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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1900)
liquid or solid ? ÂRT GALLERY'S LOSS Mounted Animals and Heads BLOOP*’ IN BRUCES KITCHINO CHAVIS SVCCIÔ3 • •al Ca«iam TXal Ha* Famou* Reynold* Pa. a ting Giren to British Natío*. The Mat Gael gaü**y ha* suffered a Twenty pier area, iacled- hear/ »«.sa ___ of the ‘ _jwB of the eoi Wet wt. mg oee gwi have bees removed from the wa..» The gem ia the painttr*< of Lady < oek- barn and her children, by ffeyaoids esc of the beat prewrved and moot»« exaa.ples of his art. It is recx>rded that when the pw’ trc waa brought to the acadesiy all the raiat era dapped their heads ia aa!utat*r»a of ita power, aad the seal of th* artist ■ owe approval is fousd ia his same ia- serhed st fu.i .eaglh upoc the hem o! the lady’s garment. -I ahaü be handed down to poster ity,"* remarked fftr Jk#ahoa to Lad* Cor Mb a en “on the hem nf your Lad chip’s gar asm t.” P nee thia g''>ri- ouework bar bang la Trifa:gar square. It war bequeathed to the aat job to- gfc».ber w th X» other portrait» of th» CaeMbars and s! ed fa r- •*• by La*.v Hamilton, daughter of the late Rir James Cdsfrbarw. Th* other pictures weft of little artistic value, but the be quest was gladly reeeived on aceour*. of the euprem* merits of Kr Josbu > Reynobis’ painting The family of Lady Ham ’ *n disco* cred last year ’het her infereel ia the pictures wav restricted to her life and she bad do power to dispose of them by will. Th* truvees. after taking legs’, advice, did not resist the rials?, and the pirtaree have aow been surrendered. Tl.e .I<«hna has already been •*» d of ’bw Mil <>f Esther Brindle, D B. O., biabop asx- fllary to Cardinal V'aaghaa, recently delivered a laeturs at Eastbourne. England, in which he «levoted some I tune to personal rvmir.; see aces of Lord Ki’ehener, the Engtiah general i brw m Sowth Africa. Father Brindle baa known K^rhener for I# years. -I ha*« *lw»y» I ibowb k.m." b« **14, “a* a man with a nurpoee—a maa who . was ben nd to make h»s mark. I knew h*m when he was only a captain, at the time of the earlier Sfaxtdan can»- paigns. when he an frequently went oat into the desert ’O m ■mem- nona a cd fa bring back informs nos to hta supei I was maaied ’o view rhe per of hta orgrnr bust ion. He has ■U'' rule of his fife never to raise hii without knowing where he is g ptar. it. He is thought to oe a hanl ma a; I do not believe him to be hard. Bat he ia certainly a man who wears a mask. “Ixird Kitchener has set one object bef-'-re h*m in life, and ’hit is ’o ne sueermfui. He has subordinated every other feeung of hta nature tn that one thought of sareeaa. He looks apon met as tools, which. If they are not fit for the work for which they are re quired. must be replaced. The result is that he always see ires the best men. These men, moreover, never lark th e<r reward For rhe men who serve*! under h<m in the Soudan vea ter day are tb* rr.