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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1899)
onnef ♦ A« IXDXI*XNDENT P.IFKB, DEVOTED E n IKCI ALLY TO TMK INIKRESTS OF bol THERX OREGON. GRANTS PASS, JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON. THURSDAY. MAY it, <899. Kind Words to Stephen Jewell. have the opportunity to learn far tuore E ditor C oirikk : Will you kindly •atily and at k*?» coat, that the deposi tjappcnings i grant me a little space in your truly in tion of the same government toward VVVV*VVVVVVVVVVVVVVV-VVVVVVVVVVVV> dependent paper, that 1 may say a few them is equally just, kind and generous, Cameras for sale or rent. Inquire of kind words in reply to Mr. Stephe* Jew and that the determination of the Unit I.AMI’S, M Al jJJCS, ell’s open letter to Gov. Geer Not in ed States to establish ita lawful author- LANTERNS. A. E. Voorhiee, i ity in those islan la ia no more resolute CARPETS, vindication of Governor Geer, for he is Take your blacksmithing to Trimble A DINNER- amply able to vindicate himself more than ita determination to administer FURNITURE, Bather for first class work WARE. fully than any poor words of mine could the affiaira of tke islands for the benefit WINDOW For a first class meal, go to tiie City do). Beside«*, Mr. Jewell’s guns are <*( the inhabitanta, fur the welfare of hu GRANITE Hotel; B. A. Williams, proprietor. SHADES A man is never at bis best in the manity and for the advancement of civ more directly aimed at the administra WARE. RUGS. Bicycle hospital for all repairing at tion and the Republican party than to ilization That ia what the proclama old fashioned kind of ready made TINWARE, Cramer Bros. NOVELTY. Governor Geet. And it is safe to say tion of yesterday means. It ia, we have clothes sold in Most Clothing TOOLS. said, a repetition of the preaident ’ a for Judge Axtell last week obtained for that if this were a democratic administra PAPER Stores If you want to do yourself ETC.. ETC. Mrs. Robert Pool a pension of $17 per tion Mr. Jewell would be slinging his ink mer utterance, but in greater detail it NAPKINS Justice, try one of our Finely Tail month. ou the other side of this question. -vts forth the salient features of tha ored Suits. You can get one that High grade correspondence paper at Space will not permit xiv quoting Mr. American policy in the Philippines, the will Fit as though Made to Meas- Jewell's whele letter. Ue says te the policy which every intelligent man the Cot kick office. governor: “Iu a recent telegram to the known would be adopted there, and the ure'and bring out your Good Points A. B. Cousin of Galice creek was in Chicago Tribune, you make this remark only policy that could properly be adopt better than anything the average G rants P ass , Ore., May 9, 1899. Grants Pass last Friday and spent the able statement:” “Our people take no ed. Briefly it provide« for the supreme D kar M adam : tailor can make to your Order. stock in the declaration that the conflict soverignty and protection of the United Mr. and Mrs. Dick Walker of Gold in the Philippines ia waged in opposi States over all the islands, withutmoat Welch’s Clothing Store Suits Probably you have never considered it, or if you did you have only given it a passing thought. Hill made a flying visit to Grants Pass tion to liberty, and in the interest of possible freedom of self government Elegant, Durable and Not Expensive. Did you ever think that your surroundings, even the Wall Paper in your house, has an effect upon you. last Monday. capitalism.” “In this you are sadly there under the protection of civil rights See oar New Hats, Shirts Shoes and Ties A Neat, Bright, Choice Pattern produces a Cheering effect every time you look at it, while a somber, We are sorry to learn that Alvay La- mistaken. There are thousands of peo .Mid religious freedom, the employment Raut'a healih is not such that he will tie ple in Oregon who exercise the right to of the natives as far as possible in the cheap, paper has the very opposite effect. Theu why not have the very Best; the kind ours is, Bright, able to go to Swede Basin again this read and think for themselves. They civil service, the reform ol the financial Cheerful Colors and Figures, thoroughly Up-To-Date and at Popular Prices too. Thomas' Wall Papers not only behove but know that the pres system in the