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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1909)
LpAY. FEBRUARY 2fl, 1009. I) Draws for Pftriflo Northwart Boll sad Climate. KowoDlUplarftlllttdMlra. AakforCat L.. If Your Deli-hhorhood. writ - Al-w mttA -111 na pat-Vet of Ho war aed f r tor row troobla agazine IF YOU'VE GOT i little more money than you need for every-day uses, that's liable to find its way to Wall Street some time "for goodness' sake" in vest 1 5 cents of it in the March EVERYBODY'S and find out how much chance you've got in "the big fellows' game." Your 1 5 cents will pay you back n $. For Sale by Sabln Clemens National Demaray , Drug Stores ALCOHOL OPIUM-TOBACCO Habits Poaltlrolr Cured. Only suthon ted Kaelov In atltute in Orrwoo. Write lor UJuatratMv circular. KKUT iMSTtTUTI, 71 L 1 1 TH H. BUSINESS COLLEGE WaaMIWOTOM MO TwMTM mtwam. oaaoon i d JIM "-"-'-'- 1 1,4 MJLot4 Ha. Jmtm t timtun N. E. McGREW, PIONEER TRUCK and DELIVERY Furniture and Piano Moving GRANTS PASS, untUUN. VALUABLE INFORMATION for the Buyers, of SEWING MACHINES QUALITIES TO CONSIDER IN MA KINO A PURCHASE. Dot It run ajy. Do It look good. Do It make a good tltch. Do It aw f&at. I tt wll mad. Is It ca7 io operate. Is It alaapU In construction. Com too manufacturer put his nam on It. THE FREE sewing machine recently placed on the market by the Free Sewing Machine Co. combines the best qualities (A all other machines. It is ti-.e latest, best and most com eteacbisvrmentinbuilding f a eein ; machine. Com pr i: wich all other ma ' ncj in anything in which i y cl u:n to excr1 and you .1 find easily : : best. TRIE SEWING MACHINE CO. CHICAGO, ILL. BKE N. I I 111(1 Wsw J7 Si n t,A i OIUAICATIONS The Grange at Knappa. The Knappa Grange of P. of H held an open meeting on the even ing of February 13th. The meeting was called to order by the worthy master, W. E. Joplin, he making a lew timely remarks and turned the program over to the lecturer, Mrs J Ryckman. Following is the pro gram. Song. "Marching Through Geor gia." Prayer by Rev. Fergeson. Roll call. Quotations and sayings of Lincoln. Reading, "Early Life of Lincoln," Chaplain J. G. Ryckman. Address on Lincoln, by the rnas I ter, W. E. Joplin. Song, "Tenting on the Old Camp uround, by chorus. Reading, "Lincoln at Gettysburg," by Mrs. W. E. Joplin. Reading, "Life of Lincoln," Em ma Anderson. Song, "Sherman's March to the Sea," by chorus. Reading, "Sketch of Abraham Lincoln's Life," Mrs. W. D. Hussey. Song, "Oregon's Emblem Flower," by chorus. Address of sixty minutes by Rev. G. G. Fergeson, who was one of Gen. Phil Sheridan's cavalrymen of Co. H, 2nd Minnesota, and was an acquaint ance of Abraham Lincoln's. He told of his life from early boyhood until his untimely death. Song, "Star Spangled Banner," by chorus. The hall was nicely decorated with flags, laurel, cedar and several pictures of the honored statesman. MRS. W. D. HUSSY, Sec'y Knappa Grange, No. 382. HOME CURE FOR ECZEMA Oil of Wlntergreen, Thymol, GIycer ine Etc., Used as a Simple Wash It really seems strange that so many people suffer in and year out with eczema when it is now no lon ger a secret that oil of wlntergreen, mixed with thymol, glycerine etc., makes a wash that is bound to cure. Old, obstinate cases it 1b true, can not be cured in a few days, but there Is absolutely no sufferer from ecze ma who ever used this simple wash and did not find immediately that wonderfully soothing, calm, cool sensation that comes when the Itch is taken away. Instantly upon ap plying a few drops of the wash the remedy takes effect, the itch is al layed. There is no need of experi ment the patient knows at once. Instead of trying to compound tne oil of wlntergreen, thymol, glycerine etc., in the right proportions our selves, we are using a prescription which is universally found the most effective. It is known as the D. D. D. Prescription, or Oil of Wlnter green Compound. It Is made by the D. D. D. Co. of Chicago, and our lone exDerlence with this remedy has given us great confidence in Its merits. M. Clemens, Druggist. 