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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1908)
ROOTIH RTVKP (VTTOTTTD ODSWT-CJ ' ' www 'MmillJ JAfll.lRX iJ 1W Jew Goods for the Hew Year THE QUALITY SHOP! MRS. C. J. GAMBLE 412 Front st. Is the Place to Buy Come and Try Phone 431 The Lest Baking Powder Coffees Spices Teas None better Try them tvwvwwwwvvvv SEE H. B. HENDRICKS FOR 400 ACRES OF BED LAHDSl nt $4,50 per ncro Living water, fine wood land and goat and dairy ranch, 9 miles from railroad, good wagon road. Also small 160 acre stock ranoh improved at $1000, buildings, water and water right and Orchard. Office oppo. Post Office, Grants Pass, Ore. AJXiniuw: TUEES! TREES BUY YOUR TREES FROM "Old Reliable Albany Nurseries" and you are sure of gettidg just what you order. We grow our trees for quality not cheap prices. GEO. H. PARKER, Hand Made Har nesses at Bacon & Eu banks', phone 6S1 Have you ever seen a Sunset? A beautifully illustrated monthly magazine of the wide awake West with fascinating short stories, picturesque personal point-of-view description of the in teres ting development of the West, and the romance and his tory of the wonderland of the earth, Ask your local ewsdealer for current issue or send $1.50 foryear's subscription. The book, "Road of a Thousand Wonders. 120 beautiful Western views ia four colors will bo included free. SUNSET MAGAZIHB rUXD 1VILDINS san rsjtscisco m 11 CALirosiru SPIDER AIRSHIPS. How the Young Insects Sail Away With the Wind. In early nutumn the spider families separate. Hundreds of thousands of Infantile spiders on a warm sunny morning scnle the low bushes, cling to the tlis of the leaves and project slen der silken threads from the spinnerets at the ends of their bodies. Before very long the air near the ground, be coming heated, ascends and carries up the silken threads with It Still the little creatures hold on and pour out silk till each has some eight or ten feet of line rlRlng almost perpendicu larly into the air above It. At last they let go and rise Into the air themselves, each at the extremity of its own thread. In this way they are carried upward, perhaps for many hundreds of feet, till at last they meet a current of air moving slowly along, and by this they are carried often for many miles, while they can always descend at will by the simple expe dlent of, rolling up their supporting threads. On a warm autumn morning the air Is often filled with these baby spiders, each sailing securely on Its own little silken airship. When they descend bushes, trees and low plants are fre QUently covered with their gossamer threads. London Standard. Luxury Marmalades Preserves Jellies Jams None better Try them Agent LEARN TO EAT Few People In Grante Really Know How. Pass Slow eating will solve one-half the problem of ill health. Those who suffer already with indigestion and weak stomach can with care aod the use of Mi-o-na stomach tablets restore their digestion to a healthy condition, so that they can eat what they want at any time without fear of distress or suffering. After a few days' nse of Mlona stomach "tablets, the headache, dizzy feeling, drowsiness, bad taste in the month, coated tongue, nervousness, sleeplessness, distress after eating, all these symptoms of a weak stomach will disappear, and perfect digestion and a good skin will show that the vital machinery is cnoe more runuing smoothly. Take a little Mi-o-na tablet before each meal so that it will stimulate the digestive juices and give strength to the stomach, and then it will take care of the food that is eaten, without in digestion and the unpleasant full feel ing with which so many suffer afttr mealy. Demaray ban so much confidence in the power of Mi-o-na to core indiges tion aBd all stoma h ills that he gives guarantee with every 50 cent box to refnnd the money if the remedy fails to give satisfaction. Attractive Store Fronts. Since the Invention of plate glass the outside appearance of shops and stores has been greatly Improved. The first Impression Is Important. Many persons are attracted to a store by the tasteful arrangement of