direction of lower taxation and the application of all revenues to are Unequaled for Style and Decoration. Remember the Name Thomas’ for Wall Paper. ent war agamst the Filipinos is unjust, »■><1 Mr». I .a Haul of Douglas county came to Granted Base last week to inhuman and contrary to American the welfare of the islands themselves. The creation of roads and other pub P. S. We have just leccived some Handsome New Carpets, we want you to look at: one kind the bedside of their sou, Airy, who was principles. The war with Spain was for the purpose of freeing these people and lic works need for the proaperty and dr quite sick. never seen iu Grants Pass before. Opera House Block velopment of the islands, the fostering A. G. Martin and family left last week not for the purpose of enslaving.” Now, and promotion of education, and in gen (or tlieir old home in Wisconsin, where there is no one that has the least objec eral, the assistance of the people to a they intend to remain. J. R. Hale will lion lo Mr. Jewell or any si his co-lhink Platinum. Washington Letter. h'gher standard of civilization than they tion of war. It teems that Uncle Sam’s ers, reading and thinking as they please be in tbarge of the business of the The constantly increasing demand fur have heretofore enjoyed. There is no boys iu those days had the same ugly (From our regular correspondent.) It is a blessed right we all enjoy in this Grants Pass Coffin Company. disposition that the boys at Manila have platinum in the arte and manufactures WaaiitN.ToM, May let, 189». fret country of ours, but if, as Mr. Jewell oppress! hi in that. There is no con Messrs. .Mailorv and Miller will do The practical ending of th. Philippine quest in it, in the common meaning of shown. They would uot staud and be of the world and the present limited says, there are thousands of people in OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. considerable development work on thsir shot and scal|»ed by the |>oor, dear In sources of supply, have iu recent years revolt has given much satisfaction in CMITH & HOI.MAN, Oregon who think that the war against the word. quartz ledge this spring and summer on There is certainly no exploration of dians, notwithstanding that many chick greatly enhanced the price of the metal. Washington. In official circles, there INITKÜ STATE’*. the Filipinos is unjust and inhuman, Pi evident ........ . . William McKinley Dry Diggings. Mr. Miller is an ex|>er- the islands for our own selfish benefit. en-hearted sentimentalists in the East Becapse oi the |ie< uliar ami valuable isn't the slightest doubt about th. .nd Vise President. . . . .Garret A llobart teneed miner from Idaho and it is to be there are tens of thousands of people in deplored the fact that the boys were so qualities ot plaiinuin it is believed that of fighting being at hand. It is expect UNDERTAKERS, Secretary of State .......... . . . John Hay hoped that these gentlemen will find Oregon who are just as intelligent and There is no attempt at Americanizing awfully resentful to poor I aj , but let me consumption of the metal would be ed, of course, that Aguiualdo’i Spanish Secretary*of Treasury... Lyman J Gage have as keen a conception of right and the natives against their will. They are assuie you, Mr. Jewell, it it the same greatly increased if the supply were auf- training will make him endeavor to put Secretary of Interior.. . . ........C N Buts wliat they are looking for. wrong as Mr. Jewell or any of those (j remain F ilipinos, with native creeds Secretary of War .. . Russell A A Iger Calvert 4 Stevens made a ni;e little oil the inevitable aa long as possible, by and customs so far as they desire to re old story. There was land in this coun to materially lower the coat. Secretary of Navy.. .. .John D Long ~ clean-up of 1(M) ounces of the yellow thousands of people he speaks of, who tain the latter, in preference to other? of try and the irrepressuble white man < >ppo«ite the court house. Contrary to the popular Impression, submitting new propositions to General honestly think and know that said war Secretary of Agriculture. James A Wilson needed it, and be came and took it. platinum and associated metals are wide Otto, but General Otia will stand by bis Post master-tiendra I ........James A Gary atiif! at tbe:r mine ou Pleasant creek te against the Filipinos is not unjust