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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1899)
Gnu« I ROGUE RIVER COURIER, venting it feel that we haie entrusted H t<> lh«>se who truly and honestly re pre sent the people and the great land ovwr FVBLlsHxn KVKBY Till MM»AY, whose domain it has floated for mure PRICE A VOOUIIIES, than lOlyvais. In entrusting its mch d KD1TOKS AND raorKIKTOKN. folds to Company H, consecrated by the KATIES OF Ml BMCKirriON I prayers of many loyal hearts, we trust >1 26 it may never go down in dishonor, ytt One Year, in advance, .06 Fix Month», ... tea wherever there may be a foe Io oppowe .36 Three Months, ... Makes the food more delicious and wholesome and your country calls, we trust you I sold only in .06 bingle Copies, . • - will carry it on to a glorious victory. Advertising rates on application. < < ’op opv v •U most 1« handed -_____ - ‘ Ì But should it go down in the gloom uf for change of "ad' in l*efi>re Tues«i»y noon, T'olberwi-w otherwise setting setting of of the the defeat, we know that Ha crimson bare • • at ---- the “ ral»- ------ of -•* «t • matter will be « barge«! for I Pies, cakes and goodies generally arc f rom Williams. per running inch, »ingle column. Altera Altera will take on a deeper tinge from the tions ami atlditiomi to copy will I* charged best blood of the brave bays of Company j J the order j<i»t now. “Going to cr'«- ml weather for thia time of the for at the rate of 10c ¡»er running in< h, sin H. I SAVED BY THE QUEEN gle column. our ciAintry’s greatness “ I Mrs. W. H. H. Taylor, who has been 11*11 ni.dc * trip tu tin- «'a.s Sal Entered st the pu»t ottica al (irsuta Pass, Captain Axtell responded as follow i. ; in feeble health for some time pa»t, is urday. Oregon, as sacotia-claM mail matter. Miss President and the young ladies ol I I also afflicted with a tumor of a malignant Chas. Stever.s is itili haiiliiiit ulf bn T hursday , J uly 6, 1X99. Grants Paas, 1, Captain Ab* Axtell ol I nature un the face. We hope for her straw berries. .Au interesting writer ha* lately- Company II, Third Regiment, O. G. N-, , speedy recovery. J. O. McGee and wie made a trip to pointed out that the children of The Dallen auld a million pound* of (or and on part of the company, accept 1 Mr. Nicholson of Grants l*a»s came out Prince Arthur, the only «on of the this noble gift, the emblem of our na on Ina wheel Sunday morning and mad< Medford la»t week. « oj I laat week. duke of Connaught, who is himself tion. Truly this 1» a must tsantiiul Wilderville a pleasant call and attended Mi»» Acork spent the 4th in Grants third son uf the queen, will no longer .Now that the Fourth ia oxer every flag, and in accepting the same, Com services at the church, returning home Pass with friends. t»e •‘royal highnesses,*’ but merely thing in the Pass han nettled down to pany H, 1 asm ure you, realize« its signifi again after services. John and Morford John are sojourning nobles, and should these children have bu»ine»H. ________________ _ cation. Yes, we realize that the blue children, they will be obliged to con One is always refreshed in poising by in the uioontains. ground in which the stars are aet in em- J the residence of Mr». H. D. Jones ol this Allie Sparlin has l>een in your city for tent themselves with the common Il roay yet turn out that Gen. Otis ia place prefix •‘.Mr.” It is this fact, »ays blematical of Friendship, Morality and Bicvcle Sundries of all kinds. village. Thia excellent lady ha» a floe several days visiting friend*. better at Bending dispatche» or cable« Brotherly love, and that the Boston Herald, that has induced the atara aet All kinds of Bicycle Repairing neatly done. 1 assortment uf choice How» rs in her front 1 grama than he ia at fighting Filipinos. Gertrude John msde a trip to the the queen to issue letters patent, un therein ate emblemali'-al oi the states of dooryard, fragrant and beautiful, a re-j Pass last week on her bicycle. Headquatters for the RAMBLERS. der the seal, declaring that the chil Dre) f us ia now in France where be is the union, of which thia government is freshing sight to the passer by. Died—June 26, 1SD9. Mr«. Bebetcs J. dren of the eldest son of the prince formed and exists; that the while stripes supposed to have a new trial. When he Huiitbern Oregon ia a Ixia 111iful coun j Carr, aged about 78 jears; a native of of Wales shall have and at all l in.» > hold and enjoy the f tyle, title or attribute has been set free be would be a gieat at are emblematical of the intents, pur try ami a good place to live in, especially I Missouri. ACRE red land, a four room h<»u*f There is more Catarrh in this section of “royal highness.