie McColm of New Hope spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents in this city. Mrs. C. H. Sampson went to Port land Monday and then to Seaside, where she will spend a couple of months with her sister. If you want a good piano cheap, come to the Courier office and find out about it. Miss Jessie Scovllle spent Sunday and Monday here visiting her pa rents. Miss Scovill is teaching in the Canyonville School. Wm. M. Holmes and wlfa nf Ash. land have both been here several days under the care of Dr. Findley, receiving treatment for their eyes. Miss Oro Willson came in from Provolt Friday, where she is teach ing school, to spend Saturday and Sunday at home, returning Monday. Geo. O'Brlan leaves next week for Portland, where he will reside. Mr. O'Brlan was instructor in drawing la the Grants Pass schools for two years previous to this session. W. A. Fuller of the Best Fuller Company left last Saturday for New York City and other points on the Atlantic coast. He will be away a month or six weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jantzer, for mer residents of this city but now of Booth, Douglas County, were In town Tuesday of this week on business. Mr. Jantzer is engaged in mining in that section. E. E. Eastwood, a member of the Peerless Clothing Co., left Monday for Lewlston, Idaho, to take a posi tion In the Lewlston Trust Co.'s bank for six months. He will then return to Grants Pass and take an active part in the management of the store. Mrs. Jennie Hlgglns of Eugene, state president of the W. R. C, was in Grants Pass Friday to inspect the General Logan Corps, No. 25, of this place. A reception was tendered the president at the G. A. R. hall Friday evening, which was well attended by the corps ladles. Miss Carrie Lindholm, who pur chased the J. T. Morrison fruit farm north of town, arrived in the city Thursday and will make her home on the ranch. Miss Lindholm Is a graduated nurse and a very estima ble lady and will be welcomed to Prant.s Pass. YOU can get the best fence made the "American" for only BO cents ner rod, at Hair-Riddle Hardware Co. G. F. Butler of Ashland has been In Grants Pass this week under Dr Findley's care. He has been greatly benefitted by the treatments received. Mr. "Butler has been putting in his Bpare time working for HUlah Tem ple, which will hold a ceremonial ses slon at Ashland April 24. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Miller and two children spent Tuesday with the A E. Voorhles family. Mr. Miller and Mr. Voorhles are cousins and were former playmates In Michigan, as were also Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Voor hles. Mr. Miller Is general manager of the Washington Portland Cement Co.. whose plant Is at Concrete Wash., and he has spent the pnst three months in the EaBt on private and company business. Rev. T. H. Thuemler returned fmm Portland, where ho 1 11V nuwj - ... - went to attend to the business mat ters of the two German Advcntlst located at Portland and the other at Hubbard. Mr, Thuemler Is now the only German i Advenflsl pastor in Oregon ana ne has mi pension over all the German churches of his denomination in the state and also the English Adventlst church at this place. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. B. Franks have gone to Eureka Springs, Ark. Their stay will be indefinite. Mr3. Alice W Jordan left last Saturday for her old home, Dan ville, Va. She will visit relatives and old friends for some weeks. Not dealing in trashy goods at Dean's on Front street. Senator Norton returned from Salem on the adjournment of the legislature and is again a familiar figure on our streets. During the session the senator did important service, not only in the interest of his own county, but the state at large. R. R. McKinney has been here for the past week representing the Sun set Magazine in preparing a write up of all the various interests of Grants Pass and Josephine County. With him is George W. Weister, of ficial photographr of the Oregon Railroad and Navigation Company, and Southern Pacific Company. He is making photographs of many prominent points in this county both for the magazine and the 50, 000 booklets. H. L. Andrews, the popular ex secretary of the Commercial Club, has fitted up a real estate office in the Masonic Temple, where he will be found by both buyer and seller of fruit lands, ranches and city property. Mr. Andrews is one of the best known men in the county and is justly popular among all classes. He is energetic and reliable and his many friends will wish him success. Remember, Professor Head is now located in Grants Pass and carries 37 makes of pianos, the Chickerlng, Webber and Kimball being the lead ers, which he will sell on $10 per month Installments. The only rest dent piano tuner In the city. Will tune In the city or country. Leave orders at W. J. Gardner's drygoods store. 