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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1908)
THE MOST EXCEPTIONAL SALE Announcement of H 4 II H 4 II ll'OIll ovorv viewpoint ol ifiifililv, Iriilt li of IlKHOI'tllieill and Irii. Iiiviwlitfji I ion -will rovotal tlio III O Ml MIII'pi'iMlIl v ii 1 11 e t-t . I2vi-y oimt ! piloI liiIi -vvitli lxir-fiinM. Direct From the Mills LOOM END SALE! The only sale given direct from the mills to the con sumer. This gigantic Manu facturers' Loom End Sale which will open Saturday, January 4, at 9 a. m., will be the trade triumph in the his tory of Grants Pass. Values never before thought of will be given by R. L. COE CO., Grants Pass, Ore. Look for Yellow Tickets They Denote a Saving of 1-4 TO 1-2 ON Y8JB PUECHASE What do Loom Ends Mean and Where do they come from LOOM ENDS mean goods '.hat fall short of standard yard lengths, requisite for export purposes. Identical 'in quality, style and design with the full piece, still not to be classed with regular goods, because they are want ing in lengths a thread missing in napkins a sliaht discoloration in some fabric crooked or careless stitching in underwear a coarse thread in hose. These are "LOOM ENDS" characteristics. None of these flaws matter to the customer, but thejr prevent the mill or factory from selling goods at a profit able price. The mighty block of LOOM ENDS we have purchased for this sale are new goods fresh from the looms, offered to you at loom cost. You will never know what loom cost is if you fail to attend this sale, for the price list on this sheet gives you but an inkling of the money saving opportunities of fered. You will pay twice or thrice the money for same goods at other stores. Loom Ends at Loom Cost Come and see. Learn Loom Cost witn your own eyes,, Think of saving your profits. You save the retailer's profit. the jobber's profit, commission merchant's and broker's profit. Everything marked in plain figures. Look for Yellow Tickets and you find the Iooru C(t. Extra salespeople have been secured, so all may be waited upon promptly. Our doors will not be open until 9 o'clock Saturday mornicg, January 4. Don't forget the date, the hour or the place. It. JL,. con: CO. Grants Pass, Ore. OUR BUYERS HAVE SUCCEEDED IN SECURING AT A SACRIFICE io Big Cases of Mill Remnants Bargains AND WE PROPOSE TO OFFER UNHEARD OF BUYING CHANCES DURING THIS SALE A Dollar Saved is a Dollar Made. Don't Miss this Grand Bargain Giving Opportunity Values way up Prices way down NEW GOODS NEW STYLES A custom inaugurat ed by us long ago. Painstaking Efforts to Please and Better tlinn iisunl jIei clu&nclise tre nttri lnt cm to out nc- OCKH. LOOM NB SALE CLOSES SATURDAY. JANUARY 18th UNDERWEAR 20 dozen Men's All-Wool Underwear. $1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00 UNDERWEAR Broken line, but all of the best qual- no ity, your choice of anything in the house only VOv 25 dozen Ladies' Gray Cotton Ribbed Vests and Pants 20c 15 dozen Children's Gray RiM-ed Vests and Pants 19c 25 dozen Children's M Taj Waists, Half Price 12J.C 10 dozen Men's Extra Heavy Fleered Underwear, regu- Ofl- lar50 and 75c garments, -lightly imperfect in weave OVC DRESS GOODS We have the New Weaves, Latest Styles in Great Variety Special showing of new high class fabrics, up-to-date materials Price reductions almost incredible, attractive Dress Goods that are almost irrestistible, both combine to make this the greatest Dress Goods sale we've ever had. Printed descriptions tell but little of the actual facts, personal visits only, can give ycu a correct idea of the rare opportunity for buying now presented. Do you know any thing about economy? If not, attend this Dress Goods Sale, it means much to the buyer. Forceful Bargain Figures. A WHIRLWIND OF VIGOROUS VALUES SHOE BARGAIN SPECIALS Look at these! You have been wanting bargains in Shoes. Men's Dress Shoes, double soles $1.7') Men's Milwaukee Oil Grain, heavy soles, working man's shoe. $1 79 Extra Special for This Sale Only One case "Gold King" High Top. 12-in. shoes, double water proof soles, outside tf J QO counters; a shoe that costs you $5 and $6 anywhere; price. )0 myO LADIES' SHOES 2 cases Ladies' Dress Shoes, vici j iQ kid pat. tip, a $2 25 and $2 50 shoe P 1 ,ty BOYS' SHOES, MISSES' SHOES, CHILDREN'S SHOES 1 lot of Children's Shoes in Calf and Vici Leathers, heavy soles, sizes 5 to 2 50c 75c $1.00 SPECIAL Boys' Shoes, sizes 9 to 1, heavy soles 1.29 20,000 Yards of Loom Ends In Calicos, Percales and Flannelettes 3c Per Yard Price and Material will both suit the consumer and the result will be quick sales and many of them. Satisfied customers make a sale go. Watch us satisfy a multitude. . Cloaks at Half Price 9 Clothing' Department The cloak season is pi artically over and we find ouite a bunch of Ladies' Misses' and Children's Cloaks oiled uu in our cloak dept. which MUST BE SOLD, nnd we are not going to mince m.