“ Hitherto these traction on the stage exposing the injus poses, purity ol life and rectitude ol con when we uunsider the extreme heat lath ami plaster finish, fruit in*, of the country than all other diseases duct, which actual* m the true people of children uf the duke of York had no Another \ear ha* rolled around and mostly apple*. Peach*«» gra|»e> and .Ull tice bis country did him. I rrek.-i Harness Oil Is the best put together, and until «he last few years fruits, good well, everything in goud sfop, this American government; that the ol the Eastern and Southern statea Again we celebrate our glorious indepen right to be so termed. They were was supposed to be incurable. For a pr> ,'. rva IVO of new leather it : 1 the f.e>t renoMitor <*t old around the place. Just out of the city .—ffigo, i just plain princes, and their children The C ockier force did some celebrat red stri|)es, the blood that ha» been aad the territfic- cyclones which to often dence day. great many years dociur» pronounced it iruth-T. It oils, softens, black« would fare no better than their cou» a local di-rase, ar»«i prt-< rit>e»l local ens and protect*. L'se ing thia week, which will account for «hed in planting and watering the routs rage there I Charles Stites of Wolf creek came ins of Connaught. This state of af ONE of the best roidence location« in remedies, and bv cons'antly Jailing io! Two large ditches are now in th« I home Sunday and remained over the any shortage in new a items in our col« of the Tree of Liberty by the people of the city, two >tury, new and modern fairs result» from the queen of Eng cure with lucal treatment, pronounced it built huu»e. 8 room», hard tiairh, a good nmna. The Fourth only comes once a this government. Now, on part of Coni course of construction on the Applegate i ll at hi» old home. land living to see three generutioi.» H-fu r.i-’' -•!« h pr ■( «■:. > afarrii well and necessary outbuildings, two acres year and we do not wish to ire less loy pany H, I thank you ladies fur this no in the viciuity of Wilderville ami that >f land, al a good elevation above the level Mr. Wagner is very s,ck. Ill» son of her direct heirs. and it doubtless »et to be a const itui lunal <iisva-e and there-( if the town. Owing to change of bu«in«M ble gift, ami assure you they will protect which is lieing built for Mrs. Jess is fore requires const it utioual treatment, al than other people Mr. Kirkw'jodof California arrived la»t her to thinking how Grandpa; a Wales ilall’s ( fttarrh Cure, manufacturtd by! o another state, ow ner will sell at iesh than The»e are com would like having an untitled greut and take care of it al the cost of their nearing completion. ust Enquire of us. on your t><*nt barma, your old har- J Ae« k to care for him during bis ilines». u»- « and vour < arrlM*t‘- top. and they The president will make a call fur vol lives if necessary/* grandson with no place in the royal F. J. Cheney A Co., T«»li-«lo, U, is the I mendable enterpriser. Waler and in a ill not only look t*-tt»-r but wear only constitutional cure on tin-market. | Mr. ami Mr». Shrimu ami Mr. and procession. Until the issue of these 1 *k Acres of red land lying with west ex- unteers and Company II will ire on the ioiurr. Hold »■ very where in can« all The two militia companies, alter »a- duatry is all that is needed to make this It is taken internally, in doses from 10 | i • ‘ posure, live acres in cultivation. TL> ■ixt-s from half pint* to five gallon«. 1 • ; ■ l’i M -1 ■ f.: 11"■ r -F h in letters patent, little Eddie. David and drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly lookout for an invitation Wouldn't luting the flag, retired ami disbanded. country to blossom as the rose. Lxle br »TA*DAUU OIL <O. and is one mile from Grants i*a»»,onrisiag he < ool ami shady wood« of upper Will Baby Victoria were nothirg but com on the blood ami n>iu-«»ns sutfaces of the there be weeping and wailing among Then alter music by the ban«!. Miss »round and almoM periectly protected from H. B. Miller has just finished rutting moners in the eyes of the law. Il system. They oiler -1*100 for any case it iams creek rust, will make a tine orchard. the wives and sweethearts of the boya O«le»HM Thompson read the Declaration and harvesting the first crop of alfalfa «eerns odd to A nerirans that this de tails to cure. Semi for circulars am! tes \ rnong tho.-e from Wi’diamt w ho at cree of the queen’a should have lifted in blue? But what about the buya ' of Independence. Hon. R G. Smith hay, some 32 tons« It ia reported a good i *7 1 1 Acres, 3 miles from Grants Pas- timonials. 1 • *2 over 7(MJ trees bearing winter t li e m se I v r »?