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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1900)
GRANTS PASS, JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY. AUGUST 9, 1900 ■V ol .XVI W a.liiiigton Letter. OUR PARIS EXPOSITION LETTER Hop Pickers Wanted Oo** hundred hop pickers wanted at (From Our RegularCorrr.pond.ut). UNITKD STATKS. the bop farm of J p, Ran ran on Roguv Fourth et July hi Parts Possibility that Mfr«*ri k m .................William McKinley W uHisur-ts, July 30. 1900. river below Grant« 1‘asa. Htur President ............ Fraiu« May BtuiiiU Address J. P. Kansan, P. O. Box 300, That ou. of tbe blfxxi«#. wars iu ^Kwcre:.«r uf Stale ........ ........ John Hay Protestant ■■wcit-iury <a Treasury .. .Lyman J Gage Granta Pass. M., Preueription Drupe»««. history iu about to b. foogbt in Chin, is ^Mecrriarv of Interior .... UN Biito Kuhinoor P ’ ncils at th. C ocbicu , now almost the general belief in Wash- ' JBe< rvtary ot War.................. ... Elihu Root otfi. e. >n<toi>, but a much bettor under.t.nd- ^fijeur t.«ry of Navw ............ John D lxmg From Oat Regular Corresj»ondent) 6gJJe. ruMry ut Agriculture James A Wüaou The latest iu Bicycles at T A. Hood uiu.t be reached by th. nation. H P aris , July 9, 11KX>. ^Bbstmartur <venerai ........James A iiary supposed Io be allied againet China l»e 4 Uo'a. Mtolt.,rr>ev <ieuurai ..Joseph McKenna. The Event of the Times ! fore anything importaut is likely to be 1 wish 1 *ould say something new Frank M. Suuth was tn from tbe Vie- »T4rs or f OREGON. accomplish^!. The jealousy, open and about the Fourth—w’hat will the writers : tor Jr. on Friday. (Geo W McBride ‘ secret, between Russia ami Japan, is I of a thousand vears hen<*e do when l’. S. Senato! s . . . * (Joseph Simon , Mia» E-iiih Mitchell of Merlin t|»eul believed to lie largely, if not entirely, everything that can possibly be said I Thus H Tongue Thursdav iu Grants Pass. ^.Tjpongreiwir.en........ . . responsible, for tbe delay in starting .«bout Washington and independence (M A Moody Wuere du )uu gel your hair cut? Try iheallitHl army from Taku to Pekin will have l>een said a thousand times? D K N Blackburn ■ttomev-Gei.eral . Will Mallory. gfcovernur ...................... ............... T T Geer The safety of the foreign ministers is no Still, there was one remarkable thing 'Secretary of State........ . .. . FI inni bur moat important factor. about the Fourth in Paris, and that ia M isó Carrie Umpuletl went to Mer lunger the •late Treasurer .......... ... Ch uh S Moore I.u Friday evening tu visit friends at E»en accepliug the Chinese assurances the way (he French celebrated it. Yes, Bupl Pub Instruction ..J H Ackermaa of th« ir safety, tbe known massacre uf I celebrated is the word, for the «tarsand , that place Sia'.- Printer................ ........ W li Leeds iC E Wolverton | other foreigners has made thecc-ci p i- ! stripes in miniature were seen on almost Misses Minnie Tuffs and Essie Hart Occupying manv solid blocks, .. « K S Bean Supreme J in Igea many French t«osoms as American. taking* V* an entire treet from man went to San Francisco Saturday ' tion of Pekin by n forHiun army neves* ( F A Me<»re curb to curb sarv in order to teach the Chinese a , I spare vou tht speeches made at the Clerk BoardSvhoolLandCom. W liO’del! . to be absent a month. much needed leetue in ge-»d behaviour i Washington and Lafayette ceremonials Dairy and Food Celli..........J. W. Bailey . Bicycle hospital lor all repairing at as well as to compel the payment of a I hut may notic** th« idea expressed by F1BNT JI DICI AL DISTRICT. Cramer Bios. auitable indemnity II ths c (her powers M. 3>elc.