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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1908)
f V ROGUE RIVER COUKIER, GRANTS PASS, OREGON, JANUARY 10, 1M8 i i i R, L. Bartlett Howard Bid Sixth St. Winter SHOES Now as winter is here every man needs a pair of good heavy soled shoes. We have Beyer al special styles with soft, easy uppers and Idouble Boles, just the kind for winter wear t AMONG THE LODGES THE ROGUE RIVER COURIER GRANTS PASS, OBEUON. Published Every Friday. Subscription Ratast One Year, in advance, , m HI i Months, - . .78 Tlire Mini tin, . ,4i) Vinyl Copisa, . ... ,06 Advertising- Rata t ur.ilshad on application al tlx office, or by mail. Obituaries and resolution of con dolence wllll charged (or al 60 par Una; aard of thank 60c. A. E. VOORHIES, W. E. WILLIS, PKOPR Editor Entered at tb pott oBlc at Orfnta I'm Oregon, a Mcona-elass mall matter. FRIDAY. JANUARY 10, 1008. AAVAAAAAAAAAAAAaAAaVAaVAAAi f ftttff t www WW WW WWWW WW I NOTES ANDJOMMENTS : J By Old Man Smith TROLLEY A OIVILIZER. Many people remember the old horse car Una on Firt Street, Portland, whan It wat the only line In the city. By and bya cam the ataaiB motor, tb cable car aad the trolley. With tha trolley comet city extension, cheap honiea for workingmen and paolona conulry bomea for boalnea mea. Without iwolal planning fur social, moral, orrellglou affect the trolley I distinct gain to civiliza tlon. The crowded city la always fceterlni aore on the body politic pjvsrly. Tic and orlnie are iutiniate ly aaaoclated with narrow street, " dark alley, cheap boarding house and the beer aalooa. Hot the trolley U tliluniug out the heart of the city aud flttiug op the suburbs. Working. Mn own their owu home, (o back and forth to their labor every day, with houeat pride and self reapect that count on Ilia rig-tit aide of the serial lsdger. And It 1 helping to restrict the 110(111. It would l a great gaiu '" civili tat ion to have a network of trolley Hue I ranching out the center of population In til direction. No greater opportunity exist for that radical philanthropy which promise, to help other at the same time stimu lating other to lidp thennolvc. How would it wort fur our million alr to turn their attention in a measure from endowing college to endowing street car !!, LITTLE KlOUKTS. What a wenlth ol mritiiitiK may be found hidden a war In tingle word The aim was called tl y of the day. The little flower wo call the daisy bore a linking rritemhlaiice to the orb in the eky no it wan called the eye of day or the ,day't eye which in time wat shortened to dairy. Advtralty htg Its uses. The finan cial panic called down many a high flyer and taught many to seek safe landing before getting entirely out of light Ballooning it alwayt dan gerous. The next time any of our business men want to puzzle their customer let tliftp try the following: Two boyt went ont to tell SO applet, divid ing the number 'equally between them and brought home 25 cents. The next dty one boy wit tick and the other took ont the AO applet telling firat three for one oent and then two for oent end brongbt'back only 34 cents. What became of the one ont 1 Pig killing time inggeata the odd distinction peculiar to the Englith langoage by which the animal change its name at toon at the breath it out of itt body. The 01 become) beef the tktep become mutton and tb hog becomes pork. The old man will gie a braat button to the Brtt one who will tell the reaaon why. This lithe naoal time for the church at to make special effort to make bad people good, good people better and better people better ttllL Some