or in which they may learn. The Catholic Atturney-Generai.. . Joseph McKenna cently. Jim to well pleased with this human, but entirely in line with justice may remain a Catholic and the Moham The savage was compelled to come un ly distributed, elthough tliay have thus refusal to rocognixs any Philippine gov state or OREGON. property and well he might be wl.en a and civilization. This government did medan may remain a Mohammedan. der the ban of civilisation or die. This (ar been found in paying quantities in ernment, and will continue to whip tbs G rants P ahs , O regon i*o un try belonged to Uncle Sam, and bit few localities. This condition is Filipinos as feet as the men catch up j(ieo W McBride short run will yield him such handsome U. S. Senators.... not seek the war with these people, it Ibere will be protection for each, but no (Joseph Nimon while he was willing that the Indian perhaps largely due to the higher intrin with tliei.i, until his terms of general returns. compulsion for either. And so the wild did not fire the first shot. Thqy did the jThos II Tongue Congressmen............ See the Quartz Improved Location first shooting and if Mr. Jewell thinks forbodmg of the Tagal Rebels and of should stay with us, and enjoy the same sic value of gold and to the limited ac amnesty for unconditional surrender are (MA Moody ¡QEORGE H. BINNS, freedom that anyone else enjoyed, yet he quaintance ot pro*|>ectors and miners accepted. He will not consent to nego Attorney-General... D K N Blackburn notices at the Cot mikb office. that the Americans are going to stand to their handful of sympathizers here are Governor .................. ............... T T Geer pilloried as sheer fancies, if not uali- did require of the Indian that behave with tbs means of identifying platinum tiations of any sort; Aguinaldo must ASSAYER, Beginning March 12lb, the Northern ( be shot down like curs when they aie ..........F I Dunbar Secretary of State.. cions inventions. The policy which has some regard for the lives of the white ore and of its economic separation, lip to choose lielween more running, more State Treasurer........ .., Cbas B Moore I'an tic Railway will inaugurate a double ( not the aggressors, he certainly does not people, and in fact all peuple, and when the present time the platinum of com- licking, or unconditional surrender, and Ortit e opponile Hotel Josephine, supt Pub Instruction . .. J H AckermaM daily train service to all points east. | understand the nature or disposition of been so successful in native states of the ever the Indian so far forgot himself inerce lies been obtained entirely ironi all the informal ion received from the .......... W H Leeds Malay jienniHBula and in the vast East State Printer ................ These trains will leotli be first-class and the American people. This country is G rants P ars , - - O regon . iU E Wolverton that he killed people, he was promptly alluvial deposits, although it has been Philippines indicates that he will choose fully equipped. Thia gives a service not waging war against the Filipinos, Indian Empire of the Netherlands is Supreme Judges ........ - K s Bean taken in band and sometimes was r.porUtd in limited quantities in Situ. the latter very shortly. substantially to be applied to our posses that is unequalled by any transcontinen it is simply fighting against their savage ( F A Moore A C. HOUGH, Nothing but admiration for the volun Uleik Board School LandUom.. WllOdell tal line. For rates or other information ry. It is not the wish of this govern sions in that quarter. To say that it will killed ia return. In fad, rapine and About eighty per cent of the present sup murder had to give place to civilisation ply iaderived from the alluvial deposits teers in the Philippines is heard in FIRST JI 1MCIAL DISTRICT. AITORNEY-AT LAW, call on or write E E. Dunbar, Agent, ment to kill a single Filipino or any one not there meet with square success would and prosperity, and it did, iu a great ot the Ural Mountains, but them are Washington. Adjutant General Corbin ehe. It is the desire of the administra be to aay that the Filipinos are liardar io Practices in all State and Federal Courts Western Division....... Judge H K Hanna Giants Pass. Ore. measure, and let me say te Mr Jewell few, if any, of tiie gold-bearing gravel freely expresses the opinion that every