_________________ was then introduced and was delivering crop. The prune crop on Mr. Miller’s tended the celebration at Jacksonville quite a weight fro»n the Waleses* and ^Address, F J. Chenev ACo., Toledo, ipples; 17)0 acres of this farm is the an excellent oration when come one an ranch ih also reported lo be very heavy. were; Ed Tryer and wife, Chloe M*- Yorks* hearts; hilt what say the Con o Sold by Druggists, 75c. iver bottom, und in the midst oflhebest The Oregonian saya that pullman car» ipple belt in the country. Winter apple? nounced that the balloon was »►(•end Mr. Miller, according lo reporta, ia con« Kwnzic, Kate ( linpman, Abb’“ Stile», naughts of bt iiig l-'t out in the cold Hall's Family Pills are the beet. to the worth of $5,900,000 for the use ol ire proving the most profitable crop fw ing, whereupon many of the crow«! I>e- j teinplatmg the erection of a dryer to en Robert Stile* Mr. Vander Haden and with the’.- plain “your grace’* and he fruit ra’ser. Here i> a « ham e to mue railiOads in Argentina have been ordered ‘ .Mr.?** TI ey haven’t been benefited, \d ’ e Hr)an. gun to run for open ground, where they able him to c*are tor hia crop. i very profitable investment There in a Talk of Flour Trust», why do you pay ami what i- to become of them 100 from this country. Prosperity must 'ood » room, hard finish bouse, I uul ? could see the aeronaut Mr. Smith a' There were more people in Grants Pas* years hence ? '.K) cents when Scott ciritliu m «II s al 75 Mr. and Mrs. Burns, former re .louts i smaller house, good well, also permanent have struck that country and}* it h once realized hi» great di»advantag«- and the I'uiirlh than ever before on a wimilar cents, every sack guarauted? uniung water in the yard. This property of Wilderville, came up from the Fast* desire to do some ea»v riding by the pro s ottered for »ale on account of old age lie c lo»*d his oration. LONG DISTANCE STEAMING Photographic Supolies Sunday and attend'd the quarterly occasion. They came from every direc «nd growing infirmity of the owner. pie when they travel. It gives business And Prof. Richard Earlston of Port meeting aervicte, ami tiou, on train»,in budgie», on burge-back, (Appositi (Tourt House. returned home Trip od Sliding.............. to the rar builders of this country and $1 Our *!«•;!« rn IVar.-J.lps Have Demon« If if | ACRES on Applegate, a finegnos land was going up heavenward al a again in t* e evening. Mr. and Mr». on bicycle», etc. Kuby lamp, candle. . . 1W iurm,2U0 acre» in cultivation etch ■ trnteil That They Are Good that is to our liking rapid rata several min'iles earlier than | BmnA are well known in this section of oil........... Editor Churchill oi the Gold Hill .ear. Entire farm can be covered wiU Germi Tras riera. 1 fitch taken from the Applegate. Thii Next week will surely be the great was advertised, but he was Vca»’> country and their visit was very much New» was down to help celebrate on the arm could be made very prulitabie by an The recent performances of the Printing Frames day in Portland when the boys arrive and up be went. The balloon rose very appreciated by the people of thia vicin 1th. lie made this office a call them xt lp-to-date farmer. Wurth $50 an acre, can Print Killer*.................. United States battleship Oregon and rspidly and traveled in a south-easterly <e bought for half that amount. morning Mr. Churchill came down on Luu* Manila. There will be rejoicing ity. Ferrotype Plate» the gunboat Marietta in steaming Print Trimmer. and there will be weeping, rejoicing that «iirecUui*. When ’♦ had reached an ap The baptism and reception into full hi» wheel ami returned on the train. *'ot 50x100 feet. 0 room hou-« from h*gb up along the North Ameri Negative Rotks . . gOO4j hard finish, lo« ated in heart the hoys will be at home, but weeping proximate altitude of 1000 feet, the pro membership in the M. E. church oi Mm can coast around Cape Horn to the Developing Tray ».. . Uit •f city.less Ilian 5 minute»'walk luchurches, that there are vacam i a in there ranks, fessor jerked the rope that loosed the W. 11. H. Taylor last Sunday waa n Weal Indies ha»“ very properly chal Blue Print paper, 2 dos. •cbool or post office. Strayed from near Rock Point last lenged 1 he admiration of the whole Hex ."'ciir-ii;yI’.;} er. ’.lox.............. 30 1 caused by some of the noble and true parse hute and down he shot at falling touching scene indeed. This aged lady “ 20 1 Here is a very desirable re«:- giving up their lives on the far away body »|>ee«l until tiro parachute opened, is over 72 years old and ¡3 in very feeble 1 fhmsday, a bay mare, weight about world, guvs Ca.