the show windows. Plate glass is now so cheap that It Is In general use, and the merchant who tries to draw trade with the old fash ioned small pane windows, as some still do, is losing an opportunity. Next to good newspaper advertising, a tasty show window brings business. There's bcthlng like putting on a good front 8pk Wtll of Your Town. Strangers seeking a location are al ways greatly Influenced In favor of any place where the citizens are en thusiastic In Its praise. When away from home, do not neglect to give those with whom you come In contact to un derstand that you live In a lrve town, populated by enterprising, go ahead, progressive people, and one that Is ad vancing Instead of retrograding. If you can truthfully speak In commen dation of the ability of your profes sional men, the square dealing methods of your merchants, the superiority of your schools, etc., let nothing prevent you from ex ere lft leg that privilege. boiNQs at the Items From of the Interest to the Taxpayer of Josephine County i Various County Officials v vj v X.-. More Connubi Infelicity. . ing bav laueu out license to pursue Ellen Mash-ra bag brought divorce , t'"' c" '"' ,u thi county, during the proceedings against hr liusband, ypr : L Lovelace, of Mriin, Peter H Masters, allegiug that they ! H M 1, W J Liioly, W J Oavin. were intermarried here in Josephine 1 1" Savage, Ira Mallory and C E county, April 14,, 1903 bat that he j RTckw" of Grants Pss and Edwiu deserted her March 17, 1903 and hag Mell. f SkIiui lived separate and apart from her Upnu ihe com pi tint of R J Minner, tver siuce, withoat any jngt cause and John Doe, his beeu arrested, ohsrje against her will and const' at, during I wi'h having purloined a lot of oar this period he hag wholly failed to ! penter t ols May 6, 1907, belonging to provide for his wife and their minor child, Vol ma Masters, aged three years. She therefore asks the court for an absolute decree of divorce, giv ing her the custody of the said child and for such other and farther relief a the court may deem fit and proper, Another case of connubial infelio- ity comes to light In the oonrt, when Mae Loar seeks to have the bonds dis solved which make her the lawful wife of Charles O. Loar. In her com plaint she sets forth the fact that they were made man and wife at Ham burg. Siskiyou coontv, Cal , on Christmas day, Deoember 28, 1901, bat that he left her, October 1, 1906, without just causa and continues to stay away from her. There are no ohildren and she wants to be released and given her maiden name again. ' Very Little. Dirt Moving. There are comparatively few deeds being filed with the county olerk these days, indicating all too plainly that there if not much doing in the real estate market. The following transfers of realty have been plaoed of record the past week : Arthur A Wilcvx to Esther A Will isms, 5 acres in seo. 19, tp 86 g, r 6, $800. Joseph Moss et x to Andrew Oigler, lot 16, block 41, O T S of Grants Pass, $800. Margaretta A SooviU et mar to E E Foster, one acre in seo 8, tp 38 s, r 6, $450. J W York et ax to J B Eerriob, Sox lOOJfeet In lot 7. block 84, O T 8 of Grants Pass, $300. United States to R A Booth and K A Booth as Trustee for Elizabeth R, Mangnm, mistral patent for "Granite Hill No. 3, Consolidated Plaoer and Quarts Mining Claim," located in seo 84, tp 80 s, r 5,. containing 88.180 aor.g. D W Daniels to E M Cockerllne, right of way far irrigation ditch across land in sect 86 tp 88, s. r 6, $1. Frank If South to Three Pines Timber Co., part of seo 86, tp 84, r 6s, $1. Stephen' L Benson to H M White, 153.76 acres in seo 30, tp 86 a, r 6, $4000. Edwin Smith et nx to D William Edwards, part seo 5, tp 86, r 6 s, lO0. W R Dickison to Jeese Mash, 6 seres in seo 18, tp 86 g, r 6, $1000. George Hansen et nx to Charles Hansen, lot 7, block 60, O T S of Grants Pars, $400. Frank B Hicks of Washington & Oregon Timber Co., part seo 2, tp 89 a, r 6, flHOO. Ethel M Hicks of Washington & Oregon Timber Co, part of seo 2, tp 39 s, r . $1600. Regrletration Books Open. That there is going to be con siderable interest taken in the ap proaching