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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1899)
-«>* Rheumatism tra<le mark of the FIGHT LIKE APACHES UNCLE SAM’S BIG MORTARS Are \« m *. nM »he Moet Terrible littplt Mtal* of Modern W arfare*. The» Filipino War Methods Employed Against Americana. Troop« Ihot l>«wa* by .WteMres I aider Ckrwer Who Attack Cvea the Boldt eve < «ring for the WuMBded. In their fighUng tactics the Filipino Insurgent» closely resemble the blood thirsty Apaches of this country. They rarely give open buttle, unlrsa cor nered, preferring to stalk their hu man game and shoot it down from un- ler cover. American picket* arc ilrcd upon in the dusk of evening or early morning from clump« of shrubbery Into which the insurgent« stealthily craw] and lie concealed for hours wait' mg for a pot shot. They hide them- »elves behind tree trunk» and in the tall griiMi. and wriggle About like eel«, firing at some straggler, and then glid ing noiselessly ofT to a new shelter before a return shot can I k * made. Hos pital parties sent out from the Ameri can camps to look after the wounded are not safe from attack, and when allowed under a flag-of-truce pact, to ¡»lek up their own dead and» wounded, the insurgents frequently take advar tage of the opportunity to open fire on the Americans. The constant skirmishing in which they have taken part throughout the perio I of active operations has brought some of them to a high degree of per fection a» marksmen, while others, again, are unable to handle a rifle, and art» better acquainted with bows and arrows. The Filipino much prefer» an intermittent and desultory conflict, in which the Americans necessarily come out into the open, while the natives re main in ambuscade in the thick bush. The American murksmen have to be satisfied if they can lie three part» hid den in the long grass, creeping up to the fringe of the woods from which the native» are dislodged, only to take refuge under more remote cover. Even the parks and promenades of Manihi are not safe from the fire of stray Filipinos, and repeated attempts have been made in such place» a» the now denuded Botanical gardens to a%siiKsi- nate American officers. Here the trees have been stripped of their fo Huge, which hes about In heaps, and affords capital shelter for these un tutored natives on murder intent. It was this condition of affairs, coupled* with the persistency of lhe insurgents in refusing to respect mill tary control by the Americans, that led to tin* first battle at Manila Aftrt the natives had been repe itadly warned against, passing the American pickets, and after they had ignored the challenge» of the sentries, one of the latter, fired upon some natives who persisted in crossing the forbidden line. The natives replied with a heavy fusillade, causing the Amet icun troops to turn out in force. Thus began the bat-tie of Manila, on the night of Sat urday, February 4. It was resumed at dny break on Sunday morning, and by t he tiinw it ended over 3.000 Fili pi non lay dead on the field. The Amerlcnn losses amounted to between 5o and 00 kiI!•■<! mid. 200 w oiinded. During the »Spanish regime tons upon ton» of sandlNigs bad been iicru muJate<L and lodged at various spots around Manila 6,000,000 bags in all with the object of throwing line* round the city» Much <»f this mnterinI has been carried off by the insurgents and adapted to their own purposes as n shelter for the tumbledown build ings occiipied by them n* Iwirrucks, A REINCARNATED DOG. Turnar llwdn't I.< mb < Ilia II •■«■»••■» Trulla In Hit» I'ronvtM of < hMlltfitltf, “You can't 1 tell me there Is nothing in the theory 1 of reincarnation," re marked a traveling* man, "for I know there is. I v*a» dow n in Florida recent iy, and In St. Augustine I miw a snob dog' nn out nod-out snob. Ilia naim is Tow’wr, nnd he is just u common y cl low «log lives In the street nnd belong’' to no one. In the summer, when im wealthy northern people are In town, lie piny a with all the inlddh* c I hss cliil dren mid dogs, mid will greet patromz ingly the middle class men and women who know him. But in winter, as soon as the seas<in begins, he attaches him ►«•If to sonic n« h 5« vv York family ioKifs in their y ir«l, tag* tlwir footstep!