criticize revivals and tome revivals tr to be criticized but while man is man the tick will need healing, the weak need strengthening, the lazy need atimalating and the dead either a returrectlon or a decent burial. Appearance are deceitful. A lady riding out in her bnggy dressed in silks and satins with a gold watch chain heavy enough to tie op the dog, iiiTiied the old man to tea and then went to the neighbor to bor row the tea. the home looked an if a wholesale borrowing wa nfceeaary to make the houee tally with the afreet display. A hoarding houan matron is in the habit of putting on an expensive seal tkiu sac que over her dirty grray cotton dres when ahe goes down street to purchase htr supplies. 1 1 J mk-i ley is uot con Hiied to religion ehanis, The world owe every wan a liTing hut i; require some lively rustling to mule lief pay interest 011 the ob ligation. Fetter get 111 and dig. If old Man Smith tread on some body' corn he is orry but he' mighty glad of if." RIGHT in Starting 77e iVeir Vear ly fioltinj: t ho lost vahio for your : : money and buy your (irtH'orios Iwtv Tlio tpiality of tho ;ool. wo otYor w ill ploaso you, unl our prioos will nurpriso you. Tlu proof is in tho oatinc. (iivo us a trial and wo will rik tho rosulu. J. Pardee, Ghc Grocer The advent of the New Year wat happily and fittingly celebrated at the M. W. O. W. hall, when Gen. Logan Pott No. 89, O. A R. and itt auxil iary, the Relief Corpt held a joiot ioatallation at 2 p. in. Mrs. Mellisa Spencer acted for the Relief Corpi and E. A. Wade for the Pott. The Poat'a new officers art: Commander I John Patrick, leoior vice-commander, Jamet Eolman ; junior vice coiumao-1 der, Albert Morris; tnrgeon, H B Al- i veracn; chaplain, Mcali Day; quarter- I maater, EA Wado ; officer of the day, Theodore Mott ; officer of the guard, J H Moore; adjutant, J EPettraon: quarter-maater sergeant; W F Byrne ; 'sergeant major, John Niday. The new Relief Corpt of Seen are : Pretideot, Christiana Ooodoow; senior-vice, HtUn Alverson ; Junior vice, Sidle Anderson ; secretary, Mary Hildreth; treasurer, Ettella Howsrd; cht,plain,,lIabella Stevenson; conductor, EUa Howard; guard; Cas tle Turner; ttaiitant oondoctor, Min nie firitton; assistant guard, Lucy Moore; patriotio lnttmctor, Mary Shrader; motlclan, Carrie Watson; pre! correspondent, 'Alice Mallory; color bearers, lit, Suianna Ahlf; 2d, Lena Hildreth 8d;Hattie Lamphear 4th, Elizabeth Hammel. At the cloae of the installation, Mrs. Mowers wat called back to the platform and presented with a gold emblem pin by Mrs. Uoodnow as a souvenir of es teem and goodwill from the corpt. Mott excellent and timely music waa gian by Mr. Minnie Britton and Cbas. E. Mallory. A dainty lunch had been prepared and in'waiting by the corps ladiet as closing incident of the day to which all 'did ample juitioe. The retiring president, Mrs. Mower has thown herself a faithful and efficient officer by the large membership tnd good financial standing of the onrp. Mr. Goodnow, the newly elected prsiident it competent and worthy of the effioe granted her by the onani moot content ot the corpt. In plan ning her year't work the bat special ised each department toward the corps' advancement. Gen. LogaoNo.26, W.R.G wishet to txprett thank to congressman Hawley for the interest he ha taken in se curing pensions for to many Oregon veteran, making total of more than 2?00 per month for peotlont granted to reaidenta of the First Dittrict of Oregon from December 7 to December 33, 1007. The namet of Iboee residing In Grantt Past are : William F. Kremer, Lloyd H. Gebrctt, Jamrt Holnim, 8. J