Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1899)
PRKE üü QUALITY QUÆRÆNTEEb rURE NNED GOODS I v/ All our Canned Goods are Absolutely Guaranteed to be Good, no matter how Cheap the Price. Columbus (Standard) Tomatoes are only........................ Magm ilia Bluff, : lb Salmon ** “ ........................ 2 Cans of ‘ Maine" Sugar Corn ... ............... Deviled Ham, small cans............................ . Armour's Sliced Ham, one pound cans nothing finer; Armou: s Sliced Bacon, “ “ “ " EB óc M’ ’Grocery H. C. Bobzien, Propr. ALIKF. UPON GOOD PAINT AND BAD. t!5TERCo It is tnade in It stands every test. It takes hold Paste and Liquid form. It is guar anteed for uve YEARS. of the wood—be- comes a par: ■t of it. •ftÀDL ftA**» PATTONS SUN PROOF PAINT IS GOOD PAINT. Cramer Bro«. ODD FELLOWS' BLOCK. BICYCLES HAR1GVARE. WAGONS We have Just Received' a CAR LOAD of These Wagons were put up expressly for our trade in this moun tainous country. Thev have p tints which make them superior to other wagons. Call and see them. The Jewell Hardware Co Council Meeting. Th ? new city council me' an I organ- xecll last Wednesday n zlr, the 1 1 h The retiring police jut:*. I’ uirr Mc- Greg sw ore in the new "tlicers. Bond# ot the police judge and treasurer w re filed and approved M M R num at«* wan elected pre* 1«lent of the ctnin il to presi I»* in the absence of the mayor. The mayor named M»*. Hugjsrih for asarehal but the council rejected the uunonation, thereupon the mayor then named Will Lister who was confirmed by a unanimous vote of the council. David Keenau was then nominated for day police but the cou: il could n < ic- qQiec< > with the mayor in this particu lar an«l hence no day police was elected. The mayor then nointnate<l M. E. 8toc kbridge for street commissioner but the council for some reason, not knov. n to us, rejected the nomination. Joni. Patrick was then nominate«! and confirmed. The mayor appointed the follow ig conimi'.teeM for tbe year: Ways and :_ local ibappcninga Liras at Cramer Bros. >hoee repaired at Hackett’s Clemens, Druggist, opp. Opera House. Horseshoeing at Trimble A Barber's Where do you get your hair cut? Try Will Mallory. When buying flour, feed, grain, hay, etc , see Pike. See those Photographs for 75c per dos. at Clevenger’s gallery. High grade correspondence paper at the C ockier office. Goods tor the Many, not for the Few. —Calhoun Grocery Co. Take vour shoes to Hackett for good work and right prices. Fifty pairs of ladies’ shoes to close out at $1 paair.—J R. Hale. Bicycle Hospital at Cramer Bros. Send in your sick wheels. DLJ CDV photik . rapher 1 II t 10 I Opp. Court House lWering Mowers and llay Rakes at Get our Special Price on Syrup in Pails; it will Surprise vou. C 6 1------------------------ 1 Means, Tom Smith, Fay ami Roter- imind; Finance, Harry Smith, McGrew ami Punbar; Fire and Water, Fay, Fetsch ami Finn mage; City Improve inents, Smith, Dunbar ami McGrew; Health, IL E. Smith, Fay an«i Roter- tnund; Judiciary, Tom Smith, Fetsch and Rummage. The Forbes Interchangeable. By far the l*est album for Kodak pho- tographx i'« the Forbes Interchangeable photograph album fur unmonted photo- graph-. They ar«* handsome leather covered h»oks made for 6 » and 120 pho tograph^. One beauty of the book is that 3'2x3’2, 4x4 and 4x5 photograph« can be put in the same book. Call and see them. i'Leiogs also in stock. A. E VookHiEH. Th«- Christain Endeavor so iety of the Presbyterian church will hold its regu lar weekly prayer meeting next Sunday at 6:30 p. m., the tepic being. ‘‘The Gift of Power.” Acts 1 :l-8 Everyliody i- cordially invited to attend. J. Wolke is building a warehouse just back of his hardware store Good good sc heap— Beat prices paid at I Front Street Second Hand Store. Where do you get your shaving done? 1 Call at Will Mallory’s shop. 1 L>un’t forget the Strawberry Sociable un Weduesday, May 24, at Odd Fellow’s hall. Pattoa's Sunproof Paints (guaranteed) at Cramer Bros. We get trade by keeping the best goods; Calhoun Grocery Co. Try our Coffees and Teas. Something good for the money. See window. Pike’s grocery. Call to see Miekleson at his new shoe 'bop near the post