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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1899)
AN iNDKFKNDKNr P a FUI, D k V o TKD rsl'K* I ALLY TO THK IXTKBKRTM OF bOl'THKBN O b BUON. GRANTS PASS, JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON. THURSDAY, JULY 6. 1899. VOL XV. 1 Galke News. er items be taken from the export ta- hlt---- copra <2 6S7.97S . toban a in leaf G auck , Ore., July 1, 18V9. local Zappettino? Below Cope Bros, placer are the J. ♦ 1,323,445'. and cigarb 1805.000)—about ■VW* Bartley and Corbu»—Schmeltzer placer 97 t^er cent of the entire export value is CARPETS, | Bicycle hospital *or all repairing al ground, the first name«! bcirg on the «'counted fur, and every leading articie * E SEEK north side of Rogue nver, but of late no entering into lhe export movement.— Cramer Bros. MATTINGS, Harper's Magazine PROFIT Fred Farson of Ashland opent several work has been done on them. WALL PAPER | t lark A Son of Grave creek Lave been WHEN days in tbe Pass recently. How a Kilipino Die» DISHES, for some time endeavoring to locate the WE BUY For a first class meal, go to the City lhe general,in a white hat was march extension of the Bybee ledge, across HOUSE Jl J* hotel; B. A, William?, proprietor. Rogue river, and met with success re ing in advance of the firing line, when MORE THAN HARDARB, the discharge of a rifle was heard in the Take your blacksmithing to Trimble cently. They extended a tunuel quite a WHEN We don’t believe you can l Suit GLASSWARE, A Bache* for Grat-class work. | distance in kidney formation that at a yard of a bouse next to the road. Sever WE SELL. FURNITURE of any other make that will have the Style Fifty good men wanted for ditch work. I number of places proved rich, and later d soldiers rushed into lhe yard, but not in time to prevent two more shots.which Apply al Hotel Layton. 1 a well defined ledge was struck. Sutfi aud Appearance that Welch's Suits have, came whizzing in the direction of the * Ashland people will do most of their ' cient ore has been taken out, the erec* i general. At this moment I came to a or that will wear as well and cost as little lion of an araetra and ore is being run , celebrating this year at neighboring break in the hedge where I could see in the long run. Come in and see them towns. Next year we hope our neigh-j through. what was going on. A young Filipino The Altord-Snelling quartz mine, con* hors will return the compliment and cel and try on some of the New Styles. $5.00, was about 3>) yards otf. He was turning | listing of two * laims, is one of the prom ebrate with us.—Town Talk. A Granite Preserving Kettle for 40c. <8.00, $IO.OO, $12.00, $15 00 Boy’s Suits’ ising propositions of the camp. Il lies his way and that like an animal at bay, thoroughly frightened. He had a rifle A Butter Ladle for toe. Are you going East? If so call on on lhe north side of Rogue river, about «7 on $3 00, $4 50. Shoes, Shirts, Hats’ S. F. C ass or E. E. Dunbar at the First four miles below Galice creek and south in his hand It afterwards turned out A Coffee Pot for toe. Underwear. Gloves, Sox, Etc, at tlic Right National Bank, Grants Pass. They east from Mt. Reuben. The ore is free- that this rifle was choked. The soldiers A Coffee Mill for 10c. will sell you tickets via the old reliable , milling ami probably about 80 tons were were breaking down the high hedge to Price. A 26 inch Warranted Saw for 75c. Northern Pacific. You «an enjoy your | put through an aia«tra last winter. It 4et in. Suddenly the Filipino made a A Camp Ax, Warranted, for 60c. trip via that line and get as low rates j is the inteuti n of the owners to do con run for life. He got through the hedge 3 Camp Cups, Plates, Kuives aud Forks, Tin-Ware, Etc. as any inferior line will give. i siderable exploitation during the euuz- some wav and da«hed across an open field. Three shots followed, all of which A Beautiful Glass Set, 4 Big Pieces for 60c. The Northern Pacific will carry from i j mer and fall. The Bybee ledge, on lhe north side of look effect. The