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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1900)
Uappcningiô lew-cold Soda at Haoren'». Barutnocka al Cramer Bro«. Shova refNtired at LlaekMt’«. Icw-Creatu Freezer, at Cranial Bro«. i one Campaign Knivea at Cramer Brea. Take your ahoea to Hackett for good work and right price«. Firet- claaa PLUMBING « Craii er Bros. loose alfalfa hay, per ton. Call on | J. H. Ahif. r L_. Drewnsd to Itogus fiivsr. perdonai •vW A very sad accident happened on Bap urday afternoon on Rogue river near toe mouth of Whiskey creak, ia widen L. T. Green, whose home is near Hujo, lost iiis iiie. Two travelers, A. F. Broad and H Maddock ol Bausalito/Cal., who were making the journey dowu ths riv er io a ran raa eaooe, had bean stopping with Mr. Green and bis eon for a Jay or two. We are informed tu a statement sent us by Maddock and Broad, that Mr Groan aud his sou had swam across the river to aid them in recovuring a capsized canoe and its contents, In re- reached the shore turning. Green safely, but hie eon son was caught iu au eddy and was in danger ol drowning when his father went to his relief, but becaiua exhausted. Maddock awaui over tu their aid, but the current carried all three about 200 yards down the stream. Maddook succeeded iu rescuing the boy, but Mr. Green was unable to reach the shore. The news was immediately seal to the Gold Bug mine and the foreman there, Mr Jones, sent a man to carry the news to Mr. Groan's ianiily. A parly went down to searvh for the body, but at last account» it had not been recovered. Mr. Green owued a placer mine on Kumctaek.a tributary of Bogue river some dielance' below Galice, which be worked during llie summer. The plate where the tragedy occurred is the “big elide,” an enormous slide which came into the river about 10 years ago form ing rapids, below which wore the eddies which canned the accident. Mrs. C E. Ilarutou went to Coleetin Dr- Flanagan. Resident Dentist. Toaeday. Faint« and Oil«—Cramer Bros. E. E. Redfield wax up from Iceland Saturday. C. Si Louis for watch repairing John R. Harvey returned Tuesday Whip«, l(k to 12.50 at Hac kett's. flow a trip to Pot Hand. Campers’ Outfits at Cramer Bro» . W. J. Wimer of Waldo waa iu town Bargains in Dishta at Cramer Bro«. Friday on a buaineM trip. Tablets of all kiuds at the Covaixa i A tine Campaign Pocket Knife fur 5tk 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hayeu of Kerby HARTLORDS are sold bv Cramer Bru« ! at Cramer Bro»’. visited Granta Paa« last week. Bryan A Stevenson pocket knives at everything in W. L. Ireland can save jou money on H. C. Bobaieu «|*ent «everal day« at Cramer Brux. >our winter'« wood. Coleetin during (he paat week. Show year political colors and get a RAMBLERS High grade Biijckx »10 Her to Mt Lean returned to Portland fine Pocket Knife for 50c at Cramer Bros. Hair-Riddle Hardware Co. on Monday’s early morning train Ladle.-' Fast l^atk Swatnlraa Ho»e, |1 I Teacher’s exmmat’on is being Lehi S. N Butters went to Kiakiyou county per dos. at the Big «Store of R. L Coe A this week at the court bou«e. Wednesday to remain for some time. Co. Try a «ample load of the slab wood | Miss Theresa Hoyt haa been visiting T. P. Lee started for Portland with W. L Ireland is selling for TfieU. per her sister in M-*dford during the past Wednesday’x freight, with a car load of tier. week. i musk melons. RAMBLER I’n xcks have a distincliv« Mr. and Mr» W. A Watts of Con nee Copp*« American Milling code, *lm> “style” of their own. See the samples ticut are visiting with 1. I.. Jewell and al Hair Riddle Hardware Co ’ i Store I thé Mining Laws ol Oregon for sale at family, • • The price is HO* the C ourier office Mrs. W. H. and Miss Mabie Kinney Smokers will find rare opportunities returned on Monday from their outing You have heard it «aid of some things for atieclion in the many lines of choice “It takes the cake.” But Myrtle Creek al Wiklerville. cigars at Hansen's. Fiour makes the cake. Miss Grace Carroll of Roseburg hae You will regret it if you do uol lay in been viaiting here with the Misses Good F. T Downing has begun the erection of a hay warehouse on the north side of i a supply of slab wood while