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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1908)
? OOUg RIVER COURIER. GRANTS PASS, ORKGOK. JANUARY 10. 18. rd dragging cost Why King System Is Cheapest as Well as Best IT BECOMES MERELY A CHORE By Quitting a Little Earlier Farmer Can Easily Renew Hia Boulavard. Proof of Wintar Dragging' Valua. Camparieen of Coat. tCopyrifht. 1907, by D. Ward King. Tbe cost of putting the King system In operation Is a matter which must have consideration. Cost always Is Important When one first bears about road dragging he feels certain a mistake or an exaggeration Is somewhere snugly concealed, and an active brain spends a certain period searching for its hid ing place. Convinced at last of the drag's achievements as a wonder worker, tbe same brain asks, "What is tbe expense?" and again Is skeptical when the answer comes, "The cost of the new system Is many times less than the cost of the old system." For tbe farmer who drags tbe half mile or mile, as may be, from "his own front gate to bis neighbor's front gate toward town," there Is no ex pense account. With the drag In tbe road at the front gate, he quits a little early at noon or In the evening, as the condition of the road soil decides, hitches to the drag and renews bis boulevard. It becomes merely a chore. A neighbor of mine says, "After a fel low once gets Into the fashion of drag ging It sticks to blm like a bad habit." For myself, I have been riding a drag since the spring of 1896. In the fall I can take a team from a corn wagon at the crib and drag my half mile stretch before the corn Is un loaded, and In the winter months most farmers can Snd an abundance of lei sure In which to drag, and the operation possibly 1 of as much benefit In tbe winter as It is In tbe summer. In this latitude (near tbe Mlssourl-Iowa line) we find two conditions of the road In winter when dragging is remarkably effective. One of these special condi tions Is when a rough and frozen road Is thawed an Inch or more In depth at about 4 o'clock In tbe afternoon. Another fovorable opportunity Is at tbe close of a warm spell when tbe wind changes to the north and the mud begins to stiffen with the chill. If the mud is dragged Just before a freeze tbe road of course remains smooth until another thaw, and tbe difference between such a road and one which was permitted to "freeze up rough" is as marked as the difference between deep mud and a dry road. On the one you can skim along at any speed; on the other you must move at a snail's pace, with the horses gingerly picking their steps and tbe vehicle bouncing around as If you were riding over a fresh blast In a rock quarry. Let me offer two paragraphs from tbe Record, Hampton, la., the first The Youth's Companion It Comes Every Week Among the contend of the New Volume for J908 wiU be 250 Good Stories Serial Stories, Stories of Charac ter, Adventure and Heroism. 350 Contributions Articles, Sketches, Reminiscen ces by Famous Men and Women. 1000 Graphic Notes on Current Events, Discoveries and Inventions in Nature and Science. 2000 One-Minute Stories, Bits of Humor and Miscellany, the wVekly Health ArticleTimely Editorials,TheChildrcn'sPaee,etc. Staph Oaai if tlx Trr and tnmtntMl Aaaouce -l I l.vl ft. U UlllWM, Every New Subscriber who cote nut and Bend tlita slip at once with iiini and addrcoa i.nd receive FREJL All the Issaee of The Companion tor the remaining weeks of 1907. The ThaakaiiTlnir, C hrtatmaa and lew Year'e Sonble numbers. The Companlon'a Four-Leaf HaBff Ing Calendar for 1908, then The C -mpanlon for the weeks of long -a library of the beat read-is- 1- - 'tj member of the family. THE YGIT. ' 'S COMPANION, ' BO' N. MASS. fceweaeeori... reealved at this onto. 1 2 showing the skepticism often met, the other confessing a radical change of opinion and furnishing proof of the value of dragging In the winter months. The writer addnssed a good roads meeting at Hampton Not. 28, 1905. Under date Nov. 28 In the nurse of an extended report of tbe meeting the Record said: "It la to be regretted that there was no spilt log drag at band that he could make a satisfactory demonstration with, the one available not being In accordance with the requirements, and the attempt to show Its workings were of little or no benefit." But in the issne for Dee. 0 the Rec ord admits the innccuracy of Its first Impression tu the following paragraph, the kernel of which is found in the last sentence of the quotation: "The King drag that we have here In town Is being used today on our streets, and If we bad teams enough and drags enoueh Hamilton wm.1,1 have good roads within the city limits tomorrow, whereas Tor a week they have been practically impassable foi the reason that the ground froze up a week ago last night leaving the roads all cut up. And suppose that every man In the comity hud had a King drag, costing about $2, and had drag ged the road In front of his premises once over arsd back a week ago Tues day, the afternoon that Mr. King spoke at the courthouse, we would have had good roads ever since. This Is demon strated by the fact that wherever on our streets the drag was used that aft ernoon has been a smooth track ever since." 