wounded man turned, Fruit Funnels, just the thing when ptitling up Fruit, loc each. 3,000 to 4,000 of the Schoolinams East, ran sideways a few paces, lay down on returning from lhe Teacher’s convention Rogue river and about one mile below Tumblers or Jellie Glasses, 3 for 10c. the ground, and a second after was dead next month The teachers are posted the Alford Snelling mine, is owned by I got a good sight of the whole incident, Fruit time now, so we give a timely hint of what we carry, Fruit Presses, Strainers, Sieves, Ket on the best, safest and most reliable Messrs. Turner and Mitchell and is pe and so naturally did the Filipino stretch ties, Etc.. lite. Opera House Bic k culiarly situated. The ledge is at tne routes. hiiubclf aloug the ground and rest bis FOR THINGS FOR THE HOUSE GO TO THOMAS'. Mrs. Jane Dyer of Grants Pass, who waters edge of Rogue river where ore, head upon his arm that I thought he Ol-tinfK < »»■«•«■Toll valued as high as $1200 per ton has been has been the guest of her daughters, : was shamming. An examination a Mrs. A. M. Woodfold and Mrs. N. E. | extracted. A stamp mill was taken < mute later proved that be was dead. Th« Sdiiori. Wuhington Letter. Stories of ex Speaker Reed are Woods, in this city for the past three • down the river to the mine a number of I 'here •» *Ma diflerence between the sure of a respectful and Spain want, to gat rid of Ilia real of (From our regular correspondent. > years ago to work the ore, but fur aoiun months, returned to her home in the manner in which Amsri*an «nd Filipino liar ««land,, Those which the bad in mg in WashutglMh Mid Itee fc W a . iiinuton , June 19lh, 1SQD. above named town Saturday evening.— I reason never put in operation. At pres soldiers die—the American fails a Block at the elute of th, war with u. were was known to be eehaUntiaHy | ent, no work ts being doue on the prop- In there day. when ao many men are (JBORGE II. BINNS, Medford Mail. heap and dies hard; the Filipino s t retch- o dy a job lot. Ho they will be marked erty. ready ia their mad race for wealth to by at least two U the creep tewhich it Chautauqua, July 11 22 promises to be ASSAYER, The Cope Bros, placet mine, about s himself out, and when dead is always down to a low figure. Tlia nation, had ■aeriflee almoat everything for money, was iold an a WaeMvtglon hotel. “Mr. the greatest assembly yet held. Great 500 acres, --- VIA THK ---- ioun«l in some easy altitude, generally belter not all apeak at <Nue is good property. It lies the man who places duty before money Reed”, said the story-teller, ‘ has bad Office opponile Hotel Josephine, I speakers, including Ham Jones. DeWitt with his head on his arms. They die north of lhe Rocky gulch placers, con is a public benefactor, whose good laflu- hie mind bent upon retiring from con- Shasta Kovite Miller and Frank Beard. Strong school» The Alger-Pingree combine Would be a G kanth P ass , - - O regon . sisting of a series of live or six benches, lhe way a wild animal dies—in just ene. upon Die youth of the country i. gieee for several years. Thia wae keown and departments. Fine camping. Write drawing card in a politica! freak muse — of the — formerly the bed of Rogue river. To such a position ao one finds a deer «ir an incalculable. Such a man ia General ! to some of hie western friends as far I Secretary or President at Ashland, Ore. um - Roseburg Review. » the present time work has been done in antelope which one has shot in tbe Leonard Wood, military governor el back as the fall of ’96, and they tried to Y C. HOUGH, Southern Pacific Company. for full particulars. two places, on a small scale, on the woods.—John F. Bass in Harper's Santiago and formerly commander ol persuade him to locate in Hi. Louie. A great deal of complaint is being On occasion of return of the 2nd regi first and second benches up from the Weekly. ATTORNEY AT-LAW, liie Rough Riders. G.n. Wood, who is Congressman Chea. F. Joy of St. Louie Extiress Trams Leave Portland Dailv made about the management of the fish ment of Oregon Volunteers there will be river and proven satisfactory. A thor now at Washington to see hi. wife audio aud other pioruineut man of that city, Pi adir e, in all State ami Federal Courts South. I North Some Churning Suggestions. ladder at Oregon City. It is claimed bv a grand celebration at Portland, and it ough test was made of the gravel depo*. ÖÖ p . m . | lv . rortUnd at . . 