W. L. Ire at Hotel Josephine. land is tilling it at 75ctx. per tier the railroad near Sixth street Mrs. Edwin Smith left on Wednesday Mrs. S. Harknes- has begun the erect- morning for Eureka, Cal., to visit with looked alter, Dou’t forget the Ideals when looking r for a good medium priced Bieye’e. All H ion of quite an elaborate resilience on her son, <am Smith. kinds for old and young, prices >20, >25 >1 Third street near D. The work of con- U C BOBZIEN and >30. Hair-Riddle Hardware Co. I struct« n ia being done by Cha*. Pil&^-r. George Cramer left on Monday even Opposite I*. O ing for Newport, to spend bia summer • 0 • DU I7DV ihotggrapher | The social dance given on Friday eve-’ outing at that popular resort. t JI IS D Y Opp. Court House. I ning by the Grants Pass baseball club Ltland Silting». Wnt. Slock, one of the prominent STHANSKY ENAMELLED WARE al was quite a sucre.-s. A large number . miners of the lower Illinois country, is Tne health of the people is good. No attended and report an enjoyable time. Cramer Bros. sickness reported. visiting Grants Pass this week. Ramblers are establishing a good rep First-daxe PLUMBING at Cramer Tunnel 9 is progressing. John Goff is K. W. Siisby, was down Monday from utation for themselves. A pleased cus- Bros. Ashland, returning Tuesday morning. building houses to rent. | tonier is the best of recommendations. Get your writing paper by the reais Geo. Light gave a candy party. Borne His family will return next week. Those who ride Ramblers always praise | I and «ave money. We offer a ream of ol us went up from Leland and had a F. II. <> good of Seattle arrived here their wheels. Price |40 Hair—Kiddle ■ We take pleasure in announcing to the public that we note paper, 480 sheets, 24 poands, for Thursday and went out to the Waldo nice time. Hdw. Co. have secured the services of 45c. We get tbe paper in large quanti district Friday to examine some mining The Greenback mine owners are Have you noticed the number of new ties and can sell ch^ap; this is not cheap property. haullug a large amount of supplies to paper but first class goods.—C ourier Rambler Bicycles on the streets recent Nat Fees went out to the Nip|>er saw their mine. ly? They are sold at the Hair-Riddle office. Law Browning is hauling quaitz and Hardware Co. store, and (he price is|40. mill Monday evening to assume tbe W. L Ireland wilt contract wilh you management of the engine for the com grinding it with bia araatra and is «et Secoml-hand Bicycles wanted as pall Portland, Ore., foi <*ny «mount over 10 tiers, of slab ing month ile baa * good ting good returns, wood to be delivered when you want it. payment on new wheel* a» Cramer Bros. i J. E. Lminis, the morvbant and post, ledge. I Koh-i-noor pencils at the C ourier See him at once if you want to get dry who has lud many years’ experience as a master of the live'y and progressive l stateli that we in my last article, office, wood. mining uaiup of Galice, visited Grant« had as big widows here as could be A car load of coke arrived here this Pass on Monday. McKinley A Roosevelt pocket knives found, but an error in type made it say week for use in a small smelter which al Cramer Bros. Mr and Mrs. E W. Kuykendall and as good widows. will bo used in the development ot th« A spark from a passing engine ignited daughter Hasel returned lust Wednes Politics are warming up. A good a fence oil J. J. Frier’s place near the Elder copper property near Waldo. It day from a visit to Eugene and an outing many democrats are going to come in and who comes to us highly recommended as a man who is now being hauled to that place. railroad one day last week and burned 'at Clatsop beach. to the republican ranks, as confidence thoroughly understand., plumbing of all kinds. We will The weather during tbe past week has up 300 rail*. F. T. Sutherland returned last week ami prosperity have been restored. gladly show samples and give estimates on anything you John Blalock has purchased from been phenomenally cool for this season iroin his vixit to Alaska and British We are having nico sunshiny a sstlier need in the plumbing line. P. II. Harth his four acre orchard tract of the year. The mornings especially Columbia, w here