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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1899)
ROGUE RlVtx PÜRIER rVBUSMXA SVSBY flMQHBSS» PRICE A VUORHIE5. U jb R9IAL » BICYCLE ECONOHY enarca auû The monev »■ u pav for a nt* wheel is sonie- naes onlr part of the price. The bicrcle- mender gets the rest. If you bur M nd:*'**** THE CRESCENT man to drop -»verytLiAng when ie re- ve**? th« ase. In »everaj fo tifo reports .«Ntueti tbrungn 1 Au**vvr««l. **Y the prwee and emdeta by -»•» Tm'ed v i need have only a bowing My -uuipuiAun rv ' weamer btirean. r » «tatod shat they don t ; with the wheel-tinker tao un .reuse nan*« eo»d wane in hewruarv young.’’ □ad -ions httie er no ianage. There re L .j*« toe «ufor—-T r many ressns« ports are no toabt compitai troua tao iitoe Buu partMEfoariy oecsa»* four «tatementa received from ocal ubservere ur lu .4 . the time to invest, gute the wore of the •nd corvea|K>e*tom£a throagnnt tae «taie, give* m* fuá young! W< utwa principal, and ¡1 tie s found veettoy, and cooimg from ♦wn a searce ami higto they should retain him and »apport authority as the Caitod -'Matee wvmttoer inai a person is tow -Jid tor *-iue p •na and ho»d him reepoosibú» for the »arena, are preeuxued to bo correct and •ji e<upiuymenr.*jr Auc-.r la.s j » a new management a iîm adfoeL îbe -)wf reí ata», and are very natarnJy bdieved view, Yuu young iciAJ .eoa with pity fouuid require tne prmcipa. to mase >y rhe fruit grower» Advices reteired m oien and wemen ji threescore, out rsuomaxeadax.ons with ihe reasons at this aift< * however, ’ all kinds. m □ractica. UUt 4» SO ACCUOAL >1 yoar a«iperenee, T itmoat , M ay h . tS9- ’berefor >.*mu*eniing all the <topertOMMBto» tali eg rawer* ah i meruoero of this boari Lk«ter.. an«t you tosil near •erne ut ti» ie Repairing neatly done. hey aaow about wnat naa been ione ifo argeiy upon hie advise. lì ÙAU» rrorn the variem» line nets, are jf a infer- .fasadvan ag»*« fo being voting. . r the RAMBLERS. Y au don t w là« vmœ jî monev bt^p by »top eireoten ts.egraphy a ; form g me ysar may be tuiaaisd up m >rincipie s ont followed, tne doari ent nature, and the iamage done ¡a bw riisre was a girl who ¡named u can nut have failli com mg more and m*.re apparent every mung pragross. It j » now a »messest he Tras red vine as *xpres«4ed ny thus« eertainiy •nori range and tone w di matte it vu at • Bo are interested enough to express a i a the ability of the man woo cbaacee lay. eepecia. v in rue m «Ml* Wfoam t«va. AB»i her ti a. her gave her |L to be at the head of ’.heir «cheei. li to* •* TUe voung man wnu was her ausoni I ibe or a diada* oí »tertain touchers. * ■' an 1 .ar - ^i-iern long ran^ _______ fl1 V») more ¿ram à it lather In t > Fepeianty with pu pu s ls net byanv, board bae »mbtiwnce in it« principa, ! »-he Cmpq’ia and R*>gire river va.’ey» es- es -I-Mnl. CrtC pjí Eight hundred mi.lisn «foliare as a means positive dhm M ’.hat the teacher is and then wi.inoa follow tofo re«*omm«*n rh 'ap»*«i witboat injury. W-* bnow now »ears alt that nettey <1.4 g'Hl»* •tesi »tea. trawl a someth i eg g gan :ic. me persea for the pisce. A toucher may . dai Joe. ce a >x»amieraoie extent at .eaet. 