«*»e. minister for foreign attain1, Western Division... .Judge il K Hanna Mrs S. Harkness has bought of Wm. declare war on China, the president Ea«-'ern Division . Jmlge H L Benson that Frame ami America never can K noel I the two story brick which is now Prore, uling Attorney. . .A. E Kearnes will have to <*a 1 an t-xna session of con quarrel. It is probably tru-. The two Member Board oi Equalizat. . RA Euinutt • occupied by T. F. Croxlon. gress Io d«*«*ide wlut thi-government republics are not, and are not likely to Miss Lenora Fisher of Portland ar will do. V. a. LAND OFFICE BcrKBt RG. t>u. in competition for trade or territory, Beueiver .............................. Henry Booth rived heie TLurrday to visit with her Spam isn’t the fl«rI country to be the two chief causes of modern wars, Reg »tel...................................... J 1 Bridges j sifter, Mrs Geo. E. Howland. givath bciic-tii.t«l by a leirihle thrash though It is always possible, and many J «SECHINE CUI NT Y Harness of ail Kinds, Grades and ing, bui tlinre is no doubt of i s having , say probable that America m«v ore day bcnetitlrd largely by Its lick have to stand shoulder to shouider Joint. Senator................. ............R A Booth I Prives at 11 a« keti’a. County Judge................ ............. A be Axtell The Streets of Cairo Mrs. Hattie Benson and daughter, mg. Testim» ny to that « fleet ia given against France and other Latin countries The Oriental Theatre Com m isrioner................ .......... John Wella Mis Florence, spent several days in by all who have visited Spam recently. in an Anglo Saxon struggle against the County Clerk................. ........ Roy Bartlett The German Village ... Ed Lister Slier iff.......................... . town last w^ek, and left for Galice on For in-tance, Mr. C. R. Slater, a a or hl. I he Dancing Girls Colorado bucinras man. who ha? j<i"t lie pi ere nla 11 ve.............. ........ G W Coivig Friday. It was part of my duty to see the min An Arabian Pageant ............ J T Taylor Treasurer................ returned Iron) a trip through >pam ister of commerce, M Millvran I, a lew W. W. Smith has purchased the School Su, e intendent. .......... J D Hayes CrowLicg the Queen said: "The Spanish people are c-nlri- days ago in connection with the said bous«« and lots formerly owned by A. W. Btot re.-1......................... ........... Tom Smith Rex. King of the Carnival Attended .ng on a new era of prosperity. Spam s HU Perkins Sorv eyur........................ Fourth, and while waiting for him 1 by His Magnificent Court Veatch an J moved in from Jones cre‘k humiliating de:eat in her war with the ... j ? uod Coroner ......................... passed the time looking through Per- Thursday. The great parade of the Elks and Unite«! States, ha« worked a complete l’HEC*NUT OFFICERS. ether orders. The Italian Park ami Rev’. Robert McLean returned to Pot revolution in the aspirations of her uard Lahori's "Grand Review,” as he James Holman Fountain. The magnificent triumphal Justice land Ftiday, after a brief vw. ation spent people. The loss of her culoni»«. which calls his monthly magazine. Labori is and grand Midway tilled with M E Stockbridge arch Constable . wonderful attractions. Mining. Mercan here. Mrs. McLean remained fur a at the time was regarded as a calamity, well known to Americans as the heroic tile. Agriculture. Horticulture and other advo«*ale of Dreyfus—a tall, burly young CITY OF grants fash . longer visit. Las pruvtd her greatest blessing. It has industrial exhibit*. The Women’s man with immense vitality and strength, . .I1C Kinney Pavilion, designed by women, built by Mayor............... Miss Nell De Peatt left for Salem on served to d vert attention to the houir , . . J W Barker women and decorated by women for the and any amount of fighting power, lie Auditor............... Friday morning ’ s delayed train, to take land and possibilities oi develop its .. Col Johnron exhibit of women s industrial work. Trvar- irer. is married to an Englishwoman end charge for a month, of a Western Union ment, S ) long as Spain wa* a colonial L V Stewart The grain palace built of Oregon and Chy Attorney . . h peak s English bettor than bis wile Washington grain* amt graces. M usi© .......... H E ikll Marshal .......... office. power, her young men looked to the speaks French, no doubt, as be tells you layety and Fun. Night turned into Í (el .... Theo. Mott day.. Day Police I rank Fetscb moved into his new I'olonies ms their possible source cf himself, hreause he make» her talk Eng . John