Eastern Division . . .Judge H L Benson deal with than tke Malaccans and 8u- tion to ameliorate the condition oi these Office over First National Bank. ProsecutingAttornvy ...CB Watson and all other? who think as ho «lue«, that bedsol the world that have failed to one of them should receive a medal et matran?; or that Americans are inferior people, but they are so misguided by ■G uams T ash , - • ÜUKOON. Member Board ol Equalizat . KA Emmitt in govern!' g capacity to the English the Philippines are no loss the properly yield platinum, and It is more than liku honor from thia government, because,by l . M. LAND UFFICE RobEBl'RG. From the New York Tribune, Jan. 21 lack of intelligence that it seems neces and the Dutch. To neither of those of the United States than wao this coun ly that large quantities of platinum ore the terms of their enlistments, they Receiver...................................Henry Booth 1899: The Ediaon Graphophone Grand sary to teach them a lesson that will in [A RTHUR P. HARTH, propositions are the Americans at pres try when first settled. This government have been thrown away with the black were entitled to withdraw from ths ser Register...................................... J T Brulgus 1899 talking machine and the moving the end be for their own good, and Mr, ent inclined to give assent.” has paul |2i»,uo0 0 i0 for th. i‘H 111 ppi no sand washings from gold placvr deposits. vice aa aeon aa peace between Spain and JOSEPHINE COl’NTY DOCTOR OF DENTAL SURGERY, Joint Senator.................. ........ C E Harmon battle?, combined, i? undoubtedly the Jewell knows it as well as any one else, group of islands, and therefore it has a The distribution of the ore may in fact the United States was declared, but in Now, from the above facts quoted from too! I would ask Mr. Jewell this ques County J udge................ ..........Abe Axtell strongest entertainment on the road, a? the New York Tribune, 1 submit that right to demand that all the inhabitants be regarded as practially coexistent with stead of taking advantage of that they Offic over First N itional Bank, tion and answer it myself. “ Who (Nick Thoss Com missionrrs.............. (Dick George these two machines are so near to life caused the blood shed of the present Mr. Jewell should be able to see what of said islands shall liecome subject to gold placer depoaits, as ia evidenced by remained voluntarily performing more Gn tNTs P ass , - • O re < itself that those who attend these exhi the law and order that this government the following hat ol localities, excepting than was required of them, and more County Clerk................. ........ Roy Bartlett trouble with the Filipinos?”—a voice the |»olicy of the administration is to be Silent! ............................ .......... fed Lister bitions are so surprised that it is almost toward the Philippine* amJ toward the shall establish or prescribe, and any Russia, that have yielded the ore in than the ordinary duty of soldiers, giv nays, men who entertain just such ten- Representative.............. ........ J W Virtue impossible for them to believe that these PERKINS, Filipinos. And in the name of common school Loy know« that this government varying quantities. In Caliiornia, in ing the world an object lesson of the Treasurer.......................... ............ J T Taylor are real machines doing the work before timents as those of Mr. Jewell. The sense, 1 ask, does it look like enslave is the most liberal on the face of the nearly, if not all of the gold-bearing lighting quality and patriotism of the School Superintendent. ............J D Hayes them. men in thi senate, who had more senti r s. DEPUTY ment to those people? But to further earth in the administration oi its law?, gravel ami sands; in Oregon, Georgia, American volunteers, which is deserv Assessor .......................... ........... Tom Smith ment than sense or patriotism, the men ..BO McCulloch surveyor ....................... follow Mr. Jewell's <q»en letter, he says: but the Filipinos are like the Indians of North Carolina, Alaska on the Yukon ing of special recognition. These med MINERAL BUKVEYuR, Come and See Us. who blocked the way to the ratification Coroner............................ ..........Dr. J Myers British Columbia, ala cannel be given without the action Congress has never declared war against our own country were when the white River, Canada, There a number of small amounts from of the peace treaty. Mr. Jewell cannot PRECINCT OFFICERS. Gl< I’b < >RKGON. the Filipinos. They have never been man first came among them They bad Mexico, Columbia and Bratil, South of congress, but it Is probable that such Justice.................................. James Holman 15c to $1.05 vet due us on tiie “Daily consistently deny that those obstruc a lesson to learn, and although it was a America, and Australia. action will be reconiiueuded to congress Constable................................... I li Colby Bulletin,“ published by us last year. tionists in the senate, such a? Hoar of citizens of the United States and are R. J. JENNINGS, I'latinum ore is usually found in the by the president, and will be promptly consequently not in rebellion.” Shades sad one they learned it. And ho must CITY OF GRANT’S PASH. Massachusetts, Hale of Maine, White of We wish to have these accounts settled Everybody is proud of of Washington and Jefferson. What and will the Filipinos learn the same (orxi of reunded or flattened grains or ailed upon .......... . W T Coburn a«< quickly an possible Mayor.. . RESIDENT DEV!!<T. California and many others who are hard lesson, and let us hope that when "aanda”, occasionally in irregular Una pa tli-ise volunteers and their gallantry. Auditor.. . . W Elmer McGregor , logic! From the fact that congress lias well known to the reading public, were .............. Col Johnson 30 Yearn Expeiience. Treasurer. Representative Jov, of Missouri, is in never declared wai against the Filipinos, they have it learned they will tie hap ot tbs I'ze ot peas; large nuggets are a great factor in bringing about the trou Summer Normal T B Elliot Street Coiumisaioner.. . it st ems to be the duty of our brave boys pier than they have ever been vet. Mr. very rare- ■ the largest as yet found a jeyoiia frame of mind over the good j Office in Oners House block; see the nign Marshal.... ... F W Hugger th ble that has caused the untimely deaths Of The Big Tooth. Teachers not employed during the news from the Philippines, bpeaking in the Philippines to stand and be shot Jewell further says, “Any well informed weighing twenty oue pound*. Í Dr. Wm Flanagan . Summer can find opportunity to make of so many of our brave boys who left by those dear, but badly abused Filipi person can see that the whole Philippine on the subject, lie eaid: "1 am very glad L I j Jennings The ore has a metalic lustre and I« G rants P ass , O regon . F L Coron additional preparation for their work, or homes ol comfort and plenty to go and nos. The pets <»f a few sentimental pol muddle is simply another step toward distinguished by Ila eieel grey color, tlial there is a prospect of peace iu the —-———————— — Councilnien..........j W A Haskins to review for either state or county ex defend our flag abroad. Mr. Jewel! says iticians who have never enjoyed the military despotism began by the repub- shilling light grey streaks when Philippines. Our people in the Went J>RICE a VOORIHFs, I Frank Fetsch aminations at the tumsiei term of the that the war with Spain was for the pur pleasure ol being shot by a dear Filipi licaa party in IM6,” Now I wish to say on a hard while surlai e, high 1 are gi nerally in favor of expansion, but , Fred Gayer pose of freeing these people, not to en REAL ESTATE, and one could hear, at the same time, cen- Regular meetings of the city council of I State Normal School at .Monmouth.— no and will take good care that they to Mr. Jewell tiiat I deny and he cannot gravity (III to 19) infusibility in t INSURANCE. Grant's Pass are held in the council 1 From *35 to $10 will cover all expanses slave them The war with Spain was never do. If those cotxJv goody men are prove that the republican or any other lest blast furnaces and insolubility in ,idi<rable discussion as to llie advisabil room? in the city hall on the first and ; for the ten weeks—Term beginning j for nothing of the kind If Mr Jewell party in the United Blates has ever any single acid. It is not affected by ity of continuing a struggle, which was | Reprenenting the most reliable cotn- third Thursday evenings of each month. ■ | is the intelligent man that 1 have al so anxious about the dear F ilipinoa* wel Tuesday, June 2filh Full information taken even the first slop toward