80 much for the value in tbe winter of the winter dragging. But winter dragging prepares the way for lessening the cost of spring and summer dragging, because if the roadway has this winter preparation it will generally dry off and be. ready to drag before the adjoining fields dry out and are fit to be plowed or culti vated. And so another series of leisure hours Is provided for making good roads without money. I would rather drag half a mile of road for a year than water three horses for a year. If I should try to strike a balance for the twelve months, it would be some thing like this: DEBIT. Labor fieo CREDIT. Comfort and pleasure of my own family fs.M Time aaved 10.00 Bavins' In wear and tear MO Satisfaction 10.0 Benefit to netf hbora and gen eral publlo ico. OS 180.00 Balance in favor of the drag 117. 01 The last Item will perhaps need ex planation. The figure is based on" an estimate that our family will average one trip per day to town and that there Is an average of ten other teams per day passing. For good measure I cut in half the benefit to neighbors. Hon. Matt Hall, now warden of the Missouri penitentiary, was a wood dragger before he left the farm. In a published statement be tells of begin ning his work in deep mud. In two months he had a half mile of road of which be said: "I can hardly believe my own eyes when I look at it. A loaded wagon won't make any more impression on it than it would on a floor. I don't believe I have spent a hall' a day on It altogether, and, bon eRtly, I wouldn't near take $30 for tbe comfort it has been to me and my friends and neighbors." You will note that Mr. Hall's estimate of benefit Is about double mine. A comparison was recently made which showed by figures taken from many counties and from Maine to Minnesota that a dollar spent under the new system would produce as much benefit as several hundred dol lars spent the old "way. It is hard to accept such conclusions, jet the fig ures bear Investigation ami analysis. International Road Convention. It Is announced that the minister of public works of Prance has been au thorized to call an international con vention in his country in 1008 for the purpose of considering methods to pre vent roads from being damaged by ex cessive automobile traffic. The use of the automobile. It In claimed, has pro duced many new problems in connec tion with the splendid roads for which France has become famous, and a plan for their construction and maintenance is deemed necessary. The delegates will therefore In particular discuss methods of adapting present roads to the new conditions of t rattle. Canada's Interest In Good Road Plan. D. Ward King of Maltland, Mo., who is the head of the tural improvement department of the American Civic as sociation, has a drsg log method for obtaining good roads st the least ex pense which Is being adopted in the Canadian provinces. The Farmers Ad vocnte of London, Oni., is offering $100 In prizes for the best roads made with a King drag. In a personal letter the editor wrote: "A widespread interest has been aroused and many drags con structed in addition to those used by our contestants. So far we ara more than delighted with what we have seen and heard of the results." To Lacquer B-ass. To prevent brass from tarnishing pnt in ounce of shellac into a pint of methylated spirit, cork the bottle and leave it till next day, then pour off the clear liquor for use. Slightly heat tbe brass to be treated and then appJj the solution all over with camel's kab brush. THE GARDEN SCHOOL Mow Children of Newton War Taught so Beautify Home O rounds. Writing In Maxwell's Talisman of the work of the garden school in New ton. Mrs. H. A. Elliott says: An object leason to the cltlsens of Newton was the garden school con ducted by the ladles of the Social Sci ence club of that town during the sum mer of 1908. Assured by George H. Maxwell of the Home Crofters' guild of the Talisman of the free services of an experienced garden director, provided the club could defray the further ex pense of a garden, a committee of five ladles was appointed from the club to see what could be done. First they obtained the use of a piece of vacant land on Jackson