- or carriages all about the city, attend» them to church nnd home ngnin, and. **« f«r an he is able, m ike» himself one oi them. For his mess be hits been forced to resort to the back yards of a phi in g«»o«l woman vv I <» ptlle* him nnd feeds him regqlarly; he is friendly with her nt his eating hours, but never s«» far forgets himself a« to wag his tail at her on th«* street or when he is with anore pretentious people. AA hen socie ty functions tnk«’ place in St. Augli* tine there is TAiwser, g«df matches, aft ernoon te«is, picnics or bontiug partir», all are attracted by him with most con ventional regularity. He never greet* any ordinary acquaintance when thus socially engaged, and has even been known not to ent for several «lays when a fashionable wedding was on his ruind. AVith the swell dogs of St. Au gustine Towser never has any row*, having, no doubt, studied the politic art of being agreeable; but with common curs hr is irritable nnd defensive. That dog has hern human in his time, aid I'd give a penny to know who he was." ludisna|K>Iis Journal. !!«»»» tn lie M( m »«-«I. "I sometime* believe that if I were earth n«»ta»dy v*« <»!(| care a rent." "Oh. brace up hon’t take such a dis mal vicvv ••( th g* it surely isn’t ar bn«! at y«*u think IH»ni you owe any- l«o<]y any money ‘."'—Ahicago Evening News. . FROLIC OF A TORPEDO BOAT. Nlnwulnr Mlatorinn«*«« «»f On«* «if Our FIs*«*I In th* Aducía «III lint mi««. « iiM- in point. Ont* particularly dark night the cap tain of n torpedo boat decided to tak< Hdvjuitage of the darkticAK and run well in toward the Morro. With nil lights dtfitiM'd, the boat st« .uued slowly to ward the entrance of the harbor until her crew could hear plainly the surf breaking on th«- rocks under the ,'«,a- tle.” While th«* boat lolled lazily in the swrll, the officer»» tried to make out th«* guns and the fortifications at the harbor mooth. Suddenly, ns the I mui I gave a heavy loll, tin -witch which turned on the private light signal was moved., and a blaz«* of red and white lights illu minuted the entire boat. Everyone made n «Irish to break the connection. In tin* rush the colored cook managed to roll (ocrtaiard. and an he went ovei the side he grabbed at everythin,o handy. Among the thing* In took hold of, unfortunately, was the whiMh* rope. If the taint had been found« t ¡ng, nothing more could hair been «Ion« to attract attention. Tile big m nrehlighI on the Morro twitch«*«! around in an uncertain manner and turned slowly toward the boat. Be fol«* it reached them the people on th«* torpedo boat uniting« d to turn off the signal; the sp.isino«lic shin king of th«- whistle Ftop|H*<l when th«* cook was hauled ntaiAi'd, and the bout (scape,I in the darknet«« without a shot being tired nt her. I’he next time his bout w, nt in, th«* captain took in his private night *ig- nnl ami th«* cook had orders to stay in the gallery. Youth s t ompatiion. Maio II«’I m *»«*» l«*nvl«iM ll«»mr. Th«’ population ««f Belgium i* b«* coming *«> numerous that the «*(>untry is no longer able to support all its pv«»pl*\ who ill c<»liM*qiM*ne«‘ are buivlrg their native land in larger numb« r- «■very year and accept mg ►ituation* abro id. tatst yenrio’iirly !<»,< ■',| work men took out pii-sporta for Bulgaria S«*rvin. Koumania. Ru>>ia. ( Ititi.1 and Siam. The emigrant*. von>i*'ted chiefly At this season your ner «*ons ami hot (eel swollen, feet ami get tired easily If you have smarting lent or tight shot « It conta the levi try Allen a Foot Ease and makes walking tan and sweating loua spot*. *««> bhateis and «al leet, gives rest and comfort f»oìd by all druggist» and hoe »torea for 2 » cent* free Cures Relieves ,‘orns and bunions ot all pain and Try it /«««/«(• easy. Address, Allen Trial packagi S Olmsted, I e instantly corns and Allen's Foobb sat» shoes feel easy »tarn ps. Address. .A lie 11 Trial S. |«a< kagc VI hat To Wildrrville ............. . » : • To Ixvva’a............ .......... Il no To Anderaon ... «1-4* T Mma »2 00 To Kerby . ............. .............. ». »1.00 Te Waldo Shelley creek < iampiet .. . . . . . . ........................ fat 00 h- tw 4 re* ent City «i ................ H •« Above ratea tubjecí lo change without Round trip tit beta and sioib noth'«. ■i<»n parties at special ratea. used world tor half a century f i I u tie Bine Needle < o. m«’ of •s. Ore., in offering ita pro<iuet !iv, ta‘g« to stata tba* li rm- mhllcra or travi ling sale*mru. tablisbrd agencies in all the a«l «(str*, letico, mi». throughout Knn'pr ami II wwoh I B i «»» Portland the th«' Ita A AV.