*n who «re serving under him in South Africa today.” DRESSMAKER REMEMBERED to a millionaire at a great price. OFFERS A GOOD MARKET Consul General Richard Guenther at Frank fort, has •ubm.tted to the state department some interesting •taWstica upon Germany’« importation of American goota in The figurmdemons’rate.says the roo- lol. that while the I’nited. States far- mshes a Airgr perrem»tag* < f art. - - uf neresiiify. inch as cereals, meat*, lard, petredeum. eotUmssed <dl, oleomarga rine, etc . In which little competition exist*, other art tele» do not flgurr as prominently aa there is reason to ex pect. on aeroijnt of thefr ssperiority and comparatively low price. Germany, he said, by reason of her denser fop atari on. her accumulated wealth and her general prosperity of fer* splendid opportunities for many govxfs of American manufacture For instance, the consul states, American ms*J* boot* and shoes are generally admitted to l>e the best and cheapest ia the world, and yet in the wealth}' city of Frankfort he cannot find suit able boots and shoe* tor himself and faml'v N < i* to Sr-r.d to the United State* for them Germany last year imported American boots and nboe« to th* vshie of I '/l r'» •• against 920.415 in 1SV7. This inrreuse m a < «.I «id ‘ >r neral i*r ' h* ' * ’ gratifying in a way, is not at all what it should be and only indicates what could be accomplished if our boot and shoe manufacturers would give more attention in thia profitable German fie.*» for trade Those ia Chicago who have knows Emma Eames, the pr ma <’ gdbs . f:*om childhood wii not doubt rhe story that is being told il.ustrative of her rhought- fulne»* and kindness of heart, «ay* the Chicago < hrnnie-e. It ws* after Mme. Eames had l*eeome famoua arc a w« kfiowc picture of her by her b .»ba waa on rxhibirion in Boa ton that eame out. The woman who knew Em ma Earn*« bad gone down to aee the pic ture and aa she stood before it «he no ticed b*«ide her a p ain, little old worn- an, wearing a eirenlar and parrying Th* two an old-fa.'hlotted reticule. fra*erriae<? and the Utile woman with the relieu e told the other the *tory. It was before Emma Eas*es became famouw before *he had gone abroad or *ung in grand opera, ibat the Uttje woman wa- **m»ker eatne the time when the ambitious yonr.g *ing*r started for the other «ide, looking for fame and fortune. Before •be left *he said to the little dress- maker; “If I g»J to be a great »ingrr while I am gone. Mary, when I rm* beck to sing here yon will be the first person to whom I «hall a*nd ticket«.’* “Ai.d when she ram* bark she waa a great singer,“ and Mary, tell’ng th« atory. “and the first thing «he did wh* »he res* ! *<J her«- wa* to send me ticket».“ af the Oreg®0 IKx-r flea»’ Detr. Panther. Biavk Bear a» it« & K»«r of j »gat it S. 11. CA i>A*I * aeigbiior whose pitch had ’has octa bbaved off ia adjoir. sg land. The de- fr-u«e was that an uB«>rgr>a..d s’ratura of pit*h waa ».lut so much water, mafi's property on id appropria t Bat the evjort h*id ’bat pttch waa a f you Iona fax bean totter ran be fa.r.nd, LA GRIPPE L*fa*re visit:, g a, i** Nuerhaegi »boaid »-e ir • vslhty, : M i* i •»-<•. A g s<»i . .1 C « - i u»ak* to íaas are likaiy S HAIS DALSAM haML.' J LTJkAl •*> Bat It Wade tbe Sew ly Wäret«« C«wgl* Tbiak Tbetr *«er«i Ua« O«C. Li/' far a MoaS ’«P via p’ fi ere was a bridal coup e ia and there is frxday.