Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1899)
------------------------- - local toappenin^a 1 L personal You Have Celebrated “B & M” Grocery BARGAINS ! REDUCED 1 ’RICES Anti-Rusting Tinware 9 Coffee 1 ’ots, ACe¿ i Pots, Buckets, Htc in Three Years. Not Cm in er Bros. WAGONS The Jewell Hardware Co CAMERAS Chats. Copey, Civil and Military Tailor PORTI. IND, OREGON Body found. The body of Henry Browneworth ol '■» liner, Jackson county, was found last Sunday afternoon by Jueh N eatbam mer about 1 mile from the home place. It appear* that the young man bad taken off hie eoa», laid same on th* ground be- •ide a sugar pine tree, tied hi* key* with bl* bandkerchief and hung them up ia a bush near by. From the beet that could be ascertained by those who found him, it i* thought that he *I k >1 himself in tbs bead, but was not in- •tsntly killed. He must have lived al least several hours, from tbs way be kicked a bole in tbe hard ground by hi* •ide. The body waa in a fearful cun dition and entirely past recognition He waa buried on Monday a abort dis tance from the home place. -I An Excellent Bargain. Any one wanting to buy a farm would better call at thia office aa we have on. of the best bargains that has been pet on the market for year*. On. hundred twenty acres, eeven miles Irom railroad and baa 75 acres of excellant grain this year. Ths land ia rich creek bottom, baa on it a good hen»« and barn, good water, fruit ¡for family use. This will not he offered at tlie present price but a few days. Come now or you will be to late. A Message. We send this message to tell you that we have tried many kinds of Shoes but none give the satisfac tion to the people that Lewis’ Weat Resister Shoes do. W. E. D kan & Co., Red Star Store. Brimstone Troll« Repaired ThuS. P. company made rapid work with tha repair of Brim.toue treetie. Tbe tint can passed over tbe new struc ture last Saturday night and since that time the regular trains have been run ning daily. The werk was pushed to completion with the must rspid baste, much to the satisfaction of the people. Delicious Food and Drink Our aim is to keep the best Coffees and sell them at a little lower price than any other grocer. Ask for a free sample of our Yale Coffee. We strive to maintain all our goods and prices at that same standard, and the fact that we invariably give sat isfaction indicates the suc cess we achieve. Roy Booth Hurt. < hi I he morning of lh. Sth, Roy Booth got on one of hie father', horses to take it down to tbe .tore to ba decorated for the parade, when the animal began to jump and rear up. It fell back and caught Roy in a manner that hurt him quite badly for a time, but we are glad that be is able to be around agalu. Wanted. A girl to du general house work. Good pay. For particular, address, Mu. T. J oxks , Hornbrook, Cal. Calhoun Grocery Co. HORN JEWELL—In this city today, July tl, 1899, to Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Jewell, a aon, eight pound*. MARRIED VENT—ROBERTSON—In Merlin lune 25, at the residence of the bride's sister. Mrs. Bart Vest, Mr. flick Vest and Misa Addie Robertson, Squire Ladd officiating. DIED. CARR—At the residence of Samuel Bingaman, .Inn« 26, 1818), Mrs Kebeksh J, Carr, aged 78 y«ara. Mr*. Rebekah Jan« t'arr was born in North Carolina June 21, 1821, Alter some years all* moved to Tennessee and was married to Amo* Carr Jun« 21, 18-11. They went to Arkansas and lived a few years ami then moved to Aniora, Mi* eouri, where she resided until April.1HW, when she caine to Oregon to visit her daughter, Mr*. H. G. Bingaman. Mrs. Carr professed religion while young and united with the Baptiat church of which »he was ever a faithful member. Her husband, Amo* Carr, waa for many year* a deacon in the church and died February 2, 1897. Nhe attended church on William* creek May 7th with her daughter's fam ily, but immediately took her bed with her last long ¡line**. She suffered much yet bore her affliction* without a mur mur. fill* was conscious until the last, and calmly