¡ke are i'.s tepr«■««•nU- Ire«. Ir a t il Ag< a • If you are wot Mtmtìed and SI— W I* Kn ' h< and perfect tug the pruee»-* of manata» t rent Inqairs of Tha sincerity of many make unwarranted [ ;i-!»«*rti«»ris i4* not questioned, but the in- 1 aeetiracy of Hiirh slA*«*ineiita is manif«»' from iiietiHi- Hasty «oiK'bisions formed subject are ex- < :;*.*:♦ knowledge of th« and all aort» of ex- tenmvcly published, I Ira vagan t h “* 11m pt ions announced. Min | iug, particular!v. is to be simplified; to be the is F»eiido-»ci«n- supply. popular magazinea and Sunday newspaper* have it all flgurid I out h >w one gallon of liqui«! air w ill ina':e in a proper machine three gallons, and these three will by due nine make luanipillation, and tbii*. one can get ¡enough power i »r 2*> «ent» to run a 111,- Pacific to 1 O K) ton steamboat across the , the Philippines. 1 interesting, ar»* Kiich chimeras and, publication in when vvell told, »< II the appear. That, seems Io be appt tlie intent , an *vb >w it is the result. The wtii« b they fact», howcv i r, ,i not parallel with the statements. Air ha” l*»*t*n coo:«-d, compressed and liqtiilii I , that ba « long been an accwmp- I ih I cm I fact . when warmed and evaporat ed such Inpiiiied air, «»f eouriM, produces enormous pi(*.«*ure i* a source of which power, « xpansi n being converted nn < bannal and, energy, into economic if «•«»mlilioiis can be made favorable, (his correlation of coinmen ial vaitie of will L«* '.t*-n-:-k*rable h si. - the That is all there is to it. But to ,i- nn.' that a li«iuid uir engine can draw ita power fr« m ihe enriounding atm >.*>p‘)> i<* <>r that nir can be li«|Uifi< d one, i** merely talking the first in ignorance principals there I dry be imagination is little barm the the in motive, ridiculous at time, any carefully but avoid giving in police have Should the Will continue to «iv, week by w«k durine ilw, bf tur«, Will continue to give week bv week during 1*99, by mean« of illuMntioe» and text, all the important news of the world in a dear and con. sc man«fr t ® ® POLITICS that any Hith' ii.- Mining and Scientific Press. plentifully manured, lw set out the production of tender beginning of succulent cal bage. Fhe ground should |.iw« r 1 rtioiigta turned of (be weather, > id pri ■ 1 (<) a (reidi an-l f«» doing the up to the action Some Short-Story avliun, w hich mrnt of plant* In order to ve beati* the fir«t or nd week in M iv, thr seed should be 10 Cents a Copy Franklin Matthew» mpn w here liry a ill ta* shad« d Ft ♦ ir midday sun ►oil M . w to become over done so. The 4 CO. Specialists for Hen t \ | Them physicians have beeu ' «ring wcaknta* *■><! con- ‘rafted ailments sim-e 1881. They have the lArgent and l»»t eiuipf^d inedh-al in stitution, and tlie moat ex tensive practice in the U S. No Pay Till fared. ITnfortnn*• •■ men m... who »K. can . Unfortnnate not call should writs- for ad- vice and private book— muuwtDIT -CAR, AI.r. FIIEK. All - . .. ... cirwl O twm,. 1 '••I.isn- 1 . !t,tion. 7QI WIHKIT ST., IOI SIS mm isti) ( Elevator Entrance. OCEAN VOYAGE ON DRY LAND. by E. S. Martin, w enntinu» amuse and instruct *.■> reader». One am lì ? A FREE PATTERN :■ own *«• lection) to every sat- scriber. Only 5u cents a year. MSCALLS^ i magazine W A I Subscription, 14 00 a Year LADIES' ¿tacceMor of the “ The One (»rent Stand <rd tut’ Ro writes Hon. I’ -1- I’rewer, I J astice U. R. .Supreme ( oun. ’ Kt andar«1 ni tii. r '‘.hflj’trtO "«' ••.til«* t.AffMI ! mut. all U* •'faB ■,r, ii ' <>iirt*.ai"i" ’2fl ly all lhe Scfc«*8*® armh Coiiiinend«' , -tate Snperini^M 1- h<-l*. "’T-SI < 1 e 11 w..« „«i « 4 her ""TSM alm. st wttkmtl««’™ iiivalual>le In the lli>' tr-at’lieT. *•(’"«■ etbi<amr._____ J « I rm ' /• ' <i.& C. Merriam C o .,P«», h Bpringtields Ma**- --------------------------- . CAVTIOX. “Wehster'a Dlction.rk, iibrMgnwHits nf WH*l*r • Hry tu Ih»* varimi» Hi/-•■’» ' 1 the front cover »• sh-■"!« i" • .oitfiMf «ii;to«K'«..nViViMiijinf j . :i That 1» llt*inu ri» Evpusi« Our CûTS M MAGAZINE. <• Ab‘v’’,,ut colored plate«; p ;S - *' ’ ‘»nie» .1 n . 5 ». • T , 'j**'•'® I*««««» ; Oction, <tc Sul» JB i ■ • ', 1 send jc for latrst cnuy euuy ...