1-29-31 Placer blanks at the Courier. 4Jk To Furn'sh House or Barn. New or Second Hand All kinds of Stoves to select from Heaters and Cook Stoves, new and second hand. Now Is the Time to Boy DAVIS I Grants Pass, Ore TBS ROGTJE RIVER COURIER. ' Wireless Telephone for Valler. W. T. Perry has taken the Jose phine County agency for the United States Wireless Telegraph Co., of which company A. W. Sllsby, for merly of Grants Pass, is general fis cal agent for Southern Oregon, with headquarters at Ashland. Mr. Perry slates that on Tuesday an order was Placed for a wireless telephone sys tem connecting Grants Pass, Med ford and Ashland, and he feels con fident that the system will be in stalled within the next two months. Home Grown Tokay Grape Vines. About 40,000 first-class Tokay grape vines are now on sale by Earl V. Ingles. These are vines that have been rooted from the car load of cut tings shipped in by V. B. Sherman last spring. They are exceptionally good roots, being grown with a lim ited amount of water. The advant ages of planting home grown vines are great. They are thoroughly ac climated, grown on red granite land and can be delivered at any time. They will be dug whenever the buyer wants them and need be out of the ground only a few hours. Any good fruit grower will appreciate the value of going to the nursery rows and getting stock that is fresh. Those anting these choice vines can now contract with me for delivery at any os. EARL V. INGLES, -22-tf Conklin Building. Las Bhomlder. Tab is a ona.on form of anumiUr rkan. matins. No intei-ntl truatmsnt It nded. Apply CVamtwrlgin's Liniment freely tbre a any nrvlu quick rur u eoruim. Tbw mn Ms irov .... , . ..ii,,la f,v lMl!....J ; MI-O-NA. Relieves Stomach Misery Almost immediately. If the food you ate at your last meal did not digest, but laid for a long time like lead on your stomach. then you have indigestion and muBt act quickly. Of course there are many other symptoms of indigestion, such as belching up of sour food, heartburn, dizziness, shortness of breath and if you have any of them, your stom ach is out of order and should be corrected. Ml-o-na tablets have cured thous ands of cases of indigestion and stomach trouble. If you have any stomach distress, Ml-o-na will relieve Instantly. But Mi-o-na unlike most so-called dyspepsia remedies, does more than relieve; it permanently cures dys pepsia or any stomach trouble by putting energy and strength Into the walls of the stomach. A large box of Ml-o-na tablets costs but 50 cents at Demaray's and are guaranteed to cure or money back. When others fail, Ml-o-na cures. It is a producer of flesh when the body is thin; it cleanses the stomach and bowels; purifies the blood and makes rich red blood. lUl (pmOM&HKM-O-ME) CURES CATARRH. ASTHMA. Bronchitis, Croup, Coughs and Colds, or money back. Sold and (ruatanteed by Good for cuts, burns, brulHPS nml "catches, but especially recommt'nd 1 for piles DpWIU'h Cnrtmllml Witch Hazel Salve. Sold by Sabln'n 1rus store. Nursing Mothers and Ovcr-burdcncd Women In all ststlons of llfo, whoso vluor and vitality may hav ln undermined nd broken -down by over -work, exacting soelnl duties, the- too frequent Ix-arliiR ol rhlldren, or oilier cuime. will find in Dr., Pierce's Favorito Proscription the most potent, Invigorating restorative strength giver ever devised for tlieir p!clI bene fit. NtiiNlnjrtuothers wflnd It especial ly vahiatln i)y sustaining fcelr strength and prouioilngn atundsnt, nourishment for tlm clilld. yxpVrtantjR'tkfr too will lind It a prlcc'le.sNr(NJi'Sr th6 system fur baby's coming and rrmJlng lbs ordesl comparatively palnleM. J C1C 'lgrno hnr"l 'D 11? V1'' "i condition pflh" femile svMfiil, lie ilea t uTTfTuuTr" f a to women, who suffer from frequent, bark ache, dran?ln(?