8ÎÔÔÂ v confer with lite war deparlment,must have tried to indued him te]!vu»U iu the Mia-* office over First National Bank hew, H any, really progressive dairy reejamaible parties that fish wheels are ‘2 -‘.l * • i -V. Gratta Fnss LV. I Ò:ZUH. M is prot>ame that ttie Bouthern Pacific I its several years ago by Spokane, Wash, been sorely tempted when the Washing Huuri metropolis by promising him a G rants F am , - • O keoox . 7;45 a . m . j at . San Fran co lv . | 7.<M»p. m company will oiler special rales from all 1 men use any other form of churn than parties aud pronounced rich. Bailey the box or barrel type, having no insido being o|ierated directly in the fishway, ton Street Railway ami Electric Light certain income of <25,000, through asso AI kivc trains stop at all stations >»vtween poinjs on its Oregon Lines. Full infor creek furnishes waler—one of the best fixture«. At this tune of the year when and that even small fish are being Syndicate uttered hiiu *39,1)0 > a year to ciation with one of the best legal firm In Portland ami isalem, Turner, Marion, caught, and thus no tish are permitted the state, and their support of him, at A rthur p . harth , Jefferson, Albany. Cottage Grove, Tangent, mation R m tu rates, date of celebration, rights in the dirtrict— and the dump i ream is bo plentiful there is quite a 10 pass up the Willamette river and into resign from the army and become its the proper time, aa the Western candi Shedds, Halley, Harrisburg, Junction city, etc., will be announced later. Further could do no belter. Fix. preiideut; his salary as a brigadier gen- DOCTOR Of. DENT a I, SUMMERY, Eugene, Drain Oakland, andai! stations particulars can be obtained from any tendency on the i»art of users to fill these the smaller streams. This, if it is true, date for the presidential nomination ef from Ko <burg, to Ashland inclusive. « burns too full. The cream is churned is surely a violation of our law s relating j eral of volunteers, Die rank lie now bis party. Mr. Reed heard everything Indian Relics Wanted. Southern Pacific agent. Ottici over First N rtional Bank, j hold, ia only *5,500. But if «o, he put by concussion, that is, the cream falling to fisb and fisheries. Some one, having Roteburg Mail Daily they bad to say but declined the offer I desire to secure some good stone Everett Brown was up from Grants tlie t.iuptaliou behind Inni and an- O b B üo N. G rants P ahs , S.34» a . m . 1 LV. Portland at . i 4 :M>p. m . Pas Monday. He is on the Fourth of Indian relic« from this vicinity to be rep as the « burn revolves, hence the greater knowledge ol these facts should inform nounoed his intention, to return to bis because he said it was too late in life for 12:4V p . m LV. AH »an y amount of cream in the churn the Irsh the fish commissioner, that lie may take LV. 1 12:25?. m . him to thiuk of migrating from the July celebration committee ami w as here resented in a large state collection. Rel 5:2U f. M. at . Rosebure »eV. I 7:30 a . M the amount of concussion per revolution, the necessary steps te prevent any viola duties at Santiago, and to remain iu the East.