primaries is evident from the way voters are calling at the office of Connty Clerk Chefhire to register. The books were opened last Monday and now they will remain open ontil April 7, when they close for primary election, which occurs April 17. Reg istration reopens April 21 and closes again May IS, for the county general election, which comes off Jane 1. Then the books will ope again for registration September 20 and close October 20for the presidential election, which occurs November 8. All of which ads materially to the duties of the County Clerk, bnt he and his deputy, E. S. Veatch are folly equal to the situation and are keeping the work up in exoellent shape. Not Much Inheritance Tat. The county clerk isreqnird at the end of each quarter to make oat and send to both Secretary of State, Frank W. Benson and to State Treas urer, Geo. A. Steel a detailed report of all estates of person filed during that period, upon which an inheri tance tax can be claimed. Clerk Cheshire finds that there were only three such cases filed daring the! three mouihs ending with December J 3, ll07,asfollows : Vina A. Sargent, estate valued at" $000; James Deveney 4.'j00 and Johanna McDaniel, $7200. Miscellaneous Matters. Already the hunters of Jephine coouty ate ba. ing the customary permit issued to them, and the follow- court house said Mirniey. "Huveynu registered?" is the big sign which now greets the fre quence of the courthouse. These are to be found around the building and remind the voter of his dutiei in this important matter! The plaintiff has filed a petition, asking the coort to call noon Juetice of the Peace JO K McCaen, of Slate Creek precinct for a review of the prooedings in the case of E H White vs O S Brown. It seems that a jadg ment for $20, with $1.55 costs was give plaintiff in that court. The bond of Elizabeth Niekerson, as administratrix of the estate of Thomas Niekerson, deceased, in the sum of $3500, with L O Hyde and S Tetherow as sureties, has been filed of record and approved. The defendants In the case of E G Yousg & Co, of Oakland, Donglai connty, vs School District No. 8, aod E F Meissner, clerk of same, have made answer to the mandamus pro oeedings brought by plaintiff and an order of the court, dismissing the matter is asked, along with defend ant's costs. County Clerk Cheshire, in spite of the fact that daring muoh of the month of Deoember the "lid" was on and his of floe was unable to transact business, took in the gam of $230.95 fees during that month, aa against $302.70 for the month previous T P Judson'a familiar faoe ia again to be seen in the clerk's office where he it engaged in the very im portent undertaking of extending the new laxrolla. Ihis ess indeed been decidedly busy week for the various county officials and one of them, Clerk Chesh ire, has had hit hands very fall, look ing after the plans for circuit ooart, as well as caring for the ooonty oommisiooersa, both of whioh bodies have been causing him much extra labor Bnt again was he and.Deputy Yeatoh equal to the emergeaoy and everything moved along with clook-like precision. Connty Superintendent Savage still has the library books for a few dis tricts and he would like to have them called for by members of the board of those particular districts, at an early date. Lively Time Over Llscensoe. There was a pretty lively tilt be tween attorneys C H Clement and Oliver S Brown, in the matter of the application of Ga route & Eusted, of Merlin, Clements appearing on be half of the saloou kesper while Brown represented - the people of Merlin who were opposed to the granting of the liquor license. The matter took uiauh of ihe time of the board, Friday, Saturday and Monday, the decisiou finally being in favor of granting the license. As the at torneys we'e leaving the courthouse grounds and were steading on the sidewalk in front of the groouds. Brown qneutioned Clement's veracity and called him a liar," whereupou the other limb .of the law proceeded to land the offender upon the ground Parties interfered aud there the bout ended, bat not before it had created considerable excitement, TRAIN AND TRACK. Tlie nrst locomotive west of the Mississippi was put upon the track at St. Louis In 1S.