Patrick Suet I Commissioner. brick store building ou Front street last wealth, and those of them who were lish so that he may not forget that Ian Lowest rail and water rates ever given ( Tom Smi’h Wednesday, ilia new location is nicely progressive left their homes to seek guage. "If she wants a lesion in French to Portland iron« ail parts of vV Kuykendall E I the Pacific North.vest fitted up and ia very neatly arranged fortuue in (he islands, there being no let her come ami take one in the courts”, E E Dunbar indusirial I development in Spain, ; and commodious. : T A H ood lie adds. Couimilmen ... . N E McG.ew of the population as were coiu|>elled to Rambler Bicycles are becoming more Wall in the Grand Review another I J A Rehkopf poorer and poorer remain al Louie grew populur every day. Don’t forget to look | Fiank Fetscb I>. DODGE, Dreyfusile you know of in America, by. All this is as the years went W A Harkins for a at the Ramblers when looking of wealth, who Yv«»s Guyot, suggests rather than pro INSURANCE and wheel. Price $40. Hair—Riddle Hdw. changed now. Men * Regular meetings of the city council of < their interests in phasic« that France will some day be formerly bad all of KEAL ESTATE Co. Gram’s Pass are held in ttie counc I'll Does that surprise the insular posees-iiqi)«, are low looking come Pro eslant. room«- in the city hall on tbe first ami The city council failed to hold a meet- you? Yet it is not so surprising if vou third Thursday evenings of each month about for investments al home, and :ng last Thursday evening as there were think of it. Ti.e qualities of the French CIBCVIT COI RT. only three councilmen present. The (here is promise ol such development as mind and character are eminently adapt will make the Spaniards a great people, Meet« on the third Monday in April toil of honor consisted ol Messrs Smith, ed for Protestant ism—shrewd, logical, and tiie fourth Monday in September. Dunbar and Fehkopf, who, with the again.” not easily deceived once the first glamour A C. HOUGH, Maj. E. T. Ladd, U 8 A , treasurer of 4 X • COUNTY COURT. major, met and adjourne I. Cuba, who was in Washington a day or of some precious dogma has worn off ATTORNEY-AT LAW, Probate court meets first Monday of L. A. Robertson, a former resident ol such are the French. But first let me January, April. July ami Sentemi»er. Bi actives in all State and Federal Courts Grants Pass and now living in Sams two ago, talked very plainly about the say that when I speak of France 1 do Cubans, considering his official position, Office over First National Bank. County commissioners court meets first Valley, visite J here last Friday after an lie said : "The Cubans are a liarmle»» not mean 1‘ari-i nor when I »teak of WadiiK Uy after the meeting of the G rant » P ass , - - O regon . almrnce of four years. lie says he county < ourt. jieople, in no way fit ior self govern Paris do 1 think of I* rance. They are would hardly have recognized the town, ment, and the announcement of the two countlies, almost two nationalities, £JR. J JENNINGS *0 much has it changed in that time. early departure of the United State and though, politically and artistically, To one who Iras lived here continuously troops which, among the better ele i’arifi rules France, it is only superficial RESIDENT DENTIST. lb«-changes in the appearance of the ment, had not been expected fur the ly and she gives France neither religion .50 Years Expriience. place by its steady development are not next ten years at least, has aroused a nor morality. That is done by Rome, Office in Opera House block; see the sign nearly so noliuable as they are to one — OF — strong feelmg against the proposed step. for the priests educate the intellectual of The Big loolh. who returns alter a lew years absence. SOUTHERN OREGON. The Spaniards am! the bet ter class uf and moral (prees of the nation and the G kantb P ass , O bkgom . instructions from Cubans undoubtedly prefer an American priests take their F«»u nd. protectorate. A cry for self govern t Rome. But lor Napoleon the First, a Near tbe R «cleet store in (irania Pass C. PERKINS. ment