and sweetly passel into eler rial rest, Monday, June 20. “Mother Carr’*” life was a beautiful tribute. Hhe was a contestant Christian and a kind and affectionate mother She died In the triumph of faith, saying •he was prepared to die and not airaid to go btie was boiled in the M. E. cemetery, Rev Cress conducting the services She leaves two daughters to mourn her loss, Mrs Bingaman of thia place and Mr* Nancy Ann Stewart ol Marion idle, Mu. Ttachtrs El«ct«d. The school board held a meeting yes terday ano elected the following teach ers for the ensuing school year: Principal, Prof, H. W. Holmes with assistants, Misses Astella Gnedin, Min nie TutTs, Allie Pool, laruise M Davis, Odessa Thompson, Edna Parker, Mary Day, Cora B. lemon, Minerva Hemen way, Florence Aikin and Emma Booth. Places have not aa yet been «»sighed. Cop«y th« Tailor. The uniforms for the officers and men of Company "II”, aa well aa for all the compsnies nf the Third regiment, were made by Charlee ( opey, civil and mili tary tailor of Portland. Or«, whose Jad- vertiaement appears in this issue. The eslablisliment of Charles Copey I. always crowded with work, which is to be expected when quality ami workman ship are considered Portrait Damerà and Lene lor Sale. 1 have for «ale an up-to-date portrait outfit with good lena, back ground, etc. Aleo a view camera and outfit. Call al the Coi anca office. A. E. Vuonuta*. Tint Step In Photography. This little book should be in the hands of every amateur photographer. It con . tains complete information for the be ginner and will eave many disappoint ments and failure.. Only 26c. For .ale by A. E. Voorhie», C oi hii . h office. ASSAY ER, W. (Ì. Wright, Gen'l Agt. for Oregon M ai 'A mtiii h F ohkimt C yanid * Pancia*. Cyanide and Chlorination treatment ol Oree. Bullion Relined and Shipped. ( ìrantm P am , • • OutuoM. Wanted. To Irade a good two borne wagon for a g'Hxl fresh cow. Addreae J. M. Sip«* <frante Pane. Strayed. Can e to my ranch October last a light bay horse with black mane and tail, one I while bind foot, small alar in forehead, no brand and la breathy. Owner can have same by paying charges M. E. L konxhii . A ltiioi sk , April 21), 1899. -Ge- K) io Com« and Se« II». There are a number of small amounts from 15c to *1.00 yet due us on tbe"l>sily Bulletin,” published by us last year. We wish to have these accounts settled as quickly aa possible. Dewey The Greatest Bargain of the Season. Now for a Summer Outing You’ll need a Tent, Bedding,'Etc. Our assort ment of Blankets, Quilt*, Etc. is large and gives you a good variety to select from. Catnjiers’ Wagon Covers. We have the correct things in Men's Moun tain Shoes ; High Cut, Heavy Nailed Shoes, Etc. Notice Vici Kiel Shoes at S2.2 We have just received a large shipment of men’s Vici Kid Shoes in Black and Tan that arc Handsomely made up. Nicely Einished, Soft Flexible Solus, Medium Coin Toes, WARRANTED ALL SOLID LEATHER, And have placed them in our North Window. This will make a very Easy, Soft and Durable Summer Shoe, just the thing for those who are bothered with Corns or Tender Feet. Drop into the Store and have our Sales People show them to you. Don’t be afraid of troubling us. We are always glad to show G enx I s whether you wish to purchase or not Gentlemen : We <San >cll You the Best Shoe on Earth for the Money. Try us. Two ntrav pigt may be found, one bla k and one black and w hite «polled, by inquiring of J. Sugar I’ine factory. ........... flew clothing for the Summer National Eduiational Asto< i at ion Meeting. Loe Angeles, Cal .July II to IS, 1999.