“ Another one of the group said : j £ C. PERKINS, arranging for an excursion to be run to ics of ail kinds, such us spears, knives, army as long as his services were re ami the longer the time required for the lion of our tish laws —Lebanon Criterion DINING CARS ON OGDEN ROUTE. the Pass on the Fourth. Grants Paso is axes and chisels are especially desired. quired. That announcement is all the “Mr. Ree<i would probably have been churning. Not only is a longer time re Pullman Liuffet Sleepers working hard for Ashland’s patronage, Alsu stone pipes, large Hint spears and quired, more praiseworthy for having been made located in New York sometime ago had but a test of the buttermilk will — and — ami lhe whole town will follow up the sone axes. Farmers, who have found Probably the peace eoiniui.sion to tlie I after the yellow fever was reported to hie friend, Austin Corbin, the railroad S econd C' ass S leeping C ars militia company an«) base ball nine. any of these articles, will please w rite show more butter remaining in it when Philippines did tome harm. There are i have broaen out at Santiago. It ia men and corporation millionaire, lived. It the churn is overfilled than when only a ( I rkgon . GKANTh PAB8, was well known to a few j*rsons that Attactieu to all tinough train. II. P. H amilton , That they will have a rousing good cele me. Address proper amount is placed in the churn. reasons to believe that it led Aguinaldo of thia stamp who prov. that money Mr. Corbin had almost persuaded Mr. bration is an assured tact. — Town Talk. Two Rivers, Wis. to believe that the Americans would Im worship has not succeeded In driving For further particulars inquire of George A box or barrel ( burn should never be JJK. J JENNINGS, Reed to retii* from public life and to be* Estes, Grunts Pass. I’rof. W. M. Clayton of Waverly, Ohio, The Com merit of the Philippines, rille«! more than half full, aud only one- glad to have an eieuse to five up the out true patriotism from tlie first posi come the attorney for all the corpora* light and withdraw front the islands. RESIDENT DENTIST. tion in the esteem of the people. was elected Monday to the chair ol A population that can never be assim third full is better. Cream always swells lions be controlled, when he died. In West Side Division When the commission began to talk Tbs |iolitical wise-aer.s are ssying mathematics in the normal school. ilated, and whose most active industry some during the first part of ths churn 30 Y care Eapeitenee. going to New York to accept a guarau* peace the Filipinos thought the t'nited that Secretary Alger's retirement from MAIL TRAIN DAILY ¡SICHT SUNDAY. I’rof (’¡avion is a graduate of the Ohio is rebellion againet foreign domination, mg process and if (lie churn is filled teed income of <50,000 per annum for a Office in Opera House block; nee the -ign ' m . i.v. Portland xr. • • K) p. m Wesleyan University and for some years promise« little in the way of progress more than half full there will not be the States was frightened. But they have ths cabinet at an early day has been of lhe Big Tooth. stated period, Mr. Reed gives up ail 11.55 ?. m . I at . Corvallis LY. 1:2(i F. M dropped that delusion now In one im made a certainty liy the formal an past has been scperiniendant of schools through internal change, other than proper amount of« inruns ion. If there is hope of reaching the presidency, which O re •N G sasth P ah », At Albany and Corvai.i* connect with at Waverly and has also l>eeii in charge through extermination. This may be «'ream enough to till the churn more portant particular, however, the com nouncement of the alliance lie I ween was fur many years lhe goal of his am trains of Or. ( entral <fc Eastern Ky. of various summer schools. The profes accomplished by war, by labor akin to than half full (he time would be gained mission did a good work. It laid the himself and Gov. Pingree for the pur-1 bition. Fate willed that the high honor JYRK I A VOORlIll s, KXPRESS TBAIK DAILY (KXCKPT SOWAY.) sor was in Ashland over Sunday and be slavery, or by çontaut with a higher civ by making two churnings instead of one American plan of government before the pore of attempting to put Secretary Al- i should nut come his way, and he is too 4 :5bp. m . j lv . Portland ai . | 3:25 a . m islanders, and the moderate and sensible ger into the seat now h.lrl by Senator' REAL E-TATE, and 7:30?. m . | at . McMinnvihe lv . 