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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1900)
ROGUE RIVER COURIER fr.ninÿ Fetes r/ VOORH1E.* Our Reputation.... <M« T re» M 7VM to*c. iRpunü-* on tbe shoe» wvSll If we M.. tte Her.: ¡i* ‘.»for -» 'A je-*t Saari oo the market. WtAJ' iffcartTBE Tbi* i» the There M no Stooe to cQ«al it few the pnce. »0 er.r- the ',- T mcmdat , AVG’’ST , Hej IXJ sc.. ’j«»' It i* ksoi it 7 7” aamm ti. 7 7 F T3 Harry A w Aio . W À XL aa I Mr*. M — tetter £ He eta «as cT'j-s L D€AN. Í CO. Frapr. Po*t Office Building. >jd, < k s^rwoBoeafy neb ore ! rired tesa wees m she Law- ■ ou GàJFe -•*««, owned by J » 76 •rtaaaa. who rcKuMly m;-«re r.r rock at W, *i. A right"», * >■ the ore caas.iig * gerat H te oow e» *u mated • stezw*. *.» <Q0 ia «»¿ui a, 1 iveoveüd Tn mv new h iiir.r on FRONT STREET, I w o <]<» .m 11 low l’a lace H< <td H i M e*t Oe«g A WORLD OF TROUBLE. 10b It* Viurs BOJ times tbur <> wb w-xf. m property __ r. I n»n <* l/iuo, i rrt k » T vlxu ... Ixca« Cotrrr, «-•»*« , Faara 1 naaee «Mb U m * b» T l .* w * U m aro/x rorU^rr o»* kna o« F J.\ Caaan4Co.,dMi>g »ooaea« ia tWCMf >4 Tviedo. Cowotj aa4 üiAU aloreeaMl aad luat oa*4 trat will p«, V m Ma <4 (ME HCSDEED I4JLL4KS fcr ««rb aoi eeery täte <A Catarib Mat ean w. b» esred bj tbr aae ol Haix’a Calaaax H Cm. F«m J. Carnr. r.Kl io befur« u— M»d .ub«rr>t*d ia o.y we—1.>*. tiiwOth. day vf A. D. 1* A. W. Guuuua '► xal , NiAa/y F b U k . liai.’« Cat—ri, Con >• taken intaru ally *t>rJ acta directly the •;Mar», nead for teeti—rxiial., fr«w F. J. Caxaxr * C<>., Tomi». Hold try Irraggiata, Tie. Hail'« Fani y l'ilia ara lira hwrt sinke made recently by TLe dietriet it one cd c(M>* .derabio gold Lav- from near tiw «¿rfoce LM c V h 1* (I m berlha of U.« S< m 4*,4 1'allmxM <4 U m Sv,Ibera Paofee'« new Nortb C xm M J-.ii.iia4 will be xppr*. leled In Fai.fic.'M« abd >>. and e*pire trare.rrr Twa ùgbl* tv each eacUtwi. Ask oar Adver«»srd Laeiter M»t areale lor the S'.rtb I «« I. unirà nt Following is lbw hot <4 tetters a/lver- let. A. L> CbarivrB, Aw'l «MneraJ 1'M- ueed at !t*w Grants Pass p»wt offire for A<emt, ¡Btó Morne", Co- ». the week ending Aagusl S, PO). I'arllawl. -It«. Qì STIAMO. A few Fourttrt BmLauan. <X bs , Hippy. Hegry The racent stall*’»cs of the number of Joyce. Kubert—Two P^bertwxi. F h deatbi ahow that the larg* majority die C. K. H^swoa. P M with coaeunipeion This ! •*»•* may M mvi . i «4 ttu Boutvderxi commence with an apparently La/a»»*«e Tbefxjaaii'iniM, M U m ‘ annual éorj" cuogb which ran be rurej instaatiy by ara renarkaMy well «üoaû by Mr Fra- Kemp’s E«.earu fur the 1 Lrual and anr ia iiM new take, ectnted "Mmrii fxinge. a huh i* guaranteed to cure arid md ol tbe Boun'tarMe. " There ar« «tones relieve au rases. Price ^5 <4 Hvi, U m &/?, an<i the for bearing an* Fur sal« by all draggUts. If Graut« I' m . w U m rvuur <jt a —m —g ÛMWKX, u .IM—M a.M, ba a ■>>»>■< cantar. It caa ualy I m acca in U m Uar f — tzr bai n.g tfca raluiag oparaUoo. o! Ua* eumtf managed and *««U—la4 a»-l lb- prim ipai puce vi bu«.«**» I m a< Gracia l'a» <4 tba oapHty a» «bal niiaaa. II Iba biMina— tnae nixiid calta ia tariaiag a loeal orga» uuun baviag lut ita pcrt»Me U m dav.