'Oat tifogsanafa of young prune trees cuufoe was ton vsung The Astencan pw»p»o ttnow now to form be a fine, .capable hMtrwtor, an «seal ¡ •-hen the board ;* incompetent. You >foa t know the al Ür*«iU3. bare been a;. *fd jq an ts But aiapteit to eummnaiiun« to beat the world. lent di»eiplm»r'an j»n<l vtiliihe verv pop— ! Subordinai* toacto-?re who ar* sot i fruit raising, and íbuasomis of <)tiiori [ buew a giri who l.dn t w.i»« waac ir I liar with her pupos, but often to do 1 ‘oyel to the principal and who w . not ptant«td on more :a ra- ie land have was y iee an ache »>r pain, sbe .augoed A Fam Ll-rar» of une^iuilej mne-Fr^,. Pmnianc McKinley bas make ip bui I Cp-w^late. Caoctse au4 C.»mpr:li<:asive-Hi^' I chis reqforee ths employ ment of ract ap me everv endeaver to aid him m bu* •teen ssnouniy m;ared, and d aeg eetmi at the idea M :aa ag toid. ?Ue would Minici - Frutea Aid Bcaunfuily Liain-.Z^’ tn.o4 tu pay tae Flcilia rasai a «imi Une re tact by the tea*.-ner To the writer's ' work •huu.d bave their otficiai toemfo le- manv w ettbor tie ar become jermu- not wear Liiick »h«jes «be hateo dan net •ammar He euakc eng ega tw kaiee own knowledge, reme <»c the pocreet I -.«pirated at the eerlfoeb -We. it a aentiy crippmd. and «oca tree* nee«l oar Audefiotu^v, and the other day I saw fn 'h* By JACOB BIGQLE taken a luuk at Cha western part at thin teachers he ever »aw were sxeerd.ngiy ¡ •uhoui ever resene* chat «cage where ita uimost -are rghr now. her ¿«»mg tu a »tuetors ufice where *oe •»i Abren No. . BK jü LE HCRSE BOOK great cuuatry All about H >rw-a Commo«-»™. Tratte _ Notice with the pnptis. because per» aea«i fails to do hie «fatty for fear of in- The •n’unwi emd ram. which mas*» toid. ai» -ae was taxing crtatin«Mit. I •« matraco«« a «aun work. Pr-« manes «he may have worbeti to that «mng the diapfeusure of h’s as«is*ref» the fruit drop naturally tu i »- nave known vnung men istt as r-ca ese. wgued, No. 2-BKKIAE BfcfciRV BOOK ' Abram t Pigre? ns turned anew at ieh.and lent end, beueving that popularity with pup- ¡ ,uw their indawnce dirertiv or couragemenr. And m «iddi jo . a eg’»«cl «W Lt may be .ivraie lor a » c id er :. « U i.»ut <-:wn< -m. . Fruira—r^rf >_ . of. and an woe« xat4 the trip boms to *aaf rancisco costala u colorad litelikc rrpnWu^,u. t . „. e would bo •onstr’ied a » ui i — n » ¡a the udirertiy tgamst n.m to ociaia i s rw the orchard will mvte fongns 1;reares wet ground, marca with «lamp •— ah . the »aid 4« nnt» tod i.» otter úlatratioa ¿2^ in «even boere. They did sot wait for a work Others gain p«>pa!arity by tfat- novel, that «chool i» rotragraiiing. It an-i mret't preti», imi for these reasons •ar poor m* d Ln rnat case, when rhea- aet,e*»’*arv No. 3— BIGGLE POCLTBY LOOK ' celebrai.on a .»mg toe me,bai kepi »teert liter the dm b'i 7 All loout Ponitrv che oest Poultry aœk U tory and ieception. the falsity of which íes bren aprjarewflv me aim Hihe iu- a.»»ne the «pray pump must he kept go- maiisui eûmes, he «¿«serves sympathy teila everyth :ng with-3 celuned life-hke ren te the «aid adni ily oa till they reached their loft. hi 1 dren are rarely capable »if discera ng. * rent «moni baiarla in thia city to em -ug. regarais*« of «ny «’r»»p -jr no crop and a pen-.un, but ae young man who Abe Axfel of ill the principal crst-S with mj ,n it W aa eM aiax.m, “In honest aire •• resistant» movtlv home tales We W'.’uid therefore urge *n -st varare»- wastes nis physic-Al -»-so ur -es Waay ef th- mining men in Landvtlir No. 4— BIGGLE COW BOOK work bec «tightt hours per day re«i ro- s rhe aubiest work <rf rèsi.” bat it «aich ¡a ail ngtoi, provided ail thing«« apea awneri of inpire»l < r fruitière trees, and ieservH* « > bl be gets : All Cow» turf -Jw Dairy Sutmaa ka_. ..... .-cotaia I iolor»<l, r-prococr.