road, which was then an open grass plot Then an appeal was made by the com mittee to the department of agriculture at Washington for free seeds, which were promptly sent The committee sent a circular letter to about fifteen of the enterprising business men of New ton telling them of the plans for the garden school and asking them If they were sufficiently Interested In the ex periment to give It some financial sup port The response was quick, and at the end of a week we had the required $100, and the director went to work. One hundred and six gardens 9 by 85 feet were planted by as many different children from the Nonantum district and the names of as many more inter ested children were placed on the wait ing list. A few of these children, having learn ed how tinder the direction at the gar den school, went back to the home dooryards which had for all time previ ously been used for dumps, cleared away the debris, spaded up the earth and planted seeds which they procured gratis from the director. The reward was a scarlet runner at the doorstep, a row each of lettuce, radishes and beans and for garden flowers nasturtiums, sunflowers and sweet alyasum. One of the boys carried some vegetables from his home garden Into the exhibi tion at Horticultural hall and was awarded a prise. Could these children, think yon, ever again be contented to live In a dnmp Instead of a flower gar den 1 These girls and boys learned the law of cause and effect; that tbe soil through healthful, pleasant labor will produce food supplies sufficient to nour ish the body; that debris, squalor and untldlnesafnay be supplanted by clean liness, order and beauty and many oth er lessons, not the least of which were pride in ownership and respect r oth er people's rights. ' PROUD OF HIS TOWN. What One Man Is Doing to Improve Jackson, Tann. One of the most progressive town officials In the south la Samuel Lan caster, city engineer of Jackson, Tenn. Mr. Lancaster thinks there Is no place like Jackson, and he wants others to think so, too, and he is doing every thing In bis power to make It one of the prettiest towns In the country. It Is due In a great measure to his ef forts that good roads are being built in MadlBon county. But road building 1 not all that has engrossed the big brain of Sam Lancaster, says a writer in Breeder's Gazette. As manager of the waterworks he saw a chance to do things. Jackson had no park, and near tbe waterworks there was needed a raised roadway. Sam Lancaster made the fill, and before any one knew what he was up to he bad built a fine lake on the site whence came tbe earth for tbe fill. Smaller lakes near by came, then drives, bridges, boats, lilies (mar velous lilies), banks of flowers, trees. An unsightly railway yard adjoined tbe waterworks. The railway was ask ed for a few cars of earth. Fresto! Sara made the yard and the park Join. Grass, flowers, shrubs, beauty, order, seats, comfort Inspiration, hope, all came out of that old sink hole. And the manager only grinned when he saw that Sam Lancaster had actually parked and fenced a part of hi right of way. Now travelers on that railway will pass by and say. "Jack son, Tenn., Is a beautiful place and must have people of culture within it." School Gardens In Washington. Tbe school gnrden movement In Washington, which started humbly n few years ago, has so strongly appeal ed to the children and their parent thnt with a comparatively llle assist ance from the public funds It has thrived amazingly. Already n marked chanpo Is observable not only In the Immediate surroundings of the school buildings themselves, but In all parts of tbe town at the homes of the little ones. They have been taught plant love In terms which have In many cases never been presented to them be fore. By their personal participation in the work of making gardens, in prepar ing tbe ground, selecting and planting the seeds, caring for the spron's and the plants and finally plucking tli blooms of their own cultivation they have gained a sense of responsibility which makes for th? t.:i;rovement of tbe whole town. Query. Since editors ara busy. Assuredly I fall To see how they ao often Reply by return mall! Llpplncott'a. Behind Her Back. "How worn Mrs. Perklnham's face looks r "Why shouldn't It look so? She has used It a long time.' Chicago 3ecord-Herald. LIKE A ROMAN ROAD. Haw a Chicago Millionaire Uses Rocks on His New Hampshire Farm. J. Glesaner, the Chicago millionaire, who has made his summer home in Bethlehem; N. H., for the last twenty four years, is rapidly attaining fame as a road builder, says a Bethlehem correspondent of the Chicago Record Herald. He Is now able to show three miles of probably the finest road In the White