5:50 a . m fore leaving for Portland Monday in ilization and its consequent disastrous with an overfilled churn. broad intellectually to fret. Besides, he formally accepted the jrosition tendered results to the weaker race. Even if the insurance . Very frequently the cream from shal persuns among them will see that the McMillan ; they say that it s.cretary Al has beeu accorded about as much hom Rebate tickets on sale between Portland, him —Town Talk. government offered to them is as lilieral ger does not voluntarily resign, the | low pans ha«« a “ leathery ” condition of native population be subdued, they will Representing I lie rvliabl«- <«»'ii- Macremento and Man Franciaco. Net rate* as they can reasonably ask for at pre. president will l>e forced to ass for Ills age as ever falls tu the lot uf any man, panie* in existence, bulb tire anti hie) <17 first cla«s and fit second class, includ The south bound pHHsenjfpr train aa« make unwilling toilers; if driven out of its surface, which causes dots in the ent, and will be induced to accept it. ing sleeper. resignation by political influencs that in that be is by common co use nt regard Notary Public. Kate'' «n«l tickets to Easte-n points and three hours late on lhe 4th, and in con the larger and mere fertile islands, some cream w hich do not break up in churn Hie drubbing, which Agumaldo has r an be wsikled by Senators McMillan ed as one of the ablest as well as one of *•— JAPAN, > *»»* v i ..«•«» . ....... (>KkO«»N. Europe. HINA. HoN- sequence R G. Smith could not reach form ot labor must take their plate. It mg and appear in the butter as while G rants P am , OLE LI ano Al STRALI A been getting will probably bring him and Burrows. Secretary Alger lias re-! the most upright of American states i in Im ob- .fa« ksonvj|!e in time to deliver the ora* will not be American, it will not lie Eu specks, sometimes of «onsiderable size around to the same way of thinking, too, ________ tained from our agent, Grants Pass. turned to Washington, hut In- isn't say men.’* P. DODGE, tion. Neither did Senator Mulkey ropean, for it cannot be either. It must l tiia difficulty can be partially remedied tielure long.—Oregon Daily Statesman, ing a word on this subject. The pret-! He Knew nut the Word. C. II MARKHAM, R. KOEHLER, reach this place in time, hence ae be Asiatic ; and, if left to a free settle by »tiring the cream occasionly during P. F. A P. Agt., idem will (Ind himself in rather an enr ; ‘ Did your father bring you?” asked a INSURANCE an I M anager. Portland, Ore. tailed to hear him. The committee saw ment, would be Chinese. Vet our law« the interval between skimming and The United Stales authorities sre just barressing position, should Secretary Al- ' teacher in a West Virginia mountain REAL ESTATE the delemma tn which they were placed, as applied to the Hawaiian Islands pro churning, and can be w holly overcome now trying to hunt up 50 army iinbu- ger not voluntarily resign before lie lw- »Sunday-school of a small uew pupil. by parsing the cream through a coarse hibit the introduction of Chinese, and is ami they at once invited Mr. Smith to To Cure a Cold in One Day “Me what?“ it right to apply another rule to the strainer as it goes into Die churn. These lani es, ahiptied somewhere on a train of gins sn a< tive campaign lor lhe senator Take Laxative BromoQuinlneTablet,. All xpeak and he di<! xo, delivering a good Philippines—American territory ? 17 care, and which appear to have ship, as Senator McMillan i. one of hi. ' “ Your father." white sp *< k* contain much casein which O regon . druggist, refund money if it fails to cure oration full of the most patriotic “Nome. “ Products take care of themselves. decompobes easily and thus causes the drop|>ed completely off the earth. It's warmest personal friends. In fact, th» 25c. The genuine ha, LBQ on each tablet houghtH. “Did you come aloneT” Climate and soil and a mild pressure of butler to become quickly “otr flavored ” wondsrful how little things like this can president's position Is bound to be more be lost —Hantiain New». or less embarrassing anyway. That he ÇXJSHOW& SHERIDAN, “Nome.” commercial exchanges have determined —Oregon Crop Bulletin. is a warm friend of Secretary Alger ha. “Who came with you?” that the Philippines should contribute MINING ATTORNEYS, FF.0SFECT2R J ATTENTION (¿overnor Pingree of Michigan, who How to Ascertain if Your Soils Need Lime. been tolly proven by his standing by I * Me pap.”