^pibarA oi mi »« atUi U m u>a»age«>»ol <4 tb» !ur»4. Urn at Leu,a, it w'xill b* ol graal wn-ßt to iror U,wn. Tbcr* M «m.« talk iJ MM-b an nrganixatMO and it »bcald br 'oíala <4 U m Nortbweet and th« hall- Wr<M>l trapper, wbo hont tbeoi. Earb —et with popular lava*. ef U m talee Uenn with «-vnooa bite ol It 1« a maUer Prf regrat that lb. Hua wv/i-lvre airi litUe-kunan faits aient day bawbau uraltar baa ixmtm tn Grant, the M.'XMB, bearer, bear, iyni, foi aad i'aa« l</r tbe Crei l.u.« in tt.« b>.Urfy <»l wolf. U m (own. Baael/.ii i. a g>xal «.in« bst Mr Arthur llenmit, who baa i II m - Banday u not tba day U> p!av it. We traleiJ the eVxtee. ia a ,portatnan and are aware that Bunday beaebell ia oom natoraliat as well aa au art,«!. (non aud <a»tomary. but bilberto ue The Brat of the M newa euxu-a will have been .upaix/r to tua average U/«u appear in T im naturia/ Krening Pu«t of ia that regard Tba tact that a thing m bepteuii>er I. aituuMO doa« not make It right. We UkM* I k LH know, alao, that U m rcaaon that th. The M. F. station agents •• Grants boy« play on Monday >• becsu— tba Ashland have re ruoct <4 U—u> have am ploy ment during | l‘a—, Mdlord s. tb« a«ak «bub auuld prevent Uieir ceived x-inxity to sell apordiU tickets to Gy test »n and return, fr»xn June 13 ti’l playing on any other day, rare interval« Frabsb!y nearly ail ol <ktober 7). The rate froui Granta Fam them w»***J prrfec w>me other day fur to tirnse going on Haturday and returu for tbe round trip snou gams. Baseball, however, though mg M'Xvday >• I-' •oterteJDing, is nu< an absolute nr*«« The rate f«?r round tnp ticket* with X> •ity and when it conflicts with moral day limit is |3 V) Tt*e special rate pill an ! •raiai g»ju>! it should Iw relegated to be a great uonvm»er»ce to tbe n«any who will visit lbts popular rewort during the •wound place. I coating summer. ! Miiea, tt la reported, baa Som« ka»»Ó4 Dtlight» 1 a*ked for servirs in China which ha« < sm per«' i ile at "eaavte te nul al! au 1 been refused by the war department for the reason that aorta artion would be a untroubled dream ¡1 the follow mg rum* We mun n ailon to the Purllami Telegram raffed ion on General Chaffee 1 think that it hardly a valid reaoota. it to be credited. Tbare is a voluntary . contribuUun to the lardwr whose detect Milan it a g*,od soldier and deeervrs by bit rank and character to be sent to ability may be viewwd su«picHiu«ly. ‘ lit« vanguard of lhe cut worm i-as China if La waals to go, and Chaffee Although 1 would bate no right to »ootider it a r& arrived at the Fa, flic ocean fleclKNi on bimerlf. There are other poisuu aa well a« fire, smoke and the 1 prra>/tts to cooeider Leeides Chaffee and elements have been invoked, without > 11 Mites it Ura t»eei tuan, be is the man •ur«eas to check the onward movement, who ought to be there, k fiend« of Gen th»* worms, so lar a« known, have not era! Milan urge in hie favor that In a« id; studied up on nav»galion, fog they du lion to bin mihtary talent« and ability not enter the water. The seashore >• an he hat the requisite rank to mart th* «-tier'llve barrier to the pr«<rfwe of the ! worm«, although many | wo pie would other commanders on the Mime footing and also aeerrt that bit esperieoce ' prefer to have the creeping creature« would < auto otb»r i«NntaMteders