mountains, all within or adjoin ing his own estate and all public road, although It was all built or built over by Mr. Glessner at his own expense. During the late autumn he bad con structed a half mile of road on the main highway from Bethlehem to Lit tleton and during most of that time bad a crew of seventy men, thirty horses and twenty oxen engaged on the work. Fart of this road looks like pictures of the modern French or the old Roman roads, and it is built fully as solidly as the Roman roads used to be In fact, after the same plan. The most Important work done on the Littleton-Bethlehem road by Mr. Glessner this yonr has been an ex tensive fill of quite a stretch of road over some lowland where bad travel ing had generally been the rule. At the lowest place the road was filled In six feet with stone, and the stone wall on each side was carried three feet higher, the wall in places being ten feet higher on the back side, or side toward the fields. Tbe wall Is three feet wide on top and Is strong ly built The road Is twenty-five feet wide be tween the walls, and four teams by CTJRVKD WALL AFD KOADWAT WHKBK A six rdor HIA WAS at A Pa. actual test can pass abreast This wall extends for 400 feet and at oue part descrlles a beautiful curve. Un less it Is desired to make a fill on ex cavation of several feet Is first made, and Mr. Glessner's men and oxen then begin to dump in immense stones tak en out of the nearest fields. A fairly level course is made of these, and then another layer of somewhat smaller stone Is dumped on. Then comes a still smaller layer, and then, last, tbe stonework Is leveled op and all openings are filled In with very small stone, so carefully and thorough ly placed that animals can be driven over without hurtiug their feet Then the rock la entirely covered and the road Anally shaped up with a good layer of "bardpan," which packs solid and is practically Impervious to water. Drainage at each side Is always pro vided for, the roads are well rounded, and these features, combined with the solid foundation of rock underneath and tbe impervious layer on top, give an ideal road. WHO USES HYOMEI? The Beat People In Gre.nis Pass SolVo Damaray Guaranteed in Catarrhal Troubles. No other remedy or treatment for catirrh has ever been as popular or made so many remarkable curesin Grants Pass as Hyomei The bent peoplo attest its ourativa virtues, savs C. H. Demaray, who is the local agent. The fair way in which Hyomei was sold, to refund he mouey unless it gave satisfaction, was tbe best proof when It was in troduced that it possessed unusual curative powers. Demaray took all the risk of the treatment Riving satisfaction, and left it to the purchasers to be the judge. Later, when Hyomei was nsed and recommended by our well-known physicians aod business men and their wives st a treatment that bso'utely co red calarrb, no - matter how Berious or long standing, the sales rapidly sreit and today there it no other remedy in "Demaray 's stock that has such a large and staple sale. The first bottle of Hyomei 's healing air kills all catarrhal poison. Try Hyomei today oa LVmaray's offer to relond the money if the treat ment doesnot give you satisfaction. r Austria's Provinces. 80 many languages are spoken In the provinces of Austria-Hungary that interpreters are employed In the vari ous parliaments' to interpret the Fpeecbes of tbe delegutes and make 1 them Intelligible to all the members. ' The Mail Order Catalogue. t.--ey hnl a little cat. Wily ha4 a little do. Mother had another eat But It was a cat-a-lorue. Mother' a eat was full of tricks. For the bargains that it brourbt Nothing were but tlded brlrke Mother's sorry now ahe boufhtt MMhr'a eat (the catalogue) Ueed to be her precious pot. But she fed It to the dog. Aa4 the doc s eating yet T. eUT. JB. The Farmer's Wife It very careful about her churn. Ehe scalds it thoroughly after using, and gives It a sun bath to sweeten It She knows that if her churn Is sour It will taint the butter that is made in it The stomach Is a churn. In the stomach and digestive and nutritive tracts are performed pro cesses which are almost exactly like the churning of butter. Is It not apparent then that If this stomach-churn is foul It makes foul all which is put Into It? The evil of a foul stomach is not alone the bad taste In the mouth and the foul breath caused by It but the corruption of the pure current of blood and the dissem ination of disease throughout the body. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery makes the sour and foul stomach sweet It does for the stomach what the washing and sun bath do for the churn absolutely removes every tainting or corrupting ele ment in wis way it cures blotches, pimples, eruptions, scrofulous swellings, sores, or open eating ulcers and all humors or diseases arising from bad blood. If you have bitter, nasty, foul taste In your mouth, coated tongue, foul breath, are weak and easily tired, feel depressed and despondent have frequent headaches, dizzy attacks, gnawing or distress In stom ach, constipated or Irregulur bowels, sour or bitter risings after eating and poor appetite, these symptoms, or any consider able number of them, itulicata that you are suffering, from biliousness, torpid or lar.y liver with the usual accoinnaiivlim Indi gestion, or dyspepsia and their attendant aerangements. he tvst agents Vnmvn m merl.csl e ftfcatotfov the. writing Is of mcdiiWnr.TTTTfr jl ajuL htLrmonioiiiTy Yive symptoms coml.iudl, jp nr. l'ierc.e's r.ol.Un M.-ffj mrintiax Anai in is is absolutely true "in w irnuiij ifivn wyoursatisiacuon if you will but mail a postal card request to Dr. R. V. Pierce, HufTalo, N. Y., for a free copy of his booklet of extracts from the standard medical authorities, giving the names of all the Ingredients entering into his world-famed medicines and show ing what the most eminent medical men Of the age sav of them. ODD HAPPENINGS. The foot and ankle of Albert Sutter of Ellsabethport, N. J., were burned off by a hot copper wire which, pass ing through a roller, became colled around Sutter's leg. The ear of William S. Brobst of Pottavllle, Pa., a bridegroom, was so severely Injured at the wedding on ac count of two grains of rice having lodged on the drum that an operation has been necessary. While cutting down a pear tree at Wlssahlckou, Pa., John Bently struck with bis ax a diamond studded watch charm lost by bis maternal grandfa ther In 18C2. The charm bad lodged IrT'a crack, and the tree had grown completely around It When John Dreeland, aged eighty, of St Louis, awoke tbe other morning be was on a narrow ledge outside his window, forty feet from the pave ment, bis feet dangling In space, and. being thinly clad, he was half frozen. He was rescued by firemen. GLEANINGS. The mainspring of a watch Is two feet lonij. ' Rlucklng was originally made of soot mul stale eggs. Corn and beans are the staple articles of diet of the working classes of Mex ico. There Is every possibility that the waiters of the Paris cafes will shortly go on strike again In support of their cherished right to wear mustaches, The police of Denver are trying to cure drunken men by having their photographs taken, while the men are drunk nnd showing the unfortunates the next morning how they looked. The German government has asked for supplementary credit to the extent of $100,000 for the construction of a new airship which Count von Zeppelin will build at once in order to be ready for experiments In the first favorable weather uext summer. POINTED PARAGRAPHS. Excuses are like weeds lots of them, but no goad. Some fellows have a great deal of ability tu ungrammntical packages. Ilaxtng common sense and having command of It are two different things. It takes a lot of time to properly air grievances. Not one In a hundred Is worth It. 80 many people are like a poorly governed community they fall to maintain a sinking fund. When a man has an opinion or a theory that happens to turn out right, bow be loves to hear about Itl Men are possessed of two great fears that they will become old and that tbey will never live to be old. Atchison Globe. INDUSTRIAL ITEMS. Germany's annual product of milk It almost tbe same In value as tbe annual coal outp"f. the first being about $105, 000,000. t .ie second $ 104,000,000. The manufacture of rubber from tbt native gun yule shrub bas begun In Marathon, Tex. It is estimated that the factory owners control 75 per cent of the guayule land In Texts. Consul J. I. Brlttaln sends the In formation that there will be a com plete radHistrlal exposition held at the city of Prague, Bohemia, in 1008, ex tending from May until October. The retail clerks of Chicago have started a movement for tbe organisa tion of the saleswomen of that etty In order that they may occupy the same positions In the labor world as tbe male salesmen. .A. Snce Tor ILi JUW UvelbjeeiT skillltill NOTICE FOR PTJBLICATON. Timber Land, Aot June 8, 1878. Roseborg, Ore., December 19th. 1907. lioiioa it hreby given that in com- nliauoe ith tha mikuI final r9 a. -.V.a-.VUa Ul sjj nfjfc of Congress of Junt a, 1878 eotitlud I i. aWa. B aI V ... Auwtmrma saie 01 umoer lands In the 8taia nf n.iifnrni. r - vh VSH V fKUU Nevada and Waahlnvfon T..ii..i as extended to all the Public Land States by act of Angnst 4 1S NET. I. TIC M ipujtw ... A. Of Vanoonvrr nnnnl n ma,.w Qfu or Territory of Washington has this aay niea in tnit