“ he added. •el f-eonsi'icuaE evs betrayed I*!rys into xtsh ng: “Bur new mow?” and then it came cut i perforiraBee had no? been r benefit, but for that of the i pillar of the church and bis lave nbel4«4. Thi Tarts Affected ire: I. THR It COA» .lEIBBASE USIMI THE HACK MiBtMlS <* THE MrtE.-tt I» com«** I « lamed and ths* k»n«d, sad • Chraala Carnrrh le trie rami. t. SSI DY II ».Ird-rv the ieSatwniA'.'on. *n4 leave Ü»« cieeun* ia«;«- bran* ta a perfect ly beaitby osadH. >s. Stages run both waj • daily between Granta Pas- Oregcn. And Crescent City. Cal., passing through the intenor pr ints U ilder- Yille, Love’», Anderson. Kerby. Waido, Sbeily Creek Patrick's Creek. GasqueU R WWW I 41 vUivk S Fled‘Stri Route THE SURRENDER OF OSMAN I-»-, for i**w at I 40 » p «a Relates by Itfptes ( rase la <»•• •f Hie Latest U rll- In*«. • f r>- thick THE ORE- GOMA^’S WASHIMP T0> BUREAU motayi Th« Gr**».laB I» th« 0*1/ n«w»piF«r )B ¡¡ r.n. W*ii niton, Idaho and British Celan»» ! takinc -oth the day and nixht report* ot th. 1 Xiacolaled Pre** Th* Oregonian h»» a larger special .errk. J Stig ■ than any other paper in th* North « ml correspondent* maintained at Olympia tad 3» ! !*m, *o that «rate and legnlatlre news of Ortgo. ’ and Waahington gathered .* priattd u and The Oregonian Bureau at Washington dty ’ furniahes the paper with everything in nailoaL ! and legislation which gosaip sfiset the may Thia I» tn a^. » people of the Northwest slates tlon to and supplementi the ¿¿Jy hoi*« Mails • and capltol reports of the Aiwo taxed Pram Th j Oregonian »rlnta mor* ed.torial tiiaa u, EDI TORI J AY other paper in It* Held. It I* pre-eminently th. Journal for thoughtful. Intelligent reader* » J h which FOR SALE BY W F. KREMER THE "AD.” COLUMNS Farwers and business men turn to The Ort- gonian as the Indiapsusabls record and dirte- tory of commerciai affaire, Accurais and re* liable. Great bargains are noted In the dlsp'sy nd classified columns of »alcb them The save Oregonian, saough money Thom to pt their paper free Forttar.d GrantsPa Ashland. Ttocraretnt ataaFraric X) 10 30 »5 30 Ar Ar. Ar. Ar. Ogden Draver Kans» Ubica« 45 t.m >1 1 tn. Ar. Ar Ar Ar. Ar. Ar. .Ar. Ar. L< « Ing* El Faeo Fort Wíwti Cily ni Mesi Hoortnn New Oriceli« Weebingtoo New York p.m a tn. a m a m a.m The Weekly Oregonian COWINS: »2 t2 €24 4..toó Pages a ’ Calumo» Page» a ' Colunias All th« new» well written. Article* de»crióing Wettern »> cue* »nd Inci dent*. Star -• of 1' re nr.d adventure by weil-knew* author*. Brilliant lllurtration* by newep-per artl*>* Intereetin* (ketches and literature tor boyi ’> oad (irle. article* and« for women Those Who Once Take The Oregonian Won’t Do Without It iiI<T CARS on n*ram*fl o to ars to £ / • ftreefa Revised Subscription Rates..... By -lad Postage Pre paid in Advance no reflection w dainty , no light so ', charming FOR FARMERS ARO BUSINESS MEN who I.v. Ar. .Ar. Ar. Ai. ICII.MAX V noth frstu.. 1 >gd*n and I i hiog Wa-bn MOTHERS! Time Spent In Reading The Oregonian Is Time Gained n>. f I rd I <2 dal as the Weekiy. one year. Weekly. € mor.’h* Weekly. 3 months. Sunday p-r year. A. IB Sunday. < months ............. ................................ ............ Da iy »1 " S : i y, i er mouth................................. Da. y S .. . « -pt 1. per year............. ... tj Dally, w; h 8u lay. per >e_ir ................................... IB Daily. Sun !iy. f months.................................... sb To Ci y S ..•> r ’era— Da y ;*rwee:- er*1 Sj-»?**y* . Dally, per wee* de.her*d Bungay« nciuded. I 1 W I ■ » a 1 % < ryj i • .... » - •• i ■ L • T y ; UREGOsifs To old subscribers who Increase our Hata. ÜM term* are as follow«: For each new yearly 1 I • I i. FREE (ubecrtptlon you »end Uw, accompanied by tie J money (11.50) you will be credited three moa.h« on your own paper—The Weekly When yo* 1 ¡W have sent In three subscriptions you hare c edit [ with us for a year. 1 Do a little missionary waft • with your neighbors i and gal your Weekly Ore gonian free. » mellow glow that Don't Let Baby Suffer. TEST THE EDISON PROCESS. you da get your tvv - vvv CO. CAL.. •le »t if th» jr.uulan iou many ocher paper* ar* burdened. ▼ w w ^vw Hjdyii Rrnely C?n?iny pbant* lay Tt' totter d.acards hollow, fensational matte' It I f> I ■ an-I *k>w growta m l that l - t Awllfrrt. I new* yerw ra rh«es Frevt «tafn*. Keo« I rw»ary ** I** nmtam* «4 ts mother* knt>< the •tancerou *£ SPECIAL COR- RESPOO LM.£ iCE TIME TABLE EASTBOUND WESTBOUND Leave Crescent City 6 a TD Grants Pass .. m. 6pX » p tn at Waldo ..... . . m. Arrive at Waldo ... . 6:jo a. m Waldo................. .. 4 » in. 1 Leave Waido . ni. 1 Arrive t Grants Pass 4:3op. m at Crescent City.. The scenery through W_ h thi s itue passes is beautiful. A de- Ightful mountain road from Ga-q art to Crescent City. Excurs.on rates during summer seas.>n J C HARTER, Grants Pa- Or.. Manager de f s detail. ha< II I D % A A lomi *n« *• •wvtinea of »ne« aa« pra tnt M rear*. c Srw«*i«t tn*« III I» YAV Frane 1 era. > »! th« HI l»% I aa l •*« th« U..31 w yo'1 In Carrie* I’. S. Mails, Pa'*^nger> and stage Exprès an 'f flat it f r rada by marryL g ttoBgcff toa fin »Uy knee rm, soy sth « 5e NT iw aft•> p t!k. ♦ir ar nt to be- hey were »farted ty hra» ng mt *trata* of the •TVrdd The c-Afver of the prw y sat. noticing their surprise . with what they interpreted fieant look, that fbeorgneut re< the Weddieg March'* V ^*tr RF j KT reports not he h t appear*!! ke «faíd 7. LVMBAOO 02 W FAK BACK X 5 uru'. .ten awth. I* both gu »üty and quality a a. a w r am *»n> coNDtTior. <<? thf U)WER iXMi’ S W TME LLNGC II I I» b X • WtU eanae tu« .«ug twee to twcoiu« an.i.g and hfK K▼ Near« How I« *ri««»na f*»r fb« f»ff Paiblug a I*la a Whar ALWAYS ie Tl> DATE MARCH NOT FOR THEM. 4. WE^KNf.M IN THE MExRT.-HI Í»- YA1» «fret .: «-.a tbs Mart r-•*.«•«••.» «• to« eijvtoaCfftn of biood. an-i eauae the n .arv beata to beeovse afrong aud rwn .ar He w BEiB.a üf/;r vu RiCT mSIAsh- attrm*tive rvr* ¡f1*ía4 Pre S. (THE BAff OP' *1 THE MUCOtfi JHEMBÄK'vE OP THE EAt.—Il ln- fiatueU ■ .1 d. **ne1 V t n*s to ■ m *< tr.'*: e-*,»-.«* HI IVA At'» 1 r—vert t « n*««l Wl>!»',*niS*t n Tbs i-tue w. i r.-A bsaff^iol and heart*t « •• a usimps—'d. .