he has been examining with cool breezes. Last week we had a have a sharpness which is conducive to on Eight street for $8-:0. mining properties for Smith A Moffatt very few days ol quite warm weather familiarity with the kitchen stove. of Denver, Vesper services will be held next Sun- but at present we are enjoying cool and It is very pleasant, but not what we day in the railroad park at the usual Jack Snelling, one of tbe owners of pleasant weather. may reasonably expect in August. Hour, 7:30. There will be a song ser the Alford Snelling quartz mine at Ga Last Saturday night, Harry Chapin David A. Kauble, who has been run vice and short address by one of tbe • ice and one of the prominent miners (¿f gave a social hop at hie new reeidence. ning a planer at the Both Kelley mill BLOCK. pastors. His mother is running the boarding at Coburg, was Killed there last Wednes- that section, was visiting Granta Pass STOVES this week. The Rogue river bridge will lie closed house tor Mr. Cox. Bubo Acres is run his body being wound around tbe plan to travel next Sunday afternoon from 2 Mrs. J. \V Howard ami daughter ning a boarding house lor Mr. Kinney. ar shaft and terribly mutilated. It is to 5 p. m. by order of County Judge The woods are full of wood cutters. As not known just how the accident oc Miss Eula, returned last week from \xtell in order that necessary repairs 1 am delivering supplies for the differ their visit to Kerby, They were accom curred. WF ilAVE RECEIVED may be made. ent camps I have to keep a sharp look panied by Mr. Howard, who returned to Charles Holt, a wfeter boy employed out for the long big fir trees that are G. A. Gregory has lesigned as a mem by thu Booth Kelley Lumber Company . Kerby on Saturday. \NOTHER constantly falling. ber uf the board of regente of the Ash- was killed some time Monday forenoon L. L. Jewell and lamily, Mr. ami Mr«. B oh . ¡and Normal School. His resignation is at Wendling. Holt was 15 years old, W. A. Walts, Mr. and Mr«. Eclu« Pol BIG lue to hi* removal from tbe state. The and was hauling water with a horbe ami lock and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Calhoun left Sale or Exchange- SHIPMENT ’erm to which Gregory’s successor will sled to the Wendling saw mill and by on Wednesday morning for a camping Eighty acre« on William« creek, three be appointed expires in lo,r» trip to Crater lake. mi tert from pout office, 20 miles from some accident got under the sled. of Plain and Fancy To make r>o.*n for my new goods for The vesper services at the Railroad Miss Jennie Dunkle, who has been in Granta Pass. One-half under cultiva the fall which are beginning to arrive. I park last Sunday evening were very Portland for tbe past year, arrived here tion, orchard of four acre«, good water will until September 1 make a sweeping pleasant and enjoyable and a much Wednesday morning to «top over for a right. Two barns, coin tor table house, reduction on all summer goods Lawns larger congiegation was present than on lay visiting friends, on her way to visit good outbuildings. Plenty of berries 25 acres standing timber, good for lum ami odds and ends and remnant« at one the preceding Mm . The evening her parents at Wadsworth, Nevada. bar. New saw mill. Will exchange for half (trice. One door north of bank was quite cool and wraps were almost Mies Astella Goodin left on Monday We are selling it very R. (). M i ’C komkky . necessary to comfort, Rev. Hubei t L. e «Horning lor a visit at her Imine st Hills town property or sail for |I2OO. cheap. You might call lie of the Baptist church, delivered an boro. She will return early in Septem Baby Ge fl on Doorstep, in and ste the latest de The C. E. Society of the Presbyterian excellent address. ber to resume her position as teacher in church held their monthly social and In Medford Sunday night a baby girl signs ; and the pretty business meeting on Tuesday evening at The 8. P. 1) A L. delireiy team in the schools at this place. about six weeks old was left on the ;-?»'