« These *ouid be well now to amend me max m «»«ng equa., ths home tftlw&C •» re good not to tacóme dis«nMrag«*a bat to give sped oí i >ese and a -foe mve S3 per dav tor their work 1V Mil. oroed. witli :ja other tUuscruioa Pntt « men night to Bave time far seif culture > houeett ««far ;s ti.e «¿wiser j for the salary paid re eosUM be obtained .heir frees -«x ra 'fare, tjy pruning oif in W l Ao rain No. 5— BKJGLH SW INE BOOK eisewhere if aur hume teachers cannot jured .: a j *». «praying, a-.d moattlforoagk Tea fon t »now tifo vaLuw d ttey *rw ol tte kiad wku iwir» m •** d *i«L Tk« pru , m n it J aout A.1 .boat H .n—ar-ortm» F-^'m» tea. »r, Luma. «tc. C.intaia aw [ J au lary provsment. many men and wo<n«m who are faithful malts themseivts dret-bae» they should cultivation »if the voi . for tnev a red it Yaung «-mo. if voti act the une. tad : c .1 ct engraving,. Price 50 .... —r retire at enee. The fact r.bat they are more.nght now ’nan if in aea.thv forni.- cm4ili 'u- .* «.I tritte with the heartsof i — Old «!•«-■ -I 4 J ,4 The Sl.ji.Lfi BOtiKS irr aupie or-^nal biwoi _ ~ t u uvth.n« i.Jte them ~ k pra¿ti^l, Attorney General * mgge ioee nod'■**** »im** what they f, ia a remuneraci ve living a the district shoaui not be cea- ¡ uun. 'mou result - vare to follow to or threw »uuny men. y*aa are .la ”OU *n eaurmcua mie—Eat Wmt Nortt'wi how the guvreamsnt will be able to h reuse draw from is. But on ttoe.«abas «trnsd re a <}ualideation. Noas should ' the fruit as «unie jf three trees may vet vume day aiui you will »a ?aith. Beery me who teepe . Horw. Cow'Ho, y vhicken r z- wh *ma. Fruits, ought u. iene -¿m« inytning with the ggan’c truste which I hand there ars «corse at Ü lsob , both men os empieved who du not covet ths high- ! •xear thi» year being larger and finer. I ABuw hue cruel L was Awu/ far the BK*ûi_£ B4XJAA. The are sow oeuig formed. Lf there is au | red women, who are »u incompetent est aitai ni nent in the p rei essi on. Tern h l 4S«i by reai* n at this extra 'are turn ywsng.” remedy egamsc he trist then are we that they actually io more harm than mg year in »nd year auf, vat is i! rd with ! trees will »»art w 1 renew»**: vigor u «1 Young man, if yon -see taa doomed .n soorve at time good, and this the general public oiten only haif way «scottasse is an a nasal th-| reward their owners tor th«*i- addir i ai likes yon. don’t srorn her Frieo«ishipe work w • an atoirntan» »• httifo to «se. With iaeh, children w-Jl fol anti doeoving «ign ’.m .-g ness. Don’t ±uur your sei I> your p.ner made for er,« .«,( , m„St — U Generai Gomes. taw Cuban hero. I Acquire tbs habit of beeoomng laaccu creeds, poo tics, palls and aocitetum are year old t u. the »reac wtlrt-iow. an themail-m ,s. are pientv of inure women m me wor quit alter too have-»,d .t. Farm ,n.l H maenoid been oat dy the traett before armv i-u I rets, thsv loos their pride, their red re- not 4 aal ideations for the frhool r< 4oa Rev-rwe are axe€ w ra a ah w a . a » of If you believe that true .ove ie pleat;! _ie wnrtu -the l-.iagtM ;,aDer , r it» ...e ,n the "mte tea 'tart this sprin die banded he w prave a iiee p. e i «pect. been «ne lol lera, in brief, they and the board should catte no cbeagfit de, ttie merchant r he baaJier, the arti» ul xmer-.ut—aavm, uVer 4 million aau »teli regate reate. and cheap, it is because you are r bs using character. Ü <iea. Braofce aaeee««iw m earn wav» of ioing thing«» that they are M them .n .max mg their •eìectione. ♦an *nd the grata »armer a «ilare a iha voring. Aay CFE if tie BIGGLE BC-OIS. and the FAM JOQJAL beeping Iowa traabie m Cuba, tu» wu< rum psi tai all through ufo to un earn Let otir «ch'jo i» go forward by weed in of year 4, «o to «peatt »hv «noald the Yon don't know the oi repat. a :’.