2-26-3t G. II. Carner has purchased through the Best-Fuller real estate agency the W. I. Dowell farm ot 640 acres, three and one-half miles southwest of this city on the Jerome Prairie road. He has also purchased an additional 300 acres In the same vicinity. Mr. Carner made another inrchase last week of 33 acres on the south side of Rogue River, one and a half miles below the bridge, Architect Chas. D. Lyon has been In the city this week. Jos. Moss sold this week the Jessie Mash 33 acres in Sec. 24, Tp. 36, R. 6 W. to Dr. M. C. Findley, price $4500, cash Mr. Moss also sold the lot on the corner of 6th and streets belonging to L. G. Gillette to J. O. Booth for $3000. This lot was purchased by Mr. Gillette from Mr. Booth a little over a year ago for $2,000 and the fact that the Judge has brought it back indicates that It has increased greatly In value. Judge J. O.' Booth returned from Salem, where he has been for some time looking after the Alaska- Yukon-Paetflc Exposition appropria tion. LOCAL ITEMS Miss Fannie Abrams, who has been at the Commercial Club, has accepted a position with the Churchill Riggs Land Co. One good Hamilton grand upright piano for sale, cheap. Inquire at Courier office. Washington's birthday, February 22, being a legal holiday, the banks, postofflce, public buildings were clos ed, and the business houses part ot the day. Scores of styles of Page fence if you want more styles, ask Franklin, at Coron-Booth Hardware Co. 2-19tf The Ladies Benefit Society of Bethany Church will hold an exhibi tion of curios and Bouvenlrs from Alaska, Porto Rico and Holland, on the afternoon and evening of March 19th. Children's ready-made wear at Dean's. Grants Pass has one representative In the fleet which has juBt been around the world and this is Jason Halloway of the Louisiana. The fleet returned to Fortress Monroe on the 21st, having been on the Journey 14 months. When Halloway returns to Grants Pass he should have a re ceptlon. The history of a certain 40 acres of land a mile below the dam and some distance below the road on the north side of the river, illustrates conditions just now around Grants Pass. Two years ago C. G. Ament bought this forty at $12.50 an acre. Some three weeks ago Ament sold the land to J. G. Rlggs, H. L. Gllky and Tom Fry for $50 an acre, and two weeks after they sold the prop erty at $100 an acre. There Is one man among the workers for Irrigation who Is entitled to much credit for devotion to the cause and that is O. S. Blanchard. He was not only a member of the origin al committee on irrigation but later was elected by the stockholders a di rector. From first to last he has been the attorney of the company, serving without pay and doing at the same time most valuable service. E. S. Jackson came in from Whiskey Creek Tuesday for a few supplies and returned home Wednes day. Mr. Jackson and Lee Emerson are placer mining aooiu iwu muvo from Provolt and have been very suc cessful this season on account of the continuous rains. Saturday they discovered some placer ground on the divide between Whiskey and Brushy creeks that had escaped the notice of the early miners and which showed good values. That country was full of miners along in the '50s, and IfT TO !1 For Easy Gardening and at the same time clean and perfect garden ing, tho kind which will make your gar don the talk of the neighbor hood and cause your face to glow with honest pride, nothing is quite the equal of this Single Wheel Hoe, Cultiva tor and Plow. It is suited to all kinds of garden cultivation and all garden crops. You can do more and better hoeing with it in one day than you can do in three days with a hand hoe. This is but one of 52 PUnet Jr. tools of equal superiority. Call at our store and look into their merits. Price of wheel hoe shown in cut with attachments These and a large line of the best and latest improved farm and garden implements for sale by Cramer Bros. ODD FELLOWS BLOCK. PlanetJr.No.17 BUSINESS POINTERS Dr. Flanagan, Physician and Surgeon. Oliver plows at Cramer Bros. J.E.Peterson.PloneerlnsuranccMan. M.Clemens, Prescription Druggist. Beautiful Btriped ' and border goods at Dean's. Alfred Letcher, Registered Opto metrist and Jeweler in Dixon's old stand, Front St. Eyes tested free. Pngo Fence is erected without ex tra cost aBk J. D. franklin. All trimmed hats at GO per cent discount at Mrs. Waughtal's. Prettiest dress ginghams at Dean's on Front street. We have secured the agency for Nature's Remedy" for Dyspepsia, Constipation and Rheumatism. This Is sold under a guarantee. Our rep esentatlvo will call on you soon and explain the medicine more fully. C. H. Demaray, Druggist. 1-29 tf Parties wishing to dispose of their timber lands located in Josephine County, see Verdln & Conger, ofllce one door Bouth of P. O. 2-26-3t A Gilt Edge Loan. If you want to loan $3500 on real estate near Grants Pass, worth $9000, call on J. E. Hair, Masonic Temple Building. 2-6-tf MclNTYRE At Grants Pass, Ore., Friday, February 19, 1909, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mclntyre, a son. llTRSEY At their homo near Hu go, Oregon, Tuesday, February 2, 1909, to Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hus sey, a daughter. MAURI Kl)i Sfte MAXWELL LAUNER-LEE At the residence of the bride's mother in Grants rass, Sunday. February 21. 