-sier’s Magazine. Until 4x4 If not handled by an experi low deuce in north edge uf «-it 15 soil of Luxon. But there w ill be no weep then he descended inure »lowly until health, and ia rapi«By going down the 1100 pounds, animal branded. Finder quite recently much more had been Card Mounts, per doz. ............. 10 to 101 * enced pharmacist. You mai ,ot 50x1(10 feet, set out to tnutanil nemo, Hypo. ... Ing treesiis« any of them proved traitor« the gr« und wa» reached ab<iut 5'H) yards incline of life toward the end of her leave at Lister and Calvert's »-table. Li heard » i* the failingsof warshipx than Developer room house, brick cellar, barn and all net- 35 1 lie assured of good results i •ssary out buildings. of the;r good points, and one was al beral reward. from where the balloon a»cemlrd. The to their country. l’hoto Basle, Jars 15 I journey. Thus religion is the comfort ......... IO.: and most tempted to believe that the av you have your prescriptions ascension was a success and Prof. Earls of the aged am! feeble. Photo supplies of all ki cis at the I • 1 Of ) ***ve acres near iem The Modern Beauty erage medern naval vessel was so deli - ■* Good two story house, lalb Tiie Fourth of July was pretty geuer- ton'S method is somewhat of an im compounded here. Cot kier office. A. E. Vuoiti!IE Rev. N. F. Jenkios, pastor of the Thrive-err g-xxl food and sunshine, with cately constructed and so complex a *nd plaster finish, Nearly new. This soil ally celebrated all ever the state of Ore provement over that of Darius Green. piece of machinery as to be scarcely s dark loam and has a general assortment Newman M. E. church of Grant» Pass, | plenty of ex-n i»e in the open air Dei The baseball game in the afternoon at gon ao far a» we have been able to as •f fruit, from apples ami pears duan lo Why do you pay |12 to $13 a ton for catne out Sunday morning ami held | form glows with health and her face fitted to withstand in due measure traw berries, and selected from the l«si va i the rough usages of war or the Knock l»oor grain hav to the Merchant Combine , certain Jacksonville did herself proud 2 o’clock between the (¡rants Pa»» and quarterly meeting services at Wilder blooms with its beauty, it her system n-ties. A good well and necessary uui- ing about of a protracted sea voyage when scolt Griffin is selling the best, as usual. The people of the other towns Ashland nines was the most Hotly con >uildings. Making a very pleasant home SIXTH STREET. ville, A good congregation was in at mt is the c i ansi ig action of a laxative tinder the pressure of high speed and .nd within 10 minutes’ walk uf the F. 0. of Jackson county joined with Jackson tested game of ball ever played in this tendance. The sermon could not have remedy, rhe uses the gentle ami pleasant with all kinds of weather. When sev ;rain hay at $10.50. ville, though many came to Granta Paes. city, but the very beat feeling between been better and the aervicea were t*njoye«l • kJ / 1/ \ Four acres in orchard; mux . Syrup of Figs, made by the California eral years ago the United States cruis Dissolution Notice. «O' house and outbuildings. Thar The celebration here was good. But is it side» prevailed throughout the entire Notice to Crc diiors. er Columbia crossed over from South by all present. Mr. Jenkins preachta Fig Syrup Co. only. rees are in good bearing, and adjoinm; Notice is hereby given that the co nut a fact that we are apt to lose Might of game. At first it wa» thought that ilia | the go»p«*l with eloquence and puwer. ampton to Sandy Hook, at the en In the countv court of the state of Ore ;ity. partnership formerly existing between the whsrefore we celebrate 1 The great Granta Pass boys were going to lx* very trance 1 o New York harbor, in a little Lost. gon, for Josephine county. “Come again,’’ is the cordial invitation Harry Smith and S. A. Benson, doing i ami up will buy line luí .«ling I principle should Ire kept in mind that it badly beaten, etqrecially when ths tally of the people of Wilderville. Jl.iy mare ab -ut 9 years old, weighing less than seven days, raring success in the mat’er of the estate I Notice to blacksmithing business in Grants Pass withii. the city. We have the lind I fully against one of the crack ocean jf Abram Cole, deceased. ( be not forgotten by the rising generation stood 8 to 0 in favor of Ashland, but the ibout 1200 lb»; branded XL. The an Creditors. .ou have the money. Fonie in and let u- J. II. Rrbinson has a fine orchard liners, her performance stood unpar Tim 21st day of April of eac h year will tide turned and the !