to defer enter the surf ami drown. Among the to bit jo Igrncnt, with the rrtult of mor* ■ visitors at I «ng Heath arr the cut worms. They intrude in every direction, harmony and better 00 operation, i Clampers object I mp « sues the «orme de The problem >/l Japanese immigration i vour the pro« talon« end are frequently which ha« been ««using some die^uiet serve«! up al mealtime, lbey are found in tbi« country, baa been solved for the in the «agar bowl. tLey dig tunnels in prevent without any trouble or perplei New line <H writing al Gsi ai km office. --ide to my t lace I will continue my Di*. WEEK After tt., 'ale lo. k out i g . I w .1 . ier at extremely low > . - - ON. _______________________ _ > ------ —___________________________________ > Say Mister ! T’Yi Q TA lr i M cr the Public for Past liberaI patronage and X 11CA II Jo. 1XI q . .citing a share of your trade in tbe future, I am Yours trulv Q e NTURT j^EW r^EN/HOKE BEEN TH E DEN5 HORE ¡900 PHOTO 5UPPLIE5 QUICKEST We Ren. All Machines We Sell Ali Kindi* Second-Hand We Repair All Machines We Sell ALL the BEST New Machines F ull L ine S upplies L etter B ooks ...SEND • CAMERA d» not fail to r ou cur Mspphes: O ffice S tatiosmi CATALOGUE,.. PAPERS 230 STAKE STREET Artete-Flat ’> LirifttTin. Idea r erro Pru«- arxl Fret rh bat m. Jr. B’u« Metal none, A PORTLAND O regcs GET THE BEST... DEVELOPERS ui. K O.. Meh d Hydrocbi- TONING <e Toner. Karma ‘ ‘Old. wder*. the — SYRACUSE PLOW MOUNTS <. ar»! Mount *• a:* «iass. fro 1; tbe Manij Pbulus to 4x5. ». E.^ht «tyte» 0 4x3. l.xielled by no plow manufacture«! It does its work to perfection. SUNDRIES Print Tn mi Hier*. ( Ikmrd and Wheel I'uttn *r* Tripcai«. < a*ra. Punt Frame*. Negative Ra • Print Bolters, Ruby lamp». Fia»h Lamp and Powder*. ftoy Filter*, Lense*. Lite iu* Paper. Al bum*. Eu . Ltd . BOOKS Fir*t >tepa in l*hot»»rraptay fewt-nd ‘ Xh Amateur Ph->t*«graphrr Ar vteur Fuilrai «re at H n,» CAMERAS 5 B Al Vi-U Poro I». Hi No. 5 Cyi tetan Kory, fofoiug P1BMUO - V” » Fuco Micu ine Bull » Eye, No. 1 *ef»nd ban t HEADQUARTERS FOR Reapers and all 1 arm Machinery Light and Heavy Wagons and Buggies PAINTS AND OILS HARDWARE. F. H. Schmidt. rr» li io K» 1 MARBLE AND (¡RAMIE WORKS- J. B. FADDOCK, PROFR. 4 f FREE DARK ROOM For th- me and coavenieuce oí mv Fat ri to* A. E. VOORHIES D on ' t B e D uped re : ■ ■ . ■ : in the liue of Cemetiry work in «uy 'mii-h anyt'. MARI EE n GRANITE, Nearly thirty year- experience in the Marble bu.inee. warrant, my bat I ran till your order« in the very beet manner. t an furnish work in '.tch, -wede or American Granite or an» Marb'.«. Front Street «leit t„ Creme . Cu...h<.,» M’ic< J. B. PADDOCK, Southern Oregon Sta;e Normal Schoo!. ASHLAND, OREGON dry rf*,te dea* r*. rr «*«• r< wrats, etc . arwi in • few lurtances as * j«rcnnum furvubscrlp- Uons to papers. AmKAanceoM-nts ot these «napwretlwly '■.rutly N rmal School. Thorough academic instruction. The high* professional training. ... Each Teacher a Specialist ... Worthless Beautiful an 1 healthful location, and homelike surroundings. n,e vritla:'‘: 'il,e and further '"formation, rail term begins September io. Reprint Dictionaries, rj-je csjaks .4 a t«x«k «4 nr r fifty jyars *»«. which in itstov wan«Sd |«< sb..ut Wk<tL an! whit-h «an mm h wii^rior in i«i«*r. •stat, a al hmdina to ttww imitatwiwa. lwtn< »ton a wrk «-f «<■*» imr.t irwtewd t»f one Family Tto Aiterw'nt M W,«t» wwaDM - new wo*«K «BhGBwf tbna-lw«.fc«arr adver- •wed to erataln. waa moswHed by a sratle- tnan wtu «to«! I wtt vesrt •te», sad »w puMWbrd h-Lin tu* Aalh other mtrnr «¿ fortm .