^tete2T?AriMkÎ:h'EÏ?“ “** “•» * « * -i ba a more remaraanle --haracter Bai habits are easily retained. who» JUt the mcmupetent- and by retaining fr'iirgrower be mem pt even in ttm» muet 1 tai i on. Think ot it; your tacher .nJ sample .1 F AgM JC<_R?* a L and circular ¿esenbmg BIGGLE 8ÙOL5 r-e av<>m{ »laLk* of our«. and promoting tho«e roun-i capai mother are so w 'eepec'.a.l, Cuerr in Many «f br. ?hetdun Jmctaow’ • roin- ‘ 400«i ones are as easily forgotten. \ lA V i I T U tea* .a-tei. ? laawiaia r I- XAttJ« JOIS.MAL 1 ’r»-gun :ru aie iindmg av<>r in many never t word »t sesadnl breathed igaia-»’. Paw Boao Pt buco . Two teachers may be at work m ad ? ^¿)4L?X a der which h« parchare*! is Northern old m.»r^< • and *; ; h the new marttei« juining rooms, both receiving the • bjiih i ’ hem ; your father's wor»i is his bond City 'Ittici.-. P^nrt Europe tor the government iasc year opening up i*. r ne demand it» certain y i amount jf wages yet iae of them mav v«mr mother » presence bushesali reugl died and he will latte a trip to - boria Bwiow wh print a report •>? th« inrraaemg, eat th « demand m only for i tn.« : iihv ar- as church every *un<fov for the purpese of purchasing mere ' vo an increasing, while the other is 1 iror anil police puigo eov«rtnx cne : m- [hr. Wi. ¿17 Grs? sf lh. Ch r^'lst^nJr •< «-*» • ‘•’"-»->4 âret cla*e fruit« and meh irui*. uannut be Y )<tng man, io you [eei secure in tn»i ». The one. an , <€) PERA "iw uv L- m.’atha ending April itch. 1 gra wn on negiectirl and InteiMed tre«*, usi .ea ’.ney give voa. bu t*7'- 3 miles east or Moron. Thirty « meug-r you . will stake the tr * . n sail tkey j Ì 4 t •* ,«wr «nlarv *r" boeoaao '■■—-— *n- is forceu . Cash in Treasury. General •ultivaciun. «eversi hontireti árañ imi rhe i)—r ia a . 4- ver wu ; w g-.v« -latfion y cage a irtnic in t »a - a jr ta taxe it, will «pend a year iuing groad will bf the »1» >t * see* -relient water, es» y ternia. G ba STS P vmi , April 19, 1<W . •» nt tauti^ i • care ah «! a'cenUun to ! re*“I worg taiMing rtoometor forming *w*«ar org»» vh»*’* »here are i To the H n M.iy ir and>. n □ 0» tree* ac meh a time oe me prevent. and SNMDea rwenty-aeo murder« ne*e been -em- uabits ef thcr jugunese in «very detail. Young wuuan. ConnciL — ih «-ire to w;a n the end, nv anundant »— dignified ‘.ian your mo iier. ami ar« nitted n r*v»tgl'A« -ounty »in«e UKM «u»» enly to «re the other at the «Mue wdary , Sent; -anznai itatene;!: t - •r i •« tnd ’■"‘in’iiiHra.. 1 price« hence we you vutnet:mes 41. ■ / or ai ; i . u » or * . ■ i a eerreependent end bn .11« et «rutina «<• •*» *«ar w > a.e tame u. - «, tn It not handled by an experi 1 mon Council ehowing rwmpt» And * « . »uv uj i. jrenar lidi « ' Don t de- you»* at bar wutiid hsappreve * end th;« one the people ’-iott he aw in do ad her wort and dx the oppeaite in A' ELK red land, a four muai i bunmen-» from October 19, IMJb enced V :u may .am and piaster tutifo, Vj ;m; ■ mair. ion i, ¿»«i iiecuaarge<i. 4t*u rigu€ in . Vhe high position y their own hand«, in other worin, lynched the minds jf the children, which al April 19, I ■OH appiè?«. Feoctte» ¿.xpesAx be jssured of food results if fruits, mostly A.- 'ig L- we exum.’ted a muet joun'-iiii iu*c ami then you w.!l the murderer Perhaps the failure to •c«>re jt first ciase teacher» can not era good weil, e erytiiiag iuæwu Fund. Oct. 19, I*W I harvest, and go< «I remi G are cenata to not know how preen? uh aru and ine p ia» e. J u.