—Harper's Bazar. to the world's trade a few leading com baa been ao often lauded by the marawa, him through all the criticism ol hi. | Special attention given to Mining One Assay Free With Fach Subrcnption to the Courier. Send in $t 25 tor modities. The most important is hemp, fests made by the chemical depart ami Land Law«, ami Land Otlice practice. a«p Tour Ey. on bold Hill. might a5 well as not get out of the patch, one year's subscription to the CÔUKIKR,mentioning this offer aud a natural monopoly : for, though many ment of lhe Oregon Experiment Station lie hax come out for Alger for Unite«! management of the war department,and keeping liiru in Ins cabinet against tlie Among the rich dry placer gold lield, R ohekihg • • O regon . at Corvallis show that many ol lhe soils you will receive, in addition to the paper, a ticket entitling you species of this plant are found in the Staten senator, and that is one thing the advice ami protest of many l.aders of of tunny Southern Oregon, Water it tropics, none produces the same or hi - of the Willamette vallsy are in need of to one Gold or Copper assay will 1« given. Old subscribers can people will not stand from any body.- his party. It will not lie an easy matter - Km/, The Gold Hill High Lina Ditch good a fibre as is obtained in the Philip lime, notwithstanding analysis shows D OBERT G. SMITH, can retire a ticket by paying all arrears and one year in advance. pines. More than that, attempts to raise them to carry an average amount of that <talea Rights democrat. for him to maintain a strict neutrality ; company propuae, to bring 10,000 If You U’.nt a Ticket Mention this Offer. in such a contest, no matter whether miner,’ incha, ol water to Gold Hill far II D. NORTON this particular variety elsewhere have ingredient. This is due to the fa* t that General Ous cable, thia sigriAcaut Secretary Alger remains In the cabinet' mining, irrigation aud manufacturing ROQUE RIVER COURIER failed. The value of the exports of what Im e is present is not in an active warning “The only hu|>e of th, laeur- or goes out. Owing to tire war in tbe , purpoaes. Mr. J. B. Howard, inapactar hemp in 1897 was <8,503,000, and a form and 1 herefore d«>es not readily act gent leader, ia tli. United Slate,’ aid." Philippines and th. military control of of government survey., with a party ol nearly equal value of sugar was also ex to neutralize the acidity resulting from Thin, from an American Soldier, who it Cuba and Porto Rico, tlie war depart 1 16 man, will, on July let begin the final ported l7.UOO.OOOz, these two comm« d- decaying organic mailer. Within the last few years it ha* been shown that fighting hi. country', battle, on a dis merit baa more favors to distribute than locating survey. Gold Hilt i, deetiaed iUes making nearly 74 per cent of the Office in First National Bank Bini ling tant shore, ought to lie tufficienl rebuke all the real ol the d.partm.ntn |»ut Ui- to l>e< vine una of the greatest miatng value of the total exports. If three oth lime baa a much more important agri O regon G r \ mtb P am , cultural effect in this way than w » h at to American Filipinos, who are lending getiier and Secretary Alger would be campa III Oregon. Watch it from tins first sup|M>eed. Many eolia formerly aid and comfort to the enaiuy of tlirir more than human if lie did not throw ! date. Buy real eaute while you can get some of his fetors where they would ad it on the ground flour. The Gold Hill sup|xjsed to I m * non-acid are on examina own country - Herald Direemi nster. Graduate of Horology Passau I'niver vance bis candidacy, if followed by the J Development, mnpany own, all lhe lota FLOUR AND FEED. tion found to he sour priuiigli though oily, Germany. What They all Get. president to do so. in the original town site formerly owned well draine«!. This cenditios results White war department officials will by the railroad company, and on Wed It is said tnat from a bushel of corn from ths non a< tiye form of lhe lune MiniTa' Suppl icn it IS p.