Havilaod, W RnnelL The regular oorp meetiagi are held at Modern Woodman Hall every second and fourth Saturday afternoons of each month. The Poet the Brat Wedneaday of each mouth. This hall hat been the home of these organization for more than 17 years. ALICE MALLORY, Press correspondent, W. R. C. COMING EVENTS. Jan. 80,81 and Feb.l, Thu.Fri and Pat. Firxt Annual Show, Grant Pant Poultry Kwi'era Amooint on. Jan. 80, 81 arid February 1. Thursday, Friday n1 Satordav, Horace K. Turner Art Exliiliit, at High School, alteruoon and evening. Jan. Ml, Friday Meeting in Grant 1'hh to organize the Rogue ltuer G at Prerders' .tsaociittiou. Jan. 81, FrVlay Colt and Fine Hot! nhow ill Grants raea, tuinvr Sli pice of Grants Pan and Kerb? Ilreodtra' Aoociatioti Feb. I, Saturday-Fruit Grower' Meeting iu Gmuis Pan. I'uiler Aus pices of Grunts Pat Kruit Grower AcoeUtiin When You an tav aliave, A good an burlier ever gave, Call at The Joaephine Totisoiial I'ar lor; We cut and diens tli hair with grace, To d'lit the contour of t lie fai'e. The plae I nt, the tow-da are cl an. Tli .'lori liHrp. the razor ke-11 And evrr) thing, l think you'll find li eenit the taste and p!eae ttie mind. I.adie' and Gent' Shre Shining. I to St A W SCOTT, Pfi'pr. c EARING S A A Money Making Harvest for Bargain Hunters As usual at this time of the year we offer balance of our fall and winter stock at big reductions in prices. We make the;e conces sionssoas to close out all surflus stock in a short time a. possible. In many instances prices are reduced to LESS THAN COST MENS' AND YOUNG MENS1 SUITS ANb OVERCOATS $ 7.50 Suits now $ 6.00 10.00 " 8.00 10.00 12.00 12.80 16.00 18.00 20 00 .....22 00 20.00 12.50 15.00 16.00 20.00 22.50 25.00 27.50 30.00 Mens' Extra Pants $1.25 Pant now $1.00 1.50 " 1.20 2.00 " 1.60 2.50 " 2.00 3.00 " 2.40 4.00 " 3.20 5.00 " 4.00 SCHOOL BOYS' THREE-PIECE SUITS Long pants, agaa 10 to 16 r nn Suits now $4.00 f' Xy.'V o.oU 4.40 4 80 ... 5.C0 6.00 6.40 8.00 9.60 Hoys' knee pants suits exceptional values $1.40 per suit to $5.60 6.00 7.00 7.50 8.00 10.00 12.00 Boys' Overcoats Ages 3 to 16 $3.50 Overcoats now $2.80 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 6.00 7.00 8.00 3.20 3.60 4.00 4.40 4.80 5.60 6.40 Geo. S. C&lhoun Co. i "Outfitters to Boy and Man' Frttnt Street Gr.inta I'jiss Stock Ranch FOR SALE ON aivnutit cf poor health I inns cell in v J 'litre tf H'iJ arre. with lioiiienoM k-ootx, a few frui lliif tool, ltarn. New Small Hoti'. Or. hard, 0 Aer.-i u h I'otti ni ipar'ly ileare-') ljnd. r"t peu U'ueh ln1. fue ont.-ulo range. .1 or aeres Alfsl'a, i ff whivh 1 cm .! er ; . IW;. alo . head of Mixed Tattle. All goe for IS an Mire tu Ki'gtie Ktver. Addrew 31. LUCAS. Agne. Cvirry Co. ORE. Many Will B Helped By It. To relieve the wont forms of Rheumatism, take a teaapooaful of the following niiitore after each meal aud at bedtime: Flnid Extract Dandelion, one-half ounce; Compound Kargon, one ounce; Compound Hjrup Sareapnrilla, tbrree ounces. These harule ingredients can be obtained from our home drnggiats, and are rsaily mixed by shaking them well in a bottle. Relief is generally felt from the flrat few doses This prescription, states a well known authority in a Cleveland morn iug paper force the clogged np, in active kidneys to filter and strain from the blood the poisonous waste matter aud orio acid, which cause Kheuimv-tlain. A HheniuatiMU is net only the moat painful and torturous diseafe, but dangerous to life, this simple re cipe will no doubt be greatly valued by many infferer lure at heme, who should at once prepare the mixture to get thia relief. It ia said that a pervou who would take tliis prescription rrgulariy, a dote or two daily, or even a few times a week, would never have serious Kid ney or Urinary disorders cr Rlienina tiMii. Cut thi out and prewrve it. GoihI Rlieuuintiui rescript i'ti which really relieve are scarce, indeed whsn you need it, you waut it badly. Our druggists here say they will either supply the-e ingredients or make the mixture ready to take if any of our reader so prefer. 