-uts wanted. Send for term» moth should first i i Internai ions Dictionary D octor Those who have apples to save from »'ready This Dusy World O^OKXKXXHXXXXXH)' M EYERS The Codlin Moth them at once it they and its resources wiil be the sob;«! of a senes of papeis b) EdwardX Spurr. Webster’s OREGON'! .I.A\r> l’A<< Nick llea<lat*lie». spray I H. S. Marrlmu ! M. S. Brisco« - Q|- Mr Pioneer Truck and Cslirrj but Oregon Experiment Bulletin. lhe ravages of lhe (’«xllin i Í I Address HARPER A BROTHERS. Publishers. New York.N.t N. E. McGrew min on i t* vv stand* on the surface of lhe ground.— 11 the lit »t week in August, on prop- ! I I amateur ATHLETICS will be continued weekly by it* well-known editor, Mr. Caspar Wbitar« well drained The curse of overworked womankind, are quickly and surely cured bv Karl's Clo yer Root Fea, the great blood purifier and tissue builder. Money refunded it not satisiactury. Price 25 eta., and ¿>0 eta. — \V. F. Kremer. 4 : ALASKA 1 be written bv Arnold White, and will be full of timely matter. last of September or the They will not thrive where water j Contributors THE WEST and its industries will be treated in a series of articles by Franklin Matthews. The plants should October on t By H. 0. Well* By E. S. Van Zlla By R. W. Chamber* F. J. McCarthy John Corbin Owen Hall H. S. Williams The London Letter \ iuerl, ar<* thus subjected in ik s them available fur the nourish- B.H •oil mibslances in the «1««>'iiipe-ing These places will be similarly treated by Caspar Whitney and W Dinw iddle, who likewise nude » study ot lhe places. W. E. Norris E. F. Benson t Li ba I urnco fttumably L uf trawl in the h «if winter proved too much for variety coming lo jnaturrv in the order named. A very rich soil, By S; «ci»l »rticlMWill >pn««' iai (nuutnes by Messrs Phil Robinson and F. D- Millet, both of whom made special journey* to the Islands- SERIAL STORIES These varieties may be sown at the same is essential lor the be p 'Wed verv deep. Hawaii and Porto Rico WHFIM THE SLEEPER WAKES. W ITH SWORD AND CRUCIFIX. THE CONSPIRATORS Early Etampee and Early WiimingHladt. time, each I all Sown Cabbage for F.arly Spring Utt. I Cuba and the Philippines PICTORIAL HISTORY OF THE YEAR from I the growth of the plants. stock” j is what HARPER’S WEEKLY has been in the past an ! .1. , be in the future The great work accomplished in the late Spanish Amcncaa aai a I characteristic of the WEEKLY S live and energetic puheg. The following varieties are excellent mining or | for fall sowing: Exira Early Express, lake any scientific resiil«»r “will The leading artists of the counT» • will contribute to the pages of the W EEKLY, as heretofore, making u lhe foremost illustrated weekly. < . . .TUG BEST the publnauon of (he current abturdi tie*«, or i* it likely ART Independent of parties, devoted to good government, it will not hesitate to approve or disapprove, whatever the aituation may be. such quantities that liaa the tendency to cause the surface of But no scientific good «an accrue that h veru ere crushed the water will run on the durfa *e, a.*» this the »oil to beronie raked, thus checking now traiiij'.-ng t* e. ■ mi the crowci u »taring appearing pn urcs and Edwin R. Tripp, Postmuter nf Middlefield Centre, .x Y . tkiu ®i was attacked by what I ¡earned waa loi-oinulor ntaxi*» T»o*kliifui d«K*tvr* did everything thev c«,ul, for me. 1 became worw.. .,uid , J move even about the room. 1 . not expect to live very long ••The turning point «a* a nm paper article. It told bow a nian who had suffered a* 1, had been cured by Dr. William* Pins pm. for Pale People. 1 took two boxet or the pill«; then four more buxt-t M v gain wan steady; my return to health was a source of dally grati fication In all 1 took eighteen box es of the pills before I was entirely well. 1 owe my cure entirely tn Dr. Williams’ Fink Pills fur I’aie People.” bubscribed nnd sworn to Wore m» lloMEK H anna , .Voiary Pu6hc’ sworn to before m. »t Vr nlca, Mich., Hl IM l>th duv of April, 1WS. G. B.G ulusmxth , Justice of the Peace. The full name Is on each package. Sold by all druggist», or sent postpaid by 1 ne • - uv ~ — ............ w Y. N.Y. Price 50c. per box , 6 boats, Ji.jt Dr.Wilhams Medicina Co., Schenectady, every evening, giving a good soaking, treating of li«piid air and its possibilities. articles F rank L ong . : , I . v de- of Il mere amusement or. the display of a fan* iful WHAT LIFE H ALLY H A woman’s life patte rn i* really w<*ven by herself. A great phi!o*oph« > h i*» - uJ “"Life i* neither pain, nor pleasure , it l . serioun business." If a woman would m ike it her serious busine** to under-tar.d her self mentally, morally and phv ly, using the common sense that <« <! >* given her, there would be far I*-- rv and sutfi ring woven into the L.itt’ ru ' 1 lie life. She can make it almost anything -he chooses. Everv woman who want* to derive the f tended her to find as a womai . wl and mother, ought to read that gn at and v. «• book. The J’< o;>l< s Common St iw M« di cal Adviser, by R V. Pierce, M. I). S< veral hundred of its thousand pages ar»- <k-v < tt d to the subject of woman s special phy-i ology. telling in plain and refun d •” i'e how a woman may build up her phy-icai self to tn< et the emergencies <>i her de veloping ■ ¡;-«r. The author of this great book is the mo*t s; c ssful of living phv- Hi* " 1 iv ait Prescrption ” i- known in every corn« r of the civiliz' d globe ..s the tno-t remarkable suppoitive ton’c and health creator ever devised for weak and tiling voiinn It impaits dir« < t -tuneth • nd healthful vitality to woman - li te, special structure, and int”< i-< - the vi?<-r. endurance and recuperative force of lief entire system A Pennsylvania lady. Mr- Alonzo Rathmell living ;«t the corner of Meade and Alm-aid in Williamsport, in a recent lettet «av- life is a story of misery. Until the birth < boy I ha«l health that I often boasted i married in my twenty fifth year, ami two aft'erward my toy was t>orn Then the lie boasted of was suddenly gone Pen or t< can never describe the awful suffering I endured for a year and a half I was so mis« longed for death to relieve nie, when neighbor came in and .t-k-d m< tr> of I>r Pierce’s Farorite Pr« m ription despairinglv : ‘ Oh. its of no u*e. 1 < m't any better ’ whe insisted and my hn--b.ii;.! wli wa* in «lespair. got a bottle, and I t<- k it iust • {»lease him. I had not taken half a bottle when was able to walk across th«- r-..-in vF <ut feeling faint or having any palpitnti' trof thr heart Oh what n <■'•«'. \<.ut me.ii< im-i- to suffering hmnanity We had spent t w • ■ hundred dollars with the leading doctors without any benefit whatever. “Last December I had a baby and. thanks to your ‘Favorite Prescription.' I tl; n nnement well ami have a fourteen pound Utby fdrl. Today I feel as well as 1 ever did in mv lie.” For thirty years Dr. Pierce has been chief consulting physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute of Buffalo, N. Y., assisted bv a staff of nearly a scor« of skilled specialists in the different branches of medical practice. Any woman consult ing him by mail will rec« lvr. free of charge, the best professional advice anywhere ob tainable Al! re*-mono. r. ••• is regatded as sacredly confidential The magnificently illustrated "Common Sense Medical Adviser" is now publi-h I in a paper-covered edition which u ill be gent absolutely free for the bare cost of mailing ; 21 one cent stamps which -liquid be sent to the World's Di-p« y M« dical Association, 663 Main Street. Buff i’' Y Or 31 stamps should be «ent if a durable, heavy cloth-bound voluiu« is oreferrt d. have not Simple, 1’ :S . larva«* are fearful disease often first appears Results Fatally in Nine lus This a mere scratch, a pimple, or lump in tht* breast. t<x» small to attract any Cases Cut of Ten A disease notice, until, in many cases, the deadly is fully developed. Cancer can not be cured by a surgical Cure Found al Last. operation, because the disease is a virulent \ will refund your money rts who \illg. • i.lhertd 1 «rtact-Fitua, Paper Pau, w ha« and relieve*! many in This is usually the case withall ; ttauj« use more Le recent 1housands * _____ ¡Ï •* i the merable « »se» of iucipi for ii«ju d | air that can not be »■< ientilieally conaid | now things '11 science. river floods the flocks that |.b' ta **l«t)«»li contutnptfori. Liquid Air Sv nationally Treated. cred. Frank Long, who Ilves near Len-1 nou.Mi. h ’w“%7“Uh*y“ »ith a twin in my back. Th. pby prooouneed iny< a»e ,"ll,cu’ lar'. accompanied by jumi.ago. My»« gradually be- cam. wor,e until 1 thought death would be welcome release -I wa. finally Induced to try Dr. Wl . nn, I’ink Ptll. for Pale Peo- rll. ib h-reth. flml box wa. uwd I coul'l yet about the house, and ar te? u- hc five boxes uu* entirely cured. >ui«*e that tune I have felt no return <>f th«* rheumatic.P*1’18; A®, .'.nltd-nt that Dr. William.