■ flowers, fruit and land '.be resilience of Rev. C. W. Hays. A dulged in another run* aav on Satuday. Mr. Pike of Wadsworth, Nev., a news doorstep of B. N. Butler. The parties scapes on our crockery. proverb social was held aftei the buei- The neckyoke slipped back on the pole paper man and attorney, spent Monday left a note saying that the child was POrtTiA iiesa of the society was disposed of. A which caused a bewilderment of the in (¿rants Pa«« and made the Coi kikr a left fur protection, the parents be-ng very pleasant evening was enjoyed by equine mind, resulting in consternation plea-ant call He was very favorably unable to care for it, and that the par and ultimate panic. The driver was impressed witii Southern Oregun'and ents were married August 13,1899. City the members ami their friends. Marshal Samuel Murry has taken The silver platers are through their thrown out and the team indulged in a <Irani« Pass. work in Roseburg ar.d are here prepared lively race along D street, but were Rev. C. W. Hays held services at rhaige of the infant, and is endeavor- to do all kinds of plating of tableware finally secured without serious damage Wiblerville on Sunday afternoon. Mr. ng to find a home for it. and jewelry. Knives, forks and sjiouni- resulting. Hays is showing mticb commendable Eatrsy Notice, Harness of all Kinds, Grades and a specialty. We guarantee all silver activity in visiting the smaller towns of Came to my |>lace on Louse creek, on plating to stand the test. We are locat Prices at Hackett*«. the county whose church op|>orturiitiea the titb of June, 1900, one blacli horse Straw, clean straw, bright clean straw , ed two blocks east of bicycle track. are limited. about 9 years old, weight about 1100, rilraw for carpets, straw for beds, straw McGregor and Myers’ barber shop John Galvin returned from Portland branded III on left shoulder; also one for hens' nests, straw for cow« to sleep and bath rooms are neat and clean. on. You can get all the straw you want Sunday evening and expects to remain bay pony about 8 years old, branded Every customer get« a clean towel And • rom Scott Gritlin for 40 cents a bale. here about a month, after which he will N H on left hip. Owner can have the the bath rooms are sanitarily arranged The drug store« do not keep straw, go to California to resume his studies. same by paying charges. They have spared no means in making C. H. M ontuomkby , clothing or dry goods stores do not han Hi« mother expects to return from Port it first class in every respect. Call and Granta Paes, Ore. dle straw, neither does the bank or the land in a few days to remain. see them ami you will be treated right. J. Patrick and family, Alva Beals and hotels. There are place« you can call Wood wan U m 1 on subscription at the They are located on Front street where for a glass with a straw io it, but Scott family of Klamath Fall«, and M inn Lula Col KIKK office. the telephone j>ule is striped. Next to Griffin's is the only place you can get Dyke left on Monday morning for an Hood’s bicycle shop. straw at 40 cents a bale; also hay and . outing at Crescent Citv. Misie« Lula That Throbbing lirailaehe Sol Blmnaur, the grand president of feed of all kinds. Dyke and Bertha Patrick and Mr. Floyd Would quickly leave you, if you used tbe Native Son« of Oregon, has made Patrick are making the journey on I heir The Acme of Perfection; Strong and hit apiointmenLe fur the coining year, Thursday’s, Friday’s and Saturday’s! bicycles. Or, King's New Idle Pilla. Thoueande north bound 8. P. Co’», trains ware and has given several residents of several hour« late in arriving in Grant« ! W. L. Ireland and Lincoln Sivage of sufferers have proved their matchless Southern Oregon places on them. Dis I’axt. Thecause of the delay was an returned on Saturday from their trip to merit (or Mick and Nervous Headaches. Tliey make pure blood and build up trict deputy presidents, A. E. Reames, W'e furnish any make of tire on six makes of wheels. accident that took place at Benecia. A the Josephine caves. They report a Now is the time to buy a tandem, the 97 model; a $75 wheel for (35. of Jacksonville, E. W. Kuykendall, of freight engine belonging to the Southern very enjoyable outing and had venison your health. Only 26 cents. Money beck if not cured. ¡Mold by Hr. Kremer, (¿rants Pass, H. T. MuClallen. of Rose Pacific, which was hauling cars on , to eat. '1 hey explored