— Excursion ticket* will tie on aale July 5th to 9th inclusive, gore! to return on or Ire (ore September falls, 1899 For rates and further particulars, coll on or address II A Rofnrrnund, Agt H. P. Co., Granta Paas, Gre. Killed a Mammoth Cougar H. II. Calhoun of Merlin recently killed one of the largest cougore ever found io Northern Oregon He was out bunting wl,«n be heard.tbe old r-ougor bark and going in tbe direction ol tbe barks, when ho dierovered bia honor on a large limb of a tree. On« delib erate alm and down ram« coo gar, shot through tbe bead. Mr. Cal houn, bring a taxolermiet, will fit him , up for exh.bit. m We have just received a new invoice of Nice Things in the Clothing Line, Haney Worsteds, Gray River sides, Round and Straight Front, Black and Blue Black Worsteds. TEN DOLLARS works winders in the pur< hast- <4 a Ni< • Suit. We do not try to make you believe we are Giving our Goods away but we do say, and mean it too, that we are giving the Best Values in Grants Pass for the Least .Money, and are ready to prove it to you. Yours for a Bargain in Clothing, P. H. Harth & Son. Gents' l uniiMiing Goods, Boots, Shoes, Valises, Tents, Wagon Covers, Etc. SUGAR P IN E STO RE FOR SHO ES i _ Dr. Flanagan. Resident Dentist. Pickle* in bulk at Wads’*. Whole Wheat Flour at Wade'*. Berry Cups *t Pike's. Miss Allie Osborn of lteland waa in Whip«, Ilk- to *2.50 at Hackett’*. town Wednesday of this wsek. Shoes repaired at Hackett's. C. StLouia for watch repairing J. H. lluffer Sr. of JaekaMsvill* was I four 75 cents at Scott Griffin. See Voorhie* if you want a camera. Ashland creamery butter at Wade'*. ; registered al Hotel Josephine one day Horseshoeing at Triiuble >k Barber's this week. Best Hour at 75 cents a sack at Scott We sharpen U*n Mower*.—Cramer Dr. C. 8 Evans spent several days in Griffin*. Bra*. Sauis Valley, Jackson county, laat week Get your Lawn Mower sbarpene,! at Where du you get your hair cut? Try wtiers lie did an excellent business in Cramer Bros. Will Mallory. hi* line. the new sbuemakei. See Mickleson. • a See those Photographs for 75c per dos Miss Stella Pad Jo, k returned the He is in town. at Clevenger's gallery. first oi the week from Seluia, Ore., where Breakfast Bacon at Exira Choice 25 Tablets of Monarch Pepsin Gum st she bu just completed a successful And now it is time for you to Pike's Grocery. Pike’* for 5c. Try it. [ term of school. think about buying Groceries. Harness of all Kindi, Grade* and II you want Flour in quantity, see Zera Pool closed his school un lx)uae Prices at Hackett *. ‘ike Special prices made. creek last Friday and will leave thia Remember, you always get Buy Flour with the While Star on. week for a camping out time in tbe vi Take your shoe* to Hackett for good the best of ...... Is at the most It's always good.—Wade cinity of Swede Basiu. work and right prices. I* your Lawn Mower dull? Get it Mr. 11 C. Kinney and family ¡ell ibis reasonable rates at the DL4CDV PHOTOGRAPHER sharpened at Cramer Bros. 1 It L. LJ I Opp. Court House. morning for Swede Basin, where Mrs Where do you get your shaving done'" 1 Kinney and children will camp out for a Good good* cheap—Beet price* paid al Call at Will Mallory'* shop. mouth or six weeks to enjoy the moun- Front Street Second Hand Store. Trimble A Bacher are pre|>ared to do , ' tain air. Call to see Mickleson at his new shoe S. N. Butters, tue muling man, goes »hop near the poet office. He will du all kinds of blacksmithing. to Kerby Thursday nigtil and will con you first class wurk. Weekly Oregonian and C ocbikk *2. Minerals sent to thia office for assay ft U reported that Kerby had one of tinue bis trip in tlie morning to Waldo, where lie will look after some mining ill receive prompt attention. The her grand celebration* on the Fourth. properly. assays will be made by tbe best essayists. Teacher», remember the National Ed Her belt Sampson came borne Irom County Clerk Roy Bartlett won first ucational Association Meeting Excur Portland a few days ago. Herbert has prise on the clay pigeon shoot the Fourth sion had tualaiia in Portland lor some time, and E. E. Redfield won second prize Buy your groceries Irom Wade and lie came boiae hoping to recover. Scott Griffin is selling flour al 75 cent*. Prompt delivery and ralisfactien guar. We are glad to say I hast he is better The best at 75, the very best at 75, guar an teed. Frank II. Owen, a delegate to tbe anteed at 75, and all you want at 71 Apple*, Orange*. Itenions, also