*»*' • m «, Bart, et i. Efma anal Pa Ycseañie i women h^a been formed ia Australia to explore the .Salomon islands, the home of the fiercer* '*annibehi known. Hitherto white men have been able to penetrate only » few r-.’les :eland. THE MAMMOTH. ho ne* ni Abatan4, Had Be«» «he kJ a* L**< Kaaagrk. At a recent duel tb^ parties di»< ebarred their ptateta without eCect, wbe?rape»• one of the Mccmds ir<f*r- pr»aed and prr.poaevl ’hat the eosabat' aii’a should shake bands. To tha* ?be other second objected aa UBDrcthrar} “Their hands.” aaui he, ‘have been shaking for half an hoar.* % Cfcaeer Ksneaitloa. An expedirio* csMutfsttag entirely of i ’s' »>r ptay with mineral, and that you had bo mort right K» «bai real it from a neigh ta^r by tha fM>mBg pme-«*» than yoa wciù 4 have tu tap his dwpoait of iron or silver. S. CHDOMC TO*ISlLJrW. OR CHRONIC •OWE THROAT.—Pr i» tbs »aau» ■ anee a* t <« : .< ai DYAS w»J p « « V SOW lag un WAS IN A HURRY WOMAN TO BUILD A ROAD Mme I. J Vrtaaque« !'»• <r«:. kr.<rwn throughout the country aa a woman promoter, ia in l*b<>*nir. Aris which •he intends making the terminal point of « railroad starting from Renderes , on the Pacifie coaat of Mexico, •nd altogether about 1,000 miles in length. Mbe recently «rime off a trip lasting 21 montha. covering 3,i“’> mile*, on donkeys, examining »h» contour of the country lietwscn ( oata Rica and the Pacific coast. M®*. Beard produces papers «how Ing a c< i • -oon of f! » a mile by Mexico She ha* been working on the project for 17 years, and haa tieen aided by A K < onej . Mexican consul general at ^an Francisco. who ia rloae Io Pres- Ment Dior. Mexico >■ anvi«><:» tor con- • not only tap rich mineral and agrirul tarai regions, but will lea«! to Ben «tare* bay. where that government con templates e«tabb>hing an important naval station. Mme Beard waa first «Hatinguiehrd aa the • ifhs représentât iv« in ( an ads, where ahr seeared largr aunia g money to aid the confederacy in th civil war. Stevtvwd •• ««• FreaeX Ci«g. come* from CORDOVA ipite ef MAKE STEERS GET UP Itork W ea Rrinrl I«» <»d4 Detlrw i«et the ialmali <•» Their • ft i Address. THE OREGONIAN ! PORTLAND, OREGO* if the study of the vibra- PATENTS et Courier and Oregonian i vearforS:'3 ORDER THROUGH THE COURIER i*4 w« e»« *•• ftr-tm Sr*« mn. W« *«wka«. f h-irfr. Oar fe* *»*>f 4 »« * Faaewitv *♦ ■»•«»<• «i Pit. »M .( « um wttol.S. an.i fertig 1er* free. Allr«», n*»n«*rsi ret C.A.SNOWifcCO The Dlriing < era »rI barn Ps< tram law ■ was 11— P*t»«rr Oevicr W*SM««araa a f A Fa-m Ubrar? «>' unequalled y*lne—PractioU* vp-ti>Jate, Concise and Cotnyrebenslre—Ba-J- someiy Printed and Beautifully Illustrated. LIPPINCOTT’S iwnrher • 9 iMf» wy MONTHLY By JACOB BIGGLE No' 1—BKMLE horse book MAGAZINE ! -wr- «( nmoi •»en*« Treat we wub<*m 4 .. iMtrati ,u* * »tsndard work Trice yeCent*- A F amily L ibrary CONTAGIOUS BLOOD POISON Blood Pmsim is the must degrading and destructive uf all disrascs. as it vitiates and corrupts the en rhe first «ore or ulcer is E4‘owed by little red pimples oa the bodv. mouth and thn gtand« enlarge s-M mfiame. copper cdorr»! •¡dutches appear, and hair and eyebrows •»»me of the milder svmp<<*ms ; they •nervate m «evenly, finally attacking the vital tortured with rbeamsti pains and cowfod with offensive eating torrs It is a peculiar p»H»-n. and so highly <'»>iitAgiuus