*»• art • i ni rv ‘t ’-rvalue, Tbr VahMer's Uastotegad D k - thmm - t nu flréed to owr taower w ito <»*Uj n» rttjwvn •w -d that nana* fanti kf t.i th m Mwa-ruttn It mntaiwa user ¡« swk with lilwsrv tk<w <»n nearly ? »»*ry i«a*r--. amt i«par« < m ■taprto« «« «to ti»> ra«»* ¡1 ia pr»A«««ed 1 •wpyvwrh« frvaw «turns natta«am. Vataebw asjbta wwh w w* tow at ran expriw in '•!rated » Iftn-r’a.irhij revtsra W*»*-«* r . kr> -*• I r- .¿T>. i.r tb«-’ wWi« a* Webster's Intenwnoral Dictionary. Ar a fthtn>nar> i a sts a hirt .me » vu *b» n Get the Best. WuMnuni MunpIOri tne. AMraa. c. • c. ■«■■ua co, swMaKM. km ì^IaXsìr-- T- A Hay<s-Vicepre’•1 e vi#' ■> F. Byxbee. Miss Alice A. Apple«»"' ‘ C » 1<V I it-’- , * Miss E'thet Silsby, Miss J Mary Silsby, Mrs. Ardinell C!ay;oB Lonij Since Obsolete. W to d-Mbt t !» a«select tifa the ! otp.rieg. Ra* Iloo Es! Hewing n with i Iris« ”1 t^n* ue . f essa) me« FOR IMTEI) TYPEWRITER A: SUPPLIES CO. reprints are very m^eoding: f'*v Instance, th*-» mt - ad-«-ttiara to be the nutetantiaJ "luivsBnt ■ hi<te> r pr.<< ! when m iwaittv. «» far aa we Bnuw aud tetteve. tbrv are alt from A tv K x other tr Pre contain inr, nor anv «»ther narcotic . *ly temperance medicine ulwtitute. r-n .«re invited to consult Dr ih*, N ¥., free »rf «¡1 « barge rrnl o»n- in a plain ACTION ! The Onlv Ball-Bearing, Tvpe-Bar Machine on the Market ? BIRTH OF A FASHION PLATE nedv f« ihwant* • Favorite Pw n the debilitating wk-era- remai ni«» g »n« rub i» a 11N AHATEUK Ah! for tbe go>J old times when ax tists, real artista, could be pmuadt*. to detbgx a costume. Ont of rhe prin ci pal items of expense to a lady of old Italy used to be the ~retai otr’ abe pa><. to a Da Vinci, a Braman re. or some ■ ther artist of note, to furnivh her with * design fur her court and other dre«st& ■ji ceremony, says Self-Culture. To-day some oue who can draw i* tfi*en an iJre'by arostun^r—that is, by some one who has xn&ue or cut dresses under -wume other costuuier's tereia^*. Neither one has ctud»cd or cares au^ht for art, proportion, harmony, or the or her sujxi fiuities, they are cos tumers; what have they to do with such ddails? A wonderful asaemblag*- uf ideas is tbe reauH, a confection m siiks, satins, rhiffona and lacea. Three ideas and materials are beautifully and pain fully drawn upon pap* r and drafxc upon an a.-eged female figure at le-.-t kevfn tert lalt, With bead t j. turned, auburn hair, ayfpniike waist a smge smile and a background of palms and ferns. This drawing Iwiug reproduce«! up»L thousands and thousands of sheets, io! a faaLiou plate is burn, with the name of the great designer in the left-bar . romer, the password, tbe tall mark Every woman, or rather, nearly every woman, studies it, admires it. and, L>« Smv wwnra don t know what it is to she lean or fat, tall or short, her next sleep well. In dreams they arc haunted dress must be like that. Pthchance her dressmaker ba* not s gLe 1 hv *“-'J 1 * tnt inurta the» burr thrmigh the day There ia no rr«t and no refreshment for away ent rely and protests feebly tba them enn in iweep This condition is that special style is not adapted to U. r nr feainre uf many « tmaequent patron's (»articular figurt; but for her Mm f«xms of dis- effrontery she may lose a cus-ovnrr. je peculiar to I 'I ba* dress bas to be made in that wa% omen. The? brad ache« often, i and in none other. here are* a’ <»i di/xi- | r faintneea, tlw-rr b pain in , the hack nr auie, j These are t«ut | diaordcri Let rl the jMim« vrill I >g oniy ilnrams of I Ufi ymj < Slover Drug Co. Haibed and Bartwr» d Are lux urie« ih et all can enfoy cn (Le He will nate the mine Oi/servation Car ol tLr new Nurth C avi readmees fx'be water tomtted, in operaiion on and af er Msy 3. on thè N uri Berti Pacific Tbis Obarr- To Lesse vaU««n ^Lar Bill tie a dandy. <, MM a Two guuol bjdrauìàc miuer. Fine Nor.’h Cuaet Limited leaflet. A. D. ( Larlton, Ass i </en'i Pass Ag l, £M «ater privi ege . G««*! pay. Murnwoo -f., Gx. 3*1, Portland. Ore. Wanted Why tend your pouUMt away to h Vfi- **♦-<'m-! haod Ao. giant, bail bearing ‘Bige-I when you c*u get aa enfor«** cwi and at*mt m O feet of pipe to match, Frw witL each dœtsi phoh/t al J'he by’« wsntwd. Ad Ire** Mat .ng particular» ifaHrij opp. Court Hooae? We mate a and price delivered at miirgad, •p*-« falty of large work. An/thtng in U. A. C ook , the enlarged line fr«/m b >lar print« bx Gaike, Ore. Artie’»' uae to the la left Koynl Etching« W toner Atac Ifowdcd. im ioding crayon«. paaUdend Ofhfinitta Ml Wimer Bros, haw bgr.ded their large pbut/x, aleo ail the ialewl brands Lydrauiic placer property near. W k M s Bromides. C ao and see lite w>rk. to T. Wain M organ Dr-pet and ll jnd V’. City Treasurer « Nutae D mae. The term of the bond tt <50 I here are funds tn the city treaaury to days. redeem the following <mi«;andmg 'war* Tbi« mine i« one of tbe most import loter- j rants, proteste*! t>0 June 3 , 1M90 ant hydraulic peoparties in the country est on same will era*« after this date. and Lae been in »ucceaa/ul -ope rat mo Nos. Nos. Mu». Noe. Mom 1 for years. In prodwetivenees ii rank« 15J IltiJ MM) MM among the forenriat. it has a very Mita #53 Ml !MH 9 !» i complete equipmeat and bm a mag.i'fi- »67 971 W7 VS3 <ent water right from the 1‘iinui« river MJ b» • HÒC H73 MH »1 V13 , Tn**greiel is vrry <forp, wtth the gold well distributed throughout. *70 AM ÍKM 107 bt*5 Ml SM vto U7A MD >bte U3) VIO 1 »tel B7fl G14 UM 1 »77 MH MM 911 »15 ' \r¿t ' « IT.«) w31 1 N?» 107 Rb3 B7* V17 HU at Grants Pa**, the br»*a>l and butler they f 'III ■ •tenti al port km oí tbe ba«L to I be eurfaro suddenly in soup, «««if re. tea and milk In abort, tlx wuetns not content with ravishing Hie gardens w tail I lie campers and make ItirntM-lves perte ti y familiar. Ity of legi«latx«n to us, by the Japanese goverriinenl itaell. A di«i»aU'h wasrw- eelved ou Monday at Washington from the Japanese foreign offirv, announcing that the government ol Japan had pro hibited fog the present the emigration of gll Jaj»aneee Igbx to the United Miates ¡<Mth< WilhvH and ( anada i bis ts very welcome Newport an«l Yaqulns Hay co»«tinm- news. If Bowie of the Puro|xan gvvei ,»• | to offer fur the