comes from the idle class am! priest despi*er if ever there was one, about July 25, two ladies jackets, one Re.. ive deposits subject to check oi on those who du not represent the best in France might easily have become Prot black and one brown. Owner may call Cdltifiuate payable on demand. U. 8. DEPUTY terest e of the island. Tbe financesol estant al the Revolution ; in fact Napo at this office and recover properly. Balls - ghl drafts on New York. San Fran MINERAL SURVEYOR, the island are in good condition. Since lean wan widely reviled for supporting the foreign intiuence uf the pope and for Cisco, and Pur land. the first ol January, 189’J, we have <ul- I ables of the Kail ~v. < ) kkgon . Talegraplik tranafers sold on all ¡»ointe in iMANTb PABB, le«*ted something like $23,000,000 and signing tbe concordat with him in 18C1. the United States. A batdiiul young Married couple were have spent some $20,000,000. leaving a I he concordat is the base of the present ff|>e<UI Attention given to Collections an¿ Rifling in an oidinary Sleeping Car one surplus of about $3,000,0<)0. The com French lehgious system. But Napoleon 0OSHOW& SHERIDAN, general business of our customers. night, and when he thought NoOne mercial conditions are bet lei and the could not do willioultbe pope, or rather (Wet i ons made thro.»ghoul Southern MINING ATTORNEYS, was listening he called her Birdie and sanitary conditions lar ahead of wbat bis ambition made him sup|s)ee he could Oragon. «nd on all a<x?essible points. make the pope Ins vassal, and through Spe< ial attention given to Mining a*ked her whose Duckie she was, where they have usually liven.” J. D FRY President. and Land Law s, and Land Office practice. at a wicked Traveling man yelled Rub* the pope foreign countries. He brought J. T. TUFFS. Vice President. from The adsgs about going away la-rand the Dishful bride and groom home fur news was ag .in verified a hen the pope of his day to Paris, you remem R. A. B ooth . Cashier R oseburg . - - O regon . ber, for his coronation and when the were Covered wnh confusion, etc. it was cabled from Madud, that the Moral—They might have called each United States ha<l offered Spain $100. pope offered to place the crown on his QEORGE H. BINNS. other duckie and dearie all night u ab 00J for ti.e two islands of tbe I'hilippin« ! head, he very cleverly seized it, placed out interruption if they bad occupied group located outside ol the geographi it on his head himself, and then on that ASSAYER, one of the elegant private drawing cal boundaries named by the treaty of his empress Now the result of the | rooms or Compartments on the Klee|e which transferred the Filllippines t<> concordat is that (be foreign Catholic Office up|x»site Hotel Josephine, ii. g Cars of the Northwestern Limited ihis government, and the news was system has grown into the French mind and habits and tbe government cannot GRANTS PAS« OREGON G bantb P ass , - - O regon . j via the North Western Line. correct, too. It was s little surprising get lid of it if it would. The govern in Washington, oil'side ol official circles, merit, it is true, nominates the (Mi French as it was officially announced when hi whops, but the po|>e has an absolute >pain first <4aimid the right to retain veto, and as the 3,00) cart's are irremov sovereignty over those islands that this able, and the 7 dot) vicars entirely in the government ba I denied that right. But bands of the bit-hops, the government the government i ; bound Io abide by the catinol <lisp‘>s«erB th« rn I am *sr from boundaries named in the treat) , and paying or thinking there im a disposition w THOM is - that its < ffrr to purchase the two on a large vea e ri France to turn to R. O. McCroskey, R. L. COE & CO. ialwnds, wiiicb are unimportant whs to Protestantism. Gauntry hie iu France T mk Horasri knihiie « 1 >ry < ioods, Shoes, IoKlie«*< ’apesan*LL«ck- T ub Bia S tokk ■ prevent either of them being obtained is the alsmiination of denotation ami the ets,Ladies' and < ients1 F urnishing by a European power which wishes to Cai nolle church wi'b its glittering cere EVERYTHING for the <>oods, Hats, Miner*’Good*, UP TO DATE rstabimb a nasal station in those monial, its fe es, an I its « lever priest llOl'SE FROM A Trunk* and Values. waters. • DRY GOODS hood are almost the sole means of intel- 1 TACK HAMMER to a A Complaints oi army officers of a short lectual distraction and amusement fur Grants Pass Greatest Store. ■ BIDEBOARD...