- i-iuk Pilis saved my life. CHINA» I « I r n » tn « h r * U » A grand ol«i remeda I r ( . and * ' «n ... i ; I oo. all druggists. SCOTT & fioWNt, Chaouats, N«w York. l.i MS CALL N. Y. lloy, N. Y. No household should te without ft. It can be taken in summer as well as In wl Inter. d ii« ii ¡«i popularly claimed These pill» »re a »pecific in case» of Rheum.ti.m, Locomotor Ataxia. Paralysis, and other diseases of the blood and nerv., because they supply the necessary elements to build up the blood and strengthen the nerves. It is in this way that the piU, eHect w many cures in diseases of apparently widely different chaiacu, IT uíh I m . of < upi*l* w«-svin< garland- - .:t a May But to pole in the spring time of life thousand- of women life look- to I k - all ‘‘a warp of sorn.w in a woof of pain FOURTH — Because It Is standard r< ned/ in all throat •ns. r |>eriiiit mail for 25 Olmsted Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People by the Iteren i ' rll«w lUv»r If trie father or in and bccom- id, it will build f /e them flesh froi Il is a «x-itain cure for cents in FAMIJi d sickly, it will nd well. if pen ot the age Ry lull- ilain»»'- I», h..lvn uppliiAiion -Oregon Lt|--n- I erly pre par« h ! bed», rhu.Hung a situation make* tight or new stores. Such a remedy ia I ■ diJ ment Bulletin- ,:d. now *weating, calle us and hot, tired, aching feel. Try it 1 •*»'.«v MoM by all drug gists and oboe i, . disease of the nerve». The one successful method (f went ia by a remedy that will restore nutnuon to th. nnv„ ...„¡„ned in Bull.liü No 4» «bivh .»«* ./ m- •civnee. tak«*s the sting greateal coinf rt «li«e »very á always _>e kept in heos» fee the fol lowing reasons: or detimee of A Statement. It's This brix Locomotor Ataxia jured a» en^rinou» brinn »<>*>* *bun' ««.coni! br* ‘*-1 *h ' ■ - Allg••'.^•yf•'"*•|ír,'“,•, pror>,.'‘’" - - r Srptriu r***r l.l • si injury being Jone alter vouni.rnd tb»l th-1««»» We, therefore, reco bet«—ii June ‘Jud *u^ ba sprayed once •bout Auju.t l»t »nd July l*t. «*a,n faytember. Dirr<-li"n. again eaily io -dying the *pr»‘ *”• lor preparing »«»•! ■ «PR ’Y . -L Vi.R 01L WITH ' YPOPHOSPHITES oum Shoe» bunions Tiue »ear they *r* Títere is ir _ , Women pon«l-r vH* <*x*d try (.e-s be ma«le a self-aeiing ami eontinu- It cures painful, sw«»’»len, smarting, ner <4 through the blood. —The many usual .tforts turai infer«» i» «bat um.. -s the fruit Il bave to be mad» to — Observation I»*« **IW"11 -.hat remain. Ob"«'• .bowed th.« lhe farv-of tbUr.^1^ (b. fruit »bout July l»‘ begin to nor« tn I- noai impel Item grew d »eemed thread*« grad a Suddenly of repeat the lin Weaving pattern < j at iiilimg primary exp, nr«* and the pro- Ich 1» Ii«linitteiily to be «,:r-ii« . • hod ta I lie const 11 ut ion mid :i| nt (if n eotnp« t«*nt tribunal, -ed of men w ho enjoi t be c ».' I esteem of nil the civilized I who*«’ judgment would con iernl nceeptjince. Before lb is tri ml h t the advocate» of both rout cs 'niiamii and Xir;irnifnil »f i ar by niwvl and present their rvsj ertivi* emcM. supporting the •t by h scientific evidence y «-m id lie«*. Let, above nil *. the ilcnee adduced on eat II l»v by eompetent. nnd the , crusN « \nminution f •om r t*. I/Ct lhe inquiry I rile kind; let nil th e place In the blaze er um that which is ion the throne;" and ii ta* accepted as flnul rid. Thta eannl quest opportunity to the p lied States in which tl t they appreciate thri I their high position. f U . dise»»« of the blood. Local application, m,, Rr . porary rcbef, but to CURE th» dises.» tt nectary 10 ,<j each depo»’l> last year, but it l‘ ; titic artic.b’H in arid gas with lighted taper.«, w*’1 Hit proving its pteM’iirr, but tin »ir smell of sulphur nnd a rhi kii • c»■ • tion of thr lungs indie-,ted th«* pi rnce of noxious gases, w liile th« ! 1 1 ..’ wind prevailing at thr lime, t( /ell < 1 with thr open nature of thr ravin«*, mist have caused a rapid diffusion of thr vapors." N. Y. Herald, Allen’« Foot-Fa*« . a p ’w.ler for the fret. vou» feet ami th» corps Moths are abundant earlier. I wimple source oi “It was apparent that the*«-nnimnta, a* well ul th«* squirrel* nnd in*« eta. had not hi « t their denth by vi( !• nr«* but had bi rn asphyxiated by ’I* ir rrspirnblr gus given off in the i « I . 