that an innocent handlm uae4 by one infetAe«! with thia loatha»«nr diwa«e. msv he inoculated with the virus h Iran parent to child, appearing aa the varne diaraae or in a modifies! form —like Ecrrtr Manv an old s»>re uv stubborn thia tnmble apfwanng in middle life, is due an«| t pm* n contracted ia early life You n>av have taken p»*a»h sad mercury faithful!» fi t two <w th en»l thought you were . urarf, but you were n»»t, for thesr pmw>ft<»us minerals never cure thisd drive it from the outsole, but it is doing Ha work on th* tnanle. ami will show up again Yoa may not rrcowniae it as the asme «Jd taint, but it is. S, 8. S has cured tha»uaandi Cwc.tagtous Blood rutan and it will cur* vou It ia the «»nlv pure I r vrgrtaMe bkawf pur and the only antidote for thia puiam F fi S »leanses the bloud tnorvughly of every pa pmton — there is never snv return The Bist in -. lose studv nf blood potsoa an«! actual experience in treat tng H. \ i can cure vuurself perfectly u I perms: «mtIv at borne, and yemr secret is your own Should yoa need any infoemati of avedkal advice at *ny time, ante to «*• phyexians They have made a life *tudv of bl«*»! disraae«, and will gut ' r letter ] • an I ca'v* ’ attention Cowsoll tham as often as yrm please ; wen no < barge whatever f« this service AU l * etc «ponder.. ( >aducted in the strictest cuah«iance Send fur $2 50 rte vtan NO I a* h 25 cts . CONTINUED a No. 3—BIGGLE POULTRY BOOK c*'»,r STORIES i nd Quicke-t Kvtsv vcaitv coMntTt i* irstLr DULUTH h>r 2.rc bid* CM *. Y. BO YEAR«' tCFEfV£f.--C A » * w 10 Bee. Inn Uha'.d T urial I MfNNUPCUS CHICAGO rr II - l-«t l oultr. Booh taeiiwr*«. ■ TT’ "< «it*«} c<.lc.rrd ¡•.fe-hkerrero.;»«'"« 1 >■-ft n pal omd, With i< j other iUu»tr«: -n*- I Tice. 5 l - Lent*. * No. -4— BIGGLE COW BOOK A. .bout c —. ,ud th, t„n, . hsrlm ■ate contain, > colorrt life like reproduction, c. «th -1. With . p other illustration, Price > Cents No. f> BBKiLH SUISE BOOK ‘ ■ H r- BreediM Ferdiag B * «eaie. etc < e-,ina irer I beautiful oa* ,od enpana*,. Ft ice, jc Ceuta. Th” ?,>OKS •" 'mkiue orirtoal.useful-you th, them-«, prxris.', a«wtt;r rb»T ¿I.k 2* ” ™un«'“ aale-EaM »eat. Vxti .nd i. ’ ’’ »* »b® keena a Horw. Cow, Hof °< iw.\ < f™*:! Fruit», ou,bt to «end rifki For the BKWLE BOOKS. Tfe , P»»I5TS EAST l'ale« e ar><> Se. J Al . urcw'.na Sm,!l Fno»—rwd «nd lc«r* So» t con < -J «< cylorej liw-likoraaroBvcitoMafaUW««1** v«r. >e.» and i © other i luNtratioes. Price, y?Ceat*. MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS ? rratrm •uft, the T »r t«t Ml*. *•< an«l llofTr* *»«n ku*> Librar «mr ¡kune Tr hi «tore of th« the rvwult iA ss Litsrat 12 CoSFiiTt N ovcls Y karlv the disease CIRI VOURSt11 AT MME. Current No. 2—BIGGLE BERRY BOOK farm journal k r*rt **’ ■«< • ™’n*' >’ *• " ”‘r* q it afte. ' , f * ’’ Jnd-doww. hit the-natl-oe the *»•' ~ V- - " F.ra, and H oae-okl r.r-r . of smet U baper of««, Cl, «, ,hc fatted »ta er ’•et.u- -,,.„. , rnuiw,anda ba.frefular reader«- Î °f ,he BIGGL£ B00*S. and the FARM JOURNAL • S I B.«| ■ hüll I Cv A»v addrv^ A buid *b ¿T, i *4 •■d »WD will be «eut by •> J f *KS'’«»I«dewrtbu, BIOOLE BOOKS « - X ’ ■ a TX T * wr >* FAHM JOIRMAI FaiaaivaAFH . a 1