>oys in blue pants Notice ¡8 hereby given by the under- has been dissolved by mutual content alk the mutter over. comprising some 20 acres. His trees imal letl the oi<l Curry pla< e two week» alleled in naval history. It bordered, ■»igned, administrator of the estate of Harry Smith will continue the business be a great day (ur many people when got down to busines», worried the other .igo. A liberal reward will be paid for in fact, on what had long horn con Hiram Cole, deceased, ) acres in north part of city; two-sivrv nd, _ to _ the creditors will also collect bills and pay all ac iMiys, at the name time made some good arc* in excellent condition and returns a Hie return. they come to realize its full meaning. T. L. C amway . sidered impossible. What the Oregon •f, and all persons having claim» against * house of 7 rooms; lath and jwkr counts of the o <1 firm. II \ rky S mith , plays which gave them an even chance. good profit for money and labor expend inish;good well with pump in Kitchen and the Marietta have done, however, he said decease«!, to exhibit them wiih Leland Siftings diout 2 acres in a general variety of fruit, The National Editorial ann<>< iation in The game was a close one to the end, ed. .Mr. Robinson also has a choice lot 8. A. B enson . is a worthy counterpart of that earlier necessary vouchers, within six months >ne-half of which is winter apples. Will be I >atcd J line 10, 1S99. The h> altli of the people i4 good. in aesHion at Portland and there are when it was found that the (ally stood of young trees between 2500 and 3’MM) in magnideent performance, and admir liter the iirtt publication of this notice, -old on easy terms. u the sai«l administrator at the otlice of ably demonstrates what may be nc perhaps at Laid 600 of the nation's quill 10 to 9 in favor of Granta Paas. The his nursery. Wilderville has some in Billy Fallin i» dulug a substantial bus complished by goo<l engineering, even I be Axtell, county judge, at Grants Pass, • T / w i 20 acres two miles north, ■ drivers enjoying the meeting in the end came and with it a good uattired telligent and thrifty farmers, I a H the iness. u A nteil wtjv ’’ 7 town. Small house. .>evtr«r visitors to these parts carefully when subject to the exacting condi (ost'phine county, Oregon, or to me in exam ine grand old ntale. They will be in South hurra on the part of Grants Paas boys | There will be a big dance at Leland on person at my resi«i *nce on Louse creek, \\ "»I) want«*«l on subscription, at the icres uf rich black buttom. Plentyo( wwd 1 tions of naval restrictions. Josephine county, ()reg >n. rrn Oregon next Monday and will apend and their friends. Everybody fell the these farm» ami then let him meditate the Fourth office. and. Will make a nice little ranch ¡< run and grain. M At HU E S \V A(iK, half or three quartern of ail hour in more like rejoicing Itec-ause the Grants on the possibilities of > oullierii Oregon. MAPS OF VALLEY FORGE. Same of our miners are going out to , — Administrator of the r-talr uf Abram Grantn Paas. It will be proj>er that our Pa»s l»)y» extricated themselves from •/ W | Thirty acres near town. l'-t.. I On l-.vci y Hof th* Happy Camp to work on the big ditch. Co e, deaease<l. 1 llrinnrknl»lv L'i»c| < «»n <•«• r n I n k Their Pated at Grants Pa-» i \RAN g E GROVE- 10 acres of 4-year ' red and dark soil. Thi> !«:•- citizen» in some way make a favorable w hat app«*arr<l Io be sure defeat fruiu Of Shiloh'» Consumption Cure is Ihi- i ' ’ ol«l tree* just coming into bearing, 2R ays well sheltered, und is well adapted to I C. D. Biiruette i- building a new store, i lièrent Iliaco» rr>-Tradition» 31, 1899. impression u|mn them concerning Grant« the start. miles from < »riville, Cal., a city of 3500 pop ruit raising. guarantee; “All we usk of you i» to use The im ica-»- in trade make Ibis necee-| of the I amp. The ball game was marred somewhat ulation Will exchange for hotel or stool- Paa» ami vicinity, an tkie men come from tW'o-tbirds of the conlt nls of this but 11« sary. of goods or good farm in the Rogue Kivei U M I Twenty a-re- im*t all ever the country and will have good by an accident. C. P. Drown, who wk « faithfully, then if you can say you i re "" "’7 orchani, ami I earing iru;; valley If you want a good orange grovt It is somewhat remarkable, says the I he prv spvcts for u laige fruit crop arc Pl thing« to »ay of I hour places deserving playing with the Grants Pas« nine, was not benefited return the liottle to your « all or Price & V ’ oorhie». •ood house and out buildings. hiladclphia Inquirer, that the only eady in profitable fruit bearing. l«sai| favurable mention. They aru »tranger* hit oil the side of the fa«-e by a swift fly Druggist ami he may refund the price very promising. As yet, all crops are [ known maps of the Valley Forge F* ‘ it SIDE Oil EXCHANGK. rees and ciioice varieties of apples. good. to thia section and ita rsaourcea and al««> mg ball, which almost knocked him pai«l.” Price 25 ctsM 50 cts. and ♦I campment during the winter of I \\ ACRES 3 miles from town. On< I.