military borax or salt of phosphorus before the sacrificing American lives. There was p.ien in existence, (both fire and hie), fare, why do they go to Manila and en CIRCi it cm kt . ways thought him to be, he knows ss j Notary Public. despotism, let alone another step, as he blow pipe, except in the finely divided also some criticism of the wholesale Meets on the third Monday in April j sent on application to tiie Secretary of list in the Tagal army.? Mr. Jewell, for the Faculty, Normal School, Monmouth. well as anyone else, that when the war instance, should go. I am sure General wavs in his letter. Furthermore, Mr. slate, when res, lions lor iron and cop slaughter of the Filipiaoe, and a very G k 1 nth P aso , ... O regon . and the fourth Monday in September. was declared with Spain their was noth corNTT cot KT Jewell cannot prove that even now the per may be obtained. It is voidable only general hope was beiug ex pressed that Probate court meets first Mondav of! To Cure a Cold in One Day ing thought about the Philippine islands Iguinaldo would receive him with ojwn government shows gÇ P. DODUE, any symptoms in hot nitro-hydror'hloric acid. Plati the lighting might soon come to an end. arms, ami would probably make a cor January, April, July and September. or the Filipinos. War was declared in toward military despotism County commissioners court meets first , Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tat,lets. All num ore ia a complex body consisting of Sew that Aguinaldo is te surrender, the poral ol him to st $rt with. Should Mr. INSURANCE »nd It is nut the policy of the administra We<lnes»lay after the meeting of the ! druggists refund money if it fail" to cure order to free the Cubans from the heavy Jewell make up his mind to go, 1 ho|»e the metal in combination with varying ground of criticism ia removed, and yoke placed uj>on them by the Span REAL ESTATE 25c. The genuine ha* I.By on each tablet county court. tion of thio country, it never was, aad proportions of the oilier members of the there will be very general rejoicing.” he will take Bryan with him. This iards, and give them an independent ot us hope it never will be, to show oven ■ Life, Fire and Accident Insurance. Mr. John P. Dorch of Kansas, said of platinum group, such aa iridum, rhod country can easily spare him. But to government, and this, our government a tendency toward military despotism. I Office with Price A Voorhies. ths new departure of Mrs. Mary Ellen is pledged to do, and will doit as soon return to the open letter. In regard to Mr. Jewell appears to think that this ium, palladium, ruthenium, and osium, la»aae, who is widely known out of her <4 r % xth P ash , O regon as the Cubans learn a few much oewded the fa< t that enngrest has never de government is committing a crime be te-getber with from I to IN per cut ol own stale, us a politician and lecturer: iron. In alluvial deposits the ore is gen clared war against the Filipinos, I lessons in the art of government. Mr. cause the administration is trying to "It appears that Mrs. lease, after mak j^OSHOWAc SHERIDAN, Bartlett's old Stand, Jewell knows as well as I do, that the would remind Mr. Jewell that right in make the Filipinos knuckle down to law erally associated with Iridosmine (a ing a national reputation on the political native alloy ot iridium and osmium . our own country there have been several Philippine islands came in as a side is- | and order, but ho would have us commit MINING ATTORNEYS, The meihod generally adopt-'I for ex rostrum, became weary of the effort to sue or incident. Simply by Admiral I thousand Indians killed by Uncle Kern’s 1 lie greater crime by abandoning* the is reform existing conditions, and gave up I Special attention given to Mining Dewey destroying the Spanish fleet at ts»v«« without the (»»rmalitv of a »leclara lands and leave them a prey to other na tracting the ore is to pass the sand Slid the job as beyond mortal strength. She Bn J Land Laws, and Land Office practice. gravel with water through puddling era- Manila. Up to that time there had lions who would surely enslave the peu* FLOUR AND FEED. cliines or revolving conical screeiw; the liecame thoroughly disgusted with all been nothing said about taking the ie- R oskrirg , - • O regon . pie thereof. He does not seem to realize platinum and lino sand pass through in parties