-elii 11 y. content as above set forth, ft becomes the distiller g«ts four gallons of whisky, not admit a» much publicly, it is an nesday anil Thursday, July 12th and <’ 1*10,1 Thia turn, open M't-r.t in Washington, that they 13th will offer then. lota lot .ale. an important matter, then, fur farmers I which retails for Those punhamng on there two day, U> know how to ascertain whether or with all that it implies, is distributed are making preparations to carry out an •spected order from th. president loen will got L> i*r cent discount ou bated not their ihji I s are in nerd of lime. Tbit as follows ....PRACTICAL list a considerable teidy ol volunteers, to price*. .. 1 Terms One third ca,h and may l>e ascertained 'I a. follows Place a The governfiwnt gala farmer who raiaee the corn golf ta- sent to the Philippines, if they should ollance on eaay timj. Fir.t come, first WATCHMAKER. little of the s « ji I in a cup ami monten The The railroad company gelo. 1 Or J B. PADDOCK. Propr be asked lor by Gen. (Jtis. served with choice lot,. with a suflicient amount of «atar to I | manufacturer gem .... 4 15 Having purrta-ed lire Marble S’iM-k and Biwiness heretofore owned„and eon make a thin paste. With a perfectly liie retailer «aloon keeper) gets 7 10 Drunk «lucte«! by Will .lackaon, I am now in position to furm«h anything in the line of clean fcnile blade make an opening into The consumer gets w lie gets .. .............. . . Hungry Cemetery w ■ rk either in MARBLE or GRANITE I have had over a quarter ol the moist soil. Into this opening inlro- The I’ne children get. a century of exfrertenre in th-* Marble an.I Granite B uhdom and can fill your or duce a piece of blue litmus paper, which MONMOUTH, OREGON. taxpayer gets Aii Excellent Combination. caa be procured for a few ceaia at almoei The la< rea«e<| 'Taxation to support training Schoo! for Teachers.—Now Build ders promptly anti give you the best of workmanship. Th»* pleasant m«*thnr! and ben«*fi< ial any drug store. Press the soil about lhe jails ami poorhouses. it.- Now Departments.—Ungrade«! coun Will make a specialty of «’oustruction work from y«jur own designs. efferta of the well knr»wn r«tn««lv. try school work. man who voles for the saloon paper and allow to stand for about five I The /*•«« S yri i * of F ioh , manufactured by th* («radnates secure good positions ¿T. B FADDOCK C' ai . ifowxia F io S yrup < «» . Illustrate minutes Remove the piece ol paper strongcoMr^e««. Wall equipped training II—II in the next world, it not in thie j the value of obtaining th* liquid laxn from the soil, nnce well with clear parimene Normal course «juickeot and tire principle« of plants known t«> !>• water, aud note whether the paper ha« 1 The July number of Harper's is Mpev b -t way to «tate certificato. — OF — medicinally laxative and presenting Etpem«e lor rear ♦U0 to <h>); or board them in th« form m«Mt refrenhing to th« arqulir«l a permanent rr«l cxdor. Th» lailv interesting for the unusual num |2 »‘> to <3 per • «■ k Tuition <6 2•> per terin SOUTHERN OREGON tas»« and acceptable to the syftt.'in. It rftfi «y I hr paftr uMtd ms Mr Uat mou M aot ber of short stories it centams, and in «ti weeks tall term com men cos Sept, in th? one perfect strength« ning laxa htiwUrfi ki /A Summer term June 27-Sept. 1. finyrr h . If Hie paper has this respect is admirably suited to sum tive, < ’ l««.using the system < tually, $50,0ûü. - Catalogue, A «1«! resa Capital Stock, rr«i color there is mer readers. Israel Zang»ill contri diftpellinfF colds, h«*adaches an«l f»-vers assume«! a , * • - R. L C amfsbll , President. gently yet promptly and enabling on? need of lime to neutralize the organic butes ‘’Transitional,” a touching story Reoeire d?poeiti» wubfert U> check ur 00 to orereoma habitual constipation per acids. of bow a little Jewese renounce! her Kcertitx-ate payable on deanaml. manently. Its perf?