the cavea ny«- Your wheel taken in part payment for a new one. Hruggiet. burg; on appt-ala and grievances, E. E. tetnatlcally and had a romantic ad ven board the big ferry boat Solano, went, We furnish anything made for the Bicycle. Dunbar, of (¿-ants Pa»?, state of the over tbe bow of the boat into the bay, ( lure with a bucking pack horse. They MARRIED Coaster Brakes put in any wheel. order, M. M. Taylor, of Jacksonville. blocking the ferry boat in the «lip. In returned well pleased with their trip. legislation, Dr. J. M. Keene, of Medford ; Our stock is the largest and ass .rtment the I ks ', in Southern Oregon. MOXLEY-HOWARD—In this city, -onsequence all train« Lad to be brought Thos. W. Hammond of Askland, has Monday, August (I, 1900, E. I. Moxley ritual, Geo, E. Neuber, of Jacksonville. north by way of Slackton. Up-to-date goods and down to-date prices be»-n named by Senator Geo. W Mc and Mm Mary A. Howard, Judge Abe W. A. Taylor, son of J. T. Taylor, met Axtell officiating John Karizau is building a dancs had Bride as a < adet for West Point Military with a very setious accident Sunday at L ib hop farm on Rogue river below Academy. Thus. Hammond is about 20 GLYNN KELLOGG—In Grants Paas Ore., on August 5, 1900, at the resid night while engaged in his occupation town, which will SKiii Ije completed ami yean of the son of the late A. P. BICYCLE MEN. as freight brakeman. His lantern went on August 22 ho will inaugurate the hop Hammond of Ashland, amt has been a ence of the Baptist pastor, Thomas A. Glenn and Miss Josephine M. Kellogg, out and in tbe darkness he fell between ' sexton with a grand ball. Mr. Kanzau stU'lent of the Oregon University at both of Josephine county, Ore., Rev. two cars while tbe train wa« pas? I has 45 acres in hops which are looking Eugene. Robert Izeahw officiating. Ing over a trestle. He «track the well aud give good indications of an Ben E. Stahl and family left on Hun* | : embankment in hia fall, which pmbably I abundant crop. The hop lice gave some day morning*« early train for Boise, DIED MONMOUTH. OREGON I saved bis life. No bones are broken, I trouble, but the warm, dry weather Llaho. They will visit Astoria and will i JREEN—Near Rum creek on Bogue I hut the bnn«es are very serious and be »dinimated the danger from that source take a trip up the Columbia to the Fail term of>enM Sept. l*th. river, on Baturdav, August 4, lutai. The student« of the Normal bool are pre o is suffering considerably from the injury Picking will begin about the first of1 Dalles, on their way. They expect to by drowning, L. T. • irean of Merlin, pared to take tbe Mate Certificate immediately on to hi« »pine. The extent of hi« injuries - ‘ •piemher and Mr. Ranzau wiff. »hnpLjy return in a few months. Mr. Ktahl has j ag»-d 45 year«. irraduatum. <-an not yet be determined, but it ia alkout 150 pickers at that time. Hi« ben «UDeriniendent of the A. AB. Graduate^ ■* readily read: secure good position.«. The deceased wan a native of Illinoie ! hoped that they will not prove lasting. farm i« well equipped with bop houses, pla< er at Galire for a numiser of year», I;j. j*en e a.* year from $12” to |l'«0. a'»<I had resided on thin roast time rouir Acadenii' and l’r«-?<- « •■our«'«. filling that position with ability* and 1881 and in thia county since IHMS. He Quite an excitement was raised in the dry kiln« and other building«. merit in Manual Training, Speaker D. B Henderson paited credit. usually quiet town of Talent, Bunday leave« a wife formerly Mie« Busan ontaimng full announcements nignt. by an unusnal prueeadtag at a ' through here Sunday evening in a Rev. I. <i. Knott« of Florence, Ore., Herndon and «is children,two eon« and P I.. CAWPHFf |„ ident. religious meeting lieing conducted st the 4 pec tai rar attached to th* r*gular over arrived here Uwt Thursday. Mr. Knotts four daughter«. BapUst church by Rev. (¿o^dard. land. Near Hugo, he and hi« party ba« been appointed Sunday school mis HASTINGS—Near Merlin, July 8, IfitO, James lorsyth, who ha« been working experienced the adventure of a col I inion. sionary lor the southern Oregon presby of cholera infantum, (’umma, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo Hast* with the gang ol 8 P. Co.