-.2. The railroads of Holland are so well managed that the deaths by accident 011 them average but one a year. The motive power of the first rail way built In Cieece and put into opera tion In 1.81S), running from Athens to Piraeus, a little over six mllee, was changed from steam to electricity aoont two years ago. me nrsi nuiroiia 111 Missouri was a track five miles In length luld from Richmond to a point on the Missouri river opposite Lexington some time be tween 1M! and 1S.M. It was made of timber, the rails lielng of sawed oft and the ties of hewed oak, and was operated by horsepower. Worthy of emulation. In an eastern town the Village Im- provement association has adopted a plan for street Improvement that should prove successful. The association has offered a cash prize to the residents of anj- one block In the town who shall have done the best work from July to August In clearing away weeds and maintaining a neat appearance about his premises. The idea contains a hap py suggestion. lIMAIL ORDER FAKES. Some of the Familiar Advertising Tricks Shown Up. BAIT FOR HOOKING SUCKERS. Beware of the "Song Poems Wanted." Don't Bit at the "Bona Fid Businoss 8eoret" Steer Clear of the Prise For 8elllng Goods. The "mall order magazine" is identi fied at once by the initiated, but the average reader does not know it uuder this designation. Many little maga zines, published at a very low sub scription rate, have no other purpose than to carry malt order advertise ments. They are able to work up an enormous circulation because of the low rate for subscriptions. The circu lation brings them large prices for ad vertising. The mall order people, not only the large housos which do a gen eral business, but also the cheap skate fake concerns aud Individuals, patron lse the advertising columns. They set enticing hooks for suckers. They catch many suckers. It behooves the reader of these publications to do a little thinking before biting. In this connec tion the following article from the New York Herald It timely and helpful: In these days of buti and graft a man should look before be buys. That he does not Is clearly ahown by the thousands of fakes which we hear of and read of dally. The cleverness of the mall order man la wonderful. There is always a way to avoid the law. As soou as one fake is exposed and a law made to cover It fifty fakes suggested by that law spring up. For Instance, it would take a more elastic clause than the. famous one in our constitution to cover this latest bit of mall order wH. In almost any mall order magazine you may pick up you will find adver tisements similar to this: MAIL ORDER MEN, ATTENTIONI I have a bona fid b mi which pay mm par monin. ..othing; to make, aothlng to cell. I guarantee results. Ton ean do It Just as well as I. Five dollars is the prlco of the secret. Mono? back If you are not satisfied or If this advertise ment Is a misrepresentation. If you are of the great oncthbunkoed al ways-bunkoed class, you might an swer one of the alluring offer. If you did. you would In all probability re ceive a- reply by the first mall. The letter would contain a cBpplng of the advertisement you bad answered, wttb atatement on this order: One month from today I will withdrew the Inclosed ad. Place your name on It and Insert It In your mall order mefa slne or other advertlel- medium which you use. I have mad IMt a month from thla. Tou can do aa well aa L Tou au rwauy see rrom my euocesa with yeu what your success will be with others. During the bicycle rage some years back a bluing concern coined money from an advertisement similar to this, accompanied by a cut of a handsome bicycle: BOYS AND GIRLS. THIS BICYCLE FREE. To every boy or alrl selling one mmm of our superior bluing we wlU grlve abso lutely free the bicycle repreeented In thla out. Send for the bluing today. When you have It all sold, remit the money, and you will receive this beautiful bicycle absolutely free. Btate whether boy's or girl s bicycle Is wanted. It Is safe to say that