office. He will du you first class work. Christ Riedel, graduate o( I ipsic uni versity and a student in Paris, is organ izing private classes« in Latin, Greek French and German. Terms to tee had at Dr. Kremer’s. A genuine, good flour, the pride of Douglas. Every sack guaranteed, or money refunded. For sale at Pikes. Strange that people will pay |50 for a bicycle when |35 will buy just as goo 1 a one. T. IL Hood sells the Crescent. Our business, Your Interests ; Calhoun Grocery Go. Read R. L. Coe and Company’s ad on tbe fourth page« f this issue You will find something advertised that you will want. Why do you pay |12 to |13 a ton for poor grain hay to the Merchant Combine when >cott Griffin is Belling the best grain hay at $10.50. We want to contract to have 100,000 feet of lumber cut and sawed. Also 225 boxes put on our ditch in G a I ice creek, A lexander de B ent . The Northwestern Life Ins. Co. has the reputation of paying the largest div- ideuds to policy holders. And with its “New Policy” is better prepare«! than ever to give you just what you want. N. P. D odge , Agent. Prut J. M. Garrison is proprietor of the Forest Grove Poultry Yard and be keep- the tiuest breeds. If any one wishes anything in this line, they will do well to confer with Mr. Garrison while he is in town. Lime at Cramer Bros. The quartz mill at ttie Greenback had to be closed down for want of water this week, but Mr. Sutherland informs ns that bis steam mill will be ready in a short time ami it can run at all times as water for this purpose will be abundant. Here’s richness, 40 pound first class Petite Prunes, $1 ; Calhoun Grocery Co. The Southern Oregon Medical Associa tion, which met in Medford last week, elected Dr. J. B. Wait of Medford, presi dent; Dr. H P. Hargrove of Phoenix, secretary. The next meeting of the as sociation will be held in this city. Don’t forget the Strawberry Sociable on Wednesday May 24th at Odd Fellow 's hall. The indebitness on the Ashland Nor mal s< hooi building has tee«*n raised am! the properly accepted by the state. The citizens of Ashland were very liberal in their donations. Something over $20o0 were subscribed, which satisfies all claims against tbe institution. The Normal school presidents of the state uiei at Salem last week at the re quest of State Supt. Ackerman, for the purpose of planning a uniiorui course of study fur all tbe institutions, A four years course was adopted to take effect September 1, 1900, but until that time . the present course will be but three years. Soune 300 tons of copper ore is being packed out on mules from the biskiyou eopjier mines 011 the lower Illinois river to Selma a distance of 15 miles. It will then be hauled in waguas—20 miles—to Grants P mm and shipped thence by rail to San Francisco to a smeller. Ttee contractors get $20 per ton to deliver it at the Pass. The phenom in al richness of the ore and the prevailing high price of cop|»**r make it possible to do this at a profit. Strange It seeini* strange that prupie will buy cheap wheels and pay a big price tor them when they can get a fine high grade Stearns for only $50.— Redfield's. It serins strange that a certain bicycle dealer should take exception to the above legitimate advertisement. It wan sot intended for him individually, lie is not tip' wn'y Pebble. There are others tt.41 - ts cheap wheels and get ju .. iwoney for them, and they are just ae snide as his. The statement that hie $35 wheel is just a- feud as a high grade $50 bicycle is not well sub stantiated- L>o we find them like the “etearnw” >wding the main thoroughfare of the ge riuew? No. Do we find them in th • g'eat Relay races where «iefecta ere * ?»t likely to show themselves? No. I we find them in any of the great R >ad ra<e« where it requires a wheel of great strength, apee<l and darability? No I*u we (!ind triem in any of the great Ira k events wteure friction is guarded aga<net more than any one thing'’ No. But we do find them in tbe small towns < £ ■ < • b.ue overalls, the celluloid collars, tbe Waurrbofy watches, the Zulu shotguns sr.’i uare backed ma-es, «here any old thing fRRR. T I>r. Flanagan, Resident Dentist. Lime at Cramer