-don distress low down In the alrflmnen, or from jialnful or Irreg ular monthly periods, gnawing or dis tressed sensation in stomach, ul.ry or faint spoils, si o linnglnary specks or spots Coating before eyes, have dl'iim-euM, pelvic catarrhal drain, prolspus, anto version or retro-version or other displace ments of womaiilv own from weakness of parts will, whether they exerlenre manv or nn lv a few of the above, symp toms, find relief and a permanent cure hy using faithfully n fairly persistently i i li.,rii'a V:ivoriL Prncrlt)t ion. Tl, wor d-iaim-a soecmc lor woman a weaUne,'H and iKTUllar ailments is n pure glyceric extract of the choicest na tive, medicinal roU without t drop of alcohol In Ita nia!e-np. All Its Im-redl-ents printed In plain hngllch on Its bottle wrapper and attested under oaih. Dr. Pierce, thus InvlU-s the fullest InvoHlK lion of his foriiniia knowing that It will be found to contain only the best ents known to the mot advanced medical science of all thn different schools of prac tice for thn rnre of woman's peculiar weaknesses, and aliments. If you want to know more about the composition and profesiPnal pndop-i--metitof thn "Favorite Prescription." send potnl curd request to Dr. It. V. Pierre, Buffalo. N. Y., for Ills fne booklet treats In? of mn , You run't nfTord to nr.'ct ns a u'?l Uite fur this remedy tfhnwi n eiim;HmiH"i a secret iitruiii ' unMmtwn aunt W)ix. lhni't do it. w SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Josephine County. David Ayers, Plaintiff, ) vs. ) S. N. Ayers, Defendant.) To S. N. Ayers, Defendant: In the name of the State of Ore gon, you are hereby commanded to appear in the above entitled Court and cause and answer the com plaint filed against yoa therein, on or before six (6) weeks from the date of the first publication of this Summons, and if you fall so to ap pear, and answer said complaint, you are hereby notified that the Plalutlft will take Judgment against you for the sum of $125.75, together with interest thereon from and after January 1st, 1909, and for costs and disbursements to be taxed and for an order to sell the property attached in this action, more particularly de scribed as follows, to-wit: An undi vided one-fifth interest in and to the of SE of Section Twenty one (21) and the Ntt of the NE of Section 28 (28) all in township 39 (39) south of Range eight (8) west of Willamette Meridian. This summons is published in the Rogue River Courier for the first time, on February 19, 1909, and will continue weekly and be published for the last time on the 2d day of April, 1909, by order of Hon. Stephen Jewell, County Judge of Josephine County, Oregon. O. S. BLANCHARD, Attorney for Plaintiff. GUARDIAN'S NOTICE TO SELL. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Josephine County. In the matter of the Es-) tate and guardianship) of Harvey Sparlin, heir) of Lewis Hayes estate. ) Pursuant to an order issued out of the county court of Josephine Count, Oregon, bearing date of February 13th, 1909, by Stephen Jewell, Judge, I will sell at private sale to the highest and best bidder for cash, the undivided Interest of Harvey Sparlin, a minor heir, in the following described real estate, to wit: The WV4 of the SE; the SEU SV4; and the NW4 NEK of Sec. 18 in Tp. 37 S of Range 5 west of W. M. containing 160 acres, more or less, Josephine County, Oregon. The other undivided parcel of land described aforesaid being now owned by W. L. & I. E. Hayes, residing on said premises. The sale will be made on said premises on the 20th day of March, 1909, at the hour of 10 o'clock on said day, or as soon thereafter as possible. Said sale to be made sub ject to confirmation of the court. This notice of sale is published four weeks (5 issues) in the Rogue River Courier of Grants Pass, Ore gon, the ' first notice commencing February 19, 1909, the last notice Maroh 19, 1909. Dated this 13th day of February, 1909. FRANK M. HAYES. Guardian of Harvey Sparlin, a minor ' By II. B. Hendricks, his Attorney. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office. Roseburg, Ore., Feb. 10, 1909. Notice is hereby given that ROBERT C. FICKLE of Dryden, Oregon, who on May 13, 1903, made Homestead Entry, No. 12754 S. R. 03496 for NE4 of NWVi; Ntf of NEVa, Section 8, Township 38 S, R 7 W, W. M. has filed notice of intention to make Final five year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Joseph Moss. U. 8. Commis sioner, at Grants Pass, Oregon, on ' 1 at. rtsiy of April, 1909. Cliiltiiniit names as witnesses: Robert Tolln, of Dryden, Oregon; William Mitsten of Dryden, Oregon; rthiir Daniels of Dryden, Oregon; George Wall on, of Dryden, Oregon. BENJAMIN L. EDDY, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Oillce Roseburg. Ore., Nov. 21, 1908. Notice Is hereby given that GEORGE M. STAPLrJS of Turner, Oregon, who on Novem ber 21, 1908, made Timber Applica tion No. 02409 for 6 NW4 and WV4 SWK, Section 8, Township 39 South, Range 8 West, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of inten tion to make Final Proof, to estab lish claim to the land above de scribed, before Register and Reclver at Roseburg, Oregon, on the 8th day of April 1909. Claimant names as witnesses: Georg. W. Kearns, of Grants Pass, Oregon, George H. Altken, of Grants Phw, Oregon, George W. Hunsaker, of Turner, Oregon, Henry W. Smith of Turner, Oregon. BENJAMIN L. EDDY, Register. NOTICE OK SCHOOL INDEMNITY HKLKCTIOX. United States Land Office, Roseburg, Ore., Feb. 20, 1909. Notice Is hereby given that the State of Oregon, on February 19, 1909, applied fur the NV4 NWV, of Sec, 20. Tp 39 S, It 8 W. of W. M., and filed In this office a list of whool Indemnity selections In which It. se lected said land; and thnt said llHt. Is open to the public for Inspection. Any and all persons claiming ad versely the above described land or any legal subdivision thereof, or clu'lmlng the same under the mining laws, or desiring to show said land to be more valuable for mineral than I for agricultural purposes, or to ott Meet to mtld selection for liny lawful reason, should file their claims or their affidavit- f protest or contest In this office. I hereby designate the Rogue I River Courier, published at Grants jl'n'. Oregon, as On1 newspaper In which the above notice U to be pub ' llshed. i BENJAMIN L. EDDY, H'T.lal' T. MINERAL APPLICATION NO. 6154 United State Land Office Roeebnrs. Or., Jan. II, 1901, Notic is hereby riven that pur suant to Chanter VI of th Title 31 of th Revised Statues of the United States, the undersigned, W. P. Wright, wnos post omce address Is Grants Pass, Oregon, and who holds legal authority through a power of attor ney given October 4th, 1907, by the Gold King Mining Company, duly lgned by the president and secretary anu under seal of said Company, em powering tne said W. P. Wright to proceed and obtain for said corpo ration a patent rrom the Untted States for th Claim of the Gold King Mining Company, known as the Gold King, situated in Section 1, 2. i& ana 36, Townsnrp 38 and St South, Range 9 West of the Will amette Meridian, situated In th Kerby Mining District In Josephine County, Oregon. In pursuant to said authority Is about to make ap plication to tbe United States tor patent for said Gold King Group of Mining Claims herein described by metes and bounds and fully appear ing in the official plat thereof here with posted and the field notes now filed herewith in the office of the Register of the District of lands subject to sale at Roseburg, Oregon, which field notes of survey of said Quartz Claims described tho bounds and extent of said Group on the sur face with the Magnetic Variations of 21 degrees East. The said Gold King Group consisting of three claims as follows: Gold King: South Extension of the Gold King and North Extension of the Gold King, the same being mineral survey No. 702. Gold King Quarts Claim. Beginning at Corner No. 1 of the amended location and identical with corner No. 2 of the North Ex tension of the Gold King, thnco S. 82 degrees, W on line 2 at 1500 feet to corner No. 2, Identical with Cor ner No. 2 of the amended location and with corner No. 1 of the South Extension of the Gold King of this survey, thence N. 47V4 dK. W. Var. 21 deg. E on line 2 & 3, 600 feet to corner No. 3 Identical with corner No. 3 of th amended location and with cerner No. 4 of the South Ex tension of the Gold King, thence N. (2 deg. E. on line 3 ft 4, 1500 