« land needs a city marshal. Two 78 were made known to an Ameri to sur magnificent climate. While they down. The wound did not prove to be F. Kremer. p 1' hundred ami twenty live acres o IGO ACRES five mile» -uuth of Grar.:- 15 a« res improved, 1'0 ire- ■ a«l.‘ !i had a regular fist tight la-t week, as late as Inst summer, when Ju are on the ground it might be that Infor serious but it was very painful and Mr. this is r ,-er I»ottoin There are 15 u res ol general Pass, variety ot fruit, 1 *a Hurt house.nt» Merlin New« I Pennypacker discovered them in An only one bei ig knocked out. winter epph•« trees w years obi. A good va mation can Iw given that will Im worth Drown was unable to continue playing •arn, corncrib, wood, lieu, and a good we. sterdam, and that, presented before id bar-, M. D. Hudson uf Grant» F sm »pent a a spring near house. Largt amount • ‘ our while to give. Let Grants Pass cuiur longer, consequently Arthur Lister Wil» What ha» become of our Woli Creek the Sons of the Revolution on their re finish 1 " i'••«•: nine rooms and umlcrground Alsu >ak, tir and pine fui fire-wood, will be»* I « eEar barn ami outbuildings. A tint very to the front in her usual way and not be put in «« substitiite ami played well Hi few days in uur midst last week. j < «u te>p •n«ieiit ' I think she is taking a cent visit to Valley Forge, they will <•» cap. well with go<xl wimlmiil and tank Would tiehind all other places ill being couite- Drown's part to the end. j Sba«l Hudson started to C*-quelle City ' h *»1 or gone off to study grammer. only become known to the American trade for a small place in town. $5500. i After the ball game the crowd re. M U I Seven an«l «nie-iialf »«rf" 4* last week via the Big Bend country. oua. The atay here of course will be litl.iiie*. *t l,^:an.l I. ve,y lively. The public when published in the society’» • — i I H Fl f HEAL ESTATE. short, but we munt make the moat of it. paired to the open space and groves in The most of our good I pr< pie <lo their I buruii.g o( th« bridge li*. git en employ- year book. The series of maps now in Two story, ten-room house, marly ne* , For information regarding the bargain» ■.... 1 "in buildings. Nc u all of U* x Judge Pennypacker’s possession and >e« front of S. F. ('a»s'a place east of Sixth celebrating in Grants 1*M» this year. in« nt to a go <1 many men ami team». in real estate li-ttd below, call on or addre»» is in fruit bearing, consisting of choice w made originally by a French engineer Th« fourth. street to witness the ahum battle by Com N. I'. Pudge, ('«»i Rim office. Grants Pass. • Urania Pas.«*. sties ol apple», pears, peacfies, net tannr A. B. Cousin went to Portland Sunday Most of the miner« have finished with the American army, include not Oregon. The Fourth for the year 1899 is a thing pany IL Captain Axtell look a portion prunes, quinces, etc. Also a good vane; evening to »pend a Wt**«k or co ami enjoy cleaning up. There is a great deal ul only careful drawings of the Valley Film and Plate Cameras for Sale or Kent, uf MiialJ fruits. A deep well ot ex«tue^ cr date of the pant and the celebration of the company for his army and Lieut. $9 1 1 ! A ’’ " '“I l u> 121 .. re» of lami waler. This is one of me nnesl. if n°l t*. Forge «nenmpment. but plans also of the celebration in that city. quartz prospecting done in this vicinity. 3 lidie» e r.i«-t of \L-rlin. Thirty acre» in <>est locations in tow n. Overlooking b'"1* is really over. The crowd of people was Brown, the other portion for his army. the battlefields of Pennsylvania and A. E VOORNIES. Fred Roliertson went Io Roseburg The quartz mines on Upper Grave creek New Jersey. ’ " (.Uh In-'.l ln¡i¡Yrí¿rr;" Held» and rugged mountains. oueredK very large. From early morning they The armies skirmished, charge dnml re «eil» nt water, w uter easy pu * v terms. ellent ■«ale on account of poor health of ownef Courier Office. b«-gan coming in from the surrounding treated, recharged and charged again, Friday evening to resume hi» dutim a*> 1 a* far as developed are good. It is i.ndcrstoo<l that the plat of the 3 4^1 t 1‘EK A« re will buy 41 a« res of land We are having quite warm am! dry Valley Forge encampment mo<lifie» country ami towns. The »|>eclal tram fought and fell back, burnt powder, brakeman for the S. P, company. *1/k will l.uv a n« ->t » r«-"i:i li-■•« ’ miles east uf Merlin, good red »oi Willie Morrison ami Ward Bar later A«atbvr now. About 12 o’clock every materially the traditions concerning The Best $5 Camera in Town. - — • ' VS nil go. .1 . . a-’ from \»hland, which left that city at l»oppod tire-crackers, ran all over the th » granite, .500 fruit tree*, splendid water the camp, showing the location uf wood-shed, barn, ben house, and all W1*” Ail the land « an be cultivate«!. 