1909. L. A. Launer and Miss Hattlc Lee, Rev. Mr. Berry of Portland officiating. Mr. Launer la assistant cashier of the Grants Pass Hanking & Trust Co. of this place, and although his residence here has been comparative ly short ho has made many friends and has gained the confidence of a large circle of business men. The bride, tho ('banning daughter of Mrs. Ilattlo 11. Lee, bus lived In Grants Pass from childhood and has a host of friends. Tho Happy couple went to Portland for a short trip and have returned to take up their residence In this place. id al out 10 MODEL L D l4H.r. Equipped complete with Magneto, Gas Lamps and Generator! Top, Full Set of .Tools, ready for a hundred mile trip. $900 f. o. b. Grants Pass For Catalogue, Full Specifications and Further Particulars., call ou or address . B. OLDING, Grants Pas Unit VMnW Hah'n. Tin' following sales of real estate were made during tho pnst week by Churclilll-lllKKH Land Company: Twelve acres on North Tenth Ktrort to W. T. nurKKtrcFHor: consid eration $2500.00. Forty acres on Jones creek to Ed wnrd S. Van Dyke and L. A. New- !ton; consideration $4000.00. ! Ten acrcB Just east of the city I limits, to local parties; considera tion $1200.00. Forty acres in Frultdalo district to local parties; consideration $2000.00. Five acres on East Iowa street to Wm. 8. Green of Los Angeles, Cal.i consideration $3500.00. Ore DON'T fall to ee the tool display In the Hftlr-Rlddlo Hardware Co.'i window. Whiskey Creek was a big paying sec tion at that time, but tho miners skipped several patches of ground which have been located on later and are good producers. Rif Coron-Booth Hardware Com pany before you buy your garden tools. 2-20 tC "Good house-keepers don't buy ground coffee," says Mrs. Brown "It loses Its strength Is not near as good ns Folger's Golden Gate wholo roast, ground just before using. YOU can get the beBt fence made the "American" for only 50 cents ner rod. at Hair-Riddle Hardware Co. Last Thursday evening was the mini 1 rt t tilPl tlnir nf the council, at which time tho mayor's veto on the telephone franchise was to come up Owing to the fact that there was not a quorum present there was no meeting. Councilman Cheshire was In Portland, Councilman Cronk was lintr tho council meeting at nn luting - - Medford and Councllmen Fetsch am: Ilurkhalter could not be found, tiif.ti .li thf niarfthall was Bent to trv to find them. As a result th ...1... .V... trctnrifl exact reasons wny ui- mnjui the measure will have to awult th next meeting of the council, which ,-. n week from tomorrow nlcht. L. A. Newton, speclnl agent or the Pacific TH. & Tel. Co., informs the Courier that the first shipment of material for use In the Installation of the now central energy plant ar rived today, and he expects that within the following week a force of men will be on the ground to start work on the outside construction, which will mean a thorough over hauling and rebuilding of the entlro plant. The company's plans are to have the plant completed and In operntlon by July 31, and judging from the amount of material uem assembled, there Is no question but that the promises of the company will bo fuinilod. In addition to the rebuilding of the outside plant a competent force of men will bo in the field rewiring all tho bouses 10 conform to tho central energy sys tem and the new telephones to bo InsMlled. Grants Tans has a population of a little over ,000. How near will It come to doubling In the next twelve months? Clairvoyant. Mable Clare Wilson, clairvoyant Readings dally and circles by ap pointment. 609 L street. 2-19-U See Verdln & Conger for bargains In largo and small tracts or fruit land. Otflce one door Bouth of P. O. 2-26-3t DON'T buy a spray pump until you have looked over our line and re ceived our prices. Halr-Rlddla Hardware Co. Get Busy L. G. Gillette, formerly of this city, now residing In Portland, ar rived In Grants Pass Wednesday on a visit to relatives here. Ho was much enthused over the future of this city and Burroundlng country. The Irrigation being secured at last will undoubtedly," he said, "maKe one of tho foremost sections of country in the Northwest." l'rom the smile that Mr. Gillette has on his face, we do not hesltato to say that there Is no doubt that ho would like to be In Grants Pass once more. AMERICAN FENCE turns cattle, horses, hogs, pigs and rabbits. Every rod is guaranteed to bo per fect. Sold only by Ilalr-Rlddle Hardware Co. n Ttimnim the orchard man of the valley below town, was In Grants Pass Thursday and reports good ir rigation news from his section. Mr. Thomas has been one of the strong men of tho Inlgutlon company and from the very first has been en thusiastic on tho subject. We furnish men and tools and assist in tho erection of every rod of Page fence at selling price. Asu Franklin, at Coron-Booth Hardware Co. 2-10-t! Page loop-top stock fence. See Franklin, at Coron-Booth Hardware 25c 25c Co. 2-19-tf and get your orders in early as it i3 surprising how our canned goods aro moving. 3 cans sampsonu canned plums 2 cans extra standard corn and Tomatoes Something a 'ittle better iu perfer- ed btock Corn. Peas, and rn Tomatoes 20c; 3 for uUC Catsup, per pint. . . 15c and so many other good things that space and time will not permit any further grgument. A trial order will conviuco you. GIBSON GROCERY CO. Front St. oppo. Dpot H M O 1 Clearance saie A. U. IIANNAKD having invoiced, (lis- . covi'ivs ho has too ninny goods, and will, during I'ehrimry hold special reduction . SAIili to reduce stock and clean up odd , prices on Furniture, Citrpets, Rugs, Lin oleum, Bedding and a great variety of lines. No uso to nmko prices here, come and see goods and prices. A small lot of bettor class Wall Vapor worth 50o and GUo at 20c per roll. You will lose money if you pass this by. A.U. BANNARD NORTH SIXTH STRIiBT GRANTS PASS. ORB. N. II. A largo lino of Collapsible Baby Carriages just came in.