oifjos her sworn state ment No. 8777 for the purchase of tha Kract'l SWtf aod 8W NW of Section to. 18 In Township No 87 S, Range No 4 W WMaod will offer proof to show Ibat the land snnuht la more valuable tor its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before Joseph Moss, O. 8. Commie sioner at Grants Pass, Oregon, on Satordav, the 7th day of March, 11)08. He names as witnesses: Wetloy B Sherman, of Grant Pass, Ore., George H Slover, of Grants Pass. Ore., Roy Garoutte of Merlin, Ore., William Bile? of Davidson, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming ad versely tlu above-described lands are requested to tilejtheir claims in this office on or before said 7th day of Marh, 1908. BENJAMIN L. EDDY, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLIOATION. Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878. Roseburs, Ore, Nov. 6, 1907. Notloe is hereby Riven that in com pliance with the provisions of the aot of Congress of June B, 1878. entitled An Act for the sale of Timber Lauds in the States of California. Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Publlo Land States bv aot of August 4, 18U3 PATRICK O'DONNELL, of Camas Valley, county of Douglas State of Oregon, hat thit day filed in this office his sworn statement No. 8672, for tbe pnrohase of the EW of the KWhi d the NE of tbe SWU of Range 4 W. W. M., and wiU offer yruui wj allow mas me MBI1 sought is more valuable for itt timber and stone than lor atrriniiltnral - n , v.. fw-o aauu IA. establish his claim to said land be- rora me register and Reoeiver of this office at Rosebnrg, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 88th day of January, 1903, He names at witnesses: B. Kraken- herirnr. nf Rnuhn.. . itr ---n " - vDvwu.a, viDKuuj narrsn Btty, Roseburs. Ore.. Grant Tsylor. mi niuooMwr, un., jonn tj. Gilbert of Rose burg, Oregon. Any aud alt persons claiming ad versely the above desoribed lands are reaneated to Ilia thulr i office on or before laid 38th day of January, 1908. .BENJAMIN L. EDDY, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878. Roseburg, Ore., Nov. 15, 1907. Notion ia hnrnhi lnn IH J '- vu. M vUUi- plianoe w th tbe provisions nf the Aot of Congress of Jnne 8, 1878, entitled "An Act for the sale of timber Lands in the Stales of California, Oregon Nevada and Washington Territory, as extended to all Puhlio Land States by aot of August 4. 18U3, LILLIAN M. KNAGOS. of Harrison Dnnntv nf RW.tnl a4. of Idaho, filed In this office ber tworn statement ao, mai ror tbe purchase of the 8WU nf Mia KWls wis i SW and lot. 1 of Section No. 13. in iuwuni.ip iiu.oi oouin or Mange No. 7 West, W. M., and will offer proof to show that the laud sought It more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to es- tMhltnh tlAF nlaim f a t i vw .!., i.iiu u-i 1 1 i o the Joseph Moss, United Statue xuiDiuisaiuuer, ai nis ernue In Grants Puss. Ornirnn. nn Mmi.l.. .L.. -rn. day of February, 1908. tie names as witnesses: Martin A. Conner, nf r3p.t uu.u 1 hroruett R. Conner, of Wildorvllle, Oregon William Bull of Grants Pass. Ore., Clarence A. Packer, of Harri son, Idaho. Any and all persons claiming ad versely the above desoribed lands are reommtfui to (11a tntr i .1.1- i vi.i.un i ij .hib office oo or bfore Mid 17th dy of BENJAMIN L. EDDY, Register. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of The State of Oregon, for Joseuhlne Conntr Walter Tallmadue, 1 plaintiff, I va i Knit fnr ri Maud Tallmadge, To Maud Tallmadge, the defendant uuts uaojen : In the nnnm nf th Hfata n. gon, yon are hereby summoned to I'pear ana answer me complaint filed against yoa in the above entitled ouri, ana uause on or' before six weeks from the data nf tha flr.t lication of this summons, which first date of publication j. WMa. t.. - - ay Vtfllll ary 8, 1U08, and the laat day of pobli- vi mmm eummoDS, ana the last dsy for your appearance as foresaid ia Friday, tbe 14th day of February. 1108, and you are hereby notified, that if yon fail to appear and answer the complaint within tbe time aforesaid, the plaintiff will apply to the Court .v. , ,. i'iijtm ior in nis com ulaint t-wit for a the bonds of matrimony now existing w.nrou in. planum ana aerendant, and that the plaintiff be awarded the care and onatodr nf n,. ... . , . , J - IUIUUI children Chester, aged 8, Lester aged .u na rr tuch other and further relief as to the court !ay u!MnJ ef0,tb1"- This summons ' puoiiooeu oj oraer or Hon. Stephen Jewell. Jndae nf fh (,. n . -. " iwuu.j "Mil l Ul Josephine Oonnty, State of Oregon, TV? "UU"T . ordering the publication of this summons for s imnuu uiaeis sanoesiiTS weeks. am wiuiviiK h. brown, Attorney for the plaintiff. ."etev. pNat'a, drHjgers. ' -es