* ’Pilous 23 ■ age of modern field guns, have resulted the people. Literature •« not spread and in an order for 20) three inch field gnn* read through Frame as hi tbe United N. 1KLAMETER of tbe latest type. These guns m’l cost Stales. I only 8ay there is a Prute«lMDi White House Grocery SWEETLANI) & CO. DRAI.VR |N 1 about $1000 each, ami about the a«rne movement of considerable force and that «mount will Iw «|«eni for ammunition vast numbers of French people despise S taple and F ancy G kochkiks groceries , elour , feed FRESH and SALT I fur them. The new type of gun ha* the French clergy ami their ways. With Every $20 Cash Purchase of MKATS^r^“' THE HRST OF EVKRMHINo lieen thoroughly levied, and is declared Many, certainly, detest tbe confeesiorial. Grocer tea You Are Given a AT ALL TIMES .. Handsome. Life Size Crayon by out ordnance exj>ert« to be tbe best Whether anything will hap|»en to or Water Color Portrait ’P hom 21 of its kind. strengthen tbe movement 1 speak of, or ’ PlfOHE 131 f ’P honk N o . 85 » There isn’t much conso'ation for pro to hopelessly dix redit lhe Catholic I , bibitionists In the annual re|«ort ol the church in France, no one can say. One Hair-Riddle 1 commissioner of internal revenue for thing seems obvious. CI.Al S SCHMIDT Unless there ...E. C. DIXON... the fircal year ending June 30, last. shall 1* some great moral change, some Hardware (>». > .STAPLE GROCERIES There was an increase over the previous «pcs les of purgation, France must con DRY GOODS. CLOTHING HARDWARE I ; year in the wale of ail kinds of liquor CANNED GOODS tinue to »ink in the Male ol nations like BICYCLES stamp7, in die(i«ie«i liquors 9,761,<160 Italy, Spain, Belgium and other Catho L adies ' and G ents ' SHOES FLOUR and FEED SEWING MACHINES ' gallons, and in i fermented liquors 2 74V lic of largely Cathode Lslions. EvxxTTHixa im 735 barrels, Many find consolation, P ixth N t ., < ht . C itt H* ll ■ ’P hons 11 I was talking (he other day to Arch- however, in a decrease of cigarettes bishop Ireland ol Ht. Paul about the use weighing not more than three pounds uf E ng 'Hb m the Cat ho tic church. He E. W. BLAKE’S CRAMER BROS. H. II. BARTON, to the thousand of 107,051,180. Here thinks the church will u ie day use notb- WATCHMAKER »ni was an increase oí u><«umargarinH UBADMl AXTXB» TOK mg but F.nghsb and reminded me that HARDWARE JEWELER •tamps of 23.766, 024 p<mn<ia. ite Maistre so prophewied « tmndre i ICE CREAM COLUMBIA AMD F til’ aflhortmmt of Watch«*. Clucks, >il- Prevented a Tragedy »ears «40. If ever such a thing does H ertford wheels verwear and Jewelry. A G«md ICE CREAM SODA Titniey inlormatnm given Mm G* rz* happen, if tbe Latin mass and tbs gay A*<»rtmefit irf Brwelet* and GIANT POWDER. E tc . CANDIES*^^- Heart Bangle«, Long, <»< New Straiteville, Ohio, waved iHuai that be* >o»es necea«ary owing tu » Clem*ss Drug Store two lives. A frightful cough ha«j long me mass's failure to teach die worship ■ *P ho >C 93 Nxtt Do»* to Cor.’» kept her awake every night, hhe had per's heart, is ever angikrised, ll will be tried manv remedies as*I doctors but at any rate a first step towards reform ,Caihoun Grocery Co. T. I. CKOXTON, steadily grew worse until urged to try A. E. VOORHIES, Tu turn to another subject, yet one in Tm Pert i.»