'Ihc hollows were trsti < fur <• ■ to th«* king of Siam, m in lie has entered into agn-er its W 1 era! young magistrate« aw y ci ginver* nnd agriculfiir ». wh wl soon start for Ihingko Thr fir« foiirnal to be produced Err nc language in Bangkok. h Bangk«»k, was establisl M U let tv, a young Belgian 1 f last year. Ils object I* to i n. t gian industrial an.I .-mi inter e»ts on the l*anka of the M« I.on n . out haw the bi.a Co. ever, and the Htiim-plicte ‘The body of the grizzly wa fully »■xniniii« «I f< r bullet hoi other marks of Injury. but Hi«»1 t race of violence*, lhe opìjv I o' ta'ing a. few dro| s of blooi’ 1. 1 It wax- tv i(’«*n 1 i hat In* I n<>*c. his death but. a short time lh<* carcass wn* still prrf« though (iffi'tislve enough at tl «* time of a Inter visit. Tin* remain' < ' a cin namon bear just above nnd n! ¡ii* Ide • f this were in nn advanced 1 .i'<* « f Irrompohilion, whib* thr other *-L' l<- tons were almost denuded of flesh, though the daws nnd much of tlu* nnir remained. of quarry inen, in« tai-w «»i kvi - clas-s blower* and brivk nuik-rj«. but they included utao n large numta*r < of cu giliver*, architects and manage ts of work»* who were leaving Bvlgiti ion to take up good appointments. O' nr vn- gine< r, M llouffirt, has been smni- iitoned l«» China by l.i llttng Clui study the problem of prrvrntlcg the iiiiiiidiiti«»ns of the Y«‘l!ow river Al Rolln Jncqiieniynn. Shake Into Yem into Ho* alio«» shaken Prompt action will ba b. p iwt-i to hr* produced more cheaply than above, while in thr bottom of th rt were thr fresh remain* « f squirrels, rock burrs and othri anima!», besides numerous den trrflies 11 nd insrets. In the earlier <Jays of the war, while the excitement of the new condition of affair» wm “till nt its height, th«' coiinnandvrM of tin* different cruft « n gng« (I in the blockade of Havana were mtless under the monotony of their dilHc*, and Fometinu'H (lid ihin, t-» that were not ordered by the roinjiii.indri in chief. So writes a naval corr« » pondent of the Companion, and he pi«>c<e(ta to narrate a pretty lively adventure as a Hata ba-* (be Such Is Death Gulch in Yellowstone Park. Th** tyjM- of heavy brt*r< h-loading mortar rrlied upon by the army for in Io* defetiM •> is one of the ner-line I. .itxi, in0»I 1 «■ 1 r <l h imph no ni* of war that The high-powered have be< .1 o i *ed ritb* i» il.«.'1 nt-‘d in the coast defenses with an eff«« dive range of eight to ten rut lea, and is calculated to up< n fire In the heart of ihe Rockies, h Death jpon a blockading fleet the ru iment It conies within reach. The me •tar bal- Gulch, a deaolate ravine in the n >r’li tery is concealed well away from th* ea*t corner ‘>t th** Yeib big guns, where It cannot ta- reached I is a natural Ijear trap. •xcept accidentally by the lire of the [ jicrbup* thousand» enemy, nor is this battery IntrntS-ri to ii»if f(Kjd, drink or a! be brought into play until lhe rifle» in tempted to come, l*tG> the main fortifleation» have ta* n com I lefa.sly to their death, pletely or partially silenced by the invisible, potaonous va, ■nemy. 'The mortar* have a limited rink down to add the, range of about 4% miles, and their tre fosail record» of an interin-cam mendous bursting chnrg«« are fired of similar tragedies 4i»tf'ng ta;< high in ths- air, with the certainty of period long preceding the records o plunging into any vessel occupying a human history.** plottcil poaitton upon a chart which ir Fhis is th** conrlturioii reached by 1 in the posses nq Ofl of I he offic« rs equipped A. Jaggar, .fr., I*h. D., who dei with range-finder* of delicate fir«« i ¡on. I lhath Gulch in a paper in the I' locutrd at a conwid« ruble distance from [ Science Monthly. He visit* «1 th lhe concealed battery. This chart I m a* a m» in her of the I’nited State.», geo divids-d into ininut« ¡-«fuari *, and a.- lin ! logical survey. enemy’s ►bif»« rro»*H lhe intersection« ‘‘in the bottom of Drath Gulch," hr irf imaginary lines the men handling* ! su> s, ‘‘is a small atrearn of clear cold Ita* mortars, although they cannot see water, sour with sulphurii the v<-MMeis, aim, load and dischargc j flowing down a narrow stt wit«h the certainty liorn of long prac rut in ta ds of dark gray vo tice that every shot will t« II. Ascending thta gulch, the dop The new mortar*, of which 1.000 are ing together, become very >t« rp »lop* • provided for ill the existing x-heme of 1 of white, diet,mpf-ird rock. * * • national coast <!