-itters hut offer your choice ni any garment at ONE HALF PRICE. Ladies' Coats $4-. 50 to 37.5fl. Misses' and Chil.lrtns- $2.00 3.50- Now ' The Time. Thu l The Place Extreme Price Reductions on Men's, Hoys' and Childrens' Highest Grade Clothing. 50 Pr Boy's Long Pants in stripe effetcs ')Hc. pair. 1 Iot Men's Trousers, fancy checks and Mnies, r,c pair. j'r. Men s 1 rousers, lat y est art novelty and fine stripe weaves. Flap R pockets 1 4'. 4H Pr. Men's high grade H Trousers. $1 IH: Men's Tailored Trousers, You pay $3 50 and $4.00 for these, special price. $2.48. MENS' SUITS 15 Suits go at $4)8. 20 Suits go at $S.'iS. 1 doz. Suits worth $15.00 and $18 00 These suits are strictly all wool, best Venetia lining. High Grade Clothing. Special price. .$12.50 YOUNG MEN'S SUITS Every suit reduced. 10 Three Piece Suits $3."8 BOY'S SUI1S Every suit reduced. One lot 2 piece suits h to 12, special price $1.48 1 dozen suits I TVT-n'o CiV, ; -m-t-c? 10 doz Men's Mercerized Silk i.Yi.C11 O OlllI b"front Shirts, latest patterns. 49c Men's Heavy Work Shirts in Dark Colors, a 50 -Qp and 75c Shirt Wv Handkerchiefs Men's 10c Hemstitched Handker- C rt chiefs one-half price J 1 gros Turkey Red Handkerchiefs, special price 3c ROX Men's Uockford Sox. worth double the price 5c TRUNKS. SUITCASES i ravelrr.s, attention! Jic-ttcr get our I runic prices, tlicy re riijht. Don t f.iil to inspect our slock ol 1 milks and Suitcases. Curtains and Draperies wo sunny wn n sun. snarp reductions as these prc'.i!!. U'cn heard of. iiet'er values have rarely ;ij A t;icat bargain opportunity, 'l Dazzling Array of Ladies' IVaists JNe x!yle at Manufacturers' pi ii; is. Waists of unli'y of dependable mnteriils exquisitely styled, throughly reliable in all rlr tails of mak ing, i unty cleinnnll perfect iii rhipeand tiniHh Ki r the woman who wishes thu nrt choice of rell hmutiful tyl 8 the mod i ar f the ruont artisnc in eery sense. A nrnf union of at. l ien. I I RIBBONS AT loom END PRICES Au nnosual opportunity enable I am to bar one of the heat brands of Silk TalTetta Ribbons at a very great redaction in prices, and to make quick sales we offer you the following prices: " 6. 7 and , your choioe 5C Nos 13. 16, 23 and 40, your choice IOc os o0 and 80. your choice 15c 3c Fancy Ribbons for 19c ABOVE PRICES.FOR THIS SALE ONLY SKIRTS. Tailor Made Skirts in a variety of Hand some Wool Suitings, Solid Black Serges an? Panama in New Models. Special val ues in New Skirts at Loom Prices. PETTICOATS. Ladies' Mercerized Petticoats always sold ior $1.50 9 fie SPECIALS 2 doz Ladies' All-Leather Hand Bags, regular 1 and tl.25 values. 5"c. Good Heavy Bleached Muslin iz yarus for $1; only 12 yards to customer. One lot Paper Napkins 19c per 100. One lot Liquid and Paste, the best 25c shoe dressing. 10c. Big job in Cotton Bats, 8, 10, 12, 15c Hat Department. Ht for Men. all styles, each and everyone hav- i.... .liatinet. iiuli viriualitv of it own Every if ilm Iwxt aud luotst roimlar models to lie .nMrn t.liu eominir season will be on sale at the Loom End Kle. Every advance a yroKress ior n.mfort. st.vle and dependable service for the tif action of our customers will be fouud in this line. Eveiy sizo and slinre to meet the most ex- t requirements can ne nau at uxim mu oaie acting rexjuirenier HANDKERCHIEFS Ladies' 5c. Hand kerchiefs, at Ladies' all linen 10c Haudkeichicfs HOSIERY 1 case Misses' Hose. 1 case Ladies' Hose 1 case Men's Hose . . 2ic .)' fl TABLE LINENS 3 ) yds of Dmusk, worth 50c, for 274c 30U yds Mercerized Dunask . 1 1. 7: f . . i . VWKMM Kit I .71.. . . ...... fl , luwnw luaoz l urkish il Towels wirth 20r for 1?r ii prices. CRASH-1 case crash 12 tie U samPle the many qu-jlity. this sale onlv. .814 I thincs. p:ns Needles per paper 2c Pins per paper 2c iiooks cfc eyes per pnper 2c Who ever heard of such l his is only a good .L This is a Cash Sale OE Grants Pass, Oregon CO SPECIALS One lot 10c Toilet Psper 5c. One lot xxx plain white woven larger sized env. 5c 20 doz. ladies 25c fine sheer check and dot swiss hand kerchiefs, something new half price 2c Pearl Buttons per doz. 2Vac Satety Pins per card 2V2C WALL lis PAPER fiOftO Roll. 2.1(1 SR. 40a Wall Paper, Mill End sale price 19o Tins is rare opportunity ior any one having rooms to pap er this Spring;. Do It Now while yon have the time and ran get the paper cheap. 250 Double Rolls Wall Psper, broken lots, from 1 to S rolls rtf a kind Tha entire hnnrh at Mill End Sale at 4c