Bros. I Whip#, 10c to <2.50 at Hackett’s. ■ C. St Louie for watch repairing W. S Badov of App'.rgatu apont a day in town thio wevk. See Voorhiea if you want a camera. IL C. Telford made a trip to Yreka, Read the mammoth ad on the fourth California one day this week. page. S. O. Ruble of Golden made a visit to , Columbia and Harliord Bicjrrlra at tbe Paso Monday of this week. | Cramer Bro®. Is Often Necessary in W. A. Leonard of Althouse was regis See Mickleson, the MW ahoemnkei. tered at Hotel l«ytun last Monday. He ia in town. Selecting Groceries. Hon. J. W. Virtue of Leland was Harness of all Kind«, Grade» and visiting in Grants Paas last Monday. Pricea at Hackett’s. Vegetable* are coming m fresh every 1 Henry Harth and wife left Monday for a trip of a few days out at Waldo. I day now. Pike has them. A Sample of the Effects of trading at the Calhoun Grocery is seen Col. J. A. Straight will deliver the in our Customers themselves. Makes them tat and they look prosper Trimble A Bacher are prepared to do oratiou ia this city on l»oeoratioti day. i all kinds of blacksmithing. ous because they eat the Best. Considering all they Save on our .Mias Goodin expects to return to her Weekly Oregonian and C olrikk $2. Spleudid Bargains, they should be Prosperous. Let us supply all you | Coffee, Highest possible grade at low home in Hillsboro, Oregon, next Satur waut in the Family Grocery Line. You will save Money and Worry. day. est possible pricea ; Calhoun Grocery < o. Walter Dyke and Marshall Stites cauie Tbe eighth aud ninth grades are Fanciest Eastern Sugar Cured Hams, 12c a pound. taking their annual examinations this ia from Williams creek last Saturday on their wheels. Oregon Packing House Hams, tic a pound. week. Lincoln Savage came down from County Hams, 10c a pound. Sold on instalments. Bicycles at Cra Woodville whore be is teaching school, Petite Pruues, 3c a pound or 40 pounds for Si.00. mer Bros. last Saturday. 10 Pound Pail Jelly, any kind, 65c. He that knows and knows that be Miss Elsis Ball went to (void Hill last knows ia wise, follow him to tbe Calhoun Saturday to consult Dr. C. W. Lowe, the Giocery. ocu Io-optician. The Ashland W. C. T. U. expects to M. Dean of Riddles, father of T. Y. have a good time when Mrs. Stevens Hean has been visiting the family of the visits thsm next week. latter for several days. Just received another car of Snowv L. N. Browning of Placer went to Butte Flour and feed at Pike’s. Call Jacksonville one day last week where he for prices in quantity. «pent a day on business. Don't forget the location of Cleven Rev. Chas. Booth of the Episcopal ger’s photo gallery, 4th street, half church went to Ashland lent Saturday block from Layton hotel. w here he held services over Suuday. Lookout for Mickleaou’a new shoe Commencement Exercise«. ••Wear Ksstoter" Shoei. Mrs. W. F. Farrier returned to Ash shop near the ;>ost office The commencement exereiees of the land Tuesday morning after a visit with Our trade in these shoes keeps Ladies, you will be pleased and come her parents, .Mr. and Mrs. John Hall. Grants Pass public schools will be Jteld getting bigger and bigger as at the opera house this Thursday seen- again, if you buy a hat at Mias Cleven Will Chausse of the Observer is out ger’s. people cotne to know them bet ing, May 18. The following program in the vicinity of Kerby and Waldo this Don’t forget the Strawberry Sociable week, doing some rustling for his i»a|>er. ter . The only objection we have will be rendered : . . , Smith on Wednesday, May 24th at (Al i Fellow’s to them, that they last so long that Music, “The Graduate,” 11. C. Perkins was in the neighbor B and . hall. But we don ’ t sell so many pairs, Invocation. hood ot the Illinois river last week do Talk of Flour Trusts, why do you pay 1) h . Hour. I.KHi.iK. ing some surveying for J. O. Booth and they make us a lot of permanent 90 cents when Scott Griffin sells at 75 Ladim'Quartrt," Voitw of tin- Wood«, ' ’ others, customers and that is what we .. . . . ..................................... JfuiwugciH cents, every sack guaranted? llAvrix Sii.