Fresh National Editorial Association was a cents a sack. Vegetable* of all kinds every day at pa-senger going nurth last Monday even Tbe city of Ashland ha* voted #12,000 Pike's. ing to be in attendance at tbe associa bunds tu build a new school building. Don't forget the iocation of Cleven tion meeting in Portland. Ashland is always ready to do anything ger’s photo gallery, 4th sireet, half J. M. Wattsof Wimer, Jacksoncounly, in tbe interest of her public schools. block from Layton hotel. made Granta Paas a visit this morning Try Golden West Baking Powder, Ab Lookout for Mickfosou's new shoe Mi Watte is contemplating a visit to solutely Pure and not made bv Trusts, shop near the post office. ceulral California iu a short time to at one-half pound can 15c, uue pound can, The vsrv best Hour and every sack tend to sums business. 20c for sale at A. J. Pike’s. guaranteed,for 75 cents a sack at Scott Rev. L. C. Wilson has bee a on the The egg race was won by Pat Murphy, Gr.ffin's. ON — sick list fur several days and in conse and he also won tbe potato race. The Just arrived direct from Europe, a tine quence waa unable to preach last Sun prise in each case was 75 cents. Willie | stock of the celebrated STRANSKEY STEEL day. We are glad to report that lie ison Moore won the sack race, prize 75 cents. WARE at Cramer Bros. tlie improve aud will probably bo able E. C. Stearns A Co. have a *40 bicycle Try White Star Flour if you want the to resume his labors soon. now ready for Delivery; a fine high best. Wade keeps it. In fact all kinds Miss Vida Moore returned Irom Port grade wheel, but not so many options in of groceries at Wade's at bottom prices, land last Saturday, where she ties been Tires, Saddles, Etc. Asa Redfield about Strange that peoplo will pay *50 for a attending school for tha past year. She them . bicycle w hen *115 will buy just as good a will spend her va<*atiou with her par The order on the Fourth was as good ent* in the Pass, but will return to one. T. A. Hood sells the Crescent. as could be expeeled. While there were school again in the fall. Tue Chautauqua at Ashland promises a number of people who had too much Dr. A. J. Murphy, the Gold Hill bar to be better this year than ever before. lubricating oil, still there but few dead G. F. Billings, tbe president, is putting ber, was down to the Pass to spend th* drunk, so to speak. 4th. Tlie doctor says lie is getting along in some work and be always win*. We know it is hot, but we want some Fruit Jars, Aluminum Cap*. Rubbers, nicely wilh his work at the Hill. He wood just tbe same, so is you have a Warranted to Rust has great hopes for the future of that load ef good wood suitable for a cooking Etc., at Pike's place since the High Line ditch is sup Tuesday of this week was a lively day stove bring it to this office and receive posed to lie a certainly. Sec Our Window in town. It seemed almost like a Fourth credit on your subscription account. Prof. C. J. Kurth and >* red Cheshire in itself, as there were so many people The ballvuu sent up by P. H. Harth A went to Sisson w ith the Roseburg band Son the night of the 4th, was found by in lowu. boy* to add their melodious strain* to Clams, 15c can; 2 for 25-* Dysters, Millie Jones near her father's place in those o'the band, on the Fourth. The Sardines, Swiss Cheese, Creaui Cheese the vicinity of the Centennial school Roseburg band is one of tlie best in tlie house the next day. Millie got tbe prize am! all Lunch Goode for Picnics at Pike's BICYCLES, REPAIRING. Mate and the people of Siseon doubtless offered by this film which was *3 in mer Grocery. enjoyed the excellent music furnished chandise. Mrs ltehkopf wants to talk to you on by thia noted band. If Shiloh's though and Consumption up-to-date Kid Gloves. It’s undisputed T H. Supple, who has been mining cure, which is sold for the small priced Charles Marshall bought a piece of on <o a I leu creek for tbe past two months, 25 cis., 50 cts. and *1.00, does not cure property from Arthur Conklin this week was in the Pass Wednesday ol tuis week lake the buttle hack and we will refund in the neighborhood of where Mr. Conk doing some business. Mr. Supple has your money. Sold for over fifty years on lin lives, getting the same at a very had quite a tussle with |>oison oak since this guarantee. Price 25 cts. and 50 cts reasonable figure be went to Galice, but he is getting We have Just Received a CAR LOAD of —W. F. Kremer. 