feet to corner No. 4, Identical with cor ner No. 4 of the amended location and corner No. of the North Ex tension of the Gold King, thence S. 47 ft deg. E. on line 4 ft 1, 600 feet to corner No. 1 and place of be ginning. South Extension of the (told King. Beginning at corner No. 1 Identi cal with corner No. 1 of th amend ed location and with corner No. 2 of the Gold King, previously described, thence 8 39 dsg. W. Var. 21 deg. E. on line 1 ft2, 1475 feet to corner No. 2, Identical with corner No. 2 of the amended location, thence N. 47 deg. W. on line 2 ft 3, 600 feet to eorner No. 3, identical with corner No. 8, of th amended location, thence N. deg. E. on line 3 ft 4, 147o feet to corner No. 4 of the amended location and with corner No. 3 of th Gold King, previously described, thence S. 47 Vs deg. E. on line 4 and 1, 6v.. feet to corner No. I and place of beginning. North KxUttsio of ttve Gold King. Beginning at corner No. 1, Identi cal with corner No. 1 of location, thence S. 27 deg. bO mln. W, Var. II deg. E. on line 1 ft 2, 1450 feet to corner No. 2, of the location and with the corner No. 1 of the Gold King previously described of this survey, thence N. 47 tt deg. W. on line 2 ft 3, 600 feet to corner No. 3, Identlral with corner No. 3 of the location and with corner No. 4 of the Gold King previously described, thence N. 27 deg. t0 mln. E. on line 3 & 4, 1450 feet to corner No. 4, Identical with the corner No. 4, of the location, thence S. 47 tt deg. E. on line 4 and 1, 000 feet to corner No. 1 the place of beginning. The said group of mining claims being of record In the office of the County Clerk of Josephine County, State of Oregon, and the presumed general course of direction of the said Gold Vein lode or mineral de posit being shown upon the plat posted herewith as near as can be determined from present develop ments, these claims being for 4425 linear feet thereof, together with the surface ground shown upon the offl Ical plat posted herewith, the said vein, lode and mining premises, hereby sought to be patented, being bounded on the south by the ground claimed by W. D. George. Any and all persoss claiming ad versely the mining ground, vein, lodo premises or any portion thereof so described, surveyed, platted and ap plied for are hereby notified that un less their adverse claims are duly filed as according to law and the reg gulatlons thereunder within sixty days from the date hereof with the Register of the United States Land Office at Roseburg, luglas county, Oregon, they will be barred In virtue of th provisions of said statute. BENJAMIN L. EDDY, Reglstej-. NOT ICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. U. 8. Land Office. Roseburg. Ore., Nov. 21, 1908. Notice Is hereby given that GEORGE W. HUNSAKER of Turner, Oregon, who on Novem ber 21, 1908, made Timber Applica tion, No. 02408 for 8V4 HICK ft Stt SW, Section 18, Township 39 South. Range 8 West, Wlllametto Meridian, has filed notice of Inten tion to make Final Proof to estab lish claim to the lunil above describ ed before Register and Receiver at Roseburg, Oregon, on the 8th (lay of April, 1909. I Claimant names as witnesses: i Oorge W. Kenrns, of Grants Pass, .Oregon, Oorge H.Alt ken, of Grunts .Pass, Oregon, George M. maples, or .Turner, Oregon, Henry W. Smith, of Turner, Oregon. BENJAMIN L. EDDY, I Register. PAGB SEVEN NOTIC1 FOR PUBLICATION. Department of th Interior, U. 8. Land Offlc at Roseburg, Ores-ion. Sept. 8, 1108. :oiR u hereby given that FRANK FROMM, of (14 Shrlaan St., Spokane, Wash, who. on Btmbr I, IMS, mad 8 worn Statement No. 11174, (or BWK NWK. Wtt SWK and SB SWK See. 14 Tp. 14 8., R. 7 West. Willamette Meridian, and has filed notice of Intention to make final proof to establish claim to the land above described, before Register and Receiver at Roseburg, Oregon, on the 14th day of February, 1109. Claimant names as witnesses: Almon Lawler, of Leland, Oregon. Frank Lawler, of Leland, Oregon. John Pesner, of Heron, Montana, Louis Eades, of Merlin, Oregon. BENJAMIN L. EDDY. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. U. 8. Land Office. Roseburg, Oregon, Dec. 18. 1908. Notice is hereby given that WILLIS D. PALMER of 574 Nehalem Ave., Portland, Ore., who on April 11, 1908, made Tlmbei and Stone Application, No. 10006 (02788) for Ntt of SE4. SWK of SEK and SEK of SWK. Section 14, township 39 South, Range 8 West, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the Register and Receiver of this office, at Rose burg. Oregon, on the 11th day of March, 1909. Claimant name as witnesses: Harry Silver of Ashland, Ore., James 8. Bailey, of Ashland, Oregon, Ira A. Martin, of Holland, Oregon, Charles Turner, of Holland, Oregon., BENJAMIN L. KDDY, Register. Notice of Forfeiture of Interest In Mining Claims. To H. Beaudreau, Co-Owner: You are hereby notified that the undersigned, D. Drake and A. L. Drake, Co-Owners with you in tho following dcscrlbod Mining Claims, situate in the county of Josephine, State of Oregon, to-wit: Th Sun ny Sid Mln notice of which Is re corded In Book 15 Page 552 Silver Klug Mines, notice of location of which is recorded In Book 16, Page 551, each and all reference being made to th miscellaneous Mining Records of Josephine Co., Oregon, have expended npon said mining claims as tho annual assess ment work tor the year 1908, the aggregate sum of Two Hundred Dol lar U200.00) as required by law, and you are hereby notified that un less you pay unto th undersigned your portlonate share of said aura for said annual labor so performed on or before Ninety days from the date of service of this notice then all your right, title and Interest In and to said Mining Claims will become the property of your Co-Owners un der the provisions of Section 2324 of the revised statutes of the United States, In case this notice be served by publication thereof and your said proportionate share of said sum has not been paid on or before Ninety days from the last publication of this notice. Tnen In that event your said Interest In said property will become vested In and forfeited to the undersigned. Date of first publication, Janu ary 15, 1169. Date of last publication, March 19, 1909. D. DRAKE. A. L. DRAKE. Co-Owners. Executor's Sule of Reul EstaU). Notlco Is hereby given that pur suant to an order of the Honorable Stephen A. Jewell, County Judge for Josephine County, Oregon, made and entered on tho 30th day of January, A. D. 1909, In the matter of tho estate of Nancy Brown, de ceased, directing tho sale of tho real property hereinafter described and providing and specifying the terms and conditions thereof: Thnt I, the undersigned executor of the last will and of the estate of Nancy Brown, deceased, will after the 6th day of March, 1909, sell at prlvato sale to the highest and best bidder for terms cash in hand or for one half cash, and the balance on time not exceeding "I months, with first mortgage, bearing Interest at 8 per annum, all right, title and Interest of said estate in and to tho follow ing described premises, to-wlt: All of Lot Two, block "V," Riverside Addition to the Town of Grant Pubs', Josephine County, Oregon, a the Buine appears upon the plat now on file with the county clerk of Jose phine County, Oregon; subject to confirmation by the Court. J. C. HANDLE, Executor. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned, Mlnty A. Wise, has been appointed administratrix of th es tate of John a Wise, deceased, by order of the County Court for Jose- Mn enmity, Oregon, dated January 27, 1909, and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified, to said administratrix at the law office of H. D. Norton, at Grants Pass, JoHephlne county, Or egon, on or beforo the expiration of six months from tho dato of tho first publication of this notice. Dated February ft, 1909. MINTY A. WISE. Administratrix. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notlco Is hereby given that I have been appointed administrator of es tate of Edgar Able, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate will file the same with mo within six months from this date. Duted February 13, 1909. J. K. PETERSON. St.