« Dr. King • New Dieeovwry. One buttle nut wholly irrelevant, hirrign languages, wholly cure«! her, and she writes, thie Vie. Charlemagne lower, the United GROCERIES, FRESH VEGETABLES .arve >«ie medicine also cured Mr. !»ng mates ambassador to Ku«aia, has writ amera Supplie*. DRIED FRUITS. amp FRUITS*^ * oía nervous attack of Pneumonia. KucL •en a letter to tbe New York Times, FLOUR AND FEED C» If RI E R Gl FU E ceres are pr ají uf ns power t/> I'aris EipaMUon edition, emphasizing Frost Street. trirel throat, « best and ¡ung fruubiee. Only 60c and$l,00. Guaranteed. Tria the Io Arnern ant of learning bot'lee free at l>r. Kremer's drug store foreign language*. Mr. Tower aaeerts OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. local vappeninoe “Meet Us on the Midway. Great Street Fair and Carnival PORTLAND, OREGON, Sept. 4 to 15.1900 M.. FIRST NATIONAL J3 JST K Capital Stock, S50.0Ü0, J I N. E. McGrew tei Truck and Delinei} Representative Grants Pass Business Firms ; : I » > Cameras and < > > » ? > > that not only in diplomacy hut in trade is a sound knowledge of foreign lan* guagea necessary, and all the more now that America is entering upon new and far-off de Ida of enterprise and ad minis- tration. It seems good advise if we are really reconciled to expansion. And expand we aurely mil«!, it is inevitable; not, perhaps, by merely grabbing lerri- j tory, but in the race of progress thal is ■ going on between all nations over a globe that every year is becoming more 1 and more common ground. Hunt Joete'e Chat The Car« of th« Baby in Summer. No. 39. riinàlITIinr " More new* Couches, Suites, rllnNIIIIKi Kockcrs. Kitchen Safes.. Just ■ Wlllwl I UIlLi received-New Goods Popula!* Price® GLASSWARE npnng LDy — UflUURLD I A solid dray load of White Ware just in. Get our prices ou hotel dishes and platters. Teas and Coffees, we’re selling lots of it. THE PRICE IS RIGHT. Tilnl O 1 ill II N ■ W L V “ s UH I, cro... ut »»• LI«, 10.-. lOineh I jt. 2-inch 30e Kit. hen .... . ... 40e Coin pan .......... ............ 25c Sx-ket firmer ehi..1a 20, 25, 30 and 35c each 4 inch wrought-iron door bolts ( set complete )............................. ............. 8c 8 inch hasps and staples ... 5c Thutnb latches ............. 8c Sash lifts ( each ) ............. 2c Night latches. ........ 4OC Dead locks............................ 65c Knob locks.... . 25 and 40c (By Kate Lindsay, M. D ) Every mother justly dreads the heat ed term, especially lor children under three year« of age, and more ao for those between ttie ages of 8 months and 2 year«. The mortsiity among bottle fed inhnta ia often frightful, particularly in cities, when ae a rule over two thirds or three-fourths of them die during the first year. All disease comes from some disturb ance of the organs uf the body, resulting either in disorder«d functions ordain aged tissues. The mo l common sum mer disorders are those of the digestive system, and are usually due either to ■»polled food or to food which ia unsuit able for the infant digestion, food infect ed with gt‘rius and containing come kind of dirt. Then tuo intense heat is de pressing, and interferes wi»n the elimin ation of wastes from the body. Thia leads to ¡Ktisoning of the tissues by the products of tissue wear; consequently all the organs are more or less hindered in their work. Respiration is slow and shallow, or, if quickened, the breaths are short and shallow ; the heart’s action is feeble, and the blood is uut sent to every tissue rapidly enough and in the amount needed, so all the structures sutler. The skin becomes relaxed, and is often unab.e to meet the demands made u|»on it an a beat losing as well as an excreting organ, Al tiiBl the sw«»at- mg may be excessive if the baby is old enough to Derr pi re. The sweat glands are not active until a child is several weeks old, and during the first years of life are much more easily exhausted than in the adult. It is a well-known fact that the skin is much more active as a depurating organ when it is clean (han when it is covered with dirt; there fore, in hot weather cool and tepid baths should be given frequently. Whenever (be little one ia fretful a cool both w ill revive it as does the rain a drooping plant. A child of 3 or 4 months will usually show how much it enjoys the bath by an unwillingness to leave it Generally after such a bath if put into a light night gown, it will quickly fall asleep. Every observing person who has watched an infant on a hot, sultry day will understand just how the intense heat depresses physical vigor. Even well-fed, healthy infants in the country suffer