summer vacation, greater m«nt«, whose unworthy «iUsans have | variety of attractions l¿an can be found caused a« tuorw trouble than the Jai«an I a« any other North Pa* ifk resort. Ki ewe or Chinese ever will or can, were to «eltent brwebes and rale bathing, entic follow the eiampls of Japan, we would ing n hw and ramble«, gu«xi i»oaUng and be much belter off than we now are I Ashing, clam«, crabs and <n«ters for the Almost all of our labor trouble« are gathering, and un«-»|ualr«l pndu»> «n of caused and fostered m me way or an ’ pebbles a?'d *hells «nd agates. Add to other by the ignorant foreigner« who this (iieerful and ubiigmg ho«!«, who come or are brought here to com,>ete are providing al very reewunabi« rate« with the Amer team The Mongolian .« bomeliks i larlers aud iiiust liberal fare. the most «{uiet and itioffenaive iorvignrf They wont let Otte get h'ingrv al New that we have, bat II is oa eniual of hi« ; p«»rt number« that be >• deemed dangerous. >er Southern Pacific agent Lx Ucketv The oiijact of Japan in prohibiting emi* and time tables, <x currespm«! with gratexi Is not stated, but probably the I! Markham, Genera! Passenger government deems it wis« to b«v* I he I gen c. FmtlaH I Oregr»n young mew at home, in case of emer- ' gem re which H-rin likely to arise in the C'bineao Blotter. TLe maiua^er of the apartment houae, a well-fed, weH-featurtd, velLflreased an. was ftauc*i;g iw tbe ma t coor- way of bi* est ax-iiabmen*. which, by tüe way, is ow&ed uv an out-of-to"» cep- itaLtet. wbw is aut the most generous peoMMÌrr is tbe world atd ia>4**s upes the IL.i being conducive upc-u QC Ct 'J¡ ■ utos< ecor.oeb.rtal linea. The mar *- «da water fur was rot happy, however fair be I’ s the besi Lave * ¡/brared to tbe ete. «11 bea r a tor:g-*irawn wgfe as a friend ap- proacbed and greeted L.m, says the Cbicagfj CLruateie. “What’s wrunginquired the new comer. *'Oh, ws£re all gut our trou Lie*, the vaglie and lugwbrioua reply. “You oughtn’t io Lave nay. “But I Laie, just the same I »«I a “What, for iastauce?* i t scree “Well. I’ttt worried afok because r uae of I haven’t gut an elevator boy.* ar*eif. And thaï >* ig «« keep I ’"There shonidn't be any diffi« »iity in > 143* I * A WA* remu'.-g that trouble. 1 should say.* A LI i* “Th*re »g Fse tried P j and can’t get X your oí r to suit.* “You muait be very bard to pirase.* “it ifcfj’i that,* sighed tbe manager “I’m all right, but it’s this way. í h¿ old man ir sists on hating the elevator boy w*ar a uniform and be furriabea it. Fr«tol S« , OppowMe IVepof. Cui forma cost money, ard when tbe last l»y retired be left a brand-new uniform, and tbe old man won’t get another, That’s tbe rub. I can 3rd plenty of boys of suffk Tent !»<►. g- r e amp;* *xprí irii'e, industrious l ab *• good nxxwj cbar*4*er and fin* ad■>*■*» out I’ll be -Earned if I can get one that the uniform will fit, and there you ha-*- it. Now what tbe dickens am 1 to <i 4 I V.. V DR. JORDAN'S 0...TÍ {MUSEUM OF AWATOMY*» r rw II , V . ’.T t Willis Kramer MVWirACTVBBB <»r Myrtle Creek Extra Family Fl<>‘,r Í ' *•"•-,* - -•• — ««. 4 - - F-verjtbing that goe» will" Cl«— Milling. g - ti-. ’»■ í M XM3AW i-a!e by C milks . D elk MAT««- \\ Abl PlKK jnd CO«NH-L- * *11 fur ti ; ««ante prke a-* other b f