thousands of children slaved for those free bicycles aud turned in their money to the mushroom bluing company. Their work was, however, not without com pensation, for each child who sold a gross of the bluing received a minia ture blcyclo, uot two Inchea high, but perfect representation of the cut This Idea of toy fakes Is old. A part nor In one of the foremost mall order houses In the world owen his start In life to an advertisement which he ran extensively some years ago. His offer wus to send furnituru enough to com pletely fit out one room for a dollar. Cuts of the articles were shown, und the offer hud the appearance of being legltlmote. For every dollar received the "sucker" was sent a complete set of doll furniture. Recently the law been mo aware of the fact that tlne were hundreds of small music publishing companies do ing business entirely on their nerve. Their method was to advertise for song poems, showing tho enormous profits mado from popular souks? As the song manuscripts flowed In they either had music written for them or "borrowed" music already written and sent a letter of acceptance to the per son who had sent In the song poem. The Utter stated that a Drellmlnarv cost of from $10 to J.10 would be nec essary for making the plutes. In most instances the money was sent. The pistes were made cheaply, the publish ing bouse sent a professional copy to the author, and there the mnttor droo ped. No effort at marketing the produc tion was made. Tho law is gradually getting after theso publishers, but there are many of these wildcat Insti tutions still flourishing. Another clever and profitable mall order fake h that of reading ihe char acter from the handwriting. There are as many possibilities In It as fortune telling, ami there are as few chances of beinir convicted for obtaining money nnder false pretenses. Walrus Skin. Walrus skin Is used to cover small boats, to which It Is attached with the oluts of Ihe walrus tusks. These nsks nr.- aI- nsc. as points for har poons and for ornaments. Bee Hive CAMERON & DODCiE, Pbors. ' DEAIEXS IN - . Stationery, Post Cards, Bicycle Supplies, Mission Furnltnre, Novelties, Notions. Before buying see our Hue of attractive Goods. We can save you money. Repair shop In connection. We repair Bicycles and Locks, Guns, Furniture, etc. CHURCHILL BVILDINU 309 6th tS. Grants Pass, Ore. Ftot Rational Bank Of Southern Oregon GHAXTS PiSS. OREGON Some of the Services that a Bank Renders the Public DEPOSITS The simplest and safest way of keeping your money is by deposit "iK it in a Reliable Bank. This Bank receives Deposits Subject to Check, or on Demand Certificates of Deposit or on Time Certificates of Deposits. On Time Deposits we pay 4 per cent interest. DRAFTS The Best and Cheapest way to Transfer Money is by Bank Draft. We sell Drafts navable in nllinarf. of the country. LOANS One of the most imoortant fnr. tions of the Bank. We ondeavnr to supply all rtstonUe needr of our tjustoMers. Capital and Surp m...... $75,000 Stockholder' Additional Responsibility-. ....... ; . .$5oToOO orriccKs L. B. HALL.Pretideut J. C. Campbell, Vice-President H. L. GlUCBrjCaahlai , K. K. Hacwtt, AagtCathir S. V. MOODY WOOD YARD Cor. H & 3d sts. Phone 434 1 Load Blocks $3.00 Htovo V ! 1 Tier Manzanita $3.00 1 Tier Oak $3 00 1 Tier Fir $2.50 1 Tier Pine $2.25 Oil 11 tile WxmI 1 Tier Oak $2.75 1 Tier Fir $2.25 1 Tier Pine $2,00 1 Load Sawdust 50 1 Load Kindling 75 A.HM(iyinpf SO ?t, PIONEER ASSAYING AND REHNING COMPANY Capital fOO, 000, established 27 years, tlold. Base Bullion, Cyanides, Dion Ore, eto, bought, Spot cash on assay value. AH work by expetts. 1)1 Fifth Street Near V S. Mint SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. F. G. ROPER lriiMlilonullo rrvr LomivG Courier Blk up stairt SUITS MADE TO ORDER Promptly end cf the heat material and lu me latest style. CLEANING AND REPAIRING J.E. PETERSON (piohkkk) flRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE REAL ESTATE AGENT BtUl doing business at the old stand. Cor. Sixth und V streets. GaiSTS Pass, . . Ohsooii. Courier trial subscription, weckt, 10 centt in stamps. five