greatly, and how much worse must be the condition of weak, sickly babies in (he tilth of crowded city tone mints. In sultry weather, if a child craves water, and is given instead an extra leeding of milk, it will suffer; for when milk is not digested, it soon spoils, and tills the stomach with all manner of poisonous substances, the result of food iermenlation and thus the stomach and alimentary canal become infected with dangerous disease germs. One form, the tyiotoxicon germ, glows especially in spoiled milk, and when the stomach of an infant once becomes infected with ibis deadly organism, it may be weeks before milk can be taken in any form without making the child violently ill. It is often hard to make mothers and nurses understand that even breast milk and that of the best quality, may be dangerous to the stomach of an infant already infected with ty rotox icon and producing microbes other disease which live «nd grow in milk, All vom- ited matter and all discharges contain Lins germ, ami will reinfect the patient, also other intents if it Is allowed to eon laminate their foot! and dunk. In I mm - pitala one nurse has be« ii known io III fret mitral childitn because sire failed Lu keep her Landa and *1 thing «han from such diBcbarges. The result wa« .oud infection from which several infants died. All the clothing soiled by such discharge«* should be al once put into some disinietling ao I Ulloa as boiling Malsoda wa’er, or a 5 per cent carbolic acid solution hot, then they must be rinsed, washed and boiled. Take spac'al pains with the hands and always wash and disinfect them carefully before pre paring either food or drink fur the baby It is well also to wear a clean apron when leeding the baby, to prevent any germs or matter getting into the milk or feeding vessels. The dieting of all cases of dysentery is an all important thing Ona hot day alien lbe llitle one feels languid and liied and there is any inrlinatl<»n to vomiting or purging, at orn e stop thy food ami increase the amount of boiled water used. Food fermentation in the stnmacU is worse than want of food and in some cases of stomach infection a meal of even breast or sterilized boiled milk is ss deadly as a dose uf arsenn . Cholera infantum is due to acute in le<-fed milk poiaonmg and every drop ol milk taken in to tbe stomach hinders nature in her ‘ff/fta to diapoae <4 ibis load ol germa, ptomain«, putrid food and poisonous eludala* It in like adding foe! to an already biasing fire, it hut continues the cotiH4«ra' ion and con- an met the infan 'a life In there canea a cold drink will often be retained when all alsr is rej-cted •• »meti rn mi hi the stage of collapse hot water is most etf^tl\e.________________ A flag for Your SchoolhouM Every school house in tbe conn y should have a flag. If you want one lor your district write to the Cotai ra about IL Another lot just in Eight piece water sets......................... 70c gallon pitcher ...................................25c 3 tumblers for.. 10c 4 piece sets. 35c 1'rem.rvinc Ket tle., 10 quart.. ."SSc Rice toiler», two vr.rel. in one. eery handy, either can lie need separately 2 quart O.“S<* 1 quart 8 quart « 4<> Ret in ned Preserving Kettles—ti qt. *20c Milk Pans—ti qt. $1 doz. 4 qt. 15c 4 qt. 80c doz. Be sure and see the new Rockersand Centre Tables H'KXflT KE rKTl'K* MOt'LDUtOa lai « ct'BTAiaa .WALL FAPBB . ÌBANITBW.4BK WOOUKNWARK AUATKWAM8 ULAMSWARK TINWABB la urs Cl'TLKBY . CROCKERY . COTS 1.1NOI.KI MS MATTKKasKa MATTINO.* MIKHOHÜ ...CARPE rs. Kcturn of Barber Commission. After examining some 40 or more ap- I plicanta in and around Portland, the Barber’s CotnniiMion, consisting of Sam ! H. Howard, II. G. Meyer and F7T. Rogers, will have finished its labors. The Commission has "rounded up" bar hers without licen»es throughout the Willamette Valley and S »uthern Ore gon and met with some very interesting experiences. Ashland was tbe first town visited. The Commission had been determined Io revoke the licenses of three barbers there who refused io comply with the tune and hours, Upon promise of compliance with the regulations, the