*s painter« at I Alter leaving Gr.*nt« Pass about 7 tery and will make big headquarter« in THE LATEST MPROVED mg*. aged 1 year and 11 month«. lhe new railroad depot ¿here, was in an o'clock, the heavy tram continued to Grants Paas. There i« a large field for intoxicated condition ^nd attempted to i 'c.<-e time, lie bin. I and follow in* the work in Sunday iw bool matters in South- i Interrupt the revival meeting. The egpre«« was a light engine nnder charge rrn Oregon outside the larger town« j I ordered tl»e man to be quiet of Flngineer Bert PiU which was pro and Mr. Knotts will probably be able to I IIOLMAN' »V (he meeting, when the burly I ceeding on orders from Gram« Pats to a< ornpltsh a great <ieal ot good iu this | threatened to chastise the, K>teH*burg In rouuding a «harp carve line. Ke left on Friday for Oaklaite, I UNDERTAKERS 1 made an attempt to carry i in a deep cut about two miles «oath of but will .oon return with bi« family. EMBALM ERS at. The reverend g*ntietnan Hugo, the bgbt engine collided with Church Not«» Balt Be ng. High Gr I the rear ear. The rear axle of the ma. h for tbe bully and hot for ' ’ Supe- r in ever Felber Hickey ix mekiog a thorough I Office on 6th Ht. oppo Court If ruse. rferenes uf byst»oders. thepaint- private car wax badly sprung and tbe uld have received a well deserved j nine jmssenger« in ti*e car were given ranvaee of hi« pariah, «electing and pre- I Residence North 7th M. VERTICAL nd UNDERFEED. a i»xned for 1 i quite a xiiaking up. Speaker Hender- paring a large ciM for confirmation anr*| GRANTS PASS, OR For Sale bv disturbing a son and party vere tr«n«(erred to a firwt cornmanion, which will take plarw ling and he was taken before PaLuian coach. continuing on their e.rly next month. Ca|t at lke < « ■»«» ofllc« and sw the art ot Medford who fined him way. Paxeenger train« 11 and 12 were ttervwM nwst Banday at tbe Catholic p.noram.c view, ot Grant. I’asa aud 115 — Tiding«. rhurrh wili be held al 9.»o'clock a. m. | vicinity. J t delayed •evr y»d hours by tU ax Jtr»t. can G roce rie Crockery and Chinaware Mason Fruit Jars Cheap Glass Tumblers pickers supplies carefully TRY US... Announcement... I •W. B. 3EOZRGÏÏ of .PE ¿TZZvIBER, Cramer Bros. Crockery. /Two Good Things to Eat Et. Klamath Lull Cream Cheese -and- Ashland Creamery Butter We keep a Fresh Supply on the.road all the time Calhoun Grocery Co Ain.t.jr Light, Easy-Running. SewingMachine County Treasurer'» Notkt. Notice is hereby given thet there are funds in the county treasury for the re demption of the following warranto pro tested to January 5th, IW2. interest on «aine will cease from thia date, July 11, » 190(1. Noe. Noe. No». Noa. No». 380 431 463 379 378 488 84 395 418 4»i2 2 0 9» 28 1 36 33 101 103 190 63 10 62 4 102 109 43 88 31 07 188 119 120 123 111 130 133 130 194 189 210 201 140 372 143 223 J. T. , 212 County TreM-uer. Notice of Mcetins of Board of Equalization. Notice is lisreby given that for the pur|s»e of correcting all errors in valu ation, description or quality of lands, lots or other property, the board ol equalization for the county of Josephine, state of Oregon, will attend al the county clerk's office on Monday, Sep tember 10, 1900, and continue from day to day until the assessment roll is examined. Dated at Granta Pass, Oregon, the 18th day of July, 1900. T hom is S mith , More Baseball. Assessor. Notice. ' All persons knowing themselves to be indebted to the Col Kian will confer a favor,by paving the amount Inside of the next few days if at all possible. A splendid line of mounts for stamp pictures, some as low as 6c per dozen. Also panels for four pictures in different positions. All kinds of mounts on hand —A. K. Voorhies. Summer Suits Don’t Speculate You’ll lose morally, financially, socially. Stick to the TRIED and TRUE. ” Time tries the troth The famous in everything. ” Schloss Bros Clothes have stood the test, There are no There arc clothes like theirs, style, snap, dress, wear, rtal art and merit nliout their clothes you'll not find in others. The stamp of a reliable maker to his wares, is the best guarantee the wearer can have. GRANTS PASS, O k . THE SON, The New Tourist Hleepin* Care On the Northern