7:15 with perhapa 300 (»ersuns aboard, battle field and into the (ar away corner catne home hum Leland Friday morning lay we have a breeze, which lasts, as a sary out-nuildings. Lol I'Vxl ’X’- ,p I troops where heretofore no troops ■topped at all the stations where there thereof, where nobody » -uld »re them, where they have been nDiking for some ! rule, until evening, »o we do not feel the \ M'RESfine. «lark la id, one halt mile ¡enced' with division fence, making P* I have been supposed to have hail their heat so much. I A got»! raiu would be stock or ben yard separate from yaid* were considerable numl»ert waiting to there they did some tall tightmg until months. iroin bri«lge, >«»uth ut town. ’Thi» is PARKCR'S ' very acceptable. The tarmerà are busy encampment. The careful Hollander new land anti t-x< ellent fur fruit and grain closing bouse.* 25-fout well of fine HAIR tiALSAM come. The train arrived in Grants the last bloody foe laid down hm arm« I who contributed so heartily to the C. II Hasting» has opened a black wily pump; well walled up and <vre£ • th« h<¡r. heir Imv and <»rain. M inkk . i \mcriean cause appears to have con a 1-onwiant rn-w-.h. Pa«» at 9 o’clock and Company II was and quit. We liraid a great inanv nay smith shop in the Williams shop, and n 1 »1 ' T RT.-IBl X« I LOCATION in this This projieriy is onered lor lew» than *, .ra‘ * Beato« Gray its cost, on ac count oi breaking up o< 1> .tv vou will »ay so yourself when tributed the last chapter to the his that the battle at the depot to meet Company B of Ash was indeed very «ActmAcf prepared to do the I m *»1 ul R m \ KM n ' dy, who desire to go to (. aluurnui« I light fur half its real land and to escort them to the court from start to finish. •f marriage is tory of the cause by preserv ing these notice. We wish him sue Iv uttered. lw.iv« a baby ‘ maps until they fell into the right he«use, where the paratie was lining The sham battle» ended the program MfklO A re ' ,,n °5 Married—In thia city June 25 at th* ¡Without it. hands. reek 12 a • • -1 formed. until the evening hunt or alter supper. residence of the bride's sister, Mr». Bari Iu‘»dtock is a Good variety of fruit. M at««r for lrrunu- , •liner field The aintsulnr Manner in \\ hi oh n R. () McCroakey wn chief marshal of The bicycle parade in the evening was pur|Kjse». This place is a t argain a»1 r j Vest, Mr. Dick Vest ami .Miss Addie I never want to ii baton ¡1 lonng Wpaniah Molrller < in in rd the «lay, a»»i»te«l by Frank Fetch, who pruuounced very good, a goodly number Robertson , Squire Ladd utih-ialiiig. a Promotion. ver that were very busy getting everybody in taking part. Mrs. F.d Jordan cauie down on Kundai rr bud«, a line for the paradw, which was to start At 8 o’clock in the evening the com ■ it without ‘•There’s never any telling what mo morning's train from Wulf Creek wh or business location. «. a sermon ment a man’s fortune» are going to about 9:30 from near the court house on mittee having the fireworks in charge she has been visiting lur a time w lout a ben- Sixth street Th«* order of march was bvgan operations from the stand near on, a turn.’’ remarked the man who likes to her vi»tsr on her way here from Saginaw X’.iWk w,ll huv <5 carried out without accident until the the de;»oI. 1 lie sky rockets went high, «ithout tell stories, relate» the Washington n. Mi. \ cat« h came out from (¡alive Ina Star. < lear ami balance in timber. 1- parade reached J street at the corner ol . but the balloons much higher. There 1 Ulwc practical, » never fenced with new board len«-e- “Of conrne op ortunities are sure to hen Illustrated. Ite HanJ- Me Krttiur'» >c««>nd Hand »tore \t thh | sere «everal |>W|»er balloons sent up by week, and took the evening tram for hi a hii»l»4nd melj Printed and Beautifully lour acre» in fruit liearing. (»<-- not Aspire present themselves,“ commented the point, a» the Libeely wsgon was pass the tire works committee, as w«*ll a« a home at Cottage Grove, tv of fruit. Land lays Dv ing u>« D.« ■ « - fty JAcou higgle o! father of ofT-hand philosopher, “The only qi Ju«t the place for fruit cu.ture. ing uuder the Creecent Ciiv telephone number by some of the mer« bants ol the to spend the s hand down tion is whether t hou*r »mail barn and good »ell. <- No. 1 biqqle horse book e individual is a n by wire, the Hag l»>le caught on th» wire ! lown. ihei»e balloons all went very at that place. f and let u» tell you more a out it« of courage aid resource, capabh 74 ill astrailuus . a w — -H- ., thow I high an«l in E*l Mattison came up in in (m and was broken off, throning the God* a tout hern ly direction, fr fit to recognizing and rising them.