««v, M Auiiix Mr au «, Avni » ta J. L. Would radge of Applegate has want. W anted To exchange New Bicycle* P akkkk and L ai ka P aixkk . opene«l up a new blacksmith shop on H. We have them for men, women ('ornai Solo, “Favorite,” ......... Hartman for old ones at Cramer Bros. • street J. L. will get his part of the Pnor. K vrtu . and children. The prices are not The best goes farthest. Eastern Su- i trade without doubt. Lecture. high. gar cured hams, 12c. a pound ¿Calhoun W. E. D kañ & Co., P rof . I rvin « G i . kn . Rev. N. F. Jenkins and prusidin elder yuarlet, ,,Kentucky Babe.” Grocery Co. Red Star Store. Sommer vi lie went to Medford this (Wed M khhrm . L ihtbr , C oi . vig , L ister , B ooth . Piof Riedel started his German class nesday , morning to attend the minister Piano Solo, ’‘Alice, Romance,”... Atchtr Girl Wanted. yesterday at the jury room and wishes ial , conference at that place. C ora A. S mith . A girl for general house work Ad Presentation of Diplomas. to have more students. Apply at I>r. Mrs. Sarah Norwood arrived from dress postoffice box 115 Grants Pass, Music, “Victorious,” ... .. XnrtM Kremer’s drug store. Portland Tuesday of this week and left Oregon. B and . Win. Johnson and Carl Gentner have on , the stage for the mins at Provolt. Admiaaton to the exercises has beea formed a copartnership and will engage Firtt Step in Photography. A. t Hunt, the stock man of Ashland placed at 16 tents, which includes re- in the bicycle repair business. They in- | This little book should be in the hands aervtxl seat«, Seats can be reserved at han been in the county for several lays tend also to carry a stock of bicycles. buying up cattle. W. J. Russell ¡shaving of every amateur photographer, it cen the Sugar Pine atora. The total expenses of Jackson county i them collected on Jerome prairie and taine complete information for the be Business Chance. for six months as shown by the county will later take them to Ashland. ginner and will save many disappoint clerk’s semi annual report was ♦18,020. ments and failures. Only 25c. Foreale Three thousand dollar stock of dry II. W. Norwood of Provolt was in 43. This included all expenses from Oc- ( town one day last week getting supplies by A. E. V our hie«, C o V kikk office, goods, clothing, notions, etc., for sale at tober 1, ’98 to April 1, ’99. Warrants re- for ( his mine on Williams creek Mr a discount, for caste. Stock was bought WanUd. deemed since October 1, ’98, with inter Norwood is pushing the work on his of Chicago wholesale houses and is dean est 115,179.33. Agent« Wanted for the Howland Liqu and well assorted. large ditch, which they hope to have or Caro must have ioi «« money. Call Address 1*. (). Box 335, Granta Pass, Robt. Taylor of Ashland wrote the de- completed , soon. on or address Thoi. A. Howland Hotel Oregon^ partment at Washington asking that the Rev. il. S. Shangle, presiding elder, Layton—Grants Pass. body of his son Jay, who was killed at will preach at the M. E Church South, I’.«k Train for Sale. Manila be sent home, but the answer re- ( next Sunday evening Children.s Day Program W. C. T. U. Conference. for «xln at Kerby a fully I have ceived was to the effect that- it is imp«»« will be observed at 11 A. M. All are Following is ths program for theW. equipped train of pack iuul««, fully Bible Lu du -»u now, but that all the dead cordially invited to attend these services. 0. T. U. Confsrence at Ashland, Wed equipped with rigging«, eoaaiating •( would be sent home next fall. Rev. L. C . llson. nesday and Thursday,May 24th and 25th : fiames for packing lumber, racks for One of tbe most remarkable natural T. F. Croxtoo sold this week his farm packing ail kinds of machinery, etc. WEDNESDAY EVENING. curiosities it lias been our lot to see in a , below town to Ed llannuin for |5<H>0 All well broken. Call on or address long time was shown us by a boy on the cash. Mr. Ilannum s father ami mother Anthem ............................................... J. B. G borgb , Kerby, Ore. U nion C ikhk . Led by Miss Esther Hilsby. steet this week in the shape of an Oriole's ( and children will move to the place iu a Scripture Recitation............................. nest. It was built almost wholly of MARRIED. short time and Mr. Croxton will, for the M inh M ahki . Rt nhei .. twine and horse hair and in some unac ( present, rent a place in town. Prayer, RANZAU — AMEH —In thi«city. M»yl7, countable way the little songster had be Rxv. MeMiNoxn. at higli niHin, at t!i« r««id«n<» of Job« Hon. 11 B. Miller arrived from the Quartet ................................................ come entangled by the beak in the hair Ranzau. Henry Ranzau to Mia« Elor- Willamette valley last Monday. We Recitation................ .......... ............ and impended lifeless from the nest. •nce Amen, by Ihn Rev. II. C. Thoin- M imn M ay H utton . imagine that Mr. Miller was anxious «on 1). 1). Ashland flour is made from selected concerning his prospective apple erop Address of M Welcome, ayor W. B. C olton . wheat, ground and bolted with greatest ( Weather He port. for Josephine county. As yet the apples Lecture, care. Our price j»er sack, 85c. or $16 Following ia a auininary weather ob are safe aud it is not likely that they will M rm .L M.N.S tbvrnh , P h * Nat.W.C.T.U. per thousand; Calhoun Grocery Co. servation at tirant« I’ m « during the Duet, “The Dumkard'M Wife,’’ ....... be kille«l now. Miss M amie S mith and E arnest L ong . month of April, 1889, as reported by J. Tbe ’’Junior Class of the Grants Pass Dr. IL C. Thomson will hold his fare Free Will (Iffering. II. Paddock, local voluntary olmerver for High School” gave the graduates a the Oregon State Weather (ervice. well services at the Presbyterian church R ev . T out . grand reception at the home of Rev next Sunday. On Monday he will leave Hymn................................................... Max. Min. Mean PrtM-Tp DATS Jenkins last Monday evening. Mr. , Tern. Trni. Trm inches fur Berkeley, California, and from there Benediction, Williams’ band treated the crowd to will go to Union, Oregon, to supply ttee R ev . S tramhb . 41 48 .06 1.................. Ml several pieces of music after which they Presbyterian church of that place. Dur Adjourn. 59 44 52 2.............. Till kaday forenoon . M) 67 M 06 3 .................. were invited in and ice cream and cake ing his stay m the Pass the Dr. has made 10;00—Devotional Exercises,le«i by Mrs. 4 69 3V 64 were served. A general good time wa« inauy friends who will regret to see hitu 34 64 5 ........... 74 L. E. Norris. experienced by all. 35 53 72 leave. 10:38—llow to Mske our Union M«re 6................ 80 60 40 7 ............... To measure a stream by velocity and Effective, Mrs. J. W. Cooper. Prof. J. M. Garrison has a large class 43 8 .............. 81 82 rwHs-section, measure the depth of the 56 46 in penmanship at the school house. 11 :00 Oepartment L. T. L.’s Needs— 9 ....... «7 liinderanres, Mrs. Frank Howtill. IO water at six to twelve points across tbe The Prof reports his class doing well 59 63 47 ......... stream at equal distances. Add all 11 30—How to Reach eur Young !«adi«S, 11 .............. 44 67 70 and taking great interest. This is an hK Mrs J. L. Downing. 37 47 12................ these depths together and divide by tbe opportunity that should not be missed 48 66 36 13 ......... Vocal Solo, Mias Nellie Ewan. number of measurements made to find , 56 76 34 by those who desire to at quire the art 12:00—Noontide Hour. 11 the average depth. Multiply this by the 40 75 57 12 15................ of good writing, ami il is an ac«;ulrement AFTRRNOON. 39 velocity uf the stream per minute, which | 02 16 ............ 66 47 that all should have if possible. 3» 4« 07 17.................. 68 1 :15—Devotional, Mrs. harsh Beach. gives ths number of cubic feet flowing 36 47 01 67 G. B Bush uf the Orogen Telephone 1 ;30—How to Butter Enlist ttee Chun h IK ............ per minute.—Ex. 50 30 70 Compaay made a trip to Crescent City in Temperance Work, Mr- Ida 1» 36 56 30.................. 711 I Hjl. last week and placed new phones in the 43 61 21 .............. 51» ASSAY ER, Hulu, Miss Elsie Patterson. G. P. de C. C. line at 1/uves, Andsrson. 30 63 42 22 .............. 2 00 — Woman ’ s Suffrage. What part 58 30 44 23 ................ W. G. Wright, Kerby, Waldo, Shelly (’reek and shall the W. C. T. U. lake in the 40 50 60 11 24 Crscent City. He also pl iced a number Gen’I Agt. for Oregon coming < ampaign? Dr. Eliza In 25 48 40 ........... Mi of phones at Crescent City. Mr. Bush M a < A bthi k -F urreht C yanide P roceri *. galls. 34 44 05 2tl ....... 54 will have the line repaired aud put in 2:30—Question Box, Mrs. L. M. N. 27................ 36 43 49 .06 Cyanide and Chlorination treatment 4M 58 38 28 .............. Stevens. fair condition, and later, if found profit of <Ires. 30 44 01 able a new line will be constructesl. Solo, “A Happy Day,” Miss Maude 211.................. 59 Bullion Refined and Shipped. 44 36 30................ 62 26 Berry. G rant » P ams . - - O regon . Cameras fur «ale or rent. Inquire of 3:00—Children’s Meeting, Mis* Anna 31 SUMMARY: Mean t«*m|>eratiire, 50; Gordon,Vic« large W < ‘. I’.U. A. E. Voorhiea. maximum tem|M*rature, 81; data 8, The Drain Board Organized. Mandolin and Violin Duet, M in minimum teosperature, 30, date, Will Deliver in Addreaa. Lillian Hilly and Master Burt Wise, The board of regents uf the Drain Nor 1 13, IV, 22. 23 and 29; total Miss Mabel Pelton, Organist. Rev. E. E. Ctoivars, D. D. the Genera I inal School met last week and organised I precipitation, .82 inches; numt>er Solo, “By the Fountain”, Miss days clear, 8, partly cloudy, 4; cloudy, by electing J. T. Bridges, president; C. Secretary ef the “Baptist Young People’s Grace A. Beach. 18; dates uf Frost; light, 13, 19, 22,23 D. Drain, vice-president; Ira Wimberly, Union of America,” whose hea«l*<piarterH 4 15—Adjourn. and 29; prevailing wind, 8. W. secretary; Joseph Lyons, treasurer. are in Chicago. Ill , will deliver an ad The property will l>e turned over to ths . dress before the “B. Y. P. U.” of Grants ! state at the annual meeting of the board Pass, Ore., on Tuesday evening ,‘iOth of regents. met. in the Baptist Church. A cordial invitation will be given to Strayed. tha“V. I’ 8. C. E.,” the “Epworth Came to my ranch October la*t a light IjewguH," and to all young people esjEeci- bay horse with black mane and tail, one ally, to come ami hear Dr. Chivers. white him! foot, small star in ferehead, 1 R'*v D C. Williams, president of the no braid and is breach?. Owner can B. V. P. U. of Oregon, will also I m * pre- have same ter paying charges eent. M E. L eonard . April 20, 1899. personal Calhoun Grocery Co $2.50 Notice to Everybody. Granta Pass, will observe Memorial Sunday, and Decoration I lay,ceremonies and services; FSverjrboiy is hereby re spectfully invited to attend and concur therein. The Fire company of Grants Paso, also Company H of ths third regi inent.O. N. G. at Grants Pa»s and sll Kl-Cen Cede rate soldiers are hereby re spectfully invited to take part therein ; and al«e all Charitable as*iciatione sod the public tcboolf. The Hon Mayor and Counciiraen are respectfully re- queated to be present. A program will be published next week. Colonel Htraifht ha« kindly consented te deliver the ora tion en Deaeration l>ay. A rk A xtell , Adjutant. By order of tbe G. A. R. A W. R. C. committee. for Sate. Think of it 1 A Coat, Vest and Fants, sizes from *3 to 19 years old, Gray. Straight Cut Suit. A grxxl horae for «al.. Genti«, work doubl« and «ingl«. Price reavonabl« loqnir« at tbi« off) •«. $3.75 Thoma« Cash Storti Lare < nr tains special thia week, 50c a pair Matting», 1B<* a yard« Mattresses, more new one« jnst re reived. More New Rocking Chai rs Come in and ere them. We made a c I qro bur not long since ; here it one of the articles, our I’ni o tells the Bargain side of it: Porcelain Buttons, In use every «lay, only one lot to a cuntomer as we want them to go around, 5 dozen fur A good Wire Hair Brush for 24c. More New Table Oilcloth and Window Hhndee jnet received Iron Beds and Muitf. Minted Agent« m «very Cczua'y for article needed by «vary-zae. ProtiU large G4 J-TOSISG paper, gt« paper. Blue Print Addrewa qurckly, General Agent, beck pepe^ sad Rw»U>traphu tepplwi A. f. Ilex 13?, Medford Oregon j Veorfnte, (xmrier Office Men * Suit, Color Black, Round Corner Sack Sizes 36 to 42. P. H. Harth & Son, Hats! Fur Stock Wool Stock Crashes. Straws. 25c 5Oc 75c $1. $1.25 $1.50 $1.75 $2 $2.25 $2.50 $2.75 $3 John B. Stetson Hat $4.00. The Sugar Pine Store