« t j at oi the âr J •x««rtr« baa »o meth in g to -io with dirato m as manv years. It would Ite Cash tn Treasury. Special you have your prescrptious .uiiijw ^tare B< ard ji H rticu tare. prompting the peooie to lynch. botu»» tor the ch dren toon v >ut three u*eQcw. my family huuar. Fund. Oet. 19, II mh » 1N £ ,e hm en- e •;• iu compounded here. ■ B M \ i : . months frvm a thoroughly comustsnt Li'-eni*. t'M.-ripca an. rmw. tation. 1 w xa tou young P iUce court ............... built huUne 4 ruom-. turni anüû..; I’ewey will aave g’vse him >ne >t a * toUkrifor at f bN) per month than to have B v H Ntt E. tH.'i ii Sac Ot’ course you will «ay r rute i » la wed and uet. ’ eMary out uiuLmp. t** Pound fees Film ¿ntl PUte Cameras for Sak or ^¿nt. fYundswc receptions ever tender*! any a me months from an acorn potent uno at is terribie pro«y and peaeby. le ta be- oc .aad. at a good elevation aow««»; TM M iaceilaneoue. 9 5 man. when be-earnee this country I uiv 135 per month •jt tne town. Owing Su iiaiut l « case« i love ysu . youngsters, Aa-i thune SIXTH SI EEET. to Allumer -taue, owner wui -H*n « j »3 A. E. VOORWES. tnan »hefod be boon red, and why not« it Total ................... •2 3! Normal «choel diplomas eiav be good, who have made miar i aies, how my heart cost. Lauuire of an. I •ureiy ougnt to be Admiral Dewey ea<> and teacher » cen ideates are aeeeeeary, I By warrante eanevUed Caurer Office. yearns t □ward yea! la there a j toope? . Ente rear oa sum»* 73 \ Acre?» or red .and iying *-ta •* Effective. March 21«t. and until farther Are shown hi nisei I the greateett man but neither is verified evidence »hat the ! Warr tute cancelled, yon asa Yea si ways nope. Y ou re- Ai punure. ave aurea ui ca-BnMUi. 'ill ..S.S.S.M □•it.i-e. the rrhern Paeidc. eeesod class .and i» une uni.« truiu Granfi* r'»w. whu ever trav*r»sd ths deep, [t ie rhe bolder » a , ta. *i n«tni< <»r < * ju . member hat won«¿erial at.racle, i where m 0 ■ r - ta Port and tram Sr. p*nl an j other ¿round and aliuoet pertectiy pnrte»^ 7S1 .0 country» duty to do him honor red n There ¡s u > q often no incont veto toorh < tasti on hand. general fund a great mult tad« eoa red witto a rew irosi, wiL tnaite a tuie unibeMk 33 Eastern terminals will he 125. wi. bo d«»ne is rayai »Cyls when he and» erv to »c-4 out faithfu* y, year tn ami Cheti .□ hand. Spec. fUn«i .«laves an« dt»n«e> and aiterward they E. E. D vn 3 ah . Agent. T 11 Acres. 3 miie» ;“ ghi - in New Yurt about next 'wpcembor or year out, because effo will «ee the new gAtnereu ip 12 basketfuls t ¿ragmenta Total over I.--«* MfATJM < Grant.» Pas* Dre. •*»o*r *nd s*xper en« ed use a pusit.ea aeng it seems to me »ouietimes that alter a Apple*. I aj acres ‘»f tma athi j > 1 •ottani rseriD. baking powJer At river outturn, and m tn« autiat «ide of her and command a «a.ary e«pia. certain period of life we have b •ubaiat Photognphii: Supoiio. Water and Light M) Smaror Hoar «peala e< the Eilipmoe to her own. Is it a«>t a fact, may I res appie ueic in me countrv 4Tuasg -JU fragments of pre«eediiig Hardware H are proving tne m-»c prodtaoe an be iag ly^hed by thia go wer on ent. I rJlat <,spFr, ’ M) ---------- *—lenee which ire i*u*oii»i rated I Lumber ................................. uie iruit ra M*r. Here -> i muitv«11 71 Fragments o< beauty, subecan«’*. .oie. The e«d grauem an muet bave a night | v----------- 50 a very proa tame in vestineut i’a« • Smarte» iM) j its worth ><ight to be >i mere vauie than and most ot ail, fragments