1 10 It On account of the following meeting at Portland, tickets will te sold at (irants Vm on the certilirate plan entitling holder to return from Portland at una-third fsre, having paid full fare going : f" January 14. 15 and li annual meet ing State' Horticultural Society. . "januMiy '.Ms? arid 21. R. tail Hard ware aud Impltmetit dealer Associa tio'i. " Januarv J4 and S."i, I'scific Kiler ation rf Retail Hardware IW.trs. ; ""January loth .aud 14th, N. W. Re tail Harne'S and Sadlery Matiufact urer As.H-iatiou. , .... and IS, ctti!li vSafe and Secure la the Man with a good Bank Account. By systematically depositing his earnings each week, he has Something for a rainy day and is prepared for any emergency that mav ariBe Are you one of the fortunute!?? Wo invite vou to open an account with lis. Be it mall or great, you will always receive courteous treatment. Interest on time deposits U yon have some surplus cash whv not have it earning you some interest? y,,av im'eret on time dc Hgittv SaU'ty Deposit Boxes for Rent in which yu ,.;, sture your valushlee, p:i,era and treasures. You may have need for just uch nn accom modation. Let us ,.rve vo G. P. Banking & Trust Co. CLASSIFIED ADS. WANTED. NEW TODAY. FOR SALK-Maj.stic Malhahl Range and large ck bedstead. Hoth in Vfry grod cruditicn. ("al! on W K Sn ail-y. at the Mis. ri,,s I' '''' ' 1- Id U FOR RKNT-Six rc tn tvttage t-nt l:v low style two aim if grc.uui. with lenty of Inrriei snd ?ma!l fruit. Fc ssetsion Fel ri arv . vu on W. K. Smailey at ti e Mr. Close 1-10 tf FOR SALE-J 1! R..Vnrn S s n, R F D, No. ', Oruus Fass. Frte'lcsj and Sellers of 'I'Lonuighlrf d Short horn Cattle, Fcland t'iiina f)p I Umu7t Turkeys anil Urowu L. g j horn Chicstns. Fine si.i rtl.cru Hull, which CHniiit 1 us-d with herd, for a'.e at R. s. 1 Frio- ' Will ftiruih pair ot Hog - IV ;.r ' Sow that are of no km Turk,'. ! aud Cnicken Flmk head.d each' season ty ImpiTted Firds anil Kt-s Ciuarauteed Fertile aud just ' T-r'ir.-iit-d. . in tf KOR SALE. Rlf.ej IT, January li, Rite Reiinicu January 21 and State Ci'iiventicn JOE VHARToN-Uuus. Revolver. Aiuuiunnion, Fishing Tackle, ccrtiijt- ( a a lt',-k vintile i utlerv. door ea.t cf ;th HT,EDi7-n:JSnen' My Mk i1' t Tr mont,, : iom9 een mew. Stock clean: grewt. on Reser "tion, far from old orchsrdi. Cash U.ry. Addrea8 aslr.ntson Kursery trmpany To,, Washington. ' V ri .NTED-Ane having workable teat,,, who want, it kept through winter months for light frMy to Chas. MeservX l-irucu.ars. 12-20 tf miscellaneous! . tn.t class meals atd good beds, 25 j. ents ar B. F. Banks' Grant. Pa.a jK's'auraut. I F,4t, BVKNETT-holeTiiii, -nission hj-uitnreniade to order. iiw'k.'1 it0 ! " nie. Mi J,' Z l!,'nire t G. p. regtan. I ..D1. 1-32 ' B- iD , w' Will give half Front St. Retail Ciriovrs ; For further iufor- i FuR four 1-8 tf uiation applv at tl.e'deimt. R. K. MoMXiOMFRY, SALE Si i Hereford Bill Kerrv. ire. In ad -K. F. No: .11 blerd 11-1 tf 110 it Afceut. 'WHITE Leghorn f.-wl f r aV. n srr i foil U.i-d. ltnaire of "A E ,', r hies. v 'j!wV"wkhe" The Ap l....ite 1;iln:8 Ortamery Co: llie annnai i,i.;.. Zr?;- Wednesday. . Hy i r1 - i th Dcard. STASr.FY TAYLOR, : ; V " o