recalcitrants were allowed to keep their licenses. A regular circus was ha.l with a man at Medford, the next place visited. A barl»er without a license said as an ex cuse he was an apprentice. He has been working 15 years al tbe trade. His employer had left the day before on a fiisbing trip. The Commission in formed the "apprentice” to appear be fore it at 1 o’clock and uiake applica tion for a license. He showed up but claimed he did not have the necee- sary |5. An adjournment was taken to give him a chance to "dig up.” Hti appear* i ed again and wanted to pay part of the amount and send the balance to Port land. Hu was told to go and get tbe balance. lie then locked the door of his shop and brought Ute town marshal with him thinking that the Commission would not proceed against him. But the bluff did not work, ami alter "play ing ball” with the lusmbers of the Com mission some more, he dug up the "V.” The Commission then refused to give him a license, owing to com plaints about I is dri.iking habits, but, gave him a conditional permit, good for IX) days. At the end of that time, if his behavior is good, he will be regularly licensed ; if not, he w ill be struck off the lint. Milford was found to be a very lively place. At Jacksonville two applicants were granted licenses. Grants Pass win one of thelivelieit places visited by the Cominission. The inemoerH saw three Hpecimens ol gold quartz valued at flOOO. The rock was taken Irom a new strike near the town and was on exhibition at the bank One blast near the Hurface knocked down rocs out of which |2800 was taken md the f lOOd specimens were a part of that. One applicant was examined at (Jrsnts Pass.—Telegram. Hiory of a Hlave. To be bound band and foot for year« by the ehaina ol <li»e»«e ia the -vorat form ol slavery. George l>. Williams, of Manchester, Mieb., savs: "My wife Lar been ao Mpleert lor five years that rhe could not turn over in bed alone. After using two bottle, of Electric Bit ters she ia wonderfully improved and able to do her own work." This supreme remedy lor female diseases quickly cures nervousness, sleeplessness, melancholy, headache, backache, faint ing and diujr spells. It is a godsend to weak, sickly, rundown people. Cure guaranteed. Only Itoc. Sold by I)r. Kremer druggist. An Knter lain I ns Portfolio. Unmouateil pictures, those pretty and intererting ones that .sometimes cuiue as supplement* with the really good papers, the photographs that you du not care to frame and w hieh are too large to put In an album, the engrav ing* that have been picked up here and there, and especially the picture* cut out of old but good guide books, may be arranged in a portfolio so simple that it can be handled by everybody without its showing the usage given it. Buy an ordinary portfolio, a good- sized one, with a strong back to it. ( over It with coarse gray linen, and paint on this In a Moral cr architec tural design the word “Pictures.” Let your pictures be loose, but mount those which are small or which have siitTered in the least, and trim the edges of those that are ragged. It is necessary in time, because they are hand!« <1 a great deal, to throw some of the pictures away, but there are al ways fresh contributions. Two port folio« filled with these pictures will en tertain a party of young people an en tire evening, giving them subjects for conversation and opport unit ir« for trtc-a-tete, so that they will go home phased with themselves and with each other. London .Mail. It Helped Win Balllee. Twenty-nine officers and men wrote from the Front to say that for Scratches, Bruises, Cuts, Wound«, Sore Feet and Stiff Joints. Bucklen's Arnica Halve is .lie beet in the world. Same for Burns, Skin Eruption, and Pile., Sbcts. a bos. Cura guaranteed. Hold by Dr. Kremer, Drnggist. Unveda good paper—the U ovkikb . R oyal The absolutely pure BAKING POWDER ROYAL the most celebrated of all the baking powders in the world -célébrât cd and purity your cakes bread, etc. healthful; it assures you against alum and all form;» of adultcra- tion that go with the cheap brands KOVAU .4* I HO eowo< « c 1AM IT., MIW YOftK.