ami all platforms, and finally lands, so Mr. Jewell is mistaken about the duty am] great responsibility included that the game of politics was sluice boxes beneath while the roars«- this government’? going there to free the volved upon us the minute the islands are discharged at one aide largely one of greed and ambition. Hbe Graduate of Horology Pacati ('Diver I Filipinos, and, as for this government’s fell into our hands. He and many The content* of (lie sluice boxes are to lled spiritualism, and finally became sity, Germany. trying to enslave them, any man who is others do not seem to know that these washed in the usual manner, and when convinced that it would do more to re- stall conversant with the principles and |M9uplo are just as much our p«*ople as ( f 'oelmeed <m l.aat ) gold is present in paying quantiliea il is policy of our nation, knows that it will are the people of this country, and there removed by aiualgamal ion w ith men u never enslave any creature on earth. fore it becomes our duty to make law« ry, the platinum remaining behir'd. Ex It cost our country |«3,000.000,000 an«) foi them to abide by, and teach them by J B. PADDOCK. Propr perienceshow that it la seldom profitable nearly 600,000 precious lives to free easy lessons ro to do, if we can, but Ly to work lolues yielding less than three Having purcbawed the Maible Stock and Busineaa heretofore owned arid con 4,000,000 slave« and William Mc Kinley bard lessons if we must. We all have to ....PRACTICAL graine of platinum or# tn a ton ol gravel. ducted by Will .Jackson, I am now in position to furnieh anything in tiie line of Heaven bless him) was one of the noble abide by the laws ol our country, and WATCHMAKER, I lie average yield of the richest I' uesian Cemetery work either in MARBLE or GRANITE I have had over a quarter of men who helped to free them, and then why should not Ike savages 'earn to du mine* is alecut six grams per ton. a century of ejff>erience in tie* Marble and Granite Business and ran fill your or for Mr. Jewell to «ay (hat this adminis the tamo? They must and they will or Price? Moderate; full ders promptly and give you the beat of workmanship. tration with Mr McKinley at its bead, Um Io >am will know the reason why! A Story of Mittoud. Guarantee Given. Will make a «peciaity of construction work from your own designs. if trying to enslave the Filipino«, is, te All Ex« « llrnt Combination« And 1 know he is too good an uncle to The tale was told lo th« i»r«-u?.»l writer An experienced and up to- say the least, very inconsistent. Oh no, The pl«-aaant method and beneficial ask anything unjust of aay of bis people, by a native of Missouri, of the - « men date cutter and fitter, has ; J. B. FADDOCK. of the well known remedy, Mr. Jewell, never fear that Mr. McKin all calamity bowler’s opinions to the < on who in th« «uurae of a smoking' .»r con located in Grants Pass and ■ > yki i* of Floe, manufactured by the ley or any of his cabinet will ever so far C To Mr. Jewell, veraation upon a railroad tram tell to opened Tailoring Rooms on ; aliforxia F ig S ykup <>>., illustrate trary, notwithstanding forget their American principles that the valu«’ nt obtaining the liquid laxa I would say this in conclusion, if the questioning one anainer an to the Statu Front St., cor. 4lh, with a full : | they will ever do aught to enclave any tive principle* of plant« known to be thoughts contained in your letter to Gov of their nativity. “1 wan lorn hi Ohio,” t lino of Cloths. Izung expert- ; medicinally laxative and nrewenting one, high or low, in this or any other encu in the business warrants < them in th»* form rwmt r»*fre»ning to the ernor <jeer are your honest conviction?, boasted one. * Ami I in Illinois.” ‘ And fountry But one thing von may look taste ai d a- cptable to the ayatern. It 1 respect them hot must say that I 1 in Kentucky.” “Ami I m Georgia.” him in saying a i for and be sure of, Mr. Jewell, and that ia th»* one j>erfect atr»*ngth«-ning laxa think you are mistaken, but if thune “And 1 in Maine,” The sixth man was — OF — tlve. c|$. A nsing th»* ayatem efTe»*tually, is that McKinley and his cabinet will thoughts are merely tiie rusait of prodju somewhat deliberate, but as they looks i di (telling colda, headachea and fevers Perfect Fit and SOUTHERN OREGON. ever l»e found on the aide of right and g«Ttly yet promptly