1 The Christian Endeavor society of the better, we are glad to state. He is well For the treat decorated lioy’s wheel the Presbyterian church will hold its regu pleased with his prospect on Galice and prize was awarded Randall Hood and lar weekly prayer-meeting next Sunday will push the work next winter the second prize to Vallard Truax. For at t>:30 p. in., the topic being, "A good Dr. J. C. Van Dyke of New Brunau ink. best decorated girl’s wheel the prize was Vacation.” Mark 6:7, 12, 13, 30-32. New Jersey, brother of our townsman, awarded to Miss Emma Hyde's wheel; Everybody is cordially invited to attend. Dr Van Dyke, is visiting at the home These Wagons were put up expressly for our trade in this moun Miss Ethel Redfield's wheel coming in The trestle that was burned out at of the latter in this city. Tbe gentleman tainous country. They have points which make them superior to other (or second prize. Wolf creek laat week delayed the trains is a Doctor of Art and holds a professor The one mile bicycle race was woo by but a very short time. The trestle was ship in Rutger's college. He also trav wagons. Call and see them. Carl McCroskey. Carl had to run a small one and it It ok but a short time els a great deal in Eiiro|>e and in thia against time as there was no one to en to repair it. Il was supposed to have country, lecturing al some of the best ter against him. The prize was a *10 been set on fire by sparks from a freight colleges and universities on Ait. He is medal. Carl also won th« 3-5 mile race train that had passed over a few hours « very able and prom inent writer, con against Roy Kremer and Fred Roper. before the fire wm discovered. tributing to some of the lountry's treat Roy Kremer came out second Tbe 2 5 magazines. Tlie doctor will remain in mile boy’» race was won by Albert Coe Grants Pass for three or four weeks vis against Newell DeLaniatler. H. L Truax «ent out tome aky-rocket« iting. The establishment of the Willamette to the boy« at the Swede Banin naw High grade currerpondence paper at Tent and Awning Co. ol Portland pre mill and requested them to tire off the sents a busy scene these days, making Name on the mountain at a given place the Col risk office. tents for the Third regiment; and their at 9:30 the night of the 4th. Tbe boys The Fourth did not pass off without floor space is loaded with tents in al) built a signal tire whicG was eaaily Been the, usual number of accidents but we stages of construction as well as aw nings from the 1**8«, but the fire-work a were are glad that none of them proved serious. WK and flags A great many awnings, tents very dim if any were sent up. Some L I.. Jewell i. aorwewhat excited to an i flag« of their manufoi ture have b-en | thought they naw eeveral aky rocket?, day, but eucli ia to be expected. There Portland s Sole Agent for the Albany Woolen Milis, foonglit into Soulnern Oregon and have but we watched very clowely, but our was a tine boy made his appearsm-e at of Alban, Oregon. given satisfaction. Their patent water eyes must have been dim that we could Ilia home today. 88 THIRD STREET. proof duck "Acqiiapeiie” is all that ia not aee, for we aaw nothing. Later. Northeast Corner Third and Stark, claimed (or it. Thia company is also I The rockets were »ent up at 9 and those Good Placer for Salt. headquarters for hammocks and catnp who »aw them aay they were very beau* Any one wanting to buy a email placer furniture. | tifnl mine, yet a good one, ahould make in quiry al this office. The mine ia already fitted up with pipe and giants ready lor <>|*eration when the rainy season sets in. Ask akjut it