“ No- BIOQLE Bl RRY book ’ >1500 year old fruit t •« ' 1 ■'/- de»» of Liberty, MI m Amy Booth, to the I ¡he tire works i were pronounced very his w heel Suuday murni i« iMg lien “That conah* nn iloe«n’t alw “ count. I wa« ground The shes-k occasioned by the i gocxl Upon the whole, the Fourth in about (i.30 a in., and time dantly m fruit. I»er • • ■ r ’ when a young short rest went c fall rondure«! her unconadou» lor a time I (¡rants I’a»« ma y l»e considered a auc- There ha good bouse and oat No. ^BICMLE 1-01LTRY lUKJK ' t"“- the Spat.irh a ami those who picked her up thought (cess, fur the people seemed to enjoy hewdl ceh also a good well. Five minute» » hero tbroiiirh school or church. W*»uld ««rtrnrr. liiioutfh bar dead, but »he »0011 recovered con- themselve« lery much ami appeared to Where rtr h 100x150 feet, (corner lot,) t*r H*”’ i from wreak **» So venta. ■clousnees, after being taken iulo the go home feeling that they bad been to a would make a t«eautHul building** tion. lie w N°- »^BI«Rn.E COW BOOK ■tore of McArthur, where »lie could celebration. aters and I ^tCrw, lkAlRY RAM H We >' ‘ !>•<• M have attention We are gla«l to state .nand every routa iu. How is 3 our H ile within » mile» of • 7. not In m*»* that Mi»» Booth was able to baoutin I’cM dairy ran« he» in Oreg IIas she lost her beauty? If so, Con- BKWLB SWINE BOOK ' ter for sale at a bargain to any u crine d the afteraoon. | lipation, Imligvslion, Sicli Headache ■ niuney to put into a bu.-iness nronma. When the parade rrache«! the grove n» Z. \ "* “uten { are the principle causes. Kail’s Clover ’ n i <Hh^r etitfT-____ ° - eT * beautiful at the bicycle tra< k the first thing in or “> í - I I I Tb.r.HWLE B< x >KS It. ! Root Tea has cured these ills for ove and one bait der waa music by William's band, after to 75 a< resuf this is blac k loam i half a century, l’nre 25 cts. am! 60 cts «..rm.,«, Th^ It bm which Mi»» Nell DePratt, in a few well j general variety of »mall | Money refunded if results are not «stis »nt U4«»ntai spring with sufficient water for »• —. | ” «T «-o». Ho, or chosen word», jweaeiiled Company H. n to the world factory,-—W. ** Kremer. 10 garden through the season, t*° «H oule books rä ’ '' "“• n«‘*t pamira« bei»! hi» jground when (>. N. (i with a beautiful ailk flag She It insures the 1 erai -pring» <»n the pla« »• er's health an? 3 nourishment 1 men he started with had Lei ■aid: “Captain Axtell, officers and flu<cnd< Bl«lt<r from Uilckrtillt hv Nimihi at a re with large oam and oulbui. l;nF* best «ui pportive tonic j ties bead of horse» and catlie an 1 It was a marvel that te w • s AU signs of rain havedisa) aaldiera of Coni|»any II, O. G. N., I have nient» will be sold with place n J! ^r-’-krire Co, not cap•turre!, bu t he stayed for »ev- b**en chosen by the young ladies of thi» II XJU. Every bode is getting rsady tel’. -he (T*-*! era! mitiute» tingi'«•handed to f ace and b < i not a mufit It H n year« city lo prment you thi» U*4uti(u! flxg c t>r Pierce 9 fire < •) It 'I Robiusou ma>h* a trip Ju tin he advanc ingfor. The wonder w-n hi’-the ruó’-on th* head,— r nrfited bv votif frame house, I »rd in g which they have by their induatry and 1 «n «od F paper in ir <1 l’as» on Ilutiti as Moaday. ay r. I all.’* A lout one-bait in (ruit. A rarp10- i « <t.«.e in the F ruled State» perseverance pun hawed for your c< om Early 1.»vache» will nut I n * ...■ •u and a-haliregular readers. i I iiavt in Any OFF of case« of a man’s suddenly fin pany. And on thia memorable < day vicinity ln *' 1 ‘,ie until the latter |»art . P A nearlx new hx I I YEAfiw -F- < i-AH*t JOURNAL • ■ :»• in the presence <»f rvs which haw been conwecralrd by the Him kberrivi »nd raapberr pleasant location and cheap- g) will be «eut by mad blood of our fore fathers, we present to plentiful h.r. chia *ra.oa “No. lie was ri.I.i g a mt 11) )ou this emblem of liberty and in pre by dry « t HIGGLE BOOKS *ree 1 ' r ivaa. rr-.n fru. k at the critical moment the auitwal ARM JOtKNAI. out-building», with good «eU- balked.* i niLAoaarwia !•> a« res one u He south • 1 ** tor or. bard or grain- royal s ~ A bsolutely Schillings Best BICYCLE ECONOHT I lie nioiit v mu juv for a new wheel is some times only part of the juice. The bicycle mender gets the rest. If you buy ! THE CRE5CENT to beyjn with vou need have only a bowing acquaintance with the wheel-tinker «UüiSÄT. fl. HOOD 1 Harness Oil Smith & Hotmail, ^liiòtrtnkers. a Death Lurks in Drags.... Mrs. Stone, PÌ12T0 SUPPLIES ÖIGGLE BOOKS if * '-a. .SilÄTÄVÄ I 1 I