«-t fr««<l«»m fr«»m This lime is usually best applied in Christian lover for her father's sake. t SellsMffht drafta od New York, San r ran Stages mn both ways daily between Grants Pass, Oregon, and Crescent every objectionable quality ami sub stance, and its acting on the kid».« »a, •' ■■ ( rm ■/! slaked htae. Gy psum might • ‘The Wrath of the Zuydrr Zee,” by K cìmni . ani Puf land. City. Cat. passing through the following interior points Wilder- liver and bowels, without weakening u-«d but it inmio I a« live and it would Thoms« A. Janvier, is in many raspi te | Telerraphir tran»f“r» soW on all ¡■oint» in or irritating them, make it th»- kk*al vide, Love's, Anderson, Kerby. Waldo, Shelly Creek, take --me time t r the desired action to’ <hs best of Mr. Janvier’s short stories. Uuited Mate». This School Is Now Under State Control. laxative. Patrick's Creek. Gasqnets. In the pr««-»**s of manufacturing fig*» *•• hr ( .rfht abmit II has tire advantage I I-rederic Remington is troth the author It th« lsrft«t and Mo«t Pregr«»ivt School in Southern Oregon. I Special Att«nrtir»n r»vm lo < ollerti«»n- «nc ar? used, as they are ph-N«ant to th? the “ illustrator of “ the »• rr, of lib« rating potash from eorue ’ and “ * “ •' The pu- Hon«>r ...... of ' *» — <#•! eral tx*Mnr** <»f our». N«w buil«hrig<*. new appnratu-* an I fixtur *. fine eumpus, healtful locstion, delightful taate. but th? medicinal qualitieeof th»- nt hern F CollertmoA mwde thrvMirh««it WESTBOUND EASTBOUND remedy ar? obtained from M-nna and of its soluble compounds and thus acts Troop.” ‘ Matii«la's Address Bookby eliniai«*, excellent inilu«*n«-es for sludent«. < «mrw of «tody th«* same a* at other N<»rni-ils of the state. Or*-« n, and on all armaiible potata. 6 a. tn. other an »ma tie plant«, by a method as an imJirecl fertilizer. Ashes alar» Wargaret Mutton Briscoe, illustrsted by L?ave Grunts Pass .... ...Sa. m | I/eave Crescent City . B«-*t advantage in V«Hal and In-truuiental n>n«ic tube found in Moutheni Oregon. known to the C alif * »«sis F m * Myarr have s beneficial action in neutralizing i. B. Frost, is one of the most enter I J. D. FRY, TWtat. Arrive at W ildo................ 6 p. ni | Arrive at Waldo. .... 8p. m. Co. Training •< h««rl fully e«|uip(»e<l amt in ■ barge of a thorough rriti«- teacher. only. In order to get It«» bens«icial Tuition <»i |»er term « ihi - i - »> « i>l <l«l p«*r term; l>oar<l at hall <1 75, and lodging50«* L-ave Waldo.................... 4 a. Hl | I>eave Waldo................. jo a. m. effects and to avoid imitation«, plea»? the*e a* I«!«, but of co*iroe the supply is taining features of “The Drawer.“ J. T. rUFF-4. Vice PreM !*nt. pet week, student« furnishing l»ed «iolbing, family board <2..' j Oand <3. at Crescent Citv.. 6 p. Arrive at Grants P am .4 y>v m. rmMBMiber the full name of the Company iiruite«! The m«/st econ«Huical form in leMie Van Zile I’xlden enntiibutea “Not R. A. B ocfhi . ( as I: . w au printed «>n tbe frotit of every package «huh to «!•« tlx lime is governed mu«-h «41 the p«Mwr>f»r I •ft,” and Wok*4l lx is line paaaea is lieanliiul . A de- The sbortaat and nmsi thorough i I Clear Bean! tells a pathetic story of a bv c<mdit>ons an«! cannot be set CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. view «ia«xe<* for tea« hers Ihroeenoti Ewrnr*’ sa > r'*« vcraco cal tie «»? information, a>i«ir?as Fir»< terms «»pen Heptem forth tu a general statenMNlt.-*-Oregon I I gaiegrapb operator in a rough West -rn LOVraVILLK XT XXW TUB*. H T. S('OY, President, Ashland, Oregon. Experiment Bulletin. Pu. MM wr lx Ik — Tr*. Ws- ami UuUl« town. J C. HARPER, Grants Pass, Or.. Manage I ► ► » ► I > I » » ► I Wear the Best Buy Camp and House Furnishings Right Welch’s Clothing Store, EAST and SOUTH .A. ZK"_ CTSS, Staple and Faacy Gros ?ries,Provisions Joseph Kessler, G ants Pass Marble and Granite Works State Normal School FIRST NATIONAL B -A. TSF ŒC Grants Pass ßL.s Ui UÜ -STAGE LINE cent City Carries t . S. Mails. Pa^enuers and Stage Express. Southern Oregon State Normal School TIME TABLE.