• f<-n*e. and of which | Thr only springs now flowing an 1.20 have already ta-cn mounted in po 1 Kinall of water tafeulng fr n the sition* commanding the entrance* of base of tin-.*•«■ slopes, or from the cl ;if. the principal harbors on the .All .1.tic nrl lied, forming a thick, crii rny coast, fire a 12-inch shell weighing l.O'M) 1 w hite deposit about the vents, n» 1 cov pounds. This, following a high trajec ering the st r«*am la*d. Thta«'« — tory, is intended to fall upon the un «¡st»» largely of sulphat* of .du, :i;i armored deck* of vessel», and, by es- • • • About 151 feet abf n t! • n plodling» demolish the mii(*hin<rv, de «treum the»*«' o«*zing rprinp- « 1 i stroy the crew, nnd perhaps sink the Aater (•»■as»*, but thr character <>f t| < vessel. These weapons «-uch weigh fulrh remains the panic. T he odor o. about 13 tons, arc II feet inche« long mlphtir now ta ci nirs stronger, thGu»?L nnd their 12-inch rilled bor«- i* 10feet in »roducing1 no other rffeet than a slight length.. Their greatest diameter at rritation of the lung*. the breech is 3 feet 2 inches. Thi> "Thr gulch ends, or rather begin« great mass of riirtal ta ho tiicdly bal n a M*oop or bnsin about 25 » fret nhfar meed that it can ta* loaded, aimed and 'nchr creek, and just below th«- fired by two men. I’he loading i* per ound thr fresh body of a In ( I; formed by sriniple m<■(•haiii-ii-. and 1 silver-tip grizzly, with the r* i it with a trained gun company of »*ix im n, 1 companion in an advanced stat of one accurate shot can be fired every drrf rn|M>»dth>ii above« him. X’rnr bi two minutes. N’. Y. Tribune. were tlie skeletons of four m«i « b« Il r ■ 1 w with the bones of an elk a yard Try Allen • Foot f ase A poardtr 10 bo IS A NATI KAL TRAI urmrf fhme w'.tu want i tua»le of pure Ihne Sirediv maître* «■« fiber »buuld ’’o.Se.m.Allowance Pattern,.! 'f10 *r<l *' ♦*<h—higher ;• THE M c C all co ., ¿11« 1.6 W.,t si . A., tort » » 11 luiai h tumi i„ ( m . « mlimin 50 Vtj EXFERI*1 I 11 in f.' • bi ".I. circulating throughout the system, and although the - ••<• > r ul -er known as the Ciineer—may be cut away, the I ->n 1 ’>■ ms in the bl.XMl, and promptly breaks out afresh, with renewed violence. Tin» " ■ •fill ■ ■ -s of S. S. S. in curing obstinate, deep-.seate 1 bl 1 -i di?....... . which were considered incurable, induced a few d> - spr.i-.n.,- *r w ■ to try it for Cancer, ■ after t exhausting the skill of “ S. pi iroved th nt a cure. Much to their delight S. S. i‘| to tl. ■ it ■ ■ i'.' and promptly effected a cure. The ghul news r.r hi.v, ati«l it wag m>>ti demonstrated beyoiid dvHibt that a cure had at Ltat been fo ind f r do lly Cancer. Evidence h<*w accu- rnul r • I which is iih\>ntrovertible, of which the following is a specimen : •••> »•. • r * I I t try in our family, my father a *i't *r ai I an aunt havi-.g diet! from this drt*adful >i.«:*-h.-Ao Mi fee' .« m.yv he imagined when the hor- ri. le 4i'»‘t' «.t ie its appearance *'n my side. It waa a malta • mt • or, rating inwardly in such a way aa t«» i i'• The disease seemed beyond the »kill of the I. «, for their treatment did no jr«*i " i••*vp- t!>e r k'"M'vir< worse all the while Numerv'u* remedies wer» usssl for it but the Cancer grew «U'adily w 'n*. until it MMMnni that 1 wa. domed k> folk've the . of l!u> family, for I km>w how de«d!v Cancer fa, cspecfallv when inherited . • b -«si t ’ try Swift'» Sfwitic S S. 8 '. which, from the first I av . famed ne p'i-on I continued it« use until I ha.1 taken ei(tht«s n bottle«, when I ■ oire i a-un.i and well, and have had no eymntom. of the dnra* iful atfli '• •ijh nunr ream have elapsed. 8. S. 3. ta the only cure fat Cancer.— M h L \ i- *0ur took c er, coutaining other testimouials atnl valuable! ot. will ' Ifa I -« nt free to any adilnvjt by the Swift Specific Cvmpiwy. Auuita, Ireurgi*. J - Anrnn* a •*•’• .«^ Quickly («certain «••nr ■ • v * invention H pr>*ba»ly * J' ,, i .►,.»«• , linn*•trii’tjyconfidential- •’ . ’jk *«nt fre«*. (Hde«t sir«»»« ’.’ . n 1 V »*•»««>«• taken tbr *«v'- | Scientific A handsotnclr Hln*tr*«cd ▼ ?ulatU'H «»f anr sHec ’ ye«vr ; four month.«, f MUNN & Co.3’: Branch Office, rs r • CH! n tba C 1 • - •. <-uy y.- *r V ite*. vf ill i CRAWFORDS Cavea». ..J T’xde-M. a» ‘ •Ot buowm Conduct»* ’ p2 Ova Orricc (••»•«•'’■« w 5 »nd we ran »erare patent in v’ rem«*« from Washington. • - m- ><*«-TV Oar fev d»« A »aasMcrr ; co« ame »n ÖM I A* » I *«»t tree. Address, umptiqn ■ W a C.A.SNOW4J? O** Pavtwr Orr*ct