Pacific have the wo men's toilet rooms an I lavatories separ ated. Men a lavatories in these can have two wash basins and are also dis tinct Iroiu .Men's toilet rooms. You will appreciate all thia. A. D. Charlton, Aaa't tien'l Paas. Ag’t, 255 Morrison St., Cor. 3d, Portland, Ore. Next Friday, the Koulhern Pacific em ployes will again engage the 8. P. D. A I,, boys in a baseball game at the ball grounds. The railroaders are far from satisfied with their former defeat and will make an earnest endeavor to even up matters in the coming game. T. A. HOOD & CO., Davis—— Writing Paper at a Bargain. We received a job lot of commercial note paper which w» will close out at 15 cents a package. It won’t last ionq st that price; the regular price is 26 cents. Cot aiKH office. Sunday Ball Game. The base ball game played here Sun day by the Medford and Grants Pass teams resulted in a victory for Die latter by a score of 14 to 2. The work of the Grants Pass battery was very good More elation would be felt over the game il it had occurred on some other day. Racket Store A CRESCENT CHAINLESS In the night will turn on the electric berth light in the Pullman Standard Sleeping Cara, on Hie Northern Pacific’s North Coast Limited. Two lights in each section. Get a North Coast Limit ed leaflet. A. D. Charlton, Asat Gan’l Pass. Ag't. 255 Morrison St., Cor. 3d, Portland, Oregon. Ttie name ol base ball between the business men and proie»»io.ial men of Granta I’aaa last Friday w»i well attend ed and proved a moat enjovable occaaion for both participant» and »pevtatore. The day was cool and pleasant, with rather a strong breeze, eouiewliat dis- concerting to the pitcher, but very en joyable other«'«* T P Cramer twirled the epiiere for the bueiness men, white Victor 1’etereon, assisted by Roy Bart lett and C. C. 1‘ieeley, performed a like office far the proteeeionals. The game opened mauspiciouslv for the latter and at one stage of its existence the score sto<xl 11 to 4 in favor of the business men. The tiJe turned suddenly and sharply, however, the professional» caught opportunity on the wing and gathered in eight aliining marks in one inning. The remainder of the game wai very stubbornly contested, but the profession*1, forged slightly ahead un til the end. when iiie score stood 17 io 14 io their favor. The batting was vig oroua and good bite were frequent. Out ol a supply ol live bate, only one a as intact at the close of the game. The others were in all stages oi fracture and delapidation, proving the earnestness ol tbe play. No accidents or calamities marred the full enjoyment of tTie occa eion and the players agreeably surprised themselves by playing no worse than they did. The business houses closed and the whole town took a holiday to witness the spectacle. Nearly all the participants are eager to repeat the performance. e YOUR TEETH r HERE’S uo uve talk ing — you cannot have gorwl sound teeth unless you take care ot them. The right tools, with the right prepara tions, applied at the right time will work wonders with any set of teeth. We can supply any Teeth Goods at reasona ble prices — Powders, Washes, Soaps, Brushes. — all the advertised kinds, and some we’ve had made for us, and some we make ouraelvea All that's l»-st. 1 M. (’leinens, I K CACKIPTION DRVOGIirr. ORANGE FRONT o»»o oera* nouas “THE MILWAUKEE." A familiar name for the Chicago, Mil wankre A Hi Paul Railway, known all I over the Union a« the Great Railway running tbe “Pione--r Limited” train* every day and night between He. Paa I I and Chicago, and Omiln and Chicago, j “The only pe»foct train« in tbe world.” ! Understand (’onnettion« are made with All Transcontinental Liana, assur ing to passengers the treat »ervice known« Luxurmu« coache«, electric light«, steam I heal, «da tartly eq nailed by no other line. Ke« that yonr ticket read« yia “The Milwaukee” when going to any point in tbe United State« or < an ad a. All tick et agents well them. For rater, pamphlet« or other in for mation, address, J. W. C a «1 t , C. J. Enov, «renerai Agent, Trav. Pass. Agt. Porri and . On. H kattli , W amh . TWO FINE MONUMENTS Bulli of JOHKPHINE COUNTY granite are now on exhibit!«! st Paddock's Marble and Granite salesroom.