of w SduOJ Opposite Court House. gou<i 3 room, Oari amah iw««- 1 mare uetaeiona » n ue dayunie er elee _______ <M) Street w rtt 114 inexperience ' ^ciiewi buar»is iq ths bwught by e xperienee. An«l yet It :» a tmalrer uouae. guwi vei •«*» r«f-,a I Miscellaneous MO he ta u> b:a intag*, ^uch being th«- running water m me yanL fbaffo 1 wet «chouis never thmM e< paying a . ii* to latte a urigater view than -rane ae itou d hardly be cuaaidtfrwd re- i lew toucuer re auch re they pay those us miervd tor >a.e acrotini M a. Tul * that. Jeeussakd' * Gamer u; fiar •peneibie tor hie liberane*« altaougu they .5 and growing mnrmiry oi toe jeutf M _ _ *ho have been tried and m no «ense men s, tnac aothiog be foot. * S kxis do great iamage. h 1« i A’. tLE.-’ oq Appaiai«, » **.WliM *>m< i fo*nd wanting Ptortlaad .s tuppiwe«i to .eee ragmen .» m i.-c aa ? been verv ¡5 arm. 2G»> acrtii ji ether* are «rgeiy reoponeibl«, morally .h<? public »cheoi «vstem m vear hncire ;arru ean '< .nefl* *o..ed, u isey and anattracuve. and per •pealing, far the biowdened el «er bwy« Löe. #(au. ìiu n taaen trulli uie AppmjM* J 25 the viate. an«l there. whaiev*r mav at Maa. a. Il n ami not been ’er attar laps Jesua meant that »uose je«.ce 3D .arui :uuul ne marne ver prie«* ■ Save Oeea the ’«teener « experience s ne- up-i4>-ia*.e tamier. W->rua Tí the H n Mayor an Bocee j «acá men i a very iou wi 1 V ibi red f ricada in »QHUid giv« ttoe eaviagp to others Si ixe tMHigiii iur uaa that xaivun^ | waers. vneoiiiMt cummenci 15 Council :— there had been an» dgn ag :ortiinate /ist as we a.wayv give . the graumi door, «u to tu« 10 I hereby submit to you my »eml- nigmeato of alvic* to wmetot« ip is vhe s an»* to snow 25 annual rsport ae Trwosurvr at said th« lucby man «anseives. At any rat«, IOr and 15 war« want »he is worm aity for the six m aths «»ading April you da.sQ «ach «pjsude at ot . whemer all kirtfo at the This principle «terns never « [*>, î W su«*» ess:ul or l.ssstr A E. V.., bhibs . tn*»ught <>f m Grants Fas« 1 Bui oa han»4 Ort. 14 140 ragmento. they will girts can enter the M-huoi r» at sufasoudy «tee. and Tax««* fratti wy in»«« 7tr.:Tï uà u ytxDivr ihte 'T Li<|uur license •»* Barat l> Moment that we and the dm v»»sr coaimana ruuew court« n te tifo«« who e?w or» those whs have proves 11 w irth. Biucti ab4jv« von : licensee ’ >; oc-rai r ri- . L,tr.At_ This is diecriminatnin W • tile 'M»le wma impf vwm a U I ■'r rrors w« naaw wusu jh " * u * ,ave nit,R«y »y purunac-mg S 1 IV WQ« young mu piaster 3n>h. Neu* P acific s « o Cc*>*i«y. T tai is lari .otun and mu a ¿«trier»* 4a** I Retail. Warranto •at mut. trum appiè» and ?»«•» • «e v-n • a« raiaent<» Cal '»tra* Manes, nid -eiei’teti *.'u sb*3rj [ntercet a nai j Agent» -leties. A go«Ml well and iHiiimg». jrtaaing a »*?r^ Attd w*.mm m;nuE*»> Waitt A -«** ‘ __ '""-ALT. A. MOOb BIGGLE BOOKS FARM JOURNAl Cleaa. Bright and Fresh PN2TO 5UP7L1E5 Death Lurks in Trugs.... I Best S iour Grocers 1 Smith & Holman I Uhiòcrtakcrs ON HIS ANKLE 5 «•>-•■» Ob»tinA*e so nrt’is* to hoal i 9 a beevc And AT* A SILT« . » tn a derrarud <- c- a V H IMGE X 1 . V ....... y«>u bave Lhs money, come»** w me matter jver. •nt a gurei U.K OK K V< k'res m north part <>• buu*e ot 7 Mina.' **a -u. guoti weii wua pom? * GUi ¿ u re» _n a ¿«neri. ». Jne-Bsii >i wluch ia * n:*r M’P“ seht ->n es» y ierm.-i. eoa i; «M AL O titi . >>•)»»}. s — DtMUt and out rmmux ' in pmccattle ’« ru«c» w.. k be repum i buca brand ime m vevere, ng aaBjuriiv .a »on ». e... taav - are oi a* u-wa r<n»ri. * * tWStt 1 $