and enabling one dice and dislike for tiie republn an pari y towards him he put hi« hand b«-h$mi justice. And far frem enslaving the Fil- to overcome hamtnal »-onntipation p*r ami our noble president, I wusld moot him, and araeping the handle ol a gun Satisfaction Guaranteed. manently. It* perfect fr»ed<»m from Capital Stock, $50,000. run both way» daily between Grants Pas?, Oregon, and Crescent ipinoe, these noble men will do every . v«-ry obj< - t ,<,nabi»- quality and aub- respo< tfuily ask you to lay aside your which stm k out of his rear pucks', said : City. Cal., parsing through the following interior points: Wilder- i thing in their power to ameliorate their »‘tan and ita acting on the Icidneva. prejudice and dislike for our presid *nt “Well.lwaa burn in Missouri. Now, All work well finished and as . condition, and leave these poor, mis liver »ml bowejiq witliont weakening and instead oi being a thorn in bio side, d—a ve, don’t one of ,e laiigii!”— K Receive depnmite subject to check t/r ville, Izjve’x, Aodereon, Kerby. Waldo, Shelly Creek. cheap aa good work can lie OniU. Ate payable on demand. nr irritating them, make It the ideal Uy to lie a real aad patriotic friend to guided and ignorant people in a more H. Martin,Harper's Weekly. Patrick's Creek, GasoueU. done for. Call and look ever useful, a n.ore pro«|>erous and happy laxative. K F*« -Mght drwta on New York, San F ran In tl»e pro « mi of manufacturing figa him, lend bun your moral support at sampl«*«. gi?* md PurUand. Red Hot From The Gun •tate than they have ever been in before are use«I. an they are pleasant to the least, for Heaven knows,that bis position I Also agent for a Chicago WESTBOUND hie transfer» «uhi oo all ¡tointe in EASTBOUND And if von do not lielieve it. Mr. Jewell, tast«*. but the medicinal qualities of the 10 a bard uno at best, and remember that Was the ball that hit (i. B. Maa Iman tailoring house. th»- I niled Xatea. Leive Grant* Pav. 9 a m Ixave Crescent 1 City.. - - 6 a. in. just wait and eee. To that end the pree remedy are obtained from aenna and you may yet be president yourself. and I ol Newark, Micb. in tiia civil war. It -•they aromatic plants, by a method Cleaning and Repairing fh"-' **I Attention given U> Collection? and Arrive at W ii<lo............... 7 P- m. 1 Arrive at Waldo........... 8 P- m. I idenl ha? sent an able commission te known to the C alifornia F ig K yjii c knew that William McKinley would be c aused horrible ulcers that no treatment done in the most approved Lîave W*|<lo . . 4 a ru. 1 Leave Waldo r- ral bu fin— of our emtuf—» ' ................... 7 a m. ' the Philippine islands and this commie < n. niily. In order to get it? beneficial umy lue glad to give you his moral sup helped for 20 years I lien Buck Ian’a < >!leru«rfui ma«ie throughout Southern Arrive at Crescent City.. manner. 6 p. m. 1 Arrive at Grant«» Pass... • 5 P m. j eion has issue«! a proclamation P j the efTecta and to avoid imitation*, pleaae perl aad assist yoe in any way that lay Arnica Balve cursd bun Cure* Cute. Or- and <*o all acreHaibie th«* full name of that ornpany The scenery through whi< ti thns line p; »as*«s is beautiful, A de- Filipiaoe, and I can do no better than to remember in his power to do. With kindest wish* s Bruises, Burns, Boils, Fslons, , Cora* printed on the front of every package. J D. F RY, President. mr'**n*ai*' *. ■ <* act to Ct rescent City Excursion quote irun j an euitorHM in ibe Now 5 ur a CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. fur yuu, believe me, my dear sir. Beat Pile < cure 01 8k I n Eruptfuns J T.rUFF.-lV—Pre« lent. rates during sa ntner seiMm I Tn buns in regard to the intention of the . Very truly yours, B. K. Moes. UM FBAMC1ROO. CAL earth, 25 cents a bos. Cure guaran-1 K. A. Boom, < aahm. LOVTBTI1.I.R RT MIW TOB*. W ▼. L si . awd , Oro , April Mt IWU. J. C. HARPER, Grant* Pas«,Or.. Manager. - Fi 11 pin'io. it eaye in part. “Tboy now . FtX teed. >uld by W Kremer, druggist. wie Lj jùl Irr.. ¿’.st«,—Frica SOu per hettM local We can Please You Welch's Clothing Store, Î I CAMERAS t-- c .A. IKT RUSS, Staple and Fajcy Groceries,Provisions 1 Joseph Kessler, Grants Pass Marble and Granite Works j F. Bnettel, ' Merchant Tailor FIRST NATIONAL » BAÜK Grants Pass & Crescent City --STAGE LINE- Carrie* I S. Mails, 1‘a^sengers and Stage Express. Stages TIME r ABLE. I F. Bnettel,